
2023 AI+ Rising Talent Selection Competition Instructions

1. Origin of the competition

With the massive data coming from the Internet of Things, the increasing maturity of chip technology, and the continuous evolution of algorithms, artificial intelligence-related applications have attracted much attention, and have been promoted to one of the world's major scientific and technological technologies, and will become the future digital technology of human society. As a key indicator of globalization, competition for artificial intelligence-related patents and intellectual property rights in various industries is rising rapidly.

In response to the Executive Yuan's "Taiwan AI Action Plan", the Digital Industry Agency of the Ministry of Digital Affairs is committed to promoting the "AI Smart Application Service Development Environment Promotion Plan" and encourages information and communication industry players to cooperate with AI technology energy companies through a competition and matching platform. Cooperate to deploy AI and edge computing products to develop artificial intelligence technologies and applications that meet market needs, hoping to produce more innovative value-added products or services and lead Taiwan to the world with diversified applications of artificial intelligence.

2. Competition purpose

The purpose of the "2023 AI+ Rising Talent Selection Competition" is to take market demand as the guide, and jointly develop innovative AI value-added products or Services, in order to achieve the purpose of coaching AI technology energy companies (hereinafter referred to as the team), deepen the cooperation results between the demand industry and participating teams on AI value-added products or services, and then promote "internal and external cooperation to accelerate research and development", "Taiwan trials, Go international" and other goals.

Participation, proposal specifications and participation themes

1. Category 1: New Talent Selection

(1) Category Introduction: The demand industry will propose research topics on the AI ​​introduction needs for their products and services/supply chains/related industry fields, and then a proposal team with AI technology power will make a proposal and start a problem-solving plan with the demand industry. painting.

(2) Qualifications for team proposals: (all the following conditions must be met)

  1. Domestic sole proprietorships and partnerships registered in accordance with the law after January 1, 104 (within the past 8 years) shall not be mainland-funded enterprises announced by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; or have artificial intelligence-related research centers on campus Domestic colleges and universities (no limit on the age of establishment, but the proposal team must come from its artificial intelligence or Internet of Things and other related research centers).
  2. Have machine learning, deep learning, neural network and other AI technologies to provide core development capabilities for products or services through image recognition, natural semantics/speech, algorithms, and data analysis.
  3. Non-bank current accounts are rejected.

(3) The proposal team must complete the competition theme content proposed by the industry in demand within the specified time:

Step 1: Online registration (website: seminars.tca.org.tw/D15r00385.aspx)

Step 2: Download the attachment file from the competition website: aicontest.tca.org.tw

(1) New Talent Selection-Team Participation Consent Form (Attachment 1)

(2) Personal Data Consent Form (Attachment 4)

(3) Proposal briefing (please download the briefing format from the competition website)

Step 3: Submit the three files in Step 2, "New Talent Selection-Team Participation Consent Form (Attachment 1)", "Personal Data Consent Form (Attachment 4)", and "Proposal Brief" in the form of electronic files (use post-printing Scan) and send to the designated email address: Contact Email: anna_yang@mail.tca.org.tw .

(4) The team must select a single category to propose, and the proposal is limited to 1 topic.

(5) The demand topics of demand companies are as follows, please refer to (demand companies are sorted by strokes):

AI+ Rising Talent Selection_Demand Enterprise_Taiwan Microsoft


AI+ Rookie Selection Competition_Demand Enterprise_Let's wait and see


AI+ Rookie Selection Competition_Demand Enterprise_Advantech


AI+ Rookie Selection Competition_Demand Enterprise_Supermicro Semiconductor


AI+ Rookie Selection Competition_Demand Enterprise_AiKu Intelligent Technology


2. Category 2: Technology Promotion

(1) Category introduction: AI demand industry players join hands with at least three new startup teams to jointly propose, and then launch a cooperative development plan, with the goal of subsequent long-term investment.

(2) Qualifications for team proposals: (all the following conditions must be met)

  1. AI demand enterprises: sole proprietorships or partnerships registered in accordance with the law in China, and shall not be mainland-owned enterprises announced by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Their products or services are industry representative or innovative, have the ability to guide new innovations, and A cooperation agreement with the new startup team needs to be proposed at the end of the period.
  2. AI startup team: a sole proprietorship or partnership established in accordance with the law in China after January 1, 2014 (within the past 8 years), and shall not be mainland-funded enterprises announced by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; or in-school artificial intelligence Domestic colleges and universities with smart-related research centers (the proposal team must come from their AI research centers).
  3. Have the core capabilities of providing products or services through image recognition, natural semantics/speech, algorithms, and data analysis using AI technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks.
  4. Non-bank current accounts are rejected.

(3) The preliminary review of this year’s proposals will be held in early May. The new startup team must complete the promotion issues proposed by the AI ​​demand industry within the designated time:

Step 1: Online registration website: seminars.tca.org.tw/D15r00385.aspx

Step 2: Download the attachment file from the competition website: aicontest.tca.org.tw

(1) Technology Promotion-Demand Industry Proposal Agreement and Cooperation Plan (Appendix 2)

(2) Technology Promotion-Team Proposal Agreement (Attachment 3)

(3) Personal Data Consent Form (Attachment 4)

(4) Proposal briefing (please download the briefing format from the competition website)

Step 3: Submit the 4 files in step 2: "Technology Promotion - Demand Industry Proposal Agreement and Cooperation Plan (Attachment 2)", "Technology Promotion - Team Proposal Agreement (Attachment 3)", "Personal Information "Consent Letter (Annex 4)" and "Proposal Brief" shall be sent to the designated email address in the form of electronic files (scanned after printing): Contact Email: anna_yang @mail.tca.org.tw .

(4) The team must select a single category to propose, and the proposal is limited to 1 topic.

4. Competition registration methods and procedures

1. Category 1: New Talent Selection

2023 AI+ Rising Talent Selection Category 1 Rising Talent Selection Competition Registration Method and process

2. Category 2: Technology Promotion

2023 AI+ Emerging Selection Category 2 Technology Promotion Competition Registration Method and process

Five, evaluation methods

1. Category 1: New Talent Selection

(1) The evaluation team is composed of representatives of demanding industries and academic experts.

(2) When the proposal team attends the preliminary review meeting, the proposal team must prepare a briefing (please make the briefing according to the format provided on the official website), explain the proposal plan and accept review questions and answers.

(3) When the proposal team attends the final review meeting, the proposal team must separately prepare a results explanation briefing, an empirical results report and relevant supporting materials, explain the project's empirical results and accept review questions and answers.

(4) Preliminary review:

Step 1. The briefing should include an introduction to team energy, description of demand selection, domestic and foreign market analysis, solution description, feasibility analysis, etc.

Step 2. The review committee will perform the preliminary review according to the assessment standards and determine the qualifications to participate in the demonstration.

Step 3. The preliminary evaluation criteria are as follows:

2023AI+ New Talent Selection_Category 1 New Talent Selection_Evaluation Method_Preliminary Review


(5) Final trial:

Step 1. The content of the results description briefing submitted at the end of the term should include a description of the solution verification situation, actual problem-solving methods and results, future continuation practices, etc.

Step 2. The proposal team must submit an additional empirical results report and supporting information, and attend the final review meeting.

Step 3. The award review committee will perform the final review work according to the final review standards, and based on the preliminary review results, after the proposal team submits the final review materials, they will determine the evidence-based award.

Step 4. The final review and evaluation criteria are as follows:

2023AI+ New Talent Selection_Category 1 New Talent Selection_Evaluation Method_Final Review


2. Category 2: Technology Promotion

(1) Both the AI ​​demand industry and the proposal team must attend the proposal review meeting. When the proposal team attends the preliminary review meeting, they must prepare a briefing (please make the briefing according to the format provided on the official website) to explain the proposal for the promotion plan and accept the review. Q&A.

(2) When the proposal team attends the final review meeting, it is required to prepare a briefing report on the results (the format of the briefing is not limited) and a progress report and supporting information, explain the results of the promotion plan and accept the review's questions and answers.

(3) Preliminary review:
Step 1. The briefing should include the past operating performance of the proposal team, the resource utilization plan of the demand industry, and the expected benefit plan, etc.

Step 2. The review committee performs the preliminary review process according to the assessment standards and determines whether the proposal team's proposal direction for promoting the plan is appropriate.

Step 3. The preliminary review standards are as follows:

2023AI+ New Talent Selection_Category 2 Technology Promotion_Evaluation Method_Preliminary Review


(4) Final review:
Step 1. The content of the achievement description briefing submitted at the end of the period should include a description of the implementation status of the current year's promotion plan, the degree of achievement of the designated indicators of each plan, the cooperation between the demand industry and the team, and future continuation. Practice etc.

Step 2. The proposal team must submit a separate progress report and supporting materials and attend the final review meeting.

Step 3. The review committee will perform the final review work according to the final review assessment standards, and simultaneously refer to the preliminary review results. After the proposal team submits the final review materials, they will determine whether it has passed this year's inspection indicators.

2023AI+ New Talent Selection_Category 2 Technology Promotion_Evaluation Method_Final Review


Lu, reward method

1. Category 1: New Talent Selection

2023AI+ New Talent Selection_Category 1 New Talent Selection_Reward Method


2. Category 2: Technology Promotion

2023AI+ Rookie Selection Competition_Category 2 Technology Promotion_Reward Method


Seven, Competition Notes

1. Demand vendors and proposal teams participating in this competition are deemed to have agreed to the competition instructions and various regulations. If there is any dispute, the organizer and the execution unit reserve the right of final interpretation; in case of violation, the organizer and the execution unit shall The right to cancel the qualification to participate in the selection and recover the rewards and prizes received, and may make an announcement; if there is any violation of the competition instructions that damages the relevant rights and interests of the organizer, execution unit or any other third party, the violator shall be liable for the damage Liability.
2. If the participating empirical works use existing products, services, or solutions to participate in the selection, they must explain the new additions to the product, service, or solution after participating in the selection.
3. The awards will be flexibly allocated by the evaluation team based on the level of the participating evidence works and the actual situation. If necessary, the awards can be "adjusted" or "the number of quotas increased or vacated."
4. The content of participating demonstration works and providing information must comply with legal regulations such as copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, personal data protection, etc. If the rights of a third party are involved, legal authorization from the right holder must be obtained , and shall not involve plagiarism, plagiarism, counterfeiting or other infringement of the rights of others. If it is discovered, reported or reported that there is a violation of the election instructions, untrue statements or infringement of the rights of others, the proposal team will bear all legal responsibilities. The organizer and execution unit reserve the right to postpone the announcement of the award until it is confirmed that there is no dispute over the aforementioned rights. situation; or the objector or right holder fails to file a right remedy with the competent authority or court in accordance with the law for more than one month after becoming aware of the infringement, or withdraws the file after filing.
5. If the works participating in the evaluation are confirmed to be infringing by the competent authorities or litigation procedures, the organizer and executive unit may cancel the selection and award qualifications and recover relevant rewards.
6. The intellectual property rights of the research and development demonstration results completed by the proposal team, submitted entries, preliminary review briefs, final review briefs, demonstration results reports, and promotion results reports belong to the proposal team. However, the proposal team must agree to authorize the organizer and execution unit free of charge to use its research and development demonstration results, submitted entries, preliminary review briefs, final review briefs, and evidence for the purpose of promoting this event in a non-regional and non-profit manner. Results reports and promotion results reports, including but not limited to taking or asking Party B to provide relevant photos and dynamic images to record relevant activities, and use, edit, print, display, publicize, report, publish or disclose the results of their participation in the selection, personal portraits, Name and voice, etc. If there is no defamation of the author's personality, the proposal team shall not exercise the author's moral rights against the organizer and execution unit.
7. Proposal teams that participate in the "New Talent Selection" mechanism and pass the final review must agree to give priority to providing relevant technologies or services to companies that demand cooperation evidence, and the companies that demand them should pay reasonable remuneration to contract for follow-up work (if they are not willing, they must Give reasons in advance). Demanding enterprises are not allowed to use the proposal team's related technologies or services without obtaining the consent of the proposal team to cooperate; they are not allowed to use the proposal team's preliminary review briefing, empirical results report and final review briefing without obtaining the consent of the sponsor and execution unit.
8. For the purpose of proposal team management, registration management, identity confirmation during the event, event contact, reward delivery, plan-related information contact, publicity and related administrative operations, the organizer and execution unit may collect, process and use Personal information of proposal team members.
9. All members of the proposal team must provide detailed personal information and may not impersonate or misappropriate any third party's information. If there are any untrue or incorrect information, the organizer and execution unit may disqualify the applicant from participating in the evaluation and winning the award. If any damage is caused to the relevant rights and interests of the organizer, execution unit or any other third party, all members of the proposal team shall bear relevant legal responsibilities.
10. Proposal team members may request the organizer and execution unit to inquire, make copies, supplement or correct, stop collection, processing or use of personal information provided by this competition in accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Information Law. , you can also request deletion when necessary, except for those that must be retained according to law. If this affects the rights to participate in the evaluation or win and receive the award, the person shall be responsible for it.
11. Demand vendors and proposal teams agree to keep confidential the commercial secrets and other confidential information of the organizer, executive unit or other parties that they know or hold in connection with participating in this competition, and shall not disclose or disclose it to others in any way. Third parties are also prohibited from using the information for their own benefit or that of others. If there is a violation of this confidentiality agreement, the organizer and the execution unit have the right to terminate cooperation, cancel participation in assessments, qualifications for awards, and recover relevant rewards. Violators shall be liable for damages. The breach of contract by the violator shall also be deemed as a breach of contract by the violator.
12. All proposal teams that pass the final review must cooperate with the organizer and the execution unit to carry out relevant evaluation, praise, subsidies, media interviews and reports, etc., and must cooperate with the organizer and the execution unit to conduct follow-up performance tracking for 3 years. .
13. If there are any disputes or questions about the division of labor or distribution of rights (such as bonus collection and distribution) within the proposal team, the team should handle it by itself, and the sponsor and execution unit will not be involved in the dispute.
14. The rights and obligations of this competition may not be transferred without the written consent of the organizer, execution unit and other team members.
15. The organizer and execution unit reserve the final right of interpretation for the competition instructions and the interpretation and application of various regulations. Any relevant disputes will be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, and the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the first instance jurisdiction. court.
16. If there are any matters not covered in this competition notice, in addition to the relevant provisions of the law, the organizer and the execution unit reserve the right to modify and supplement (including any changes, updates, modifications to the event), and use this competition website: aicontest.tca.org.tw announcement is based on this.

8. Competition contact window

Taipei Computer Association (TCA)

Optimize service group

Smart Industry Service Center

Email: Contact Email: anna_yang@mail.tca.org.tw

Telephone: (02)2570-6337 #9375


Organizer: Digital Industry Agency, Ministry of Digital Development

Executive unit: Taipei Computer Business Association

Demand units: Microsoft Taiwan Co., Ltd., Zoukanan Co., Ltd., Advantech Co., Ltd., Super Micro Semiconductor Co., Ltd., iKu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
(The above names are sorted by strokes)


For more information, please visit: aicontest.tca.org.tw

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」