
【2020 Application Example】 Small and Medium Enterprises AI Competency Evaluation System, Significantly Reducing the Cost of Competency Implementation for Businesses!

IBM's supercomputer Watson can predict when employees are likely to resign, with an accuracy rate of 95%, saving IBM up to $300 million a year in retaining employees. Moreover, through cloud computing services and modernization, IBM has streamlined 30% of personnel costs, allowing the remaining employees to earn higher salaries and engage in more valuable work.

So, in Taiwan, how can we ensure that 'employees who stay can receive higher salaries and perform more valuable work'? The key lies in the 'competence setting' for each position. According to the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform' established by the Ministry of Labor's Workforce Development Agency, every position has its main responsibilities, work tasks, behavioral indicators, work outputs, knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Only by establishing 'competency' for each position can enterprises effectively apply this in employee recruitment, education and training, and performance management. Without this, not knowing what employees should do is like groping in the dark, which can pose risks to business operations.

Competency Benchmark Example

▲Competency Benchmark Example

Currently, on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform', there are 872 established competency benchmarks, including 553 items completed by various ministries. This includes 253 items from the Ministry of Labor and 66 items from the Ministry of Education. If companies want to establish their own 'competency benchmarks', they need to search for reference materials on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform'. Suppose a company wants to recruit 'sales' personnel but doesn't know what 'sales personnel' should do; they should first search for 'sales personnel' as shown in the figure below.

Searching for 'sales' on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform'

▲Searching for 'sales' on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform'

You can find that there are 18 types of sales personnel. At this point, the company needs to go through each one, check, read, and organize into the 'competency benchmarks' they need; however, if we search what should be a common position in any company, 'general affairs', the result is unexpectedly zero items.

Searching for 'general affairs' on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform'

▲Searching for 'general affairs' on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform'

As seen above, although the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform' established by the Ministry of Labor's Workforce Development Agency can solve some of the 'competency benchmarks' for positions, the division of labor within each company is different, and some positions might not be found on the 'iCAP Competency Development Application Platform'. Secondly, in small and medium enterprises, there are often 'multi-skilled workers', meaning many job responsibilities are on a single employee. For example, in small enterprises with less than 30 people, usually, accounting, general affairs, and HR are handled by the same person. If you want to establish competency benchmarks for this person, you have to search separately for 'accounting', 'general affairs', and 'HR', and then integrate these three types of job competencies, which is often time-consuming and ineffective.

This 'Small and Medium Enterprises AI Competency Evaluation System' aims to let 'people fully utilize their capabilities', by introducing AI to more accurately establish basic competency standards for employees, and to track their competency performance at any time.

Competency models are all generated and adjusted manually, which is time-consuming

A domestic exporter of screws, nuts, fasteners, etc., had all its competency models generated and adjusted manually. The execution process was time-consuming and insufficient to meet company needs due to personnel changes, such as: previously, Qiao Mai Enterprise had specialized 'production control personnel', but after this personnel resigned, this job had to be done by other employees, meaning other employees' competency models needed to be adjusted immediately. Or if the company needed to set up a development department due to future development, but previously no one had relevant experience, not only did they not know how to select from within, but also did not understand how to describe on a recruitment website to find the talent they really wanted.

Besides, the CEO of this company has always been troubled by internal performance management. Due to the lack of precise standards and systems to measure employee performance, the results of each performance assessment did not accurately reflect the true performance of the employees, forming assessment blind spots and unable to identify truly deserving employees. Thus, it is hoped that with the AI competency evaluation system, the necessary competencies for the development department can be immediately clarified, as well as how recruitment and performance appraisals should be conducted, so as to effectively solve the pain of unclear responsibilities and inaccurate assessments within the company. Thus, its benefits are significant!

AI Competency System Establishment X Deep Learning

This 4-month HR field competency system project has a clear execution direction, but the introduction of explanatory models such as Seq2Seq, Deep Keyphrase Generation, Tf-IDF keyword extraction algorithms, and PageRank are new attempts in the HR field. During the process, open-source big data architecture is used for natural language processing to complete Word2Vector and index, and inverted index to establish keyword weight and relevance. Due to the inability to process like image data with continuous numbers, it is necessary to simplify the feature values with related keywords such as skills, knowledge, and job categories. Basic steps are briefly described as follows:

1. Establish a Propagation model using Google's long-used LTR mixed Pointwise recommendation engine (2 months)

2. Establish a Back Propagation model (2 months), adjust the hyperparameters of the loss function

3. Adjust the hyperparameters of the CF model

4. Establish a human-machine collaboration mechanism to obtain more data to feed the Model 5. Repeat the above steps

During the development process of the competency model, Lianhe Trend Co., Ltd. and Weiguang International Information Co., Ltd. held multiple discussions, believing that there are interconnections between competencies. After establishing the knowledge graph, further upload the competency scale to the Neo4j graph database for processing complex relational data structures with excellent performance. Currently, 500 competency scales have been uploaded to the Neo4j relationship analysis platform.

Using python for wor2vector natural language analysis

▲Using python for wor2vector natural language analysis

In addition to describing a position with a tensor after word2vector, finding out the appearance of this position's knowledge graph, according to this knowledge graph, one can understand the relevance between different positions and the similarity performance of their dimensions. Finally, this knowledge graph is used to establish the company's 'competency model' and train it with deep learning.

AI Competency Evaluation System Interface

▲AI Competency Evaluation System Interface

In the future, in addition to establishing their own competency models, companies can also be opened to end-users. Individuals can analyze their own competency performance to understand their possibilities for job change and their market value, as well as identify skills needing enhancement. If companies respond to this knowledge graph, they can develop cross-industry products in the future.

1. Short-term: Analyze the competency scales (iCAP, iPAS) published by the government with natural language and keyword models, and cooperate with unsupervised learning to establish 'Native Competency Base Unit Models'.

2. Medium-term: Tailor-made exclusive competency models for enterprises. Based on the existing 'Native Competency Base Unit Models', experts use supervised learning to train the individual company's 'Distributed Derivative Competency Models'.

3. Long-term: Establish 'Reinforcement Learning' models, incorporating employee career cognition and planning.

Competency model recommendations, comparable to professional human resource consultants

Through the dynamic learning of the competency knowledge graph through unsupervised learning, individual companies' competency models are quickly established. Internal human resources personnel or external professional HR consultants can then use the generated competency models to assess and apply aspects of talent recruitment, competency inventory, performance management, and education and training. The system will automatically suggest competencies to be strengthened according to the company's existing job structure, including related knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Through the continuous introduction and training of data, the system learns the employer's actual view of the model for that profession and feeds back to the cloud competency scale, completing the dynamic learning of the knowledge graph through transfer learning. In the future, it can be comparable to professional HR consultants, thereby rapidly assisting many cross-disciplinary or technologically diverse companies in training employee competencies.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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AI Analysis Cloud Service Platform for Remote Sensing Big Data Enables the Smooth Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Images

Although satellite remote sensing images can make all surface objects visible, it still requires a lot of time and manpower to be truly applied to the industry In order to effectively solve the problems that customers face in digesting huge amounts of image data and eliminate technical obstacles for cross-domain users to process satellite remote sensing images, ThinkTron has developed an "AI Analysis Cloud Service Platform for Remote Sensing Big Data" as a new beginning for cross-domain AI applications for spatial information In recent years, in response to the impact of industrial globalization, Taiwan's agriculture has continued to transition towards technology-based and higher quality, improving the yield and quality of crops by solving problems, such as microclimate impacts and pest and disease control The demand of agriculture on images has expanded endlessly to accurately grasp the growing environment of crops In the early years when UAVs unmanned aerial vehicles were not yet 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important supports for accelerating agricultural transformation Using satellite remote sensing image data can accelerate the development of smart agriculture However, in the past, it was difficult to extract large-area crop distribution through satellite remote sensing images, not to mention the cost If you wanted to use free information, you had to visit all websites of international space agencies, look through the wide variety of satellite specifications, and carefully evaluate the sensor specifications, image resolution, and revisit cycle After finding suitable images, you had to look at them one by one to filter the ones you need Next is downloading dozens of images that are often several hundreds of Megabytes MB each, which might exceed the capacity of your computer Also, after overcoming image access and preparing data, you must then start to confirm the downloaded image products and which bands you want, because the image you see is not just an image file jpg or png, but rather complex multi-spectral information, attribute fields and coordinate information It takes a lot of effort just to confirm the correct information Facing GIS software packages with complex functions is the start of another trouble The complex image pre-processing process and the inflexible machine learning package greatly reduce the efficiency of analyzing data After finally getting the results of crop identification, you might find that the best time for using map information may have already passed The above-mentioned complex and time-consuming satellite image processing problems are precisely the pain points of the market ThinkTron expanded from traditional machine learning to modern deep learning applications, and developed an "AI Analysis Cloud Service Platform for Remote Sensing Big Data" under the GeoAI framework, breaking through the constraints of details in the spatial information for customers Differences between the process before and after introducing the AI analysis cloud service platform ThinkTron said that Taiwan's ODC Open Data Cube system has been completed and began providing services after years of efforts from the Taiwan Space Agency TASA, formally becoming aligned with international trends The powerful warehousing technology allows users to easily capture and use image data of a specific time and spatial range according to their needs The warehouse stores multiple satellite image resources from international space agencies, including the ESA's Sentinel-1 one image every 6 days, Sentinel-2 one image every 6 days, USGS's Landsat-7 one image every 16 days, Landsat-8 one image every 16 days, and the domestic Formosat-2 one image every day and Formosat-5 one image every 2 days ThinkTron develops satellite image recognition tools based on Python Breaking free from the limitations of GIS Geographic Information System software packages, ThinkTron integrated GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library based on Python, and considered computing efficiency and parallel processing when developing all tools required for satellite image processing and image recognition modeling, including coordinate system and data format conversion, grid and vector data interaction, and data intra-difference and normalization All of the tools are designed with AI applications in mind, and some commonly used tools are packaged into an open source package under the name TronGisPy to benefit the technical community ThinkTron utilized the team's understanding of satellite remote sensing images and the collected tagged data crop distribution maps to preset the image recognition modeling process, the required training data specifications, and dataset definitions This is imported into the machine learning LightGBM or deep learning CNN framework that was completed in advance, and the entire training process to be performed in the Web GIS interface, providing users with partial flexibility to freely filter images, confirm spatial and temporal ranges, select models, and adjust hyperparameters In addition to the operation of training models, it also provides historical models to output identification results, and finally displays the identification results of crop distribution on the Web GIS map In fact, agriculture is not the only industry that needs satellite remote sensing applications AI applications of spatial information have also appeared in various fields as companies in different industries aim to enhance their global competitiveness For example, surveying and mapping companies that have a large amount of map data can use the AI analysis cloud service platform to store map data while also accelerating the efficiency of digital mapping Under the severe global climate change and the risk of strong earthquakes, there is a wide variety industrial insurance, agricultural insurance, financial insurance, or disaster insurance are all inseparable from spatial information The use of remote sensing image recognition to understand insurance targets has long been an international trend AI Analysis Cloud Service Architecture for Remote Sensing Big Data

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Massive Digital Engineering AOI Intelligent Robotic Arm Inspection System Significantly Improves Defect Detection Accuracy

Taiwan is known as a manufacturing powerhouse, yet quality defect detection has always been a chronic sore point in production lines While AOI equipment is available to assist, most use fixed machinery which are limited by angles, resulting in less precise diagnostics and high false positive rates Massive Digital Engineering introduced an AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system that effectively reduces false positives and increases the accuracy of defect detection Generally, the yield rate of products affects the costs for enterprises and the return rate for customers The quality defect detection process in the manufacturing industry often necessitates a substantial amount of quality inspection labor Although there is AOI equipment to assist, these tools are mostly fixed detection machines Fixed cameras are easily limited by angles, resulting in less precise diagnostics and high false positive rates Thus, personnel need to re-screen and inspect afterwards, often manually visual inspection misses defects on average about 5, and can be as high as 20 Three major pain points in manufacturing quality detection Robotic Arm AOI with dynamic multi-angle inspection helps to solve these issues According to the practical understanding by Massive Digital Engineering, there are three main pain points in detecting product quality within the manufacturing industry Pain point one, manual inspection of product quality is prone to errors Currently, the manufacturing industry largely relies on human labor to inspect product appearance, but human judgment often entails errors, such as surface scratches, color differences, solder appearance, etc The error rate in defect judgment is high, and can only be inspected at the finished product stage, often leading to whole batch rejections and high costs in labor and production Pain point two, inability to quantify and record data from quality inspections Traditional manual inspections do not maintain inspection data, which makes it difficult to assign responsibility when quality disputes occur Moreover, high-end contract manufacturing orders from overseas brands often require traceability and corresponding defect records, which traditional human inspection methods struggle to meet Pain point three, limitations of traditional AOI visual inspection systems Current manufacturing uses AOI visual inspection systems, which due to the limitations of visual software technology, employ fixed cameras, fixed lighting, and single-angle operations This method may handle flat or linear-shaped products like rectangular or square items at a single inspection point However, it is more challenging to implement for products with complex shapes eg, irregular automotive parts, requiring multi-point and multi-degree inspections Massive Digital Engineering developed an AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system, effectively improving the accuracy of defect detection To address the pain points in quality inspection in manufacturing, Massive Digital Engineering initiated the concept of developing a multi-angle, movable inspection device, starting with the combination of two representative technologies in factory automation - robotic arms and machine vision By integrating robotic arms with AOI for dynamic multi-angle AI real-time quality inspection, the limitations of fixed inspection systems are addressed, and visual inspection techniques are enhanced by leveraging artificial intelligence, further elevating the sampling of images from flat to multi-dimensional and multi-angular Selected the automotive industry as the real-world testing ground to quickly respond to customer needs The AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system, utilizing AI technology including unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and semi-supervised learning, allows operators to use unsupervised deep learning techniques to learn about good products even when initial samples are incomplete or there are no defective samples, applying it in the visual inspection of automatic welding of car trusses This can solve issues of limited angles with fixed machinery before implementation, less precise diagnostics, and high false positive rates Automotive components are high in unit price and demand a stricter defect detection accuracy In industries that have adopted AI services, the automotive manufacturing sector was chosen as the real-world testing ground Massive Digital Engineering states that the automotive industry mainly consists of related component manufacturers and components typically have a higher unit price, hence requiring more in terms of quality inspection and yield rates, and demanding stricter accuracy Therefore, the automotive sector was chosen as the area for introduction By using a robotic arm combined with AI for dynamic multi-angle AOI visual real-time quality inspection, not only can the defect quality error rate of automotive components be improved, but the fixed-point AOI optical inspection can be enhanced to meet the measurement needs of most industries and finally, establishing a third-party system platform to build an integrated monitoring system platform, enabling immediate response and action when issues arise This system allows for recording and storing important data of products leaving the factory, serving as a basis for future digital production lines and virtual production At the same time, in the event of defects, it can immediately connect to Massive's MES monitoring system, quickly responding to the relevant manufacturing decision-making department, subsequently utilizing ERP systems for project management and reviews, effectively improving production efficiency and reducing production costs Helps to reduce communication costs and aims to become an industry standard In terms of industry integration, it provides a foundational standard for data continuity among upstream and downstream businesses, reducing communication costs within the supply chain Through certification of the contract manufacturers and brand owners, there is a chance to become the industry standard configuration Through the data database established by this project, operators can further optimize their supply chain management solutions using big data analysis Data Analysis, based on data, establish forecast planning, and utilizing technology to link upstream and downstream data of the supply chain, accurately controlling product quality In the future, when interfacing with European, American, and Japanese markets, which demand highly fine-tuned orders, operators can respond and integrate the industry supply chain Supply Chain more swiftly Ultimately, through the benchmark demonstration industry's field verification, such as with the automotive component manufacturing industry used as the benchmark demonstration field, by implementing the robotic arm combined with AI for dynamic multi-angle AOI visual real-time quality inspection system project, the supply chain connection between automotive contract manufacturers and OEMs can be optimized, becoming the industry standard Further seeking more AI teams to join the cross-industry development on the field collaboration platform, driving the overall ecosystem combining AI innovation with field application Self-driving vehicle developed by Massive Digital Engineering「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Transforming into a Large-Scale AIoT Technology Playground: The Spectacular Makeover of the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology

Taiwan is a maritime nation When you visit the Badozi Fishing Port or Tidal Park in Keelung, do you also explore the mysteries of the ocean world at the 48-hectare National Museum of Marine Science amp Technology To get more people closer to marine technology, Keelung's Marine Museum has introduced technological services, transforming the venue into a large technology playground that delights both children and adults, fully utilizing the 'learning through play' approach After a lengthy planning process, Northern Taiwan's largest marine science museum in Keelung opened in January 2014 The museum focuses on marine education and technology, boasting Taiwan's largest IMAX 3D ocean theater The unique themes and modern viewing facilities should make it a well-known landmark in Keelung However, the original exhibition planning was static and highly specialized, lacking sufficient interaction with the public Visitors who have attended the museum also reported that the exhibits were limited and quite boring, leading to poor overall consumer experience ratings The top three dissatisfactions with the museum were weak connections to surrounding attractions, unengaging display content, and lack of exhibit material According to statistics from the Marine Museum, the ratio of local to visiting guests is approximately 64, with most foreign visitors coming from the north transportation is primarily by car and bus common types of visits include family, parent-child, and friends and the stay duration is generally 1 to 2 hours Upon deeper investigation, the top three visitor complaints were weak linkages to surrounding attractions, unengaging display content, and insufficient number of exhibits The museum analyzed potential reasons, including some displays being too specialized, making it difficult for the public to understand, and a lack of interactive elements, making the exhibition boring and the visit hurriedly brief Analysis of visitor profiles revealed that since half of the museum's visitors are locals, and accessing the museum is not so easy for out-of-towners who must travel by car or public transport, the design of the venue and exhibitions must incorporate more interactivity and intrigue to encourage locals to return and extend the duration of visitors' stays while using technological services to highlight the museum's unique features Through a recommendation from the Information Software Association, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Industrial Bureau AI team, the Marine Museum commissioned Jugu Technology to resolve the issue of uninspiring venue attractions Preliminary interviews by Jugu Technology revealed that many visitors were attracted by the architectural design of the museum, notices posted on nearby walls, flags, or events being held the most interesting feature for visitors was the 3D ocean theater, indicating that content presented through audio-video and physical scenic methods was more engaging Seven major AI technologies lead to a boost in regional tourism at the Marine Museum Through the introduction of technology services, Jugu Technology designed the 48-hectare site with seven major services AI voice tours, treasure hunt puzzle games, AI exhibit interactive revitalization, AI space exhibition interactive experience, AI crowd control, Face AI interactive experience, and AI voice customer service system By utilizing AIoT and cloud technology, they made the exhibition more interesting, not only solving the issue of boring static viewings for children but also doubling the learning efficiency and dramatically improving public perception of the Marine Museum, thus increasing visitor intent and boosting regional tourism The National Museum of Marine Science and Technology introduced seven major technological application services including AI voice guide Jugu Technology aimed to improve the space optimization of the Marine Museum, using the special exhibition of coastal birds in northern Taiwan as a prototype, integrating 'face', 'limb', 'crowd' as three main axes to enhance functionality and assist in improving the museum's application of AI Practically, the Marine Museum and Jugu Technology selected the on-site special exhibits to avoid any installation of water and electricity works or pipelines in active exhibits, thereby maintaining the quality of the viewing experience Instead, they selected exhibits that were not yet open to introduce a series of technological services tailored to the unique characteristics of the exhibits In the coastal bird special exhibition inside the Marine Museum, initial construction discussions with the curators utilized Bella X1 for a welcoming interactive introduction at the exhibition entrance This was followed by an AI-powered smart guide in both Chinese and English using X1 for narration, coupled with a fun treasure hunting stamp-collecting activity - APP X1, allowing visitors to participate in challenges Subsequently, bird species within the bird exhibition were brought to life interactively using X1, and AR scenarios X1 were introduced into the exhibition space to add elements of fun and entertainment Finally, Face AI was used to interactively test facial expressions and score smiles The gorgeously transformed Marine Museum will become the best travel destination for families with children ImageMarine Museum FB Page The AIoT services introduced by the Marine Museum could be extended to various exhibition-type museums and even static art galleries in the future, tailored to the unique characteristics of different venues They could also be promoted through government projects and related plans, aiding in rural revitalization, making visits more than just sightseeing in rural areas, and breaking free from stereotypes associated with different venues The applications of these services are broad「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」