
【2020 Solutions】 Changing Your Perception of Chatbots: Engaging in Meaningful Conversations

The influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human life is growing daily, whether for businesses, factories, or individuals, everyone is starting to long for a more convenient lifestyle through technology. Whether it's the virtual characters in movies or figments of our imagination, they reflect our desires for a futuristic world; an entity that can instantly respond to all your needs and handle everything meticulously for you. Consequently, Apple brought us 'Siri', Amazon presented 'Alexa', and various tech giants have followed with their intelligent assistants.

Talk to anything you want

According to a Gartner survey, conversational AI's Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology is now among the top three AI technologies. How NLP is applied to enhance consumer experience is a domain actively being studied and progressed by all conversational AI providers. Despite human language being ambiguous and unstructured for machines, with the advent of NLP, we can parse patterns within these large unstructured datasets, enabling better understanding of the embedded messages. NLP also aids in addressing business challenges, especially for frequently asked predictable questions or routine continuous work, which are increasingly being managed by AI-based Chatbots due to advancements in machine learning and computational power. However, for Chatbot developers, finding the right applications is just the first step; designing an engaging experience is crucial for retaining users. Generally, the impression of Chatbots remains stuck on the stereotype of customer service, often appearing clueless or only capable of responding with a few programmed answers, which makes them seem unintelligent and disappointing. Although many factors influencing the user experience design of chatbots warrant further investigation, enhancing consumer experience and altering perceptions require more advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technologies for semantic analysis, sentiment analysis, and advanced conversational applications, making Chatbots smarter and more attuned to human preferences. Asia Pacific Intelligence is one of the few companies in Taiwan focusing on machine intelligence, dedicating themselves to improving human life through proprietary development of NLU technology and specializing in Chatbot applications via the Opentalk platform. Established less than three years ago, it is already the only technological partner in Taiwan for the global top-five industrial AI company 'iFLYTEK'.

Asia Pacific Intelligence constructs 'Multi-Turn Dialogue Querying Capability', enhancing the understanding abilities of Chatbots

Through its internally developed Natural Language Understanding technology, Asia Pacific Intelligence has developed a rapid deployment platform for conversational robots, now equipped with multi-turn dialogue querying capabilities. By integrating a domain knowledge graph, these customer service bots can resolve 70%-80% of issues at the first point of contact. More complex and diverse queries still rely on human customer service. However, the 80% accuracy rate is sufficient for customer service staff to handle more complex customer demands. Additionally, multi-turn dialogue robots can also be applied in factory settings. When customers encounter issues with machinery, they can describe the problem and the machine's condition to the robot; through multi-turn dialogues, the robot can determine the correct problem within a limited scope, effectively pinpoint the issue using the knowledge graph, and notify technical staff for repairs. The machine's preliminary judgment and reporting can generally resolve issues within a day. The underlying data structure of multi-turn dialogue Chatbots relies on interfacing with corporate websites or databases, categorizing data like user preferences, user question and answer data, and user personas. However, apart from requiring a large amount of data, the most crucial aspect is the continuous 'feeding' of domain knowledge to make robots increasingly smarter. Additionally, Bo-Han Wu, the founder of Asia Pacific Intelligence, believes: 'AI learning should be data-driven; thus, dealing with extensive dialogue content cannot be managed with small data. Although various inference technologies are rapidly developing, ultimately, it is still humans who make decisions based on understanding.'

Speaking Out Infinite Possibilities for the Future

Voice technology plays a crucial role in penetrating daily life. For example, Google Assistant announced the launch of its Traditional Chinese version in 2018, actively expanding its voice market in Taiwan. Developers can now upload their voice skills on Action on Google for use by others. Asia Pacific Intelligence (APMIC), leveraging its semantic understanding technology, has listed a voice skill named 'Bus Helper' where users can activate it by saying 'I want to talk to Bus Helper' to their phone or smart speaker. This voice-enabled service can save the hassle of opening an app and typing during the busy morning rush, simply by using voice instead of hands to check bus statuses. The development of voice capabilities requires advanced NLU technology to accurately determine user intent. Major firms like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are also actively participating in NLU technology research, suggesting that the future of voice skill applications will introduce more eye-catching features, providing more thoughtful and intelligent user experiences, making life more convenient.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

Recommend Cases

【解決案例】神經元科技 動鑑觀顫 以眼為始 最佳智慧醫療輔助者
Neuron Technology, moving and observing, starting with the eyes, the best smart medical assistant

Looking around the world and in Taiwan, the number of patients suffering from vertigo is increasing year by year When faced with vertigo testing, most people will choose to have it diagnosed by a doctor or hospitalized with neuromedical imaging tools such as MRI or CT for interpretation However, this may lead to misdiagnosis of vertigo, overdiagnosis of patients, waste of medical resources, etc, and cannot be effectively traced back The actual condition of the patient's dizziness In order to solve the long-term clinical pain point of vertigo, Neurobit has developed a smart wearable medical device - NeuroSpeed smart glasses and an AI assistance system It provides an AI smart solution for rapid screening of vertigo, assisting doctors in quickly screening more than 80 of brain diseases Efficient detection power with accuracy and sensitivity of over 90 Neuron Technology was founded in 2016 The co-founders include Yang Juncheng, Chen Weicheng, Huang Jinxun and Wang Jingfu The four of them were studying at the National Taiwan University Medical Engineering Institute and the Creative Entrepreneurship Program to jointly offer the "Biomedical Innovation and Commercialization" course Next, let’s embark on the entrepreneurial journey together The core team members of Neuron Technology are mainly composed of cross-field experts in medical engineering, information technology, neurology, patents, business, etc The common entrepreneurial concept is to continuously explore and explore unsolved pain points in medical clinical practice Seeing that patients were suffering from vertigo, Neuron Technology invented and independently developed an efficient and practical wearable smart medical device, NeuroSpeed Smart Glasses, which combines hardware AI-assisted decision-making system software to provide an AI smart solution for rapid dizziness screening Neuron Technology CEO Yang Juncheng said that the proportion of people in Taiwan and the world who suffer from vertigo is very high In Taiwan, as many as 3 of the people about 700,000 suffer from vertigo, while in the United States, about 1,000 people suffer from vertigo Tens of thousands of people go to see a doctor due to vertigo From the data, it can be seen that the vertigo medical care market is quite huge Regarding rapid screening for vertigo diagnosis in the clinic, current rapid screening tools in hospitals mainly use neurological examinations, and most of them are processed through questionnaire-type scales The diagnosis will rely too much on the patient's chief complaint and the doctor's experience judgment, and lacks quantitative indicators, resulting in Misdiagnosis of vertigo and loss of golden treatment time For patients with vertigo who are admitted to the emergency department, medical diagnosis in the past relied heavily on neuromedical imaging tools such as computed tomography CT or magnetic resonance imaging MRI After observation, it was found that the equipment was insufficient In the United States, the number of patients admitted to the emergency department Less than 3 of the population can receive immediate MRI diagnosis, and less than 50 can receive CT diagnosis However, excessive use of CT or MRI diagnosis may lead to overdiagnosis and treatment of patients, and even waste of medical resources In order to help vertigo patients accurately and efficiently screen and triage and reduce over-diagnosis in clinics and emergency rooms, NeuroSpeed Smart Glasses, a wearable smart medical device developed by Neuron Technology, is believed to have a great impact on the overall application of medical resources and patient diagnosis and treatment It is very helpful Yang Juncheng said that if it is not necessary to use MRI to track the diagnosis, this device can be used as a rapid screening test before the existing MRI neuroimaging tools and after the patient is admitted to the hospital, reducing over-diagnosis of patients NeuroSpeed's examination method is to quickly screen for nystagmus to identify patients with potential brain diseases The examination method of this technology is to observe the trembling state of the eyes and a series of eye movements when the subject is staring at a stationary object, so as to judge Brain risks for appropriate diagnosis and treatment NeuroSPeed smart glasses can crack brain and eye diseases, clinical trial sensitivity reaches 90 With the active research and development of Neuron Technology, two generations of NeuroSpeed smart glasses have been successfully launched The first generation NeuroSpeed mainly provides doctors with real-time observation of high-quality eye images and eye movement response-related examination data reference, and does not provide auxiliary diagnosis services The second generation of NeuroSpeed allows physicians to record, track, store and view relevant eye movement analysis and pupil area identification, thereby effectively diagnosing diseases of the central, meridian and peripheral nervous systems Because the second-generation NeuroSpeed product has the function of assisting doctors in analysis and diagnosis, it has been classified as a Class II medical device in the United States and must be certified by the US FDA before it can be sold externally At this stage, this product has completed pre-submission and will be submitted for review after the biocompatibility test is completed It is expected that the second generation NeuroSpeed will successfully obtain US FDA certification next year In terms of actual verification fields, NeuroSpeed has currently cooperated with New Taipei Shuanghe Hospital and Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital for clinical verification Its clinical results have confirmed the classification judgment of central nervous system diseases such as stroke and other vestibular system diseases With the addition of NeuroSpeed Smart glasses are designed to be lightweight and easy to carry, detect quickly and easily, and have the functional characteristics of automatic interpretation They can effectively assist doctors in quickly screening for potential brain disease risks in patients with vertigo Field verification with foreign medical centers mainly involves vertigo patients admitted to the emergency department Physicians can use NeuroSpeed smart devices to interpret the phenomenon of stroke diagnosis Currently, the accuracy of clinical trials in the above-mentioned cooperative hospitals reaches 80 and the sensitivity reaches 90 Neuron Technology develops smart wearable medical device NeuroSpeed smart glasses In addition to becoming the best smart medical assistant for doctors to quickly screen brain disease risks in the clinic and emergency department, NeuroSpeed smart glasses also assist doctors in the detection and assessment of strabismus risk They are jointly developed with the Tri-Service General Hospital through neuron technology The "Portable Strabismus and Abnormal Eye Movement Diagnosis System" is implemented in the Tri-Service General Hospital, providing doctors with a complete preoperative assessment of strabismus and postoperative tracking basis This excellent RD technology achievement was recognized by the 17th National Innovation Award-Clinical Innovation Award in 2020 We know that many diseases can cause congenital or acquired eye movement abnormalities, and even cause symptoms of strabismus or nystagmus Among them, as for strabismus, according to expert physician consultation surveys, the global prevalence of strabismus among school-age children is 2 5, while the prevalence of strabismus among school-age children in Taiwan is about 1 to 4 Yang Juncheng said that clinical diagnosis of the symptoms of these diseases is mainly divided into two categories deviation measurement of eye position and eye movement test It has been observed that there is currently a lack of objective quantitative methods for diagnosing eyeball position deviation, and eyeball deviation measuring instruments are used to check subjectively For Neuron Technology, the current NeuroSpeed instrument and strabismus and abnormal eye movement diagnosis system software can integrate objective and clear eyeball images, eye muscle function and eye deviation angle data as a rapid test that meets clinical diagnostic criteria Service, the data of these tests can be used as the basis for doctors’ complete preoperative assessment and postoperative tracking of strabismus Therefore, this system can provide objective and effective quantitative analysis, which can greatly reduce the medical risks of patients during surgery In terms of business model, Neuron Technology mainly cooperates with hospitals to sell research-based products It is believed that the company expects to have significant revenue performance after passing the FDA next year At present, Neuron Technology will use the country's first wearable smart medical device NeuroSpeed smart glasses and AI assistance system to provide software and hardware integrated solutions to assist doctors in quickly screening brain diseases and eye diseases, extending patients' golden treatment time and reducing social risks health care costs to create a triple win NeuroSpeed smart glasses assist doctors in quickly screening brain and eye diseases Looking at the world, the pioneer of smart medical equipment, a new paradigm of biomedical software and hardware system integration In the early days of Neuron Technology’s entrepreneurship, technology research and development and business expansion faced many challenges Yang Juncheng expressed his sentiments that since the NeuroSpeed product is the first medical smart glasses developed in China, both in terms of obtaining hardware raw materials and developing technical specifications, The challenges associated with building and integrating related systems are higher than those for consumer electronics Additionally, bringing together cross-disciplinary talent and integrating it into a core team is also an entrepreneurial challenge In terms of business development, although the company has accumulated clinical verification results and published related outputs, the establishment of market channels still requires continuous efforts to expand It is hoped that it can continue to rely on the assistance of legal persons such as the Capital Strategy Council to actively create more diversified market channels and connect potential Cooperating manufacturers In order to accelerate international expansion and market operation exchanges, the company will conduct a new round of fundraising planning at this stage to meet development Since its establishment, Neuron Technology has taken long-term development and stable profits as its operating goals Yang Juncheng said that in addition to focusing on existing professional fields, we also develop and apply value-added products through the company's software development and software development The accumulated RD energy of hard integration is expanded to other medical disciplines and fields Yang Juncheng hopes that Neuron Technology can become a pioneer in smart medical equipment, with research and development oriented to meet the needs of users and patients, and also hopes to become a model for the integration of biomedical software and hardware systems For the medium and long-term layout, the company will promote industry-university exchanges and cultivate biomedical talents integrate upstream and downstream industry resources to create smart medical solutions and platforms and actively explore foreign sales markets such as the United States and Europe as a basis for sustainable development of the company Vision 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】輔人科技透過智慧感知床墊 心領神會 讓照護長輩變得有溫度
Furen Technology uses smart sensing mattresses to understand and make caring for the elders warm.

Taiwan is moving towards an aging society, and the demand for long-term care for seniors has increased significantly The invisible killer of long-term care - the fall of an elder is an unspeakable pain for home caregivers and care institutions How to turn every unexpected crisis into the most immediate and warm care is a true test of the adaptability and innovation of smart care In order to make filial piety easier, Foreaider Technology has launched the intelligent sensing mattress Foreaider-Z, a thoughtful auxiliary device that can prioritize the physiological information of the elders, allowing the elders to live with dignity, make up for the lack of care manpower, improve the quality of care, and reduce the cost of care The fall rate reaches more than 25, effectively saving more than 200,000 yuan in care costs per person per year “To take care of my mother” was the original intention of Furen Technology when it was established in 2018 Luo Yilin, founder and general manager of Furen Technology, said that he has been a caregiver for more than 10 years and recalled that his mother had A patient with severe mental illness spent 20-30 years in a nursing home Because he was reluctant to leave his elderly mother, Luo Yilin decided to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of her In the past, my mother stayed in a nursing home for a long time, which made her unwilling to contact strangers and made her feel insecure about changes in the environment and space This is why Furen Technology "makes filial piety simpler without changing the living environment of the elderly" "Let the elderly live with dignity" as the ultimate goal of the product, we decided to use advanced sensing technology and AI analysis to deliver appropriate care information to caregivers, eliminating the physical and mental torture that caregivers experience when caring for the elderly We look forward to using smart care AI Technology makes interacting with elders easier Elder falls are the most common accidents that occur when caring for the elderly at home Bed exit warning technology has become one of the important demand indicators for caring for the elderly, Luo Yilin said Insufficient manpower at night is often a headache for the operation of nursing institutions They can only handle daily routine care affairs, but cannot properly manage emergencies or minor symptoms of the elderly, such as falls at the bedside, temporary physical discomfort such as aspiration pneumonia, etc It is a problem that cannot be properly handled by the current ward inspection and shift handover mechanism For nursing institutions, taking bedside falls as an example, a fall may increase the average annual care cost by more than 200,000 yuan per person In order to build a non-verbal communication bridge between caregivers and care recipients, help care institutions quickly respond to the elderly's physiological and medical information, and improve medical care schedule planning, Luo Yilin and the core team gathered caregivers, doctors, and senior engineers and other professionals, jointly independently developed the "Smart Sensing Mattress" Foreaider-Z to provide homes and care institutions with more thoughtful and high-quality hardware and software AI smart care solutions Helping people without being too strict and helping people without blame is the founding purpose of Helper Technology, which mainly delivers on two levels The first is to put people first and make caring for the elderly a warm interaction In addition, caregivers should have a selfless dedication mentality It has been observed that the cared for may not be willing to express their own needs due to different reasons If the needs of the elders can be grasped through smart care technology, it will not only bring more dignity and dignity to the elders Space can reduce unnecessary communication misunderstandings, make the care process smoother, and reduce care costs Smart sensing mattress, the caring guardian of the elders, reducing the fall rate by more than 25 In the technological breakthrough of smart sensing mattresses, combined with the physiological micro-motion sensing technology developed by Furen Technology, it uses air pressure changes for physiological sensing and AI algorithms, so that caregivers do not need to replace the original mattress Place the smart sensing mattress with a thickness of less than 1 centimeter under the elder's original mattress, plug it in and connect it to the Internet Wait 3 minutes for the environment parameters to be automatically matched and set, and the pressure on the bed can begin to be accurately detected changes and interpret the actions and behaviors of the elderly For critically ill and long-term care recipients in nursing institutions, as well as the elderly and infants at home, Furen Technology has launched three versions of smart sensing mattresses, including the smart sensing mattress "Lite version", "standard version" and " Pro version" The Lite version entry-level version, combined with air pressure change sensing technology, can provide home caregivers with relevant identification functions to warn the elderly when leaving bed and inquire about daily routines The OTTALK home care bell APP can be downloaded through the mobile phone, and the caregiver can remotely Set the bed exit warning time and pay attention to the elderly's status of leaving the bed or not, and check the status of work and rest through the mobile phone The standard version, in addition to the bed exit alarm function, can provide caregivers with data measurement status of the elderly's heart rate and breathing during sleep through analog signal calculation technology For the Smart Sensing Mattress Pro version, a three-stage warning function of bed-sitting-up-leaving the bed is specially added, as well as sleep status records such as time in bed, hours in bed, hours of light sleep, hours of deep sleep, hours awake, and number of respiratory arrests and other information, hoping to provide better and more timely services to end customers In terms of business model, Furen Technology provides small-scale care units with a buyout system that integrates smart sensing mattress software technology In terms of cooperation with SI industry players, the company provides hardware equipment for integration and creates more promotion opportunities through SI channels For the empirical application of clinical trials, Furen Technology has currently cooperated with Taipei An'an Nursing Home to successively introduce smart sensing mattresses such as Lite, standard, Pro and other functional products into the care environment to provide diversified services for the elderly Intimate and convenient services of intelligent care During the cooperation process, since An'an Nursing Home is a small institution with a shortage of manpower, the bed exit warning function of the smart sensing mattress helps caregivers quickly remotely determine whether the elderly has left the bed or has fallen, effectively reducing the fall rate by more than 25 Through physiological micro-motion sensing technology, it can quickly help caregivers record the elderly's sleep status the previous night, creating a more convenient communication mode and information exchange mechanism between caregivers and family members In addition, the implementation of smart sensing mattresses can help nursing institutions obtain more positive evaluations in the evaluation Furen Technology develops smart sensing mattresses through physiological micro-motion sensing technology Smart sensing mattress voice AI recognition reduces the number of people sent to hospital for aspiration pneumonia to less than 5 of the overall number of cases Optimizing the voice AI recognition establishment mechanism has always been the goal of Furen Technology’s efforts to improve Luo Yilin said that he was very grateful to Furen Technology for having the opportunity to participate in the development plan of AI care services for respiratory diseases under the guidance of the Industrial Bureau and the Information Policy Council painting, and conducted field clinical demonstration at Puli Christian Hospital Through this project, not only the smart sensing mattress uses AI voice recognition and calculation technology to become more sophisticated, but also an AI training optimization framework is established to allow caregivers at Puli Christian Hospital to respond to the elderly’s upper respiratory tract-cough sounds and lower respiratory tract symptoms -The identification and warning performance of heartbeat and respiratory rate changes are more optimized, and the number of people sent to the hospital due to aspiration pneumonia in care institutions is effectively reduced to no more than 5 of the total number of cases in the month It is believed that with the integration of smart sensing mattresses and respiratory disease AI care services, the service is expected to spread to 5 domestic medical institutions this year Luo Yilin said excitedly that not only that, the smart sensing mattress has also been favored by Japanese dealers and conducted product testing In the next stage, business promotion in Japan will be launched Smart sensing mattress-assisted care institutions reduce the number of people sent to hospital due to aspiration pneumonia Create the integration of long-term care industry software, hardware and service ecosystem to make care simpler Although Furen Technology has only been established for 4 years, it took 9 years to complete product technology research and development Luo Yilin expressed his gratitude for supporting and recognizing the company's entrepreneurial philosophy despite limited manpower and resources The guidance and support of the distinguished people as well as the AI Industry Promotion Plan of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Corporate Information Strategy Council For a small start-up like Furen Technology, there are always challenges and learnings in terms of funding, technical issues, obtaining and processing of production materials and parts However, Huangtian pays off its hard work Driven by the ultimate goal of "making filial piety easier", Furen Technology strives to make smart sensing mattresses the first smart care product in Taiwan that uses air pressure sensing physiological information For the original intention of starting a business that emphasizes the orientation of social value, how to make smart sensing mattresses take into account social value while maintaining a win-win and balance of commercial interests is a strategic issue that Luo Yilin must carefully consider when operating the company's products and business development In the face of business layout, Furen Technology will work hard to stabilize operations and marketing operations in the near future to give back to investors and target customers who have supported the company for a long time In addition, Furen Technology is more active in international business development and product testing in Japan, Vietnam and Poland Regarding the mid-term planning, Luo Yilin believes that the care needs and services of the elderly cannot be completed independently by one industry Furen Technology looks forward to cooperating with more like-minded smart care industry players in the future By gathering the professional energy of each industry, we can build a complete Only with a diverse product chain mechanism can we work together to conquer domestic and foreign markets To this end, Luo Yilin hopes that the company can create an integration of the software, hardware and service ecosystem of the long-term care industry and realize its wish to make care simpler Looking forward to the future, Furen Technology will hope to move from long-term care to preventive medicine I believe that if preventive medicine is managed properly, it will definitely make a great contribution to saving the cost of long-term care Luo Yilin said that more importantly, it will help the elderly in their later life Halftime enjoys a more understanding quality of care and a bright and hopeful life Luo Yilin, CEO of Furen Technology「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】2秒鐘完成結帳動作 Viscovery AI影像辨識助攻智慧零售
Complete checkout in 1 second, Viscovery AI image recognition assists smart retail

Artificial intelligence AI has gradually changed the way various industries operate in recent years However, most of the work is still done by humans, with AI playing a supporting role This has led to emergence of the term "AI Copilot," which stands for "AI-driven tools or assistants" that aim to assist users in completing various tasks and improve productivity and efficiency The concept of AI Copilot comes from the role of "co-pilot" During flight, the co-pilot assists the main pilot in completing various tasks to ensure flight safety and efficiency In fact, there have been signs of various "machines" beginning to play the role of "copilot" in different fields since the Industrial Revolution, assisting humans in completing heavy physical and repetitive tasks, greatly improving factory production efficiency, and driving rapid economic development Following the advancement of computing equipment and breakthroughs in machine learning, deep learning, and image recognition technologies, the concept of AI Copilot has gradually taken shape The development of AI Copilot marks the transition from "machine-assisted to AI-assisted" Early robots could only complete preset repetitive tasks, but today's AI copilot can learn and adapt to new environments and tasks, and continuously optimize its performance in practical applications This transformation not only changes human-machine interactions, but also has a profound impact on various industries The application scope of AI copilot covers various industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, education, retail, etc, and are everywhere to be seen Application of AI copilot in the retail industry AI image recognition checkout In the retail industry, the application of AI copilot has begun to show concrete results Take Viscovery's AI image recognition checkout system as an example This system is a type of AI copilot model that helps store clerks speed up checkout or assists consumers in simplifying the self-service checkout process The store clerk needs to scan the product barcodes one by one in the regular checkout method If a product does not have a barcode, such as bread and meals, the clerk needs to first visually confirm the items, and then input them into the POS checkout system one by one Based on actual measurements at a chain bakery, it takes 22 seconds for an experienced clerk from "visual recognition" to "entering product information of a plate of 6 items into the checkout system" New clerks may need even more time In addition, according to a Japanese bakery operator, it takes 1 to 2 months to train employees to become familiar with products Now with AI image recognition technology, store clerks let AI handle the "product recognition" step, and AI will play the role of copilot, quickly identifying items within 1 second, speeding up checkout to save 50 of checkout time, and optimizing customers'shopping experience The time cost of training employees to identify bread can also be effectively shortened Even for products with barcodes, AI can quickly identify multiple items in one second, which is more efficient than scanning barcodes one by one The self-checkout system "assisted" by AI image recognition allows consumers to successfully complete shopping without the help of store clerks, eliminating the trouble of swiping barcodes or searching for items on the screen, which improves the shopping experience In a time when store clerks are hard to hire due to labor shortage, this also helps stores reduce operating costs AI quickly identifies multiple checkout items in just one second Source of image Viscovery Recently, startups dedicated to developing AI image recognition checkout solutions have emerged in various countries The most lightweight solution currently known is in Taiwan It can be immediately used by installing a Viscovery lens and a tablet installed with Viscovery AI image recognition software at the checkout counter to connect to the store's existing POS checkout system There are various integration methods, including plug-and-play and API solutions integrated with the store's POS system Viscovery AI image recognition system can be painlessly integrated with the store's existing POS system Source of image Viscovery Example of AI image recognition checkout Currently, the Viscovery AI image recognition system is being used in bakery chains in Taiwan, Chinese noodle shops in Singapore, micromarkets in department stores in Sendai, Japan, and Japanese bakeries and cake shops Over 7 million transactions were completed through this AI system, which identified more than 40 million items These use cases demonstrate the extensive application of the Viscovery AI image recognition system in the retail industry In the future, the company will continue to explore the various possibilities of using Vision AI in retail and catering nbsp The Viscovery AI image recognition system is already being used in bakeries, cake shops, restaurants, and convenience stores in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan Source of image Viscovery