Edge computing transmission
Instagram influencer inter...
Enter the influencer IG ID to analyze the interaction level ...Dynamic image people flow ...
Enter the number of people in the dynamic image analysis scr...Conversational voice
NLU bus status query
Use NLU to analyze the user question and return the most app...Interactive Keywords
Specific keyword relevance...
can be analyzed from the forum article based on a keyword Fi...Device data
Wireless signal inference ...
created by Taiwan Data Science Company exclusive AI analysis...Interactive Keywords
Popular keyword ranking AI...
Find out the keywords that appear frequently in PTT big data...Interactive Keywords
Popular Keyword Ranking AI...
The blog articles within a specific period will be processed...Edge computing transmission
PTT popular articles
Get the list of popular articles within the specified time i...Conversational voice
Female anchor speech synth...
The text can be read out with the female anchor voice and in...AI product identification
Technology to identify products through image recognition an...Conversational voice
Smart shopping guide dialo...
Provides intent and entity recognition dialogue AI model to ...Device data
AI prediction model for wa...
AI prediction model for recovery rate of water washing water... rows
Rows:233, 20 pages