
110 Annual Industrial AI Implementation Demonstration and Diffusion Application Instructions

Origin of the project

In order to effectively accelerate the introduction of AI application technology in the industry, industrial AI implementation demonstration and diffusion application work is encouraged to encourage industry players based on industrial AI technology needs and introduction readiness. Combining appropriate data collection and analysis to produce common solutions, assist in connecting AI innovation technology with industry demand issues, and gather the energy of AI startups, data service providers, information communications providers and industries in various fields to use hardware to act as an economic thrust. Software acts as a pulling force, linking the energy of international partners to promote the gradual implementation of AI in the industry and the implementation of the AI ​​industry to achieve the vision of a smart country.

Project Application

1. Subsidy Scope

(1) Encourage AI technology service providers or asset service providers to Common needs are to develop AI technologies and solutions.

(2) Encourage enterprises to develop AI application products or solutions with high added value and competitiveness for international export sales.

(3) Encourage the manufacturing or service industries in specific fields, combine the cooperation between upstream and downstream supply chain operators or service alliances, and improve the efficiency and introduction benefits of AI technology through data cooperation among members, and spread specific other companies in the field.


2. Application Categories

(1) The subsidy categories announced in this announcement include "Early Industrial Application Demonstration" and "Industrial Chain Integration" There are two categories of "Application Model". Applicants can only choose one category to apply for and are not allowed to apply for both categories at the same time.

(2) Applicants must work with project partners, outsourcing units, etc. to participate in the development of AI application technology in accordance with the project content.

(3) Category 1: Early Industrial Application Implementation Demonstration

Category 1 will be divided into two sub-categories: "AI application technology introduction" and "software technology upgrade", which are explained below.

1. Introduction of AI application technology

(1) Industries in specific fields, based on the common needs of the industry, jointly develop and introduce AI application technology and solutions through data cooperation and circulation By introducing multiple AI application technologies into a single production line or introducing a single AI application technology into multiple verification fields, it is expected to drive the overall industry operating performance in the field, promote and diffuse AI solutions, and drive industry upgrading in the field.

(2) This project requires AI technology companies (AI service providers) to cooperate with at least one "field verification company" to integrate the common needs of industrial AI application technology and introduce research and development of AI application technology.

 2. Software technology upgrade

 (1) Information service providers independently develop AI intelligent integration platforms to provide data processing, development tools, artificial intelligence model training, and operation monitoring etc., so that the information service industry has the ability to develop AI products and management, and at the same time provide AI companies with an AI application research and development environment, and introduce platforms and AI applications into field verification units to drive enterprise upgrades and promote the software industry and information service providers' own technologies. Ability upgrades.

 (2) This project must be independently developed by an "AI technology company/AI data service provider" to develop an AI smart application platform that integrates the joint efforts of at least one AI data service provider or AI start-up company Develop AI application models and import the AI ​​application models into at least one "field verification company".

(4) Category 2: Industrial chain integration application model

1. Enterprise groups or large factories integrate supply chain needs, data and other resources, and integrate them into various enterprises in the group, across factories or on the Internet. , downstream supply chain, and introduce multiple AI application technologies at the same time to improve production efficiency, reduce costs, promote industrial upgrading, etc., and use this experience to develop AI application products and AI application solutions with high added value and international export competitiveness. , or AI smart integration platform to expand domestic and overseas business opportunities.

2. Proposal companies in this category must be able to integrate the needs of at least five or more related companies, factories or supply chains, introduce multiple AI application technologies and support spin-off companies and new startups during the execution of the plan. Complete the implementation and diffusion of AI.

3. Application Qualifications

(1) Domestic sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships or companies registered in accordance with the law shall not be mainland-owned enterprises announced by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

(2) If the applicant company is not a bank account, its net worth should be positive.

(3) Applicants shall apply for one case this year and have received less than two subsidies from this program in total within three years.

(4) Applicants must cooperate with the service team planned by the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Industry Promotion Group (SIG) selected by the announcement ( Announcement website: aihub.org.tw/bulletin/56aff89d91e90e21aafe16146c6343be), and complete the signing of the Industry Promotion Group (SIG) MOU before proceeding with the proposal.

1. List of 110-year service groups:

(1) North District Service Group: Information Industry Promotion Association

(2) Central District Service Group: Taichung Computer Business Association

(3) Southern District Service Group: National Sun Yat-sen University Southern District Industrial Development Promotion Research Center

(4) Information Technology Service Group: Republic of China Information Software Association

2. List of 110-year Industry Promotion Group (SIG):

(1) Storeless Retail Business Association of the Republic of China

(2) China Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry Association

(3) Taipei Medical Equipment Business Association

(4) Taiwan Water Environment Regeneration Association

(5) Taiwan Optoelectronic Semiconductor Industry Association

(6) Taiwan Optical Industry Association

(7) Taiwan Surface Treatment Industry Association

(8) Taiwan Smart Security Industry Association

(9) Taiwan Intelligent Fishing and Lighting Association

(10) Taiwan Yacht Industry Association

*Note 2: Mainland-owned enterprises are identified according to the commercial and industrial registration information of the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs Please refer to the equity status of the inquiry service or the list of mainland investment enterprises in Taiwan by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
*Note 3: The determination of the company's net worth is based on the audit report of the accountant's financial visa for the most recent year at the time of application; if there is no audit report of the accountant's visa, the profit-seeking enterprise income tax settlement declaration (cover and profit and loss statement) , balance sheet) financial statements shall prevail; if the company was registered and established in the year of plan application, the audit report on the company's registered capital and the latest accountant's mid-term audit report or one month before the application shall be used. Replace with self-prepared financial statements (if it is a new company less than one year old, use the latest "Business Tax Return", the latest "Number of Insured Persons in the Labor Insurance Payment List" and "Taxpayer Violation and Tax Arrears Checklist" instead ; If the company's net worth was originally negative and the capital was increased recently, the "electronic scanned file of the third-party accountant's visa" within 2 months before the deadline for receipt should be used instead). Due to the capital increase before the project application, the interim financial statements have been transferred. If it is a positive value, it is deemed to comply with the application requirements.

IV. Application time, collection location and contact window

(1) Project application deadline

The application period is from the announcement date to 110-04 The deadline is 3:00 pm on Thursday, November 15th, based on the delivery location.

If sent by registered mail, it must still be delivered before the deadline, so please pay attention to the shipping time.

(2) Planned delivery location

Sending address: 3rd Floor, No. 2, Section 3, Bade Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105608.

Remarks: Please indicate "110-Year AI Smart Application Service Development Environment Promotion Plan-Industrial AI Implementation Demonstration and Diffusion Application Operation" on the envelope.

(3) Service window:

Taipei Computer Association

Miss Su (02) 2577-4249 extension 801; Contact Email: misc_su@mail.tca.org.tw

Ms. Yang (02) 2577-4249 extension 375; Contact Email: anna_yang@mail.tca.org.tw

Mr. Lai (02) 2577-4249 extension 827; Contact Email: grayson@mail.tca.org.tw

Ms. Lin (02) 2577-4249 extension 386; Contact Email: naomilin@mail.tca.org.tw

Key points of review

The review committee will follow the following Review the key points, review the submitted materials, and select the best candidates.

(1) Category 1: Evidence of early industrial application implementation

1. Introduction of AI application technology

2. Software technology upgrade

(2) Category 2: Industrial chain integration application model

(3) Bonus points

If the proposal applicant meets the following matters, please attach relevant supporting documents as additional points during review Sub-project reference basis

1. The proposal applicant has an AI patent or technology verification certificate, and submits a patent certificate as evidence.

2. The customers expected to be cooperated and expanded during the planning period shall be representative of their industry or be international enterprises.

3. Complete the MOU signing or contract with the planned partner companies (including AI technology companies or service companies, field verification companies, and new entrepreneurs).

For detailed instructions and document downloads, Please visit the application announcement website: aisubsidy.tca.org.tw

*Please read the application instructions and precautions carefully before registering. If there are any matters that are not covered, the organizer and execution unit reserve the right to make modifications and additions (including any changes to the event), except in accordance with relevant legal provisions. changes, updates, modifications), and use the project website : aisubsidy.tca.org.tw announcement is based on.

File download

110 Years of Industrial AI Implementation Demonstration and Diffusion Application Operation_Application Instructions

110 Years of Industrial AI Implementation Demonstration and Diffusion Application Assignment_Related Forms

110 Years of Industrial AI Implementation Demonstration and Diffusion Application Assignment_Briefing Outline (Category 1: Early Industrial Application Implementation Demonstration_AI Application Technology Introduction)

110 Years of Industrial AI Implementation Demonstration and Diffusion Application Assignment_Presentation Outline (Category 1: Early Industrial Application Implementation Demonstration_Software Service Upgrade)

110 years of industrial AI implementation verification and diffusion application work _Presentation Outline (Category 2: Industry Chain Integration Application Model)

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