
AI HUB X INCA Accelerator now open for applications to help startups make their first step into the Japanese market!

Focused on AI startup investments, the INCA Accelerator under Venture-Centered Enterprises is hosting its inaugural startup team selection event. With the help of Taiwanese-Japanese startup mentors, online pitches, and subsequent one-on-one discussions, the program aims to connect Taiwanese AI startups (from seed round to Series B) with Japanese investors (angel investors, VCs, CVCs) to facilitate investment matches and various forms of technical and business cooperation.

Applications for startup teams are open from now until 10/18. Teams that pass the preliminary selection will be scheduled for pitching and meetings with Taiwanese and Japanese investment institutions on the afternoon of 11/18. Startups interested in expanding into the Japanese market should not miss this opportunity!

Application Guidelines

Application Link

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」