
【2021 Solutions】 People-oriented Ruiyang Information develops the iota C.ai dialogue service platform to solve system integration problems

Ruiyang Information, which has been established for 34 years, has occupied an important position in the fields of official document systems, knowledge management systems, and enterprise e-ization. Facing the advent of the era of AI and mobility, Ruiyang Information boldly embraces AI and " "People-oriented", we will equip existing services with the wings of AI, develop interactive dialogue service platform iota C.ai and enterprise instant messaging iota IM, help integrate various internal systems of the enterprise, including official documents, procurement, customer service, etc., and greatly improve the efficiency of internal employees of the enterprise. Work efficiency.

Ruiyang Information has accelerated its investment in the field of artificial intelligence since 2013, and has demonstrated its R&D technology capabilities in various fields such as natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language understanding. At this stage, achievements such as technical word extraction, automatic classification, recommendation systems, topic clustering, technical document transposition, text-based text search, picture-based picture search, and intelligent robots (Chatbot) have been developed.

Ruiyang Information deeply cultivates AI technology and automatically breaks down official documents with an accuracy of more than 90%

"AI is mainly used in text and images." Wu Zhenming, deputy general manager of Ruiyang Information, further explained that the official document system and knowledge management system that Ruiyang Information is good at are prioritized for introduction and optimization. Among them, the Taipei City Government complained in 1999 The number of cases to be handled every day is very large. The process must be recorded, automatically divided into documents, and assigned to relevant processing units. Through machine learning, the accuracy rate of automatic document classification has reached more than 90%. Taipei City The automatic classification of government cases in 1999 can also achieve an accuracy of more than 85%.

He emphasized that Ruiyang Information will hone its AI technical capabilities from the beginning of the project so that it can add value to existing services. In addition, the image part, such as trademarks, financial reports, orders, faxed forms, etc., are originally paper files. If you have to convert each key into a text file, it will be time-consuming and time-consuming. This is also a pain point in the financial industry, small and medium-sized enterprises and other industries. Rui Through OCR (text recognition) processing and combined with RPA (robotic process automation) for image recognition, Yang Information can directly convert images into text and automatically store them into electronic files, which can speed up the processing speed of enterprises and help achieve Digitalization before transformation.

Ruiyang Information continues to deepen the use of AI technology to launch new automated and mobile services, such as launching the conversation service platform iota C.ai and enterprise instant messaging iota IM, and entering the chat robot and enterprise IM instant messaging market.

iota C.ai dialogue service platform provides Mobileize more efficient IT services

▲ iota C.ai dialogue service platform provides more efficient IT services than mobile services

Wu Zhenming said that iota C.ai is a truly "enterprise-level" conversational service management platform that can quickly lead enterprises into the new technology application field of "conversational" services. He explained that iota is a robot generator. To conduct intelligent interactive Q&A, you need to design a dialogue script. The robot designed with iota's assistance can be published to instant messaging software such as Line and Teams. There are two types of users who use the conversation robot platform, one is for internal use of the enterprise; the other is for external use of the enterprise.

Integrate independent systems within the enterprise to establish a people-oriented and friendly working environment

Among them, for internal use within the enterprise, such as manufacturing internal systems can be integrated with ERP and MES systems through the iota platform. For example, the internal business of the enterprise can simultaneously query ERP orders and MES product production status through a single interface. Customer contact information on the CRM system only needs to be issued through the iota robot. In addition, the company has internal systems such as official documents, procurement, leave, etc., all of which are independent, causing inconvenience to users. Through the design of a conversational robot service platform, different system backends can be integrated at the same time to provide a "people-oriented" friendly working environment. . External use is intelligent customer service, including the financial industry, public sector, etc., which require a lot of customer service. In the past, they used phone calls or emails. Now, intelligent customer service robots can be used to directly reply or solve customer questions, greatly simplifying customer service. manpower, and improve customer satisfaction.

The dialogue service platform iota C.ai allows users to design dialogue interactive scripts, QA Q&A and natural language intent training through the GUI interface without writing programs; IT staff can quickly integrate enterprise back-end systems Interface with robots to create diversified interactive promotions; users can access various corporate information through a single human-machine interface in the "chat room" through conversations or clicks, and experience efficient IT operations.

The robot built through iota C.ai uses natural language processing technology of intent analysis and intelligent question and answer to present the richest dialogue cards in the industry. It has the most flexible process design and mock testing functions, and supports multi-department division of labor. Cooperate to complete Chatbot services in various fields/functions.

R&D funds account for 13%, and investment in AI technology research and development accounts for about 40%

Ruiyang Information’s annual R&D expenditure accounts for 13% of its revenue, of which 30%-40% is invested in the research and development of AI-related technologies. After the epidemic, considering the increasing demand for WFH (Work from home), it will continue to move towards Chatbot, mobile and cloud-based development, such as instant messaging, platform and video conferencing integration value-added, video conference text narration processing and archiving and other smart assistant functions, can provide related services from chatting, discussion, meeting, etc. In the process of developing AI technology and services, Wu Zhenming pointed out that due to the varying degrees of digitalization of Taiwanese enterprises, it is difficult to collect data, and in an environment where the establishment of information systems is not mature enough, there are certain obstacles to introducing AI. Ruiyang Information We will continue to deepen natural language processing technology and strive to provide a simple and easy-to-use dialogue platform to assist the smooth transformation of the industry.

As for the overview of Ruiyang Information’s overseas layout, Ruiyang Information stated that the products and services deployed in overseas markets include cloud and enterprise e-ization. Among them, knowledge management (KM), which has the largest market share, has expanded to mainland China. There are 20-30 top tertiary hospitals, and cloud services are also widely distributed to Asian countries such as mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Mexico, South Africa and other places. Product design tends to be modular, API and multi-lingual. In the future, it will Continue to improve and optimize natural language processing technology, integrate it into other corporate backend systems, provide integrated one-stop text services, and expand the territory of overseas markets.

:iota_C.ai dialogue service platform can be integrated Various information systems and machines improve business operation efficiency

▲:iota_C.ai dialogue service platform can integrate various information systems and machines to improve business operation efficiency

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Defect identification rate reaches 100%, Nairi Technology is favored by major panel manufacturers

On the machine tool production line, there are some slight differences in the first step of assembly Accumulated tolerances will cause the assembly work to be repeated, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, resulting in shipment delays that will impact the company's reputation Narili Technology Company focuses on the field of smart manufacturing and provides various AI solutions It uses machine learning models to inherit the experience of old masters In the CNC processing machine assembly and casting process, it uses AI to analyze production line data, accurately adjust various data, and improve Production accuracy is 25 This AI production line data analysis system is called "Master 40" by Huang Changding, chairman of Naruili Technology It is the most evolved version of the master plus artificial intelligence It has been used in machine tool processing factories with remarkable results In addition, Nairi Technology used AI defect detection technology to participate in the 2021 AI Rookie Selection Competition of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, assisting AUO in advanced panel image defect detection, with an accuracy rate of 100, and won the award Assisted panel manufacturer AUO to solve problems with 100 accuracy in defect detectionHuang Changding further explained that during the production of general panels, edges and corners are There may be defects in the corners Although the defects are visible to the naked eye, AOI is often difficult to identify, causing the detection error rate to often exceed 30 Therefore, re-inspection must be carried out with manpower to improve the accuracy rate However, in response to the demand for a small number of diverse products and insufficient manpower, using AI detection is indeed a good method Nairui Technology, founded in 2018, has been able to win the favor of major panel manufacturers with its AI technology in just three years In fact, it has been honed in the field of CNC machine tools for a long time Tang Guowei, general manager of Narili Technology, pointed out that the top three CNC machine tool factories in Taiwan hope to introduce AI into the two production lines of assembly and casting Among them, on the assembly line, in order to maintain the accuracy of assembly, every part of the component is designed Tolerances are designed During assembly, each component is within the tolerance However, the cumulative tolerance still fails the final quality inspection and must be dismantled and reassembled This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also causes waste "After entering the production line, I realized that some masters have accumulated a lot of experience and are good at adjustment After his adjustment, the accuracy rate has improved a lot and the speed is faster" On the contrary, the new engineers did not Based on experience, it takes a long time to adjust and may not pass the quality inspection The yield rate of Master 40 system has increased significantly from 70 to 95Tang Guowei then said that the original size data set by Master during assembly All were recorded on paper After the information was written, it was stored in the warehouse and sealed No one studied the relationship between the dimensions Narili assists customers in designing the Fu 40 system Through the human-machine panel, the master can directly input the measured dimensions and related data during assembly After collecting data from different masters, AI algorithms are used to analyze the relationship between the data and create an AI model The AI model automatically notifies the operator what size to adjust to, and the quality inspection will definitely pass In this way, the yield rate will be improved It has increased significantly from 70 to more than 95 Narili Technology Company focuses on the field of smart manufacturing and provides various AI solutionsTang Guowei added, assembling the spindle of a CNC processing machine It took four hours In the first step, the machine made measurement errors, including vibration, temperature, speed, etc that were out of range It had to be dismantled and reinstalled, which took another four hours How to adjust after disassembly depends on the experience of the master At first, the master may have done the best assembly method based on experience, but the error rate was also 30, and the assembly took several days With the assistance of AI masters, the assembly time only takes half a day, and the yield rate reaches over 95, saving a lot of time and manpower "Use the AI model of machine learning to collect the experience of all the masters and provide it for AI learning The first step is digitalization, and the second step is knowledgeization This is the transformation of the enterprise "An important key", Huang Changding believes that Narili Technology is an important partner in the transformation of traditional manufacturing from automated production to digital transformation In addition, another industry that Naili Technology focuses on is the smart car dispatching system of the leading brand of elevator manufacturers The so-called car dispatch referring to the elevator car means that if there are more than two elevators, group management is required In the past, car dispatching was based on fixed rules If the elevator was closer to the requested car, that elevator would be automatically dispatched On the one hand, it did not take into account that dispatching a car if the elevator was called too many times might make other people wait longer The previous vehicle dispatching model did not take into account the usage characteristics of the building, resulting in a lot of waste For example, in an office building, there are peak hours in the morning, lunch break, and afternoon after work AI smart car dispatch can be flexibly adjusted according to off-peak and peak hours, increasing the efficiency of car dispatch, reducing waiting time, and reducing wasted electricity Introducing elevator smart dispatch to improve transportation efficiency and have environmental protection functionsHuang Changding added that just like the previous traffic lights at intersections, the system has already The number of seconds to stop and pass on highways, sub-trunks and small streets is programmed Smart traffic lights are now used to flexibly adjust waiting times to make road sections prone to congestion smoother Using AI to learn usage scenarios and introducing a smart dispatch system into elevators will improve transportation efficiency and make it more environmentally friendly In addition to introducing smart elevator dispatching, Nairili also introduced AI into the smart production and shipment scheduling system of elevator factories Elevator factories often cannot accurately estimate the customer's elevator delivery date For example, office buildings or stores must be completed to a certain extent before the elevator can be installed on the construction site If affected by unexpected factors such as delays in the customer's construction period, the elevator factory will often be idle or the schedule will be difficult to arrange Tang Guowei pointed out that generally those who understand the progress of client projects may be from business or engineering, but overall, the accuracy rate of shipments is only about 60, which means that 40 of them will not be shipped as scheduled Therefore, if the shipping schedule can be accurately estimated, the production line can be freed up for emergency orders or other product production needs The AI smart scheduling system will analyze past shipment data, about 20-30 parameters such as climate, distance between the factory and the construction site, and customer credit, and put them into the AI algorithm to accurately predict whether shipments can be made as scheduled goods Huang Changding also specifically stated that the machine learning of Naili Technology is not ordinary machine learning, but also incorporates various calculation methods such as traditional image processing technology and statistics Only by being very familiar with the domain knowledge can we make good products AI models are also where the company’s competitiveness lies He emphasized that the data that general SaaS platforms can process is very limited, and the accuracy rate has increased from 70 to 75 at most Naili’s strength lies in AI algorithms and machine learning, and it must be coupled with in-depth industry knowledge to produce output Good AI model Narili Technology started with the AI project, gradually deepened the technology, chose to start with the more difficult tasks, and accumulated rules of thumb It is expected to develop SaaS services this year 2022, based on customer needs starting point, gradually gaining a foothold and becoming an important partner in smart manufacturing The picture left shows the general manager of Naruili Technology Tang Guowei and Chairman Huang Changding right「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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AI + Smart Glasses: Hsiung-Hsin Technology Targets Smart Care Market, Ensuring Safety and Security for the Elderly

In the small care room, Mr Wang, who is over eighty, is coughing intensely The nurse gently uses a suction device to help him, hoping to make him more comfortable Meanwhile, a sharp-eyed family member notices that the nurse is wearing smart glasses At the other end, the doctor organizes medical records while simultaneously monitoring Mr Wang's condition on a screen With the advent of precision care, it will soon be a blessing for the care market for doctors to remotely monitor crucial physiological information of the cared-for in real time In fact, Hsiung-Hsin Technology, established in 2020, uses smart glasses combined with AI algorithms to launch smart care services as an AI startup Through AI multiple sensors to achieve effective smart care In 2021, Hsiung-Hsin Technology participated in the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Bureau AI Emerging Selection event, cooperating with smart glasses leader Jozhen Technology Jozhen provided millimeter-wave radar and smart glasses, combined with Hsiung-Hsin Technology's AI algorithms, to launch 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and a life-saving 'Fall Prevention System' The 'AI Care Recognition Service System' uses radar millimeter waves and Time-of-Flight ToF among various sensor technologies combined with point cloud and mmWave deep learning analysis in AI algorithms While protecting personal privacy, it can detect patients' physiological data upon hospital admission as well as detect falls and bed exits during bed care The 'life-saving fall prevention system', on the other hand, utilizes artificial intelligence and 3D technology, combined with radar sensing devices, while protecting personal data through 'de-identification' technology, detecting falls in real-time in the environment Building the AI Care Recognition Service System, Hsiung-Hsin Technology is aiming at the smart care market Lee Jia-Hsin, founder and chairman of Hsiung-Hsin Technology, who has worked for IBM Taiwan for 14 years, states that after placing millimeter-wave radar in the medical test field, combined with AI algorithms, they can obtain physiological signals such as the patient's breath and heartbeat Moreover, when paired with Jozhen's smart glasses, during a doctor's consultation, the physician can immediately see the patient's heartbeat and breathing data through the glasses, enhancing efficiency Additionally, Jozhen has also developed a management platform where physicians and nursing staff can view the patient's physiological data at a glance After integrating the 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and 'Life-Saving Fall Prevention System', they were launched and commercialized in June 2021, and officially introduced into Kaohsiung Municipal Triumph Hospital by the end of November last year It not only helps medical staff understand the residents' physiological conditions, monitoring elders' physiological data continuously, but also reduces the burden on medical institutions while preventing accidents and enabling quick action in emergencies to provide optimal medical care Aside from medical institutions, another major target customer group for Hsiung-Hsin Technology's products are long-term care institutions, with ongoing product implementation plans in Tainan and Eastern Taiwan On-demand lightweight design, easy to use and reasonably priced Lee Jia-Hsin mentions that the company's productsservices are developed in-house, designed to be lightweight Depending on the needs of the institution where they are implemented, they may choose between CPU computing or edge computing for flexible configuration, which is very convenient and also comparatively cost-effective In the future, through Jozhen smart glasses, diagnoses can be made more immediately and quickly The method allows nursing or care staff to wear smart glasses when visiting patients or residents The images seen by the nursing staff's eyes are transmitted in real-time to the backend, allowing doctors to make immediate diagnoses based on real-time images and take appropriate care measures, effectively assessing the patient's condition on time Hsiung-Hsin Technology's smart care services have been listed on the Startup Common Supply Contract Platform Last year, Hsiung-Hsin Technology's productsservices were also listed on the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration's Startup Common Supply Contract Procurement Platform, available for government agencies, public medical institutions, and long-term care facilities to purchase for lease In the future, they hope to expand to private medical institutions and care centers, enabling more care facilities to utilize technology for transformation and reducing the talent shortage in the care market Furthermore, with more than 300,000 elderly people living alone in Taiwan, Lee Jia-Hsin believes that as the aging society approaches, the health and safety issues of solitary elderly individuals are increasingly receiving attention If technological care medical solutions can be incorporated into the subsidy scope for assistive devices, it can also help reduce the burden on local government institutions for solitary elderly care, effectively lowering societal costs Extended application Smart campuses enhance management safety and efficiency Lee Jia-Hsin points out that the company's core values are making life safer and improving living quality The company has developed its own software and hardware solutions for big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things Using a hybrid cloud development approach, it addresses various types of medical care pain points, enhances medical management efficiency, and improves residents' safety, thus significantly enhancing overall services by medical institutions Hsiung-Hsin Technology's partners include SI businesses, medical care institutions, large chain restaurants, and major venues In the future, there are plans to develop into an AI SaaS company, extending services to Japan, Southeast Asia, and other overseas markets Additionally, Lee Jia-Hsin, who teaches at Tunghai University in Taichung, is also actively promoting the smart campus initiative Currently, Hsiung-Hsin Technology has established a 'smart campus' at Tunghai University, utilizing up to 700 cameras throughout the campus to build a miniature AI SaaS platform for monitoring This not only allows for mask, human traffic, restricted area, and license plate recognition within the campus but also enables automatic records of the campus's flora and fauna, greatly aiding in the efficiency of campus safety management As the population gradually ages, home care becomes a universal challenge With a low doctor-to-patient ratio, both inside and outside hospitals, including extended to care institutions, medical professionals face a scarcity of manpower Using AI technology to assist the elderly care market presents itself as the best solution Besides smart elderly care and smart campuses, Hsiung-Hsin Technology also applies its image recognition technology in places like factory safety and parking lot license plate recognition, and future applications will continue to expand boundlessly Hsiung-Hsin Technology's founder and chairman, Lee Jia-Hsin「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】台灣軟體科技實力媲美國際 Golface智慧服務促高球轉型
Taiwan's Software Technology on Par with International Standards: Golface's Intelligent Services Transform Golf

Compared to Japan, where 90 of golf courses operate without caddies and use an automated service model, golf course management in Taiwan still heavily relies on human labor Facing a labor shortage of up to 70, adopting a site and membership management platform to provide intelligent golf services may be a transformation worth considering for golf course operators 'Taiwan's software technology is comparable to international standards and definitely has the capability to compete in the global market,' says Tsung-Che Liao, co-founder and CEO of Golface, established in 2014 with the vision to leverage technology at its core, aiming to create Taiwan's first golf entertainment platform With over 9 years vested in cultivating intelligent golf services, Liao is well-versed in the nuances of golf course services He has considerable domain knowledge and has launched a comprehensive intelligent golf solution The world's first networked smart golf cart hits the road automation of golf courses is no longer just a dream In mid-May, Golface's newly developed ARES Smart Golf Cat, the world's first networked smart golf cart, officially became operational Equipped with a dedicated vehicle computer mainframe, dual network systems, AI-based visual recognition cameras, and high-precision GPS tracking, golf courses can now confidently allow golfers to drive themselves The system enables real-time monitoring of any driving violations, and the presence of digital consumption traces allows for insurance coverage The procedure is as follows golfers book the cart via a reservation platform, receive a QR code, pay through the platform, and unlock the cart with the QR code at the golf course The golf cart can then be driven onto the course The course management platform can monitor and restrict the areas through which the cart can travel, ensuring it does not leave the paths Upon completion, the cart is returned through a tablet in the cart In instances of any infractions, penalties are applied directly through the user's account, and for severe violations, future access to the carts may be prohibited This achieves the goal of 'automation' ARES Smart Golf Cat is the world's first networked smart golf cart, officially in service since May 2022 'As labor costs continue to rise, recruiting and training caddies are becoming common pain points in the market While Taiwan's courses still employ caddies, there's a 70 labor shortage,' Tsung-Che Liao added This smart golf cart tablet, combined with a mobile app, has become the ultimate smart caddy Golface is striving to complete the last piece of the 'automated golf course' puzzle Amassing digital consumption trails for advanced client segmentation services Starting with consumer needs, Golface has sequentially launched services like the golf cart tablet, mobile app, golf reservation platform, instructional videos Golface TV, golf tourism, and smart carts The smart cart has been operational since May 2022, currently featuring four units with plans for mass production in the latter half of 2022 Although the cart currently requires manual operation by golfers, remote operation is anticipated early in 2023, with autonomous driving expected in the third phase Via the cart tablet and management system, staff can understand the status of the course through on-screen visual representations, showing each cart's real-time and relative location, departure times, and duration of service per hole, which aids course managers in monitoring on-course consumption effectively, thus reducing traffic jams and customer complaints 'Previously, we relied on staff's mental imagery now, we can employ imagery to visualize real-time situations on the course This makes it possible for those who don't understand golf to work in this field,' emphasized Tsung-Che Liao While course control has traditionally been handled by experienced professional players, the shortage of skilled professionals makes hiring even more challenging Therefore, replacing manpower with digital tools yields twice the result with half the effort The golf cart tablet has entered the Japanese golf market, installed at Fukuoka Century Golf Club Golface's golf cart tablet has been introduced to 14 domestic courses, and has now officially entered the Japanese market, favored by Fukuoka Century Golf Club, where tablets have been installed in carts providing automatic voice announcements for hitting strategies, distance measurements, and visual charts displaying hitting data During the COVID-19 pandemic, with borders closed, Golface utilized OTA technology to provide software updates and troubleshooting, ensuring uninterrupted services, which was highly appreciated by the Japanese golf courses Tsung-Che Liao remarks that Taiwan's software technology is not inferior to other countries like Japan, but more support from golf courses is needed to help transform the industry intelligently 'To assist in the transformation of golf courses, the first step is digitalization,' Liao pointed out By helping courses accumulate data and understand customer service cycles and hitting rhythms, it enables courses to avoid congestion and serve more customers To date, Golface has accumulated data on over 20,000 teams, 35 million scorecards, and over 10 million records This data helps enhance management performance, segment customer layers, reduce complaints, and plan marketing strategies for off-peak periods Golface co-founder and CEO Tsung-Che Liao has spent 9 years deepening intelligent golf services, aiming to build Taiwan's first golf entertainment platform「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」