
【2020 Application Example】 At-Home Laundry Smart Service System, through AI membership management, creating an intelligent laundry industry

Where to find a convenient and useful laundry service provider?

What to do when you want to send clothes for dry cleaning but can't reach them by phone to confirm if they are open today? Is the dry cleaning shop's APP space-consuming and not user-friendly? What if there are issues with the clothes after cleaning and there is no customer service system to handle complaints promptly?

According to statistics from the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, the number of laundry businesses in Taiwan surpassed 6,000 in August 2019, making it a major challenge to stand out among many laundry providers.

Complaint Management, Dangerous Edge

A domestic dry-cleaning brand chain store launched a laundry app in mid-2015, featuring 'At-Home Laundry Collection and Delivery'. The app now has 20,000 downloads, approximately 6,000 members, and is actually used by about 300 people each month. Despite such convenient service, it has received many negative reviews from consumers, causing difficulties in expanding operations. The problems and improvement needs it faces are as follows:

1. Lack of incentives for consumers to download the app and the high costs:

Consumers need to download the app to use the service, and 'how to entice consumers to download' is the biggest challenge for the app service. The logistic costs are much higher than competitors due to the affordable, high-quality ideology with home collection and delivery service, and the costs of marketing the app make it difficult to achieve sustainable operation.

2. Staff shortages leading to customer service issues:

The original customer service method of the app was primarily by email. Due to insufficient staff, it was not possible to service by phone, thus delays in response and often overlooks of consumer issues occurred, leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Most customer complaints occur after the consumer receives the clothes and finds issues like missing items, damages, or color differences after washing. Upon receiving the complaint, customer service first requests photos of the laundry bag from the factory and then asks the consumer to provide photos of the received items for comparison. If it is concluded that the issue was not due to factory negligence, the factory-provided photos are sent to the consumer to clarify the matter. This customer service process requires a lot of manpower and time, seriously lacking in service efficiency!

Perfect AI Customer Service Experience

Siyan Technology Co., Ltd. and the AI team Chester International Ltd. collaborated to create the 'Smart Online Reservation Service System' through data analysis and intelligent customer service, facilitating online appointment and home collection of laundry services and building a 24-hour reservation and customer response service.

The intelligent customer service adopts the latest artificial intelligence deep learning, automatically records each Q&A session, possesses error correction capabilities, and introduces new services like customer service forms, push notifications, customer service robots, and LINE human customer support, greatly improving the convenience of customer contact and confirmation, significantly shortening customer service response times, and also providing more immediate services. Through data analysis, an automated AI membership management strategy is created, effectively increasing consumer repurchase rates and satisfaction.

1-on-1 LINE Human Customer Service

▲1-on-1 LINE Human Customer Service

At-Home Laundry Smart Service System

▲At-Home Laundry Smart Service System

Lowering the barrier to using the service, effectively improving customer service satisfaction!

The dry cleaning brand chain store initially required downloading the APP for use; however, after implementing AI chat-bot technology, it has been converted to only requiring addition to LINE@ for use. The switch in service entry points has already significantly boosted consumer willingness to use during the pilot phase, with corresponding increases in orders and sales.

Future expansions will include online keyword advertising as well as in-store promotions, and a marketing strategy 'Old members invite new friends for discounts' has been planned. The system is also applied to the food and beverage industry, and will continue to be promoted to other suitable industries.

The dry cleaning brand chain store has planned to establish 'small outlets', reducing the personnel needed to check orders and clothes, and has contacted locker services for collaborations to serve customers more broadly.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Taking advantage of green energy business opportunities, Hua Molybdenum Industry creates all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system equipment, the best choice for long-term energy storage

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the future, and before 2010 The government has actively invited legal entities such as the Industrial Research Institute to conduct research on related component materials in solid-state batteries and all-vanadium batteries In addition, the Ministry of Economic Affairs expects renewable energy to account for 20 of power generation in 2025 and reach 15GW Based on the above Considering this, Hua Molybdenum Industry decided to devote all its efforts to research and invest in the technological development of self-developed all-vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte in 2017, in order to accelerate the compliance rate of renewable energy in 2025 Hua Molybdenum pointed out that "renewable energy power is relatively unstable, and Taiwan itself lacks lithium resources In lithium battery manufacturing, almost 80-90 of battery cells must rely on foreign procurement, and there is a lack of 100 domestic self-sufficient energy storage Resources and technology "Similarly, how does Taiwan overcome the problem of having no natural vanadium resources To this end, Hua Molybdenum Industry uses original technology to use waste catalysts from petrochemical industries such as CNPC refineries or Taishuo petrochemical processes Up to 10 of the vanadium ion content can be used to extract high-value vanadium resources, thereby producing Taiwan's 100 self-made all-vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte without being affected by resources, effectively achieving resource recycling Since 2017, Hua Molybdenum Industrial has successfully created all-vanadium flow electrolyte technology, and has successfully passed product verification by the Industrial Research Institute, the Nuclear Research Institute and many international manufacturers Taiwan’s power storage energy target is to reach 15GW in 2025 Its power distribution includes 500MW in Taipower’s automatic frequency regulation system, 500MW in E-dReg and 500MW in existing or newly built solar power plants For example, electricity consumption is mainly between 4 pm and 10 pm, which is the peak period for people's daily electricity consumption For this reason, the Energy Administration specifically requires Taipower to strengthen the upgrade of energy storage equipment, which has also driven the market's interest in all-vanadium redox flow batteries Energy storage system equipment is in high demand In addition, Taiwan's current total power reserve construction and contribution has not yet reached 100MW, and the gap from the 2025 target of 15GW of power storage is still more than 15 times Using all-vanadium redox flow batteries to successfully create 100 safe, low-carbon, environmentally friendly and long-lasting energy storage system equipment Compared with the short-term power storage of lithium batteries, the biggest advantage of all-vanadium redox flow batteries is that it is globally recognized as a long-term power reserve It can store energy for a long time up to 12 hours, which means that if it is charged for 12 hours, It can release power for 12 hours Compared with the electricity measurement method of general energy storage systems, which is daily electricity consumption power in kilowatts x time in hours, for all-vanadium redox flow batteries, power and hours are different Special design, the power is also called a stack, which is composed of four materials metal, polymer mold, carbon felt and graphite plate, and the power consumption time is calculated based on the amount of electrolyte in cubes Therefore, when the power electric push x the amount of electrolyte the daily electricity consumption of our all-vanadium redox flow battery for energy storage The product features of the all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system equipment include four major features safety, long-term performance, not easy to decay during charging and discharging, and sustainable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly The quality of the all-vanadium flow battery is 100 safe Since the electric energy is stored in the vanadium-containing electrolyte, it can avoid any flammable accidents caused by a fully charged energy storage system In terms of battery life, compared to the short battery life of lithium batteries, all-vanadium redox flow batteries can have a battery life of more than 20-25 years through changes in price Regarding the charge and discharge performance of energy storage, unlike lithium batteries which have a certain number of charge and discharge times 5000-600 times, there is no limit to the number of charge and discharge times of all-vanadium redox flow batteries Regarding zero carbon emissions, which is highly valued globally, unlike lithium batteries which have recycling issues, the electrolyte of the all-vanadium redox flow battery can be used permanently The material components of the stack are environmentally friendly and fully recyclable to create a truly sustainable and low-cost Carbon-friendly energy storage system Onshore wind turbine AI prediction smart operation and maintenance allows customers to reduce power generation costs by 10 and save maintenance and warranty costs by up to 30 Hua Molybdenum Industry not only improves the long-term power storage efficiency of renewable energy customers through all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system equipment and helps customers reduce initial purchase costs, but also uses AI smart operation and maintenance empirical calculations for offshore and onshore wind turbines Field demonstrations were drawn on Taipower's onshore wind farm, and we actively accumulated our own technical experience and energy in AI predictive operation and maintenance With the support of the AI HUB project of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the cooperation site will focus on the Phase I wind farm of Taipower Corporation and provide smart operation data of wind turbines for more than 6 months for analysis The AI predictive operation and maintenance system for onshore wind turbines uses machine learning The main technology provider comes from ONYX Insight, a subsidiary of British Petroleum BP The company uses AI Hub analysis software technology to analyze the wind turbines faced by Taipower Pain point analysis, including power generation loss of road-based wind turbines and damage prediction of key components of land-based wind turbines such as gearboxes, pitch bearings under abnormal vibration three-dimensional vibration frequency or abnormal temperature, etc output Through this implementation, it can effectively help Taipower reduce power generation costs by 10, increase asset value by 12, and save up to 30 in maintenance and warranty costs In the past three years, ONYX Insight has successfully predicted and operated more than 20,000 offshore or onshore wind turbines around the world, accumulating extremely high AI model accuracy It is believed that the international partnership established with ONYX Insight will effectively guide and accelerate the green energy division of Hua Molybdenum Industry in its goal and layout to become an independent technology service provider for wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance Works with partner ONYX insight to provide customers with an AI predictive operation and maintenance system, including wind turbine power generation loss and damage prediction of key wind turbine components Building a solid foundation for domestic wind turbine operation and maintenance, using Taiwan as a base to expand to Southeast Asian wind farms The market output value of offshore wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance in Taiwan will exceed NT30 billion in the future, and the energy storage market has an output value of more than 100 billion US dollars globally In the future company vision, Hua Molybdenum Industrial hopes to become An independent technical service provider for vanadium flow battery electrolyte and wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance The long-term goal is to establish a local supply chain of vanadium flow battery electrolytes around the world by accumulating abundant technology and performance capital to supply industry needs nearby 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Even the United Nations is on board! Yoyo Data Application captures global business opportunities with agricultural data

Nearly 2,000 days in the fields have made Yoyo Data Application a top player in Taiwan’s agricultural data sector Their comprehensive grasp of crop yields, production periods, and prices has enabled them to collaborate with the United Nations The service area for agricultural land skyrocketed from 24 hectares to over 6,000 hectares in less than three years—a 250-fold increase For Wu Junxiao, founder and CEO of Yoyo Data Application, aligning with global environmental trends and becoming a data company at the intersection of climate technology and the green economy to serve the global market is his ultimate entrepreneurial goal Wu Junxiao, originally an engineer, joined the Industrial Technology Research Institute in 2010, where he honed his profound technical and data science analytic skills 'At that time, I was working in data analysis engineering, and almost all data-related materials would be directed to me Additionally, I worked on indoor cultivation boxes, planting vegetables and mushrooms, hence planting the seed of entrepreneurship by integrating agriculture with data analysis,' Wu recalls Since 2016, Wu Junxiao has been frequently visiting farms to 'embed' himself among farmers and agricultural researchers, chatting and sharing information systematically, which quickly established his agricultural know-how Solid data analysis capabilities have even convinced the United Nations In 2017, he left the Institute to start his own business and founded Yoyo Data Application in 2019 Today, many agricultural businesses are his clients, with service areas rapidly climbing from 24 hectares to over 6,000 hectares, expected to surpass 7,000 hectares in 2022 His clientele includes markets in Japan, Central America, and even entities under the United Nations like the World Farmers Organization, which utilizes the 'Yoyo Crop Algorithm System' supported by Yoyo Data How exactly does Yoyo Data Application manage to impress even UN agencies The 'Yoyo Crop Algorithm System' developed by Yoyo Data Application accurately predicts the production period, yield, and prices Firstly, due to Wu Junxiao's precise mastery over agricultural data, Yoyo Data Application's clients don't necessarily need sensors or other hardware devices 'Sensors are expensive and if you buy cheap devices, you just collect a lot of noise or flawed data, which is useless,' Wu explains He continues, 'Collecting data doesn't necessarily require sensors our data solutions can solve problems more directly and effectively' For instance, one of Yoyo Data Application's products, the Yoyo Money Report Agri-price Linebot, developed in collaboration with LINE in 2020, gathers data on origin, wholesale, and terminal prices spanning over 10 years, driven by Yoyo Data’s proprietary AI algorithms This enables the system to autonomously learn about agricultural product trading prices, using big data and AI to perform price prediction analysis, thereby helping buyers reduce transaction risks and expanding the data application to the entire agricultural supply chain Regarding banana prices, the accuracy of price predictions increased from the original 70 to 998 Wu Junxiao notes that both buyers and farmers are very sensitive to prices Now, through the Yoyo Money Report service, both buyers and farmers can precisely understand the fluctuations in agricultural product prices Yoyo Data can also provide customers with optimal decision-making advice based on predictive models for crop growth, yield, and price estimations Currently, price predictions cover 28 types of crops Precise estimates of production periods and price fluctuations allow Yoyo Data to provide differentiated services based on data analysis The 'Yoyo Crop Algorithm System' provided by Yoyo Data Application incorporates a 'Parameter Bank', usually collecting 200-300 parameters, not just straightforward data like temperature and humidity, but also data divided according to the physiological characteristics of the crops Through effective dynamic data algorithms, it can accurately calculate when crops will flower and when they can be harvested, what the yield will be, and so forth For instance, the prediction accuracy of the broccoli production period is 0-4 days, with the flowering period predicted this year to be precisely 0 days, perfectly matching the actual flowering time in the field In these dynamic calculations, a 7-day range is considered reasonable, and the average error value of Yoyo Data's predictions typically ranges from 2-4 days, with most crop production period accuracies above 80 Through effective dynamic data algorithms, over 120 global crops can have their production periods and yields accurately estimated Using these effective dynamic data algorithms can set estimates for production quantities, helping adjust at the production end Yoyo Data Application's clientele primarily includes exporters of fruit crops like pineapples, bananas, guavas, mangos, pomelos, sugar apples, Taiwan's agricultural production is highly homogenized, often leading to a rush to plant the same crops and resulting in price crashes Yoyo Data Application helps clients differentiate their offerings Thus, Wu Junxiao positions his company as a boutique digital consultant, carefully selecting clients for quality over quantity He notes that Taiwanese agricultural clients focus on how to improve yield rates, even categorizing yield rates by quality, aiming for high-quality, specialized export markets whereas international clients prioritize maximizing per-unit yields, showing different operational approaches in domestic and international markets In addition to agricultural fruit, Yoyo Data Application has also extended its services to the fisheries sector, including species like milkfish, sea bass, and white shrimp, all using the same system to establish various parameters related to the growth of fish and shrimp, such as when to feed and when to harvest, and the anticipated yield, timing, and prices Yoyo Data Application harnesses the power of data to create miracles in smart agriculture In response to the company's rapid development, Yoyo Data Application introduced venture capital funds in 2021 to expand its staff and promote its business Wu Junxiao states that in response to the global trend towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050, he plans to help clients plant carbon in the soil, effectively retaining carbon in the land while also connecting clients to carbon trading platforms, creating environmental business opportunities together Wu Junxiao says that from the start of his entrepreneurial journey, he positioned the company as a global entity, thus continuous international collaborations are planned As a data company serving a global clientele and focused on climate technology and the green economy, this represents Wu’s expectations for himself and his company's long-term goals Yoyo Data Application founder and CEO Wu Junxiao「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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AI Can Make Coffee! Autonomous Coffee Roasters Relying on AI for Precise Location Setting and Cultivating Loyal Customers

Have you had your morning coffee yet Over the past decade, Taiwan has gradually formed a coffee drinking culture With the advancement of AI technology, autonomous coffee roasters can now rely on AI for precise location setting while also cultivating a loyal customer base Let's see how this is done According to the International Coffee Organization ICO, Taiwanese consume approximately 285 billion cups of coffee annually, with the coffee market in Taiwan estimated at 80 billion TWD, growing about 20 each year In recent years, the 'drinking coffee' culture in Taiwan has become synonymous with popularity, with coffee being the most frequently chosen daily beverage by 65 of the population Coffee enthusiasts, particularly the more avid ones, are willing to pay more for coffee beans that suit their tastes An increasing number of unmanned drink kiosks have also begun to appear in the Taiwanese beverage market Unmanned coffee beverage shops face difficulties in expanding quickly, primarily due to two major issues one is the appropriateness of customer flow and machine placement locations which still rely on manual analysis the second is penetrating the market of mid to high-end coffee lovers accurately AI resolves two major challenges for autonomous coffee roasters suitable placement and cultivating a loyal customer base To tackle these issues and help autonomous coffee roasters quickly break into the market, Raysharp Electronics intends to implement AI for people flow counting analysis and unfamiliar face recognition These technologies aim to calculate the crowd size at potential roaster locations and classify consumers by gender and age for more precise market analysis They also provide multiple choices for the roasting of raw coffee beans, offering a more customized service tailored to the needs and tastes of professional coffee aficionados with a pack of 'high-quality roasted beans' Since 2018, the rise of unmanned stores has been mainly due to owners wanting to reduce persistently rising rent and personnel costs However, the initial assessment of store locations still requires hourly labor expenses for manual estimation of customer flow, leading to possible miscalculations of both on-site consumers and passerby traffic These inaccuracies may prevent precise real-time analysis of customer flow, or even misguided estimations of operational efficacy after a trial run, thus missing the optimal timing for loss-preventing location retraction Raysharp Electronics introduces autonomous coffee roasters equipped with AI-based people counting analysis and facial recognition Raysharp Electronics combines AI people counting analysis and facial recognition with the coffee trend known as 'black gold', addressing the preferences of numerous coffee connoisseurs in Taiwan who enjoy personally selecting coffee beans at bulk stores and frequenting high-quality grinding cafes or chain coffee shops A new concept for the first autonomous coffee roaster offering choices based on the origin, variety, and roasting methods of coffee beans has emerged AI coffee roasters enhance customer loyalty and materials management efficiency by 20 For the advanced development of autonomous coffee roasters, Raysharp Electronics engineers have equipped the AI NVIDIA development platform on the basis of TCNNFacenet Through AI, tens of thousands of images related to gender and age are used for sample training, allowing even first-time coffee roasting customers to be easily classified using unfamiliar face recognition This gains consumer trust, enhances willingness to use, and allows for recording purchase information and future product recommendations, leading to consumer purchase behavior analysis This information helps owners tailor future material preparation based on consumer preferences for different coffee beans, reducing raw material transportation and storage issues, and improving material management efficiency by 20 Moreover, by placing these autonomous coffee roasters in high-traffic areas, owners can use cameras to capture the crowd and assess whether the machine location has an adequate customer base, quickly analyzing whether to reposition the machines, and more easily targeting the best locations for middle and high-end coffee lovers The unmanned coffee roaster features a professional roasting mode interface, providing options based on the origin and variety of coffee beans, their roasting methods light, medium, deep, and related temperature, wind speed, and timing settings If improvement needs arise during the process, engineers can adjust firmware parameters and also assist in integration with the owner's ordering system Staff members briefly describe the operation of the autonomous coffee roaster 'Black Gold' penetrates deeper into coffee shops, science parks, and commercial buildings through AI This autonomous coffee roaster targets coffee connoisseurs and can be placed in middle to high-end coffee shops to roast more customized coffee beans than those available in bulk stores Upon completing a batch of coffee beans, it immediately provides them to professional technicians within the coffee shops for grinding and manual brewing The remaining roasted beans can also be taken home for brewing and enjoyment It also adds value to coffee shops by better understanding consumer preferences for coffee beans and launching more customer-attracting drink promotions and appropriate inventory management In addition to coffee shops, the autonomous coffee roaster can also utilize AI-based people counting analysis to precisely set up near scientific parks and commercial buildings, offering high-quality coffee beans for office brewing to internal employees with high coffee consumption needs Furthermore, implementing a physical membership system can initiate coffee bean purchase promotions or periodic payment incentives, thus attracting new clients and cultivating existing customer loyalty and retention The operation interface of the smart autonomous coffee roaster「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」