Edge computing transmission

FB Comment Bulk func

automatically generates Facebook comments to help users post...

Face Recognition Module Tr...

Input pictures, train and generate facial recognition models
Device data

Air pollution PM25 predict...

Taking Hsinchu Science Park Jingxin Lake Station as the stud...
Edge computing transmission

Intersection of two arrays

Compute the intersection given two arrays
Community preferences

Genetic Algorithm - Travel...

Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem through Genetic Algor...

Image contrast adjustment

Contrast of the entire image This algorithm supports two par...
Community preferences

Multiple classifiers based...

Enter the data set, this algorithm will use the linear SVC-b...
Device data

Grey fabric order forecast...

This module uses AI algorithms to estimate the order volume ...
Issue Analysis

Work Area Rainfall Hazard ...

By obtaining the cumulative rainfall records of designated w...
Community preferences

Logis regression classific...

Based on Gradient descent, calculate its probability distrib...
Edge computing transmission

Divide the letter range

String S consists of lowercase letters, divide this string i...
Edge computing transmission

Use the minimum number of ...

You have an array of points, where points i xstart xend , r...
Rows:233, 20 pages