
【2021 Solutions】 Xinli Information, a practitioner of technology, is committed to quickly implementing AI.

"Hi~ I am Afa. It is my birthday this month. This year I will give you a birthday gift~" This is Cathay World Bank's smart customer service Afa, which has been implemented in the five major subsidiaries of Cathay Financial Holdings, except In addition to a customer satisfaction rate of 94%, it has also brought a new group of young customers to Cathay Financial Holdings. This intelligent robot was jointly developed by Xinli Information. Through AI supervised training and a purely locally developed dual-brain one process, SysTalk . The ai service robot can achieve more powerful language understanding than Google Bert. Xinli Information has created the local SysTalk.ai brand and exported it internationally. It hopes that the proportion of overseas revenue will increase from 15% to 50% in the next five years.

Technology-oriented Xinli Information strengthens the strength of the local AI team

Xinli Information, founded in 2005, is a "technology"-oriented information software service provider that focuses on the research and development of digital financial technology. The highest proportion of customer groups is in the financial industry, accounting for 65%, and the remaining 35% includes Government agencies, high-tech industries, transportation, such as Beijing Municipal Government, Ubike, etc.

Xinli Information continues to develop its own technology. "Five years ago, bank customers needed customer service intelligent robots. After Xinli introduced intelligent robots from the United States, they almost dismantled and reorganized them and re-created independently developed customer service robots." Xinli Information Information general manager Yao Shengfu went on to say that the bank's requirements are very high, and Xinli engineers worked day and night to launch SysTalk.Chat - an intelligent customer service robot solution that uses next-generation NLU technology for semantic analysis and Chatflow (conversation process engine) to provide the most flexibility chat function. At this stage, it has been introduced by Cathay Pacific Group into its five major subsidiaries including banking, life insurance, property and casualty insurance, investment credit and securities. The intelligent customer service "Afa" provides one-stop service and creates a new working model of human-machine collaboration.

Xinli Information outlines an AI solution blueprint for the digital workforce

▲Xinli Information outlines the AI ​​solution blueprint for the digital workforce.

After having successful experience, Yao Shengfu said that as global investment in AI R&D technology teams doubled, Xinli became a The only AI conversational robot on the market equipped with dual NLU algorithms, accelerating the goal of Taiwan's local model to be on par with international standards.

Currently, Xinli Information has 550 employees, including 60 people in the AI ​​team, accounting for one-tenth of the total. Combining the global open source community, Xinli Information uses SysTalk.ai developed by Taiwan's local team to create "eyes (machine vision and facial recognition), ears (speech recognition), mouth (speech synthesis, TPS), brain (natural language) Understand NLU)" 4 major AI models, and through SysTalk.RPA - RPA automated process robots, we hope to create Taiwan's AI digital workforce and provide end-to-end solutions. At the same time, for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited resources, Xinli also provides cloud solutions. Lower the threshold for digital transformation and prepare for the industry to quickly move towards digital transformation after the epidemic.

Xinli Information dual-brain analysis conversational service uses multiple AI technology applications.

▲Xinli Information dual-brain analysis conversational service uses a number of AI technology applications.

There are so many new AI innovations in Taiwan. What are the characteristics of Xinli’s AI solutions? Yao Shengfu said that considering AI as a product line, even if the technical depth is sufficient, it will be difficult to achieve if the integration and implementation capabilities are insufficient. Most of the customers Xinli serves are large enterprises. Customers require technology manufacturers to be able to implement technology customization and help customers highlight their value. In addition, Xinli has always attached great importance to the quality of follow-up services, which is the key to Xinli Information's success. .

However, even though it emphasizes the "technology-based" service spirit, Xinli Information also cooperates with FinTech companies to implement technologies and ideas in actual customer application scenarios, so that Taiwan's FinTech energy can exert a synergistic effect, such as Xinli cooperates with the StockTime cloud innovative service platform to jointly provide more convenient and secure SaaS stock management services, and plans to provide more financial applications on the platform through blockchain technology.

Hard skills + soft power to cultivate a key talent pool for digital transformation

"Digital talents" are an important asset in the software industry. In addition, financial holding groups have established digital finance-related departments, and the war for talents is constantly going on. In order to cultivate local professional talents, Xinli Information has formulated a six-month "IT "Xinxiu Elite Training Plan" provides educational training on technical skills in the first three months; in the second three months, personnel are assigned to various departments to actually participate in projects. Through the instructor's step-by-step guidance, the trainees can quickly implement AI In the project plan, hundreds of professional talents have been trained so far.

After cultivating "hard skills in the first three months and soft skills in the next three months", Yao Shengfu believes that he is not enough to serve as a consultant for industrial digital transformation. It will take another three years or so to be able to serve customers. Make recommendations for transformation. However, the members of the Xinli Information AI department are quite diverse, including journalists and linguistics related people. We hope to provide suggestions on transformation solutions for various industries through participants in different fields.

▲Talent is an important asset. Xinli Information uses hard skills + soft power to cultivate a key talent pool for digital transformation. The picture (middle) is Lin Xiuming, deputy general manager of Xinli Information AI Product Business Division.

Xinli Information wants algorithms to go out of the laboratory and no longer just be words on research reports. Therefore, we actively promote it to enterprises and hope to create algorithm applications in different industries and scenarios, so that the algorithm can take root in enterprises and become a real AI helper. In addition, Xinli is also based on Taiwan's successful experience and promotes it to other overseas markets, including Vietnam, Singapore, Seattle, USA, etc., so that vertical enterprise AI services can be implemented and provided to more countries and enterprises. Yao Shengfu pointed out that it is really necessary for the government to gather all the outstanding software service forces in Taiwan to develop Taiwan's software ecosystem.

In the next five years, the proportion of overseas revenue will increase to 50%, moving towards an international company

With the expansion of operation scale, the company has more than 100 large and small projects in progress at the same time, and the challenges of project quality and cost control are getting bigger and bigger. Through the self-built enterprise resource management system, Yao Shengfu can now understand the cost/progress status of each project in real time through the dashboard lights, and can also control quality and understand customer satisfaction through the audit system.

In terms of human resources management, we also hope to analyze the basic skills of each employee in the future, and establish an AI model talent database through the trajectory of serving customers, so that suitable employees can be matched to different customers. Further enhance customer service satisfaction.

Since 2017, Xinli Information has successively established overseas bases in Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The Vietnamese market has achieved outstanding results in 2021. In addition to continuing to cultivate the Southeast Asian market, which has a promising future, it has also simultaneously attempted to enter the European and American market channels. , keep pace with international manufacturers. Xinli Information hopes to use Taiwan's talents and software services to serve more customers in Southeast Asia and around the world. In the next five years, the proportion of revenue from overseas markets will increase from 15% to 50%, becoming an international company.

Yao Shengfu, general manager of Xinli Information

▲Yao Shengfu, general manager of Xinli Information.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【解決方案】滴水不漏的智慧工安巡檢 鑫蘊林科Linker Vision的影像分析AI平台 創造巡檢時間從100分鐘降至3秒新紀錄
Watertight smart industrial safety inspection Linker Vision’s image analysis AI platform sets a new record of inspection time reduced from 100 minutes to 3 seconds

With the rise of smart manufacturing, there is a demand for industrial safety inspections in high-risk industries such as chemical, energy, and electrical industries Take pipeline inspection in the chemical industry as an example It relies heavily on manual regular inspection and monitoring, and lacks intelligent monitoring by a professional AI team This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but may also cause accidental risks to employees in various industrial safety environments The image analysis AI platform developed by Xinyun Linke not only improves employee personal safety and reduces risk factors, but also significantly reduces the time for human visual inspection of pipeline abnormalities from an average of 100 minutes to 3 seconds Paul Shieh, founder and chairman of Linker Vision Co, Ltd Linker Vision, said, "The overall technological development and progress in the United States comes from entrepreneurship Linker Vision's original intention to start a business in Taiwan has been I hope that through my past experience in entrepreneurship in the United States, I can introduce the American entrepreneurial spirit and culture to Taiwan's budding entrepreneurial fertile ground and truly implement it "American entrepreneurial culture encourages employees to value ownership and emphasizes that employees regard themselves as owners of the company Be a part of the company, with a work attitude and spirit that would be better than mine The company's achievements are your own achievements, breaking the original employer-employee relationship The company will reward outstanding employees with stocks, share the glory together, and establish a partnership with employees Partnership On the other hand, Taiwan still has room for efforts in entrepreneurial culture and management, and it retains the traditional thinking of employers and employees It is expected that Xinyun Linke's establishment of American entrepreneurial culture and values in Taiwan will serve as a starting point to drive more domestic new companies to follow suit, and then Only by upgrading the business constitution of new software AI entrepreneurs can they break out of the cocoon and go global Facing the market, most international players focus on developing AI models and algorithms They are less willing to invest in data-centered Data-Centric AI services They think that processing large amounts of 2D or 3D data is quite time-consuming It’s also energy-consuming Seeing the gap in AI technology and encouraged by Microsoft, Xinyunlinke decided to fully invest in Data-Centric's AI technology layout and deep roots many years ago, and specialize in technical energy in data processing, filtering and accuracy Therefore, Become an important partnership with Microsoft for AI technology supply In addition, due to the gap in industrial demand, domestic large factories, whose strength is chemical manufacturing, still rely heavily on manpower for inspection of pipelines in the factory, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive However, in order to cater to the AI industry, the owner reorganized the IT department originally engaged in database management and control into an AI team However, due to the owner's lack of professional experience in AI software technology, AI models and related domain know-how, the owner introduced AI implementation Industrial safety monitoring in the chemical industry is even more challenging The world's first AI automatic labeling technology surpasses manual labeling and can visually identify objects with an accuracy of over 95 In terms of AI technology power, Xinyunlinke has launched the world's first dual-core innovative technology of automatic labeling Auto-labeling and automatic machine learning to create an efficient and stable image analysis AI platform to provide customers with the best Advanced and complete AI solutions In terms of automatic annotation, this AI technology can overcome the most difficult challenge in deep learning, which is to provide customers with the highest quality training data Taking self-driving cars as an example, how to enable one self-driving car to effectively identify another car is the importance of labeling In the past labeling methods, we first needed to collect digital images of millions of vehicles, roads, signs, and pedestrians, and spent a lot of manpower Manually labeling one image at a time was time-consuming, labor-intensive, high in labor cost, and inefficient Through automatic labeling AI technology, combined with automatic machine learning to automatically label digital images, AI can exclude human error labeling and then throw the correct data into the vehicle's brain for vehicle identification Compared with manual labeling accuracy of only 60, the accuracy of automatically labeling and identifying objects with AI can be as high as over 95 It can also reduce manual labeling time by more than 80 and save at least 80 of labor costs AI automatically marks AI behavior recognition for high-altitude operations In the automatic machine learning part, Xinyunlinke established an AI visual model with continuous learning capabilities to adapt to data changes By optimizing the overall development process, from AI data ingestion and filtering Data Selection to AI labeling AI Labeling , model training and verification, deployment and monitoring, so that AI computer vision can continue to learn more quickly and easily Automatic machine learning can currently be applied to different business cases such as object identification and counting, personnel entry and exit security detection, product defect detection, people flow identification, product shortages on shelves, etc Looking at domestic companies such as TSMC, Formosa Plastics and Hon Hai towards intelligent AI management and purchasing a large number of cameras to meet the image recognition needs of industrial safety surveillance, coupled with the introduction caused by the unfamiliarity of existing customer organizations with AI applications Thresholds and preliminary preparations for image recognition include complicated workflows such as data screening and annotation To this end, Xinyunlinke has been committed to accelerating the development of AI computer vision applications in recent years, providing client-to-end services, and can flexibly deploy according to customer needs Complete automated AI solution services in the cloud, on-premises, or cloud on-premises Xie Yuanbao said that the AI automation technology process provides data selection Data Selection AI technology through domain-type pictures given by customers, helping customers automatically filter out precise such as 10,000 transactions from a large amount of data such as 1 million transactions Data, and by using the AI algorithm technology of Auto-Labeling to replace manual labeling, it can effectively save customers a lot of labor costs and achieve efficient data labeling processing In addition, the AI technology of automated machine learning can help clients customize automatic AI model training or repeated training when the factory environment changes, providing more accurate AI models and allowing customers to operate autonomously Through the above-mentioned key features and advantages of the automated AI technology provided by Xinyunlinke, we believe that it can definitely meet the needs of customers for an automated end-to-end AI independent learning platform, and at the same time, it can significantly save customers the cost of AI team establishment In terms of technological competitiveness, in addition to providing the chemical industry with AI image analysis applications in smart industrial safety, Xie Yuanbao said that Xinyunlinke can also extend the process application of automatic annotation and automated machine learning to different industrial landing services, such as Various fields such as self-driving cars, smart warehousing self-propelled robots and self-driving buses in future smart cities are all in line with the spirit of automated mobility of Mobility as a Service We look forward to the role played by Xinyunlinke The process of image annotation in different industries accelerates the efficiency of developing image recognition services in different fields We believe that by providing client-to-end AI solutions and a complete set of automated AI image analysis pre-operation processes from Data Selection AI technology, Auto-Labeling AI technology, and automated machine learning AI technology, we can greatly satisfy our customers The demand for AI autonomous learning platform Image analysis AI platform sets a new record for smart industrial safety inspections from 100 minutes to 3 seconds Seeing the high demand for industrial safety supervision in high-risk industries such as the chemical industry in recent years, Xinyunlinke launched the "Vision AI Platform", which uses AI image recognition technology Its main functions include real-time AI streaming It has four major functions detection, event notification, defining customer-specific AI models and continuous learning In the real-time AI stream detection part, the Vision AI system can use the customer's factory camera combined with the AI module to perform real-time stream detection of AI image events It can help customers manage various operations and factory environments and keep track of them anytime and anywhere Various work situations in terms of event notification, the Vision AI platform can provide a web version or APP or LINE instant messaging software to provide customers with video records of the events at that time, so that the team does not miss any events, maintains daily production capacity and reduces accidents in defining customers In terms of exclusive AI models, a variety of basic AI models are available, including 8 detection scenarios electronic fences, personal safety equipment, construction safety equipment, construction operations, personnel counting, screen availability, smoke detection, pipeline corrosion and damage , illegal stacking for use in different industries, customers can build exclusive AI models without spending time writing programs in the continuous learning part, the Vision AI system can provide customers with the performance and accuracy of AI models, and have the ability to adapt as the environment changes Continuous learning ability Vision AI has a simple user interface and intuitive operation For cross-field industries, this platform has automated and flexible AI capabilities Customers can build self-defined AI models without spending time writing programs, and Vision AI gives AI models the ability to continuously learn and improve, allowing customers to save the labor cost of building an AI team In addition, the platform can significantly reduce the manpower allocation for routine inspections required for operational safety management, improve employee safety in the working environment, and reduce on-site accidentsrisk factors at various work sites In the platform operation mode, customers can reduce the risk of manual monitoring operations through remote operations, ensuring normal work operations and uninterrupted production operations They can also review high-risk operating situations and collect data to assist in the planning and correction of operating processes In addition, in order to ensure that customers comply with government regulations, Vision AI can help customers control the equipment and safety regulations required in different workplaces at any time through the platform's event notification and management detection The image analysis AI platform is used in cross-field AI image recognition technology Generally, for industrial safety inspections in the chemical industry, most rely on the naked eye of personnel to regularly inspect pipeline abnormalities It takes an average of 100 minutes to scan an area each time, which is time-consuming and laborious, and the pipeline location is difficult to visually observe, which may cause Employees are exposed to accidental risks in various work safety environments In order to reduce the pain points of industrial safety inspections in the chemical industry, Xinyunlinke assists well-known domestic chemical industry players by using an automated image analysis AI platform, combined with customized virtual electronic fences, and using in-plant cameras to configure AI pipeline leakage modules , the AI automatic inspection method can effectively reduce the abnormal detection time to less than 3 seconds In addition, cameras deployed in the factory can automatically record inspection schedules to achieve full-time monitoring, allowing customers to instantly discover and fully control pipelines, minimizing risks In addition, the automated image analysis AI platform can help customers apply fire warnings in factories It is conservatively estimated that the return on investment can be less than 9 months to pay back the investment The longer the platform is used, the higher the cost-effectiveness Build an automatic learning image analysis AI platform for Mobility as a Service in various fields Xie Yuanbao observed that the biggest challenge facing the entrepreneurial culture of software companies in Taiwan is that young new entrepreneurs or employees in Taiwan do not understand the entrepreneurial model and lack the awareness to regard themselves as part of the company owners This has caused It is a pity that your future is unclear or you have a past-experience mentality that prevents you from staying competent in a new start-up company for a long time I believe that the essence of true entrepreneurship lies in every employee rolling up their sleeves and working hard, so that they can truly enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurial profits Otherwise, for young entrepreneurs or employees who often change tracks, it will be like a rolling stone that gathers no moss , I am unable to take a deep root on the road of entrepreneurship, and I lose my ability to solidly accumulate financial independence Regarding the business promotion challenges of Xinyun Linke, Xie Yuanbao said with emotion that because the Taiwan market does not have a deep understanding of AI software applications, it relies more on open source AI visual analysis or machine learning and other resources on the market, but in fact These AI technology resources are limited in their ability to support customers' AI model needs, resulting in uneven quality of AI visual analysis software in the market Therefore, the impact is more indirect on Xinyunlinke's ability to truly provide customers with professional and data-centric AI image analysis services, and it also reduces the company's original business value in customer reference In terms of technical research and development challenges, the visual analysis AI platform cannot rely solely on AI model experts It must gather talents in various fields such as cloud, machine learning, data science, front-end and back-end and other professional team combinations to make the platform operate successfully Xie Yuanbao said that he believes that only through the automatic learning of the visual analysis AI platform, automatic fast and accurate data processing capabilities, and providing customers with complete AI solution services in the cloud, cloud ground Hybrid to pure ground, can we truly Convince customers and stand out from the competition Looking to the future, Xie Yuanbao hopes that Xinyunlin Technology can build an image analysis AI platform for Mobility as a Service to automatically learn in various fields such as self-driving cars, smart warehousing robots, and unmanned buses in smart cities At the same time, I am also grateful to the support of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for the smooth landing of Xinyunlin Technology in Taiwan and the opportunity to recruit talents from all walks of life to work together In the short-term layout, the company will actively cooperate with domestic players such as Hon Hai and TSMC to implement image analysis AI technology in fields such as self-driving cars, smart industrial safety, and smart warehousing robots In the medium to long term, Xinyunlinke will target the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries as its global market layout, establish investment and cooperation partnerships with major international companies such as Microsoft, and replicate its successful experience and promote it internationally Xinyunlinke official website Xie Yuanbao, founder and chairman of Xinyunlinke 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】破壞式創新商模 奇翼醫電推出行動醫療裝置- 心電圖傳感器 打造遠距醫療當中最後一塊拼圖
Disruptive innovative business model Qiyi Medical Electronics launches mobile medical device-ECG sensor to create the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine

With the advent of the post-epidemic era, the development of global telemedicine is in the ascendant, which has greatly increased the demand for smart medical technology in decentralized medicine Among them, if mobile medical devices can provide real-world at home or outside the hospital data for use in hospitals, it is believed that it will reduce the burden of diagnosis and treatment on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenses To this end, Singular Wings Medical has launched a comprehensive telemedicine solution, which combines excellent wearable mobile medical device design, innovative software development, AI algorithms and cloud platform services, and will become the last piece of telemedicine puzzle David Lee, the founder and general manager of Qiyi Medical Electronics, said that his original intention to start the business was because he witnessed Taiwan's long-term pursuit of low-cost mass production, which led to the continuous decline in the value of the industry For example, in the past thirty years, The output value of the former Silicon Valley was similar to that of Taiwan's Hsinchu Science Park, but thirty years later, the output value of Silicon Valley reached US14 trillion at the end of 2020, while the output value of Hsinchu Science Park was less than NT15 trillion at the end of 2021 Seeing Silicon Valley's sensitivity to industry needs and disruptive innovations such as Uber, Airbnb, industry trends and the post-epidemic era have driven a surge in telemedicine services, thereby creating high industry value, so I started a business at the age of 45 and conceived how to combine it with Taiwan After more than ten years of accumulated industrial advantages and Silicon Valley's innovative model, we decided to help Taiwan's industry upgrade and find a new path through the integration of the medical industry, ICT technology industry and innovative business models Seeing that Taiwan has always been a gathering place for the most elite talents in the medical industry and electronics and electrical industry, I believe that through the combination of the two and innovative business models, we can have the opportunity to follow Silicon Valley and create a different business According to Taiwan’s Communication Diagnosis and Treatment Methods, Taiwan’s market demand for telemedicine is divided into two situations emergency such as COVID-19 and special necessity such as special geographical locations such as outlying islands or mountains It is allowed Carry out communication medical diagnosis In fact, the development of global telemedicine decentralized medicine is in the ascendant, but the demand for smart medical technology to meet decentralized medicine still needs to be realized In addition to the medical technology gap, it also includes medical treatment flow, patient identification, remote Remote consultation and collection are fueling the push for smart medical technology Li Weizhong observed that for telemedicine decentralized medicine to be successfully implemented, it is best to use telemedicine devices that are used outside the hospital or at home and are easily available in daily life Among them, the data of the device is the key It can provide doctors with out-of-hospital real-world data Real World Data or Real World Evidence that they can trust and apply, so that they can improve their diagnosis and treatment methods In fact, this type of telemedicine device is not popular, making remote medical care difficult to complete In addition, as the number of wearable devices such as bracelets and watches increases, most of the data that these devices can truly provide is insufficient for medical purposes and is not easy to validate and verify Li Weizhong said that people are paying more and more attention to health awareness, which is a positive encouragement for telemedicine devices He believes that as long as there is an appropriate business model and the right way to cooperate with hospitals and doctors can reduce the burden on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenditures, Qi Yi Medical Electronics will definitely have the opportunity to become the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine Founded in 2015, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ core team consists of 22 diversified professionals, including young engineers with medical, engineering and information backgrounds and experienced entrepreneurs, working together to create an overall solution for remote healthcare The solution includes hardware design, software development and backend cloud platform services for the mobile medical device Beatinfor Health electrocardiogram sensor Electrocardiogram ECG is one of the most important vital signs body temperature, pulse, respiration and physiological data of the human body, which can reflect various physiological changes in the human body, such as cardiovascular health, inflammation, infection, bleeding, injury or anxiety index changes For this core concept, Qiyi Medical is committed to using wearable electrocardiograms as its core technology, while collecting important vital signs and environmental parameters such as electrocardiograms, and building AI algorithm systems and backend cloud platform services based on big data and machine learning to help solve remote problems Specific chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, sleep problems, and metabolic diseases are the most important in medical treatment Electrocardiogram sensor continuous physiological data monitoring reduces the risk of death in acute heart failure patients by 11 within 30 days after discharge In order to realize remote medical services, Qiyi Medical Electronics has launched a complete set of remote medical care solutions, including wearable mobile medical devices-electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG, BEATINFO HEALTH APP, and AI algorithms , web pages and BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform The BEATINFO ECG sensor is an exclusive device for the BEATINFO HEALTH APP health cloud platform It can be used continuously for 40 hours when fully charged The device is only 15g This sensor can collect the user's electrocardiogram, respiration, and skin temperature through a patch or chest strap , body movements, postures and environmental parameters Currently, BEATINFO ECG sensor has 8 patents in the United States and Taiwan, and won 2 German iF Design Awards in 2017 Mobile medical device-electrocardiogram sensor can provide continuous physiological data monitoring In terms of overall technical features, the BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has four key physiological data detection characteristics continuity, long-range, real-time and dynamic In terms of operation, users can download the BEATINFO HEALTH APP on Android or iOS systems Its interface can provide physiological data status, order health assessment reports such as one-day sleep assessment report or cardiovascular health assessment report, and high-intensity exercise test Cardiovascular assessment reports, third-party remote medical consultation services and other functions Users use patch-type or chest-strap ECG sensors paired with end-to-cloud platforms for continuous physiological detection Before being transmitted to the cloud for further calculations, all data will be de-identified and made available to professionals Data reports are provided for physician judgment The BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has powerful noise filtering processing capabilities, fast waveform recognition and judgment, as well as highly complex cloud architecture and communication technology Why is the noise filter processing capability so important Because medical equipment in general hospitals must require users to complete short-term measurements under static conditions Usually, data in life situations outside the hospital cannot be collected by the hospital, and this data is very important to doctors It is increasingly important to understand the progression of the disease and the condition of patients leaving the hospital Therefore, if we continue to record very weak ECG signals in daily life, we actually need to overcome a very high technical threshold After these signals are processed by the noise, they will first be judged by the AI algorithm before preliminary and rapid conclusions can be made Users can instantly avoid certain fatal risks The cloud architecture provides a deeper level of second-order computing and also covers the business model architecture It provides service models such as user management, automatic report generation, record keeping, alarm notifications, and connection with more services such as third-party alarms Emergency rescue, third-party medical consultation, doctor and patient docking, medical treatment cash flow and other functions In terms of competitive advantages in the industry, compared with the industry's braceletwatch products, Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG provides accurate medical-level measurements, and can continuously record and collect physiological data, improving any Sudden or sporadic symptoms may occur Compared with the electrocardiogram patch of its peers, it provides real-time data return and web-based management tools, and can produce various reports for managers to remotely manage a large number of users on the web According to statistics from Beijing Medical University, the mortality rate of patients with acute heart failure within 30 days after discharge is as high as 11 If an electrocardiogram sensor is installed on the patient for continuous and real-time monitoring for 30 days, it is possible to reduce part of the risk of death, and at the same time, it can Significantly reduce health insurance costs Additionally, in the case of cardiovascular disease, if the user wears the device for a period of time, regular cardiovascular assessment reports can be obtained and provided for follow-up in-depth examinations by doctors In addition to the measurement of cardiovascular diseases, the ECG sensor configuration can provide home assessment of sleep apnea OSA During the measurement, patients can discover potential and easily overlooked cardiovascular diseases, and users do not need to stay in the sleep ward for treatment After a boring night, through the ECG sensor patch and AI algorithm, patients only need to sleep at home for one night to receive an OSA test report If needed, doctors can access patient status remotely and instantly via any internet browser Therefore, through the ECG sensor wearable service, users can discover hidden and unknown cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias related to sudden death from the measurement process to avoid unnecessary regrets Qiyi Medical Electronics’ business model is mainly B2B2C, hoping to assist individuals, hospitals, enterprises, care services and other units to create a win-win situation Li Weizhong analyzed that the business cooperation model is quite flexible, whether it is leasing or buying out wearable measurement devices, or providing annual report subscriptions to reduce the cost of purchasing devices for users, such as including 2-minute electrocardiogram, Flexible subscription package including 7-day cardiovascular health assessment, exercise cardiovascular health assessment, sleep health assessment report, etc Group cardiovascular monitoring system solution creates a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform to replace diagnosis with prevention In addition to providing individual users with remote mobile physiological data measurement, the BEATINFO cloud platform provides a "group cardiovascular monitoring system" solution that can create many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring through network technology Based on the platform, patients only need to wear a lightweight monitoring patch, and the back-end system can grasp the changes in their physiological information, so that prevention can replace diagnosis and reduce the chance of sudden cardiovascular death This platform provides 3 functions, including the ability to manage different users into groups and hierarchically, and the number of users can reach tens of thousands it can display users’ basic physiological information in real time on web tools, and can be used under certain preset conditions When triggered, this platform will immediately send out an alarm historical data can also be reviewed on the platform, which is very suitable for doctors to check the patient's disease progression outside the hospital during consultation For the application of the "Group Cardiovascular Monitoring System" solution, taking high-intensity exercise as an example, such as long-distance running and cycling, mountain climbing activities or traveling abroad, a prior cardiovascular health assessment is required activities, and corresponding evaluation reports This report allows users to share it with doctors, so that participants can make assessments before the event or test their training effectiveness, which can significantly reduce the risk of accidents during the event beforehand During the activity, the group cardiovascular monitoring system also provides real-time on-site monitoring of a large number of participants It can be monitored in real time by the AI in the background at the moment of exercise Once an accident occurs, the platform can immediately issue an alarm and even report the accident GPS positioning of the location, and continuously transmits back the user's physiological information during search and rescue, striving for golden rescue time In sports monitoring applications, taking golf as an example, how to improve golfers' puttinghitting performance A player's performance and concentration are usually directly related to personal emotional stability Li Weizhong said that through HRV analysis of Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram device, it can help determine the player's emotional and stress index performance, and at the same time help golf coaches select and train players The group cardiovascular monitoring system can create a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform Establish a firm foothold in Taiwan, move towards the US and European markets, and move towards the goal of a data company Faced with the challenges of technology research and development and market promotion, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ automatic identification of electrocardiograms requires a large amount of data for AI calculation development For this reason, Qiyi Medical Electronics must cooperate with hospitals and develop jointly Finish At present, the company has established good cooperative relations with many medical centers and research units, and has overcome these technical bottlenecks one by one In terms of market promotion, Li Weizhong said that the biggest challenge facing Qiyi Medical Electronics is to communicate with the market and let the public understand the differences between competitors' bracelet and watch products and the company's mobile device-electrocardiogram sensor Compared with the common bracelet and watch products on the market that collect electrocardiogram data in a discontinuous manner, it may take a long time to collect discontinuous data before potential cardiovascular problems can be discovered by luck Qiyi Medical Electronics actively promotes electrocardiogram to the public in a continuous manner The competitive functional characteristics of sexual detection data and emphasize that it is a very important means to assist in the detection of many potential diseases, replacing diagnosis with prevention and reducing the occurrence of unnecessary cardiovascular diseases In addition, in terms of business promotion, we also hope to create more opportunities for business matching and new venture capital raising with the assistance of the Corporate Resource Strategy Council Looking to the future, Li Wei and Xu Qiyi Medical Electric Energy will become the last piece of the telemedicine puzzle in the health wearable device-electrocardiogram service Li Weizhong said that in the short term, Qiyi Medical hopes to gain a firm foothold in Taiwan and become a common medical device in everyone's home, just like thermometers and blood pressure monitors The company is also constantly developing new indications Starting from electrocardiogram, coupled with AI and big data, it can deal with more chronic diseases In addition to cardiovascular diseases, we have also successively developed sleep apnea and other more special diseases The applications are aimed at the problems of elderly chronic diseases that modern people are very likely to encounter With a mid- to long-term plan, Qiyi Medical will enter the US and EU markets, become an international company, and continue to aim to become a data company, making good use of the company's long-term collection of data applications to provide services in diverse fields such as new drug development and vaccine development application to create business opportunities and profits 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】2秒鐘完成結帳動作 Viscovery AI影像辨識助攻智慧零售
Complete checkout in 1 second, Viscovery AI image recognition assists smart retail

Artificial intelligence AI has gradually changed the way various industries operate in recent years However, most of the work is still done by humans, with AI playing a supporting role This has led to emergence of the term "AI Copilot," which stands for "AI-driven tools or assistants" that aim to assist users in completing various tasks and improve productivity and efficiency The concept of AI Copilot comes from the role of "co-pilot" During flight, the co-pilot assists the main pilot in completing various tasks to ensure flight safety and efficiency In fact, there have been signs of various "machines" beginning to play the role of "copilot" in different fields since the Industrial Revolution, assisting humans in completing heavy physical and repetitive tasks, greatly improving factory production efficiency, and driving rapid economic development Following the advancement of computing equipment and breakthroughs in machine learning, deep learning, and image recognition technologies, the concept of AI Copilot has gradually taken shape The development of AI Copilot marks the transition from "machine-assisted to AI-assisted" Early robots could only complete preset repetitive tasks, but today's AI copilot can learn and adapt to new environments and tasks, and continuously optimize its performance in practical applications This transformation not only changes human-machine interactions, but also has a profound impact on various industries The application scope of AI copilot covers various industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, education, retail, etc, and are everywhere to be seen Application of AI copilot in the retail industry AI image recognition checkout In the retail industry, the application of AI copilot has begun to show concrete results Take Viscovery's AI image recognition checkout system as an example This system is a type of AI copilot model that helps store clerks speed up checkout or assists consumers in simplifying the self-service checkout process The store clerk needs to scan the product barcodes one by one in the regular checkout method If a product does not have a barcode, such as bread and meals, the clerk needs to first visually confirm the items, and then input them into the POS checkout system one by one Based on actual measurements at a chain bakery, it takes 22 seconds for an experienced clerk from "visual recognition" to "entering product information of a plate of 6 items into the checkout system" New clerks may need even more time In addition, according to a Japanese bakery operator, it takes 1 to 2 months to train employees to become familiar with products Now with AI image recognition technology, store clerks let AI handle the "product recognition" step, and AI will play the role of copilot, quickly identifying items within 1 second, speeding up checkout to save 50 of checkout time, and optimizing customers'shopping experience The time cost of training employees to identify bread can also be effectively shortened Even for products with barcodes, AI can quickly identify multiple items in one second, which is more efficient than scanning barcodes one by one The self-checkout system "assisted" by AI image recognition allows consumers to successfully complete shopping without the help of store clerks, eliminating the trouble of swiping barcodes or searching for items on the screen, which improves the shopping experience In a time when store clerks are hard to hire due to labor shortage, this also helps stores reduce operating costs AI quickly identifies multiple checkout items in just one second Source of image Viscovery Recently, startups dedicated to developing AI image recognition checkout solutions have emerged in various countries The most lightweight solution currently known is in Taiwan It can be immediately used by installing a Viscovery lens and a tablet installed with Viscovery AI image recognition software at the checkout counter to connect to the store's existing POS checkout system There are various integration methods, including plug-and-play and API solutions integrated with the store's POS system Viscovery AI image recognition system can be painlessly integrated with the store's existing POS system Source of image Viscovery Example of AI image recognition checkout Currently, the Viscovery AI image recognition system is being used in bakery chains in Taiwan, Chinese noodle shops in Singapore, micromarkets in department stores in Sendai, Japan, and Japanese bakeries and cake shops Over 7 million transactions were completed through this AI system, which identified more than 40 million items These use cases demonstrate the extensive application of the Viscovery AI image recognition system in the retail industry In the future, the company will continue to explore the various possibilities of using Vision AI in retail and catering nbsp The Viscovery AI image recognition system is already being used in bakeries, cake shops, restaurants, and convenience stores in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan Source of image Viscovery