
【2020 Solutions】 Instantly Recommend the Right Products: Taimi Increases Your Customer Conversion and Retention Automatically

Have you ever had an experience where, while randomly browsing online stores, it seems like the website can read your mind, constantly recommending products you want to buy...

Recommending the right product to the right customer at the right time

For example, when you see a piece of clothing you like, similar items or accessories that could match it immediately appear below, and before you know it... your shopping cart gets fuller and fuller. The reason the webpage understands you so well is primarily due to the implementation of an AI engine that can automatically analyze customer preferences and recommend the right product at the right moment, invisibly increasing the consumer's purchasing intent and stabilizing the platform's customer base. This is the expertise of Taimi Rosetta.ai.

▲ Taimi Rosetta.ai provides software services to e-commerce platforms aimed at increasing conversion rates and customer retention rates, by analyzing consumer preferences through various AI engines and recommending personalized products online and offline.

Taimi Rosetta.ai is an internet company specialized in creating one-stop customer conversion and retention services for e-commerce, analyzing consumer behavior through various AI engines, and recommending personalized products both online and offline. Referring to the previous mention of online shopping, throughout the entire shopping journey, clever integration of different AI engines on various situational pages—home page, product page, category page, shopping cart, checkout page—these designed APIs tailored to consumer needs and shopping contexts further deepen the analysis of consumer preferences. Through accurate sales forecasting, it elevates the consumer experience and conversion rates.

Apparel e-commerce clothing selection webpage image
Apparel e-commerce recommended item selection webpage image

▲ Throughout the entire shopping journey, Taimi Rosetta.ai is capable of installing different AI engines on various pages, instantly recommending the right products in the right context, thereby invisibly enhancing consumer's purchasing intentions.

Different AI engines analyze different situations to create consumer return flow and increase lift-to-cart rates

For instance, if a consumer lingers on a page buying a coat, not only similar styles get recommended below, but there may also appear clothing or accessories that complement that coat, such as undergarments, pants, belts, bags, etc. The system will also consider the consumer's past shopping habits and recommend items they might be interested in. For instance, if the consumer has previously purchased a DSLR camera, the page might suggest camera bags, cleansing kits, etc., relevant products. Through AI technology, cross-analyzing merchandise information with customer preferences achieves personalized promotions.

Collaboration with accelerators, different industry collaboration aspect image
▲ Besides targeting the e-commerce market, Taimi Rosetta.ai also actively expands overseas, collaborating with major domestic and international accelerators in recent years, and hopes to apply its capabilities in different industries to seek more collaboration opportunities.

Taimi Rosetta.ai offers a variety of instantly usable API modules and basic situational combinations, allowing users to choose according to the characteristics of their website, without the need for large investments in building an AI infrastructure. This enables clear understanding of customer preferences, significant reduction in marketing costs, and even inventory forecasting, thus effectively increasing e-commerce revenue. Besides focusing on the e-commerce market, Taimi Rosetta.ai is also actively expanding overseas, having been selected by well-known domestic and international accelerators such as AppWorks, Founder Institute, Orange Fab, Zeroth.ai, etc., over the past two years. It also hopes to apply its capabilities to different industries in the future, seeking more collaborative opportunities.

Taimi Rosetta.ai official website

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

Recommend Cases

【解決方案】小柿智檢 以「AOIAI」雙劍合璧,軟加硬體千錘百鍊 打通外觀瑕疵檢測任督二脈
Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection uses the two swords of "AOI + AI" to combine software and hardware to open up the two channels of appearance defect detection and supervision.

Quality inspection, like a double-edged sword, has always been a favorite and painful subject for Taiwanese manufacturers When AI deep learning enters the industrial visual inspection of traditional manufacturing industries, it can not only save inspection manpower investment, solve the problem of inconsistent manual visual standards, overcome the limited visual recognition and defect detection blind spots of traditional automatic optical inspection AOI, and also enable real-time traceability Causes of quality problems The overall AIAOI visual inspection solution developed by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection integrates software and hardware to create efficient appearance defect detection capabilities, helping electronics OEM customers create high-efficiency products with a miss detection rate of less than 1 and an overkill rate of less than 3 Check the level Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection was established in 2020 Although it is a new venture two years ago, it did not start from scratch Founder and CEO Hong Peijun and the core team have been deeply involved in Foxconn factories for many years and participated in countless smart factory-related solutions and process improvements , has profound AI deep learning development capabilities, and accumulated rich experience in world-class AI application implementation Seeing that AI industrial inspection must be the last mile for the manufacturing industry to move towards Industry 40, Hong Peijun resolutely decided to implement AI deep learning technology in the field of smart manufacturing with high output value, and specialized in the development of AI industrial visual inspection For the manufacturing industry, product inspection is the most important part of all quality control, but traditional industrial inspection faces two major pain points 1 Manual visual inspection Today, more than 95 of the entire manufacturing industry still relies on manual visual inspection Inspection makes it difficult for manual visual quality inspection standards to be consistent, and visual inspection of fine objects, such as passive components or highly reflective components, will cause long-term vision damage 2 Traditional AOI automatic optical inspection The product has limited visual recognition capabilities and blind spots in defect detection Among them, the detection of appearance defects such as scratches, oil stains, dirt or hair and other unexpected subtle defects has always been a problem in AOI applications Insurmountable difficulties AIAOI visual inspection overall solution is a great boon for appearance defect detection When designing the product roadmap of Xiaoshi Zhikan, customer group positioning and strengthening customer product services and value were important indicators Moreover, appearance defect detection has always been an unresolved pain in the manufacturing industry, Hong Peijun said With industrial quality inspection AI software as the core, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides an overall solution for AIAOI visual inspection It mainly promotes three major products, including "QVI-T AI deep learning inspection modeling platform software" and "AI six-sided defect inspection and screening machine" ” and “AI Industrial Quality Inspection Platform” The main customer groups served are semiconductor packaging and testing, EMS electronics foundry, small metal parts processing and other industries with high production capacity and high gross profit margin In response to customer needs, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides corresponding software and hardware services, combining self-developed AI deep learning software and hardware quality inspection equipment to reduce the manual visual burden on the production line and effectively improve the production quality of the factory In order to help equipment manufacturers and technical engineers with development capabilities accurately grasp product appearance defect detection, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection independently developed QVI-T deep learning detection software, which can provide customers with defect location, defect classification, defect segmentation, anomaly detection and text recognition Key functions such as this are different from the fixed detection methods of traditional software Algorithms can be refined based on different industrial detection methods and different APIs can be developed to connect devices with different lenses The software design of this platform is very lightweight It is a SaaS software built on public cloudprivate cloud It mainly involves simple image uploading, labeling, training modeling, and verification testing After completion, users can download models, SDKs, APIs, and reports Effectively help customers achieve AI inference functions Currently, most of the industrial inspection services on the market are traditional AOI software industrial inspection machines, which can only measure product contours such as the head and length of fasteners, etc, and cannot truly provide detection of subtle product surface defects such as screw head cracks and tooth damage There is a lack of such high-precision defect detection companies in the market, Hong Peijun observed Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection developed and independently built the "AI six-sided defect detection and screening machine" from customized services in the past to providing standardized services for customers at the current stage It provides standardized testing services for fasteners in measurement and surface defects, as well as passive components High-speed surface defect detection of similar products This professional machine uses the AI deep learning AOI composite algorithm technology independently developed by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection Through parallel computing technology, it can achieve model inference up to 3 milliseconds per picture, and realize multiple complex defect detection on the electrodes and body of passive components This professional machine is mainly used for the inspection of fasteners, small metal parts and passive components In terms of competitiveness in the industry, the software hardware integration provided by the AI six-sided defect inspection and screening professional machine is an important core competitive advantage of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection It is not as simple as it sounds Hong Peijun said with emotion that this special machine is very important in the industrial inspection industry Commonly known as the highly integrated integration of optical mechanisms, electronic controls, software and algorithms, the process requires continuous optimization and iteration, and requires multiple client verifications and modifications After a long period of hard work, the technical threshold has also been raised The AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine will be the main product promotion direction of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection in the next 3-5 years It is believed that AI combined with measurement technology and surface defect detection will be an important source of core competitiveness of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection, Hong Peijun said AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine will be the main product promotion direction of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection in the next 3-5 years Faced with the booming development of Industry 40 in smart factories, customers often ask "Does quality inspection data have secondary use value" Hong Peijun said that the "AI Industrial Quality Inspection Platform" launched by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection has a machine learning mechanism , which can be used for secondary use of quality inspection data to provide customers with multiple functions including real-time monitoring and early warning of production quality, quality traceability analysis, quality factor assessment, process parameter prediction and recommendation Taking the successful introduction into the automotive parts factory as an example, through the prediction and recommendation of process parameters provided by the AI industrial quality inspection platform, when we know the product defects, we build a set of models based on the experience of past masters, coupled with the network connection data from the previous stage, After integration, we have process data, incoming material data, and quality inspection data We can predict whether these machine parameters have run out, and we can recommend whether the process parameters of certain sections should be adjusted up or down Through the AI industrial quality inspection platform, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection can help customers connect visual quality inspection results, process data and acceptance standards with the existing MES system of the customer's factory to improve production quality, improve efficiency and reduce costs In terms of business model, Xiaoshi Zhiqian also provides a software subscription system for the deep learning detection modeling platform software It provides public cloud customers with traffic subscription and charges based on the amount of image uploads, while private cloud customers adopt an annual license fee license charging mechanism In addition, the company also provides customers with a buyout charging mechanism for the overall solution equipment, and provides a one-year warranty, after which consumables and software update maintenance fees are charged annually Going in the opposite direction, using both hard and soft methods, with a missed detection rate of less than 1 and rapid modeling in 15 minutes Faced with various small-volume and multi-sample inspection needs in the manufacturing industry, general AI deep learning visual inspection usually requires customers to collect a large number of photos of defective products, which is time-consuming to label, and also causes customers to have difficulty in importing AI, and defective products cannot be collected The introduction cycle is long and implementation is full of risks If there are not enough bad samples, the model will be inaccurate Kosaki Chikan goes in the opposite direction and uses its product "AI Visual Inspection Model Development Tool" to train models through pictures of good products provided by customers It is relatively easy for AI to learn good products, no labeling is required, and the time can be quickly compressed to complete the modeling Take the implementation of IPC electronics industry - AAEON Technology as an example In order to reduce the manpower input of the quality inspection station in the PCBA production line and have standardized quality inspection, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides an overall solution for PCBA AI visual inspection software and hardware services, and conduct in-line inspection on the factory's highly automated assembly line, effectively saving inspection manpower investment, improving the standardization of quality inspection rates, and improving the problem of inconsistent standards caused by manual visual inspection Through the introduction of AI visual inspection software and hardware integrated solutions, we have effectively helped customers maintain an overkill rate of less than 3 in the past two years, and achieved high-efficiency performance with a missed detection rate of less than 1 In addition, this solution allows practitioners who do not understand AI to quickly operate modeling By installing the modeling tool on the device, when the customer has a new product number and needs to create a model, he only needs to provide 10 pictures of good products to scan under the device It only takes 15 minutes to quickly train the model In terms of product core strategic layout, compared with market competitors who rely solely on general software services to seize all manufacturing markets, it is not feasible to apply it to industrial inspection Hong Peijun has observed over the past 10 years and believes that only software hardware can With technical thresholds and focusing on one industry and field, only by adopting a standardized company's AI six-sided defect detection and screening special machine can it be replicated and scaled up, and the company can truly continue to move towards optimization and create product competitiveness, even if there are other competing products It’s not easy to compete for this pie, Hong Peijun said Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection’s overall AIAOI visual inspection solution creates rapid modeling and excellent results for customers with a missed detection rate of less than 1 The most competitive AIAOI overall solution provider with global presence For new entrepreneurs, facing business expansion is a challenge every day Hong Peijun said that small companies are easily snatched away by large companies, company talents are poached by high salaries, lack of deep customer relationships, and the business team is not large enough, etc How to overcome this Hong Peijun believes that the key to success and competitiveness of a new start-up company is to be diligent in making up for mistakes, provide better services, provide more immediate feedback, and create more professional solutions to convince customers Since its establishment in 2020, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection has always gone against the grain in terms of product core strategic layout, surpassing the competitive market among its peers, and actively taking root in the overall solution of AI visual inspection software and hardware Hong Peijun hopes that Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection will become the world's most competitive AIAOI overall solution provider for the electronics and semiconductor industries in the future, and provide the top AIAOI professional machines and equipment to the electronics and semiconductor industry customer base Hong Peijun said that the technical capabilities of the company's AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine have reached the top domestic level In order to speed up the research and development of professional machines to become more standardized and sell them to overseas markets, the company will conduct a fundraising plan at this stage, hoping to use legal persons such as the Capital Strategy Council to assist in more business connections and fundraising channels For the medium and long-term goals, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection will lay out the global market including mainland China and Southeast Asian countries At the same time, it will follow the international footsteps of major OEMs in global layout Under the target inspection project, it will continue to develop specialty products and spread towards the international field 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】五年磨一劍 太奇雲端專注影像辨識 獲智慧城市創新應用獎
After five years of hard work in image recognition, Touch Cloud won the Smart City Innovation Application Award

During the opening ceremony of the 2022 Smart City Summit amp Expo co-organized by the National Development Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei City Government, Taoyuan City Government, Kaohsiung City Government, and Taipei Computer Association on March 22, 2022, founder and president of Touch Cloud Cheng-Hsun Li went on stage to receive the "2022 Smart City Innovation Application Award_Smart Security Award" This award is hard-won because after five years of hard work, Touch Cloud brought its core technology of AI image analysis back to Taiwan after gaining popularity in overseas markets, becoming an important smart city solutions provider "Since the company was established, we have positioned ourselves to make AI products that are stable, easy to use, and truly needed by the market" The company's positioning is very clear, this step took Touch Cloud five years It was not until the beginning of 2020 that Touch Cloud launched its first intrusion detection product In less than two years, Touch Cloud has now launched seven products, with each product receiving excellent reviews from the market Specializing in the field of smart cities, Touch Cloud successfully entered the Asian market Founded in February 2016, Touch Cloud originally focused on AOI defect detection However, the definition of defects is different for every customer As a result, applications in this field are mostly project development and could not be commercialized The company later directed its efforts to AI Application Box, a product that integrates software and hardware, and focused on smart cities, including transportation, industrial safety, and security related markets In view of the high acceptance and price advantage of AI in overseas markets, Cheng-Hsun Li targeted the overseas market in the early stages of the company's development, and has produced many successful results in several major countries, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand Among them, Touch Cloud successfully entered the Hong Kong market with its debut in the Hong Kong International Airport project In 2018, Hong Kong International Airport planned to monitor ships around airline oil storage platforms to prevent ships from colliding with the oil storage platform However, the oil storage platform is located in the middle of the sea and lacks electricity and Internet connection, so it could only set up a camera on shore 3 km away from the platform In addition to the long distance and poor line of sight, monitoring was also affected by weather conditions, such as clouds and fog, and was ineffective Touch Cloud customized an AI algorithm specifically for the project, and continuously collected image data for model training It took half a year of discussions with the customer and system corrections to finally achieve an accuracy rate of 98, successfully completing the goal Touch Cloud won the 2022 Smart City Innovation Application Award_Smart Security Award Minister of Economic Affairs Mei-Hua Wang on the left, Touch Cloud founder and president Cheng-Hsun Li on the right Touch Cloud products have three advantages that provide customers with a better AI user experience 1 Plug and play 2 Provides flexible services, in addition to standard products, customized services meet customers' needs for quick launch and reliable problem solving 3 High adaptability and ability to achieve extremely high recognition accuracy in different environments Cheng-Hsun Li believes that the design of AI products should be as simple as using a "home appliance" and have a clear purpose Therefore, Touch Cloud built an AI Application Box to design products from the perspective of scene applications, focusing on image analysis related to "people" and "vehicles" At present, a total of seven products have been developed, including KekkAI personnel intrusion detection, card swiping and tailgating detection, KekkAI-H construction site safety detection, Abaci-P people flow and head count, Abaci-V traffic flow and vehicle count, Greygoose personnel intrusion detection and people flow, GotchA cross-camera person tracking search, and AISense license plate recognition Cross-camera tracking product GotchA won the Smart City Innovation Application Award GotchA is the product that won the Smart City Innovation Application Award This cross-camera tracking product is unique in the market Its system uses AI technology to search and track people by analyzing their features at the time Users can use image search to search for the path of a specific person in multiple cameras they can also use multiple appearance features to find suitable target groups Using GotchA, you can actively search for lost people, understand the shopping behavior of VIP customers in the mall, and even manage the footprints of visitors in the building For example, it is not uncommon for children to get lost in hypermarkets GotchA can access footage from the entrance camera for an image search, and compare the walking path of the child to quickly find the missing child Using GotchA in shopping malls and amusement parks, where people come and go, to find lost people It not only significantly reduces the time spent by 90, but also transforms the traditional approach of the service counter making an announcement to the lost person into an active search based on image analysis, thereby improving service levels and accuracy Touch Cloud's excellent AI image analysis technology is favored by large enterprises Cheng-Hsun Li said that his experience abroad has taught him to help customers find AI usage scenarios For example, a T-Bar large advertising billboard operator in Thailand wants to attract business, and advertisers want to understand the flow of people to evaluate advertising effectiveness The T-Bar company has more than 1,000 cameras and can determine the type of vehicle from the images and then calculate the number of people, which can be converted to advertising effectiveness After Touch Cloud used the data for training, it can even identify special vehicle types in various countries For example, the nbsp"pickup truck" is a special vehicle type in Thailand Model training is carried out through Open Data, scenario data, and Touch Cloud's self-built database, and can accurately identify traffic flow and vehicle type, which is used to estimate the number of people reached by the advertisement Rapid business development after returning to the Taiwan market from overseas Touch Cloud currently accounts for 70 of the overseas market, with customers in Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines In the future, it will also develop into other Asian markets, such as Vietnam In addition to the Asian market, Touch Cloud has not forgotten to serve Taiwanese customers, and began to actively recruit partners to jointly develop the Taiwan market in June 2021 So far, the number of customers has quickly accumulated to more than a hundred Touch Cloud's excellent AI image analysis technology is favored by many companies, and most investors are strategic partners, working together to create synergies and allow Touch Cloud's technology to be quickly applied Cheng-Hsun Li said that it often takes more than five years for an AI startup to get its operations on track, and it takes at least three years to cultivate good AI talents Results are gradually emerging thanks to the considerable flexibility and space given by strategic investors to the company Touch Cloud products are already being put into practical use in major Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, and Japan, and are expected to enter more Asian countries within two years, driving more advanced image analysis applications The company hopes to complete representative cases in Asian markets every year, and move towards an IPO as a company featuring AI products

【解決方案】運用極現科技4D無人機雲端平台 巡檢成本降為五分之一
Utilizing Extreme Present Tech's 4D Drone Cloud Platform Reduces Inspection Costs to One-Fifth

The use of drones for intelligent inspection is becoming increasingly common, with major petrochemical and solar power plants continuing to adopt drone applications Located in Hsinchu, Extreme Present Technology earthbook has established a 4D cloud platform using its proprietary technology, offering drone, software, and data analysis platform services for intelligent inspections at solar power and petrochemical plants, reducing the total cost to just one-fifth of traditional methods involving hardware and software purchases, and cutting down the time from one month to approximately 24 hours, making it highly cost-effective For petrochemical industry operators who are constantly in a high-temperature, high-pressure dangerous environment, the safety control and inspection of plant facilities are critical 'As long as we can enhance the capabilities of facility inspection and risk identification in petrochemical sites, resource input is absolutely not an issue,' said a petrochemical industry representative with emphasis By implementing the drone 4D AI inspection cloud platform, the efficiency and safety of facility inspections among petrochemical operators can be elevated, further reducing the risk of equipment downtime Founded in March 2018, Extreme Present Tech has become a consistent winner in domestic entrepreneurship competitions, including being crowned champion in the 2019 OPEN DATA Business Innovation Practice, selected into Microsoft's startup accelerator in 2020, chosen for NVIDIA's AI startup team in 2021, and its products have been launched on the Microsoft Azure platform, earning investments from the National Development Fund and major domestic groups, thereby securing strong market validation for its technical prowess and services The founder and CEO of Extreme Present Tech, Hsu Wei-Cheng, mentioned that at the beginning of its establishment, the company took on the national space center's satellite 3D photography scheduling system and specialized in the integration of geographic information into 3D images As drone hardware technologies matured, the company shifted its operations towards the drone market and combined it with AI image recognition systems to establish a 4D cloud DaaS platform, offering services including online aerial photography ordering DaaS, 5GAIoT cloud platform SaaS, and enterpriseAPI server software, to meet the demands of drones in smart cities, facility inspection, engineering management, disaster response, pollution monitoring, and other applications, maximizing the value of drone services Smart aerial inspection regularly tracks the health status of plant equipment at a glance The quantity and area of petrochemical plants in Taiwan are immense, lacking sufficient manpower for comprehensive equipment inspections Given that petrochemical plants produce high-temperature flammable and corrosive chemicals that must be transmitted and stored through pipelines and tanks, long-term risks like pipeline ruptures and tank blockages could lead to severe occupational safety disasters, equipment downtime, and production stagnation Given the shortfalls in personnel for equipment inspections among petrochemical operators, Extreme Tech has already implemented a 4D AI drone inspection cloud platform combined with AI image recognition technology in petrochemical plant areas, providing ground-breaking evidence through the use of drones and proprietary app software services that connect on-site aerial data collection to the cloud platform, achieving fully automated and real-time aerial monitoring of petrochemical plant equipment pipelines, tanks, and ensuring precise locations and angles for each aerial operation, effectively compensating for the discrepancy in human inspection Hsu Wei-Cheng pointed out that the inspection drones used in petrochemical plants are equipped with dual lenses, one visible light and the other thermal infrared, which allow for determining pipeline obstructions through temperature conditions, enabling clients to immediately view the inspection status of the plant area from remote locations via the earthbook website, enhancing clients' inspection efficiency and accuracy The 4D aerial data platform meets diverse applications such as smart cities, transportation, engineering management, and pollution monitoring DaaS Online Order-Use Model Innovates Aerial Photography Business Model Saving 15 Costs Apart from providing a 4D aerial data platform, Extreme Present Tech also offers DaaS Drone as a Service After customers place orders on the website, Extreme Present coordinates with professionally licensed aerial photographers to provide on-site services Customers can monitor real-time operations through the platform and quickly obtain aerial data to evaluate any abnormalities, enabling timely alerts Take the solar power plant monitoring service as an example Given that solar power plant areas are large and widely distributed, located in the remote Pingtung area with the headquarters in Taipei, for inspections of the Pingtung plant, the customer just needs to use the DaaS service model, directly order online and upload a map of the Pingtung plant, obtain a quote from the company, and then entrust local Pingtung pilots to perform aerial inspections of the solar power plant During the process, the drone's route is automatically calculated by AI to plan the flight path, and the aerial data is transmitted to the client's cloud account, allowing the Taipei headquarters clients to immediately see the inspection status of the solar power plant from the earthbook website such as the condition of the solar panels, dust detection, or abnormal heat generation from solar electromagnetism, effectively helping the customer significantly reduce operational costs and efficiently complete the solar power plant inspection service Introduction of DaaS online aerial photography service in petrochemical plants According to estimates, solar power plant clients often incur high personnel costs by purchasing drones or outsourcing aerial photography With the long-term provision of aerial photography devices and the DaaS business model by Extreme Present Tech, customers can save 45 of aerial photography costs, and obtain aerial inspection reports within 24 hours post-operation, helping clients efficiently identify issues with solar panels Aiming to become the largest aerial data service company and enter the Southeast Asian market Since its establishment in 2018, Extreme Present Tech has rapidly grown in the aerial photography market with innovative thinking, actively expanding its aerial data application services Currently focused on cultivating the Taiwan market, the company aims to enter Southeast Asian nations, with Indonesia chosen as the first stop due to its high demand for infrastructure Hsu Wei-Cheng hopes that earthbook becomes the world's largest aerial data service platform Besides completing the initial round of funding from the National Development Fund and major groups, to penetrate the international market, the company continuously improves its drone data services and AI technology innovations, while also requiring the assistance of entities like the Industrial Technology Research Institute to find strategic investors that complement the company, fulfilling its goal of becoming an international aerial data corporation in phases Founder and CEO of Extreme Present Tech, Hsu Wei-Cheng「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」