
【2020 Solutions】 Focusing on Various Quantitative Analysis Techniques to Tackle Profound Challenges!

In today's digital age, both individuals and companies face challenges in writing copy and designing layouts when managing a brand online. What constitutes good design? The online world often gives a mysterious impression, and the WoodThought team has been focusing on studying various data sources for years, hoping to find the answers they seek.

Focused on data analysis for exploring and solving problems

WoodThought is a group of consultants specializing in data (Big Data & Deep Learning) and solving the essence of problems. The team utilizes various quantitative analysis techniques to challenge many of the profound issues found on the internet and strives to continually enhance the data analysis capabilities of both Taiwanese businesses and individuals. The application of this technology is extensive, including personalized navigation and recommendation systems on news platforms, eCommerce personalization for navigation, search, and recommendations, or strategy development, design, and backtesting in financial transactions. Moreover, WoodThought also offers data analysis courses like web scraping and data visualization in response to technological and current events, aiming to cooperate with both domestic and international enterprises to implement various data science solutions.

WoodThought is a group of consultants dedicated to data analysis, exploring and solving fundamental issues, utilizing various quantitative analysis techniques to challenge the many uncertainties of the internet.Image Source

Taking the simplest web design as an example, WoodThought believes that with the advancement of personalized tracking technology and the combination of A/B Testing experimental designs and testing techniques, professionals in all industries can now avoid relying on the so-called '20 years of marketing experience'. Instead of using inefficient and unpredictable methods, making use of data analysis enables even intuitive observations to have a basis, thereby capturing the sentiments of online users. Supported by adequate data evidence, incorrect decisions and directions can be corrected promptly before mistakes are made.

WoodThought showcased its proprietary 3D marking system at the recent AI HUB conference, which utilizes AI image recognition technology to help doctors quickly determine the condition of patients' lung nodules.

WoodThought 3D marking system abnormal image marking

The AI model will automatically learn from the markings, providing recommendations for future markings by doctors, allowing for early discovery and immediate treatment, resolving past difficulties of 3D image marking and the challenge of obtaining marking data.

The team developed a 3D marking system using AI image recognition technology, significantly enhancing the efficiency of medical diagnosis

The same AI data analysis technology, also applicable in the medical sector, was showcased by WoodThought at the recent AI HUB conference. This includes their own 3D marking system with features like Auto-Learning and Pre-Labeling. This system assists doctors in diagnosing lung nodules. As doctors complete the diagnosis and marking, the AI model will learn from it and provide future marking suggestions, enabling early discovery and immediate treatment, thereby greatly resolving the difficulties of 3D imaging marking and issues of data accessibility.

WoodThought image analysis technology and treatment integration interactive diagram

WoodThought aims to solve various personalized service demands through data analysis techniques and calls for everyone to go beyond mere imagination, interact personally with different types of data, and dig out the answers behind the problems.

Over the past two years, core members of the WoodThought team have actively assisted and guided ordinary users on various e-commerce and media platforms to establish correct views through introducing relevant technologies and services. This helps solve various personalized service demand issues and enhances the likelihood of matching products with customers. WoodThought encourages everyone to leave behind imaginary notions, to engage with data, and to uncover the answers behind the problems, while also experiencing the problems behind the answers. Given the rapid changes of the internet era, each rising wave brings different user needs and voices. WoodThought aims to help everyone solve problems quickly and efficiently using various data analysis techniques.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

Recommend Cases

【解決方案】AI智慧眼鏡 雄欣科技鎖定智慧照護市場 讓老者住得安心安全
AI + Smart Glasses: Hsiung-Hsin Technology Targets Smart Care Market, Ensuring Safety and Security for the Elderly

In the small care room, Mr Wang, who is over eighty, is coughing intensely The nurse gently uses a suction device to help him, hoping to make him more comfortable Meanwhile, a sharp-eyed family member notices that the nurse is wearing smart glasses At the other end, the doctor organizes medical records while simultaneously monitoring Mr Wang's condition on a screen With the advent of precision care, it will soon be a blessing for the care market for doctors to remotely monitor crucial physiological information of the cared-for in real time In fact, Hsiung-Hsin Technology, established in 2020, uses smart glasses combined with AI algorithms to launch smart care services as an AI startup Through AI multiple sensors to achieve effective smart care In 2021, Hsiung-Hsin Technology participated in the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Bureau AI Emerging Selection event, cooperating with smart glasses leader Jozhen Technology Jozhen provided millimeter-wave radar and smart glasses, combined with Hsiung-Hsin Technology's AI algorithms, to launch 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and a life-saving 'Fall Prevention System' The 'AI Care Recognition Service System' uses radar millimeter waves and Time-of-Flight ToF among various sensor technologies combined with point cloud and mmWave deep learning analysis in AI algorithms While protecting personal privacy, it can detect patients' physiological data upon hospital admission as well as detect falls and bed exits during bed care The 'life-saving fall prevention system', on the other hand, utilizes artificial intelligence and 3D technology, combined with radar sensing devices, while protecting personal data through 'de-identification' technology, detecting falls in real-time in the environment Building the AI Care Recognition Service System, Hsiung-Hsin Technology is aiming at the smart care market Lee Jia-Hsin, founder and chairman of Hsiung-Hsin Technology, who has worked for IBM Taiwan for 14 years, states that after placing millimeter-wave radar in the medical test field, combined with AI algorithms, they can obtain physiological signals such as the patient's breath and heartbeat Moreover, when paired with Jozhen's smart glasses, during a doctor's consultation, the physician can immediately see the patient's heartbeat and breathing data through the glasses, enhancing efficiency Additionally, Jozhen has also developed a management platform where physicians and nursing staff can view the patient's physiological data at a glance After integrating the 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and 'Life-Saving Fall Prevention System', they were launched and commercialized in June 2021, and officially introduced into Kaohsiung Municipal Triumph Hospital by the end of November last year It not only helps medical staff understand the residents' physiological conditions, monitoring elders' physiological data continuously, but also reduces the burden on medical institutions while preventing accidents and enabling quick action in emergencies to provide optimal medical care Aside from medical institutions, another major target customer group for Hsiung-Hsin Technology's products are long-term care institutions, with ongoing product implementation plans in Tainan and Eastern Taiwan On-demand lightweight design, easy to use and reasonably priced Lee Jia-Hsin mentions that the company's productsservices are developed in-house, designed to be lightweight Depending on the needs of the institution where they are implemented, they may choose between CPU computing or edge computing for flexible configuration, which is very convenient and also comparatively cost-effective In the future, through Jozhen smart glasses, diagnoses can be made more immediately and quickly The method allows nursing or care staff to wear smart glasses when visiting patients or residents The images seen by the nursing staff's eyes are transmitted in real-time to the backend, allowing doctors to make immediate diagnoses based on real-time images and take appropriate care measures, effectively assessing the patient's condition on time Hsiung-Hsin Technology's smart care services have been listed on the Startup Common Supply Contract Platform Last year, Hsiung-Hsin Technology's productsservices were also listed on the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration's Startup Common Supply Contract Procurement Platform, available for government agencies, public medical institutions, and long-term care facilities to purchase for lease In the future, they hope to expand to private medical institutions and care centers, enabling more care facilities to utilize technology for transformation and reducing the talent shortage in the care market Furthermore, with more than 300,000 elderly people living alone in Taiwan, Lee Jia-Hsin believes that as the aging society approaches, the health and safety issues of solitary elderly individuals are increasingly receiving attention If technological care medical solutions can be incorporated into the subsidy scope for assistive devices, it can also help reduce the burden on local government institutions for solitary elderly care, effectively lowering societal costs Extended application Smart campuses enhance management safety and efficiency Lee Jia-Hsin points out that the company's core values are making life safer and improving living quality The company has developed its own software and hardware solutions for big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things Using a hybrid cloud development approach, it addresses various types of medical care pain points, enhances medical management efficiency, and improves residents' safety, thus significantly enhancing overall services by medical institutions Hsiung-Hsin Technology's partners include SI businesses, medical care institutions, large chain restaurants, and major venues In the future, there are plans to develop into an AI SaaS company, extending services to Japan, Southeast Asia, and other overseas markets Additionally, Lee Jia-Hsin, who teaches at Tunghai University in Taichung, is also actively promoting the smart campus initiative Currently, Hsiung-Hsin Technology has established a 'smart campus' at Tunghai University, utilizing up to 700 cameras throughout the campus to build a miniature AI SaaS platform for monitoring This not only allows for mask, human traffic, restricted area, and license plate recognition within the campus but also enables automatic records of the campus's flora and fauna, greatly aiding in the efficiency of campus safety management As the population gradually ages, home care becomes a universal challenge With a low doctor-to-patient ratio, both inside and outside hospitals, including extended to care institutions, medical professionals face a scarcity of manpower Using AI technology to assist the elderly care market presents itself as the best solution Besides smart elderly care and smart campuses, Hsiung-Hsin Technology also applies its image recognition technology in places like factory safety and parking lot license plate recognition, and future applications will continue to expand boundlessly Hsiung-Hsin Technology's founder and chairman, Lee Jia-Hsin「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】運用極現科技4D無人機雲端平台 巡檢成本降為五分之一
Utilizing Extreme Present Tech's 4D Drone Cloud Platform Reduces Inspection Costs to One-Fifth

The use of drones for intelligent inspection is becoming increasingly common, with major petrochemical and solar power plants continuing to adopt drone applications Located in Hsinchu, Extreme Present Technology earthbook has established a 4D cloud platform using its proprietary technology, offering drone, software, and data analysis platform services for intelligent inspections at solar power and petrochemical plants, reducing the total cost to just one-fifth of traditional methods involving hardware and software purchases, and cutting down the time from one month to approximately 24 hours, making it highly cost-effective For petrochemical industry operators who are constantly in a high-temperature, high-pressure dangerous environment, the safety control and inspection of plant facilities are critical 'As long as we can enhance the capabilities of facility inspection and risk identification in petrochemical sites, resource input is absolutely not an issue,' said a petrochemical industry representative with emphasis By implementing the drone 4D AI inspection cloud platform, the efficiency and safety of facility inspections among petrochemical operators can be elevated, further reducing the risk of equipment downtime Founded in March 2018, Extreme Present Tech has become a consistent winner in domestic entrepreneurship competitions, including being crowned champion in the 2019 OPEN DATA Business Innovation Practice, selected into Microsoft's startup accelerator in 2020, chosen for NVIDIA's AI startup team in 2021, and its products have been launched on the Microsoft Azure platform, earning investments from the National Development Fund and major domestic groups, thereby securing strong market validation for its technical prowess and services The founder and CEO of Extreme Present Tech, Hsu Wei-Cheng, mentioned that at the beginning of its establishment, the company took on the national space center's satellite 3D photography scheduling system and specialized in the integration of geographic information into 3D images As drone hardware technologies matured, the company shifted its operations towards the drone market and combined it with AI image recognition systems to establish a 4D cloud DaaS platform, offering services including online aerial photography ordering DaaS, 5GAIoT cloud platform SaaS, and enterpriseAPI server software, to meet the demands of drones in smart cities, facility inspection, engineering management, disaster response, pollution monitoring, and other applications, maximizing the value of drone services Smart aerial inspection regularly tracks the health status of plant equipment at a glance The quantity and area of petrochemical plants in Taiwan are immense, lacking sufficient manpower for comprehensive equipment inspections Given that petrochemical plants produce high-temperature flammable and corrosive chemicals that must be transmitted and stored through pipelines and tanks, long-term risks like pipeline ruptures and tank blockages could lead to severe occupational safety disasters, equipment downtime, and production stagnation Given the shortfalls in personnel for equipment inspections among petrochemical operators, Extreme Tech has already implemented a 4D AI drone inspection cloud platform combined with AI image recognition technology in petrochemical plant areas, providing ground-breaking evidence through the use of drones and proprietary app software services that connect on-site aerial data collection to the cloud platform, achieving fully automated and real-time aerial monitoring of petrochemical plant equipment pipelines, tanks, and ensuring precise locations and angles for each aerial operation, effectively compensating for the discrepancy in human inspection Hsu Wei-Cheng pointed out that the inspection drones used in petrochemical plants are equipped with dual lenses, one visible light and the other thermal infrared, which allow for determining pipeline obstructions through temperature conditions, enabling clients to immediately view the inspection status of the plant area from remote locations via the earthbook website, enhancing clients' inspection efficiency and accuracy The 4D aerial data platform meets diverse applications such as smart cities, transportation, engineering management, and pollution monitoring DaaS Online Order-Use Model Innovates Aerial Photography Business Model Saving 15 Costs Apart from providing a 4D aerial data platform, Extreme Present Tech also offers DaaS Drone as a Service After customers place orders on the website, Extreme Present coordinates with professionally licensed aerial photographers to provide on-site services Customers can monitor real-time operations through the platform and quickly obtain aerial data to evaluate any abnormalities, enabling timely alerts Take the solar power plant monitoring service as an example Given that solar power plant areas are large and widely distributed, located in the remote Pingtung area with the headquarters in Taipei, for inspections of the Pingtung plant, the customer just needs to use the DaaS service model, directly order online and upload a map of the Pingtung plant, obtain a quote from the company, and then entrust local Pingtung pilots to perform aerial inspections of the solar power plant During the process, the drone's route is automatically calculated by AI to plan the flight path, and the aerial data is transmitted to the client's cloud account, allowing the Taipei headquarters clients to immediately see the inspection status of the solar power plant from the earthbook website such as the condition of the solar panels, dust detection, or abnormal heat generation from solar electromagnetism, effectively helping the customer significantly reduce operational costs and efficiently complete the solar power plant inspection service Introduction of DaaS online aerial photography service in petrochemical plants According to estimates, solar power plant clients often incur high personnel costs by purchasing drones or outsourcing aerial photography With the long-term provision of aerial photography devices and the DaaS business model by Extreme Present Tech, customers can save 45 of aerial photography costs, and obtain aerial inspection reports within 24 hours post-operation, helping clients efficiently identify issues with solar panels Aiming to become the largest aerial data service company and enter the Southeast Asian market Since its establishment in 2018, Extreme Present Tech has rapidly grown in the aerial photography market with innovative thinking, actively expanding its aerial data application services Currently focused on cultivating the Taiwan market, the company aims to enter Southeast Asian nations, with Indonesia chosen as the first stop due to its high demand for infrastructure Hsu Wei-Cheng hopes that earthbook becomes the world's largest aerial data service platform Besides completing the initial round of funding from the National Development Fund and major groups, to penetrate the international market, the company continuously improves its drone data services and AI technology innovations, while also requiring the assistance of entities like the Industrial Technology Research Institute to find strategic investors that complement the company, fulfilling its goal of becoming an international aerial data corporation in phases Founder and CEO of Extreme Present Tech, Hsu Wei-Cheng「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】破壞式創新商模 奇翼醫電推出行動醫療裝置- 心電圖傳感器 打造遠距醫療當中最後一塊拼圖
Disruptive innovative business model Qiyi Medical Electronics launches mobile medical device-ECG sensor to create the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine

With the advent of the post-epidemic era, the development of global telemedicine is in the ascendant, which has greatly increased the demand for smart medical technology in decentralized medicine Among them, if mobile medical devices can provide real-world at home or outside the hospital data for use in hospitals, it is believed that it will reduce the burden of diagnosis and treatment on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenses To this end, Singular Wings Medical has launched a comprehensive telemedicine solution, which combines excellent wearable mobile medical device design, innovative software development, AI algorithms and cloud platform services, and will become the last piece of telemedicine puzzle David Lee, the founder and general manager of Qiyi Medical Electronics, said that his original intention to start the business was because he witnessed Taiwan's long-term pursuit of low-cost mass production, which led to the continuous decline in the value of the industry For example, in the past thirty years, The output value of the former Silicon Valley was similar to that of Taiwan's Hsinchu Science Park, but thirty years later, the output value of Silicon Valley reached US14 trillion at the end of 2020, while the output value of Hsinchu Science Park was less than NT15 trillion at the end of 2021 Seeing Silicon Valley's sensitivity to industry needs and disruptive innovations such as Uber, Airbnb, industry trends and the post-epidemic era have driven a surge in telemedicine services, thereby creating high industry value, so I started a business at the age of 45 and conceived how to combine it with Taiwan After more than ten years of accumulated industrial advantages and Silicon Valley's innovative model, we decided to help Taiwan's industry upgrade and find a new path through the integration of the medical industry, ICT technology industry and innovative business models Seeing that Taiwan has always been a gathering place for the most elite talents in the medical industry and electronics and electrical industry, I believe that through the combination of the two and innovative business models, we can have the opportunity to follow Silicon Valley and create a different business According to Taiwan’s Communication Diagnosis and Treatment Methods, Taiwan’s market demand for telemedicine is divided into two situations emergency such as COVID-19 and special necessity such as special geographical locations such as outlying islands or mountains It is allowed Carry out communication medical diagnosis In fact, the development of global telemedicine decentralized medicine is in the ascendant, but the demand for smart medical technology to meet decentralized medicine still needs to be realized In addition to the medical technology gap, it also includes medical treatment flow, patient identification, remote Remote consultation and collection are fueling the push for smart medical technology Li Weizhong observed that for telemedicine decentralized medicine to be successfully implemented, it is best to use telemedicine devices that are used outside the hospital or at home and are easily available in daily life Among them, the data of the device is the key It can provide doctors with out-of-hospital real-world data Real World Data or Real World Evidence that they can trust and apply, so that they can improve their diagnosis and treatment methods In fact, this type of telemedicine device is not popular, making remote medical care difficult to complete In addition, as the number of wearable devices such as bracelets and watches increases, most of the data that these devices can truly provide is insufficient for medical purposes and is not easy to validate and verify Li Weizhong said that people are paying more and more attention to health awareness, which is a positive encouragement for telemedicine devices He believes that as long as there is an appropriate business model and the right way to cooperate with hospitals and doctors can reduce the burden on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenditures, Qi Yi Medical Electronics will definitely have the opportunity to become the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine Founded in 2015, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ core team consists of 22 diversified professionals, including young engineers with medical, engineering and information backgrounds and experienced entrepreneurs, working together to create an overall solution for remote healthcare The solution includes hardware design, software development and backend cloud platform services for the mobile medical device Beatinfor Health electrocardiogram sensor Electrocardiogram ECG is one of the most important vital signs body temperature, pulse, respiration and physiological data of the human body, which can reflect various physiological changes in the human body, such as cardiovascular health, inflammation, infection, bleeding, injury or anxiety index changes For this core concept, Qiyi Medical is committed to using wearable electrocardiograms as its core technology, while collecting important vital signs and environmental parameters such as electrocardiograms, and building AI algorithm systems and backend cloud platform services based on big data and machine learning to help solve remote problems Specific chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, sleep problems, and metabolic diseases are the most important in medical treatment Electrocardiogram sensor continuous physiological data monitoring reduces the risk of death in acute heart failure patients by 11 within 30 days after discharge In order to realize remote medical services, Qiyi Medical Electronics has launched a complete set of remote medical care solutions, including wearable mobile medical devices-electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG, BEATINFO HEALTH APP, and AI algorithms , web pages and BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform The BEATINFO ECG sensor is an exclusive device for the BEATINFO HEALTH APP health cloud platform It can be used continuously for 40 hours when fully charged The device is only 15g This sensor can collect the user's electrocardiogram, respiration, and skin temperature through a patch or chest strap , body movements, postures and environmental parameters Currently, BEATINFO ECG sensor has 8 patents in the United States and Taiwan, and won 2 German iF Design Awards in 2017 Mobile medical device-electrocardiogram sensor can provide continuous physiological data monitoring In terms of overall technical features, the BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has four key physiological data detection characteristics continuity, long-range, real-time and dynamic In terms of operation, users can download the BEATINFO HEALTH APP on Android or iOS systems Its interface can provide physiological data status, order health assessment reports such as one-day sleep assessment report or cardiovascular health assessment report, and high-intensity exercise test Cardiovascular assessment reports, third-party remote medical consultation services and other functions Users use patch-type or chest-strap ECG sensors paired with end-to-cloud platforms for continuous physiological detection Before being transmitted to the cloud for further calculations, all data will be de-identified and made available to professionals Data reports are provided for physician judgment The BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has powerful noise filtering processing capabilities, fast waveform recognition and judgment, as well as highly complex cloud architecture and communication technology Why is the noise filter processing capability so important Because medical equipment in general hospitals must require users to complete short-term measurements under static conditions Usually, data in life situations outside the hospital cannot be collected by the hospital, and this data is very important to doctors It is increasingly important to understand the progression of the disease and the condition of patients leaving the hospital Therefore, if we continue to record very weak ECG signals in daily life, we actually need to overcome a very high technical threshold After these signals are processed by the noise, they will first be judged by the AI algorithm before preliminary and rapid conclusions can be made Users can instantly avoid certain fatal risks The cloud architecture provides a deeper level of second-order computing and also covers the business model architecture It provides service models such as user management, automatic report generation, record keeping, alarm notifications, and connection with more services such as third-party alarms Emergency rescue, third-party medical consultation, doctor and patient docking, medical treatment cash flow and other functions In terms of competitive advantages in the industry, compared with the industry's braceletwatch products, Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG provides accurate medical-level measurements, and can continuously record and collect physiological data, improving any Sudden or sporadic symptoms may occur Compared with the electrocardiogram patch of its peers, it provides real-time data return and web-based management tools, and can produce various reports for managers to remotely manage a large number of users on the web According to statistics from Beijing Medical University, the mortality rate of patients with acute heart failure within 30 days after discharge is as high as 11 If an electrocardiogram sensor is installed on the patient for continuous and real-time monitoring for 30 days, it is possible to reduce part of the risk of death, and at the same time, it can Significantly reduce health insurance costs Additionally, in the case of cardiovascular disease, if the user wears the device for a period of time, regular cardiovascular assessment reports can be obtained and provided for follow-up in-depth examinations by doctors In addition to the measurement of cardiovascular diseases, the ECG sensor configuration can provide home assessment of sleep apnea OSA During the measurement, patients can discover potential and easily overlooked cardiovascular diseases, and users do not need to stay in the sleep ward for treatment After a boring night, through the ECG sensor patch and AI algorithm, patients only need to sleep at home for one night to receive an OSA test report If needed, doctors can access patient status remotely and instantly via any internet browser Therefore, through the ECG sensor wearable service, users can discover hidden and unknown cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias related to sudden death from the measurement process to avoid unnecessary regrets Qiyi Medical Electronics’ business model is mainly B2B2C, hoping to assist individuals, hospitals, enterprises, care services and other units to create a win-win situation Li Weizhong analyzed that the business cooperation model is quite flexible, whether it is leasing or buying out wearable measurement devices, or providing annual report subscriptions to reduce the cost of purchasing devices for users, such as including 2-minute electrocardiogram, Flexible subscription package including 7-day cardiovascular health assessment, exercise cardiovascular health assessment, sleep health assessment report, etc Group cardiovascular monitoring system solution creates a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform to replace diagnosis with prevention In addition to providing individual users with remote mobile physiological data measurement, the BEATINFO cloud platform provides a "group cardiovascular monitoring system" solution that can create many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring through network technology Based on the platform, patients only need to wear a lightweight monitoring patch, and the back-end system can grasp the changes in their physiological information, so that prevention can replace diagnosis and reduce the chance of sudden cardiovascular death This platform provides 3 functions, including the ability to manage different users into groups and hierarchically, and the number of users can reach tens of thousands it can display users’ basic physiological information in real time on web tools, and can be used under certain preset conditions When triggered, this platform will immediately send out an alarm historical data can also be reviewed on the platform, which is very suitable for doctors to check the patient's disease progression outside the hospital during consultation For the application of the "Group Cardiovascular Monitoring System" solution, taking high-intensity exercise as an example, such as long-distance running and cycling, mountain climbing activities or traveling abroad, a prior cardiovascular health assessment is required activities, and corresponding evaluation reports This report allows users to share it with doctors, so that participants can make assessments before the event or test their training effectiveness, which can significantly reduce the risk of accidents during the event beforehand During the activity, the group cardiovascular monitoring system also provides real-time on-site monitoring of a large number of participants It can be monitored in real time by the AI in the background at the moment of exercise Once an accident occurs, the platform can immediately issue an alarm and even report the accident GPS positioning of the location, and continuously transmits back the user's physiological information during search and rescue, striving for golden rescue time In sports monitoring applications, taking golf as an example, how to improve golfers' puttinghitting performance A player's performance and concentration are usually directly related to personal emotional stability Li Weizhong said that through HRV analysis of Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram device, it can help determine the player's emotional and stress index performance, and at the same time help golf coaches select and train players The group cardiovascular monitoring system can create a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform Establish a firm foothold in Taiwan, move towards the US and European markets, and move towards the goal of a data company Faced with the challenges of technology research and development and market promotion, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ automatic identification of electrocardiograms requires a large amount of data for AI calculation development For this reason, Qiyi Medical Electronics must cooperate with hospitals and develop jointly Finish At present, the company has established good cooperative relations with many medical centers and research units, and has overcome these technical bottlenecks one by one In terms of market promotion, Li Weizhong said that the biggest challenge facing Qiyi Medical Electronics is to communicate with the market and let the public understand the differences between competitors' bracelet and watch products and the company's mobile device-electrocardiogram sensor Compared with the common bracelet and watch products on the market that collect electrocardiogram data in a discontinuous manner, it may take a long time to collect discontinuous data before potential cardiovascular problems can be discovered by luck Qiyi Medical Electronics actively promotes electrocardiogram to the public in a continuous manner The competitive functional characteristics of sexual detection data and emphasize that it is a very important means to assist in the detection of many potential diseases, replacing diagnosis with prevention and reducing the occurrence of unnecessary cardiovascular diseases In addition, in terms of business promotion, we also hope to create more opportunities for business matching and new venture capital raising with the assistance of the Corporate Resource Strategy Council Looking to the future, Li Wei and Xu Qiyi Medical Electric Energy will become the last piece of the telemedicine puzzle in the health wearable device-electrocardiogram service Li Weizhong said that in the short term, Qiyi Medical hopes to gain a firm foothold in Taiwan and become a common medical device in everyone's home, just like thermometers and blood pressure monitors The company is also constantly developing new indications Starting from electrocardiogram, coupled with AI and big data, it can deal with more chronic diseases In addition to cardiovascular diseases, we have also successively developed sleep apnea and other more special diseases The applications are aimed at the problems of elderly chronic diseases that modern people are very likely to encounter With a mid- to long-term plan, Qiyi Medical will enter the US and EU markets, become an international company, and continue to aim to become a data company, making good use of the company's long-term collection of data applications to provide services in diverse fields such as new drug development and vaccine development application to create business opportunities and profits 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」