
【2021 Solutions】 Join the Marketing Technology Ecosystem - Janchiang Lab Solves Your Marketing Issues with LINE

In the digital age, there are myriad advertising channels: physical and digital ads, plus platforms like Facebook and Instagram, all competing for consumer attention. Recently, the emerging LINE Official Account (OA), backed by a substantial LINE ecosystem of technology partners, has gained prominence. Janchiang Lab, a Silver Partner of LINE, harnesses AI to assist notable clients like RT-Mart, FamilyMart, and IKEA among 300 brands, helping them grow and solve their marketing issues.

Janchiang helps brand owners gain a deeper understanding of their customers, demonstrating significant benefits through Online Merge Offline (OMO) strategies.

With up to 21 million users, LINE has become one of the most dominant marketing channels in Taiwan. Janchiang Lab, specializing in LINE data marketing since its establishment in 2017, foresaw the trend of app ecosystems when LINE announced it would open its API. Hsueh Chin, Co-founder and CEO, joined the lineup of LINE technology partners, anticipating future trends.

Janchiang Lab established a LINE data ecosystem.

▲ Janchiang Lab established a LINE data ecosystem.

"Brands can consider Janchiang Lab's services as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to better understand consumers," Hsueh Chin stated. Janchiang provides three primary services to brand owners:

1. Member Dynamics Insights: Through Janchiang's MAAC backend system (Messaging Analytics & Automation Cloud), brand owners can quickly gain insights into each member's gender, browsing history, and purchasing behaviors. Also, as each member accesses their LINE account at different times, the system sends advertising messages at the optimal time based on this activity;

2. Proactive Product Recommendations: The system detects when a customer purchases product A and proactively recommends product A+ or similar yet distinct products to enhance purchasing intent;

3. Automated Consumer Journey: After a customer purchases products in-store and joins the LINE official account, the system can set up to automatically send promotions after a certain period, to increase purchasing intent. Janchiang Lab also strengthens the interaction between online and offline, utilizing beacon technology in retail storefronts. They installed beacons at a furniture brand showroom, and whenever a beacon captured a consumer's phone Bluetooth signal, the backend system of Janchiang Lab proactively sent related advertisement broadcasts. This project, from April to October 2020, significantly increased the brand's official account by nearly five thousand members, doubling its effectiveness.

Despite LINE's tens of millions of users, and logging into their LINE account being the first thing they do every morning, a primary concern for operators of LINE official accounts is the surge in messaging fees. Hence, 'precision marketing' has become the most crucial principle for dispatching messages. Janchiang Lab aids brands in understanding user profiles and thus tailoring messages to appropriate recipients, making LINE a foundational tool for CRM. Users also do not need to download other apps, as they can perform their daily needs via the existing messaging channel, clearly displaying the power of LINE for marketing.

The pandemic accelerated the pace of digital transformation for companies; Janchiang will increase customer service through multiple channels

Annually, Janchiang Lab sends over two billion LINE messages, helping over 300 brand clients actively use data through data tracking and marketing automation technologies within LINE official accounts. The pandemic has also sped up digital transformation steps for various industries including e-commerce, retail, media, and finance, with clients like A.S.O., IKEA, and Books.com.

Janchiang Lab milestones

▲ Janchiang Lab milestones

However, during the advancement process, Janchiang Lab also heard the voices of digital transformation vendors who, facing many digital marketing channels, hope to not only invest in LINE but also diversify into other advertising platforms, like SMS, thereby helping brands enhance their overall reach.

After accumulating rich marketing data experience in Taiwan, Janchiang Lab also set sights on overseas markets like Thailand and Japan. Given Thailand's local population of over 40 million LINE users, in September 2021, Janchiang Lab co-hosted its first online seminar with the local advertising agency Adme, leveraging its successful case studies with over 300 brands in Taiwan in industries such as e-commerce, retail, and media, aiming to offer a fresh digital transformation agenda to Thai brand owners.

AI social commerce sales software service iKala Shoplus also signed with Janchiang Lab, becoming its first major client as Janchiang Lab entered the Thai market. Both firms will combine their strengths in the MarTech field to seize big data opportunities. Dialogue-focused commerce AI startups GoSky and Janchiang Lab, in collaboration with iKala’s KOL Radar, have pooled their data to launch a social commerce traffic solution entering the social commerce battlefield. Janchiang Lab is also partnering with CDP brand Treasure Data to make inroads into the Southeast Asian market.

Hsueh Chin acutely realizes that the future of the MarTech market will embody an ecosystem concept, involving strategic alliances between technologies to develop integrated services needed by clients. For instance, if brand operators need LINE push notifications combined with e-commerce platform services, Janchiang initially collaborates with e-commerce platform vendors to integrate both databases, thereby sending e-commerce order information to specific LINE users to boost 'precision marketing' rates. Likewise, if owners wish to conduct surveys among LINE members, they might first negotiate with online survey vendors to propose solutions, all part of future efforts. In the short term, expanding cooperation with technology partners to jointly serve customers; in the long term, Janchiang will gradually develop a complete product line to become the best marketing partner for brands.

Janchiang Lab Co-founder and CEO Hsueh Chin.

▲ Janchiang Lab Co-founder and CEO Hsueh Chin.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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AI + Smart Glasses: Hsiung-Hsin Technology Targets Smart Care Market, Ensuring Safety and Security for the Elderly

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after placing millimeter-wave radar in the medical test field, combined with AI algorithms, they can obtain physiological signals such as the patient's breath and heartbeat Moreover, when paired with Jozhen's smart glasses, during a doctor's consultation, the physician can immediately see the patient's heartbeat and breathing data through the glasses, enhancing efficiency Additionally, Jozhen has also developed a management platform where physicians and nursing staff can view the patient's physiological data at a glance After integrating the 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and 'Life-Saving Fall Prevention System', they were launched and commercialized in June 2021, and officially introduced into Kaohsiung Municipal Triumph Hospital by the end of November last year It not only helps medical staff understand the residents' physiological conditions, monitoring elders' physiological data continuously, but also reduces the burden on medical institutions while preventing accidents and enabling quick action in emergencies to provide optimal medical care Aside from medical institutions, another major target customer group for Hsiung-Hsin Technology's products are long-term care institutions, with ongoing product implementation plans in Tainan and Eastern Taiwan On-demand lightweight design, easy to use and reasonably priced Lee Jia-Hsin mentions that the company's productsservices are developed in-house, designed to be lightweight Depending on the needs of the institution where they are implemented, they may choose between CPU computing or edge computing for flexible configuration, which is very convenient and also comparatively cost-effective In the future, through Jozhen smart glasses, diagnoses can be made more immediately and quickly The method allows nursing or care staff to wear smart glasses when visiting patients or residents The images seen by the nursing staff's eyes are transmitted in real-time to the backend, allowing doctors to make immediate diagnoses based on real-time images and take appropriate care measures, effectively assessing the patient's condition on time Hsiung-Hsin Technology's smart care services have been listed on the Startup Common Supply Contract Platform Last year, Hsiung-Hsin Technology's productsservices were also listed on the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration's Startup Common Supply Contract Procurement Platform, available for government agencies, public medical institutions, and long-term care facilities to purchase for lease In the future, they hope to expand to private medical institutions and care centers, enabling more care facilities to utilize technology for transformation and reducing the talent shortage in the care market Furthermore, with more than 300,000 elderly people living alone in Taiwan, Lee Jia-Hsin believes that as the aging society approaches, the health and safety issues of solitary elderly individuals are increasingly receiving attention If technological care medical solutions can be incorporated into the subsidy scope for assistive devices, it can also help reduce the burden on local government institutions for solitary elderly care, effectively lowering societal costs Extended application Smart campuses enhance management safety and efficiency Lee Jia-Hsin points out that the company's core values are making life safer and improving living quality The company has developed its own software and hardware solutions for big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things Using a hybrid cloud development approach, it addresses various types of medical care pain points, enhances medical management efficiency, and improves residents' safety, thus significantly enhancing overall services by medical institutions Hsiung-Hsin Technology's partners include SI businesses, medical care institutions, large chain restaurants, and major venues In the future, there are plans to develop into an AI SaaS company, extending services to Japan, Southeast Asia, and other overseas markets Additionally, Lee Jia-Hsin, who teaches at Tunghai University in Taichung, is also actively promoting the smart campus initiative Currently, Hsiung-Hsin Technology has established a 'smart campus' at Tunghai University, utilizing up to 700 cameras throughout the campus to build a miniature AI SaaS platform for monitoring This not only allows for mask, human traffic, restricted area, and license plate recognition within the campus but also enables automatic records of the campus's flora and fauna, greatly aiding in the efficiency of campus safety management As the population gradually ages, home care becomes a universal challenge With a low doctor-to-patient ratio, both inside and outside hospitals, including extended to care institutions, medical professionals face a scarcity of manpower Using AI technology to assist the elderly care market presents itself as the best solution Besides smart elderly care and smart campuses, Hsiung-Hsin Technology also applies its image recognition technology in places like factory safety and parking lot license plate recognition, and future applications will continue to expand boundlessly Hsiung-Hsin Technology's founder and chairman, Lee Jia-Hsin「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】2秒鐘完成結帳動作 Viscovery AI影像辨識助攻智慧零售
Complete checkout in 1 second, Viscovery AI image recognition assists smart retail

Artificial intelligence AI has gradually changed the way various industries operate in recent years However, most of the work is still done by humans, with AI playing a supporting role This has led to emergence of the term "AI Copilot," which stands for "AI-driven tools or assistants" that aim to assist users in completing various tasks and improve productivity and efficiency The concept of AI Copilot comes from the role of "co-pilot" During flight, the co-pilot assists the main pilot in completing various tasks to ensure flight safety and efficiency In fact, there have been signs of various "machines" beginning to play the role of "copilot" in different fields since the Industrial Revolution, assisting humans in completing heavy physical and repetitive tasks, greatly improving factory production efficiency, and driving rapid economic development Following the advancement of computing equipment and breakthroughs in machine learning, deep learning, and image recognition technologies, the concept of AI Copilot has gradually taken shape The development of AI Copilot marks the transition from "machine-assisted to AI-assisted" Early robots could only complete preset repetitive tasks, but today's AI copilot can learn and adapt to new environments and tasks, and continuously optimize its performance in practical applications This transformation not only changes human-machine interactions, but also has a profound impact on various industries The application scope of AI copilot covers various industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, education, retail, etc, and are everywhere to be seen Application of AI copilot in the retail industry AI image recognition checkout In the retail industry, the application of AI copilot has begun to show concrete results Take Viscovery's AI image recognition checkout system as an example This system is a type of AI copilot model that helps store clerks speed up checkout or assists consumers in simplifying the self-service checkout process The store clerk needs to scan the product barcodes one by one in the regular checkout method If a product does not have a barcode, such as bread and meals, the clerk needs to first visually confirm the items, and then input them into the POS checkout system one by one Based on actual measurements at a chain bakery, it takes 22 seconds for an experienced clerk from "visual recognition" to "entering product information of a plate of 6 items into the checkout system" New clerks may need even more time In addition, according to a Japanese bakery operator, it takes 1 to 2 months to train employees to become familiar with products Now with AI image recognition technology, store clerks let AI handle the "product recognition" step, and AI will play the role of copilot, quickly identifying items within 1 second, speeding up checkout to save 50 of checkout time, and optimizing customers'shopping experience The time cost of training employees to identify bread can also be effectively shortened Even for products with barcodes, AI can quickly identify multiple items in one second, which is more efficient than scanning barcodes one by one The self-checkout system "assisted" by AI image recognition allows consumers to successfully complete shopping without the help of store clerks, eliminating the trouble of swiping barcodes or searching for items on the screen, which improves the shopping experience In a time when store clerks are hard to hire due to labor shortage, this also helps stores reduce operating costs AI quickly identifies multiple checkout items in just one second Source of image Viscovery Recently, startups dedicated to developing AI image recognition checkout solutions have emerged in various countries The most lightweight solution currently known is in Taiwan It can be immediately used by installing a Viscovery lens and a tablet installed with Viscovery AI image recognition software at the checkout counter to connect to the store's existing POS checkout system There are various integration methods, including plug-and-play and API solutions integrated with the store's POS system Viscovery AI image recognition system can be painlessly integrated with the store's existing POS system Source of image Viscovery Example of AI image recognition checkout Currently, the Viscovery AI image recognition system is being used in bakery chains in Taiwan, Chinese noodle shops in Singapore, micromarkets in department stores in Sendai, Japan, and Japanese bakeries and cake shops Over 7 million transactions were completed through this AI system, which identified more than 40 million items These use cases demonstrate the extensive application of the Viscovery AI image recognition system in the retail industry In the future, the company will continue to explore the various possibilities of using Vision AI in retail and catering nbsp The Viscovery AI image recognition system is already being used in bakeries, cake shops, restaurants, and convenience stores in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan Source of image Viscovery

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Understand customers better than they do themselves, business opportunities created by the pandemic doubles the performance of Spingence Technology

"After the COVID-19 pandemic, even though we could not expand business overseas, the pandemic increased demand for AI automated optical inspection AOI and drove another wave of rapid growth in performance," said Jesse Chen, Founder and President of Spingence Technology The company started early in AOI and accumulated a wealth of experience, resulting in performance in 2021 growing multiple times compared with the previous year Spingence Technology's AI technology has great potential, and its fundraising plan successfully attracted strategic investors, such as the leading industrial computer company Founded at the end of 2015, Spingence Technology started out as a developer of automation software to help customers lower the barrier to automation In just two years from 2017 to 2018, AI technology quickly took off At that time, Jesse Chen observed that product defect detection caused headaches for companies in the process of automating manufacturing The traditional method of manual visual inspection was time-consuming and laborious Moreover, human error easily occurred and AI deployment could not be customized, resulting in high investment costs for enterprises Seizing the AOI market, successful application of AI optical defect detection "The gap in AOI is defect detection Since defects cannot be clearly defined, conforming products were often labeled as non-conforming products to meet the customer demand of not releasing defective products As a result, the overkill rate is often very high, which not only increases the cost of the manufacturing plant, but also lead to a waste of resources" In addition, there is strong demand for process automation due to the shortage of labor in the production line, which created a rare business opportunity for Jesse Chen AI optical defect detection has become the focus of Spingence Technology's AI applications After accumulating nearly 8 years of experience in production line automation, Spingence Technology target customers in three major industries, namely passive components, connectors, and semiconductors, and established a huge database for the production line product defect data it collected Since Spingence Technology started early, it enjoys the advantages of a first mover and continues to optimize database data Its wealth of experience enables it to quickly determine customer needs and propose solutions Spingence Technology uses image recognition and deep learning technologies to develop AOI algorithms, and developed AI defect detection solutions with an accuracy greater than 99 In terms of specific benefits, the overkill rate in the semiconductor industry can be significantly reduced from an average of 5-8 to less than 3, and the overkill rate of passive components can also be reduced from 5 to 12, which can save customers nearly NT300 million in expenses This not only reduces the waste of human resources, but also makes Spingence Technology a good helper for customers' sustainable intelligent manufacturing The outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019 has changed the way people live and work around the world During the pandemic, demand on automation in the manufacturing industry significantly increased due to the need to avoid frequent contact between people Spingence Technology has a good reputation in the industry, so business kept coming in and doubled the number of customers and revenue The secret to winning Follow the footsteps of customers and always think more than customers In addition to Taiwan, Spingence Technology has also extended its reach to markets such as China and Vietnam, where Taiwanese businessmen gather The team in China is expected to increase from 3-4 people to 10 people, and Vietnam also hopes to have a team of 5 people to provide closer services to customers "Spingence Technology always follows the footsteps of its customers We are wherever our customers are" Jesse Chen went on to say that although the pandemic has brought another wave of demand for AI automatic detection, due to the impact of border controls, it was hard to go on business trips Meanwhile, overseas markets on-site personnel to provide nearby services, including consultation and diagnosis, AI implementation, and calibration, all of which require dedicated personnel Spingence's automation software development platform integrates modularized visual inspection, motion control, IO control, and AI analysis functions Coupled with the AI training software "AINavi", one heat sink inspection machine can complete multiple inspections and continue to train the AI deep learning model, which will further lower the miss rate of the machine and improve its inspection quality The integration of AINavi and automation is already sufficient to meet most functional requirements of customers, and then a small number of customized services are provided for different industries and customer needs This allows the company to quickly provide solutions needed by different customers Popular among strategic investors, the company has attracted investments from industrial computer companies and venture capital Spingence Technology has made a mark in the field of AIAOI inspection in the manufacturing industry, and has gain the favor of strategic investors In 2019, a leading industrial computer company made a strategic investment in Spingence Technology and integrated the AINavi deep learning visual inspection tool with the company's complete hardware platform The cooperation between the two parties provides more complete service solutions to customers, creating an example of win-win through "big large company leading small start-up" In February 2022, Spingence Technology reported another good news in its fundraising and received an investment from venture capital, all of its original major shareholders also increased their investment, and nbspSpingence Technology successfully completed the Pre-A round of funding The company will continue to expand its business in the short term, and establish a foothold in China and Vietnam In the future, it plans to build expert systems for passive components, connectors, and semiconductor industries, deepening its domain knowledge and data analysis to create greater value for customers Spingence Technology prides itself as a management consulting company for the manufacturing industry, that is, it provides customers with the most appropriate and valuable consulting services through consulting services, diagnosis, introduction, system launch, personnel training, model optimization, and AI model management