
【2022 Solutions】 Post-epidemic sports technology explosion, Yongpeng Technology’s transformation is successful

After the COVID-19 epidemic, health awareness has increased, but consumers' exercise habits have changed. Closed gyms are far less safe than using "zero-contact" exercise technology such as sports fitness mirrors at home. Therefore, there has been a huge explosion of sports technology after the epidemic. Yongpeng Technology has caught up with this trend and has successfully transformed.

Smart display is the last mile of future life. Electronic billboards, guides, display machines, advertising machines and TVs can be seen in industries such as education, retail and department stores, catering, media, hotels, medical institutions and automobiles. Walls, etc., the application range is quite wide.

According to the latest statistics from Allied Market Research, the global smart display market will reach US$3.78 billion this year (2021), and is expected to reach US$18.25 billion by 2028, with an annual compound growth rate from 2021 to 2028 Reached 21.6%.

Company positioning: Display technology software and hardware integrated solution provider

Yongpeng Technology, established in 2014, positioned itself as a provider of display technology software and hardware integration solutions when it was founded, providing various electronic signage products. In addition to different LCD screen sizes to choose from, Yongpeng Technology We also provide high-brightness, high-contrast or thin-frame models, and even design products that meet customer specifications for various special needs, such as touch, optics, heat dissipation, etc. We have also signed agency sales and OEM contracts with major panel manufacturers. Contract to assist in the design and development of related products.

▲Face recognition thermosensors play a considerable role during epidemic prevention

In 2018, it stepped into the integrated development and application of AI big data, and launched AI facial recognition access control temperature sensing machines in 2020. In 2021, it launched AI human movement behavior recognition for AI virtual sports and fitness coaching services. Among them, in terms of AI virtual sports and fitness coaching services, we cooperated with the Institute of Digital Service Innovation of the Information Council to use "46-inch dual-purpose mirror sports mirror" and "face recognition temperature sensor" to launch a new service during the epidemic. Sports technology products.

Yongpeng Technology stated that the "Dual-purpose mirror motion mirror (AIO)" uses a high-brightness screen and mirror glass. The base and machine appearance are white painted to show a sense of brightness. The right side of the machine can also be set in response to customer needs. By disassembling the camera, users can simultaneously complete various intensity training according to the exercise instructions of the fitness instructor on the screen. The main purpose is to use image action recognition and supervision technology, combined with the mirror display and action images, to create an exclusive smart fitness trainer.

▲ "MOVE Smart Fitness Mirror" assists athletes in motion control

The "Face Recognition Temperature Sensing Machine" is a body temperature detection host that combines face recognition and infrared thermal imaging body temperature detection calculations. It is equipped with an infrared binocular lens to scan the face. It can complete the facial recognition at the same time without taking off the mask. Functions such as identifying, measuring and recording body temperature to achieve effective control. During the epidemic prevention period, it indeed played a considerable role.

The face recognition access control temperature sensor developed by Yongpeng Technology has a 1:1 comparison recognition rate of more than 99.7%, a one-to-many comparison recognition rate of more than 96.7%, and the average face detection accuracy is about It is 98.3%. It plays the role of a good helper in epidemic prevention for those who need "zero contact" epidemic prevention during the level three alert period.

Empirical field: MOVE smart fitness mirror quenching technology of Institute of Information and Technology Development

In 2020, the team of the Institute of Information and Technology developed the "MOVE Smart Fitness Mirror". Based on user needs such as not changing usage habits, not wearing wearable devices, and intuitive operation, it uses a large mirror screen, RGB camera and AIoT A real-time lightweight human posture recognition system composed of embedded systems, combined with professional recorded images and professional training knowledge, is used to assist users in controlling their movements. This hardware device is the main product of Yongpeng Technology.

The team of the Institute of Science and Technology integrates software and hardware services from industry, academia, and research across domains, and combines AI motion recognition, virtual coaching technology, and health data backend to develop "MOVE Senior Health Promotion Full-Terminal Service" to provide the public with valuable insights. Smart elderly sarcopenia assessment and prescription fitness class services promote the elderly health promotion ecosystem, promote cross-border cooperation between industry, government, academia and research, and jointly create new business opportunities for elderly services.

In response to the rapid aging of Taiwan's population, the incidence and mortality of various diseases can be reduced through exercise. For community healthy, sub-healthy or frail elderly people, exercises that combine muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, balance and cardiopulmonary function In addition to improving mobility, intervention also helps improve their cognitive function, quality of life, emotions and social participation. Yongpeng Technology stated that in the future, it will use the advantages of display technology to continue to strengthen the energy combined with 5G, AIoT and other technologies, and promote the use of displays to other fields besides retail and sports.

Smart fitness mirror training course service interface diagram

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【解決方案】洞悉消費者行為 智能演譯運用AI協助餐飲業順利轉型
Insight into consumer behavior and intelligent interpretation using AI to assist the catering industry with smooth transformation

In May 2021, due to the local COVID-19 outbreak, a ban on internal use was adopted, making the catering industry feel like it has entered a cold winter, with business bleak and operations facing difficulties However, there are also catering companies that have turned the crisis into an opportunity and actively carried out digital transformation, introducing online ordering and delivery platform systems, establishing customer membership systems, etc, to effectively reduce inventory and increase sales Intelligent Interpretation, a new start-up company established just one year ago, acts as a transformation consultant for the catering and retail industry, collecting, connecting and analyzing consumer behavior data to provide the best solutions for the cateringretail industry Li Qihan, the founder of Intelligent Interpretation, is good at online marketing and website construction As AI technology continues to evolve, he graduated from the Northern Phase II Manager Class of Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School AIA and was impressed by the large number of website sales Data and marketing analysis data can help companies improve their competitiveness and reduce operating costs Therefore, we established an intelligent interpretation company with Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School alumni, hoping to use member information to start collecting more first-party data to help customers build customer vision Analyze the data and identify relevant sales opportunities Targeting the catering and retail industries, intelligent interpretation helps stores use AI to transform "There are many small and medium-sized restaurants in Taiwan We hope to help these small and medium-sized restaurants use simple cloud services and social tools, such as Line, to start collecting and establishing member information systems and collect relevant information Consumption data is used to establish behavioral models of different consumers" Li Qihan went on to say that the catering and retail industries will be targeted at the initial stage, and different consumption behavior analyzes will be used to help stores further increase the frequency of customers visiting the store and the frequency of dining or purchasing, and reduce the use of ingredients Preparation costs The main features of the AI service of intelligent interpretation Affected by the ongoing epidemic, which has severely impacted the performance of physical stores, intelligent interpretation also assists physical stores in establishing e-commerce websites or shopping malls, combining physical and virtual consumption data to provide 360-degree OMO consumers Analysis, and can send marketing messages to different consumers, reducing the large-scale and indiscriminate casting of traditional marketing methods that cause customers to blacklist merchants or block lines, and also increase consumers' willingness to click and purchase Will Li Qihan pointed out that the AI service of intelligent interpretation has the following characteristics 1 Use LINE combined with membership system 2 Use QR Code to replace membership card 3 Provide LINE online orderingreservation 4 Use AI to analyze consumers’ personal preferences 5 Send coupons based on consumer behavior and preferences Using Line ordering information, you can understand consumer behavior such as consumer type, taste, time period, ordering frequency, etc, find consumers of the same group, and conduct summary analysis, which is important for one-to-one customized marketing Reference Li Qihan emphasized that the cost of digital marketing at this stage is very high If there is no classification and grouping after acquiring customers, preferential information will be distributed randomly and easily blocked by consumers The conversion rate will become lower and lower, and the marketing budget invested previously will be in vain AI combines the advantages of MarTech to provide exclusive customized services Although Intelligent Interpretation is a new startup that has been established for nearly a year, in terms of the company's future development strategy, Li Qihan hopes to use MarTech combined with the advantages of AI to first assist the catering and retail industries that are currently most in need of digital transformation Quickly enter the first stage of digital transformation, establish member information and collect consumer data, and then assist these companies to enter the second stage of digital transformation, analyze and use these consumer data, and provide exclusive customized services Li Qihan said that Taiwan’s MarTech market still has considerable room for development Most companies think that advertising on the Internet is the so-called MarTech, or that combining website data with advertising conversion rates and looking at the GA report Google Analytics every day is the so-called MarTech However, he believes that the above situation is only It stops at the collection and analysis of marketing data and is not integrated into the corporate sales and management levels In fact, after the data is collected, it still needs to be integrated, analyzed, and applied according to individual business scenarios This is the real MarTech application method Li Qihan, founder of Intelligent Interpretation, shared his smart retail experience at the AIGO forum As for most companies that believe that as long as they have data, AI algorithm analysis can solve all problems, Li Qihan suggested that companies should have a correct concept of data First, it does not have to be big data AI algorithms can also work with small data Great effect 2 Data is accumulated year by year To collect information, you need to understand the purpose and needs After collecting data, you need to find out its correlation That is to say, first define the use situation and the problem you want to solve, collect data, Only by analyzing data and using machine learning to identify undiscovered sales opportunities can we start to provide marketing application suggestions "The key to the success of using technology for digital transformation lies not in technical issues, but in concepts AI is not a magic pill that will take effect after taking it AI is more like a health food and must be taken continuously to help adjust the corporate body" This is Li Qihan realization He also mentioned that there is an 8020 rule in customer management How to define the 20 customer group What is the definition of VIP customer What issues does the company want to analyze What data should be disassembled It is necessary to peel off the cocoons layer by layer and clarify the above issues one by one This is the "basic project of the sewer" If the foundation is stable, there will be no problem in building a few more floors on top The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ AI problem-solving competition creates a win-win situation for enterprises and innovations Intelligent Interpretation has assisted the internationally renowned catering chain Din Tai Fung to participate in the AIGO "Problem Solving" competition of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs It understands that almost all catering industries have problems with how much to prepare Many times, when there are too many guests, there is insufficient preparation There are fewer customers, resulting in a waste of ingredients Therefore, it is very important for restaurants to predict the number of customers every day Intelligent interpretation suggestions can be based on weather, store location, and special holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc through AI , special time parents’ birthday, wedding anniversary and other data correlation analysis, the estimated number of guests is expected to increase the accuracy by more than 80, effectively using AI to solve the problems of catering operators Restaurant Consumer Service Flow Chart Li Qihan pointed out that "industry problem solving, new innovation problem solving" can help enterprises and AI startups find common goals, and also solve the dilemma of new startups not getting usable data, and provide identification through matchmaking on the enterprise side Based on the data, AI startups can put algorithms into practical application, and enterprises can also get solutions for digital transformation, creating a win-win situation After the epidemic, digital transformation is related to the life and death of enterprises How should the cateringretail industry choose AI companies and introduce them Li Qihan, who currently serves as an AIGO smart retail coach for the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and a number of AI consultants, said frankly that if data analysis does not have a certain degree of understanding of AI and practical implementation experience, there may be a high chance of failure in project execution In the retail industry, when it comes to choosing an AI project company, it is best to choose a company that has actually introduced AI projects or has experience in operating e-commerce The recommended principles and steps for introducing AI into the cateringretail industry are If the problem the company asks is too big, it needs to continue to dismantle it Because different problems naturally require different ways of collecting data, with the help of consultants step by step After dismantling, use the data collected according to the usage situation to analyze, and you will naturally get the answer to the problem you want to solve After you find a certain accuracy, you can then use transfer learning to solve similar problems one by one Looking to the future, Intelligent Interpretation hopes to become the number one AI company in Taiwan in the catering and retail industries, using simple and practical methods to help the catering and retail industries implement AI and improve the competitiveness of Taiwan's industry「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】日康科技運用AI人臉辨識偵測生理數據 知人知面也知心 自我健康不漏接
Zcon Telehealth uses AI facial recognition to detect physiological data so that people can know everything about their own health

On a weekend morning, Grandma Li, who lives in Taipei, was happily having a video call with her little granddaughter in Tainan through the screen of an AI health management robot Then at 900 am, the foreign domestic helper's mobile app displayed a health management reminder sent by the robot, notifying that Grandma Li needed her daily physiological data measurement Grandma Li faces the camera on the robotrsquos screen, and the screen displays Grandma Li's blood pressure, blood oxygen, heart rate, heart rate variability, and stress index The robot detected that grandma's blood pressure was a little high, and a picture of blood pressure medicines immediately popped up on the screen to help the foreign domestic helper quickly find the medicines, making Grandma Li feel more at ease when taking medicine This AI telehealth care application is not futuristic, but rather the AI-enhanced comprehensive telehealth care solution of Zcon Telehealth, which has been established for 10 years, providing thoughtful companionship for the elderly through AI It can be used for non-contact physiological data measurement in the post-pandemic era, significantly cutting the labor cost of care in half Bobby Pan, the founder and president of Zcon Telehealth, which has accumulated abundant technical capabilities in the telecommunications and banking industries over 20 years, observed that the demand for telehealth care is an inevitable business opportunity, and decided to establish Zcon Telehealth in 2013 He worked hard with the core AI technology team to develop a comprehensive telehealth care solution Four years ago, he set the goal to develop an AI-based telehealth care platform, and returned to school to study in a doctoral program, focusing on the research of contactless detection of physiological data using AI facial recognition technology He successfully obtained an invention patent 2 years later Zcon Telehealth is the third company in the world after an Israeli company and Taiwan's National Chiao Tung University to provide technological and service innovations for AI facial recognition to detect physiological data, and successfully incorporated it into the company's telehealth care management platform As Taiwan becomes an aging society, demand on elderly care will increase and become more diverse In addition, the increase in demand on physiological data measurement due to COVID-19, coupled with the shortage of manpower in care institutions, has highlighted the importance of telehealth care solutions The market demand for telehealth care can be divided into three main service targets home, social residence, and institutions Telehealth care can provide real-time physiological data detection, and the data can be uploaded to the cloud for storage, effectively solving the problem of insufficient caretaking manpower Seeing that the demand for telehealth care is irreversible at home and in care institutions, Bobbdy Pan observed that telehealth care should have five major elements, namely precision care, precision medicine, precision diet, precision health supplement, and AI companion robot He looks forward to the five major elements effectively connecting Zcon Telehealth's healthcare products, and providing more considerate telehealth care services for senior citizens or institutions To this end, Zcon Telehealth uses AI technology to strengthen comprehensive telehealth care solutions The company's products are integrated into four major areas, including telehealth care management platform, tele-psychological consultation platform, AI health management robot, and physiological data detection technology using AI facial recognition AI facial recognition technology contactless physiological measurement obtains data within 30 seconds, saving 12 of the labor cost of care The telehealth care management platform is an important core care platform of Zcon Telehealth It effectively integrates the exclusive measuring equipment provided by the company to daycare center, such as blood pressure monitors, forehead thermometers, and i-GlucoPal - needle-free blood glucose detection By downloading the smart care app of Zcon Telehealth, it can help long-term care institutions collect physiological data records of the elderly, and store the data in the cloud via Bluetooth transmission, allowing institutions to quickly obtain health data reports of the elderly Elderly people can also download the app, and use their own account and password to accurately measure and record their personal physiological data At the same time, family members can also use the account and password of their elders in institutions to keep an eye on the elder's health status and past measurement records The company is currently cooperating with 8 daycare centers affiliated to the Taiwan Rehabilitation Technological Association through the telehealth care management platform, which can significantly save 12 of the care labor cost, and has successfully provided 2,000 elderly people with general home care Regarding the tele-psychological counseling platform, Bobby Pan said that the company began to promote it in 2018, but online psychological counseling was not popular at that time Counseling centers only needed to use LINE or video platforms to provide services It was not until the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years that caused people to go out less, which caused psychological counseling centers to lose a large number of customers Therefore, tele-psychological counseling platforms have become an important service channel for counseling centers to develop their customer base The tele-psychological counseling platform is provided to counseling centers in the form of an app Its functions include Google Meet video, online appointment, cash flow from payments, case management, account management, and emergency notification Counseling centers obtain a private account through Zcon Telehealth, and will be able to independently monitor the database management status of the counseling center, such as psychologist schedule management Zcon Telehealth thoughtfully provides the UberPsycho app service to clients After downloading the app, customers can locate and instantly match with the nearest counseling center and matching location to complete the search for a counseling center Customers can subsequently make an online video call or go to the counseling center to meet their counseling needs, breaking the limitations of space and meeting customers' needs for real-time consultation or spiritual companionship when they are emotional, truly achieving "Anywhere, Anytime, On-Demand Service" The product is an online psychological counseling platform that has been reviewed and approved by the Health Bureau and is compliant with regulations Counseling centers only need to apply online to start online counseling services, and do not need to worry about system setup At present, the tele-psychological counseling platform has successfully cooperated with 18 counseling offices in Taiwan Recognizing that AI companionship and housekeeping are important trends in telehealth care, Zcon Telehealth launched Taiwan's original AI health management robot, integrating hardware manufacturers with health management software services provided by Zcon Telehealth The service functions of the AI health management robot include the physiological measurement of Zcon Telehealth's Smart Care app combined with its own measuring equipment blood pressure meter, forehead thermometer, blood glucose meter, cloud storage of physiological measurement data and abnormal data notification, remote video monitoring, caregiver work reminders, medication reminders, and physiological data functions based on AI facial recognition The AI health management robot is mainly targeted at families with foreign caregivers Employers can set work item and time reminders on the Zcon Telehealth Smart Care app, such as accompanying elders for a walk, elders taking medicine, or taking photos while the elders are in bed The robot's screen or voice playback reminds foreign caregivers of work items when caring for the elderly When the foreign caregivers finish their work, they must tap the complete button on the robot's screen to indicate that the task was completed The AI health management robot can help employers effectively remotely track whether foreign caregivers have completed daily elder care tasks as scheduled In addition, employers can have video conversations with their elders through the app and the screen of the AI health management robot The screen can also display pictures of medicine to reduce the risk of elderly people taking the wrong medicine Bobby Pan said that "zero contact" has become an important hygiene behavior in the post-pandemic era Combined with telehealth care, Zcon Telehealth has launched AI facial recognition technology to detect physiological data, which is different from typical wearable devices in the market, such as smart watches or bracelets that use photoplethysmography PPG for contact-based physiological detection Zcon Telehealth uses remote photoplethysmography RPPG for facial detection This method extracts signals from the tiny periodic color changes in light reflected from the skin caused by heartbeat RPPG can be roughly described as a modified version of reflective PPG, in which ambient light replaces LED and a camera lens replaces the photoelectric detector Physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition uses contactless measurement to detect changes in facial blood flow through images This technology can simultaneously integrate measurement of blood pressure, blood oxygen, heart rate, heart rate variability HRV, and stress index Users only need to face a regular webcam or mobile phone lens for 5 seconds, and reference data of the five physiological indicators can be detected and displayed within 30 seconds The data can be viewed in Android, iOS, or web version This product can achieve convenient self-health management and measurement functions for those who frequently travel abroad, workers such as security guards, service providers such as taxi drivers, or migrant workers, replacing the inconvenience of carrying various physiological measurement equipment in the past Zcon Telehealth is the third company in the world to provide physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition The company has successfully applied for an invention patent due to the innovation of this technology and services AI facial recognition health management has successfully cooperated with the health management center of a hospital in Kaohsiung, and provides the center's members who download the app with self-health measurement services In addition to health examination centers, the AI facial recognition health management service also cooperates with domestic TV manufacturers to develop customized Android TV apps and integrate them into Internet-connected TVs to provide health measurement detection services Physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition can quickly measure and provide physiological data - Demonstration by Bobby Pan, founder and president of Zcon Telehealth Psychological consultation AI brainwave detection equipment to understand customers' mental health status in advance In terms of tele-psychological counseling platform services, Zcon Telehealth not only assisted counseling centers with developing new remote customer service channels during the pandemic, but also uses the UberPsycho app to quickly help customers match with psychological counseling centers that suit them It has also successfully provided value-added services that combine psychological counseling at counseling centers with AI brainwave equipment for brain health assessment through clinical verification It also obtained brain assessment and test reports, and then guided customers to appropriate psychologists for counseling "More than 23 million people in Taiwan receive psychological counseling services every year, and about 110 of them, or more than 230,000 people, need further psychiatric treatment" In addition, the psychologists have different clinical experience and judgment Bobby Pan pointed out that if psychological counseling can be combined with AI brainwave equipment for brain health assessment, and it can provide customers with the early prevention mechanisms of "mental health examination" and "psychological counseling" He believes that the company can quickly grasp the customer's mental state and prevent them from doing something they will regret With the support of the AI HUB project of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Zcon Telehealth cooperated with 5 counseling centers in field verification, providing the counseling centers with AI brain health assessment equipment The customer test report includes simple mental assessment, heart rhythm assessment, autonomic nervous system assessment, behavioral response assessment, brain health assessment, neurological response assessment, and brain emotion assessment In terms of breakthroughs in AI technology, Zcon Telehealth connects devices through a brain-computer interface for brain health assessment indicators, transmits physiological data, and uses a long-short-term memory model and convolutional neural network to analyze neural indicators It automatically generates a cognitive function assessment report through cloud services as the quantitative result of mental health examination This value-added service of the verified mental health examination solution has been actively expanded to all counseling centers in Taiwan through cooperating counseling centers In the future, the company will continue to cooperate with medical institutions and health examination centers to expand its business Psychological consultation AI brainwave detection equipment to determine mental health status in advance In terms of business model, physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition uses a non-binding payment mechanism Individuals or companies will receive AI blood oxygen detection cards provided by Zcon Telehealth, and scan the QRCode on the card using their mobile phones for unlimited self-health measurements within one month They only need to pay NT300 per month, which is quite affordable In addition, the fee for the telehealth care management platform is also very affordable at only NT100 for each account For the tele-psychological counseling platform, Zcon Telehealth signs annual contracts and bills customers on monthly basis The AI health management robot is provided for customers to buy out Looking towards the international market while based in Taiwan, developing diverse telehealth services From the perspective of Zcon Telehealth, how to successfully develop products, market them, and expand business opportunities has been a challenge since the company was founded Among them, the company's development of physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition was the most challenging Bobby Pan said that since there is no precedent in the industry, the only way was to go back to school to study Fortunately, he was admitted in a doctoral program two years ago and read countless foreign journals, which he then integrated into product design and development It took 2 years of hard work to achieve this result Zcon Telehealth is not only passionate about the development of AI-enhanced telehealth care services, but also believes that AI-based contactless physiological health measurement and data can provide people and care institutions with a more affordable, convenient, fast, and considerate health measurement option in the post-pandemic era In terms of business strategy, Bobby Pan hopes that recent promotion of the physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition will continue to increase market share and create cooperation opportunities with channels To this end, the SDK Software Development Kit developed by Zcon Telehealth allows any application owner to embed it into their solution, and can use the SDK to directly detect physiological data on Android or iOS devices It is also applicable to mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs, or smart health mirrors In the future, Zcon Telehealth will primarily target large-scale health companies for cooperation, and looks forward to finding more potential partners with the assistance of the Institute for Information Technology III In the past two years, Zcon Telehealth has actively expanded into the field of AI healthcare and maintained its leadership in AI facial recognition technology Facing the fiercely competitive AI healthcare industry, Bobby Pan said that Zcon Telehealth must plan ahead and will first provide physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition to charity and religious groups free of charge, in order to increase product visibility in the short-term In the mid-term, Zcon Telehealth will partner with large health companies, such as health examination centers, and utilize the big data collected through the cooperation to plan customized health products and services For long-term development, Zcon Telehealth plans to set up a branch in Texas, USA by the end of this year and establish local distribution channels It will actively expand business to emerging potential markets, such as Vietnam, the Middle East, and South America You can know what people look like but not what's going on inside Zcon Telehealth breaks through the traditional approach and uses AI facial recognition technology to detect multiple physiological data in 30 seconds, gaining insight into an individualrsquos current health condition, so that it can not only know what people look like, but also what's going on inside Bobby Pan said that it took years of hard work to complete the development of physiological data detection technology based on AI facial recognition Zcon Telehealth is looking towards international markets while it is based in Taiwan, and will develop diverse telehealth services Bobby Pan, founder and president of Zcon Telehealth

【解決方案】破壞式創新商模 奇翼醫電推出行動醫療裝置- 心電圖傳感器 打造遠距醫療當中最後一塊拼圖
Disruptive innovative business model Qiyi Medical Electronics launches mobile medical device-ECG sensor to create the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine

With the advent of the post-epidemic era, the development of global telemedicine is in the ascendant, which has greatly increased the demand for smart medical technology in decentralized medicine Among them, if mobile medical devices can provide real-world at home or outside the hospital data for use in hospitals, it is believed that it will reduce the burden of diagnosis and treatment on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenses To this end, Singular Wings Medical has launched a comprehensive telemedicine solution, which combines excellent wearable mobile medical device design, innovative software development, AI algorithms and cloud platform services, and will become the last piece of telemedicine puzzle David Lee, the founder and general manager of Qiyi Medical Electronics, said that his original intention to start the business was because he witnessed Taiwan's long-term pursuit of low-cost mass production, which led to the continuous decline in the value of the industry For example, in the past thirty years, The output value of the former Silicon Valley was similar to that of Taiwan's Hsinchu Science Park, but thirty years later, the output value of Silicon Valley reached US14 trillion at the end of 2020, while the output value of Hsinchu Science Park was less than NT15 trillion at the end of 2021 Seeing Silicon Valley's sensitivity to industry needs and disruptive innovations such as Uber, Airbnb, industry trends and the post-epidemic era have driven a surge in telemedicine services, thereby creating high industry value, so I started a business at the age of 45 and conceived how to combine it with Taiwan After more than ten years of accumulated industrial advantages and Silicon Valley's innovative model, we decided to help Taiwan's industry upgrade and find a new path through the integration of the medical industry, ICT technology industry and innovative business models Seeing that Taiwan has always been a gathering place for the most elite talents in the medical industry and electronics and electrical industry, I believe that through the combination of the two and innovative business models, we can have the opportunity to follow Silicon Valley and create a different business According to Taiwan’s Communication Diagnosis and Treatment Methods, Taiwan’s market demand for telemedicine is divided into two situations emergency such as COVID-19 and special necessity such as special geographical locations such as outlying islands or mountains It is allowed Carry out communication medical diagnosis In fact, the development of global telemedicine decentralized medicine is in the ascendant, but the demand for smart medical technology to meet decentralized medicine still needs to be realized In addition to the medical technology gap, it also includes medical treatment flow, patient identification, remote Remote consultation and collection are fueling the push for smart medical technology Li Weizhong observed that for telemedicine decentralized medicine to be successfully implemented, it is best to use telemedicine devices that are used outside the hospital or at home and are easily available in daily life Among them, the data of the device is the key It can provide doctors with out-of-hospital real-world data Real World Data or Real World Evidence that they can trust and apply, so that they can improve their diagnosis and treatment methods In fact, this type of telemedicine device is not popular, making remote medical care difficult to complete In addition, as the number of wearable devices such as bracelets and watches increases, most of the data that these devices can truly provide is insufficient for medical purposes and is not easy to validate and verify Li Weizhong said that people are paying more and more attention to health awareness, which is a positive encouragement for telemedicine devices He believes that as long as there is an appropriate business model and the right way to cooperate with hospitals and doctors can reduce the burden on doctors or medical personnel and reduce health insurance expenditures, Qi Yi Medical Electronics will definitely have the opportunity to become the last piece of the puzzle in telemedicine Founded in 2015, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ core team consists of 22 diversified professionals, including young engineers with medical, engineering and information backgrounds and experienced entrepreneurs, working together to create an overall solution for remote healthcare The solution includes hardware design, software development and backend cloud platform services for the mobile medical device Beatinfor Health electrocardiogram sensor Electrocardiogram ECG is one of the most important vital signs body temperature, pulse, respiration and physiological data of the human body, which can reflect various physiological changes in the human body, such as cardiovascular health, inflammation, infection, bleeding, injury or anxiety index changes For this core concept, Qiyi Medical is committed to using wearable electrocardiograms as its core technology, while collecting important vital signs and environmental parameters such as electrocardiograms, and building AI algorithm systems and backend cloud platform services based on big data and machine learning to help solve remote problems Specific chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, sleep problems, and metabolic diseases are the most important in medical treatment Electrocardiogram sensor continuous physiological data monitoring reduces the risk of death in acute heart failure patients by 11 within 30 days after discharge In order to realize remote medical services, Qiyi Medical Electronics has launched a complete set of remote medical care solutions, including wearable mobile medical devices-electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG, BEATINFO HEALTH APP, and AI algorithms , web pages and BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform The BEATINFO ECG sensor is an exclusive device for the BEATINFO HEALTH APP health cloud platform It can be used continuously for 40 hours when fully charged The device is only 15g This sensor can collect the user's electrocardiogram, respiration, and skin temperature through a patch or chest strap , body movements, postures and environmental parameters Currently, BEATINFO ECG sensor has 8 patents in the United States and Taiwan, and won 2 German iF Design Awards in 2017 Mobile medical device-electrocardiogram sensor can provide continuous physiological data monitoring In terms of overall technical features, the BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has four key physiological data detection characteristics continuity, long-range, real-time and dynamic In terms of operation, users can download the BEATINFO HEALTH APP on Android or iOS systems Its interface can provide physiological data status, order health assessment reports such as one-day sleep assessment report or cardiovascular health assessment report, and high-intensity exercise test Cardiovascular assessment reports, third-party remote medical consultation services and other functions Users use patch-type or chest-strap ECG sensors paired with end-to-cloud platforms for continuous physiological detection Before being transmitted to the cloud for further calculations, all data will be de-identified and made available to professionals Data reports are provided for physician judgment The BEATINFO HEALTH cloud service platform has powerful noise filtering processing capabilities, fast waveform recognition and judgment, as well as highly complex cloud architecture and communication technology Why is the noise filter processing capability so important Because medical equipment in general hospitals must require users to complete short-term measurements under static conditions Usually, data in life situations outside the hospital cannot be collected by the hospital, and this data is very important to doctors It is increasingly important to understand the progression of the disease and the condition of patients leaving the hospital Therefore, if we continue to record very weak ECG signals in daily life, we actually need to overcome a very high technical threshold After these signals are processed by the noise, they will first be judged by the AI algorithm before preliminary and rapid conclusions can be made Users can instantly avoid certain fatal risks The cloud architecture provides a deeper level of second-order computing and also covers the business model architecture It provides service models such as user management, automatic report generation, record keeping, alarm notifications, and connection with more services such as third-party alarms Emergency rescue, third-party medical consultation, doctor and patient docking, medical treatment cash flow and other functions In terms of competitive advantages in the industry, compared with the industry's braceletwatch products, Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram sensor BEATINFO ECG provides accurate medical-level measurements, and can continuously record and collect physiological data, improving any Sudden or sporadic symptoms may occur Compared with the electrocardiogram patch of its peers, it provides real-time data return and web-based management tools, and can produce various reports for managers to remotely manage a large number of users on the web According to statistics from Beijing Medical University, the mortality rate of patients with acute heart failure within 30 days after discharge is as high as 11 If an electrocardiogram sensor is installed on the patient for continuous and real-time monitoring for 30 days, it is possible to reduce part of the risk of death, and at the same time, it can Significantly reduce health insurance costs Additionally, in the case of cardiovascular disease, if the user wears the device for a period of time, regular cardiovascular assessment reports can be obtained and provided for follow-up in-depth examinations by doctors In addition to the measurement of cardiovascular diseases, the ECG sensor configuration can provide home assessment of sleep apnea OSA During the measurement, patients can discover potential and easily overlooked cardiovascular diseases, and users do not need to stay in the sleep ward for treatment After a boring night, through the ECG sensor patch and AI algorithm, patients only need to sleep at home for one night to receive an OSA test report If needed, doctors can access patient status remotely and instantly via any internet browser Therefore, through the ECG sensor wearable service, users can discover hidden and unknown cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias related to sudden death from the measurement process to avoid unnecessary regrets Qiyi Medical Electronics’ business model is mainly B2B2C, hoping to assist individuals, hospitals, enterprises, care services and other units to create a win-win situation Li Weizhong analyzed that the business cooperation model is quite flexible, whether it is leasing or buying out wearable measurement devices, or providing annual report subscriptions to reduce the cost of purchasing devices for users, such as including 2-minute electrocardiogram, Flexible subscription package including 7-day cardiovascular health assessment, exercise cardiovascular health assessment, sleep health assessment report, etc Group cardiovascular monitoring system solution creates a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform to replace diagnosis with prevention In addition to providing individual users with remote mobile physiological data measurement, the BEATINFO cloud platform provides a "group cardiovascular monitoring system" solution that can create many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring through network technology Based on the platform, patients only need to wear a lightweight monitoring patch, and the back-end system can grasp the changes in their physiological information, so that prevention can replace diagnosis and reduce the chance of sudden cardiovascular death This platform provides 3 functions, including the ability to manage different users into groups and hierarchically, and the number of users can reach tens of thousands it can display users’ basic physiological information in real time on web tools, and can be used under certain preset conditions When triggered, this platform will immediately send out an alarm historical data can also be reviewed on the platform, which is very suitable for doctors to check the patient's disease progression outside the hospital during consultation For the application of the "Group Cardiovascular Monitoring System" solution, taking high-intensity exercise as an example, such as long-distance running and cycling, mountain climbing activities or traveling abroad, a prior cardiovascular health assessment is required activities, and corresponding evaluation reports This report allows users to share it with doctors, so that participants can make assessments before the event or test their training effectiveness, which can significantly reduce the risk of accidents during the event beforehand During the activity, the group cardiovascular monitoring system also provides real-time on-site monitoring of a large number of participants It can be monitored in real time by the AI in the background at the moment of exercise Once an accident occurs, the platform can immediately issue an alarm and even report the accident GPS positioning of the location, and continuously transmits back the user's physiological information during search and rescue, striving for golden rescue time In sports monitoring applications, taking golf as an example, how to improve golfers' puttinghitting performance A player's performance and concentration are usually directly related to personal emotional stability Li Weizhong said that through HRV analysis of Qiyi Medical's electrocardiogram device, it can help determine the player's emotional and stress index performance, and at the same time help golf coaches select and train players The group cardiovascular monitoring system can create a many-to-many real-time physiological information monitoring platform Establish a firm foothold in Taiwan, move towards the US and European markets, and move towards the goal of a data company Faced with the challenges of technology research and development and market promotion, Qiyi Medical Electronics’ automatic identification of electrocardiograms requires a large amount of data for AI calculation development For this reason, Qiyi Medical Electronics must cooperate with hospitals and develop jointly Finish At present, the company has established good cooperative relations with many medical centers and research units, and has overcome these technical bottlenecks one by one In terms of market promotion, Li Weizhong said that the biggest challenge facing Qiyi Medical Electronics is to communicate with the market and let the public understand the differences between competitors' bracelet and watch products and the company's mobile device-electrocardiogram sensor Compared with the common bracelet and watch products on the market that collect electrocardiogram data in a discontinuous manner, it may take a long time to collect discontinuous data before potential cardiovascular problems can be discovered by luck Qiyi Medical Electronics actively promotes electrocardiogram to the public in a continuous manner The competitive functional characteristics of sexual detection data and emphasize that it is a very important means to assist in the detection of many potential diseases, replacing diagnosis with prevention and reducing the occurrence of unnecessary cardiovascular diseases In addition, in terms of business promotion, we also hope to create more opportunities for business matching and new venture capital raising with the assistance of the Corporate Resource Strategy Council Looking to the future, Li Wei and Xu Qiyi Medical Electric Energy will become the last piece of the telemedicine puzzle in the health wearable device-electrocardiogram service Li Weizhong said that in the short term, Qiyi Medical hopes to gain a firm foothold in Taiwan and become a common medical device in everyone's home, just like thermometers and blood pressure monitors The company is also constantly developing new indications Starting from electrocardiogram, coupled with AI and big data, it can deal with more chronic diseases In addition to cardiovascular diseases, we have also successively developed sleep apnea and other more special diseases The applications are aimed at the problems of elderly chronic diseases that modern people are very likely to encounter With a mid- to long-term plan, Qiyi Medical will enter the US and EU markets, become an international company, and continue to aim to become a data company, making good use of the company's long-term collection of data applications to provide services in diverse fields such as new drug development and vaccine development application to create business opportunities and profits 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」