
【2021 Application Example】 Realizing the dream of unmanned stores, Magpie Life is building the future of the smartphone industry

"The DNA of Magpie Life is not limited to vending machines. We believe that vending machines combine technology, access, and humanities to bring us exciting results." This is a sentence on the official website of Magpie Life. Let the vending machines bring To live a pleasant life and build a considerate, technological and sustainable future for the smartphone industry is also the original intention of Magpie Life.

Founded in 2018, Magpie Life launched Taiwan’s first private-brand mobile payment (scan code + sensor) 4 months after its establishment, completing the consumption experience through screen touch. The Magpie U1 smart vending machine manages the POS system and gathers data in the background, allowing consumers to synchronize with the world's new retail pace and experience a new retail consumption experience of purchasing convenience, checkout security, visual entertainment, and improved logistics replenishment efficiency. .

Traditional vending machines lack information visibility and AI technology assists in information transparency

This time, the Magpie smart vending machine is also equipped with AI technology to provide adjustable shelf space , a vending machine equipped with an industrial computer and a large-size touch display screen to achieve the purpose of a store-less store.

Magpie Life stated that the biggest problem with traditional vending machines is the lack of information visibility. To check inventory, replenishment personnel must physically inspect each machine, which is time-consuming and costly. When a machine breaks down, it will generally be unable to operate for a long time. Most failures go unreported and are not discovered until the next restocking crew arrives to replenish supplies. Then you have to wait for a service technician to be scheduled, which can take weeks. Traditional vending machines lack real-time interactivity. When consumers encounter problems after inserting coins, manufacturers cannot handle them immediately. In addition, traditional vending machines are less flexible and cannot adapt to changes in consumer preferences.

▲Traditional vending machines have shortcomings such as limited change shopping, single payment tools, limited number of products, and few choices.

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, consumption habits have shifted to contactless methods, causing the unmanned store market to heat up. Generally, vending machines can only place relatively simple products such as drinks, food, etc. The properties available for sale are limited. The patented vending machine developed by Magpie can adjust the shelf space and is equipped with a lifting cargo elevator, which is suitable for various types of goods. In addition, the machine is equipped with an industrial computer and a large-size touch display screen, which can meet the needs of advertising support at the same time. It is expected to move towards a storeless store.

According to Magpie Life Observation, the consumer market trend in the past two years is that consumers demand convenient life, food consumption patterns value dining experience/simple and fast, and are equipped with mobile phone-connected ordering models, and hot drinks and Fresh food delivery is the focus of two major trends. The location, items sold, consumption methods and multiple payment methods are the focus of market growth for smart vending machines.

In terms of convenience, Taiwanese consumers still prefer to purchase vending machine food near stations, airports, schools, and businesses in business districts. Various payment methods are also gaining more support from consumers, indicating that in the future, automatic Vending machines can be developed in two directions: diversified items and diversified payment methods.

AI sales forecast technology integrates back-end management to achieve precise marketing purposes

Due to the wide variety of products, it is difficult to know the performance of products under different factors (such as season, market conditions) , promotional activities, etc.), it is easy to cause out-of-stock or over-inventory situations. Magpie Life has specially developed "AI sales forecasting technology" and integrated it into the back-end management system, hoping to lock in customer purchasing preferences and intentions through data analysis. In order to achieve the purpose of precise marketing, make accurate business decisions and effectively allocate limited resources.

▲The introduction of AI systems can achieve the three major goals of precise marketing, inventory management and supply chain management.

This system is a replenishment decision-making aid designed specifically for supply chain managers. It uses AI to predict future sales demand, helping companies effectively optimize production capacity, inventory and distribution strategies. Its overall system architecture includes:

1. Data exploratory analysis function: Provides automatic value filling, automatic coding and automatic feature screening functions for missing values ​​in the data.

2. Modeling function:

(1) Provides model training functions for two types of prediction problems: regression (Regression) and time series (Time Series Forecast).  

(2) Supports Auto ML automatic modeling, and the best model is recommended by the system. Integrated models can also be established to improve model accuracy.  

(3) Supports multiple algorithm types: Random Forest, XGBoost, GBM and other algorithms.  

(4) Supports a variety of time series models: exponential smoothing, ARIMA, ARIMAX, intermittent demand, dynamic multiple regression and other models.  

(5) Supports a variety of model evaluation indicators: R, MAE, MSE, RMSE, Deviance, AUC, Lift top 1%, Misclassification and other indicators.  

(6) Supports automatic cutting of training data sets and Holdout verification data sets, and can manually adjust the ratio.  

(7) Supports automatic model ensemble learning (Stacked Ensemble), balancing function learning (Balancing Classes), and Early Stopping.  

(8) Supports the creation of multiple models at the same time. The system will allocate resources according to modeling needs, so that modeling, prediction and other tasks have independent computing resources and do not affect each other. In the overall server space With an upper limit, computing resources can be used efficiently.  

(9) It has in-memory computing function, which can use large-capacity and high-speed memory to perform calculations to avoid reading and writing a large number of files from the hard disk and improve computing performance. .

3. Data concatenation function: Using API grafting and complete data concatenation automation, there is no need to manually import data, improving user experience.

4. Chart analysis function: Provides visual charts and basic statistical values ​​​​for product sales.

AI data analysis solutions have two major advantages: 1. Entrepreneurship machines can be rented and sold at low cost to open unmanned physical stores and cooperate with the chain retail industry. Through smart machines, entrepreneurs can rent and sell them at a lower cost than the store rent. Cost of running a retail business. Two cooperation models, machine sales and leasing, are provided, and the choice is based on the evaluation of the industry. 2. Various types of products are put on the shelves. Products are sold anytime and anywhere 24 hours a day. Up to 60 kinds of diversified products can be put on the shelves. Large transparent windows enhance the visibility of products. Regular replenishment and tracking of product sales status are available, and product types can be adjusted according to needs.

Recently, the line between the Internet and the physical world has blurred, the way customers interact has changed significantly, and consumer demand is changing and personalized. The retail industry is facing unprecedented challenges and uncertainties, and mastering data has become key. AI data analysis solutions can help the retail industry quickly activate large amounts of data, create seamless personalized experiences, optimize the operational value chain and improve efficiency, and strengthen the core competitiveness of enterprises.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Unmanned Intelligent Vending Machines - Black Wo Coffee Creates Boutique Coffee in a Minute

Technology also carries the aroma of coffee Situated on Gaogong Road in the Southern District of Taichung, the original Black Wo Coffee store covers a space of 28 ping, filled with the scent of coffee mixed with cultural creativity and technology Since its establishment in October 2016, Black Wo Coffee has expanded to 7 directly managed stores and 28 franchise stores across Taiwan Among the 15,000 coffee sellers nationwide, Black Wo Coffee has risen uniquely through the use of AI technology to create an unmanned intelligent vending machine that brews exquisite and aromatic coffee in just one minute Black Wo Coffee's physical store creates a culturally creative and fashionable atmosphere Image Black Wo Coffee official website According to the International Coffee Organization ICO, Taiwanese people consume 285 billion cups of coffee annually, with the market size exceeding 70 billion NT dollars Ambitiously, as per Starbucks' survey, by 2018 the overall Taiwanese coffee market reached 72 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ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Hamastar Technology Builds an AI Model Management Platform to Accelerate the Application of AI

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in-depth discussion, Hamastar Technology found that pain points of enterprises implementing AI projects include high implementation costs and lengthy project schedules It is difficult for a single enterprise to simultaneously have data scientists, analysts, engineers, and designers Current projects are all focused on solving the needs of specific fields, and it is difficult to reuse the AI models in other fields of application At the same time, the tools are concentrated in AI projects and cannot provide customers with total solutions In other words, due to the "limited manpower," "restricted fields," and "insufficient tools" of AI service providers, the implementation of AI technology projects requires high costs or lengthy timelines These are common problems that companies urgently need to solve Therefore, if there is an AI model application service management platform, it will be able to solve the above difficulties and not only reduce costs, but also accelerate project implementation and provide customers with one-stop solutions AI model application service management platform assists in quickly completing projects Therefore, with the support of the AI project of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hamastar Technology carried out the "AI Model Application Service Management Platform AISP RampD Project" and engaged in the RampD of AISP products The purpose is for AI service providers to complete the AI projects with twice the result using only half the effort The AISP provides one-stop AI solutions AI service providers can quickly assemble required functions, such as data API, model management, and model prediction result monitoring subscription through existing module functions of the AISP It also provides commonly used graphical tools to help companies quickly design interactive charts or dashboards required by users, effectively reducing the labor costs required to execute projects, shortening the solution POC or 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【導入案例】海量數位工程AOI機器智能手臂檢測系統 大幅提高瑕疵檢測精準度
Massive Digital Engineering AOI Intelligent Robotic Arm Inspection System Significantly Improves Defect Detection Accuracy

Taiwan is known as a manufacturing powerhouse, yet quality defect detection has always been a chronic sore point in production lines While AOI equipment is available to assist, most use fixed machinery which are limited by angles, resulting in less precise diagnostics and high false positive rates Massive Digital Engineering introduced an AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system that effectively reduces false positives and increases the accuracy of defect detection Generally, the yield rate of products affects the costs for enterprises and the return rate for customers The quality defect detection process in the manufacturing industry often necessitates a substantial amount of quality inspection labor Although there is AOI equipment to assist, these tools are mostly fixed detection machines Fixed cameras are easily limited by angles, resulting in less precise diagnostics and high false positive rates Thus, personnel need to re-screen and inspect afterwards, often manually visual inspection misses defects on average about 5, and can be as high as 20 Three major pain points in manufacturing quality detection Robotic Arm AOI with dynamic multi-angle inspection helps to solve these issues According to the practical understanding by Massive Digital Engineering, there are three main pain points in detecting product quality within the manufacturing industry Pain point one, manual inspection of product quality is prone to errors Currently, the manufacturing industry largely relies on human labor to inspect product appearance, but human judgment often entails errors, such as surface scratches, color differences, solder appearance, etc The error rate in defect judgment is high, and can only be inspected at the finished product stage, often leading to whole batch rejections and high costs in labor and production Pain point two, inability to quantify and record data from quality inspections Traditional manual inspections do not maintain inspection data, which makes it difficult to assign responsibility when quality disputes occur Moreover, high-end contract manufacturing orders from overseas brands often require traceability and corresponding defect records, which traditional human inspection methods struggle to meet Pain point three, limitations of traditional AOI visual inspection systems Current manufacturing uses AOI visual inspection systems, which due to the limitations of visual software technology, employ fixed cameras, fixed lighting, and single-angle operations This method may handle flat or linear-shaped products like rectangular or square items at a single inspection point However, it is more challenging to implement for products with complex shapes eg, irregular automotive parts, requiring multi-point and multi-degree inspections Massive Digital Engineering developed an AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system, effectively improving the accuracy of defect detection To address the pain points in quality inspection in manufacturing, Massive Digital Engineering initiated the concept of developing a multi-angle, movable inspection device, starting with the combination of two representative technologies in factory automation - robotic arms and machine vision By integrating robotic arms with AOI for dynamic multi-angle AI real-time quality inspection, the limitations of fixed inspection systems are addressed, and visual inspection techniques are enhanced by leveraging artificial intelligence, further elevating the sampling of images from flat to multi-dimensional and multi-angular Selected the automotive industry as the real-world testing ground to quickly respond to customer needs The AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system, utilizing AI technology including unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and semi-supervised learning, allows operators to use unsupervised deep learning techniques to learn about good products even when initial samples are incomplete or there are no defective samples, applying it in the visual inspection of automatic welding of car trusses This can solve issues of limited angles with fixed machinery before implementation, less precise diagnostics, and high false positive rates Automotive components are high in unit price and demand a stricter defect detection accuracy In industries that have adopted AI services, the automotive manufacturing sector was chosen as the real-world testing ground Massive Digital Engineering states that the automotive industry mainly consists of related component manufacturers and components typically have a higher unit price, hence requiring more in terms of quality inspection and yield rates, and demanding stricter accuracy Therefore, the automotive sector was chosen as the area for introduction By using a robotic arm combined with AI for dynamic multi-angle AOI visual real-time quality inspection, not only can the defect quality error rate of automotive components be improved, but the fixed-point AOI optical inspection can be enhanced to meet the measurement needs of most industries and finally, establishing a third-party system platform to build an integrated monitoring system platform, enabling immediate response and action when issues arise This system allows for recording and storing important data of products leaving the factory, serving as a basis for future digital production lines and virtual production At the same time, in the event of defects, it can immediately connect to Massive's MES monitoring system, quickly responding to the relevant manufacturing decision-making department, subsequently utilizing ERP systems for project management and reviews, effectively improving production efficiency and reducing production costs Helps to reduce communication costs and aims to become an industry standard In terms of industry integration, it provides a foundational standard for data continuity among upstream and downstream businesses, reducing communication costs within the supply chain Through certification of the contract manufacturers and brand owners, there is a chance to become the industry standard configuration Through the data database established by this project, operators can further optimize their supply chain management solutions using big data analysis Data Analysis, based on data, establish forecast planning, and utilizing technology to link upstream and downstream data of the supply chain, accurately controlling product quality In the future, when interfacing with European, American, and Japanese markets, which demand highly fine-tuned orders, operators can respond and integrate the industry supply chain Supply Chain more swiftly Ultimately, through the benchmark demonstration industry's field verification, such as with the automotive component manufacturing industry used as the benchmark demonstration field, by implementing the robotic arm combined with AI for dynamic multi-angle AOI visual real-time quality inspection system project, the supply chain connection between automotive contract manufacturers and OEMs can be optimized, becoming the industry standard Further seeking more AI teams to join the cross-industry development on the field collaboration platform, driving the overall ecosystem combining AI innovation with field application Self-driving vehicle developed by Massive Digital Engineering「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」