
【2020 Solutions】 AI Press Releases in 20 Minutes - SparkAmplify Bridges Brands and Media for Accurate Exposure

What should small and medium-sized businesses or startups that want to export their products do when they lack PR resources, media exposure, and journalist contacts? SparkAmplify, a company that builds global market platforms using big data, has created a precise media marketing platform SaaS that aggregates data from over 80,000 global media journalists. With AI technology, it analyzes data and generates press releases within 20 minutes, matching them with accurately targeted international journalists to greatly increase exposure and achieve marketing goals internationally.

SparkAmplify's main service is a brand-media matching marketing SaaS platform. Since its launch in 2018, it has continually analyzed international media trends and has already analyzed over 3 million international media reports, helping more than 1,200 companies from 25 countries achieve precise media exposure. It has partnerships with major events such as CES and Computex, as well as famous incubation accelerators like TechStars, BootUp, Taiwan's TSS, Garage+.

"Media are searching for news, companies are searching for media." By applying AI data, a balance has been found. Jian-Qun Li, founder of SparkAmplify, explains, "From observing the demands of both suppliers and consumers in the media marketing market, there's a rigid demand for a platform that matches 'brands with journalists' based on both parties’ needs." Thus, SparkAmplify utilizes machine learning Logistic Regression algorithms to filter specific categories of news text and uses the LDA topic discovery algorithm to identify the hottest news trends, rolling out the 'AI Exploration of Media Trends' service.

Generate AI Press Releases in 20 Minutes to Find Suitable Media

This system service only requires three major steps to disseminate the products or services of brands, small and medium-sized enterprises, and startups on the international market through international media coverage.

● Step One, Material Preparation: SparkAmplify sets up a dedicated brand page where brand managers prepare and upload complete materials including company profile, product names, service features, images, related product diagrams, etc.
● 步驟二、品牌故事撰寫:透過專家系統及運用機器學習Logistic Regression邏輯回歸演算法,將特定類別的新聞文本篩選出來,並透過主題探勘演算法LDA,找出最熱門新聞趨勢,系統會自動按結構、格式、片詞、文法、關鍵字等等,在短短20分鐘內自動生成AI新聞稿,再加以人工優化。 
● 步驟三、精準推薦:將公司及產品介紹、新聞稿等,媒合國際媒體共8萬名記者,將對的主題推薦到對的記者身上,主動提供記者報導素材,以增加媒體露出及曝光機率。

AI Exploration of Media Trends Service Assists Brand Companies in Achieving Precise International Exposure


Jian-Qun Li points out that traditional methods of gaining media exposure include holding press conferences or distributing press releases widely. However, at international exhibitions, brand owners and small and medium-sized business leaders might not have sufficient PR resources. Additionally, understanding industry trends and journalists' reporting preferences poses a significant challenge. Aside from the challenges of data collection, extracting meaningful insights and trends can often be ineffective, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. The 'AI Media Trend Exploration' technology can effectively and accurately collect data, use text mining and machine learning to unearth underlying information, and, by executing periodically, keep track of market changes to products.

鎖定科技新聞領域 協助品牌業者精準曝光


在AI技術的應用上,安普樂發使用NER(命名實體識別技術,Named Entity Recognition)技術來增加不同的屬性。例如人、組織、產品等,最後再透過知識圖譜(Knowledge Graph)建立屬性之間的關係,才能迅速達成預估目標。




SparkAmplify 商業模式主要為訂閱制,每月收取399美元,透過簡單步驟即可輕鬆完成品牌與媒體的對接服務。至於除了英語之外,未來是否會推出中文服務?李健群表示,要跨到落地的語系需要重新建立一套模型,中文又比英文要複雜許多,處理過程要刪除非常多的雜訊。然而,因應中文化的需求日益殷切,未來在資源配置足夠的情況下,有機會也會推出中文服務。

SparkAmplify 團隊

▲SparkAmplify 團隊

SparkAmplify 創辦人李健群

▲SparkAmplify 創辦人李健群

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【解決方案】瑕疵辨識率達百分百 耐銳利科技獲面板大廠青睞
Defect identification rate reaches 100%, Nairi Technology is favored by major panel manufacturers

On the machine tool production line, there are some slight differences in the first step of assembly Accumulated tolerances will cause the assembly work to be repeated, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, resulting in shipment delays that will impact the company's reputation Narili Technology Company focuses on the field of smart manufacturing and provides various AI solutions It uses machine learning models to inherit the experience of old masters In the CNC processing machine assembly and casting process, it uses AI to analyze production line data, accurately adjust various data, and improve Production accuracy is 25 This AI production line data analysis system is called "Master 40" by Huang Changding, chairman of Naruili Technology It is the most evolved version of the master plus artificial intelligence It has been used in machine tool processing factories with remarkable results In addition, Nairi Technology used AI defect detection technology to participate in the 2021 AI Rookie Selection Competition of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, assisting AUO in advanced panel image defect detection, with an accuracy rate of 100, and won the award Assisted panel manufacturer AUO to solve problems with 100 accuracy in defect detectionHuang Changding further explained that during the production of general panels, edges and corners are There may be defects in the corners Although the defects are visible to the naked eye, AOI is often difficult to identify, causing the detection error rate to often exceed 30 Therefore, re-inspection must be carried out with manpower to improve the accuracy rate However, in response to the demand for a small number of diverse products and insufficient manpower, using AI detection is indeed a good method Nairui Technology, founded in 2018, has been able to win the favor of major panel manufacturers with its AI technology in just three years In fact, it has been honed in the field of CNC machine tools for a long time Tang Guowei, general manager of Narili Technology, pointed out that the top three CNC machine tool factories in Taiwan hope to introduce AI into the two production lines of assembly and casting Among them, on the assembly line, in order to maintain the accuracy of assembly, every part of the component is designed Tolerances are designed During assembly, each component is within the tolerance However, the cumulative tolerance still fails the final quality inspection and must be dismantled and reassembled This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also causes waste "After entering the production line, I realized that some masters have accumulated a lot of experience and are good at adjustment After his adjustment, the accuracy rate has improved a lot and the speed is faster" On the contrary, the new engineers did not Based on experience, it takes a long time to adjust and may not pass the quality inspection The yield rate of Master 40 system has increased significantly from 70 to 95Tang Guowei then said that the original size data set by Master during assembly All were recorded on paper After the information was written, it was stored in the warehouse and sealed No one studied the relationship between the dimensions Narili assists customers in designing the Fu 40 system Through the human-machine panel, the master can directly input the measured dimensions and related data during assembly After collecting data from different masters, AI algorithms are used to analyze the relationship between the data and create an AI model The AI model automatically notifies the operator what size to adjust to, and the quality inspection will definitely pass In this way, the yield rate will be improved It has increased significantly from 70 to more than 95 Narili Technology Company focuses on the field of smart manufacturing and provides various AI solutionsTang Guowei added, assembling the spindle of a CNC processing machine It took four hours In the first step, the machine made measurement errors, including vibration, temperature, speed, etc that were out of range It had to be dismantled and reinstalled, which took another four hours How to adjust after disassembly depends on the experience of the master At first, the master may have done the best assembly method based on experience, but the error rate was also 30, and the assembly took several days With the assistance of AI masters, the assembly time only takes half a day, and the yield rate reaches over 95, saving a lot of time and manpower "Use the AI model of machine learning to collect the experience of all the masters and provide it for AI learning The first step is digitalization, and the second step is knowledgeization This is the transformation of the enterprise "An important key", Huang Changding believes that Narili Technology is an important partner in the transformation of traditional manufacturing from automated production to digital transformation In addition, another industry that Naili Technology focuses on is the smart car dispatching system of the leading brand of elevator manufacturers The so-called car dispatch referring to the elevator car means that if there are more than two elevators, group management is required In the past, car dispatching was based on fixed rules If the elevator was closer to the requested car, that elevator would be automatically dispatched On the one hand, it did not take into account that dispatching a car if the elevator was called too many times might make other people wait longer The previous vehicle dispatching model did not take into account the usage characteristics of the building, resulting in a lot of waste For example, in an office building, there are peak hours in the morning, lunch break, and afternoon after work AI smart car dispatch can be flexibly adjusted according to off-peak and peak hours, increasing the efficiency of car dispatch, reducing waiting time, and reducing wasted electricity Introducing elevator smart dispatch to improve transportation efficiency and have environmental protection functionsHuang Changding added that just like the previous traffic lights at intersections, the system has already The number of seconds to stop and pass on highways, sub-trunks and small streets is programmed Smart traffic lights are now used to flexibly adjust waiting times to make road sections prone to congestion smoother Using AI to learn usage scenarios and introducing a smart dispatch system into elevators will improve transportation efficiency and make it more environmentally friendly In addition to introducing smart elevator dispatching, Nairili also introduced AI into the smart production and shipment scheduling system of elevator factories Elevator factories often cannot accurately estimate the customer's elevator delivery date For example, office buildings or stores must be completed to a certain extent before the elevator can be installed on the construction site If affected by unexpected factors such as delays in the customer's construction period, the elevator factory will often be idle or the schedule will be difficult to arrange Tang Guowei pointed out that generally those who understand the progress of client projects may be from business or engineering, but overall, the accuracy rate of shipments is only about 60, which means that 40 of them will not be shipped as scheduled Therefore, if the shipping schedule can be accurately estimated, the production line can be freed up for emergency orders or other product production needs The AI smart scheduling system will analyze past shipment data, about 20-30 parameters such as climate, distance between the factory and the construction site, and customer credit, and put them into the AI algorithm to accurately predict whether shipments can be made as scheduled goods Huang Changding also specifically stated that the machine learning of Naili Technology is not ordinary machine learning, but also incorporates various calculation methods such as traditional image processing technology and statistics Only by being very familiar with the domain knowledge can we make good products AI models are also where the company’s competitiveness lies He emphasized that the data that general SaaS platforms can process is very limited, and the accuracy rate has increased from 70 to 75 at most Naili’s strength lies in AI algorithms and machine learning, and it must be coupled with in-depth industry knowledge to produce output Good AI model Narili Technology started with the AI project, gradually deepened the technology, chose to start with the more difficult tasks, and accumulated rules of thumb It is expected to develop SaaS services this year 2022, based on customer needs starting point, gradually gaining a foothold and becoming an important partner in smart manufacturing The picture left shows the general manager of Naruili Technology Tang Guowei and Chairman Huang Changding right「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決案例】神經元科技 動鑑觀顫 以眼為始 最佳智慧醫療輔助者
Neuron Technology, moving and observing, starting with the eyes, the best smart medical assistant

Looking around the world and in Taiwan, the number of patients suffering from vertigo is increasing year by year When faced with vertigo testing, most people will choose to have it diagnosed by a doctor or hospitalized with neuromedical imaging tools such as MRI or CT for interpretation However, this may lead to misdiagnosis of vertigo, overdiagnosis of patients, waste of medical resources, etc, and cannot be effectively traced back The actual condition of the patient's dizziness In order to solve the long-term clinical pain point of vertigo, Neurobit has developed a smart wearable medical device - NeuroSpeed smart glasses and an AI assistance system It provides an AI smart solution for rapid screening of vertigo, assisting doctors in quickly screening more than 80 of brain diseases Efficient detection power with accuracy and sensitivity of over 90 Neuron Technology was founded in 2016 The co-founders include Yang Juncheng, Chen Weicheng, Huang Jinxun and Wang Jingfu The four of them were studying at the National Taiwan University Medical Engineering Institute and the Creative Entrepreneurship Program to jointly offer the "Biomedical Innovation and Commercialization" course Next, let’s embark on the entrepreneurial journey together The core team members of Neuron Technology are mainly composed of cross-field experts in medical engineering, information technology, neurology, patents, business, etc The common entrepreneurial concept is to continuously explore and explore unsolved pain points in medical clinical practice Seeing that patients were suffering from vertigo, Neuron Technology invented and independently developed an efficient and practical wearable smart medical device, NeuroSpeed Smart Glasses, which combines hardware AI-assisted decision-making system software to provide an AI smart solution for rapid dizziness screening Neuron Technology CEO Yang Juncheng said that the proportion of people in Taiwan and the world who suffer from vertigo is very high In Taiwan, as many as 3 of the people about 700,000 suffer from vertigo, while in the United States, about 1,000 people suffer from vertigo Tens of thousands of people go to see a doctor due to vertigo From the data, it can be seen that the vertigo medical care market is quite huge Regarding rapid screening for vertigo diagnosis in the clinic, current rapid screening tools in hospitals mainly use neurological examinations, and most of them are processed through questionnaire-type scales The diagnosis will rely too much on the patient's chief complaint and the doctor's experience judgment, and lacks quantitative indicators, resulting in Misdiagnosis of vertigo and loss of golden treatment time For patients with vertigo who are admitted to the emergency department, medical diagnosis in the past relied heavily on neuromedical imaging tools such as computed tomography CT or magnetic resonance imaging MRI After observation, it was found that the equipment was insufficient In the United States, the number of patients admitted to the emergency department Less than 3 of the population can receive immediate MRI diagnosis, and less than 50 can receive CT diagnosis However, excessive use of CT or MRI diagnosis may lead to overdiagnosis and treatment of patients, and even waste of medical resources In order to help vertigo patients accurately and efficiently screen and triage and reduce over-diagnosis in clinics and emergency rooms, NeuroSpeed Smart Glasses, a wearable smart medical device developed by Neuron Technology, is believed to have a great impact on the overall application of medical resources and patient diagnosis and treatment It is very helpful Yang Juncheng said that if it is not necessary to use MRI to track the diagnosis, this device can be used as a rapid screening test before the existing MRI neuroimaging tools and after the patient is admitted to the hospital, reducing over-diagnosis of patients NeuroSpeed's examination method is to quickly screen for nystagmus to identify patients with potential brain diseases The examination method of this technology is to observe the trembling state of the eyes and a series of eye movements when the subject is staring at a stationary object, so as to judge Brain risks for appropriate diagnosis and treatment NeuroSPeed smart glasses can crack brain and eye diseases, clinical trial sensitivity reaches 90 With the active research and development of Neuron Technology, two generations of NeuroSpeed smart glasses have been successfully launched The first generation NeuroSpeed mainly provides doctors with real-time observation of high-quality eye images and eye movement response-related examination data reference, and does not provide auxiliary diagnosis services The second generation of NeuroSpeed allows physicians to record, track, store and view relevant eye movement analysis and pupil area identification, thereby effectively diagnosing diseases of the central, meridian and peripheral nervous systems Because the second-generation NeuroSpeed product has the function of assisting doctors in analysis and diagnosis, it has been classified as a Class II medical device in the United States and must be certified by the US FDA before it can be sold externally At this stage, this product has completed pre-submission and will be submitted for review after the biocompatibility test is completed It is expected that the second generation NeuroSpeed will successfully obtain US FDA certification next year In terms of actual verification fields, NeuroSpeed has currently cooperated with New Taipei Shuanghe Hospital and Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital for clinical verification Its clinical results have confirmed the classification judgment of central nervous system diseases such as stroke and other vestibular system diseases With the addition of NeuroSpeed Smart glasses are designed to be lightweight and easy to carry, detect quickly and easily, and have the functional characteristics of automatic interpretation They can effectively assist doctors in quickly screening for potential brain disease risks in patients with vertigo Field verification with foreign medical centers mainly involves vertigo patients admitted to the emergency department Physicians can use NeuroSpeed smart devices to interpret the phenomenon of stroke diagnosis Currently, the accuracy of clinical trials in the above-mentioned cooperative hospitals reaches 80 and the sensitivity reaches 90 Neuron Technology develops smart wearable medical device NeuroSpeed smart glasses In addition to becoming the best smart medical assistant for doctors to quickly screen brain disease risks in the clinic and emergency department, NeuroSpeed smart glasses also assist doctors in the detection and assessment of strabismus risk They are jointly developed with the Tri-Service General Hospital through neuron technology The "Portable Strabismus and Abnormal Eye Movement Diagnosis System" is implemented in the Tri-Service General Hospital, providing doctors with a complete preoperative assessment of strabismus and postoperative tracking basis This excellent RD technology achievement was recognized by the 17th National Innovation Award-Clinical Innovation Award in 2020 We know that many diseases can cause congenital or acquired eye movement abnormalities, and even cause symptoms of strabismus or nystagmus Among them, as for strabismus, according to expert physician consultation surveys, the global prevalence of strabismus among school-age children is 2 5, while the prevalence of strabismus among school-age children in Taiwan is about 1 to 4 Yang Juncheng said that clinical diagnosis of the symptoms of these diseases is mainly divided into two categories deviation measurement of eye position and eye movement test It has been observed that there is currently a lack of objective quantitative methods for diagnosing eyeball position deviation, and eyeball deviation measuring instruments are used to check subjectively For Neuron Technology, the current NeuroSpeed instrument and strabismus and abnormal eye movement diagnosis system software can integrate objective and clear eyeball images, eye muscle function and eye deviation angle data as a rapid test that meets clinical diagnostic criteria Service, the data of these tests can be used as the basis for doctors’ complete preoperative assessment and postoperative tracking of strabismus Therefore, this system can provide objective and effective quantitative analysis, which can greatly reduce the medical risks of patients during surgery In terms of business model, Neuron Technology mainly cooperates with hospitals to sell research-based products It is believed that the company expects to have significant revenue performance after passing the FDA next year At present, Neuron Technology will use the country's first wearable smart medical device NeuroSpeed smart glasses and AI assistance system to provide software and hardware integrated solutions to assist doctors in quickly screening brain diseases and eye diseases, extending patients' golden treatment time and reducing social risks health care costs to create a triple win NeuroSpeed smart glasses assist doctors in quickly screening brain and eye diseases Looking at the world, the pioneer of smart medical equipment, a new paradigm of biomedical software and hardware system integration In the early days of Neuron Technology’s entrepreneurship, technology research and development and business expansion faced many challenges Yang Juncheng expressed his sentiments that since the NeuroSpeed product is the first medical smart glasses developed in China, both in terms of obtaining hardware raw materials and developing technical specifications, The challenges associated with building and integrating related systems are higher than those for consumer electronics Additionally, bringing together cross-disciplinary talent and integrating it into a core team is also an entrepreneurial challenge In terms of business development, although the company has accumulated clinical verification results and published related outputs, the establishment of market channels still requires continuous efforts to expand It is hoped that it can continue to rely on the assistance of legal persons such as the Capital Strategy Council to actively create more diversified market channels and connect potential Cooperating manufacturers In order to accelerate international expansion and market operation exchanges, the company will conduct a new round of fundraising planning at this stage to meet development Since its establishment, Neuron Technology has taken long-term development and stable profits as its operating goals Yang Juncheng said that in addition to focusing on existing professional fields, we also develop and apply value-added products through the company's software development and software development The accumulated RD energy of hard integration is expanded to other medical disciplines and fields Yang Juncheng hopes that Neuron Technology can become a pioneer in smart medical equipment, with research and development oriented to meet the needs of users and patients, and also hopes to become a model for the integration of biomedical software and hardware systems For the medium and long-term layout, the company will promote industry-university exchanges and cultivate biomedical talents integrate upstream and downstream industry resources to create smart medical solutions and platforms and actively explore foreign sales markets such as the United States and Europe as a basis for sustainable development of the company Vision 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】2秒鐘完成結帳動作 Viscovery AI影像辨識助攻智慧零售
Complete checkout in 1 second, Viscovery AI image recognition assists smart retail

Artificial intelligence AI has gradually changed the way various industries operate in recent years However, most of the work is still done by humans, with AI playing a supporting role This has led to emergence of the term "AI Copilot," which stands for "AI-driven tools or assistants" that aim to assist users in completing various tasks and improve productivity and efficiency The concept of AI Copilot comes from the role of "co-pilot" During flight, the co-pilot assists the main pilot in completing various tasks to ensure flight safety and efficiency In fact, there have been signs of various "machines" beginning to play the role of "copilot" in different fields since the Industrial Revolution, assisting humans in completing heavy physical and repetitive tasks, greatly improving factory production efficiency, and driving rapid economic development Following the advancement of computing equipment and breakthroughs in machine learning, deep learning, and image recognition technologies, the concept of AI Copilot has gradually taken shape The development of AI Copilot marks the transition from "machine-assisted to AI-assisted" Early robots could only complete preset repetitive tasks, but today's AI copilot can learn and adapt to new environments and tasks, and continuously optimize its performance in practical applications This transformation not only changes human-machine interactions, but also has a profound impact on various industries The application scope of AI copilot covers various industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, education, retail, etc, and are everywhere to be seen Application of AI copilot in the retail industry AI image recognition checkout In the retail industry, the application of AI copilot has begun to show concrete results Take Viscovery's AI image recognition checkout system as an example This system is a type of AI copilot model that helps store clerks speed up checkout or assists consumers in simplifying the self-service checkout process The store clerk needs to scan the product barcodes one by one in the regular checkout method If a product does not have a barcode, such as bread and meals, the clerk needs to first visually confirm the items, and then input them into the POS checkout system one by one Based on actual measurements at a chain bakery, it takes 22 seconds for an experienced clerk from "visual recognition" to "entering product information of a plate of 6 items into the checkout system" New clerks may need even more time In addition, according to a Japanese bakery operator, it takes 1 to 2 months to train employees to become familiar with products Now with AI image recognition technology, store clerks let AI handle the "product recognition" step, and AI will play the role of copilot, quickly identifying items within 1 second, speeding up checkout to save 50 of checkout time, and optimizing customers'shopping experience The time cost of training employees to identify bread can also be effectively shortened Even for products with barcodes, AI can quickly identify multiple items in one second, which is more efficient than scanning barcodes one by one The self-checkout system "assisted" by AI image recognition allows consumers to successfully complete shopping without the help of store clerks, eliminating the trouble of swiping barcodes or searching for items on the screen, which improves the shopping experience In a time when store clerks are hard to hire due to labor shortage, this also helps stores reduce operating costs AI quickly identifies multiple checkout items in just one second Source of image Viscovery Recently, startups dedicated to developing AI image recognition checkout solutions have emerged in various countries The most lightweight solution currently known is in Taiwan It can be immediately used by installing a Viscovery lens and a tablet installed with Viscovery AI image recognition software at the checkout counter to connect to the store's existing POS checkout system There are various integration methods, including plug-and-play and API solutions integrated with the store's POS system Viscovery AI image recognition system can be painlessly integrated with the store's existing POS system Source of image Viscovery Example of AI image recognition checkout Currently, the Viscovery AI image recognition system is being used in bakery chains in Taiwan, Chinese noodle shops in Singapore, micromarkets in department stores in Sendai, Japan, and Japanese bakeries and cake shops Over 7 million transactions were completed through this AI system, which identified more than 40 million items These use cases demonstrate the extensive application of the Viscovery AI image recognition system in the retail industry In the future, the company will continue to explore the various possibilities of using Vision AI in retail and catering nbsp The Viscovery AI image recognition system is already being used in bakeries, cake shops, restaurants, and convenience stores in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan Source of image Viscovery