
【2020 Solutions】 Understand the global COVID-19 epidemic in one second. Chatbots become a weapon in the fight against the epidemic.

On January 23, 2020, Wuhan, the birthplace of the new coronavirus (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia), was closed. On January 27, Taiwan’s first new coronavirus epidemic chatbot platform was established, providing immediate information to the government, NGOs and small and medium-sized enterprises with less than 30 people. Free to use to stay informed. Through the combination of APIs, information can be automatically updated to ensure that when users want to know information about the epidemic, they can obtain the latest and correct epidemic information, respond to the development of the epidemic early, and effectively reduce the spread of infection.

In order to combat the new coronavirus epidemic, software giant Microsoft (Microsoft) is currently working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and some large healthcare providers to deploy a chatbot to help In response to the COVID-19 virus, GoSky has also joined Facebook's global government cooperation program to provide chatbot construction services to assist government public health departments and other units in fighting the epidemic.

Global chatbot output value will reach US$1.25 billion in 2025

GoSky has observed that many companies have also been greatly affected by the epidemic. In order to prevent the epidemic, most people and companies have implemented home-based epidemic prevention and remote working policies. Now that offline sales have dropped significantly, GoSky has independently expanded the epidemic prevention project to small and medium-sized enterprises with less than 30 employees.

According to a Grand View Research report, the global chatbot market will grow at a compound growth rate of 24.3% from 2017 to 2025, reaching an output value of US$1.25 billion in 2025. In addition, according to estimates by Gartner, an international research consultancy, by 2021, more than 50% of companies will invest more in chatbots (Chatbots) than traditional apps each year. Chatbot technology is becoming more and more mature, and GoSky believes that Chatbot is the next app. Chatbot will be the next app.

Chat robot diagram

▲Chat robot diagram

GoSky, a technology company founded in March 2018, is the world's largest chat robot platform. More than 46% of the world's chat robots are built on its platform, providing one-stop chat robots and digital marketing. Weiquanlong, Yanik, Born Night Show, Uber Eats, etc. are all its customers, and the service industry covers the news media, department store industry, express delivery industry, etc.

At the end of 2019, Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus) broke out in China. The Taiwan government announced the establishment of a central epidemic command center at the end of December 2020 and screened overseas passengers. GoSky realized that "the spread of epidemic information is faster than the spread of the epidemic, and there is an opportunity to significantly reduce the impact of the epidemic." After a quick discussion with the team, GoSky decided to use the technology and experience of making chatbots in the past to integrate Johns Hopkins University, USA. The CSSE Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Hopkins University opened the source code of the Global Epidemic Information System, WHO, the US CDC, the Taiwan Disease Control and Prevention Agency and other agencies released epidemic data. On January 27, 2020, the third day of the Lunar New Year, it took a day In the evening, we deployed ahead of schedule to complete the production of the Wuhan Pneumonia Chatbot.

Chatbot helps control the global epidemic

GoSky Marketing Manager Jiang Yanzhou said that the Wuhan Pneumonia Chatbot initially has several functions: 1. Real-time data on the global epidemic, including the number of confirmed, recovered, and dead people around the world; statistics on the number of confirmed, recovered, and dead people in Taiwan; 2. Combined with Google search engine , query real-time news related to Wuhan pneumonia, integrating the latest news from Wikipedia, BBC News Network, China Dragon TV and major domestic news channels; 3. One-click dial 1922 epidemic prevention hotline, providing a more direct inquiry channel and providing users with faster Contact the Centers for Disease Control; 4. Add it to the desktop with one click, allowing users to follow the development of the epidemic at any time without downloading or occupying mobile phone capacity. In the past few weeks, if you want to track the current situation of the epidemic, you have to search through Google, Information can only be obtained by focusing on comprehensive comparisons of major news. However, through this chat machine, users can grasp the latest situation anytime, anywhere and in real time, which has a positive impact on the public's understanding of the epidemic.

New Crown Pneumonia information page

▲New Coronavirus Information Page

In the second phase in early February, we joined in the promotion of public health knowledge and cooperated with ICU doctor Dr. Chen Zhijin to make the correct knowledge about the use of masks into a lazy bag and added it to the chat robot to help the rapid dissemination of correct public health knowledge. At the same time, a mask map was established. After the government announced the real-name system for purchasing masks, the open database of the National Health Insurance Bureau was quickly integrated, and information from local health insurance cooperative pharmacies was made into a mask map function. Users can click to check the county, city and region to see the real-time mask inventory status in the area. Click the button below to open Google Map for users to check the location of the pharmacy for convenient purchase.

Jiang Yanzhou pointed out that the cloud update feature of the chatbot makes information collection and transmission faster. Through the combination of APIs, information can be automatically updated to ensure that when users want to know information related to the epidemic, they can get it. The latest and correct epidemic information can respond to the development of the epidemic early and effectively reduce the spread of infection. Compared with previous apps, chatbots are built on social communication software. There is no need to download additional mobile apps, which greatly reduces the entry barrier for users. You can obtain chatbot services by clicking on the link or scanning the QR Code. Correct information can also be integrated into the chatbot, allowing users to search at any time. At a time when the epidemic information is abundant and complex, it can effectively reduce the impact of false news and ensure the effective delivery of correct information.

New Crown Pneumonia global epidemic information page
[Solution] Understand the global COVID-19 epidemic in one second, chatbots become a weapon in the fight against the epidemic

▲New Coronavirus Global Epidemic Information Page

NLP technology provides a better interactive experience

GoSky is committed to NLP natural semantic analysis technology and builds a database to record user preferences. Through machine learning, it understands each user's interaction mode, provides a better interactive process experience, and can also provide customized services for consumers. personal service.

The basic functions of the chatbot are customer service and automatic replies. It can share the workload of brand fan page managers (editors) and help consumers obtain relevant business information more quickly. As the new coronavirus continues to spread, according to statistics released by Facebook, the number of messages in areas with severe epidemics has increased by 50% compared with the same period, and users' usage time has doubled. This also means that offline During the extraordinary period of declining sales, consumers' demand for online information has increased. Through chatbots, customer lists can be collected, allowing companies to better understand consumer preferences and related information, and helping companies quickly resume operations after the epidemic.

In the future, GoSky will take advantage of chat robots, integrate software and hardware equipment, and develop in the direction of AIoT. It is estimated that AIoT products will be launched in mid-2020, so that chat robots will no longer be limited to mobile phone applications. Chatbots built on Messenger, which do not occupy mobile phone capacity, are updated in the cloud, and have high opening rates, will be the focus of enterprise development. GoSky will focus on the all-round application of chat robots and strive to create a mobile life application ecosystem.

GoSky The team builds a chatbot for the COVID-19 epidemic

▲GoSky team builds a chatbot for the new coronavirus epidemic

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

Recommend Cases

【解決方案】洞悉消費者行為 智能演譯運用AI協助餐飲業順利轉型
Insight into consumer behavior and intelligent interpretation using AI to assist the catering industry with smooth transformation

In May 2021, due to the local COVID-19 outbreak, a ban on internal use was adopted, making the catering industry feel like it has entered a cold winter, with business bleak and operations facing difficulties However, there are also catering companies that have turned the crisis into an opportunity and actively carried out digital transformation, introducing online ordering and delivery platform systems, establishing customer membership systems, etc, to effectively reduce inventory and increase sales Intelligent Interpretation, a new start-up company established just one year ago, acts as a transformation consultant for the catering and retail industry, collecting, connecting and analyzing consumer behavior data to provide the best solutions for the cateringretail industry Li Qihan, the founder of Intelligent Interpretation, is good at online marketing and website construction As AI technology continues to evolve, he graduated from the Northern Phase II Manager Class of Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School AIA and was impressed by the large number of website sales Data and marketing analysis data can help companies improve their competitiveness and reduce operating costs Therefore, we established an intelligent interpretation company with Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School alumni, hoping to use member information to start collecting more first-party data to help customers build customer vision Analyze the data and identify relevant sales opportunities Targeting the catering and retail industries, intelligent interpretation helps stores use AI to transform "There are many small and medium-sized restaurants in Taiwan We hope to help these small and medium-sized restaurants use simple cloud services and social tools, such as Line, to start collecting and establishing member information systems and collect relevant information Consumption data is used to establish behavioral models of different consumers" Li Qihan went on to say that the catering and retail industries will be targeted at the initial stage, and different consumption behavior analyzes will be used to help stores further increase the frequency of customers visiting the store and the frequency of dining or purchasing, and reduce the use of ingredients Preparation costs The main features of the AI service of intelligent interpretation Affected by the ongoing epidemic, which has severely impacted the performance of physical stores, intelligent interpretation also assists physical stores in establishing e-commerce websites or shopping malls, combining physical and virtual consumption data to provide 360-degree OMO consumers Analysis, and can send marketing messages to different consumers, reducing the large-scale and indiscriminate casting of traditional marketing methods that cause customers to blacklist merchants or block lines, and also increase consumers' willingness to click and purchase Will Li Qihan pointed out that the AI service of intelligent interpretation has the following characteristics 1 Use LINE combined with membership system 2 Use QR Code to replace membership card 3 Provide LINE online orderingreservation 4 Use AI to analyze consumers’ personal preferences 5 Send coupons based on consumer behavior and preferences Using Line ordering information, you can understand consumer behavior such as consumer type, taste, time period, ordering frequency, etc, find consumers of the same group, and conduct summary analysis, which is important for one-to-one customized marketing Reference Li Qihan emphasized that the cost of digital marketing at this stage is very high If there is no classification and grouping after acquiring customers, preferential information will be distributed randomly and easily blocked by consumers The conversion rate will become lower and lower, and the marketing budget invested previously will be in vain AI combines the advantages of MarTech to provide exclusive customized services Although Intelligent Interpretation is a new startup that has been established for nearly a year, in terms of the company's future development strategy, Li Qihan hopes to use MarTech combined with the advantages of AI to first assist the catering and retail industries that are currently most in need of digital transformation Quickly enter the first stage of digital transformation, establish member information and collect consumer data, and then assist these companies to enter the second stage of digital transformation, analyze and use these consumer data, and provide exclusive customized services Li Qihan said that Taiwan’s MarTech market still has considerable room for development Most companies think that advertising on the Internet is the so-called MarTech, or that combining website data with advertising conversion rates and looking at the GA report Google Analytics every day is the so-called MarTech However, he believes that the above situation is only It stops at the collection and analysis of marketing data and is not integrated into the corporate sales and management levels In fact, after the data is collected, it still needs to be integrated, analyzed, and applied according to individual business scenarios This is the real MarTech application method Li Qihan, founder of Intelligent Interpretation, shared his smart retail experience at the AIGO forum As for most companies that believe that as long as they have data, AI algorithm analysis can solve all problems, Li Qihan suggested that companies should have a correct concept of data First, it does not have to be big data AI algorithms can also work with small data Great effect 2 Data is accumulated year by year To collect information, you need to understand the purpose and needs After collecting data, you need to find out its correlation That is to say, first define the use situation and the problem you want to solve, collect data, Only by analyzing data and using machine learning to identify undiscovered sales opportunities can we start to provide marketing application suggestions "The key to the success of using technology for digital transformation lies not in technical issues, but in concepts AI is not a magic pill that will take effect after taking it AI is more like a health food and must be taken continuously to help adjust the corporate body" This is Li Qihan realization He also mentioned that there is an 8020 rule in customer management How to define the 20 customer group What is the definition of VIP customer What issues does the company want to analyze What data should be disassembled It is necessary to peel off the cocoons layer by layer and clarify the above issues one by one This is the "basic project of the sewer" If the foundation is stable, there will be no problem in building a few more floors on top The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ AI problem-solving competition creates a win-win situation for enterprises and innovations Intelligent Interpretation has assisted the internationally renowned catering chain Din Tai Fung to participate in the AIGO "Problem Solving" competition of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs It understands that almost all catering industries have problems with how much to prepare Many times, when there are too many guests, there is insufficient preparation There are fewer customers, resulting in a waste of ingredients Therefore, it is very important for restaurants to predict the number of customers every day Intelligent interpretation suggestions can be based on weather, store location, and special holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc through AI , special time parents’ birthday, wedding anniversary and other data correlation analysis, the estimated number of guests is expected to increase the accuracy by more than 80, effectively using AI to solve the problems of catering operators Restaurant Consumer Service Flow Chart Li Qihan pointed out that "industry problem solving, new innovation problem solving" can help enterprises and AI startups find common goals, and also solve the dilemma of new startups not getting usable data, and provide identification through matchmaking on the enterprise side Based on the data, AI startups can put algorithms into practical application, and enterprises can also get solutions for digital transformation, creating a win-win situation After the epidemic, digital transformation is related to the life and death of enterprises How should the cateringretail industry choose AI companies and introduce them Li Qihan, who currently serves as an AIGO smart retail coach for the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and a number of AI consultants, said frankly that if data analysis does not have a certain degree of understanding of AI and practical implementation experience, there may be a high chance of failure in project execution In the retail industry, when it comes to choosing an AI project company, it is best to choose a company that has actually introduced AI projects or has experience in operating e-commerce The recommended principles and steps for introducing AI into the cateringretail industry are If the problem the company asks is too big, it needs to continue to dismantle it Because different problems naturally require different ways of collecting data, with the help of consultants step by step After dismantling, use the data collected according to the usage situation to analyze, and you will naturally get the answer to the problem you want to solve After you find a certain accuracy, you can then use transfer learning to solve similar problems one by one Looking to the future, Intelligent Interpretation hopes to become the number one AI company in Taiwan in the catering and retail industries, using simple and practical methods to help the catering and retail industries implement AI and improve the competitiveness of Taiwan's industry「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】小柿智檢 以「AOIAI」雙劍合璧,軟加硬體千錘百鍊 打通外觀瑕疵檢測任督二脈
Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection uses the two swords of "AOI + AI" to combine software and hardware to open up the two channels of appearance defect detection and supervision.

Quality inspection, like a double-edged sword, has always been a favorite and painful subject for Taiwanese manufacturers When AI deep learning enters the industrial visual inspection of traditional manufacturing industries, it can not only save inspection manpower investment, solve the problem of inconsistent manual visual standards, overcome the limited visual recognition and defect detection blind spots of traditional automatic optical inspection AOI, and also enable real-time traceability Causes of quality problems The overall AIAOI visual inspection solution developed by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection integrates software and hardware to create efficient appearance defect detection capabilities, helping electronics OEM customers create high-efficiency products with a miss detection rate of less than 1 and an overkill rate of less than 3 Check the level Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection was established in 2020 Although it is a new venture two years ago, it did not start from scratch Founder and CEO Hong Peijun and the core team have been deeply involved in Foxconn factories for many years and participated in countless smart factory-related solutions and process improvements , has profound AI deep learning development capabilities, and accumulated rich experience in world-class AI application implementation Seeing that AI industrial inspection must be the last mile for the manufacturing industry to move towards Industry 40, Hong Peijun resolutely decided to implement AI deep learning technology in the field of smart manufacturing with high output value, and specialized in the development of AI industrial visual inspection For the manufacturing industry, product inspection is the most important part of all quality control, but traditional industrial inspection faces two major pain points 1 Manual visual inspection Today, more than 95 of the entire manufacturing industry still relies on manual visual inspection Inspection makes it difficult for manual visual quality inspection standards to be consistent, and visual inspection of fine objects, such as passive components or highly reflective components, will cause long-term vision damage 2 Traditional AOI automatic optical inspection The product has limited visual recognition capabilities and blind spots in defect detection Among them, the detection of appearance defects such as scratches, oil stains, dirt or hair and other unexpected subtle defects has always been a problem in AOI applications Insurmountable difficulties AIAOI visual inspection overall solution is a great boon for appearance defect detection When designing the product roadmap of Xiaoshi Zhikan, customer group positioning and strengthening customer product services and value were important indicators Moreover, appearance defect detection has always been an unresolved pain in the manufacturing industry, Hong Peijun said With industrial quality inspection AI software as the core, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides an overall solution for AIAOI visual inspection It mainly promotes three major products, including "QVI-T AI deep learning inspection modeling platform software" and "AI six-sided defect inspection and screening machine" ” and “AI Industrial Quality Inspection Platform” The main customer groups served are semiconductor packaging and testing, EMS electronics foundry, small metal parts processing and other industries with high production capacity and high gross profit margin In response to customer needs, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides corresponding software and hardware services, combining self-developed AI deep learning software and hardware quality inspection equipment to reduce the manual visual burden on the production line and effectively improve the production quality of the factory In order to help equipment manufacturers and technical engineers with development capabilities accurately grasp product appearance defect detection, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection independently developed QVI-T deep learning detection software, which can provide customers with defect location, defect classification, defect segmentation, anomaly detection and text recognition Key functions such as this are different from the fixed detection methods of traditional software Algorithms can be refined based on different industrial detection methods and different APIs can be developed to connect devices with different lenses The software design of this platform is very lightweight It is a SaaS software built on public cloudprivate cloud It mainly involves simple image uploading, labeling, training modeling, and verification testing After completion, users can download models, SDKs, APIs, and reports Effectively help customers achieve AI inference functions Currently, most of the industrial inspection services on the market are traditional AOI software industrial inspection machines, which can only measure product contours such as the head and length of fasteners, etc, and cannot truly provide detection of subtle product surface defects such as screw head cracks and tooth damage There is a lack of such high-precision defect detection companies in the market, Hong Peijun observed Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection developed and independently built the "AI six-sided defect detection and screening machine" from customized services in the past to providing standardized services for customers at the current stage It provides standardized testing services for fasteners in measurement and surface defects, as well as passive components High-speed surface defect detection of similar products This professional machine uses the AI deep learning AOI composite algorithm technology independently developed by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection Through parallel computing technology, it can achieve model inference up to 3 milliseconds per picture, and realize multiple complex defect detection on the electrodes and body of passive components This professional machine is mainly used for the inspection of fasteners, small metal parts and passive components In terms of competitiveness in the industry, the software hardware integration provided by the AI six-sided defect inspection and screening professional machine is an important core competitive advantage of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection It is not as simple as it sounds Hong Peijun said with emotion that this special machine is very important in the industrial inspection industry Commonly known as the highly integrated integration of optical mechanisms, electronic controls, software and algorithms, the process requires continuous optimization and iteration, and requires multiple client verifications and modifications After a long period of hard work, the technical threshold has also been raised The AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine will be the main product promotion direction of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection in the next 3-5 years It is believed that AI combined with measurement technology and surface defect detection will be an important source of core competitiveness of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection, Hong Peijun said AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine will be the main product promotion direction of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection in the next 3-5 years Faced with the booming development of Industry 40 in smart factories, customers often ask "Does quality inspection data have secondary use value" Hong Peijun said that the "AI Industrial Quality Inspection Platform" launched by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection has a machine learning mechanism , which can be used for secondary use of quality inspection data to provide customers with multiple functions including real-time monitoring and early warning of production quality, quality traceability analysis, quality factor assessment, process parameter prediction and recommendation Taking the successful introduction into the automotive parts factory as an example, through the prediction and recommendation of process parameters provided by the AI industrial quality inspection platform, when we know the product defects, we build a set of models based on the experience of past masters, coupled with the network connection data from the previous stage, After integration, we have process data, incoming material data, and quality inspection data We can predict whether these machine parameters have run out, and we can recommend whether the process parameters of certain sections should be adjusted up or down Through the AI industrial quality inspection platform, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection can help customers connect visual quality inspection results, process data and acceptance standards with the existing MES system of the customer's factory to improve production quality, improve efficiency and reduce costs In terms of business model, Xiaoshi Zhiqian also provides a software subscription system for the deep learning detection modeling platform software It provides public cloud customers with traffic subscription and charges based on the amount of image uploads, while private cloud customers adopt an annual license fee license charging mechanism In addition, the company also provides customers with a buyout charging mechanism for the overall solution equipment, and provides a one-year warranty, after which consumables and software update maintenance fees are charged annually Going in the opposite direction, using both hard and soft methods, with a missed detection rate of less than 1 and rapid modeling in 15 minutes Faced with various small-volume and multi-sample inspection needs in the manufacturing industry, general AI deep learning visual inspection usually requires customers to collect a large number of photos of defective products, which is time-consuming to label, and also causes customers to have difficulty in importing AI, and defective products cannot be collected The introduction cycle is long and implementation is full of risks If there are not enough bad samples, the model will be inaccurate Kosaki Chikan goes in the opposite direction and uses its product "AI Visual Inspection Model Development Tool" to train models through pictures of good products provided by customers It is relatively easy for AI to learn good products, no labeling is required, and the time can be quickly compressed to complete the modeling Take the implementation of IPC electronics industry - AAEON Technology as an example In order to reduce the manpower input of the quality inspection station in the PCBA production line and have standardized quality inspection, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides an overall solution for PCBA AI visual inspection software and hardware services, and conduct in-line inspection on the factory's highly automated assembly line, effectively saving inspection manpower investment, improving the standardization of quality inspection rates, and improving the problem of inconsistent standards caused by manual visual inspection Through the introduction of AI visual inspection software and hardware integrated solutions, we have effectively helped customers maintain an overkill rate of less than 3 in the past two years, and achieved high-efficiency performance with a missed detection rate of less than 1 In addition, this solution allows practitioners who do not understand AI to quickly operate modeling By installing the modeling tool on the device, when the customer has a new product number and needs to create a model, he only needs to provide 10 pictures of good products to scan under the device It only takes 15 minutes to quickly train the model In terms of product core strategic layout, compared with market competitors who rely solely on general software services to seize all manufacturing markets, it is not feasible to apply it to industrial inspection Hong Peijun has observed over the past 10 years and believes that only software hardware can With technical thresholds and focusing on one industry and field, only by adopting a standardized company's AI six-sided defect detection and screening special machine can it be replicated and scaled up, and the company can truly continue to move towards optimization and create product competitiveness, even if there are other competing products It’s not easy to compete for this pie, Hong Peijun said Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection’s overall AIAOI visual inspection solution creates rapid modeling and excellent results for customers with a missed detection rate of less than 1 The most competitive AIAOI overall solution provider with global presence For new entrepreneurs, facing business expansion is a challenge every day Hong Peijun said that small companies are easily snatched away by large companies, company talents are poached by high salaries, lack of deep customer relationships, and the business team is not large enough, etc How to overcome this Hong Peijun believes that the key to success and competitiveness of a new start-up company is to be diligent in making up for mistakes, provide better services, provide more immediate feedback, and create more professional solutions to convince customers Since its establishment in 2020, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection has always gone against the grain in terms of product core strategic layout, surpassing the competitive market among its peers, and actively taking root in the overall solution of AI visual inspection software and hardware Hong Peijun hopes that Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection will become the world's most competitive AIAOI overall solution provider for the electronics and semiconductor industries in the future, and provide the top AIAOI professional machines and equipment to the electronics and semiconductor industry customer base Hong Peijun said that the technical capabilities of the company's AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine have reached the top domestic level In order to speed up the research and development of professional machines to become more standardized and sell them to overseas markets, the company will conduct a fundraising plan at this stage, hoping to use legal persons such as the Capital Strategy Council to assist in more business connections and fundraising channels For the medium and long-term goals, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection will lay out the global market including mainland China and Southeast Asian countries At the same time, it will follow the international footsteps of major OEMs in global layout Under the target inspection project, it will continue to develop specialty products and spread towards the international field 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】讓硬碟裡的音樂重生 愛飛媒平運用AI為影像找到最佳拍檔
Rebirth the music on the hard drive. Aifei Matchmaking uses AI to find the best partner for the image.

A young girl, alone in Los Angeles, USA, is looking for a dream, a dream that allows the music creator to find her soulmate again with the music she buried deep in the hard drive Li Zihui, the founder of iFeiMedia, has a background in science and engineering, but she has a strong gene for musicians In order to help global musicians create music and find the "best partner" who can successfully match them, she founded iFeiMedia Ping Company provides a one-stop AI video and music matching platform AV Mapping to help video creators quickly find copyrighted original music One-stop AI image music matching solution to find innovative business opportunities for music creators Generally speaking, in the past, video creators had to work on video music, including composing lyrics, music, and finding copyrights It usually took two weeks Through the AV Mapping video and music matching platform, it can be instantly matched to a suitable video in 10 seconds Music, musicians can also remarket their creations to gain profit sharing, creating a win-win situation This new, decentralized operating model is also favored by the descendants of the late Taiwanese music master Li Taixiang On the platform, you can relive a time when music creation was free to fly Li Zihui has practiced piano since she was a child, participated in choirs and wind bands, and composed her own music Although she studied science and engineering in college - the Department of Surveying and Spatial Information at Cheng Kung University, she joined the imaging team to work on soundtracks from her junior year , and went to the Applied Music Department of Nanyit University to audit After graduating from college, Li Zihui decided to obey the voice in her heart and become a music dreamer Aifei Matching provides a one-stop AI image and music matching solution Aifei Matching provides a one-stop AI image and music matching solution, which mainly uses artificial intelligence image recognition and music analysis Image creators can search and match suitable music by themselves on the platform, and use the system to It can shorten the duration of the soundtrack from 8 hours to a few seconds, a significant reduction of nearly 2,000 times Li Zihui said that in addition to creating suitable soundtracks, traditional video scoring projects also require a lot of time and cost in communication and search, including subsequent post-production processing such as arrangement and recording, and music licensing, which are even more time-consuming and labor-intensive With the assistance of AI, creators can focus all their efforts on creation without worrying about finding suitable music or having their music copyright stolen Integrated virtual and real marketing, from transaction to contract signing with one click At present, AifeiMeiping's music database has a total of 60,000 tracks in more than 60 categories, covering music from Europe, America, Asia and other parts of the world, including pop, EDM, rock, Irish music, etc The original decentralized concept of iFlyMediaPing further protects the rights and interests of musicians Musicians on the platform can set their own prices and track the transaction process, achieving open, transparent and decentralized features There are currently more than 7,000 video and music creators on the platform Music creators who successfully trade on the platform can share profits of more than 40, up to 50 The two parties transact and complete the contract on the platform, and the procedure is very simple AVMapping has a total of 14 AI models, making it easy to find speed dating music Li Zihui said that the AI image music matching solution has a total of 14 AI models The method is to disassemble all elements, conduct music analysis through image recognition and text recognition, and then use machine learning algorithms to train extensively The characteristics of images and music are listed, which can quickly match the soundtrack that suits the image situation, atmosphere, and rhythm In addition to online matchmaking transactions, Aifei Matchmaking also holds physical concert events, inviting music and video creators to participate The content of the event revolves around the display of AI video soundtracks, and a video directed by the director is used on-site to allow music creators to participate PK soundtrack or take out a demonstration video and let AI match it It only takes 10 seconds The images and music matched by AI are very accurate in terms of mood and atmosphere, which amazed the participants Three years of research and development won the Red Dot Design Award, using technology to support the development of music and art Aifei MatchPing spent three years of research and development, and the platform was officially launched in August 2021 In January 2022, it participated in the CES event in Las Vegas, USA, which attracted great attention from reporters present and received more than 100 awards in total media reports, the number of uses in a month has exceeded 1,000 times, attracting 7,000 video and music creators to join the matchmaking platform According to statistics, in the initial stage, the proportion of matchmaking transactions between the United States and Taiwan is evenly divided Li Zihui said that the licensing methods of traditional music are very complex, including types of works, types of copyright property rights, etc To obtain authorization for a song, one must go through a songwriting agency, a collective management group, a production company, a record company, or even a composer , lyricists, it is very cumbersome, and musicians may not necessarily get profit sharing Through the AI image music matching platform, all transaction contracts are completed online, music creators can gain profits, and their creative enthusiasm is constantly stimulated Three steps to help video creators easily complete the soundtrack work It is worth mentioning that NFT Non-fungible token, also known as non-fungible token is currently very popular in the art and cultural market What is the possibility of introducing it into the field of video and music Li Zihui said that the current transaction fees gas fees of Ethereum remain high, and coupled with the conclusions she obtained from attending many gatherings in Los Angeles, the acceptance of NFT is still in the process of brewing However, Aifei Matching is still optimistic about the future of NFT Trend, in the foreseeable future, relevant technologies will still be introduced into the AV Mapping platform to provide more diversified trading methods In order to rapidly expand overseas markets, Li Zihui continues to seek funding from international strategic investors in San Francisco At the same time, due to the appropriate control of the epidemic in Los Angeles, the industry is gradually recovering, and Li Zihui also participates in many offline creative gatherings Aifei Media hopes to become a bridge connecting images and music, introduce well-known user cases in the international market, and let more creators see the power of the platform Aifei Media Ping also frequently reports good news After winning the DSA Digital Advertising Singularity Silver Award and the AWE Female Entrepreneurship Best Potential Award co-organized by the American Institute in Taiwan and META, the one-stop AI video and music matchmaking company founded by Li Zihui The platform AV Mapping also won the Best of the best in the Design Concept of the German Red Dot Award in 2020 We hope to continue to be based on technology and nourished by art Support music creators to create better works Li Zihui, the founder of Aifei Matchping, has won many international awards and is a female entrepreneur with great potential「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」