[Free registration] AI Application Competition and AI+ New Talent Selection Results Presentation on October 31

In 2023, the AI Application Competition and the AI+ New Talent Selection will jointly hold their results presentation and exhibition for the first time. Exhibition areas will include four major themes: medical biotechnology, commercial services, industrial manufacturing, and safety monitoring, bringing together 35 companies and nearly 50 innovative and explosive teams to gain an in-depth understanding of how AI can assist medical professionals in interpreting lesions, predicting the impact of drugs on diseases, and how to improve the quality of life of elderly people through semantic recognition, assist factories in establishing hazard warning systems, and drive innovation in industrial process development.
At the same time, an AI application pitch competition will be held on stage that day, and teams will be invited to share relevant technological breakthroughs!
We sincerely invite you to attend this year's dual competition results presentation. Let us share how AI provides clever solutions to different challenges.
【Event Details】
Date and time: 10/31 (Tuesday) 10:00-17:00
Event Location: Songshan Cultural and Creative Park 2F Multi-Showcase Exhibition Hall (2F, No. 133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei City)
Registration Link: seminars.tca.org.tw/D15r00565.aspx
【Consultation contact person】
Ms. Zhang (02) 2570-6337#9925, Contact Email: AITalent@aitalents.org.tw
(*The organizer and executing organizer reserve the right to modify, supplement and cancel)