
【2019 Solutions】 Chester SchoolBot Robot - Creating the Optimal Communication Platform for Parents and Teachers

For parents with young children, discussing matters with school teachers via the instant messaging app LINE is a good method. Although LINE groups are convenient, if there are too many people talking at once, it can make what should be simple communication inefficient…

Starting from the service of campus smart vending machines, solving the pain points in parent-teacher communication

In order to facilitate better communication between parents and schools, Chester International Co., Ltd. and Zhonghua Lin Co., Ltd. have collaborated to launch the SchoolBot service. In fact, last year when Chester deployed the iMvending smart vending machine service at Taipei's Xingan Elementary School, they observed many communication pain points between parents and teachers. This influenced the development of SchoolBot. Utilizing the popular instant messaging app LINE as its platform, SchoolBot is essentially a robotic assistant for schools, incorporating LINE Bot and AI auto-response technology, and offering a pioneering one-on-one communication method that eliminates the clutter of traditional LINE groups.

SchoolBot introduction of LINE Bot and AI automatic response technology

▲ SchoolBot incorporates LINE Bot and AI automatic response techniques, along with a pioneering one-on-one communication method in Taiwan, ensuring avoidance of the chaotic situation common in traditional LINE groups.

Automatic categorization makes it user-friendly, and privacy is secured

Thanks to the adoption of AI technology, SchoolBot offers more applications than expected, providing a user-friendly and intuitive operation experience, as if chatting with a real person. Whether helping children take leaves, sending messages to specific teachers, the system emphasizes categorization, allowing schools to identify and send messages to the appropriate recipients. For parents, aside from basic inquiries, SchoolBot also supports categorization by child's student ID. Upon the first use, when parents input their child's student ID, the system automatically categorizes it into the corresponding class, eliminating the need for manual selection and ensuring privacy security.

▲ Whether helping children take leaves or sending messages to specific teachers, SchoolBot provides a smooth and intuitive operation experience, similar to chatting with a real person.

Additionally, SchoolBot caters to the common discussion scenarios faced by teachers and parents, integrating a practical online survey service. This not only saves time and streamlines work processes for teachers but also supports the modern trend of going paperless. Notably, the SchoolBot system automatically 'levels up' at the start of a new academic year, automatically advancing students to the next grade level, addressing the manual update problem that similar services face.

SchoolBot chatbot user interface (tutorial page)

▲ Chester has already collaborated with Xingan Elementary School, and hopes to expand the service into various community-based scenarios, creating a more convenient communication platform.

Besides schools, SchoolBot is also suitable for various scenarios like daycare centers, tutoring centers, and parent associations. Chester has already partnered with Taipei's Xingan Elementary School and plans to continue expanding SchoolBot to other places, aiming to build a more convenient communication bridge for community-based scenarios.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Taiwan's Software Technology on Par with International Standards: Golface's Intelligent Services Transform Golf

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applied directly through the user's account, and for severe violations, future access to the carts may be prohibited This achieves the goal of 'automation' ARES Smart Golf Cat is the world's first networked smart golf cart, officially in service since May 2022 'As labor costs continue to rise, recruiting and training caddies are becoming common pain points in the market While Taiwan's courses still employ caddies, there's a 70 labor shortage,' Tsung-Che Liao added This smart golf cart tablet, combined with a mobile app, has become the ultimate smart caddy Golface is striving to complete the last piece of the 'automated golf course' puzzle Amassing digital consumption trails for advanced client segmentation services Starting with consumer needs, Golface has sequentially launched services like the golf cart tablet, mobile app, golf reservation platform, instructional videos Golface TV, golf tourism, and smart carts The smart cart has been operational since May 2022, currently featuring 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first step is digitalization,' Liao pointed out By helping courses accumulate data and understand customer service cycles and hitting rhythms, it enables courses to avoid congestion and serve more customers To date, Golface has accumulated data on over 20,000 teams, 35 million scorecards, and over 10 million records This data helps enhance management performance, segment customer layers, reduce complaints, and plan marketing strategies for off-peak periods Golface co-founder and CEO Tsung-Che Liao has spent 9 years deepening intelligent golf services, aiming to build Taiwan's first golf entertainment platform「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Voice Separation in 7 Milliseconds: RelaJet's Future Technology Makes 'Hearing and Speaking Easier' for the Hearing Impaired

One rainy Thursday afternoon near Taipei Arena, the Taipei Experience Center of RelaJet was fully booked with appointments from people with hearing loss eager to try hearing aids made with a voice separation engine For the hearing impaired, having affordable, lightweight, and effective noise-reducing hearing aids is truly a blessing 'We hope to help users in need to hear the world's wonders again' This empathetic expectation by RelaJet's founder and CEO Po-Ju Chen, who is also hearing impaired, illustrates his understanding of the needs of the hearing impaired He hopes that RelaJet's unique voice amplification hearing aid technology will benefit many more people Affordable hearing aids benefit many with hearing loss Founded in 2018 by Po-Ju Chen and his brother Yu-Ren Chen, RelaJet developed a multi-voice separation engine paired with Qualcomm's Bluetooth audio platform, drastically reducing the price of imported hearing aids, typically costing 80,000-100,000 NT dollars, to just under 10,000 NT dollars They aim to develop affordable goods with excellent noise-cancelling capabilities that wirelessly connect to smartphones In its first two years, the company primarily developed the multi-voice separation engine, which significantly improved the noise reduction quality Once equipped with Qualcomm Bluetooth earphone chips, the audio processing time is drastically short, at about 7 milliseconds to enhance main voice projection and reduce ambient noise, less than half the time required by traditional medical standard of 16 milliseconds for hearing aids, nearly 'zero-delay' 洞見未來科技推出平價助輔聽器,大大嘉惠聽損者 Yu-Ren Chen explains that the primary use of Qualcomm chips for edge computing, along with a streamlined algorithm, achieves extremely low latency and better noise reduction The hearing aids can cover 18 channels, whereas traditional hearing aids cover 4-48 channels In the future, RelaJet will progressively increase the number of channels According to statistics, there are 470 million people globally with hearing disabilities, with a 30 average device use rate in developed countries, with the highest in Western countries Taiwan has nearly 15 million people with disabling hearing loss, of which the middle-aged and elderly make up 30, yet the device use rate is only about 10, which is quite low Yu-Ren Chen further analyzes that the low device usage rate is due to two reasons firstly, the high average selling price of international big brands ranges from 80,000 to 200,000 NT dollars with a three-year usability period, which deters many due to the high cost and maintenance Secondly, in noisy environments, the noise is also amplified which does not necessarily ensure clarity for the users, and the sound parameters can't be adjusted in real-time, making it inconvenient to frequently visit stores for tuning Thirdly, most models cannot connect to smartphones, making it inconvenient for the hearing impaired to take phone calls Utilizing Qualcomm Bluetooth chips for rapid product development In light of this, Po-Ju Chen, formerly a semiconductor engineer at MediaTek, leads the technical development, while Yu-Ren Chen, with a legal background, manages the operations Their seamless collaboration, along with their team employing AI algorithms and chip integration, learns from thousands of hours of audio files in databases through neural networks and deep learning technologies to develop low-latency, high-noise-reduction voice amplification technologies for hearing aids In 2019, this sound processing technology was integrated into Qualcomm Bluetooth chips, winning first place in the Qualcomm Taiwan Startup Competition and becoming a partner in Qualcomm's Global Expansion Program, significantly boosting product development pace In 2021, they launched their own Otoadd series of hearingenhancement products in Taiwan, which received both market favor and positive reviews from many with hearing loss Based on different consumer needs, various product designs are available According to Yu-Ren Chen, the Otoadd wireless earphones with hearing enhancement functions, model N1, are entry-level neckband style priced at 9,500 NT per pair Users can wear the hearing aid while taking calls, and control noise reduction strength and volume through a mobile app They plan to develop accessories in the future tailored to the needs of older adults Besides being available for trials at experience centers in Taipei and Kaohsiung, this hearing aid is also sold through PChome, Taiwan Mobile's myfone, and Elder Age networks, among other channels Another model intended for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss is the Classic R hearing aid, which received the Japanese Good Design Award in 2021 Since its market debut last year, it has attracted those with congenital hearing loss, with users noting improved clarity in noisy environments and appreciating the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity for calls and watching videos This product is anticipated to be exported to international markets in the latter half of this year Additionally, a hearing aid product combining Bluetooth functionality, set to launch in June this year, is sized like typical Bluetooth earphones, targeting visually conscious consumers with hearing loss Its small size and attractive wireless earphone design allow for phone calls, and if approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, eligible users can apply for government subsidies RelaJet to expand into overseas markets, using the USA as a beachhead An interesting question arises due to the pandemic everyone must wear masks which impedes lip-reading How does this affect those with hearing loss Yu-Ren Chen indicates that this situation highlights RelaJet's advantages As each person with hearing loss has different levels of hearing ability, hearing aids can only augment to an appropriate volume, assisting users to hear about 60-70 content, with the remainder relying on lip reading and gestures During the pandemic, as everyone wears masks, masks also muffle sounds, but RelaJet's voice separation engine can correct and strengthen the separation, making it easier for those with hearing loss to recognize voices Besides the Taiwan market, RelaJet's next stage will be expanding into overseas markets, expecting to obtain ISO 13485 medical device quality management system certification and US medical device approval in 2022 They plan to enter the US market, either under their own brand or through OEM arrangements Apart from the Taiwan market, RelaJet will also enter the US market in the next phase for hearing aids「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】五年磨一劍 太奇雲端專注影像辨識 獲智慧城市創新應用獎
After five years of hard work in image recognition, Touch Cloud won the Smart City Innovation Application Award

During the opening ceremony of the 2022 Smart City Summit amp Expo co-organized by the National Development Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei City Government, Taoyuan City Government, Kaohsiung City Government, and Taipei Computer Association on March 22, 2022, founder and president of Touch Cloud Cheng-Hsun Li went on stage to receive the "2022 Smart City Innovation Application Award_Smart Security Award" This award is hard-won because after five years of hard work, Touch Cloud brought its core technology of AI image analysis back to Taiwan after gaining popularity in overseas markets, becoming an important smart city solutions provider "Since the company was established, we have positioned ourselves to make AI products that are stable, easy to use, and truly needed by the market" The company's positioning is very clear, this step took Touch Cloud five years It was not until the beginning of 2020 that Touch Cloud launched its first intrusion detection product In less than two years, Touch Cloud has now launched seven products, with each product receiving excellent reviews from the market Specializing in the field of smart cities, Touch Cloud successfully entered the Asian market Founded in February 2016, Touch Cloud originally focused on AOI defect detection However, the definition of defects is different for every customer As a result, applications in this field are mostly project development and could not be commercialized The company later directed its efforts to AI Application Box, a product that integrates software and hardware, and focused on smart cities, including transportation, industrial safety, and security related markets In view of the high acceptance and price advantage of AI in overseas markets, Cheng-Hsun Li targeted the overseas market in the early stages of the company's development, and has produced many successful results in several major countries, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand Among them, Touch Cloud successfully entered the Hong Kong market with its debut in the Hong Kong International Airport project In 2018, Hong Kong International Airport planned to monitor ships around airline oil storage platforms to prevent ships from colliding with the oil storage platform However, the oil storage platform is located in the middle of the sea and lacks electricity and Internet connection, so it could only set up a camera on shore 3 km away from the platform In addition to the long distance and poor line of sight, monitoring was also affected by weather conditions, such as clouds and fog, and was ineffective Touch Cloud customized an AI algorithm specifically for the project, and continuously collected image data for model training It took half a year of discussions with the customer and system corrections to finally achieve an accuracy rate of 98, successfully completing the goal Touch Cloud won the 2022 Smart City Innovation Application Award_Smart Security Award Minister of Economic Affairs Mei-Hua Wang on the left, Touch Cloud founder and president Cheng-Hsun Li on the right Touch Cloud products have three advantages that provide customers with a better AI user experience 1 Plug and play 2 Provides flexible services, in addition to standard products, customized services meet customers' needs for quick launch and reliable problem solving 3 High adaptability and ability to achieve extremely high recognition accuracy in different environments Cheng-Hsun Li believes that the design of AI products should be as simple as using a "home appliance" and have a clear purpose Therefore, Touch Cloud built an AI Application Box to design products from the perspective of scene applications, focusing on image analysis related to "people" and "vehicles" At present, a total of seven products have been developed, including KekkAI personnel intrusion detection, card swiping and tailgating detection, KekkAI-H construction site safety detection, Abaci-P people flow and head count, Abaci-V traffic flow and vehicle count, Greygoose personnel intrusion detection and people flow, GotchA cross-camera person tracking search, and AISense license plate recognition Cross-camera tracking product GotchA won the Smart City Innovation Application Award GotchA is the product that won the Smart City Innovation Application Award This cross-camera tracking product is unique in the market Its system uses AI technology to search and track people by analyzing their features at the time Users can use image search to search for the path of a specific person in multiple cameras they can also use multiple appearance features to find suitable target groups Using GotchA, you can actively search for lost people, understand the shopping behavior of VIP customers in the mall, and even manage the footprints of visitors in the building For example, it is not uncommon for children to get lost in hypermarkets GotchA can access footage from the entrance camera for an image search, and compare the walking path of the child to quickly find the missing child Using GotchA in shopping malls and amusement parks, where people come and go, to find lost people It not only significantly reduces the time spent by 90, but also transforms the traditional approach of the service counter making an announcement to the lost person into an active search based on image analysis, thereby improving service levels and accuracy Touch Cloud's excellent AI image analysis technology is favored by large enterprises Cheng-Hsun Li said that his experience abroad has taught him to help customers find AI usage scenarios For example, a T-Bar large advertising billboard operator in Thailand wants to attract business, and advertisers want to understand the flow of people to evaluate advertising effectiveness The T-Bar company has more than 1,000 cameras and can determine the type of vehicle from the images and then calculate the number of people, which can be converted to advertising effectiveness After Touch Cloud used the data for training, it can even identify special vehicle types in various countries For example, the nbsp"pickup truck" is a special vehicle type in Thailand Model training is carried out through Open Data, scenario data, and Touch Cloud's self-built database, and can accurately identify traffic flow and vehicle type, which is used to estimate the number of people reached by the advertisement Rapid business development after returning to the Taiwan market from overseas Touch Cloud currently accounts for 70 of the overseas market, with customers in Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines In the future, it will also develop into other Asian markets, such as Vietnam In addition to the Asian market, Touch Cloud has not forgotten to serve Taiwanese customers, and began to actively recruit partners to jointly develop the Taiwan market in June 2021 So far, the number of customers has quickly accumulated to more than a hundred Touch Cloud's excellent AI image analysis technology is favored by many companies, and most investors are strategic partners, working together to create synergies and allow Touch Cloud's technology to be quickly applied Cheng-Hsun Li said that it often takes more than five years for an AI startup to get its operations on track, and it takes at least three years to cultivate good AI talents Results are gradually emerging thanks to the considerable flexibility and space given by strategic investors to the company Touch Cloud products are already being put into practical use in major Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, and Japan, and are expected to enter more Asian countries within two years, driving more advanced image analysis applications The company hopes to complete representative cases in Asian markets every year, and move towards an IPO as a company featuring AI products