
【2020 Application Example】 AI Voice Synthesis Module, Bringing Warmth to Machine Narration

In response to current trends, digital learning and mobile educational materials have attracted widespread attention!

With rapid technological advancements, effectively nurturing professionals who can 'adapt to developmental changes' is a critical concern that many businesses continually consider. Over recent years, various enterprises have progressively integrated 'digital learning' into employee training programs to enhance educational outcomes, thus bringing 'digital learning' and 'mobile educational materials' into the limelight.

Outsourced narration is costly and cannot handle large volumes of demand

Differences in the digital educational material production process before and after the implementation of the AI voice synthesis system

▸ Differences in the digital educational material production process before and after the implementation of the AI voice synthesis system

Strategic Breakthrough Corporation of Taiwan has assisted companies in converting many seminars, physical courses, and training events conducted by public sectors into digital materials in the past years. However, during the conversion process, it required inviting teachers, finding and renting filming locations, and post-production of recordings and videos. During recording, issues such as speakers' nervousness, discomfort in front of cameras, or mispronunciations might lead to poor recording quality or constant retakes.

Though there was an option to provide customer-specific educational material narration, the outsourcing costs were high and could not handle the demand efficiently. Therefore, there was a hope to introduce AI speech synthesis technology and develop an 'Intelligent Voice Synthesis Module' to instantly convert text on slides into natural, human-like voice files, thus saving on narration costs.

Realistic Intelligent Voice Synthesis Module, providing a diversified selection of voices

AI Voice Synthesis Module Illustration

▸ AI Voice Synthesis Module Illustration

Strategic Corporation of Taiwan collaborated with the AI technology team, Magic Cube Digital Ltd., using Tacotron2 combined with WaveNet and Tacotron features. Characters are embedded into Mel-scale spectrogram plots, then a modified WaveNet model acting as the vocoder synthesizes waveform in the time domain from these spectrograms, finally developing an MOS (Mean Opinion Score) for voice quality evaluation that approximates human-like intelligent voice synthesis modules.

This AI Intelligent Voice Synthesis Module, after being tested by testers using the MOS voice quality evaluation standard, received a score of 4.3, meeting the initial project target score of 4.21 and surpassing WaveNet's score of 4.08, thereby demonstrating exceptional effectiveness!

AI Intelligent Voice Synthesis Module, reducing costs and increasing profits, will effectively enhance Taiwan's digital learning industry environment!

Costs have been significantly reduced after the implementation of the AI voice system, and profits have increased relatively

▸ Costs have been significantly reduced after the implementation of the AI voice system, and profits have increased relatively

This AI Intelligent Voice Synthesis Module not only reduces the cost of producing digital educational materials but also solves the difficulties faced by Taiwan's industry, government, and academia in spreading digital educational materials. It can effectively enhance the efficiency of customers in producing digital teaching materials, significantly reduce labor shortages, and cost structural risks, and improve profitability.

Strategic Corporation of Taiwan will also continue to develop the 'Intelligent Transcription Module' and introduce Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to replace the current manual processes, such as captioning, dubbing, and file conversion in the production of digital educational materials, assisting in the transformation and enhancement of the domestic digital learning industry.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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service platform ThinkTron said that Taiwan's ODC Open Data Cube system has been completed and began providing services after years of efforts from the Taiwan Space Agency TASA, formally becoming aligned with international trends The powerful warehousing technology allows users to easily capture and use image data of a specific time and spatial range according to their needs The warehouse stores multiple satellite image resources from international space agencies, including the ESA's Sentinel-1 one image every 6 days, Sentinel-2 one image every 6 days, USGS's Landsat-7 one image every 16 days, Landsat-8 one image every 16 days, and the domestic Formosat-2 one image every day and Formosat-5 one image every 2 days ThinkTron develops satellite image recognition tools based on Python Breaking free from the limitations of GIS Geographic Information System software packages, ThinkTron integrated GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library based on Python, and considered computing efficiency and 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【導入案例】峰漁運用AI知識化養魚 有效提升10水產產量
Fongyu Uses AI Knowledge-based Fish Farming to Effectively Increase Aquatic Production by 10%

Fisheries is an important industry in an island economy However, the fish farming industry has faced severe challenges in recent years, including climate change, labor shortage, and rising costs In particular, nearly 110,000 workers in agriculture will retire due to old age over the next 10 years For this reason, the need for aquaculture to move towards smart farming is becoming increasingly urgent Founded in 2014, Fongyu Corp Ltd has developed a unique eco-friendly farming model based on its own fish farming It uses AI knowledge-based fish farming to effectively increase aquatic product production by 10, and reduced labor cost by 15 The word "Fongyu" has a profound meaning "Fong" represents good mountains and "Yu" represents good water, and is the hope that companies will allow Taiwan to always have good mountains and good waterIt is also a homophone for "having a full figure," expressing the hope that products will give consumers a full and healthy body and mind The founder of the company, Liu Chien-Shen, has been through the difficult entrepreneurial journey of becoming an apprentice in fish farming, raising funds, renting fish farms, establishing a fish farming company, building a brand, and expanding sales Labor shortage and aging workers are hidden worries in the fish farming industry Currently, fish farms in Taiwan are still mainly traditional fish farms, and farming techniques are still passed down through word-of-mouth In addition, the labor shortage and average age of workers exceeding 60 years old has made it impossible to effectively stably improve productivity and yield This farming method makes it difficult to prevent and control diseases, and greatly increases the possibility of excessive use of drugs, environmental pollution, and water quality and ecological damage, creating a vicious cycle that lowers the quality of fish farming In addition, 651 of workers in Taiwan's fish farming industry are inadequately skilled With limited support from IoT sensors, traditional fish farmers still mainly rely on their own experience and knowledge for water quality management, feeding, and disease detection Fish farming management relies heavily on the ability of individual fishermen Once experienced workers retire, the industry will not only face the issue of succession, but also the difficult of stably supplying a certain amount of harvest that meets quality standards This may cause a dilemma for the entire industry from fish farming to sales In order to improve the pain point of inability to pass on experience in fish farming, and at the same time create a "digital" foundation for fish farming, the top priority must be to collect farming behavior data and develop AI services as an important starting point Fishery digital twin technology helps fishermen transition to smart farming With the assistance of the Institute for Information Technology III, Fongyu implemented the "fishery digital twin" technology to dynamically adjust the farming schedule In other words, the fish farming schedule is adjusted according to the species, habits, and variables of the fish The use of AI in fish farming not only effectively increase aquatic production by 10, but also reduced labor cost by 15 In terms of specific methods, we first digitalized the fish ponds, feed, and decision-making behavior for each species, such as sea bass and Taiwan tilapia, and recorded the seasonal temperature changes from releasing seedlings to harvesting, all of which were digitalized, gradually recording the experience and methods of experienced workers into a rich database Based on the recorded data, we analyzed the compound variables to find the best farming behavior and generate a dynamic farming schedule The records for each pool provide data on workers' experience However, fish farming behavior generally relies on rules of thumb Even experienced fish farmers cannot ensure that they will find the best solution Therefore, new methods are proposed to solve this issue That is, "to determine the best fish farming behavior by predicting the interaction with water quality and past data on feeding, and evaluating fish farming behavior based on water quality and fish farming," and provide fishermen with the most intuitive recommendations through daily schedules To continue optimizing the dynamic fish farming calendar on a rolling basis, iterations of the model will be developed through the three-step cycle 1 Input the current fish farming calendar into the model 2 The model predicts the future environment 3 Shortcomings of the fish farming calendar are corrected based on the future environment to obtain a new version of the fish farming calendar In the process, the experience of aquaculture experts is used to establish the causal relationship between fish farming behavior and the environment The establishment of a dynamic fish farming process and technology-based fish farming recommendation services provide a traceable and detailed fish farming process It is one of the few technologies that can digitalize fish farming Fishermen can quickly and easily record their daily behaviors to build knowledge without taking up too much time, but in the long run it can reduce labor cost by 15 and increase output and revenue by an average of 10 Smart fish farming has achieved outstanding results, reducing labor cost by 15 and increasing output by 10 At the same time, the fish farming calendar can also be extended to different aquatic species, such as white shrimp, milkfish, clams, and Taiwan tilapia, to produce fish farming schedules for ponds with different specifications, and the harvested aquatic species can be traced according to different specifications, establishing vertically integrated services for safe food products Fongyu's main products are divided into two categories One is aquaculture modules, including fry, feed, materials and probiotics, production planning and processes, and monitoring, which can be sold separately or exported as modules The high-quality aquatic products produced by Fongyu have repeatedly won awards Figure Fongyursquos official website The other category is high-quality aquatic products, including seabass fillets, seabass balls, oil-free seabass balls, seabass dumplings, and seabass soup The products have won various awards, including the top ten souvenirs in Pingtung in 2017, "Barramundi Fillet" won the 2017 Eatender of the Council of Agriculture COA, "Oil-Free Barramundi Fillet" won the 2018 Eatender Gold Food Award of the COA, and "Dumplings of Barramundi" and "Barramundi Broth" won the 2019 Eatender of the COA The consecutive awards represent that the "quality" of Fongyursquos aquatic products can be seen and eaten with peace of mind In addition, Fongyu has exclusive fingerlings that meet international needs, such as Pure seawater cultured tilapia fingerlings and seawater Taiwan tilapia fingerlings from selective breeding FY-01 are items that aquaculture companies in many countries are looking forward to The company also has aquaculture modules, disease monitoring tools, and feeding materials designed in accordance with the environment, in order to provide customers with more stable income