Features are extracted from device data and used in machine ...Sepsis Prediction Risk Mod...
A model to predict the risk of sepsis based on the patient c...python27 tensorflow
Data is collected in the device and analyzed and modeled usi...Convert text to number
Convert text to numberGradient descent algorithm
Use gradient descent method Find the local minimum of the fu...Maximum sliding window
Given an array nums, there is a sliding window of size k sta...Automatic classification m...
Model for classifying news articles using BERT pre-trained l...The sum of four numbers
Given n groups of arrays nums and the target value target, d...MORE TTS API
Convert the text input by the user into speech using the spe...JSBOX_SH
Hardhat Image Recognition ApplicationMango_ABC_V2
The image is converted into base64 encoding and passed in Th...Unlock password-protected ...
Enter the RAR file and the algorithm will try to crack it rows
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