
【2020 Application Example】 Textile Industry Challenges Fast Fashion, AI Inventory Forecast Reduces Error Rate by 35%

Fast fashion in clothing, small quantities, diverse styles, short delivery times

The textile industry faces the impact of the fast fashion trend among clothing brands, affecting the entire supply chain. Global brand channels are promoting zero inventory, short delivery periods, and small-scale customization. Balancing production time, quality, and cost is challenging. Often, there is a discrepancy between ODM predictions and actual demands from brand owners, causing issues in material management and excessive inventory costs.

Due to inaccurate demand forecasts from customers, it often leads to difficulties in material preparation. Excessive materials can increase leftover stock, while insufficient materials may delay delivery. This project aims to establish an AI-based material demand forecast model specifically for major domestic manufacturers.

AI calculates sales trends to further predict demand

The advisory team collaborates with Shentong Information Technology to mainly use the LSTM algorithm for the AI foundation. The goal is to predict the next sales cycle based on past sales records, utilizing simple regression to complex 'Time Series Analysis' in statistics. Usually, a period's sales volume closely relates to the previous period's, unless there is a major event, in which case it would typically follow a pattern.

There are various patterns of sales volume forecasts, including revenue, profit, customer counts, park visits, sales number/amount, etc. This will take the example of a factory's monthly shipment batches, using the LSTM model to predict the next month's shipment batches.

Material Demand Analysis Execution Framework

▲Material Demand Analysis Execution Framework

This project plans to establish a customer-specific material demand AI prediction model. During the planning phase, three different machine learning algorithms were used to prototype the AI model:

 Logistic Regression Algorithm

 Gradient Boosting Algorithm

 Deep Learning Algorithm

Material Demand AI Prediction Model Planning

▲Material Demand AI Prediction Model Planning

Demand forecast error reduced from a maximum of 70% to 35%, significantly reducing inventory volumes

This project estimates customer demands, required material types, supply sources, and customer delivery dates using machine learning to establish a primary material procurement prediction system. It reduces the prediction error of demand from the top five international customers from a high of 70% to 35%, significantly lessening the amount of inventory needed.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Eastern Home Shopping Implements OneID AI Traffic Monetization Service, Cost-Effectiveness Up to 2 Times

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Eastern Home Shopping introduces OneID AI Traffic Monetization Service, predicting cost-effectiveness to be up to 2 times Eastern stated that this project primarily applies 'user behavior data' and 'AI technology', with user behavior data provided by the Eastern Group and AI technology being co-developed by company and ASUS teams, covering systems such as AD Serve, precise audience estimation system, AI automatic optimization system, advertising efficacy system, and user profiling system The customer data and traffic of AI technology co-developed with ASUS remain independent and not interconnected According to estimates, this development project's total cost-effectiveness could reach 200, expected to precisely capture the user's digital trajectories, behavior, and profiles, potentially resulting in significant growth in customer lifetime value LTV, effectively integrating Eastern's online and offline services, enhancing membership service content, and substantially increasing corporate value In the future, as the Eastern Group continues to expand into international markets, it currently targets Mainland China as the primary promotion market, extending the entire service module with Eastern Global’s operational model to the global Chinese market while ensuring compliance with GDPA, merging it with Strawberry Net to provide Eastern's new retail services with the advantages of big data and AI globally Eastern Group will expand its services and technology to the global market through Strawberry Net「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Maintaining the reputation of the “Kingdom of Yachts” - Kha Shing Enterprise introduces the first domestic FRP ultrasonic smart inspection of composite materials

The Kaohsiung-based Kha Shing Enterprise Co, Ltd was established over 40 years ago, and is Taiwan's largest customized yacht company with customers all over America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, earning Taiwan the reputation of the "Kingdom of Yachts" Current FRP hull inspection still relies on traditional methods, such as visual inspection and knocking sounds, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive Kha Shing has applied PAUT array ultrasonic inspection to hull FRP composite materials for the first time, and combined it with AI to interpret ultrasound images, develop complete intelligent solutions, and create emerging markets for inspection companies Kha Shing Enterprise Co, Ltd was formerly Kha Shing Wood Industry Co, Ltd, and was a factory specializing in wood import in Kaohsiung Linhai Industrial Park when it was first established It began to design, manufacture, and sell yachts in 1977 After the second-generation successor of the company, President Kung Chun-Hao entered the company, he made a breakthrough in the previous manufacturing model that relied mainly on the skills of master craftsmen, introduced digital manufacturing to accelerate shipbuilding, and began to make larger yachts, ranking in the top 20 manufacturers worldwide among manufacturers of large yachts over 24 feet It also set a record of delivering 94 yachts within one year, earning Taiwan the reputation of "Kingdom of Yachts" Defect detection ensures yacht quality, using AI to replace humans to achieve higher efficiency Defect detection is very important to ensuring yacht quality At present, the yacht industry still uses very traditional defect detection methods The hull structure is usually made by hand lay-up or the vacuum infusion process, using visual inspection or knocking and the frequency of the sound to determine defects It requires time-consuming manual inspection If there are any defects, they must be reworked and repaired, and a gel coat subsequently sprayed The hull must be constructed in sections to facilitate inspection For large yachts over 24 meters long, construction in sections is very time-consuming and labor-intensive To shorten the time of the yacht manufacturing process, Kha Shing Enterprise will first carry out the gel coating process for the hull, and then perform the hand lay-on process The hull manufacturing process has two types of composite material test specimen structures In terms of 54-foot yacht hulls, the hull contains gel coat, core material, fiber and resin, and the total thickness is about 32cmplusmn01cm, which is twice the total thickness of FRP hull without core material of about 16cmplusmn01cm Defects such as incomplete impregnation of glass fiber or residual air bubbles between glass fiber and resin occasionally occur during the manufacturing process The types of defects include insufficient resin, voids, and delamination Once defects occur, the supply of hull materials will be insufficient and yacht delivery will be delayed Schematic diagram of types of FRP hull In order to solve this problem, Kha Shing Enterprise has engaged in technical cooperated with the metal materials industry and the AI technology industry, combining the ultrasonic inspection expertise of the metal materials industry with AI technologies developed by the AI technology industry in recent years to help solve issues of Kha Shing Enterprise with defect detection The method uses PAUT on the composite material structure of yachts, conducts FRP ultrasonic evaluation to determine the thickness of the yacht hull and material properties, and evaluates the ultrasonic probe frequency applicable to the hull structure based on professional ultrasonic experience After testing, a frequency of 5MHz and a probe width of 45mm can successfully find the location and size of defects in the simulated defect test specimen The three parties jointly found defect detection solutions from array ultrasonic evaluation, AI technology model development, and actual application in yachts The image inspected is an ultrasound image The image displays different colors based on the ultrasonic feedback signal An AI model that automatically identifies defective parts is established through the YOLO algorithm If the amount of abnormal data collected is insufficient for training, the CNN-based Autoencoder algorithm is used to collect normal image data for training and construct an AI model for abnormality detection The object detection YOLO model is trained by inputting image data marked as having defects, while the abnormality detection model is trained by inputting image data without defects Simulated defective specimen corresponding to PAUT results Defect detection by and AI system can shorten the construction period by 15 months and speed up determination by 50 After the development of this AI system is completed, it will be validated on actual 54-foot yachts of Kha Shing Enterprise, and can effectively resolve issues with defects The application of AI technology in ultrasonic inspection for intelligent determination is expected to accelerate determination by approximately 50, and will also shortens the construction period by 15 months, effectively improving the speed and quality of the yacht manufacturing process As Taiwan develops larger and more refined yachts, it will create opportunities for industry optimization and transformation, as well as opportunities for the development of key technologies The application of an AI ultrasonic inspection solution for composite materials is the first of its kind in the yacht industry, and is expected to attract more yacht manufacturers with inspection needs The AI ultrasonic inspection solution for composite materials has three major competitive advantages 1 Professional inspection experience and digital database to facilitate process management and analysis 2 Automatic AI determination and identification quickly identifies defects and provides immediate feedback to process engineers 3 High-efficiency process inspection provides defect repair recommendations, reduces damage rate, and improves the strength and quality of composite materials The application of AI technology can optimize the yacht manufacturing process, reduce manual inspection, create added value through the application of AI in Taiwanrsquos yacht industry, increase international purchase orders, and allow Taiwan yachts to continue to enjoy a good reputation in the world Furthermore, this business model has also spread to fields of application related to composite materials, increasing cross-sector market usage It is estimated to contribute approximately NT14 to NT2 billion in economic benefits to Taiwan's equipment maintenance and non-destructive testing market

【解決方案】搭上綠能商機 華鉬實業打造全釩液流電池儲能系統設備 長效儲能的最佳選擇
Taking advantage of green energy business opportunities, Hua Molybdenum Industry creates all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system equipment, the best choice for long-term energy storage

Green energy is the future trend and will surely lead to huge business opportunities in the future Wind power has been one of the green energy sources that have attracted global attention in recent years It will become an important force in my country's renewable energy and help Taiwan's power generation reach the goal of 20 by 2025 to improve Taiwan's energy independence As the number and power of domestic wind turbines wind turbines increases year by year, it is particularly important to ensure that the power storage equipment achieves safe, long-term performance, is not easily attenuated during charging and discharging, and is sustainable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly At the same time, the wind turbine equipment itself Health inspection, maintenance and repair have also become the focus of wind farm operators In order to meet the needs of wind farm customers, the green energy business unit of Hua Mo Industry has launched long-lasting energy storage all-vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte and wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance, providing 100 safety, long-term efficiency and reducing customer initial manufacturing costs cost-effective power energy storage equipment, and through AI predictive operation and maintenance services to help customers reduce power generation costs by 10 and save up to 30 in maintenance and warranty costs Hua Molybdenum Industry was established in 1998 The industry started by refining vanadium, molybdenum and rare metal elements and other products, and used them in high-end steel, professional chemicals and specialty chemicals industries, and vanadium is more like a steel-making Vitamins can increase the effectiveness of steelmaking Among them, vanadium and molybdenum related products are one of the company's main projects The company sees that the all-vanadium redox flow battery, which is 100 vanadium-based, will be a very promising mainstream green energy technology in terms of long-term energy storage in the future, and before 2010 The government has actively invited legal entities such as the Industrial Research Institute to conduct research on related component materials in solid-state batteries and all-vanadium batteries In addition, the Ministry of Economic Affairs expects renewable energy to account for 20 of power generation in 2025 and reach 15GW Based on the above Considering this, Hua Molybdenum Industry decided to devote all its efforts to research and invest in the technological development of self-developed all-vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte in 2017, in order to accelerate the compliance rate of renewable energy in 2025 Hua Molybdenum pointed out that "renewable energy power is relatively unstable, and Taiwan itself lacks lithium resources In lithium battery manufacturing, almost 80-90 of battery cells must rely on foreign procurement, and there is a lack of 100 domestic self-sufficient energy storage Resources and technology "Similarly, how does Taiwan overcome the problem of having no natural vanadium resources To this end, Hua Molybdenum Industry uses original technology to use waste catalysts from petrochemical industries such as CNPC refineries or Taishuo petrochemical processes Up to 10 of the vanadium ion content can be used to extract high-value vanadium resources, thereby producing Taiwan's 100 self-made all-vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte without being affected by resources, effectively achieving resource recycling Since 2017, Hua Molybdenum Industrial has successfully created all-vanadium flow electrolyte technology, and has successfully passed product verification by the Industrial Research Institute, the Nuclear Research Institute and many international manufacturers Taiwan’s power storage energy target is to reach 15GW in 2025 Its power distribution includes 500MW in Taipower’s automatic frequency regulation system, 500MW in E-dReg and 500MW in existing or newly built solar power plants For example, electricity consumption is mainly between 4 pm and 10 pm, which is the peak period for people's daily electricity consumption For this reason, the Energy Administration specifically requires Taipower to strengthen the upgrade of energy storage equipment, which has also driven the market's interest in all-vanadium redox flow batteries Energy storage system equipment is in high demand In addition, Taiwan's current total power reserve construction and contribution has not yet reached 100MW, and the gap from the 2025 target of 15GW of power storage is still more than 15 times Using all-vanadium redox flow batteries to successfully create 100 safe, low-carbon, environmentally friendly and long-lasting energy storage system equipment Compared with the short-term power storage of lithium batteries, the biggest advantage of all-vanadium redox flow batteries is that it is globally recognized as a long-term power reserve It can store energy for a long time up to 12 hours, which means that if it is charged for 12 hours, It can release power for 12 hours Compared with the electricity measurement method of general energy storage systems, which is daily electricity consumption power in kilowatts x time in hours, for all-vanadium redox flow batteries, power and hours are different Special design, the power is also called a stack, which is composed of four materials metal, polymer mold, carbon felt and graphite plate, and the power consumption time is calculated based on the amount of electrolyte in cubes Therefore, when the power electric push x the amount of electrolyte the daily electricity consumption of our all-vanadium redox flow battery for energy storage The product features of the all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system equipment include four major features safety, long-term performance, not easy to decay during charging and discharging, and sustainable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly The quality of the all-vanadium flow battery is 100 safe Since the electric energy is stored in the vanadium-containing electrolyte, it can avoid any flammable accidents caused by a fully charged energy storage system In terms of battery life, compared to the short battery life of lithium batteries, all-vanadium redox flow batteries can have a battery life of more than 20-25 years through changes in price Regarding the charge and discharge performance of energy storage, unlike lithium batteries which have a certain number of charge and discharge times 5000-600 times, there is no limit to the number of charge and discharge times of all-vanadium redox flow batteries Regarding zero carbon emissions, which is highly valued globally, unlike lithium batteries which have recycling issues, the electrolyte of the all-vanadium redox flow battery can be used permanently The material components of the stack are environmentally friendly and fully recyclable to create a truly sustainable and low-cost Carbon-friendly energy storage system Onshore wind turbine AI prediction smart operation and maintenance allows customers to reduce power generation costs by 10 and save maintenance and warranty costs by up to 30 Hua Molybdenum Industry not only improves the long-term power storage efficiency of renewable energy customers through all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system equipment and helps customers reduce initial purchase costs, but also uses AI smart operation and maintenance empirical calculations for offshore and onshore wind turbines Field demonstrations were drawn on Taipower's onshore wind farm, and we actively accumulated our own technical experience and energy in AI predictive operation and maintenance With the support of the AI HUB project of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the cooperation site will focus on the Phase I wind farm of Taipower Corporation and provide smart operation data of wind turbines for more than 6 months for analysis The AI predictive operation and maintenance system for onshore wind turbines uses machine learning The main technology provider comes from ONYX Insight, a subsidiary of British Petroleum BP The company uses AI Hub analysis software technology to analyze the wind turbines faced by Taipower Pain point analysis, including power generation loss of road-based wind turbines and damage prediction of key components of land-based wind turbines such as gearboxes, pitch bearings under abnormal vibration three-dimensional vibration frequency or abnormal temperature, etc output Through this implementation, it can effectively help Taipower reduce power generation costs by 10, increase asset value by 12, and save up to 30 in maintenance and warranty costs In the past three years, ONYX Insight has successfully predicted and operated more than 20,000 offshore or onshore wind turbines around the world, accumulating extremely high AI model accuracy It is believed that the international partnership established with ONYX Insight will effectively guide and accelerate the green energy division of Hua Molybdenum Industry in its goal and layout to become an independent technology service provider for wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance Works with partner ONYX insight to provide customers with an AI predictive operation and maintenance system, including wind turbine power generation loss and damage prediction of key wind turbine components Building a solid foundation for domestic wind turbine operation and maintenance, using Taiwan as a base to expand to Southeast Asian wind farms The market output value of offshore wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance in Taiwan will exceed NT30 billion in the future, and the energy storage market has an output value of more than 100 billion US dollars globally In the future company vision, Hua Molybdenum Industrial hopes to become An independent technical service provider for vanadium flow battery electrolyte and wind turbine AI predictive operation and maintenance The long-term goal is to establish a local supply chain of vanadium flow battery electrolytes around the world by accumulating abundant technology and performance capital to supply industry needs nearby 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」