
【2021 Application Example】 AI Complements the Disruption of Traditional Industry Experience: Production Forecast Analysis in Plastic Recycling Process

As the number of veteran craftsmen in traditional industries diminishes

In Taiwan, SMEs have always played a central role in Taiwan's industry, accompanying Taiwan through various 'economic miracles' periods. But as time progresses, the old masters gradually became elderly craftsmen. Coupled with the phenomenon of fewer children and changes in the overall industrial structure, fewer and fewer of the new generation are willing to enter traditional industries. Now, it can be observed that the main combination on most SMEs' operational fields is formed by 'elder craftsmen' together with 'foreign workers.' These experienced craftsmen, who act as living dictionaries of field experience, suffer from a lack of successors to continue the tradition, leading to a growing difficulty in sustaining on-site experience transfer in traditional industries.

The limits of traditional hands-on process optimization are in sight

Located in Tainan Baoan Industrial District, 'Tangxian Company' was established in 1972, initially manufacturing high-quality weaving equipment. It possesses the capability to manufacture machinery, and in recent years it has actively developed environmentally friendly plastic recycling equipment in response to international green energy, recycling, and environmental protection demands. Ultimately, they have successfully developed low energy consumption, low waste, high purity, and high output recycling granulators with a sleek and efficient machine design supplemented by advanced intelligent control technology.

▲Tangxian Company's self-developed plastic recycling granulator equipment

However, in the production process of plastic recycling, when faced with hundreds of material types and dozens of process temperatures, speed settings, what is faced is thousands of possible parameter combinations. Previously, the adjustment of various production process conditions was reliant on the on-site staff (the experience of the craftsmen). Thus, during the transition of production of different incoming materials (such as PET, PP, PE), a significant amount of raw materials would be wasted during the trial phase.

The professional information gap in traditional industries

Tangxian Company recognizes the importance of data. In the past, although process parameters were recorded, due to a lack of data capabilities at the time, it was primarily in paper form, manually written down by the operating staff, accumulating a large amount of paper data. However, this also meant a lack of scientifically accurate and detailed information available for real-time reference and adjustment.

Process parameters logbook, records the state of about a dozen machines and production figures hourly

▲Process parameters logbook, records the state of about a dozen machines and production figures hourly

In quality control as well, due to a lack of control over the quality of output and monitoring and feedback mechanisms for unit time production, it becomes difficult to predict the profit conditions of each batch. Production management can only estimate and average cost and productivity changes over the process from the outcomes, without being able to objectively and timely restore the production conditions to reasonableness or make clearer adjustments when facing quality abnormalities.

Site reality (left image shows recycled scraps; right image shows pellet production)

▲Site reality (left image shows recycled scraps; right image shows pellet production)

Taiwanese manufacturers possess strong machinery manufacturing capabilities, and many modern machines now have data capabilities, recording real-time status and information via IoT. But is the infrastructure of the factory's on-site and information systems ready yet?

When the Old Master Meets AI

With government referral, Tangxian Company partnered with a Taiwanese data science company, working together to integrate AI services and optimize internal processes using AI. They started with a medium-sized plastic recycling production line within the factory as a trial field. After establishing a successful benchmark, this model was expanded to larger plastic recycling machinery within the factory to continue verification and application.

Initially, both parties converted the past handwritten paper data into digital format using OCR supplemented by manual correction. Tangxian Company also worked with the supplier of the human-machine interface of the machinery to integrate the control panel and parameter data into the factory's database, allowing real-time monitoring of machine status and eliminating the complexities and potential errors of manual transcription.

Panel of plastic recycling granulation machine, showing current process temperatures, speeds, and power usage

▲Panel of plastic recycling granulation machine, showing current process temperatures, speeds, and power usage

Meanwhile, the Taiwanese data science company further modeled dozens of parameter data through AI, conducting scenario analysis to simulate various production possibilities under environmental parameters and material inputs, identifying key characteristic parameters and providing parameter adjustment recommendations to decrease costs during the trial phase.

Applying data analysis to traditional industry machinery processes

▲Applying data analysis to traditional industry machinery processes

After the old master receives the raw materials, they only need to enter the relevant material characteristic parameters, and the system automatically generates recommended process parameters. After small adjustments by the old master, they proceed with the trial production of the material, effectively reducing the waste of materials, water, electricity, and manpower caused by incorrect attempts. Moreover, Tangxian Company has proactively deployed the concept of 'production pedigree' in the plastic recycling process, allowing the batch's raw materials and process parameters to be accessed by scanning a QRCode.

Production and sales pedigree of plastic recycling pelletizing

▲Production and sales pedigree of plastic recycling pelletizing

Taiwan's SMEs have strong machinery capabilities, just waiting for the 'east wind' of data

From industrial revolutions 2.0 to 3.0, even 4.0, many Taiwanese SMEs face challenges in transitions not just in upgrading machinery, but after investing in modern equipment and generating data, they do not know how to utilize it effectively. It is impractical for these manufacturers to develop a specialized data analysis department on their own; meanwhile, Taiwan also has many innovative teams with strong software capabilities in AI and data analysis, possessing the technology but lacking the field and data. Therefore, if the traditional industries of Taiwan could be fully integrated with the innovative teams in AI and data analysis, it would not only address the current challenges of manpower and experience transfer faced by traditional industries but also advance Taiwan's development and application of AI significantly.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Life-saving is as urgent as a spark AI critical illness system monitors and grasps the golden rescue period

60-year-old Mr Huang was admitted to the hospital due to a stroke After lying in the intensive care unit for two weeks, his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse After rescue, he was lucky enough to survive In fact, with the assistance of AI critical illness early warning technology, hospitals can detect signs and take timely and accurate medical measures 6-8 hours before a patient's heart stops, which can greatly reduce the chance of death in the hospital The deterioration of the condition is a process that evolves over time, and its subtle changes are by no means without context Previous research reports show that about 60 to 70 of inpatients who experience unexpected in-hospital cardiac arrest had symptoms 6 to 8 hours before their cardiac arrest, but only a quarter of them were recognized by clinical staff Detection and discovery, therefore, there is a need for a risk warning tool or system that can be used earlier and continuously to monitor the condition, alert medical staff to pay attention to subtle changes in the patient's condition at any time, and take timely and accurate intervention measures before the condition progresses to effectively reduce adverse events or the risk of serious adverse events Unexpected deterioration cannot be detected early Acute and severe patients often undergo unpredictable changes, and timely detection or prediction of potential acute and severe patients is an important issue The currently commonly used clinical assessment method is Modified Early Warning Score MEWS, which uses simple physiological parameter assessment including heartbeat, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, body temperature, urine output and state of consciousness to screen out high-risk patients, and has been proven to be predictive Patient clinical prognosis MEWS is a scoring mechanism with a single time point and a standardized formula However, the AI crisis warning system developed by Boxin Medical Electronics - Hospital Emergency and Critical Care Early Warning Index System EWS is designed to predict patient status with immediate response , collect the physiological data of patients over time for deep learning, find the best prediction model, and improve the overall accuracy Boxin Medical Electronics uses a big data analysis model to build an early warning system EWS, IoT Internet of Things and 5G communication technology, allowing medical staff to remotely monitor the physiological status of patients through communication equipment, and monitor emergency and severe cases quickly The patient's condition changes and the golden rescue period of 6-8 hours before cardiac arrest can be grasped After Boxin Medical Electronics introduces AI visual interpretation, unmanned operation can greatly reduce medical manpower The AI technology developed by Boxin Medical Electronics is the Gradient Boosting Ensemble Learning System GBELS to build an early warning system It is a learning-based EWS prediction algorithm developed by the company, which is an integrated learning Ensemble Learning and is classified as supervised learning, providing the following three functions 1 Early warning risk notification is used to analyze representative data using GBELS to provide an early risk score so that medical staff can conduct immediate clinical assessment and provide appropriate medical treatment 2 Reduce medical manpower Collect continuous physiological monitoring data, such as heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure and blood oxygen concentration, etc, to reduce the time for medical staff to write cases 3 Combine IOT logistics network and 5G communication technology to quickly transmit medical data such as monitoring parameters and imaging data, and assist medical staff to monitor changes in patients' condition remotely through communication equipment AI critical illness system monitoring to master the golden treatment period Boxin Medical Electronics stated that assessing the severity of the disease in acute and severe patients is a complex task, and patients often experience unpredictable changes Clinical medical staff often judge the condition based on their own clinical experience or intuition, which lacks science and objectivity, resulting in the inability to correctly identify and timely detect potentially acute and severe patients, resulting in or misdiagnosis leading to increased in-hospital mortality of patients The introduction of an AI early critical illness warning system can assist emergency and critical care medical staff to correctly predict the patient's condition and allow patients to receive the care they need immediately This can reduce the manpower arrangement of the emergency and critical care ward at the same time and reduce labor costs In addition, the easy-to-carry design will help the system be introduced into ambulances, home care and other places in the future, so that emergency patients can receive appropriate care earlier Other departments within the hospital can also develop new applications around this system, which can effectively accelerate the development and promotion of smart medical technology With the COVID-19 epidemic still raging in many countries around the world, this system can also help hospitals in various places to operate more effectively Caring for and monitoring the condition of critically ill patients In addition to AI critical illness warning, Boxin Medical Electronics has also developed AI image interpretation - Medical Physiological Monitor Life Cycle Compliance Testing AVS, which uses AI image interpretation technology to develop automated quality inspection of life support medical equipment The instrument solves the time-consuming problem of medical instrument testing It can reduce testing time by 70, increase the number of tests by 3 times, and effectively reduce labor costs by 50 At the same time, it is 100 compliant with regulatory requirements, and gradually solves the shortage of manpower and medical resources in the medical field , medical work overload and other issues It has now taken root in mainland China and is actively preparing for its launch in Europe It will develop towards the Japanese and American markets in the future Boxin Medical Electronics develops AI image interpretation-medical physiological monitor life cycle compliance testing AVS to solve the time-consuming problem of medical instrument testing and can reduce testing by 70 time At this stage, Boxin Medical's smart medical technology has been introduced into medical hospitals including Hsinchu MacKay, Changkei, Dongyuan General Hospital, Kaohsiung University of Technology Affiliated Hospital, Zhenxin Hospital, Hsintai Hospital, Taipei Medical University Affiliated Hospital, etc GE HealthcareInc, an internationally renowned medical materials manufacturer, and Mindray Medical, China's largest medical materials manufacturer, are both representative customers of Boxin Medical Electronics 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」