
2023 AI Application Quiz Contest Competition Instructions

Purpose of the competition

In view of the fact that the wave of automation such as artificial intelligence and robots is rapidly spreading to countries around the world, and in the face of the challenges of emerging technologies in the future, Our country is now promoting the "5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan" to drive comprehensive industrial innovation; in addition, in response to the needs of industrial digitalization and intelligent transformation, it has also comprehensively launched relevant talent cultivation (training) programs, ranging from school education to on-the-job training. Start training and employee training and general AI talents, expand the processing of "Industrial Talent Ability Assessment" to facilitate the close integration of training courses with the workplace, and launch the "Digital Country·Innovative Economic Development Plan" and "Taiwan AI Action Plan" ” and other measures to enhance the smart technology application skills of industrial talents. While welcoming new job opportunities brought by new technologies, they also hope to reduce the threat of automation to the labor market.

This competition hopes to provide industrial AI professional talent training based on industrial talent needs, with artificial intelligence as the core, and cultivate talents for industrial intelligent technology integration and innovative application. As for the industrial AI talent cultivation model, it mainly uses "Industry Problem Solving x Talent Problem Solving" in "Learning by Doing", and various learning and cultivation activities are simultaneously carried out to strengthen the strength of domestic AI talents and accelerate industrial AI.


1. This competition is a team system. Each team has 2-10 people. Duplicate groups are not allowed. To register as a team, one person must be the team representative, but the representative must have the nationality of the Republic of China and be a national registered in the Republic of China. He is responsible for contacting the organizer, confirming the entry documents, and receiving the prize money.

2. If any team members are under 20 years old, they must obtain the consent of their legal representative before they can participate.

Registration Process

1. All process times are estimated processing times, and the timetable will be determined according to the announcement on the website. Based on this, the organizer and execution unit reserve the right to adjust various schedules based on actual needs.

AI Application Intelligence Competition _Process (March to June)


AI Application Quiz Competition_Process (Second Review, Results Release)


Bonus subsidy method

1. Achievement reward subsidy is divided into three grades: "gold medal", "silver medal" and "bronze medal", and the rest are excellent works prize.

2023 AI application battle of wits Competition subsidy method


2. Division of labor or distribution of rights (such as bonus collection and distribution) within the proposal team. If there are any disputes or questions, the team should handle them themselves , the organizer and execution unit will not interfere or get involved in disputes and rulings such as division of labor or distribution of rights within the team.


1. The question makers and problem solving teams participating in this competition are deemed to have agreed to the competition instructions and each According to this provision, if there is any dispute, the organizer and the executive unit reserve the right of final interpretation; if there is any violation, the organizer and the executive unit have the right to cancel the qualification to participate in the selection and recover the rewards and awards received, and may make an announcement; if If any matter that violates the competition instructions causes damage to the relevant rights and interests of the organizer, execution unit or any other third party, the violator shall be liable for damages.
2. Based on the administrative management, registration management, notification and contact, activity information release, award (item) allocation, questionnaire survey, relevant statistical analysis related to the implementation/handling of this plan, or provided by the plan execution unit For the purpose of other activity information, the organizer and execution unit may collect, process and use the personal information of problem-solving team members.
3. All members of the problem-solving team must provide detailed personal information and may not impersonate or misappropriate any third party's information. If there are any untrue or incorrect information, the organizer and execution unit may disqualify the applicant from participating in the evaluation and winning the award. If any damage is caused to the relevant rights and interests of the organizer, execution unit or any other third party, all members of the problem-solving team shall bear the relevant legal responsibilities.
4. Members of the problem-solving team may request the organizer and execution unit to inquire, make a copy, supplement or correct the personal information provided by this competition, or stop collection and processing in accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Information Law. Use, and you can also request deletion when necessary, except for those that must be retained according to law. If this affects the rights to participate in the evaluation or win awards and receive awards, you should be responsible for your own responsibility.
5. The question maker and problem solving team agree to keep confidential the commercial secrets and other confidential information of the organizer, executive unit or other parties that they know or hold in connection with participating in this competition and shall not leak or disclose it in any way. Other third parties may not use the information for their own benefit or that of others. If there is a violation of this confidentiality agreement, the organizer and the execution unit have the right to terminate cooperation, cancel participation in assessments, qualifications for awards, and recover relevant rewards. Violators shall be liable for damages. The breach of contract by the violator shall also be deemed as a breach of contract by the violator.
6. If the question-producing manufacturer expressly agrees on a confidentiality agreement or other cooperation matters in the question-producing content, the problem-solving team's application for problem-solving will be deemed to agree to the conditions agreed by the question-producing unit.  
7. The content of the entry documents and provided information must comply with legal provisions such as copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, personal data protection, etc. If the rights of a third party are involved, the legal rights of the rights holder must be obtained. Authorization shall not involve plagiarism, plagiarism, counterfeiting or other infringement of the rights of others. If it is discovered, reported or reported that there is a violation of the election instructions, untrue statements or infringement of the rights of others, the problem-solving team will bear all legal responsibilities. The organizer and execution unit reserve the right to postpone the announcement of the awards until it is confirmed that there is no such right. Dispute situations; or where the objector or rights holder fails to file a right remedy with the competent authority or court in accordance with the law for more than one month after becoming aware of the infringement, or withdraws the file after filing.
8. If the infringement of the entries is confirmed to be true by the competent authorities or litigation procedures, the organizer and executive unit may cancel the selection and award qualifications and recover relevant rewards.
9. The intellectual property rights of the research and development demonstration results completed by the problem-solving team, submitted entries, calligraphy audit drawings, book review briefs, demonstration results reports, and results publication pitch briefs belong to the problem-solving team. However, the problem-solving team must agree to authorize the organizer and execution unit free of charge to use its research and development empirical results, submitted entries, calligraphy and painting books, and book review for the purpose of promoting this event in a non-regional and non-profit manner. Briefings, empirical results reports, and results presentation pitch presentations, including but not limited to taking or providing relevant photos and dynamic images to record relevant activities, and using, editing, printing, displaying, promoting, reporting, publishing or publicizing the results of competitions, personal Portrait, name and voice, etc. If there is no defamation of the author's personality, the problem-solving team shall not exercise the author's moral rights against the organizer and execution unit.
10. To participate in this competition, the problem-solving team that has passed the problem-solving qualification review must agree to give priority to the relevant technology or services of the problem-producing manufacturer that provides cooperation evidence. The problem-producing manufacturer shall not use the solution if it has not obtained the consent of the problem-solving team to cooperate. The relevant technologies or services of the problem-solving team shall not be used without the consent of the organizer and execution unit. The relevant plans and presentation materials of the problem-solving team participating in this competition shall not be used.
11. This competition allocates quotas for each award based on the annual subsidy budget of the competent authority. If necessary, the quota for the winning team may be filled or added.
12. If the problem-solving team has inappropriate behavior, remarks, or makes false accusations against the competition, the competition has the right to disqualify the problem-solving team from competing and winning awards.
13. The relevant schedule and activity information of this competition shall be subject to the announcement on the event website. Matters not specified in the competition mechanism may be adjusted according to the actual situation and announced or supplemented on the project website. This plan The Drawing Office reserves the right to final interpretation, change and termination of the competition.
14. All problem-solving teams that have published results must cooperate with the organizer and the execution unit to carry out relevant evaluations, praises, subsidies, media interviews and reports, etc., and must cooperate with the organizer and the execution unit in follow-up performance tracking.
15. If there are any disputes or disputes over the division of labor or distribution of rights (such as bonus collection and distribution) within the problem-solving team, the team should handle it themselves, and the organizer and execution unit will not be involved in the dispute.
16. The rights and obligations of this competition may not be transferred without the written consent of the organizer, execution unit and other team members.
17. The organizer and execution unit reserve the final right of interpretation for the competition instructions and the interpretation and application of various regulations. Any relevant disputes will be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, and the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the first instance jurisdiction. court.
If there are any matters not covered in this competition notice, in addition to complying with relevant legal provisions, the organizer and execution unit reserve the right to modify and supplement (including postponing the competition, terminating the competition or adjusting the competition mechanism), and refer to this competition website based on the announcement.

Contest Contact Window

Taipei Computer Association (TCA)

Optimized Service Group Smart Industry Service Center

Ms. Zhang

Contact Email: jen_chang@mail.tca.org.tw

Telephone: (02) 2570-6337 #9925

Hosted Unit: Digital Industry Administration, Department of Digital Development

Implementing unit: Taipei Computer Business Association


For more information, please see webiste: aitalents.tca.org.tw/Home/ContestDescription

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」