
【2020 Application Example】 AI Silver Care Smart Platform

As Taiwan's elderly population gradually grows, more and more people require long-term care, but the supply side is never enough to support such a huge demand. In the past, a total of 110,000 caregivers were trained, but currently only about 20,000 are actually engaged in care work. According to estimates from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, long-term care 2.0 will require more than 30,000 care workers, indicating that there is still a large manpower gap to be filled. In addition, the turnover rate of nursing staff is also extremely high, which makes the situation even worse. This dilemma has caused the elderly who should have received proper differentiated care to be unable to be properly taken care of. In addition, it has also caused institutional operators to spend huge time costs on education and training, thus reducing the quality of care.

AI Silver Care Smart Platform

(1) Basic hospital management: basic settings, equipment settings, hospital authority role settings, staff management, face recognition, resident role management, fall risk assessment, and bedsore risk assessment.

(2) Bed management: bed management and bed status.

(3) Resident management: resident information (basic information, bed records, face recognition forms), resident case closure information.

(4) Message record: face recognition record, fall message record, electronic fence message record and blood glucose machine remote measurement result record.

On the upper right side are matters that need to be reminded of residents, such as quarterly assessments, new residents within 72 hours, care plans, rehabilitation plans, treatment plans and nutritional assessment plan personnel. The lower right is the resident search list and the newly added new resident block. The right is the assessment service plan reminder. Click to check which residents need to arrange time for the plan.

Machine and equipment settings: If new machines and equipment in the hospital need to be added, such as face recognition lenses, after clicking on the new device in the upper right corner, the corresponding device ID, field name, IP location, and device type can be set. After entering the status, account and password, the connection settings between the machine and the corresponding field can be completed.

Machine Equipment Settings

▲Machine and Equipment Settings

Permission settings: Add a permission button in the upper right corner. After clicking it, you can add a permission role and check the CHECKBOX corresponding to each major function. This function corresponds to hospital staff management, and you can create new hospital staff corresponding to permission roles. , in this way, the member's login account password will have member-exclusive functions appear in the left menu, achieving the purpose of authority control personnel.

Permission Settings

▲Permission settings

Bed Management: After clicking the Add Bed button, you can enter the corresponding field name (such as which building, regional classification name), dormitory name (A01) and bed number (01~06) fields, all beds in the hospital After the construction is completed, the beds will be available for residents to choose from.

Bed Management

▲Bed Management

Bed status: You can check whether the current bed is corresponding to the resident. If it is corresponding, you can also use the hospital bed to query the corresponding resident information. After clicking on the bed history record query, you can query the historical information of all beds occupied.

Bed Status

▲Bed status

Resident information list: When a new resident moves in, he or she can click the Add Resident button on the homepage to enter this page. After clicking the Add button, it will be divided into four major categories: basic information, emergency contact person, personal living conditions, and imported finances. to fill it in. After completion, press the save button to return to the resident list. Find the newly added resident and click on the case medical record function. In addition to the basic information above, there are four items of information that need to be completed for individual residents, such as resident photos and attachments. Information, meeting minutes and evaluation records.

You can upload three photos of residents, which can be used for face recognition and homepage profile pictures. The documents to be attached include a copy of the ID card, a household register or a copy of the household registration, a family tree, an ecological map, a low- and middle-income certificate, a disability handbook, a subsidy letter, photos of financial items, and other items. Minutes of the meeting are taken to assess the completion of the service plan items to be carried out. The evaluation form is to understand the residents in more detail. The information and analysis items need to be filled in. The system will draw conclusions based on the item analysis and provide the nurse with reference for the care plan.

Basic resident information

▲Basic information on residents

Information attached to the Resident Inspection:

Residential Inspection Attached Information
[Import Case] ​​AI Silver Care Smart Platform

▲Residential Inspection Attached Information

Fall assessment for new residents: One of the items in the assessment form is fall risk factor assessment. Fill in the questions in the field below, and the system will give a score to determine whether there is a risk assessment judgment. This is the current organization's early assessment of fall risk. Prevention mechanism

Service plan generated 1< /figure>

▲Service plan generated 1

▲Service plan generation 2

Smart reminder function: There is a reminder function in the lower right block of the homepage. For each resident every month or quarter, after calculation by the system, it will automatically remind nursing or social workers to fill in the form and complete the work required by the resident. .

Smart reminder portal< /figure>

▲Smart Reminder Entrance

Click on the check-in assessment link to enter the list of residents who need to fill in the information. Agency staff then fill in the information according to their nursing or social worker status. After completion, the reminder for the residents will disappear and the reminder message will appear again next month.

Reminder evaluation service record< /figure>

▲Remind evaluation service records

The system will also automatically remind you to evaluate the service records every week. After the caregivers complete the care plan, they must make a relevant record sheet every week to check whether each service is consistent.

Smart evaluation function: After selecting the residents to be queried, click the evaluation function to enter the evaluation query list.

Evaluation Query List

▲Evaluation Query List

Evaluation Record
[Import Case] ​​AI Silver Care Smart Platform

▲Evaluation Record

Click on the evaluation plan query to retrieve all previously recorded data from the system for evaluation use.

Example-Meeting Record
Example-Risk Factor Assessment Form

The query records filled in each form will be displayed on the following page in sequence according to the sub-functions.

Since the AI ​​function of fall and pressure ulcer risk assessment is based on 11 physiological data, the service can be spread to the elderly outside long-term care residential institutions, such as the elderly in day care services and the elderly in home services. By. It is expected that next year it will be extended to the elderly in day care institutions and the elderly in need of home services.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Maintaining the reputation of the “Kingdom of Yachts” - Kha Shing Enterprise introduces the first domestic FRP ultrasonic smart inspection of composite materials

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constructed in sections to facilitate inspection For large yachts over 24 meters long, construction in sections is very time-consuming and labor-intensive To shorten the time of the yacht manufacturing process, Kha Shing Enterprise will first carry out the gel coating process for the hull, and then perform the hand lay-on process The hull manufacturing process has two types of composite material test specimen structures In terms of 54-foot yacht hulls, the hull contains gel coat, core material, fiber and resin, and the total thickness is about 32cmplusmn01cm, which is twice the total thickness of FRP hull without core material of about 16cmplusmn01cm Defects such as incomplete impregnation of glass fiber or residual air bubbles between glass fiber and resin occasionally occur during the manufacturing process The types of defects include insufficient resin, voids, and delamination Once defects occur, the supply of hull materials will be insufficient and yacht delivery will be delayed 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application of AI technology in ultrasonic inspection for intelligent determination is expected to accelerate determination by approximately 50, and will also shortens the construction period by 15 months, effectively improving the speed and quality of the yacht manufacturing process As Taiwan develops larger and more refined yachts, it will create opportunities for industry optimization and transformation, as well as opportunities for the development of key technologies The application of an AI ultrasonic inspection solution for composite materials is the first of its kind in the yacht industry, and is expected to attract more yacht manufacturers with inspection needs The AI ultrasonic inspection solution for composite materials has three major competitive advantages 1 Professional inspection experience and digital database to facilitate process management and analysis 2 Automatic AI determination and identification quickly identifies defects and provides immediate feedback to process engineers 3 High-efficiency process inspection provides defect repair recommendations, reduces damage rate, and improves the strength and quality of composite materials The application of AI technology can optimize the yacht manufacturing process, reduce manual inspection, create added value through the application of AI in Taiwanrsquos yacht industry, increase international purchase orders, and allow Taiwan yachts to continue to enjoy a good reputation in the world Furthermore, this business model has also spread to fields of application related to composite materials, increasing cross-sector market usage It is estimated to contribute approximately NT14 to NT2 billion in economic benefits to Taiwan's equipment maintenance and non-destructive testing market

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Watsons Introduces Insider AI Technology Platform to Strengthen Customer Experience and Enhance Conversion Rates

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Currently, about 20 of customers who order at Watsons' online store choose to pick up their goods at physical stores Proper service at these stores acts as a catalyst for converting online-originated customers into additional in-store revenues According to statistics, Watsons has nearly 6 million members with a substantial volume of transactions in physical retail outlets However, with over 12 million active app users and nearly 3 million app downloads, the level of member activation is still lacking By utilizing AI technology for data integration, such as providing optimized product recommendations through AI, Watsons could significantly enhance its customer conversion rate from offline to online consumption or guide online customers to in-store purchases, thereby driving business growth Homepage Personalized Recommendation Module Recommended for You Originally, Watsons used the e-commerce solution Hybris from the global system integrator SAP, which was more geared towards simple display and sales, lacking sufficient technical resources to handle enhancing the consumer experience Insider is a marketing technology martech company with offices in 25 cities globally, including a professional consultancy team in Taiwan that provides localized digital solutions Committed to optimizing digital marketing effectiveness with technology, Insider helps brands drive digital growth and is a partner to many domestic and global enterprises including Watsons, Carrefour, IKEA, Lenovo, Adidas, Sinyi Realty, and Singapore Airlines Insider has shown outstanding performance in improving customer conversion rates, repurchase rates, and advertising ROI through AI technology Watsons introduced Insider's AI algorithms primarily for enhancing customer experience, using AI's personalized and integrated marketing modules to elevate the customer interaction and improve e-commerce conversion rates Additionally, AI functionalities search for the right customers, expanding new customer groups and providing a superior shopping experience Page-specific Discount Code Copy Feature Recommended Based on Customer Behavior Insider has developed various technological modules that can be applied in different customer scenarios to enhance conversion rates Currently, Watsons' e-commerce websiteAPP utilizes different Insider modules, with some parts also tailored based on Watsons' unique attributes such as necessities repurchase, app navigation, and scratch card discounts, designing conversion kits or personalized recommendation modules for specific customer situations within Watsons Introduction of WebAPP Personalized Recommendation and Conversion Module Kits Effectively Increases Conversion Rates by 10 Watsons has already introduced the first four of the planned modules, with a full rollout of all five modules expected by 2021, aiming to enhance both online and offline cross-sales and thereby comprehensively improve Watsons’ overall e-commerce and retail performance 1 Web RecommendationConversion Suit 2 App RecommendationConversion Suit 3 InStory for eCommerce 4 Mobile App Template Store 5 Insider Architect Watsons has currently implemented the AT module, with completion expected by the end of 2021 Since partnering with Insider in 2020, Watsons has introduced WebAPP personalized recommendation and conversion module kits, effectively increasing transaction conversion rates by an average of over 10, with ROAS Return on Ad Spend averaging over 10 Watsons also hopes to integrate POS sales records into Insider's CDP Customer Data Platform to achieve a more optimized OO interaction mechanism and complete an all-channel consumer experience By combining Insider's AI technology, Watsons' self-operated official website, supplemented by extensive in-store sales data and member consumer behaviors, along with AI's personalized recommendations delivered at optimal points, the technology will significantly boost consumer transactions online and interactive opportunities in-store Utilizing new technologies in the competitive e-commerce sector allows Watsons to maintain a unique leadership position in the beautyhealth category in the consumers' minds「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Hamastar Technology Builds an AI Model Management Platform to Accelerate the Application of AI

Riding the AI hype train, financial service providers are using their solid foundation in the industry to not only transform themselves, but also assist their customers with transformation Hamastar Technology, which has been established for over two decades, has been developing AI technology and assisting industry customers with the implementation of AI in recent years Hamastar Technology believes that to implement a complete AI project, in addition to AI theoretical knowledge, data analysis, and model training capabilities, it is also necessary to develop APIs for data, establish databases, develop front-end RWD web pages, and even consider layout design and user experience based on customer needs These tasks create technical barriers for AI startups Even from the perspective of companies that have reached a certain scale, it is hard to accumulate technical experience and accelerate business growth due repeatedly investing manpower developing similar functions in each project Institutional customers still require high level of customization for AI Using the requirements of government Agency A implemented by Hamastar Technology as an example, users must control false information from specific channels The platform needs to provide data ingestion functions for training models and predictions, and can complete natural language processing NLP text classification model training and use When the model discovers false information, it needs to immediately notify responsible personnel through messaging software The need of Agency B is to use an AI model to automatically classify petitions and immediately provide information on past cases as reference for the petitioner or officer Although the project models are similar data ingestion, model prediction, warning notification, the required functions still need to be separately developed for individual projects, and existing programs and models cannot be reused to speed up the implementation of subsequent projects After in-depth discussion, Hamastar Technology found that pain points of enterprises implementing AI projects include high implementation costs and lengthy project schedules It is difficult for a single enterprise to simultaneously have data scientists, analysts, engineers, and designers Current projects are all focused on solving the needs of specific fields, and it is difficult to reuse the AI models in other fields of application At the same time, the tools are concentrated in AI projects and cannot provide customers with total solutions In other words, due to the "limited manpower," "restricted fields," and "insufficient tools" of AI service providers, the implementation of AI technology projects requires high costs or lengthy timelines These are common problems that companies urgently need to solve Therefore, if there is an AI model application service management platform, it will be able to solve the above difficulties and not only reduce costs, but also accelerate project implementation and provide customers with one-stop solutions AI model application service management platform assists in quickly completing projects Therefore, with the support of the AI project of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hamastar Technology carried out the "AI Model Application Service Management Platform AISP RampD Project" and engaged in the RampD of AISP products The purpose is for AI service providers to complete the AI projects with twice the result using only half the effort The AISP provides one-stop AI solutions AI service providers can quickly assemble required functions, such as data API, model management, and model prediction result monitoring subscription through existing module functions of the AISP It also provides commonly used graphical tools to help companies quickly design interactive charts or dashboards required by users, effectively reducing the labor costs required to execute projects, shortening the solution POC or implementation time, and accelerating the implementation and diffusion of industry AI In terms of product business model, in the short term, the company will extensively invite IT service providers with expertise in the field of AI to work together, and use platform services to solve the AI implementation problems faced by requesting units in various field, gradually building trust in the platform brand In the mid-term, the company hopes to gradually expand the market based on its past success, and form strategic alliances with multiple IT service providers to solve more and wider problems in specialized fields and provide more solutions for units to choose from The platform combines field experts to jointly expand overseas markets In the long term, after establishing AI strategic alliances in various specialized fields, the platform will have a large number of AI solution experts for specialized fields After accumulating a large amount of successful project experience, Hamastar Technology hopes that the AISP will be able to work with experts companies to expand into the international market Harmastar Technology Co, Ltd was formed in 2000 by recruiting numerous senior professional managers and technical experts in related fields It is committed to software technology RampD and services, and aims to develop into an international software company, actively creating opportunities for international cooperation in the industry Under the excellent leadership of its first president, the company has rapidly grown into a major software company in Taiwan