
【2020 Application Example】 AI Bread Recognition System, machine scans, and the price is instantly calculated for you!

A brilliant idea transforming AI facial recognition technology

As artificial intelligence develops, more and more industries are embracing AI technology, even subtly entering into people's lives. As most bakeries sell freshly made bread and pastries, which typically do not have barcodes, they rely on cashiers to visually identify each item and enter the type and price of the bread. Thus, inspired by AI facial recognition technology, if such artificial intelligence could identify hundreds of types of bread, it could enhance checkout efficiency...

Diverse handmade breads delight customers but challenge clerks!

A local bakery has over 100 types of bread, regularly updating or adding new products, offering customers a variety of choices; this poses a challenge for cashiers.

It takes two months to train a cashier, but even after they start, there's still a 5 to 10% error rate due to bread recognition mistakes each month, especially during peak checkout times after work, causing bottlenecks and further errors due to the stress on cashiers. The difficulty in training cashiers and the lack of precision in the checkout process have long troubled businesses...

When baking meets artificial intelligence, it sparks a marvelous retail experience!

In typical bakeries, bread is sold 'naked' immediately after baking and then 'packaged' when it cools to room temperature. Both methods require cashiers to recognize and remember the prices and undergo two months of training before they can work the cash register. Even then, there is still a 5 to 10% error rate each month. My Dee Bakery, with its extensive range of over 100 bread types, poses a significant challenge for cashiers!

Due to Yun Kui Technology Co., Ltd.'s expertise in developing iPad POS systems, which are designed to be simple, convenient, and easy to use, they allow businesses to check out efficiently and accurately. Therefore, integrating the existing POS system with AI image recognition capabilities enables businesses to carry out transactions more efficiently and precisely.

AI bread recognition model operational schematic (Image provided by Yun Kui Technology)

▲AI bread recognition model operational schematic (Image provided by Yun Kui Technology)

The execution can be simplified into eight steps, which include:

1. Data collection: Take bread image data at bakeries.

2. Image annotation: The image data is handed over to Mu Kesi Co., Ltd. for manual annotation.

3. AI modeling and training: Managed by Mu Kesi, who adjusts AI models and training.

4. iPad POS adjustment: Simultaneous adjustments of the UI interface on the POS side and backend integration with the AI model.

5. Start testing: Once Mu Kesi reaches over 95% recognition accuracy with current data, formal integration testing begins.

6. Real scene testing: Move to the bakery to gather data and verify the correct recognition rates.

7. Planning real scene application accessories: When recognition accuracy exceeds 98%, design accessories for on-site checkout, such as remote cameras and projection light sources.

8. Official Application: Integration with electronic receipts goes live.

POS machine AI bread recognition checkout process: Start recognition - Recognition complete - Checkout - Confirm checkout, takes only 3 seconds (Image provided by Yun Kui Technology)

▲POS machine AI bread recognition checkout process: Start recognition - Recognition complete - Checkout - Confirm checkout, takes only 3 seconds (Image provided by Yun Kui Technology)

AI bread recognition system, making multitasking easy!

After adding AI capabilities, not only can it save upfront training time and costs for bakery cashiers and reduce costs from recognition errors, but it can also speed up the checkout process and efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction. This can later be promoted to various retail industries, expanding the new map of smart retail.

Comparison chart of bread checkout process before and after AI valuation (Image provided by Yun Kui Technology)

▲Before and after comparison chart of the bread checkout process with AI valuation (Image provided by Yun Kui Technology)

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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of the smart autonomous coffee roaster「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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APP X1, allowing visitors to participate in challenges Subsequently, bird species within the bird exhibition were brought to life interactively using X1, and AR scenarios X1 were introduced into the exhibition space to add elements of fun and entertainment Finally, Face AI was used to interactively test facial expressions and score smiles The gorgeously transformed Marine Museum will become the best travel destination for families with children ImageMarine Museum FB Page The AIoT services introduced by the Marine Museum could be extended to various exhibition-type museums and even static art galleries in the future, tailored to the unique characteristics of different venues They could also be promoted through government projects and related plans, aiding in rural revitalization, making visits more than just sightseeing in rural areas, and breaking free from stereotypes associated with different venues The applications of these services are broad「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Droxo Tech Applies Drones in Golf Courses to Reduce Manpower by Half

For most golf courses, the operations and management is a headache "Golf courses are selling turf and need to be properly taken care of," a golf course manager bluntly pointed out Facing the market pain points of labor shortage, aging population and high cost, the use of AI drones for pesticide spraying and pest control will reduce labor costs by more than half and greatly improve the overall operational efficiency At noon in early summer, an AI drone is slowly taking off at the Taipei Golf Club in Taoyuan Its main task is to test AI drone fertilizing and pesticide spraying on the golf course In fact, drones of Droxo Tech, the company performing this task, are widely used for fertilization, pesticide spraying, and pest and disease control for rice, bananas, and tea trees For golf courses with turfs that often cover tens to hundreds of hectares, AI drones are needed to assist in turf maintenance Data collection, development of pesticide spraying AI models, and multispectral image analysis and testing will be carried out in the current stage In the future, large-scale technology implementation and verification will be carried out to set an example for applying drones to golf courses Using AI drones to fertilize and spray pesticides can reduce the manpower required by half The traditional way of maintaining the turf in golf courses is to carry spray buckets or drive spraying vehicles to spray areas one by one "Domestic golf courses began to plant ultra-dwarf Bermuda grass in 2001 This grass species prefers a cool climate and is not suitable for Taiwan's hot and humid weather" Droxo Techrsquos CEO further pointed out that to prevent turf from pests and diseases, pesticide spraying is necessary For an 18-hole golf course, it is equivalent to spraying pesticides once a week, and the T-ground and fairways are sprayed every two months For golf courses, spraying pesticides is time-consuming and labor-intensive It is important to note that large-scale spraying will increase the risk of personnel poisoning and increase the amount of pesticide used Benefits of applying agricultural drones to golf courses According to Droxo Techrsquos research, golf course pests include Spodoptera litura, which comes out at night to look for food, so pesticide spraying must be carried out in the evening According to the traditional method, pesticide spraying requires two vehicles and three personnel for a total of 45 hours If AI drones are used for fertilizing and pesticide spraying, it only takes one operator to spray 08 hectares of land in 20 minutes, saving about two-thirds of the manpower and reducing operating costs by about 30 Using AI drones to fertilize and spray pesticides on golf courses can reduce the manpower required by half In addition to the significant benefits of using agricultural drones for golf course turf maintenance, Droxo Tech also specially introduced AI multispectral image recognition for NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index analysis "The so-called multispectral is to direct light with different wavelengths on the turf, and the reflected images are collected for analysis" Droxo Tech CEO Liu continued to explain that each plant absorbs light with different wavelengths, so multispectral imaging can determine the growth status of grass species At the same time, combined with AI image recognition, the distribution of pests and diseases can be accurately detected, and the amount of pesticide used is determined on this basis Cross-domain collaboration to build a multi-source turf image databasenbsp Using AI multispectral image recognition technology, Droxo Tech will collect visible light, multispectral, thermal images, and hyperspectral images to establish a multi-source turf image database to fully understand the growth cycle of Bermuda grass Droxo Tech has accumulated rich experience in agricultural AI drone pesticide spraying , but there are still many problems that need to be overcome to implement AI solutions in golf courses For example, it is necessary to establish a new pesticide spraying model and test flight methods, especially the application of multispectral image recognition PoC is not difficult, but actual implementation requires more test evidence, repeated inferences, and collaboration with plant experts This part must rely on the cross-domain integration of legal entities such as the Institute for Information Technology III, gathering more fields for verification, and creating a paradigm before it can be more widely adopted by golf courses There are not many international cases on the application of AI drones in golf courses During the verification process, it is not yet known whether it can be quickly copied to the next golf course However, Droxo Tech CEO Liu believes that through cross-domain collaboration, clearly defining the problems and listing them one by one, supply and demand parties can reach a consensus, propose solutions to each problem, and seek cooperation with internal and external resources Only then will we be able to gradually achieve the goal of making golf courses smarter and smoothly assist the industry with transformation Zuoyi Technology's CEO, Liu Junlin 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」