裝置數據iconDevice data


is specially designed for processing device data, using Pyth...
社群偏好iconCommunity preferences

Cancer risk prediction

Treat each patient medical history as a map, and then conduc...
社群偏好iconCommunity preferences

Decision tree prediction t...

Train and generate prediction models through decision trees
議題分析iconIssue Analysis

Related information on air...

Obtain the air quality hazard index of the work area through...
邊緣運算傳輸iconEdge computing transmission

Verify palindrome string

Given a string, verify whether it is a palindrome string, on...
邊緣運算傳輸iconEdge computing transmission

Bit count

Given a grid of non-negative integers num, for each value in...
邊緣運算傳輸iconEdge computing transmission

Kth largest element in arr...

Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array
裝置數據iconDevice data

Traffic flow forecast

Integrate rainfall, holiday, time, intersection traffic flow...
消費數據的iconConsumption data

Voice separation

Remove human voice
社群偏好iconCommunity preferences

Linear discriminant analys...

Input the data set, this algorithm will generate a classifie...
邊緣運算傳輸iconEdge computing transmission

Goat Latin

Organize string 1 If the beginning of the word is a", "e", "...
邊緣運算傳輸iconEdge computing transmission

edubot log function

Use edge computing technology to deploy machine learning mod...
Rows:189, 16 pages