Community preferences

Use CT images to analyze b...

Enter one-dimensional array age integer Gender FM Subcutaneo...
Edge computing transmission

Find the smallest letter t...

give you a sorted list of letters letters, the list only con...

3D AI facial recognition s...

obtains three-dimensional images from a self-designed and de...

Mark all the faces in the ...

Input the picture, and mark all the faces in the picture, ou...
Image emotion perception

Intelligent vehicle tracki...

Type identification Provides the function of identifying veh...
Interactive Keywords

Youtube channel search

can help users find channels of interest more quickly and e...
Edge computing transmission

The best time to buy and s...

Determine an array whose i-th element is the price of a give...
Control Transfer

Optimization of work sched...

Using genetic algorithms to find the optimal solution to wor...
Community preferences

Pregnant women health educ...

This algorithm uses BERT to solve the document classificatio...

Harris Corner Detection

Input the image and output the analyzed data and the image w...
Image emotion perception

Semiconductor defect detec...

Based on Perceptron, calculate its probability distribution

Load the KNN face recognit...

Load the KNN face Recognize the model and the image to be la...
Rows:233, 20 pages