Issue Analysis
Burrows-Wheeler Transform
Input a string of text and this algorithm will transform it ...Personnel dumping detectio...
POST REQUEST Enter the URL of the photo to be identified to ...Image noise monitoring
Input pictures to provide real-time mosaic judgment and imag...Issue Analysis
AES256 encryption and decr...
Enter the key and select encryption or decryption to get the...Community preferences
Radmo Fall DetectionIntelligent generation of ...
In response to the trend of remarketing, the intelligent gen...Route sequence optimizatio...
Input task information, vehicle information and time window ...Issue Analysis
Quinn-McCluskey algorithm
Input several Boolean functions and product terms, and the a...Community preferences
AdaBoost Machine Learning ...
Use AdaBoost algorithm, classification and machine learning ...Image emotion perception
Digital Slide Image Cancer...
Can capture high-resolution images Patch from whole slide im...Edge computing transmission
All comments on a single Y...
can retrieve all comments on a single Youtube video and outp...Device data
Flow blood pressure estima...
Blood pressure estimation is an important development in sma... rows
Rows:233, 20 pages