
2024 Industry AI Implementation and Diffusion Application Instructions and Application Document Download

Project origin

Applications for industry AI implementation and diffusion are accepted. In order to accelerate the implementation of AI applications and technologies in industries. It encourages companies to produce common solutions based on industry AI technology needs and implementation readiness, combined with appropriate data collection and analysis. It helps match innovative AI technologies with industry needs, and gathers together capabilities of AI startups, information service providers, and various industries. With hardware pushing the economy and software pulling it forward, the capabilities of international partners are utilized to gradually make industries more intelligent and implement the AI industry, so as to realize the vision of a smart nation.

Project application

1. Application Category

(1) Two subsidy categories were announced: "Industrial AI Implementation PoC" and "AI Application Service Verification." Applicants may apply for one category and are not allowed to apply for both categories at the same time.

(2) Applicants must work with project partners and contractors in the development of AI applications and technologies in coordination with project contents.

(3) The overall project application categories are shown in the following table:

Subsidy category Subjects Key points of proposal Government subsidies

Category 1. Industrial AI implementation of PoC

  • Company in the field
  • Information service provider
  • Provide AI value-added technology services or solutions for industrial development or common AI technology requirements companies in the field.
  • Complete proof of concept (PoC) and above technology implementation results, and plan subsequent practical applications to drive developments for making industries more intelligent.
The maximum subsidy for each case is NT$1.5 million
Category 2: AI application service verification
  • AI startups
  • Companies in the field
  • Information service provider
  • The company making the proposal has AI technology capabilities and should have clear plans for commercialization and business model.
  • The company making the proposal should have clear AI technology, application purposes, and goals for each stage of implementation. The company must have a digital foundation and information software and hardware for developing AI technology, and have a proper collection, recording, storage, and management mechanisms for data.
  • The company making the proposal plans to develop innovative/forward-looking AI application services, platforms, or products for implementation of AI products, services, or solutions in 2 or more companies (inclusive).
  • Encourage the use of generative AI technology to develop systems, such as: knowledge management, video and audio creation, content generation, product design, and digital twins.
  • Complete PoS and above for the implementation of AI technology applications, system verification, and trial operation, and planning of subsequent commercialization to truly achieve AI technology diffusion and benefits from practical application.
The maximum subsidy for each case is NT$4 million


(4) Regarding the subsidy category of the applicant, if the review committee determines that the content of the proposal is more in line with other categories, the executing organizer has the right to adjust the subsidy category of the applicant.

2. Eligibility

(1) Sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, or companies registered in accordance with domestic laws, and shall not be Chinese enterprises announced by the Department of Investment Review, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) (Note 1).

(2) The applicant is not blacklisted by banks and has positive net worth (Note 2).

(3) Companies applying for industry AI implementation PoC must cooperate with the service team and the SIG announced for the 2024 AI HUB Project of the Administration for Digital industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs (URL of announcement: aihub.org.tw/post/411 ), and must complete the guidance form of the SIG before making a proposal.

1.List of service teams in 2024:

(1) Northern Taiwan Service Team: Institute for Information Industry (III)

(2) Central Taiwan Service Team: Tai Chung Computer Association

(3) Southern Taiwan Service Team: Southern Taiwan Industry Promotion Center

(4) AI upgrade service team for information service providers: Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C.

2.SIG announced for the 2024 AI HUB Project (URL of announcement: aihub.org.tw/post/411).

*Note 1: The determination of Chinese enterprises shall be based on the equity information retrieved from “Get information about businesses registration in Taiwan” of the Administration of Commerce, MOEA or the Directory of Chinese Enterprises in Taiwan of Department of Investment Review, MOEA.

*Note 2: The determination of a company's net worth shall be based on the audit report of the company’s accountants in the most recent year at the time of application.If there is no audit report prepared by an accountant, it shall be based on the financial statements in the profit-seeking enterprise income tax return (cover page, profit and loss statement, and balance sheet).If the company was registered and established in the year of project application, it may use the capital audit report used for company registration, and the most recent interim audit report prepared by an accountant, or self-prepared financial statements for the month before application (if it is a new company that has been established for less than one year, it may use the most recent "Business Tax Return," the most recent number of employees insured on the "Labor Insurance Payment List," and "Taxpayer Tax Violation and Arrears Review Form";If the company's net worth was originally negative and its capital was increased recently, an "electronic scanned file of a third-party accountant certification" within 2 months before the deadline must be provided instead). The interim financial statements will show a positive net worth due to the capital increase before project application, and is deemed to comply with the application requirements.

3. Application time, application method and contact person

(1) Project application deadline: The application period is from the announcement date to 11:59:59 a.m. on April 10, 2024 (Wednesday) (the system closes at 12:00:00 noon).

(2) All applications must be submitted online. Please go to the 2024 AI Application Service Development Environment Promotion Project - "Industrial AI Implementation and Diffusion Application" website to complete project application and fill out the application form.

1. For application instructions, please visit the application website: aisubsidy.tca.org.tw

URL for uploading application documents: ai.tca.org.tw/

2. The application period is from the announcement date to 11:59:59 am on April 10, 2024 (Wednesday) (the system will be closed at 12:00:00 noon). Please upload scanned files of the required documents in color after affixing seals.

3. The information submitted by the project applicant will not be returned regardless of whether it is approved or not or if the company withdraws the application. If there are any omissions or errors in the information required for application, the executive organizer will notify the applicant and require the applicant to supplement documents. The supplement must be completed within three working days after the notification. The applicant will be deemed ineligible for failing to supplement documents. Proposal review procedures will only be carried out after the project applicant passes the eligibility review. Please refer to "V. Important Notes" in the instructions for application procedures.

(3) Service window: TCA

IV. Review Key Points

The review committee will review the submitted materials according to the following key points of review and select the best candidates.

(1) Category 1. Industrial AI implementation PoC

Review items Item Description Points allocated
Proposal Contents
  1. Industry background and pain points
  2. Description of the contents and situation of AI application
  3. The current status of data collection, readiness and usage for implementing AI
  4. Algorithm verification, algorithm evaluation and selection
  5. Project implementation schedule and method
  6. Description of information security mechanisms
Execution ability
  1. AI experience and expertise of third-party AI startup, technical unit, or expert
  2. Division of labor and operations of the project
  3. Companies with patents or technology verification certificates must provide the patent certificate as proof
Project benefits
  1. Benefits of AI implementation and verification method
  2. Output value, implementation, and other benefits (including increasing revenue, driving investment, and number of patents)


(2) Category 2, AI application service verification

Item Description Item Points allocated
Proposal Contents
  1. Industry background and pain points.
  2. Comparison of existing products and services with related products in the market (such as: description of technical innovation description and necessity of using AI technology to add value to products or services).
  3. AI algorithms and models, process design and implementation instructions.
  4. Project implementation schedule and method.
  5. Description of information security mechanisms.
  6. Marketing plan..
50% Execution ability
  1.  Involvement of senior management, professionalism of the execution team, and internal resource allocation.
  2. AI experience and expertise of third-party AI company, technical unit, or expert
  3. Companies with patents or technology verification certificates must submit the patent certificate as proof.
  4. Division of labor and operations of the project.
  5. Provide customers participating service verification, and the operating process of actual services.
15% Implementation benefits
  1. AI product or application service specifications.
  2. Assessment of market competitiveness of AI products or application services.
  3. Commercialization strategy, business model, and profit sharing mechanism.
  4. Trial operation of 1 month or longer (inclusive) during the project implementation period (the trial operation report must be provided for the final review). The trial operation report contains:
(1) Validation report of service system.
(2) Service Level Agreement (SLA) self-assessment results (L1-L3).
(3) Output value, implementation, and other benefits (including increasing revenue, driving investment, and number of patents).




(3) Bonus points

If the project applicant meets the following criteria, please attach supporting documents for reference for bonus points during review:

  1. The applicant has an AI patent or AI technology verification certificate, and submitted the patent certificate as proof.
  2. During the project period, the applicant expects to cooperate with and expand to customers that are representative of their industry or international enterprises.
  3. The applicant has signed a MOU or contract with partner companies within the project (including AI technology companies or information service providers, field verification companies, and startups).

To download detailed instructions and documents, please visit the application website: aisubsidy.tca.org.tw

* Please read the application instructions and important notes carefully before registering. If there are any matters not specified herein, unless it is stipulated by the law, the organizer and executive organizer reserve the right to modify and supplement (including any changes, updates, modifications to the event), which shall be based on announcements on the application website: aisubsidy.tca.org.tw/ .