
【2020 Solutions】 AI Press Releases in 20 Minutes - SparkAmplify Bridges Brands and Media for Accurate Exposure

What should small and medium-sized businesses or startups that want to export their products do when they lack PR resources, media exposure, and journalist contacts? SparkAmplify, a company that builds global market platforms using big data, has created a precise media marketing platform SaaS that aggregates data from over 80,000 global media journalists. With AI technology, it analyzes data and generates press releases within 20 minutes, matching them with accurately targeted international journalists to greatly increase exposure and achieve marketing goals internationally.

SparkAmplify's main service is a brand-media matching marketing SaaS platform. Since its launch in 2018, it has continually analyzed international media trends and has already analyzed over 3 million international media reports, helping more than 1,200 companies from 25 countries achieve precise media exposure. It has partnerships with major events such as CES and Computex, as well as famous incubation accelerators like TechStars, BootUp, Taiwan's TSS, Garage+.

"Media are searching for news, companies are searching for media." By applying AI data, a balance has been found. Jian-Qun Li, founder of SparkAmplify, explains, "From observing the demands of both suppliers and consumers in the media marketing market, there's a rigid demand for a platform that matches 'brands with journalists' based on both parties’ needs." Thus, SparkAmplify utilizes machine learning Logistic Regression algorithms to filter specific categories of news text and uses the LDA topic discovery algorithm to identify the hottest news trends, rolling out the 'AI Exploration of Media Trends' service.

Generate AI Press Releases in 20 Minutes to Find Suitable Media

This system service only requires three major steps to disseminate the products or services of brands, small and medium-sized enterprises, and startups on the international market through international media coverage.

● Step One, Material Preparation: SparkAmplify sets up a dedicated brand page where brand managers prepare and upload complete materials including company profile, product names, service features, images, related product diagrams, etc.
● 步驟二、品牌故事撰寫:透過專家系統及運用機器學習Logistic Regression邏輯回歸演算法,將特定類別的新聞文本篩選出來,並透過主題探勘演算法LDA,找出最熱門新聞趨勢,系統會自動按結構、格式、片詞、文法、關鍵字等等,在短短20分鐘內自動生成AI新聞稿,再加以人工優化。 
● 步驟三、精準推薦:將公司及產品介紹、新聞稿等,媒合國際媒體共8萬名記者,將對的主題推薦到對的記者身上,主動提供記者報導素材,以增加媒體露出及曝光機率。

AI Exploration of Media Trends Service Assists Brand Companies in Achieving Precise International Exposure


Jian-Qun Li points out that traditional methods of gaining media exposure include holding press conferences or distributing press releases widely. However, at international exhibitions, brand owners and small and medium-sized business leaders might not have sufficient PR resources. Additionally, understanding industry trends and journalists' reporting preferences poses a significant challenge. Aside from the challenges of data collection, extracting meaningful insights and trends can often be ineffective, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. The 'AI Media Trend Exploration' technology can effectively and accurately collect data, use text mining and machine learning to unearth underlying information, and, by executing periodically, keep track of market changes to products.

鎖定科技新聞領域 協助品牌業者精準曝光


在AI技術的應用上,安普樂發使用NER(命名實體識別技術,Named Entity Recognition)技術來增加不同的屬性。例如人、組織、產品等,最後再透過知識圖譜(Knowledge Graph)建立屬性之間的關係,才能迅速達成預估目標。




SparkAmplify 商業模式主要為訂閱制,每月收取399美元,透過簡單步驟即可輕鬆完成品牌與媒體的對接服務。至於除了英語之外,未來是否會推出中文服務?李健群表示,要跨到落地的語系需要重新建立一套模型,中文又比英文要複雜許多,處理過程要刪除非常多的雜訊。然而,因應中文化的需求日益殷切,未來在資源配置足夠的情況下,有機會也會推出中文服務。

SparkAmplify 團隊

▲SparkAmplify 團隊

SparkAmplify 創辦人李健群

▲SparkAmplify 創辦人李健群

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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OSENSE Technology Qubby AI customer service helps enterprises comprehensively upgrade from customer service to knowledge management

"What are your business hours" "What are the functions and features of the product" "What discounts are available now" "Does the product have a warranty" "Does the manufacturer cooperate with the product for repair" From the perspective of consumers, every inquiry is a unique customer experience, but from the perspective of companies, 90 or more of these questions are repeatedly asked every day OSENSE Technology's Qubby AI customer service can help companies seize the opportunity to continue to provide high-quality customer services every time they come in contact with customers, and optimize service processes through AI to create an efficient service team Taiwanrsquos first IMSNS virtual human real-time interactive voice AI customer service Qubby AI The information age has caused changes in consumer behavior Companies have deployed online and offline platforms, such as official website apps for their brands, physical stores, distribution channels, and third-party e-commerce, to increase channels for contact with consumers However, this has created a greater workload for customer service personnel, who need to monitor even more channels to provide timely services OSENSE Technology's Qubby AI customer service helps enterprises integrate and manage multiple platforms, such as websites, LINE, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and multimedia interactive machines, with a single account The service supports 29 languages and serves domestic and overseas customers 247, building good relationships by meeting customer needs and creating an endless stream of important and valuable customers Qubby AI customer service features Saves training time, standardized AI response, supports IMSNS, improves customer service efficiency, optimizes the service experience, and the web page is applicable everywhere Efficiently create enterprise-specific AI customer service in 3 steps, eliminating the need for design QA OSENSE Technology has condensed the establishment of Qubby AI customer service into three steps based on its years of experience with domestic and overseas projects and strong technical capabilities, so as to help enterprises build efficient teams The first step is to create an image and personify the corporate image Upload a profile photo, create a realistic or anime-style 3D virtual person, or customize a real person image, transforming the one-way corporate communication model in the past into a two-way interactive service model It not only improves brand favorability among customers, but is also an indispensable part of creating warm services The second step is to select the voice Qubby AI customer service can interact with customers through text, preset QampA, and voice For voice, users can choose the system's preset AI voice, or use AI to clone a real person's voice It supports the conversion of 29 languages, and is like customer service personnel providing services in person, increasing customersrsquo trust in the brand The third step is to establish a knowledge base An AI brain knowledge base can be created by simply uploading a PDF file For languages supported by AI translation for Chinese text, there is no need to design questions and answers one by one The AI machine trains and learns corporate and product knowledge, automatically extracts knowledge related to user questions, and integrates knowledge for responses, greatly shortening the development and training time Another feature of Qubby AI customer service is that it can incorporate "personality," such as liveliness, confidence, and gentleness, into the character, and give it "ambition" and "mission," making the customer service more flexible and closer to the corporate brand image Combined with industry Know-How, it can also become an industry-specific AI customer service application For example, Qubby AI DentalGPT, Taiwan's first AI customer service specifically developed for dentists, has been trained into an exclusive AI model and database of dental knowledge, health education information, and common issues of clinics, and was integrated into a convenient and easy-to-use package Companies only need to follow 3 steps Create an image, choose a voice, and build a knowledge base to quickly create an exclusive Qubby AI customer service Qubby AI's diverse applications help enterprises comprehensively upgrade from customer service to knowledge management Qubby AI customer service has been used a wide range of industries, such as the healthcare industry, financial industry, electronics industry, conference and exhibition industry, education industry, department store retail industry, public relations service industry, and celebrities The services range from external product sales, event promotion, and customer service to internal HR assistant, knowledge management, compliance, technical maintenance and applications It has become the most intelligent, efficient, and direct business partner for enterprises In addition to helping optimize the service process, allowing personnel to focus on solving truly difficult and valuable problems, Qubby AIrsquos back-end data records the number of times, the time, platform, device, and conversation history of customers using AI customer services, and can export the data Insights into customers can be further discovered from the conversations, and create new types of services to seize business opportunities The Qubby AI customer service back-end completely records user information and data A free 14-day trial offered to find distribution agents to jointly expand domestic and overseas markets To assist enterprises with digital transformation, OSENSE Technologyrsquos Qubby AI customer service offers a free 14-day trial, which provides AI text and expected voice customer services, AI knowledge base construction, a limit of 6,000 messages per month, and 3D virtual human default character to reduce enterprisesrsquo doubts about the AI solution Aside from its efforts to further develop Taiwanrsquos market, OSENSE Technology is actively expanding into international markets, such as the United States, Japan, and Southeast Asia In January 2024, it has signed a contract with the largest clinic management system developer in Southeast Asia to bring Qubby AI customer service southward, hoping to provide comprehensive AI digital services and solutions to medical institutions and people ofnbsp Southeast Asia, creating better healthcare experiences and expanding the smart healthcare ecosystem AI is ushering in a new industrial revolution According to Gartnerrsquos estimates, there are approximately 17 million customer service personnel working in customer service centers around the world 95 of the cost of a customer service center is from personnel Even if 10 of the service volume is automated, tens of billions of US dollars can be saved every year Based on the 2023 Taiwan Industrial AI Survey released by the Artificial Intelligence Foundation, nearly half of Taiwanrsquos companies still have not used AI services This shows the huge AI business opportunities OSENSE Technology is thus actively seeking distributors and agents to jointly expand domestic and overseas markets

這是一張圖片。 This is a picture.
AI Defect Intelligent Detection - Energy Reduction Smart Monitoring Solutions

AIIntelligent Defect Detection-Smart Monitoring Solution to Reduce Process Energy Consumption When there are over2ten thousand chip resistors on a ceramic substrate, how should one quickly detect defects The answer isUsingAIto detect。 In the era of rapid technological development, Leike proudly announces significant advances in its laser processing technology, thanks to the innovative applications of artificial intelligenceAILeike is committed to integrating advancedAItechnology into laser processing machines, and in2019year, in collaboration with partners, developed the world's first laser machining system that integratesAItechnology, and on this basis further developed in2023year the first ceramic substrate inspection machine that integratesAOIAILASERtechnology Smart Ceramic Substrate Inspection Machine Through the introduction ofAIand machine learning, along with the accumulation of big data samples, the system becomes smarter, which has led to improved product yield within one year5dramatically reducing the inspection time from originally2minutesper piece to just20secondsper piece, drastically lowering inspection costs, enabling efficient initial detection and post-laser marking to reduce waste in subsequent processes, diminishing overall carbon emissions of the site, allowing the automatic generation of detailed inspection reports for data analysis and optimization, which helps increase equipment capacity, reduce human error, enhancing the value of Leike's equipment, and strengthening the international competitiveness of the country's electromechanical industry Leike CorporationLaser TekFounded in1988year, and officially listed as a publicly traded company in2002year Since its establishment, it has become a leading global service provider and manufacturer of electronic packaging materials,SMDElectronic Packaging Materials,SMTinspection equipment, and laser systems Leike's general manager, with years of laser integration experience, observed that passive component customers can produce over20With many years of laser integration experience, he observed that the production capacity of passive component customers can exceed10billionSMDcomponents every month, but withSMDcomponents per month However, as component sizes continue to miniaturize, defect detection during production becomes increasingly challenging With thousands to millions of components on a single ceramic substrate, and as component sizes decrease and their laser processing positions become smaller, the difficulty of detection increases, making production inspection a critical process R-SMD Production Inspection Process AOIproblems of yield overkill relying onAIfor oversight, Yet,AOIthe inspection machine is a widespread and mature type, but the high accuracy on the marketAOIuses a technique that captures small images in a single shot and stitches them into a larger image Although accurate, this method requires more time for small-sizedSMDcomponents, which are more likely to be influenced by environmental factors like lighting and vibration that can cause misjudgments as a result,AOIyield rate can only be estimated by sampling, and components with poor sampling yield are not removed individually but discarded together with good ones manual re-inspection not only increases costs, but the lack of unified inspection standards ultimately results in about2-5products that are not detected as defective enter the subsequent manufacturing process monthly at least2,000thousands of such defective componentsSMDthat were not initially detected causing ongoing printing and machining inspections in subsequent processes Regardless of the waste of ink materials and energy, which increases the cost burden, this also accelerates equipment wear and shortens operational life Each stage of waste increases the site's carbon emissions, unfavorably impacting the company's carbon footprint Post-Adjustment Sample Photo Example 0402 TraditionalAOI High false positive rates in Automatic Optical Inspection AOI are a major production issue for manufacturers, particularly in the passive components industry where 'it's better to mistakenly reject a hundred than miss one'—a high standard, often leading to AOI setting extremely high parameters which makes devices overly sensitive Excessive stringency in data parameter settings can lead to high false positive rates For instance, if the dirt contamination on passive components resembles the color of the printing layers,AOI the misjudgment rate could reach 7 percent Contamination Dirt and Print Layer Color SimilarityAOIProne to Misjudgment Raytek stands apart from otherAOIsuppliers by discarding the stitching of small images or line scanning, effectively preventing data loss and discrepancies caused by hardware or environmental conditions during image processing It employs a large-array photodetector coupled with custom high-resolution lenses, using specialized imaging for composite processing Throughout this process, each pixel of the photodetector contains light information captured from various positions By combining this data, the image resolution and detail are enhanced, reaching a resolution of millions, and with multiple automatic light adjustments, a single shot can manage7070mmachieving an image resolution up to5umobtaining clear images, then throughSmart-AItechniques for analysis and selection Three Innovative Methods to Achieve Rapid InspectionSmart -AI Raytek's General Manager shares, rapidly implementingAItechnology and reducing inspection computation time, further developingSmart-AIthree major approaches Method one, initially useAOIto quickly separate good products from those with controversial defects, focusing the detection on the minority of defective identifications Method two, an automated labeling platform simplifies the training issue by using cameras to collect data from machines, automatic labeling replaces manual labeling, progressively training to improve accuracy The simpler the problem, the less data needed for training Method three,AOIandAIDual-track Advancement In the smart manufacturing process, relying solely onAOIorAIis not enough to accomplish the task alone, it must be preceded byAOIfirst marking the characteristics, distinguishing between good and defective parts, then usingAIa method for labeling and training Subsequently, by utilizing a repeating cascade effect, the detection benefits are greater as more training data accumulates,AOIreducing the ratio of errors,AIand gradually increasing the accuracy ratio Post Adjustment Object Detection and Training Through three major methods gradually building system reliability, and categorizing data for defect sorting, ultimatelyAIreturning the judgement results to the main system, utilizing laser machining to control truly defective products at the front end of the process, reducing the inflow of defective products into other stations, thus minimizing losses due to repeated tests or reprocessing Leading in smart laser equipment, chooseLASERTEKthe right one Continuously developed by the Taiwanese brand Raytek, combiningAIsmart detection and laser processing equipment to progressively build a smart monitoring solution stack from raw materials, products, testing, laser equipment, etc, aiming at reducing the energy consumption of the production process, implementing semiconductor advancements, substrates and component processing among other fields, producing equipment products capable of meeting the end-user demands under low carbon conditions, rapidly and with quality products and services expanding both domestic and international markets, enhancing the global competitiveness of localMade in TaiwanMITequipment 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-12-12」

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Taiwan's Software Technology on Par with International Standards: Golface's Intelligent Services Transform Golf

Compared to Japan, where 90 of golf courses operate without caddies and use an automated service model, golf course management in Taiwan still heavily relies on human labor Facing a labor shortage of up to 70, adopting a site and membership management platform to provide intelligent golf services may be a transformation worth considering for golf course operators 'Taiwan's software technology is comparable to international standards and definitely has the capability to compete in the global market,' says Tsung-Che Liao, co-founder and CEO of Golface, established in 2014 with the vision to leverage technology at its core, aiming to create Taiwan's first golf entertainment platform With over 9 years vested in cultivating intelligent golf services, Liao is well-versed in the nuances of golf course services He has considerable domain knowledge and has launched a comprehensive intelligent golf solution The world's first networked smart golf cart hits the road automation of golf courses is no longer just a dream In mid-May, Golface's newly developed ARES Smart Golf Cat, the world's first networked smart golf cart, officially became operational Equipped with a dedicated vehicle computer mainframe, dual network systems, AI-based visual recognition cameras, and high-precision GPS tracking, golf courses can now confidently allow golfers to drive themselves The system enables real-time monitoring of any driving violations, and the presence of digital consumption traces allows for insurance coverage The procedure is as follows golfers book the cart via a reservation platform, receive a QR code, pay through the platform, and unlock the cart with the QR code at the golf course The golf cart can then be driven onto the course The course management platform can monitor and restrict the areas through which the cart can travel, ensuring it does not leave the paths Upon completion, the cart is returned through a tablet in the cart In instances of any infractions, penalties are applied directly through the user's account, and for severe violations, future access to the carts may be prohibited This achieves the goal of 'automation' ARES Smart Golf Cat is the world's first networked smart golf cart, officially in service since May 2022 'As labor costs continue to rise, recruiting and training caddies are becoming common pain points in the market While Taiwan's courses still employ caddies, there's a 70 labor shortage,' Tsung-Che Liao added This smart golf cart tablet, combined with a mobile app, has become the ultimate smart caddy Golface is striving to complete the last piece of the 'automated golf course' puzzle Amassing digital consumption trails for advanced client segmentation services Starting with consumer needs, Golface has sequentially launched services like the golf cart tablet, mobile app, golf reservation platform, instructional videos Golface TV, golf tourism, and smart carts The smart cart has been operational since May 2022, currently featuring four units with plans for mass production in the latter half of 2022 Although the cart currently requires manual operation by golfers, remote operation is anticipated early in 2023, with autonomous driving expected in the third phase Via the cart tablet and management system, staff can understand the status of the course through on-screen visual representations, showing each cart's real-time and relative location, departure times, and duration of service per hole, which aids course managers in monitoring on-course consumption effectively, thus reducing traffic jams and customer complaints 'Previously, we relied on staff's mental imagery now, we can employ imagery to visualize real-time situations on the course This makes it possible for those who don't understand golf to work in this field,' emphasized Tsung-Che Liao While course control has traditionally been handled by experienced professional players, the shortage of skilled professionals makes hiring even more challenging Therefore, replacing manpower with digital tools yields twice the result with half the effort The golf cart tablet has entered the Japanese golf market, installed at Fukuoka Century Golf Club Golface's golf cart tablet has been introduced to 14 domestic courses, and has now officially entered the Japanese market, favored by Fukuoka Century Golf Club, where tablets have been installed in carts providing automatic voice announcements for hitting strategies, distance measurements, and visual charts displaying hitting data During the COVID-19 pandemic, with borders closed, Golface utilized OTA technology to provide software updates and troubleshooting, ensuring uninterrupted services, which was highly appreciated by the Japanese golf courses Tsung-Che Liao remarks that Taiwan's software technology is not inferior to other countries like Japan, but more support from golf courses is needed to help transform the industry intelligently 'To assist in the transformation of golf courses, the first step is digitalization,' Liao pointed out By helping courses accumulate data and understand customer service cycles and hitting rhythms, it enables courses to avoid congestion and serve more customers To date, Golface has accumulated data on over 20,000 teams, 35 million scorecards, and over 10 million records This data helps enhance management performance, segment customer layers, reduce complaints, and plan marketing strategies for off-peak periods Golface co-founder and CEO Tsung-Che Liao has spent 9 years deepening intelligent golf services, aiming to build Taiwan's first golf entertainment platform「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」