
【2020 Solutions】 AI Enhancements, AOI Inspection Miss Rate at 0.1% Surpasses Manual Effort by 10 Times

Did you know a single golf ball can have up to 28 defect inspections? Manually, one can inspect 500 balls in an hour, but with AI, up to 6,000 balls can be inspected in the same time. Huiwen Technology has developed AOI (Automated Optical Inspection) technology that achieves a miss rate of 0.1%, which is ten times better than human inspection. Besides the golf ball industry, Huiwen Technology's AOI inspections are also being introduced to the textile industry and others.

Geng Cheng Lin, the founder and general manager of Huiwen Technology, has been an expert in artificial intelligence (AI) since 2013, recognizing the future potential and explosive power of deep learning (DL) and AI-based image recognition. AOI has always been a strong demand in the manufacturing industry, mainly to improve product quality for business owners, stabilize the quality of delivered goods, and use data from AOI inspections to improve processes, thus creating a virtuous cycle and further cost reductions.

Due to uncontrollable factors such as human eye fatigue and inconsistent standards, inspection encounters bottlenecks. The limit of human inspection miss rate after training is about 1-2%, and the situation worsens over time. AOI is a stable and capable of mass inspection device, achieving a miss rate of 0.1%, which is ten times that of human eyes, implying a detection rate of 99.9%. Of course, AOI also results in a 5%-10% over-inspection rate, which can be further screened manually. With the help of AOI, the burden of quality inspection is reduced, saving a considerable amount of labor time.

AOI Golf Ball Defect Inspection, Inspection Capacity Increased 12 Times per Hour

The first litmus test of Huiwen Technology's AOI technology was on golf balls. With their highly reflective, uneven surfaces, golf balls were previously inspected manually for defects. A tiny golf ball can have up to 28 defects, and traditionally, only 500 balls could be inspected per hour. A major domestic golf ball manufacturer, meeting the demands of Japanese customers, introduced AOI inspection two years ago. The high-speed, high-precision AOI system combined with AI deep learning image recognition technology conducts defect detection on golf ball surfaces, fully automates the feeding and outfeed process, replacing manual recognition of missed defects, and can immediately record defect conditions and report back, inspecting up to 200,000 packs of golf balls per year per machine, greatly enhancing customer satisfaction. However, this step took Huiwen Technology more than two years.

Golf Ball AOI Recognition Image

▲ Golf Ball AOI Recognition Image

Golf Ball AOI Recognition, 28 Surface Defects Unveiled

▲ Golf Ball AOI Recognition, 28 Surface Defects Unveiled

Lin Geng Cheng says, from data assessment and consulting, followed by data organization and tagging, selecting and verifying AI algorithms to AI training services, the golf ball data is like starting from zero, accumulating one by one. Thankfully, with full support from golf ball manufacturers, the efforts have finally bore fruit. With AI inspection, while manually one might inspect 500 balls in an hour, AI can handle 6,000, achieving effectiveness 12 times greater.

Unlike other companies, Lin believes that AI needs to delve deep into domains to scrape professional data since only with such domain data can AI perform well. Therefore, the company starts from individual projects, rather than setting an AI product from the beginning. Without quality data or a focused domain, the best algorithms cannot succeed in AI. Over the years, Huiwen Technology has accumulated project experience, gradually developing products while focusing on domain data and providing the latest AI algorithms to customers, growing together, creating a tighter collaboration, which is why, different from external fundraising, Huiwen's investors are customers or partners.

Evaluation to Official Launch: AI Introduction Requires Six Phases

The projects undertaken by Huiwen Technology are divided into several phases: 1. Evaluation period, 2. Initial Validation (POC) period, 3. Data Collection period, 4. Repeated Verification period, 5. AI Positive Cycle period, 6. Official Launch. The evaluation period involves understanding and assessing the Domain conditions of the demand side beforehand, followed by POC verification, extensive data collection after POC, entering repeated verification stage, and finally allowing AI to enter a positive cycle phase, achieving a certain level of effectiveness before the official launch. Generally, a project takes about six months to a year to develop. However, with more familiar PCB AOI projects, the first two stages are skipped, starting from data collection, thus significantly reducing the time.

'Regardless of this project or others, common questions from customers are: 'How much data is enough? When will AI learn?' Facing such questions, Lin points out that the reasons for these questions are: 1. The inexplicability of deep learning technology, as it is a black box; 2. Generally, customers lack the concept of AI technology. Thus, the company must patiently verify data repeatedly, identify the data needed by AI, accumulate and test it, and clarify and resolve all Domain conditions, which requires a lot of time and patience.

During the AI introduction process, customers have high expectations of integrating AI services, thinking that it can immediately replace human labor. Lin points out that this is not the case; the real value of AI lies in accumulating large volumes of high-quality data, which is then transformed and analyzed to establish AI training and verification models to fully address problems generated by manual processes.

Apart from inspecting golf balls, Huiwen Technology is currently targeting the textile industry for items such as fabric and shoelaces, and many industries have conducted POC trials through Huiwen, including the semiconductor industry, PCB industry, and other traditional industries.

AOI Fabric Defect Detection, Top Image Shows Before AOI Inspection, Bottom Image Shows After AOI Inspection

▲AOI Fabric Defect Detection, Top Image Shows Before AOI Inspection, Bottom Image Shows After AOI Inspection

Lin Geng Cheng indicates that the most difficult aspect of entrepreneurship is nurturing talent and customer recognition; customers often demand quick results, not realizing that AI adoption requires data accumulation and repeated verification, processes that cannot show results in less than six months.

Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the trend of globalization and centralization of the manufacturing supply chain has been disrupted, replaced by 'short region' supply chains, suggesting small, beautiful factories will flourish everywhere, potentially bringing new opportunities for AOI. Lin notes that high automation indeed offers opportunities for automatic inspection AI, however, relatively high capital investments, including automation equipment, mainframes, GPUs, and sufficient AI maintenance talents, are burdens that small and medium enterprises or small factories cannot bear, requiring government financial resources and input to facilitate smooth transformation.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Defect identification rate reaches 100%, Nairi Technology is favored by major panel manufacturers

On the machine tool production line, there are some slight differences in the first step of assembly Accumulated tolerances will cause the assembly work to be repeated, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, resulting in shipment delays that will impact the company's reputation Narili Technology Company focuses on the field of smart manufacturing and provides various AI solutions It uses machine learning models to inherit the experience of old masters In the CNC processing machine assembly and casting process, it uses AI to analyze production line data, accurately adjust various data, and improve Production accuracy is 25 This AI production line data analysis system is called "Master 40" by Huang Changding, chairman of Naruili Technology It is the most evolved version of the master plus artificial intelligence It has been used in machine tool processing factories with remarkable results In addition, Nairi Technology used AI defect detection technology to participate in the 2021 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long time Tang Guowei, general manager of Narili Technology, pointed out that the top three CNC machine tool factories in Taiwan hope to introduce AI into the two production lines of assembly and casting Among them, on the assembly line, in order to maintain the accuracy of assembly, every part of the component is designed Tolerances are designed During assembly, each component is within the tolerance However, the cumulative tolerance still fails the final quality inspection and must be dismantled and reassembled This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also causes waste "After entering the production line, I realized that some masters have accumulated a lot of experience and are good at adjustment After his adjustment, the accuracy rate has improved a lot and the speed is faster" On the contrary, the new engineers did not Based on experience, it takes a long time to adjust and may not pass the quality inspection The yield rate of Master 40 system has increased significantly from 70 to 95Tang Guowei then said that the original size data set by Master during assembly All were recorded on paper After the information was written, it was stored in the warehouse and sealed No one studied the relationship between the dimensions Narili assists customers in designing the Fu 40 system Through the human-machine panel, the master can directly input the measured dimensions and related data during assembly After collecting data from different masters, AI algorithms are used to analyze the relationship between the data and create an AI model The AI model automatically notifies the operator what size to adjust to, and the quality inspection will definitely pass In this way, the yield rate will be improved It has increased significantly from 70 to more than 95 Narili Technology Company focuses on the field of smart manufacturing and provides various AI solutionsTang Guowei added, assembling the spindle of a CNC processing machine It took four hours In the first step, the machine made measurement errors, including vibration, temperature, speed, etc that were out of range It had to be dismantled and reinstalled, which took another four hours How to adjust after disassembly depends on the experience of the master At first, the master may have done the best assembly method based on experience, but the error rate was also 30, and the assembly took several days With the assistance of AI masters, the assembly time only takes half a day, and the yield rate reaches over 95, saving a lot of time and manpower "Use the AI model of machine learning to collect the experience of all the masters and provide it for AI learning The first step is digitalization, and the second step is knowledgeization This is the transformation of the enterprise "An important key", Huang Changding believes that Narili Technology is an important partner in the transformation of traditional manufacturing from automated production to digital transformation In addition, another industry that Naili Technology focuses on is the smart car dispatching system of the leading brand of elevator manufacturers The so-called car dispatch referring to the elevator car means that if there are more than two elevators, group management is required In the past, car dispatching was based on fixed rules If the elevator was closer to the requested car, that elevator would be automatically dispatched On the one hand, it did not take into account that dispatching a car if the elevator was called too many times might make other people wait longer The previous vehicle dispatching model did not take into account the usage characteristics of the building, resulting in a lot of waste For example, in an office building, there are peak hours in the morning, lunch break, and afternoon after work AI smart car dispatch can be flexibly adjusted according to off-peak and peak hours, increasing the efficiency of car dispatch, reducing waiting time, and reducing wasted electricity Introducing elevator smart dispatch to improve transportation efficiency and have environmental protection functionsHuang Changding added that just like the previous traffic lights at intersections, the system has already The number of seconds to stop and pass on highways, sub-trunks and small streets is programmed Smart traffic lights are now used to flexibly adjust waiting times to make road sections prone to congestion smoother Using AI to learn usage scenarios and introducing a smart dispatch system into elevators will improve transportation efficiency and make it more environmentally friendly In addition to introducing smart elevator dispatching, Nairili also introduced AI into the smart production and shipment scheduling system of elevator factories Elevator factories often cannot accurately estimate the customer's elevator delivery date For example, office buildings or stores must be completed to a certain extent before the elevator can be installed on the construction site If affected by unexpected factors such as delays in the customer's construction period, the elevator factory will often be idle or the schedule will be difficult to arrange Tang Guowei pointed out that generally those who understand the progress of client projects may be from business or engineering, but overall, the accuracy rate of shipments is only about 60, which means that 40 of them will not be shipped as scheduled Therefore, if the shipping schedule can be accurately estimated, the production line can be freed up for emergency orders or other product production needs The AI smart scheduling system will analyze past shipment data, about 20-30 parameters such as climate, distance between the factory and the construction site, and customer credit, and put them into the AI algorithm to accurately predict whether shipments can be made as scheduled goods Huang Changding also specifically stated that the machine learning of Naili Technology is not ordinary machine learning, but also incorporates various calculation methods such as traditional image processing technology and statistics Only by being very familiar with the domain knowledge can we make good products AI models are also where the company’s competitiveness lies He emphasized that the data that general SaaS platforms can process is very limited, and the accuracy rate has increased from 70 to 75 at most Naili’s strength lies in AI algorithms and machine learning, and it must be coupled with in-depth industry knowledge to produce output Good AI model Narili Technology started with the AI project, gradually deepened the technology, chose to start with the more difficult tasks, and accumulated rules of thumb It is expected to develop SaaS services this year 2022, based on customer needs starting point, gradually gaining a foothold and becoming an important partner in smart manufacturing The picture left shows the general manager of Naruili Technology Tang Guowei and Chairman Huang Changding right「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Utilizing Extreme Present Tech's 4D Drone Cloud Platform Reduces Inspection Costs to One-Fifth

The use of drones for intelligent inspection is becoming increasingly common, with major petrochemical and solar power plants continuing to adopt drone applications Located in Hsinchu, Extreme Present Technology earthbook has established a 4D cloud platform using its proprietary technology, offering drone, software, and data analysis platform services for intelligent inspections at solar power and petrochemical plants, reducing the total cost to just one-fifth of traditional methods involving hardware and software purchases, and cutting down the time from one month to approximately 24 hours, making it highly cost-effective For petrochemical industry operators who are constantly in a high-temperature, high-pressure dangerous environment, the safety control and inspection of plant facilities are critical 'As long as we can enhance the capabilities of facility inspection and risk identification in petrochemical sites, resource input is absolutely not an issue,' said a petrochemical industry representative with emphasis By implementing the drone 4D AI inspection cloud platform, the efficiency and safety of facility inspections among petrochemical operators can be elevated, further reducing the risk of equipment downtime Founded in March 2018, Extreme Present Tech has become a consistent winner in domestic entrepreneurship competitions, including being crowned champion in the 2019 OPEN DATA Business Innovation Practice, selected into Microsoft's startup accelerator in 2020, chosen for NVIDIA's AI startup team in 2021, and its products have been launched on the Microsoft Azure platform, earning investments from the National Development Fund and major domestic groups, thereby securing strong market validation for its technical prowess and services The founder and CEO of Extreme Present Tech, Hsu Wei-Cheng, mentioned that at the beginning of its establishment, the company took on the national space center's satellite 3D photography scheduling system and specialized in the integration of geographic information into 3D images As drone hardware technologies matured, the company shifted its operations towards the drone market and combined it with AI image recognition systems to establish a 4D cloud DaaS platform, offering services including online aerial photography ordering DaaS, 5GAIoT cloud platform SaaS, and enterpriseAPI server software, to meet the demands of drones in smart cities, facility inspection, engineering management, disaster response, pollution monitoring, and other applications, maximizing the value of drone services Smart aerial inspection regularly tracks the health status of plant equipment at a glance The quantity and area of petrochemical plants in Taiwan are immense, lacking sufficient manpower for comprehensive equipment inspections Given that petrochemical plants produce high-temperature flammable and corrosive chemicals that must be transmitted and stored through pipelines and tanks, long-term risks like pipeline ruptures and tank blockages could lead to severe occupational safety disasters, equipment downtime, and production stagnation Given the shortfalls in personnel for equipment inspections among petrochemical operators, Extreme Tech has already implemented a 4D AI drone inspection cloud platform combined with AI image recognition technology in petrochemical plant areas, providing ground-breaking evidence through the use of drones and proprietary app software services that connect on-site aerial data collection to the cloud platform, achieving fully automated and real-time aerial monitoring of petrochemical plant equipment pipelines, tanks, and ensuring precise locations and angles for each aerial operation, effectively compensating for the discrepancy in human inspection Hsu Wei-Cheng pointed out that the inspection drones used in petrochemical plants are equipped with dual lenses, one visible light and the other thermal infrared, which allow for determining pipeline obstructions through temperature conditions, enabling clients to immediately view the inspection status of the plant area from remote locations via the earthbook website, enhancing clients' inspection efficiency and accuracy The 4D aerial data platform meets diverse applications such as smart cities, transportation, engineering management, and pollution monitoring DaaS Online Order-Use Model Innovates Aerial Photography Business Model Saving 15 Costs Apart from providing a 4D aerial data platform, Extreme Present Tech also offers DaaS Drone as a Service After customers place orders on the website, Extreme Present coordinates with professionally licensed aerial photographers to provide on-site services Customers can monitor real-time operations through the platform and quickly obtain aerial data to evaluate any abnormalities, enabling timely alerts Take the solar power plant monitoring service as an example Given that solar power plant areas are large and widely distributed, located in the remote Pingtung area with the headquarters in Taipei, for inspections of the Pingtung plant, the customer just needs to use the DaaS service model, directly order online and upload a map of the Pingtung plant, obtain a quote from the company, and then entrust local Pingtung pilots to perform aerial inspections of the solar power plant During the process, the drone's route is automatically calculated by AI to plan the flight path, and the aerial data is transmitted to the client's cloud account, allowing the Taipei headquarters clients to immediately see the inspection status of the solar power plant from the earthbook website such as the condition of the solar panels, dust detection, or abnormal heat generation from solar electromagnetism, effectively helping the customer significantly reduce operational costs and efficiently complete the solar power plant inspection service Introduction of DaaS online aerial photography service in petrochemical plants According to estimates, solar power plant clients often incur high personnel costs by purchasing drones or outsourcing aerial photography With the long-term provision of aerial photography devices and the DaaS business model by Extreme Present Tech, customers can save 45 of aerial photography costs, and obtain aerial inspection reports within 24 hours post-operation, helping clients efficiently identify issues with solar panels Aiming to become the largest aerial data service company and enter the Southeast Asian market Since its establishment in 2018, Extreme Present Tech has rapidly grown in the aerial photography market with innovative thinking, actively expanding its aerial data application services Currently focused on cultivating the Taiwan market, the company aims to enter Southeast Asian nations, with Indonesia chosen as the first stop due to its high demand for infrastructure Hsu Wei-Cheng hopes that earthbook becomes the world's largest aerial data service platform Besides completing the initial round of funding from the National Development Fund and major groups, to penetrate the international market, the company continuously improves its drone data services and AI technology innovations, while also requiring the assistance of entities like the Industrial Technology Research Institute to find strategic investors that complement the company, fulfilling its goal of becoming an international aerial data corporation in phases Founder and CEO of Extreme Present Tech, Hsu Wei-Cheng「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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VM-Fi launches killer 5G real-time AI voice translator that reduces interpretation costs by 50%

With "Voice as a Service VaaS", VM-Fi Inc launched the world's leading 5G real-time AI voice translation service "VM-Fi," providing AI real-time translation subtitles TranSpeech and AI multi-lingual smart counter TransDisplay The service is applied to real-time translation services in diverse fields, such as international exhibitions, tourism industry, and retail stores The translation service can be quickly set up in 15 minutes, which can significantly reduce the customer's interpretation service cost by 50, creating benefits in terms of time and labor costs This killer application is a product launched by VM-Fi, which has been established for three years It can significantly reduce the cost of interpretation by half It successfully entered the Japanese market and is highly popular among consumers TranSpeech real-time subtitles for speeches and TransDisplay smart counter AI service solution For organizers of international forums and exhibitions, paying high interpretation fees has always been a common pain point hard to put into words According to statistics, to hold an all-English forum in Taiwan, including two interpreters, setting up an interpretation booth, on-site radio station, control panel, and audio, the total cost will be at least NT100,000 to meet the on-site interpretation needs Established in September 2020, VM-Fi launched the "VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service" In just 2 years, and successively won the Mobileheroes of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau, Start-up competition in the Smart City Project, Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge QITC, Japan's JR Kyushu Innovative Business Competition Excellence Award, and the CES 2022 Innovation Award It has not only received praises in the market, but also attracted great attention from Taiwanese investors and was adopted by large Japanese trading companies It hopes to help people around the world avoid communication barriers through smart city solutions, and enjoy a convenient life in smart cities 5G real-time AI voice translation does not require expensive interpreters and equipment and reduces the interpretation cost by 50 The VM-Fi team, which has a solid technical foundation in language translation, digital content, and UX development, has learned that only 20 of high-end consumers in the market can afford the high cost of interpretation To meet the remaining 80 of market demand, VM-Fi combines 5G high-speed transmission and AI voice recognition technology help customers reduce labor and costs Its business solutions can be applied in international exhibitions, tourism services, shopping malls, and online and offline business meetings 5G high-speed AI speech translation service process "Unlike traditional interpreters' sentence-by-sentence interpretation, which is a time-consuming and inefficient process that prevents the audience from smoothly listening to a speech," VM-Fi further stated that the real-time AI speech translation service uses AI algorithms to analyze the speakers speech The AI determines the parts of speech and subject of the speaker, and then immediately translates it The lecturer does not need to wait for the interpreter, and only needs to connect the microphone cable to the VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service to speak freely The audience can immediately read the translated subtitles 5G real-time AI voice translation was used in the Kyoto Smart City Summit amp Expo for two consecutive years in 2022-2023 The "VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service" currently supports Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German, providing translation services between these seven languages During the pandemic, when the demand for online activities increased significantly, VM-Fi introduced the world's first real-time subtitle service solution The contents spoken by the foreign speaker is translated in real-time and displayed on the live broadcast screen, allowing the audience to understand contents shared by the speaker in real time The operation method is also very simple Audiences do not need to download the APP All they need to do is open the Youtube or Facebook live broadcast platforms provided by the organizer The real-time subtitle solution not only saves customers the trouble of translation work, but also allows online listeners to enjoy seamless real-time translation services without any worries Real-time subtitles provide audiences with seamless real-time translation service In addition, the smart counter solution TransDisplay launched by VM-Fi in Japan is also very popular among consumers VM-Fi stated that Japan has a large elderly population and a large number of tourists Especially during the pandemic, most consumers wore masks and there was often a gap in communication The smart counter directly converts the communication between two parties from voice to text and displays on the transparent partition, providing the most considerate service that the public can clearly see at a glance In the future, VM-Fi will work with Taiwanese panel manufacturers, integrating software and hardware to provide voice-to-real-time subtitle translation services in Japanrsquos shopping malls, stations, airports, and government agencies Smart counters provided people with friendly communication services during the pandemic User experience is the key to VM-Fi taking root in the Japanese market Facing the explosive growth of cross-border tourism business opportunities after the pandemic, VM-Fi is confident in business expansion VM-Fi stated that the VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service has demonstrated excellent product and service resilience during the pandemic, and can flexibly meet customer needs for various physical or online services VM-Fi plans to establish a headquarters in Japan before April 2025, and actively cooperates with Kansai and Kyoto prefectural and municipal governments to expand its operations After establishing a solid foundation in the Japanese market, the EU market will be the next important target VM-Fi participated in fundraising activities of the AI Founders Alliance of the AI Program of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs The company relied on the assistance of the Institute for Information Technology III, Taiwan-Japan Industrial Collaboration Promotion Office TJPO, and the Japan External Trade Organization JETRO to actively seize Japan's market "Japan's market not only values digital transformation, but also user experience UX" Therefore, after the successful launch in Japan, everything will fall into place when it expands to other markets around the world VM-Fi app in Japan's shopping malls, stations, airports, and government agencies VM-Fi is a startup with passion and innovative spirit nbspfounded in 2020 We focus on AI speech recognition and real-time translation technologies, and are committed to allowing people around the world to enjoy high-speed speech translation during international speeches, at service counters, and during communication, completely removing the language barrier and allowing everyone to enjoy equal rights to information VM-Fi's AI service is not only a technological innovation, but also a commitment to global sustainable development A Digital solutions We are committed to reducing paper use Every sheet of A4 paper saved reduces carbon emissions by 78 grams, using practical digital solutions to promote environmental protection B Renewable energy decisions We choose cloud services that use renewable energy and plan to achieve the goal of using cloud services that use 100 renewable energy by 2025, in order to create a greener technology foundation for the future C Water saving decisions We are committed to using cloud services that achieve positive water benefits before 2030, ensuring that the replenishment of water resources exceeds consumption, and contributing to the future of the Earth D Net zero emission decisions When using new data centers, we will choose net-zero deforestation to protect the natural environment E Sustainable development goals Through the decisions above, we are making active efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 13, exerting every effort to create a better world VM-Fi's vision is to create a world without communication barriers, allowing everyone to communicate freely and jointly move toward a better future Let us work together to contribute to global communication equality and sustainable development, and create a greener and better future nbsp