
【2020 Solutions】 AI Assistant - Zhihe Technology Develops the World's Smallest Diamond Sorting Machine

How should one inspect diamonds that are only half the size of human hair? The answer is to use AI for the inspection.

Zhihe Technology has developed the world's smallest diamond sorting machine. By integrating AI and machine learning, along with accumulating large sample data, the system becomes smarter, increasing the yield rate from 70% to 96% within two years. Moreover, by incorporating AI technology into the laser cross-cutting machine capable of handling 500-nanometer laser machining optical measurements, it becomes the first laser machine globally implanted with an AI system.


Zhongxuan Li, General Manager of Zhihe Technology, has over a decade of experience in AOI inspection. After returning to Taiwan from mainland China, he established Zhihe Technology. At that time, semiconductor processes evolved from 8 nanometers to 3 nanometers. Due to high difficulty levels in processing, Li saw a significant market opportunity. Plus, AI's development accelerated after Google released the TensorFlow software in February 2017. TensorFlow is an open-source software library for machine learning applications in various perception and language understanding tasks.

World's Smallest Diamond Sorting Machine - Improved Yield to Over 96%

Consequently, combining his expertise in AOI and AI, Li chose the diamond sorting machine as their first proving ground. Zhihe Technology assisted a major industry company specializing in grinding, cutting tools, optics, wafer refurbishment, and other precision industries with automating human visual inspection process of diamond operations. This company's star product, the 'Diamond Disk,' uses diamonds the size of half a human hair. Previously, the company used traditional visual inspection, employing over 80 workers per production line, many of whom were foreign labor or older employees. The process was time-consuming, output was low, and labor costs were high. Most importantly, their semiconductor clients demanded automation, digitization, and increased precision for diamond inspections.

With Zhihe Technology's help, they supported a semiconductor equipment supplier in fully automating their manual diamond inspection process. They helped create the world's smallest AI-equipped diamond sorting machine, increasing the yield rate from below 70% to over 96%, gathering millions of diamond data points per day.

Using AI Technology to Create the World's Smallest Diamond Sorting Machine





智合與雷科科技合作,共同打造全球第一台AI 雷射機

▲智合與雷科科技合作,共同打造全球第一台AI 雷射機

Three brilliant methods to make Auto-AI digital transformation so easy

Zhongxuan Li shared that Zhihe Technology is able to quickly integrate AI technology and develop Auto-AI, allowing enterprises to rapidly adopt and smoothly transition into digital transformation. There are three main methods of implementation:

Method 1, Simplifying training issues with an automated labeling platform: Use cameras to collect data from machine manufacturers, replace manual labeling with automated labeling, and progressively train to improve accuracy. The simpler the problem, the less data is needed for training.

Method 2, Parallel advancement of AOI and AI: In smart manufacturing processes, relying solely on either AOI or AI cannot achieve everything. First, AOI should be used to mark features and distinguish between good and defective parts, followed by AI for labeling and training. Using them in tandem enhances their effectiveness, and as the training data accumulates, the proportion of AOI decreases while that of AI gradually increases.

Method 3, Enhancing the integration capabilities of embedded system peripherals: Establishing new computation platforms (embedded systems or IPC platforms) continuously enhances the computing power of AI, thus lowering the industrial threshold for AI applications.

為降低AI使用門檻與成本,智合科技建立自主開發核心-Auto-AI(又稱為傻瓜系統),目前已經跟國內知名工控電腦大廠進行合作,提供使用者更簡易的AI 使用環境。李忠軒表示,台灣是全球最適合作AI系統的國家,擁有超強的電腦設計能力與系統整合能力,若能再加上軟核心平台,將可大幅提升AI落地應用的實證。






「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【解決方案】7毫秒內分離人聲 洞見未來科技協助聽損者「聽說更簡單」
Voice Separation in 7 Milliseconds: RelaJet's Future Technology Makes 'Hearing and Speaking Easier' for the Hearing Impaired

One rainy Thursday afternoon near Taipei Arena, the Taipei Experience Center of RelaJet was fully booked with appointments from people with hearing loss eager to try hearing aids made with a voice separation engine For the hearing impaired, having affordable, lightweight, and effective noise-reducing hearing aids is truly a blessing 'We hope to help users in need to hear the world's wonders again' This empathetic expectation by RelaJet's founder and CEO Po-Ju Chen, who is also hearing impaired, illustrates his understanding of the needs of the hearing impaired He hopes that RelaJet's unique voice amplification hearing aid technology will benefit many more people Affordable hearing aids benefit many with hearing loss Founded in 2018 by Po-Ju Chen and his brother Yu-Ren Chen, RelaJet developed a multi-voice separation engine paired with Qualcomm's Bluetooth audio platform, drastically reducing the price of imported hearing aids, typically costing 80,000-100,000 NT dollars, to just under 10,000 NT dollars They aim to develop affordable goods with excellent noise-cancelling capabilities that wirelessly connect to smartphones In its first two years, the company primarily developed the multi-voice separation engine, which significantly improved the noise reduction quality Once equipped with Qualcomm Bluetooth earphone chips, the audio processing time is drastically short, at about 7 milliseconds to enhance main voice projection and reduce ambient noise, less than half the time required by traditional medical standard of 16 milliseconds for hearing aids, nearly 'zero-delay' 洞見未來科技推出平價助輔聽器,大大嘉惠聽損者 Yu-Ren Chen explains that the primary use of Qualcomm chips for edge computing, along with a streamlined algorithm, achieves extremely low latency and better noise reduction The hearing aids can cover 18 channels, whereas traditional hearing aids cover 4-48 channels In the future, RelaJet will progressively increase the number of channels According to statistics, there are 470 million people globally with hearing disabilities, with a 30 average device use rate in developed countries, with the highest in Western countries Taiwan has nearly 15 million people with disabling hearing loss, of which the middle-aged and elderly make up 30, yet the device use rate is only about 10, which is quite low Yu-Ren Chen further analyzes that the low device usage rate is due to two reasons firstly, the high average selling price of international big brands ranges from 80,000 to 200,000 NT dollars with a three-year usability period, which deters many due to the high cost and maintenance Secondly, in noisy environments, the noise is also amplified which does not necessarily ensure clarity for the users, and the sound parameters can't be adjusted in real-time, making it inconvenient to frequently visit stores for tuning Thirdly, most models cannot connect to smartphones, making it inconvenient for the hearing impaired to take phone calls Utilizing Qualcomm Bluetooth chips for rapid product development In light of this, Po-Ju Chen, formerly a semiconductor engineer at MediaTek, leads the technical development, while Yu-Ren Chen, with a legal background, manages the operations Their seamless collaboration, along with their team employing AI algorithms and chip integration, learns from thousands of hours of audio files in databases through neural networks and deep learning technologies to develop low-latency, high-noise-reduction voice amplification technologies for hearing aids In 2019, this sound processing technology was integrated into Qualcomm Bluetooth chips, winning first place in the Qualcomm Taiwan Startup Competition and becoming a partner in Qualcomm's Global Expansion Program, significantly boosting product development pace In 2021, they launched their own Otoadd series of hearingenhancement products in Taiwan, which received both market favor and positive reviews from many with hearing loss Based on different consumer needs, various product designs are available According to Yu-Ren Chen, the Otoadd wireless earphones with hearing enhancement functions, model N1, are entry-level neckband style priced at 9,500 NT per pair Users can wear the hearing aid while taking calls, and control noise reduction strength and volume through a mobile app They plan to develop accessories in the future tailored to the needs of older adults Besides being available for trials at experience centers in Taipei and Kaohsiung, this hearing aid is also sold through PChome, Taiwan Mobile's myfone, and Elder Age networks, among other channels Another model intended for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss is the Classic R hearing aid, which received the Japanese Good Design Award in 2021 Since its market debut last year, it has attracted those with congenital hearing loss, with users noting improved clarity in noisy environments and appreciating the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity for calls and watching videos This product is anticipated to be exported to international markets in the latter half of this year Additionally, a hearing aid product combining Bluetooth functionality, set to launch in June this year, is sized like typical Bluetooth earphones, targeting visually conscious consumers with hearing loss Its small size and attractive wireless earphone design allow for phone calls, and if approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, eligible users can apply for government subsidies RelaJet to expand into overseas markets, using the USA as a beachhead An interesting question arises due to the pandemic everyone must wear masks which impedes lip-reading How does this affect those with hearing loss Yu-Ren Chen indicates that this situation highlights RelaJet's advantages As each person with hearing loss has different levels of hearing ability, hearing aids can only augment to an appropriate volume, assisting users to hear about 60-70 content, with the remainder relying on lip reading and gestures During the pandemic, as everyone wears masks, masks also muffle sounds, but RelaJet's voice separation engine can correct and strengthen the separation, making it easier for those with hearing loss to recognize voices Besides the Taiwan market, RelaJet's next stage will be expanding into overseas markets, expecting to obtain ISO 13485 medical device quality management system certification and US medical device approval in 2022 They plan to enter the US market, either under their own brand or through OEM arrangements Apart from the Taiwan market, RelaJet will also enter the US market in the next phase for hearing aids「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】輔人科技透過智慧感知床墊 心領神會 讓照護長輩變得有溫度
Furen Technology uses smart sensing mattresses to understand and make caring for the elders warm.

Taiwan is moving towards an aging society, and the demand for long-term care for seniors has increased significantly The invisible killer of long-term care - the fall of an elder is an unspeakable pain for home caregivers and care institutions How to turn every unexpected crisis into the most immediate and warm care is a true test of the adaptability and innovation of smart care In order to make filial piety easier, Foreaider Technology has launched the intelligent sensing mattress Foreaider-Z, a thoughtful auxiliary device that can prioritize the physiological information of the elders, allowing the elders to live with dignity, make up for the lack of care manpower, improve the quality of care, and reduce the cost of care The fall rate reaches more than 25, effectively saving more than 200,000 yuan in care costs per person per year “To take care of my mother” was the original intention of Furen Technology when it was established in 2018 Luo Yilin, founder and general manager of Furen Technology, said that he has been a caregiver for more than 10 years and recalled that his mother had A patient with severe mental illness spent 20-30 years in a nursing home Because he was reluctant to leave his elderly mother, Luo Yilin decided to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of her In the past, my mother stayed in a nursing home for a long time, which made her unwilling to contact strangers and made her feel insecure about changes in the environment and space This is why Furen Technology "makes filial piety simpler without changing the living environment of the elderly" "Let the elderly live with dignity" as the ultimate goal of the product, we decided to use advanced sensing technology and AI analysis to deliver appropriate care information to caregivers, eliminating the physical and mental torture that caregivers experience when caring for the elderly We look forward to using smart care AI Technology makes interacting with elders easier Elder falls are the most common accidents that occur when caring for the elderly at home Bed exit warning technology has become one of the important demand indicators for caring for the elderly, Luo Yilin said Insufficient manpower at night is often a headache for the operation of nursing institutions They can only handle daily routine care affairs, but cannot properly manage emergencies or minor symptoms of the elderly, such as falls at the bedside, temporary physical discomfort such as aspiration pneumonia, etc It is a problem that cannot be properly handled by the current ward inspection and shift handover mechanism For nursing institutions, taking bedside falls as an example, a fall may increase the average annual care cost by more than 200,000 yuan per person In order to build a non-verbal communication bridge between caregivers and care recipients, help care institutions quickly respond to the elderly's physiological and medical information, and improve medical care schedule planning, Luo Yilin and the core team gathered caregivers, doctors, and senior engineers and other professionals, jointly independently developed the "Smart Sensing Mattress" Foreaider-Z to provide homes and care institutions with more thoughtful and high-quality hardware and software AI smart care solutions Helping people without being too strict and helping people without blame is the founding purpose of Helper Technology, which mainly delivers on two levels The first is to put people first and make caring for the elderly a warm interaction In addition, caregivers should have a selfless dedication mentality It has been observed that the cared for may not be willing to express their own needs due to different reasons If the needs of the elders can be grasped through smart care technology, it will not only bring more dignity and dignity to the elders Space can reduce unnecessary communication misunderstandings, make the care process smoother, and reduce care costs Smart sensing mattress, the caring guardian of the elders, reducing the fall rate by more than 25 In the technological breakthrough of smart sensing mattresses, combined with the physiological micro-motion sensing technology developed by Furen Technology, it uses air pressure changes for physiological sensing and AI algorithms, so that caregivers do not need to replace the original mattress Place the smart sensing mattress with a thickness of less than 1 centimeter under the elder's original mattress, plug it in and connect it to the Internet Wait 3 minutes for the environment parameters to be automatically matched and set, and the pressure on the bed can begin to be accurately detected changes and interpret the actions and behaviors of the elderly For critically ill and long-term care recipients in nursing institutions, as well as the elderly and infants at home, Furen Technology has launched three versions of smart sensing mattresses, including the smart sensing mattress "Lite version", "standard version" and " Pro version" The Lite version entry-level version, combined with air pressure change sensing technology, can provide home caregivers with relevant identification functions to warn the elderly when leaving bed and inquire about daily routines The OTTALK home care bell APP can be downloaded through the mobile phone, and the caregiver can remotely Set the bed exit warning time and pay attention to the elderly's status of leaving the bed or not, and check the status of work and rest through the mobile phone The standard version, in addition to the bed exit alarm function, can provide caregivers with data measurement status of the elderly's heart rate and breathing during sleep through analog signal calculation technology For the Smart Sensing Mattress Pro version, a three-stage warning function of bed-sitting-up-leaving the bed is specially added, as well as sleep status records such as time in bed, hours in bed, hours of light sleep, hours of deep sleep, hours awake, and number of respiratory arrests and other information, hoping to provide better and more timely services to end customers In terms of business model, Furen Technology provides small-scale care units with a buyout system that integrates smart sensing mattress software technology In terms of cooperation with SI industry players, the company provides hardware equipment for integration and creates more promotion opportunities through SI channels For the empirical application of clinical trials, Furen Technology has currently cooperated with Taipei An'an Nursing Home to successively introduce smart sensing mattresses such as Lite, standard, Pro and other functional products into the care environment to provide diversified services for the elderly Intimate and convenient services of intelligent care During the cooperation process, since An'an Nursing Home is a small institution with a shortage of manpower, the bed exit warning function of the smart sensing mattress helps caregivers quickly remotely determine whether the elderly has left the bed or has fallen, effectively reducing the fall rate by more than 25 Through physiological micro-motion sensing technology, it can quickly help caregivers record the elderly's sleep status the previous night, creating a more convenient communication mode and information exchange mechanism between caregivers and family members In addition, the implementation of smart sensing mattresses can help nursing institutions obtain more positive evaluations in the evaluation Furen Technology develops smart sensing mattresses through physiological micro-motion sensing technology Smart sensing mattress voice AI recognition reduces the number of people sent to hospital for aspiration pneumonia to less than 5 of the overall number of cases Optimizing the voice AI recognition establishment mechanism has always been the goal of Furen Technology’s efforts to improve Luo Yilin said that he was very grateful to Furen Technology for having the opportunity to participate in the development plan of AI care services for respiratory diseases under the guidance of the Industrial Bureau and the Information Policy Council painting, and conducted field clinical demonstration at Puli Christian Hospital Through this project, not only the smart sensing mattress uses AI voice recognition and calculation technology to become more sophisticated, but also an AI training optimization framework is established to allow caregivers at Puli Christian Hospital to respond to the elderly’s upper respiratory tract-cough sounds and lower respiratory tract symptoms -The identification and warning performance of heartbeat and respiratory rate changes are more optimized, and the number of people sent to the hospital due to aspiration pneumonia in care institutions is effectively reduced to no more than 5 of the total number of cases in the month It is believed that with the integration of smart sensing mattresses and respiratory disease AI care services, the service is expected to spread to 5 domestic medical institutions this year Luo Yilin said excitedly that not only that, the smart sensing mattress has also been favored by Japanese dealers and conducted product testing In the next stage, business promotion in Japan will be launched Smart sensing mattress-assisted care institutions reduce the number of people sent to hospital due to aspiration pneumonia Create the integration of long-term care industry software, hardware and service ecosystem to make care simpler Although Furen Technology has only been established for 4 years, it took 9 years to complete product technology research and development Luo Yilin expressed his gratitude for supporting and recognizing the company's entrepreneurial philosophy despite limited manpower and resources The guidance and support of the distinguished people as well as the AI Industry Promotion Plan of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Corporate Information Strategy Council For a small start-up like Furen Technology, there are always challenges and learnings in terms of funding, technical issues, obtaining and processing of production materials and parts However, Huangtian pays off its hard work Driven by the ultimate goal of "making filial piety easier", Furen Technology strives to make smart sensing mattresses the first smart care product in Taiwan that uses air pressure sensing physiological information For the original intention of starting a business that emphasizes the orientation of social value, how to make smart sensing mattresses take into account social value while maintaining a win-win and balance of commercial interests is a strategic issue that Luo Yilin must carefully consider when operating the company's products and business development In the face of business layout, Furen Technology will work hard to stabilize operations and marketing operations in the near future to give back to investors and target customers who have supported the company for a long time In addition, Furen Technology is more active in international business development and product testing in Japan, Vietnam and Poland Regarding the mid-term planning, Luo Yilin believes that the care needs and services of the elderly cannot be completed independently by one industry Furen Technology looks forward to cooperating with more like-minded smart care industry players in the future By gathering the professional energy of each industry, we can build a complete Only with a diverse product chain mechanism can we work together to conquer domestic and foreign markets To this end, Luo Yilin hopes that the company can create an integration of the software, hardware and service ecosystem of the long-term care industry and realize its wish to make care simpler Looking forward to the future, Furen Technology will hope to move from long-term care to preventive medicine I believe that if preventive medicine is managed properly, it will definitely make a great contribution to saving the cost of long-term care Luo Yilin said that more importantly, it will help the elderly in their later life Halftime enjoys a more understanding quality of care and a bright and hopeful life Luo Yilin, CEO of Furen Technology「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】破壞式創新商模 奇翼醫電推出行動醫療裝置- 心電圖傳感器 打造遠距醫療當中最後一塊拼圖
Disruptive innovative business model Qiyi Medical Electronics launches mobile medical device-ECG sensor to create the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine

With the advent of the post-epidemic era, the development of global telemedicine is in the ascendant, which has greatly increased the demand for smart medical technology in decentralized medicine Among them, if mobile medical devices can provide real-world at home or outside the hospital data for use in hospitals, it is believed that it will reduce the burden of diagnosis and treatment on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenses To this end, Singular Wings Medical has launched a comprehensive telemedicine solution, which combines excellent wearable mobile medical device design, innovative software development, AI algorithms and cloud platform services, and will become the last piece of telemedicine puzzle David Lee, the founder and general manager of Qiyi Medical Electronics, said that his original intention to start the business was because he witnessed Taiwan's long-term pursuit of low-cost mass production, which led to the continuous decline in the value of the industry For example, in the past thirty years, The output value of the former Silicon Valley was similar to that of Taiwan's Hsinchu Science Park, but thirty years later, the output value of Silicon Valley reached US14 trillion at the end of 2020, while the output value of Hsinchu Science Park was less than NT15 trillion at the end of 2021 Seeing Silicon Valley's sensitivity to industry needs and disruptive innovations such as Uber, Airbnb, industry trends and the post-epidemic era have driven a surge in telemedicine services, thereby creating high industry value, so I started a business at the age of 45 and conceived how to combine it with Taiwan After more than ten years of accumulated industrial advantages and Silicon Valley's innovative model, we decided to help Taiwan's industry upgrade and find a new path through the integration of the medical industry, ICT technology industry and innovative business models Seeing that Taiwan has always been a gathering place for the most elite talents in the medical industry and electronics and electrical industry, I believe that through the combination of the two and innovative business models, we can have the opportunity to follow Silicon Valley and create a different business According to Taiwan’s Communication Diagnosis and Treatment Methods, Taiwan’s market demand for telemedicine is divided into two situations emergency such as COVID-19 and special necessity such as special geographical locations such as outlying islands or mountains It is allowed Carry out communication medical diagnosis In fact, the development of global telemedicine decentralized medicine is in the ascendant, but the demand for smart medical technology to meet decentralized medicine still needs to be realized In addition to the medical technology gap, it also includes medical treatment flow, patient identification, remote Remote consultation and collection are fueling the push for smart medical technology Li Weizhong observed that for telemedicine decentralized medicine to be successfully implemented, it is best to use telemedicine devices that are used outside the hospital or at home and are easily available in daily life Among them, the data of the device is the key It can provide doctors with out-of-hospital real-world data Real World Data or Real World Evidence that they can trust and apply, so that they can improve their diagnosis and treatment methods In fact, this type of telemedicine device is not popular, making remote medical care difficult to complete In addition, as the number of wearable devices such as bracelets and watches increases, most of the data that these devices can truly provide is insufficient for medical purposes and is not easy to validate and verify Li Weizhong said that people are paying more and more attention to health awareness, which is a positive encouragement for telemedicine devices He believes that as long as there is an appropriate business model and the right way to cooperate with hospitals and doctors can reduce the burden on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenditures, Qi Yi Medical Electronics will definitely have the opportunity to become the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine Founded in 2015, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ core team consists of 22 diversified professionals, including young engineers with medical, engineering and information backgrounds and experienced entrepreneurs, working together to create an overall solution for remote healthcare The solution includes hardware design, software development and backend cloud platform services for the mobile medical device Beatinfor Health electrocardiogram sensor Electrocardiogram ECG is one of the most important vital signs body temperature, pulse, respiration and physiological data of the human body, which can reflect various physiological changes in the human body, such as cardiovascular health, inflammation, infection, bleeding, injury or anxiety index changes For this core concept, Qiyi Medical is committed to using wearable electrocardiograms as its core technology, while collecting important vital signs and environmental parameters such as electrocardiograms, and building AI algorithm systems and backend cloud platform services based on big data and machine learning to help solve remote problems Specific chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, sleep problems, and metabolic diseases are the most important in medical treatment Electrocardiogram sensor continuous physiological data monitoring reduces the risk of death in acute heart failure patients by 11 within 30 days after discharge In order to realize remote medical services, Qiyi Medical Electronics has launched a complete set of remote medical care solutions, including wearable mobile medical devices-electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG, BEATINFO HEALTH APP, and AI algorithms , web pages and BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform The BEATINFO ECG sensor is an exclusive device for the BEATINFO HEALTH APP health cloud platform It can be used continuously for 40 hours when fully charged The device is only 15g This sensor can collect the user's electrocardiogram, respiration, and skin temperature through a patch or chest strap , body movements, postures and environmental parameters Currently, BEATINFO ECG sensor has 8 patents in the United States and Taiwan, and won 2 German iF Design Awards in 2017 Mobile medical device-electrocardiogram sensor can provide continuous physiological data monitoring In terms of overall technical features, the BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has four key physiological data detection characteristics continuity, long-range, real-time and dynamic In terms of operation, users can download the BEATINFO HEALTH APP on Android or iOS systems Its interface can provide physiological data status, order health assessment reports such as one-day sleep assessment report or cardiovascular health assessment report, and high-intensity exercise test Cardiovascular assessment reports, third-party remote medical consultation services and other functions Users use patch-type or chest-strap ECG sensors paired with end-to-cloud platforms for continuous physiological detection Before being transmitted to the cloud for further calculations, all data will be de-identified and made available to professionals Data reports are provided for physician judgment The BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has powerful noise filtering processing capabilities, fast waveform recognition and judgment, as well as highly complex cloud architecture and communication technology Why is the noise filter processing capability so important Because medical equipment in general hospitals must require users to complete short-term measurements under static conditions Usually, data in life situations outside the hospital cannot be collected by the hospital, and this data is very important to doctors It is increasingly important to understand the progression of the disease and the condition of patients leaving the hospital Therefore, if we continue to record very weak ECG signals in daily life, we actually need to overcome a very high technical threshold After these signals are processed by the noise, they will first be judged by the AI algorithm before preliminary and rapid conclusions can be made Users can instantly avoid certain fatal risks The cloud architecture provides a deeper level of second-order computing and also covers the business model architecture It provides service models such as user management, automatic report generation, record keeping, alarm notifications, and connection with more services such as third-party alarms Emergency rescue, third-party medical consultation, doctor and patient docking, medical treatment cash flow and other functions In terms of competitive advantages in the industry, compared with the industry's braceletwatch products, Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG provides accurate medical-level measurements, and can continuously record and collect physiological data, improving any Sudden or sporadic symptoms may occur Compared with the electrocardiogram patch of its peers, it provides real-time data return and web-based management tools, and can produce various reports for managers to remotely manage a large number of users on the web According to statistics from Beijing Medical University, the mortality rate of patients with acute heart failure within 30 days after discharge is as high as 11 If an electrocardiogram sensor is installed on the patient for continuous and real-time monitoring for 30 days, it is possible to reduce part of the risk of death, and at the same time, it can Significantly reduce health insurance costs Additionally, in the case of cardiovascular disease, if the user wears the device for a period of time, regular cardiovascular assessment reports can be obtained and provided for follow-up in-depth examinations by doctors In addition to the measurement of cardiovascular diseases, the ECG sensor configuration can provide home assessment of sleep apnea OSA During the measurement, patients can discover potential and easily overlooked cardiovascular diseases, and users do not need to stay in the sleep ward for treatment After a boring night, through the ECG sensor patch and AI algorithm, patients only need to sleep at home for one night to receive an OSA test report If needed, doctors can access patient status remotely and instantly via any internet browser Therefore, through the ECG sensor wearable service, users can discover hidden and unknown cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias related to sudden death from the measurement process to avoid unnecessary regrets Qiyi Medical Electronics’ business model is mainly B2B2C, hoping to assist individuals, hospitals, enterprises, care services and other units to create a win-win situation Li Weizhong analyzed that the business cooperation model is quite flexible, whether it is leasing or buying out wearable measurement devices, or providing annual report subscriptions to reduce the cost of purchasing devices for users, such as including 2-minute electrocardiogram, Flexible subscription package including 7-day cardiovascular health assessment, exercise cardiovascular health assessment, sleep health assessment report, etc Group cardiovascular monitoring system solution creates a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform to replace diagnosis with prevention In addition to providing individual users with remote mobile physiological data measurement, the BEATINFO cloud platform provides a "group cardiovascular monitoring system" solution that can create many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring through network technology Based on the platform, patients only need to wear a lightweight monitoring patch, and the back-end system can grasp the changes in their physiological information, so that prevention can replace diagnosis and reduce the chance of sudden cardiovascular death This platform provides 3 functions, including the ability to manage different users into groups and hierarchically, and the number of users can reach tens of thousands it can display users’ basic physiological information in real time on web tools, and can be used under certain preset conditions When triggered, this platform will immediately send out an alarm historical data can also be reviewed on the platform, which is very suitable for doctors to check the patient's disease progression outside the hospital during consultation For the application of the "Group Cardiovascular Monitoring System" solution, taking high-intensity exercise as an example, such as long-distance running and cycling, mountain climbing activities or traveling abroad, a prior cardiovascular health assessment is required activities, and corresponding evaluation reports This report allows users to share it with doctors, so that participants can make assessments before the event or test their training effectiveness, which can significantly reduce the risk of accidents during the event beforehand During the activity, the group cardiovascular monitoring system also provides real-time on-site monitoring of a large number of participants It can be monitored in real time by the AI in the background at the moment of exercise Once an accident occurs, the platform can immediately issue an alarm and even report the accident GPS positioning of the location, and continuously transmits back the user's physiological information during search and rescue, striving for golden rescue time In sports monitoring applications, taking golf as an example, how to improve golfers' puttinghitting performance A player's performance and concentration are usually directly related to personal emotional stability Li Weizhong said that through HRV analysis of Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram device, it can help determine the player's emotional and stress index performance, and at the same time help golf coaches select and train players The group cardiovascular monitoring system can create a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform Establish a firm foothold in Taiwan, move towards the US and European markets, and move towards the goal of a data company Faced with the challenges of technology research and development and market promotion, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ automatic identification of electrocardiograms requires a large amount of data for AI calculation development For this reason, Qiyi Medical Electronics must cooperate with hospitals and develop jointly Finish At present, the company has established good cooperative relations with many medical centers and research units, and has overcome these technical bottlenecks one by one In terms of market promotion, Li Weizhong said that the biggest challenge facing Qiyi Medical Electronics is to communicate with the market and let the public understand the differences between competitors' bracelet and watch products and the company's mobile device-electrocardiogram sensor Compared with the common bracelet and watch products on the market that collect electrocardiogram data in a discontinuous manner, it may take a long time to collect discontinuous data before potential cardiovascular problems can be discovered by luck Qiyi Medical Electronics actively promotes electrocardiogram to the public in a continuous manner The competitive functional characteristics of sexual detection data and emphasize that it is a very important means to assist in the detection of many potential diseases, replacing diagnosis with prevention and reducing the occurrence of unnecessary cardiovascular diseases In addition, in terms of business promotion, we also hope to create more opportunities for business matching and new venture capital raising with the assistance of the Corporate Resource Strategy Council Looking to the future, Li Wei and Xu Qiyi Medical Electric Energy will become the last piece of the telemedicine puzzle in the health wearable device-electrocardiogram service Li Weizhong said that in the short term, Qiyi Medical hopes to gain a firm foothold in Taiwan and become a common medical device in everyone's home, just like thermometers and blood pressure monitors The company is also constantly developing new indications Starting from electrocardiogram, coupled with AI and big data, it can deal with more chronic diseases In addition to cardiovascular diseases, we have also successively developed sleep apnea and other more special diseases The applications are aimed at the problems of elderly chronic diseases that modern people are very likely to encounter With a mid- to long-term plan, Qiyi Medical will enter the US and EU markets, become an international company, and continue to aim to become a data company, making good use of the company's long-term collection of data applications to provide services in diverse fields such as new drug development and vaccine development application to create business opportunities and profits 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」