
【2020 Application Example】 Kebi Student Robot now features an AI brain, solving relevancy issues in responses!

The unstoppable trend of smart homes

In recent years, the rise of 'smart home devices' has not only led to the release of various products by major tech companies but also propelled the popularity of voice assistants, chatbots, and companion robots. The 'voice shopping' market is set to become the next trend in retail. According to a survey by Juniper Research, by 2023, the market size for transactions based on chatbots is expected to surge from $7.3 billion in 2018 to $112 billion!

A well-known domestic manufacturer of household robots offers its self-developed educational and companion service robots, with the 'Kebi Student Robot' as its flagship product. However, due to its insufficient voice interaction capabilities with users, consumers often find the robot not smart enough and quickly lose interest, leading to abandonment. This has a long-term negative impact on the purchasing decisions of other consumers.

Hello Kebi Student, can you understand what I'm saying?

Surveys have found that many users of 'Kebi Student Robot' especially enjoy talking or chatting with the robot, covering a wide range of topics. However, using just Google or Microsoft's cloud platforms for developing voice chat conversations is not cheap. With Google charging based on service volume, system operational costs are high, and these vary dynamically causing major difficulties in system cost management.

On the other hand, the robot manufacturing service provider has already invested significant resources in the development of hardware, software, and digital content for Kebi Student Robot. Developing natural language dialogue and semantic understanding technologies in-house would require a significant amount of manpower and is slow. With limited resources, there's an urgent need to seek third-party solutions to enhance the robot's conversational service capabilities and development efficiency.

Integration of the Web-AI developed ibo.ai voice assistant brain platform with Kebi Student

▲Integration of the Web-AI developed ibo.ai voice assistant brain platform with Kebi Student

The key to the transformation from 'playing the lute to a cow' to 'I know you are upset'

Web Intelligence Co., Ltd. is a well-known AI natural language understanding technology service company in Taiwan. Its products include a natural input method, TTS voice engine, and the ibo.ai voice assistant brain platform. This platform has been applied in smart speakers, high-speed train voice assistant apps, and even employee benefit systems for companies like China Airlines. It quickly addresses the deficiencies in the robot manufacturer's AI service dialogue skills development, enriches the dialogue content and skills, provides contextually related conversational services, and makes Kebi Student appear smarter to users within a short period.

Service Architecture

▲Service Architecture

This case further applies the latest Principle-based semantic understanding engine technology from the Academia Sinica's Institute of Information Science, achieving deep natural language processing and understanding, and carrying out intent and entity analysis to generate interactive dialogue logic for continuous conversation. Therefore, it also strengthens the basic social communication abilities of Kebi Student Robots, enhances the number of AI dialogue skills, and advances from simple question-and-answer to having capabilities for 'multi-turn dialogue' and 'contextual conversational' responses, making the robot's responses more human-like. Additionally, the development time for Kebi Student Robots has been significantly reduced, effectively and significantly lowering and controlling cloud service maintenance and management costs.



AI Kebi, becoming your ubiquitous companion

Currently, many robots and smart speakers and other voice assistants on the market can only provide single-turn conversational services that end after one question and one reply. A major difference with the ibo.ai voice assistant brain platform used in this case is its capability for 'multi-turn conversational interaction with contextual understanding,' which is also the only platform in Taiwan supported on local or cloud services.

The ibo.ai voice assistant brain platform can support various enterprises services, allowing businesses to design their own voice assistants or AI Chatbots for customer service swiftly, which can be applied across LINE, Facebook Messenger, websites, apps, and IoT devices, among others.

This case adopts the 'ibo.ai inside' strategy, highlighting its role as an Enabler to upgrade corporate services to AI, hoping to also assist existing Chatbot manufacturers, app developers, commercial software vendors, information hardware dealers, system integrators, and IoT device merchants in upgrading their existing products and services to have AI natural language conversational capabilities, collaborating to provide a new generation of AI smart robot services for numerous businesses.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【導入案例】哈瑪星科技建構AI模型管理平台 加速AI落地應用
Hamastar Technology Builds an AI Model Management Platform to Accelerate the Application of AI

Riding the AI hype train, financial service providers are using their solid foundation in the industry to not only transform themselves, but also assist their customers with transformation Hamastar Technology, which has been established for over two decades, has been developing AI technology and assisting industry customers with the implementation of AI in recent years Hamastar Technology believes that to implement a complete AI project, in addition to AI theoretical knowledge, data analysis, and model training capabilities, it is also necessary to develop APIs for data, establish databases, develop front-end RWD web pages, and even consider layout design and user experience based on customer needs These tasks create technical barriers for AI startups Even from the perspective of companies that have reached a certain scale, it is hard to accumulate technical experience and accelerate business growth due repeatedly investing manpower developing similar functions in each project Institutional customers still require high level of customization for AI Using the requirements of government Agency A implemented by Hamastar Technology as an example, users must control false information from specific channels The platform needs to provide data ingestion functions for training models and predictions, and can complete natural language processing NLP text classification model training and use When the model discovers false information, it needs to immediately notify responsible personnel through messaging software The need of Agency B is to use an AI model to automatically classify petitions and immediately provide information on past cases as reference for the petitioner or officer Although the project models are similar data ingestion, model prediction, warning notification, the required functions still need to be separately developed for individual projects, and existing programs and models cannot be reused to speed up the implementation of subsequent projects After in-depth discussion, Hamastar Technology found that pain points of enterprises implementing AI projects include high implementation costs and lengthy project schedules It is difficult for a single enterprise to simultaneously have data scientists, analysts, engineers, and designers Current projects are all focused on solving the needs of specific fields, and it is difficult to reuse the AI models in other fields of application At the same time, the tools are concentrated in AI projects and cannot provide customers with total solutions In other words, due to the "limited manpower," "restricted fields," and "insufficient tools" of AI service providers, the implementation of AI technology projects requires high costs or lengthy timelines These are common problems that companies urgently need to solve Therefore, if there is an AI model application service management platform, it will be able to solve the above difficulties and not only reduce costs, but also accelerate project implementation and provide customers with one-stop solutions AI model application service management platform assists in quickly completing projects Therefore, with the support of the AI project of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hamastar Technology carried out the "AI Model Application Service Management Platform AISP RampD Project" and engaged in the RampD of AISP products The purpose is for AI service providers to complete the AI projects with twice the result using only half the effort The AISP provides one-stop AI solutions AI service providers can quickly assemble required functions, such as data API, model management, and model prediction result monitoring subscription through existing module functions of the AISP It also provides commonly used graphical tools to help companies quickly design interactive charts or dashboards required by users, effectively reducing the labor costs required to execute projects, shortening the solution POC or implementation time, and accelerating the implementation and diffusion of industry AI In terms of product business model, in the short term, the company will extensively invite IT service providers with expertise in the field of AI to work together, and use platform services to solve the AI implementation problems faced by requesting units in various field, gradually building trust in the platform brand In the mid-term, the company hopes to gradually expand the market based on its past success, and form strategic alliances with multiple IT service providers to solve more and wider problems in specialized fields and provide more solutions for units to choose from The platform combines field experts to jointly expand overseas markets In the long term, after establishing AI strategic alliances in various specialized fields, the platform will have a large number of AI solution experts for specialized fields After accumulating a large amount of successful project experience, Hamastar Technology hopes that the AISP will be able to work with experts companies to expand into the international market Harmastar Technology Co, Ltd was formed in 2000 by recruiting numerous senior professional managers and technical experts in related fields It is committed to software technology RampD and services, and aims to develop into an international software company, actively creating opportunities for international cooperation in the industry Under the excellent leadership of its first president, the company has rapidly grown into a major software company in Taiwan

【導入案例】維繫遊艇王國美譽 嘉信遊艇導入國內第一套FRP複材超音波智慧檢測
Maintaining the reputation of the “Kingdom of Yachts” - Kha Shing Enterprise introduces the first domestic FRP ultrasonic smart inspection of composite materials

The Kaohsiung-based Kha Shing Enterprise Co, Ltd was established over 40 years ago, and is Taiwan's largest customized yacht company with customers all over America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, earning Taiwan the reputation of the "Kingdom of Yachts" Current FRP hull inspection still relies on traditional methods, such as visual inspection and knocking sounds, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive Kha Shing has applied PAUT array ultrasonic inspection to hull FRP composite materials for the first time, and combined it with AI to interpret ultrasound images, develop complete intelligent solutions, and create emerging markets for inspection companies Kha Shing Enterprise Co, Ltd was formerly Kha Shing Wood Industry Co, Ltd, and was a factory specializing in wood import in Kaohsiung Linhai Industrial Park when it was first established It began to design, manufacture, and sell yachts in 1977 After the second-generation successor of the company, President Kung Chun-Hao entered the company, he made a breakthrough in the previous manufacturing model that relied mainly on the skills of master craftsmen, introduced digital manufacturing to accelerate shipbuilding, and began to make larger yachts, ranking in the top 20 manufacturers worldwide among manufacturers of large yachts over 24 feet It also set a record of delivering 94 yachts within one year, earning Taiwan the reputation of "Kingdom of Yachts" Defect detection ensures yacht quality, using AI to replace humans to achieve higher efficiency Defect detection is very important to ensuring yacht quality At present, the yacht industry still uses very traditional defect detection methods The hull structure is usually made by hand lay-up or the vacuum infusion process, using visual inspection or knocking and the frequency of the sound to determine defects It requires time-consuming manual inspection If there are any defects, they must be reworked and repaired, and a gel coat subsequently sprayed The hull must be constructed in sections to facilitate inspection For large yachts over 24 meters long, construction in sections is very time-consuming and labor-intensive To shorten the time of the yacht manufacturing process, Kha Shing Enterprise will first carry out the gel coating process for the hull, and then perform the hand lay-on process The hull manufacturing process has two types of composite material test specimen structures In terms of 54-foot yacht hulls, the hull contains gel coat, core material, fiber and resin, and the total thickness is about 32cmplusmn01cm, which is twice the total thickness of FRP hull without core material of about 16cmplusmn01cm Defects such as incomplete impregnation of glass fiber or residual air bubbles between glass fiber and resin occasionally occur during the manufacturing process The types of defects include insufficient resin, voids, and delamination Once defects occur, the supply of hull materials will be insufficient and yacht delivery will be delayed Schematic diagram of types of FRP hull In order to solve this problem, Kha Shing Enterprise has engaged in technical cooperated with the metal materials industry and the AI technology industry, combining the ultrasonic inspection expertise of the metal materials industry with AI technologies developed by the AI technology industry in recent years to help solve issues of Kha Shing Enterprise with defect detection The method uses PAUT on the composite material structure of yachts, conducts FRP ultrasonic evaluation to determine the thickness of the yacht hull and material properties, and evaluates the ultrasonic probe frequency applicable to the hull structure based on professional ultrasonic experience After testing, a frequency of 5MHz and a probe width of 45mm can successfully find the location and size of defects in the simulated defect test specimen The three parties jointly found defect detection solutions from array ultrasonic evaluation, AI technology model development, and actual application in yachts The image inspected is an ultrasound image The image displays different colors based on the ultrasonic feedback signal An AI model that automatically identifies defective parts is established through the YOLO algorithm If the amount of abnormal data collected is insufficient for training, the CNN-based Autoencoder algorithm is used to collect normal image data for training and construct an AI model for abnormality detection The object detection YOLO model is trained by inputting image data marked as having defects, while the abnormality detection model is trained by inputting image data without defects Simulated defective specimen corresponding to PAUT results Defect detection by and AI system can shorten the construction period by 15 months and speed up determination by 50 After the development of this AI system is completed, it will be validated on actual 54-foot yachts of Kha Shing Enterprise, and can effectively resolve issues with defects The application of AI technology in ultrasonic inspection for intelligent determination is expected to accelerate determination by approximately 50, and will also shortens the construction period by 15 months, effectively improving the speed and quality of the yacht manufacturing process As Taiwan develops larger and more refined yachts, it will create opportunities for industry optimization and transformation, as well as opportunities for the development of key technologies The application of an AI ultrasonic inspection solution for composite materials is the first of its kind in the yacht industry, and is expected to attract more yacht manufacturers with inspection needs The AI ultrasonic inspection solution for composite materials has three major competitive advantages 1 Professional inspection experience and digital database to facilitate process management and analysis 2 Automatic AI determination and identification quickly identifies defects and provides immediate feedback to process engineers 3 High-efficiency process inspection provides defect repair recommendations, reduces damage rate, and improves the strength and quality of composite materials The application of AI technology can optimize the yacht manufacturing process, reduce manual inspection, create added value through the application of AI in Taiwanrsquos yacht industry, increase international purchase orders, and allow Taiwan yachts to continue to enjoy a good reputation in the world Furthermore, this business model has also spread to fields of application related to composite materials, increasing cross-sector market usage It is estimated to contribute approximately NT14 to NT2 billion in economic benefits to Taiwan's equipment maintenance and non-destructive testing market

【導入案例】救命急如星火 AI病危系統監測掌握黃金搶救期
Life-saving is as urgent as a spark AI critical illness system monitors and grasps the golden rescue period

60-year-old Mr Huang was admitted to the hospital due to a stroke After lying in the intensive care unit for two weeks, his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse After rescue, he was lucky enough to survive In fact, with the assistance of AI critical illness early warning technology, hospitals can detect signs and take timely and accurate medical measures 6-8 hours before a patient's heart stops, which can greatly reduce the chance of death in the hospital The deterioration of the condition is a process that evolves over time, and its subtle changes are by no means without context Previous research reports show that about 60 to 70 of inpatients who experience unexpected in-hospital cardiac arrest had symptoms 6 to 8 hours before their cardiac arrest, but only a quarter of them were recognized by clinical staff Detection and discovery, therefore, there is a need for a risk warning tool or system that can be used earlier and continuously to monitor the condition, alert medical staff to pay attention to subtle changes in the patient's condition at any time, and take timely and accurate intervention measures before the condition progresses to effectively reduce adverse events or the risk of serious adverse events Unexpected deterioration cannot be detected early Acute and severe patients often undergo unpredictable changes, and timely detection or prediction of potential acute and severe patients is an important issue The currently commonly used clinical assessment method is Modified Early Warning Score MEWS, which uses simple physiological parameter assessment including heartbeat, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, body temperature, urine output and state of consciousness to screen out high-risk patients, and has been proven to be predictive Patient clinical prognosis MEWS is a scoring mechanism with a single time point and a standardized formula However, the AI crisis warning system developed by Boxin Medical Electronics - Hospital Emergency and Critical Care Early Warning Index System EWS is designed to predict patient status with immediate response , collect the physiological data of patients over time for deep learning, find the best prediction model, and improve the overall accuracy Boxin Medical Electronics uses a big data analysis model to build an early warning system EWS, IoT Internet of Things and 5G communication technology, allowing medical staff to remotely monitor the physiological status of patients through communication equipment, and monitor emergency and severe cases quickly The patient's condition changes and the golden rescue period of 6-8 hours before cardiac arrest can be grasped After Boxin Medical Electronics introduces AI visual interpretation, unmanned operation can greatly reduce medical manpower The AI technology developed by Boxin Medical Electronics is the Gradient Boosting Ensemble Learning System GBELS to build an early warning system It is a learning-based EWS prediction algorithm developed by the company, which is an integrated learning Ensemble Learning and is classified as supervised learning, providing the following three functions 1 Early warning risk notification is used to analyze representative data using GBELS to provide an early risk score so that medical staff can conduct immediate clinical assessment and provide appropriate medical treatment 2 Reduce medical manpower Collect continuous physiological monitoring data, such as heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure and blood oxygen concentration, etc, to reduce the time for medical staff to write cases 3 Combine IOT logistics network and 5G communication technology to quickly transmit medical data such as monitoring parameters and imaging data, and assist medical staff to monitor changes in patients' condition remotely through communication equipment AI critical illness system monitoring to master the golden treatment period Boxin Medical Electronics stated that assessing the severity of the disease in acute and severe patients is a complex task, and patients often experience unpredictable changes Clinical medical staff often judge the condition based on their own clinical experience or intuition, which lacks science and objectivity, resulting in the inability to correctly identify and timely detect potentially acute and severe patients, resulting in or misdiagnosis leading to increased in-hospital mortality of patients The introduction of an AI early critical illness warning system can assist emergency and critical care medical staff to correctly predict the patient's condition and allow patients to receive the care they need immediately This can reduce the manpower arrangement of the emergency and critical care ward at the same time and reduce labor costs In addition, the easy-to-carry design will help the system be introduced into ambulances, home care and other places in the future, so that emergency patients can receive appropriate care earlier Other departments within the hospital can also develop new applications around this system, which can effectively accelerate the development and promotion of smart medical technology With the COVID-19 epidemic still raging in many countries around the world, this system can also help hospitals in various places to operate more effectively Caring for and monitoring the condition of critically ill patients In addition to AI critical illness warning, Boxin Medical Electronics has also developed AI image interpretation - Medical Physiological Monitor Life Cycle Compliance Testing AVS, which uses AI image interpretation technology to develop automated quality inspection of life support medical equipment The instrument solves the time-consuming problem of medical instrument testing It can reduce testing time by 70, increase the number of tests by 3 times, and effectively reduce labor costs by 50 At the same time, it is 100 compliant with regulatory requirements, and gradually solves the shortage of manpower and medical resources in the medical field , medical work overload and other issues It has now taken root in mainland China and is actively preparing for its launch in Europe It will develop towards the Japanese and American markets in the future Boxin Medical Electronics develops AI image interpretation-medical physiological monitor life cycle compliance testing AVS to solve the time-consuming problem of medical instrument testing and can reduce testing by 70 time At this stage, Boxin Medical's smart medical technology has been introduced into medical hospitals including Hsinchu MacKay, Changkei, Dongyuan General Hospital, Kaohsiung University of Technology Affiliated Hospital, Zhenxin Hospital, Hsintai Hospital, Taipei Medical University Affiliated Hospital, etc GE HealthcareInc, an internationally renowned medical materials manufacturer, and Mindray Medical, China's largest medical materials manufacturer, are both representative customers of Boxin Medical Electronics 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」