
2023 AI Innovation Youth Co-creation Hackathon Participation Instructions

Purpose of the activity

This project aims to develop AI application solutions that can actually solve market and social needs. Through the joint creation of new innovation leaders and young students, we will strengthen the link with the industry and take root in the digital concept. Youth participation in industry and world trends, improving innovative thinking capabilities and teamwork spirit, cultivating AI seed talents, connecting industry needs, bringing transformation and creating value to society, and encouraging students to cooperate across domains, through team interaction, Stimulate more possibilities for cross-field, π-shaped talent collaboration, and add digital applications to various possibilities.

This project encourages participating teams to work with new entrepreneurs through workshops to propose solutions that are feasible, practical, innovative, complete, social impact, etc., to meet industry and social needs, and through After expert review, 15 participating teams were selected to enter the results presentation meeting to present the hackathon solutions and products to investors, industry and academic people and guests, and evaluate the advantages, disadvantages and market potential of each solution; Through the communication and evaluation process between developers and industry professionals, it helps to gain in-depth solutions and also allows product developers to understand market feedback and needs.

We hope that through this project, young students will be encouraged to propose AI application solutions that can actually solve market and social needs, and effectively cultivate AI seed talents!


1. Students currently studying in domestic colleges and universities (junior or above) or students within two years of graduation must form a team to register.

2. The competition is a team system. The number of people in each team is 2-10. Duplicate team registration is not allowed, and one person must be the team representative. The representative must have the nationality of the Republic of China and be a national registered in the Republic of China. , responsible for contacting the organizer, confirming entry documents, and receiving hackathon subsidies.

3. Participation in the workshops required for this project is required.

4. Participating teams must choose one of the six major industry directions to produce a solution and submit a proposal plan. The industry directions include: ESG, artificial intelligence, long-term care applications, work automation, fraud prevention, sports and health, etc. .

Registration process

1. The following is the planned timetable. Once confirmed, it will be based on the announcement on the website. The organizer and execution unit reserve the right to adjust various timetables based on actual needs.

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AI New Youth Co-creation Hackathon Registration Process ( Team briefing written review, results presentation meeting)


Hackathon subsidy methods

1. The Hackathon subsidy is divided into four levels: one "Excellent", one "Excellent", and two "Excellent".

AI Innovation Youth Co-creation Hackathon Subsidy Method


2. If there are any disputes or questions about the division of labor or distribution of rights within the proposal team (such as the receipt and distribution of hackathon subsidies), the team should handle it by itself. The organizer and execution unit will not interfere or get involved in the division of labor or rights within the team. Disputes and adjudication such as distribution of rights and interests.


1. New entrepreneurs and participating teams participating in this competition are deemed to have agreed to the competition instructions and regulations. If there is any dispute, the organizer and the execution unit reserve the right of final interpretation; in case of violation, the organizer and the execution unit shall The right to cancel the qualification to participate in the selection and recover the subsidies and awards received, and may make an announcement; if there is any violation of the competition instructions that damages the relevant rights and interests of the organizer, execution unit or any other third party, the violator shall be liable for the damage Liability.

2. Based on the administrative management, registration operation management, notification and contact, activity information release, subsidy award allocation, questionnaire survey, relevant statistical analysis, or other activities provided by the plan execution unit based on the relevant implementation/handling of this plan. For the purpose of information, the organizer and execution unit may collect, process and use the personal information of participating team members.

3. All members of the participating team must provide detailed personal information and may not falsely use or misappropriate any third party's information. If there are any untrue or incorrect information, the organizer and execution unit may disqualify the applicant from participating in the evaluation and winning the award. If any damage is caused to the relevant rights and interests of the organizer, execution unit or any other third party, all members of the participating team shall bear the relevant legal responsibilities.

4. Participating team members may request the organizer and execution unit to inquire, make copies, supplement or correct, stop collection, processing or use of personal information provided by this competition in accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Information Law. , you can also request deletion when necessary, except for those that must be retained according to law. If this affects the rights to participate in the evaluation or win and receive the award, the person shall be responsible for it.

5. New entrepreneurs and participating teams agree to keep confidential the commercial secrets and other confidential information of the organizer, executive unit or other parties that they know or hold due to their participation in this competition, and shall not disclose or disclose it to others in any way. Third parties are also prohibited from using the information for their own benefit or that of others. If there is a violation of this confidentiality agreement, the organizer and the execution unit have the right to terminate cooperation, cancel the qualification to participate in the evaluation, win awards, and recover relevant subsidies. Violators shall also be liable for damages. The breach of contract by the violator shall also be deemed as a breach of contract by the violator.

6. The content of the entry documents and provided information must comply with legal provisions such as copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, personal data protection, etc. If the rights of a third party are involved, legal authorization from the right holder must be obtained. There shall be no plagiarism, plagiarism, counterfeiting or other infringement of the rights of others. If it is discovered, reported or reported that there is a violation of the election instructions, untrue statements or infringement of the rights of others, the participating team will bear all legal responsibilities. The organizer and execution unit reserve the right to postpone the announcement of the awards until it is confirmed that there is no dispute over the aforementioned rights. situation; or the objector or right holder fails to file a right remedy with the competent authority or court in accordance with the law for more than one month after becoming aware of the infringement, or withdraws the file after filing.

7. If the infringement of the entries is confirmed to be true by the competent authorities or litigation procedures, the organizer and executive unit may cancel the selection and award qualifications and recover relevant subsidies.

8. The intellectual property rights of the research and development demonstration results completed by the participating teams, submitted entries, review materials, demonstration results reports, and results publication pitch briefs belong to the participating teams. However, participating teams must agree to authorize the organizer and execution unit free of charge to use their R&D empirical results, submitted entries, calligraphy and painting books, and book review presentations for the purpose of promoting this event in a non-regional and non-profit manner. , empirical results reports, results publication pitch presentations, including but not limited to taking or providing relevant photos and dynamic images to record relevant activities, and using, editing, printing, displaying, publicizing, reporting, publishing or publicizing their participation in competition results and personal portraits , name and voice, etc. If there is no defamation of the author's personality, the participating team shall not exercise the author's moral rights against the organizer and execution unit.

9. This competition allocates quotas for each award based on the annual subsidy budget of the competent authority. If necessary, the quota for the winning team may be filled or added.

10. If a participating team engages in inappropriate behavior, remarks, or makes false accusations against the competition, the competition reserves the right to disqualify the team from competing and winning.

11. The relevant schedule and activity information of this competition shall be subject to the announcement on the event website. Matters not specified in the competition mechanism may be adjusted according to the actual situation and announced or supplemented on the project website. This plan The Drawing Office reserves the right to final interpretation, change and termination of the competition.

12. All participating teams that pass the results announcement must cooperate with the organizer and execution unit to carry out relevant evaluation, praise, subsidies, media interviews and reports, etc., and must cooperate with the organizer and execution unit in follow-up performance tracking.

13. If there are any disputes over the division of labor or distribution of rights and interests within the participating teams (such as the receipt and distribution of hackathon subsidies), the teams should handle it themselves, and the organizer and execution unit will not be involved in the dispute.

14. The rights and obligations of this competition may not be transferred without the written consent of the organizer, execution unit and other team members.

15. The organizer and execution unit reserve the final right of interpretation for the competition instructions and the interpretation and application of various regulations. Any relevant disputes will be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, and the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the first instance jurisdiction. court.

16. If there are any matters not covered in these competition instructions, the organizer and execution unit reserve the right to modify and supplement (including postponing the competition, terminating the competition or adjusting the competition mechanism), in addition to complying with relevant legal provisions, and shall use this notice The announcement on the competition website is based on this.

Contest contact window

Hackathon Task Force

Contact Email: tiffanygao@nycu.edu.tw

Tel: 02-25700363

AI New Youth Co-creation Hackathon Refers to Executive Unit

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」