
【2020 Application Example】 The Lawsnote compliance system uses AI technology to automate the compliance risk assessment (CRA) process and improve the compliance efficiency of companies

Trends in financial regulation

As the world pays greater attention to regulatory supervision, various fields are facing increasing compliance costs. If we were to ask what was the fastest growing field in 2020? I believe many people will think it is regulation!

The trend of strict supervision has been the most severe in the financial industry. Supervisory agencies In Taiwan, including the Financial Supervisory Commission, have imposed growingly strict supervision requirements on the financial industry, as well as heavier fines. In response to these supervisory measures, the financial industry gradually implemented new internal control and internal audit systems for compliance a few years ago, such as the assessment of regulatory risks, business units appointing compliance managers as the first line of defense, and compliance self-assessment system.

Current manual compliance process of compliance personnel

However, there is a plethora of financial-related laws and regulations, and business units have a large number of complex business manuals. Therefore, many compliance personnel of financial institutions must spend a lot of time on tedious and highly repetitive comparisons of internal and external regulations, in order to help companies avoid risks or fines due to not proposing response measures in their internal regulations when laws are amended.

Compliance staff spent a lot of time processing Changes in laws

▲Compliance personnel spend a lot of time dealing with regulatory changes

Lawsnote Compliance System Solution

As Taiwan's leading legal technology solutions provider, Lawsnote received many requests from corporate customers for a compliance system, and began to look into solutions for applying AI to compliance systems. It thus developed the Lawsnote RegTech compliance system for compliance personnel to automate parts of their work process, reducing the tedious and repetitive work of compliance personnel.

Lawsnote will adjust legal changes and internal regulations Automation

▲Lawsnote automates regulatory changes and internal regulatory adjustments

A Regulatory database, search, and notification of regulatory changes

As the basis of the RegTech system, the compliance process is triggered by "regulations", so it is necessary to have a "complete" and "real-time" regulatory database and regulatory update mechanism for specific fields.

However, regulations are not limited to "laws" enacted by the Legislative Yuan, but also include "administrative rules" and "legal orders" enacted by administrative agencies authorized by law, as well as "administrative interpretations" used to interpret regulations. These are all considered regulations that the compliance system must comply with.

There is currently no unified data source for these regulatory data. Except for the Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China (Taiwan), many regulations are scattered on independent webpages for regulations on the websites of different agencies, organizations, or associations, making the cost of collecting complete regulations very high.

Since laws and regulations will be amended, new administrative letters and interpretations will be issued or old ones abolished, updating regulatory changes is also a big problem. Even if complete laws and regulations are collected once, failure to continuously monitor changes in laws, regulations, and administrative letters and interpretations will also create a gap in compliance.

As a professional legal search engine, Lawsnote has a complete database of regulations and interpretations, and can send notices of regulatory changes required by various fields in response to the needs of compliance systems.

B1. Internal regulations database and search

Internal management by companies through regulations are called "internal regulations." General types of internal regulations include company internal regulations, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and business instruction manuals. Depending on the intensity of industry-specific supervision, the number and density of company internal regulations will vary depending on the industry.

In industries with high supervisory density, the number of internal regulations sometimes reaches thousands or even tens of thousands. With such a huge number of internal regulations, paper or simple filing systems can no longer meet the internal needs of enterprises. The process of searching for and complying with internal regulations might require a significant amount of time and personnel costs if an internal regulations database and search engine are not establish.

Lawsnote has Taiwan's most powerful legal information search engine, patent search technology, and uses AI to optimize its sorting algorithm. It can establish an "internal regulations database"for internal data, such as company internal regulations, SOPs, and instruction manuals, and applies search engine technology to the internal regulations database, achieving a fast, complete, and easy-to-use internal regulations database and search engine.

B2. <Regulations – Internal Regulations> Article-to-Article Linking Mechanism

When regulations are revised, the company's internal regulations must also be inspected and adjusted accordingly.

The company's internal regulation inspection procedures may be initiated by compliance personnel based on regulatory amendments, or may be initiated by the compliance officer of the business unit (the first line of defense), and then reviewed by compliance personnel (the second line of defense). However, regardless of which unit initiates it, the difficulty lies in finding the article of internal regulations that correspond to the amended article of the law to determine whether amendments are necessary.

Due to the large number of internal regulations, complicated terms, and the different forms of business involved, if internal regulations must be reviewed every time laws and regulations are revised, it will consume a huge amount of time. Therefore, compliance personnel usually rely heavily on experience and aim to minimize risk within limited time.

Moreover, due to the way internal regulations are written, often using different methods to significantly rewrite and break down laws and regulations, making comparison very difficult for programs. If the existing program is used to compare internal and external regulations, many internal regulations cannot be effectively determined.

After research and testing, Lawsnote designed 3 AI algorithms and 4 rule-base algorithms for cross-comparison, which can establish article-to-article links between thousands of regulations and company internal regulations, helping compliance personnel to immediately determine the necessity of revisions to internal regulations when regulations are revised, significantly saving review time and reducing compliance and internal control risks.

C. Internal control and internal audit self-assessment process for compliance

In order to ensure that the compliance officer of business units properly carry out the compliance process, some companies will implement mechanisms such as compliance self-assessment and compliance education, and require the compliance officer of business units to conduct self-assessment of internal control and internal audit processes and review existing risks.

Compliance personnel or auditors must summarize self-assessment results, or prepare a risk matrix to monitor compliance risks and track vulnerabilities.

The Lawsnote RegTech compliance system supports expanded workflow solutions, which can extend the workflow to the compliance self-assessment process, customize the integration of the current system and compliance system, and merge the organizational structure and SSO permission control mechanism to create a one-stop compliance system.

Three core modules of Lawsnote legal compliance system Group

▲Three core modules of the Lawsnote compliance system

Incorporates foreign regulations and is the number one compliance tool for companies

Lawsnote will continue to optimize regulatory text parsing and identification technology. In addition, we will also develop other legal technology application tools and become the number one compliance tool for enterprises with all-inclusive services. In addition to domestic regulations, Lawsnote will also incorporate foreign regulations into the system, so that multinational companies in Taiwan can access information on domestic and foreign regulations.

Lawsnote has always focused on AI applications, data mining, algorithm design, search engines, and workflow optimization in the legal field, and is committed to saving the time of legal professionals through technology.

Recommend Cases

【導入案例】救命急如星火 AI病危系統監測掌握黃金搶救期
Life-saving is as urgent as a spark AI critical illness system monitors and grasps the golden rescue period

60-year-old Mr Huang was admitted to the hospital due to a stroke After lying in the intensive care unit for two weeks, his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse After rescue, he was lucky enough to survive In fact, with the assistance of AI critical illness early warning technology, hospitals can detect signs and take timely and accurate medical measures 6-8 hours before a patient's heart stops, which can greatly reduce the chance of death in the hospital The deterioration of the condition is a process that evolves over time, and its subtle changes are by no means without context Previous research reports show that about 60 to 70 of inpatients who experience unexpected in-hospital cardiac arrest had symptoms 6 to 8 hours before their cardiac arrest, but only a quarter of them were recognized by clinical staff Detection and discovery, therefore, there is a need for a risk warning tool or system that can be used earlier and continuously to monitor the condition, alert medical staff to pay attention to subtle changes in the patient's condition at any time, and take timely and accurate intervention measures before the condition progresses to effectively reduce adverse events or the risk of serious adverse events Unexpected deterioration cannot be detected early Acute and severe patients often undergo unpredictable changes, and timely detection or prediction of potential acute and severe patients is an important issue The currently commonly used clinical assessment method is Modified Early Warning Score MEWS, which uses simple physiological parameter assessment including heartbeat, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, body temperature, urine output and state of consciousness to screen out high-risk patients, and has been proven to be predictive Patient clinical prognosis MEWS is a scoring mechanism with a single time point and a standardized formula However, the AI crisis warning system developed by Boxin Medical Electronics - Hospital Emergency and Critical Care Early Warning Index System EWS is designed to predict patient status with immediate response , collect the physiological data of patients over time for deep learning, find the best prediction model, and improve the overall accuracy Boxin Medical Electronics uses a big data analysis model to build an early warning system EWS, IoT Internet of Things and 5G communication technology, allowing medical staff to remotely monitor the physiological status of patients through communication equipment, and monitor emergency and severe cases quickly The patient's condition changes and the golden rescue period of 6-8 hours before cardiac arrest can be grasped After Boxin Medical Electronics introduces AI visual interpretation, unmanned operation can greatly reduce medical manpower The AI technology developed by Boxin Medical Electronics is the Gradient Boosting Ensemble Learning System GBELS to build an early warning system It is a learning-based EWS prediction algorithm developed by the company, which is an integrated learning Ensemble Learning and is classified as supervised learning, providing the following three functions 1 Early warning risk notification is used to analyze representative data using GBELS to provide an early risk score so that medical staff can conduct immediate clinical assessment and provide appropriate medical treatment 2 Reduce medical manpower Collect continuous physiological monitoring data, such as heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure and blood oxygen concentration, etc, to reduce the time for medical staff to write cases 3 Combine IOT logistics network and 5G communication technology to quickly transmit medical data such as monitoring parameters and imaging data, and assist medical staff to monitor changes in patients' condition remotely through communication equipment AI critical illness system monitoring to master the golden treatment period Boxin Medical Electronics stated that assessing the severity of the disease in acute and severe patients is a complex task, and patients often experience unpredictable changes Clinical medical staff often judge the condition based on their own clinical experience or intuition, which lacks science and objectivity, resulting in the inability to correctly identify and timely detect potentially acute and severe patients, resulting in or misdiagnosis leading to increased in-hospital mortality of patients The introduction of an AI early critical illness warning system can assist emergency and critical care medical staff to correctly predict the patient's condition and allow patients to receive the care they need immediately This can reduce the manpower arrangement of the emergency and critical care ward at the same time and reduce labor costs In addition, the easy-to-carry design will help the system be introduced into ambulances, home care and other places in the future, so that emergency patients can receive appropriate care earlier Other departments within the hospital can also develop new applications around this system, which can effectively accelerate the development and promotion of smart medical technology With the COVID-19 epidemic still raging in many countries around the world, this system can also help hospitals in various places to operate more effectively Caring for and monitoring the condition of critically ill patients In addition to AI critical illness warning, Boxin Medical Electronics has also developed AI image interpretation - Medical Physiological Monitor Life Cycle Compliance Testing AVS, which uses AI image interpretation technology to develop automated quality inspection of life support medical equipment The instrument solves the time-consuming problem of medical instrument testing It can reduce testing time by 70, increase the number of tests by 3 times, and effectively reduce labor costs by 50 At the same time, it is 100 compliant with regulatory requirements, and gradually solves the shortage of manpower and medical resources in the medical field , medical work overload and other issues It has now taken root in mainland China and is actively preparing for its launch in Europe It will develop towards the Japanese and American markets in the future Boxin Medical Electronics develops AI image interpretation-medical physiological monitor life cycle compliance testing AVS to solve the time-consuming problem of medical instrument testing and can reduce testing by 70 time At this stage, Boxin Medical's smart medical technology has been introduced into medical hospitals including Hsinchu MacKay, Changkei, Dongyuan General Hospital, Kaohsiung University of Technology Affiliated Hospital, Zhenxin Hospital, Hsintai Hospital, Taipei Medical University Affiliated Hospital, etc GE HealthcareInc, an internationally renowned medical materials manufacturer, and Mindray Medical, China's largest medical materials manufacturer, are both representative customers of Boxin Medical Electronics 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】佐翼科技無人機導入高爾夫球場域 可節省一半人力
Droxo Tech Applies Drones in Golf Courses to Reduce Manpower by Half

For most golf courses, the operations and management is a headache "Golf courses are selling turf and need to be properly taken care of," a golf course manager bluntly pointed out Facing the market pain points of labor shortage, aging population and high cost, the use of AI drones for pesticide spraying and pest control will reduce labor costs by more than half and greatly improve the overall operational efficiency At noon in early summer, an AI drone is slowly taking off at the Taipei Golf Club in Taoyuan Its main task is to test AI drone fertilizing and pesticide spraying on the golf course In fact, drones of Droxo Tech, the company performing this task, are widely used for fertilization, pesticide spraying, and pest and disease control for rice, bananas, and tea trees For golf courses with turfs that often cover tens to hundreds of hectares, AI drones are needed to assist in turf maintenance Data collection, development of pesticide spraying AI models, and multispectral image analysis and testing will be carried out in the current stage In the future, large-scale technology implementation and verification will be carried out to set an example for applying drones to golf courses Using AI drones to fertilize and spray pesticides can reduce the manpower required by half The traditional way of maintaining the turf in golf courses is to carry spray buckets or drive spraying vehicles to spray areas one by one "Domestic golf courses began to plant ultra-dwarf Bermuda grass in 2001 This grass species prefers a cool climate and is not suitable for Taiwan's hot and humid weather" Droxo Techrsquos CEO further pointed out that to prevent turf from pests and diseases, pesticide spraying is necessary For an 18-hole golf course, it is equivalent to spraying pesticides once a week, and the T-ground and fairways are sprayed every two months For golf courses, spraying pesticides is time-consuming and labor-intensive It is important to note that large-scale spraying will increase the risk of personnel poisoning and increase the amount of pesticide used Benefits of applying agricultural drones to golf courses According to Droxo Techrsquos research, golf course pests include Spodoptera litura, which comes out at night to look for food, so pesticide spraying must be carried out in the evening According to the traditional method, pesticide spraying requires two vehicles and three personnel for a total of 45 hours If AI drones are used for fertilizing and pesticide spraying, it only takes one operator to spray 08 hectares of land in 20 minutes, saving about two-thirds of the manpower and reducing operating costs by about 30 Using AI drones to fertilize and spray pesticides on golf courses can reduce the manpower required by half In addition to the significant benefits of using agricultural drones for golf course turf maintenance, Droxo Tech also specially introduced AI multispectral image recognition for NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index analysis "The so-called multispectral is to direct light with different wavelengths on the turf, and the reflected images are collected for analysis" Droxo Tech CEO Liu continued to explain that each plant absorbs light with different wavelengths, so multispectral imaging can determine the growth status of grass species At the same time, combined with AI image recognition, the distribution of pests and diseases can be accurately detected, and the amount of pesticide used is determined on this basis Cross-domain collaboration to build a multi-source turf image databasenbsp Using AI multispectral image recognition technology, Droxo Tech will collect visible light, multispectral, thermal images, and hyperspectral images to establish a multi-source turf image database to fully understand the growth cycle of Bermuda grass Droxo Tech has accumulated rich experience in agricultural AI drone pesticide spraying , but there are still many problems that need to be overcome to implement AI solutions in golf courses For example, it is necessary to establish a new pesticide spraying model and test flight methods, especially the application of multispectral image recognition PoC is not difficult, but actual implementation requires more test evidence, repeated inferences, and collaboration with plant experts This part must rely on the cross-domain integration of legal entities such as the Institute for Information Technology III, gathering more fields for verification, and creating a paradigm before it can be more widely adopted by golf courses There are not many international cases on the application of AI drones in golf courses During the verification process, it is not yet known whether it can be quickly copied to the next golf course However, Droxo Tech CEO Liu believes that through cross-domain collaboration, clearly defining the problems and listing them one by one, supply and demand parties can reach a consensus, propose solutions to each problem, and seek cooperation with internal and external resources Only then will we be able to gradually achieve the goal of making golf courses smarter and smoothly assist the industry with transformation Zuoyi Technology's CEO, Liu Junlin 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】優式AI智能割草機器人 搶攻高爾夫藍海市場
USRROBOT's AI Lawn Mowing Robot Enters the Blue Ocean of Golf Market

An AI smart lawn mowing robot, resembling a vacuum robot, shuttles back and forth on the 30-hectare golf course lawn for weeding This robot, independently developed and designed by Taiwanese, is equipped with the world's first electronic fencing positioning technology which utilizes high-precision GPS integrated with cloud AI computation to determine the most efficient mowing paths, targeting the lucrative blue ocean market of golf courses This AI lawn mowing robot was developed by USRROBOT, a Taiwanese startup established in 2019 Chao-Cheng Chen, the president of USRROBOT, once served as the executive vice president of one of the top five ODM tech companies in Taiwan, and specializes in software and hardware integration When he served as the chairman of the Service Robot Alliance, he knew that the service robot industry was bound grow rapidly due to declining birth rates and the growingly severe labor shortage New demand - The horticulture market is large and the has rigid demand "To develop the core technology of service robots, we must find rigid demand Looking at European and American countries, there is a shortage of labor, but demand for horticulture has increased, and there has been a long-term shortage of 7-10 of horticultural workers" Under this strong "rigid demand," Chao-Cheng Chen established USRROBOT, and the company's first product is the AI lawn mowing robot In terms of overseas markets, the United States is the world's largest horticulture market, accounting for 30-40 of the global output value It is estimated that there are about 1 million horticulture workers, but they have been experiencing a labor shortage of 7-10 in recent years and have not been able to improve the situation The main reasons for labor shortage are Aging population and gardening is a labor-intensive job, so young people don't want to do it Unlike in Taiwan, European and American countries attach great importance to lawn maintenance and have expressly stipulated in the law that heavy fines will be imposed for failing to mow the lawn Therefore, the AI lawn mowing robot has considerable market development potential The introduction of AI multi-device collaborative mowing sensor technology is expected to reduce the burden of staff maintaining the golf course The AI lawn mowing robot developed by USRROBOT is currently in its second generation Domestic universities and well-known art museums are using the latest model M1, and it is also being used by some world-renowned high-tech companies and well-known universities in the United States The company is currently involved in negotiations for subsequent business cooperation USRROBOT stated that the professional RTK system currently used can reduce the original GPS positioning error from tens of meters to about 2 centimeters, allowing the robot to move accurately outdoors After setting the boundaries, it can be easily operated using the app New application - Implementation in golf courses solves the problem of labor aging and shortage Chao-Cheng Chen further explained that the National Land Surveying and Mapping Center is a RTK service provider RTK provides the error reference map of the positioning point USRROBOT can access the positioning error value of a specific position through 4G Internet access The AI algorithm of USRROBOT reduces the general 10-20 m error of GPS to 2 cm After positioning, USRROBOT then uses six-axis accelerator positioning, gyroscopes, and wheel differential sensing devices for software and hardware integration Only by matching the wheel's movement pattern and the terrain can accurate mowing path planning be achieved The AI lawn mowing robot, which is 62 cm wide, 84 cm long, 46 cm high, and weighs only 25 kg, can set the mowing boundaries in the cloud It can avoid pools and sand pits through settings, using AI algorithms to automatically calculate the optimal path It is able to mow approximately 150 ping of grass in one hour The battery can be used continuously for more than 6 hours The battery life is currently the highest in the world In addition to general gardening companies, with the assistance of the AI project team of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, USRROBOT's AI lawn mowing robot has been applied to golf course lawn mowing A well-known golf course located in Taiping District, Taichung City currently has a staff of 5 people who are responsible for the lawn, planting maintenance, and other landscape maintenance of the entire 30-hectare course However, the average age of staff is as high as 55 years old, and the golf course has been unable to recruit new staff members for a long time In view of the aging staff and the shortage of manpower, the golf course hopes to mitigate the impact with AI technology, and is therefore using AI multi-device collaborative mowing sensor technology, in hopes of reducing the burden of staff maintaining the golf course New challenges - Expert systems are needed to overcome difficulties with different grass species "This AI lawn mowing robot has low noise, low pollution, low labor costs, and is waterproof and anti-theft In the lawn mowing process, it can identify and avoid obstacles through ultrasonic sensors while maintaining mowing quality, maintaining aesthetic and consistent grass length" Chao-Cheng Chen went on to say that the most important part about golf courses is that the grass pattern should be beautiful and free from diseases and pests Based on the site survey, golf courses are mainly divided into three major areas green, fairway and rough There is no problem using the current mowing robot to mow the rough area, and it can overcome slopes within 20 degreesThe short grass in the fairway area may only be two centimeters long, and the grass types are also different, so the cutterhead design needs to be modifiedAs for the grass in the green area, the grass must be mowed close to the ground and maintained in a consistent direction because it affects the putting speed Many factors will affect the green index, and this part requires more research and testing The AI lawn mowing robot can identify and avoid obstacles through ultrasonic sensors while maintaining mowing quality The AI smart lawn mowing robot has a built-in camera that can be used to detect the health condition of the lawn Chao-Cheng Chen said that in the future, an expert system will also be introduced for early determination of whether there are diseases, pests in the lawn or whether there is sufficient moisture, and provide lawn health data analysis to customers, so that they can take preventive and response measures sooner to reduce disaster losses Chao-Cheng Chen, who is also a good golfer himself, said that golf has developed well in Taiwan However, due to weather factors, such as rainy and humid climate and typhoons, Taiwan's golf courses have harder soil and more potholes compared with top tier golf courses overseas If AI lawn mowing robots are to be widely introduced into golf courses, there are still many difficulties that must be overcome However, Taiwan's difficult terrain creates a good testing ground Once Taiwan can overcome the many problems and successfully introduce the robot, it will be able to expand to overseas markets and seize new market opportunities in a blue ocean Chao-Cheng Chen, President of USRROBOT nbsp