
AI Training Camp Announcement for the Year 2021

Event Date / Date

2021/03/04 (Thursday) 09:00 AM ~ 12:30 PM

Event Location / Event Location

Room 108, Minsheng Science Service Building (133 Minsheng East Road Section 4, Songshan District, Taipei City)

Event Agenda / Event Session

Event Agenda / Event Session

Important Notes:

1. Participation is limited to 5 people per association selected for the SIG project.

2. Participants must bring their own masks and wear them throughout the event.

Online Registration / Online registration

Online Registration: ievents.iii.org.tw/EventS.aspx?t=0&id=1183

Contact Us / Contact Us

Contact Person: Hsiao Shuling

Contact Email: belinda@iii.org.tw

Contact Phone: 02-66072666


Organizer: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industrial Development Bureau

Executor: Information Industry Development Institute

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」