Community preferences

Sepsis Prediction Risk Mod...

A model to predict the risk of sepsis based on the patient c...
Community preferences

Linear discriminant analys...

Input the data set, this algorithm will generate a classifie...
Community preferences

Genetic Algorithm - Travel...

Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem through Genetic Algor...
Community preferences

Multiple classifiers based...

Enter the data set, this algorithm will use the linear SVC-b...
Community preferences

Logis regression classific...

Based on Gradient descent, calculate its probability distrib...
Community preferences

K means classifier trainin...

Generate a classification model through K-means grouping met...
Community preferences

Quadratic discriminant ana...

into the data set, this algorithm will be generated through ...
Community preferences

Bee Algorithm

The bee algorithm will continue to iterate and find the mini...
Community preferences

CNN prediction model train...

Use CNN algorithm for model training
Community preferences

Gaussian Bayesian classifi...

Enter the data set, this algorithm will generate a Bayesian ...
Rows:34, 3 pages