
【2021 Solutions】 To prevent the blockage of traditional markets or amusement parks from becoming a breach of the epidemic, Taiwan’s Data Science “Signal Cloud” antenna has made a remarkable contribution

The COVID-19 epidemic is raging, and local governments are actively preventing the spread of the epidemic. The Yunlin County Government uses the "People Flow Analysis Antenna" in the "Signal Cloud" to detect device signals, and uses AI algorithm models to estimate Actual flow of people to prevent blocking traditional markets and busy business districts from becoming a breach of the epidemic; the Taipei City Government has deployed antennas in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Municipal Zoo, Municipal Art Museum, Maokong Cable Car and Taipei Underground Street, and cooperated with Taipei Smart City The project office worked together, and the man behind the establishment of these systems was Taiwan Data Science Corporation.

Use the

▲Use the "People Flow Analysis Antenna" in "Signal Cloud" to detect market clustering conditions.

"From the first day the company was founded, I have been thinking about how the technology I learned can contribute to mankind, even a little bit!" Dr. Zhuo Yingqiang, CEO of Taiwan Data Science Company, gave up the stable national University faculty work, relying on enthusiasm for science and technology and hope for the future innovation era, with the original intention of making the world a better place, and joining the ranks of entrepreneurship. This century-old epidemic has changed the daily pattern of the world, and also allowed Zhuo Yingqiang to find the focus and contribution of scientific and technological epidemic prevention.

People flow information flow analysis antenna to master signal detection big data

The "People Flow Information Flow Analysis Antenna" developed by Taiwan Data Science Company was designed with the motivation of smart retail. Its equipment principle is to use antennas to detect devices carrying Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals in the field, such as: Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, iWatch, Bluetooth headsets, etc. The "People Flow Information Flow Analysis Antenna" can clearly identify data such as people flow, walking lines and habits in the area, analyze the flow of people at each time, and help stores or vending machines grasp people flow statistics, analyze hot areas, and use big data at the same time Coupled with the marketing data reports generated by AI, stores can more accurately control the flow of people, which is of great help in terms of pre-prepared quantities and accurate sales estimates.

The development areas of Taiwan Data Science Company are locked in smart retail, transportation, security and financial industries, and are developing towards the fields of smart Internet of Things (AIoT) and information security. "Taiwan Information Technology has the patent for signal antennas, but making antennas and collecting data is only one of them. Producing valuable data analysis reports is more important. This is what buyers care about." Zhuo Yingqiang pointed out that there are major Netcom manufacturers who are optimistic about it. Taiwan Information Technology’s technology originally wanted to purchase related patents and invest in this market. But in fact, it is not difficult to deploy antennas. What is difficult is that after the data is collected, a strong AI team must be behind the cloud to do analysis. The major Netcom manufacturer finally proposed a strategic alliance with Taiwan Information Technology. The major Netcom manufacturer will produce the hardware device of the signal antenna, which can significantly reduce the cost by about 60%. Taiwan Information Technology will be responsible for producing data analysis reports, and the AIoT software and hardware integration of the cooperation between the two parties will be reduced by about 60%. The solution is to attack overseas markets together.

▲ "Signal Cloud" is not only used to calculate people flow, but can also be used in the fields of security and information security.

"Signal Cloud" is not only used to calculate people flow, but can also span into the fields of security and information security. Zhuo Yingqiang pointed out that in the security industry, surveillance systems generally use video cameras. If Xiaoxiao avoids the camera, it may not be detected. However, if the antenna is deployed in a corner of the house, as long as the signal antenna detects abnormal Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signals, it will immediately send a warning to the security company to take further preventive measures.

The signal antenna system proactively reports to reduce the risk of bank personal information leakage

In the field of information security in the financial industry, cases of bank personal information leakage resulting in deposit theft are common. Why do similar cases occur? Mainly for fraud groups or unscrupulous elements to use wireless network IDs that are the same as those of banks to provide free Internet services in or near the bank lobby, so that customers can undoubtedly connect to them and conduct online transactions. At this time, criminal groups collect customer account numbers, etc. Personal data, a major information security incident that caused a large amount of customer information to be leaked. In Taiwan Information Technology's solution, as long as a signal antenna is installed in the bank's business hall, if the antenna receives an abnormal account or device, it will proactively notify the bank's monitoring center, immediately take action to block the firewall, and blacklist the signal. , we can prevent the occurrence of data leakage.

▲ Taiwan Information Technology participated in the "President Cup Hackathon Competition" and advanced to the top 20 national finals. President Tsai Ing-wen (in the picture) specially communicated with the team.

In fact, this signal antenna, which Dr. Zhuo calls an "information flow antenna", can not only be placed in financial holding and bank business premises, but can also be deployed in military sites such as camps and national defense units as access control, Information security and security functions. After the COVID-19 epidemic, during the level 3 alert period, because she did not want her employees to be involved in the risk of contracting the epidemic, Zhuo Yingqiang could not bear to send her colleagues to carry out construction work even if the hospital had a demand for abortion monitoring. However, the sharp drop in revenue also made Zhuo Ying Gun realized that the market cannot be limited to Taiwan, so he actively looked for strategic partners to export the "Signal Cloud Antenna" solution overseas.

Taiwan Information Technology's overseas development strategy is to follow the footsteps of Taiwan's major Netcom manufacturers. After the service is implemented, it will be handed over to SI operators in local countries to perform installation and subsequent after-sales maintenance work. As mobile devices become smaller and lighter, Taiwan Information Technology predicts that within three years, the signal antenna will be "chip-based". It can not only be directly embedded in POS machines, but can also be placed in consumer electronic equipment and shipped together. These are the future development directions. Taiwan Data Science Company has been established for almost four years this year. In the past, it has been engaged in the field of data processing, from cashless big data for mobile payments to wireless signal big data for people flow analysis. As an AI start-up company, the number of colleagues is slowly approaching the 200-person mark, which is rare in Taiwan's start-up world.

Taiwan Information Technology's motto is "From SI to AI, from physical to wireless!" Taiwan Information Technology's antenna people flow detection technology leads the market for about 12-18 months, but Dr. Zhuo believes that we must continue to expand our lead. Advantages must be achieved through patent layout and world-class channels. As a former university professor, he is leading the company's team to patent "judging different field characteristics through various signals" and using his past expertise in the field of cashless payments to write some cross-field compound patents to "cashless payment". " and "wireless" are integrated together to create thresholds that are more difficult for newcomers to catch up with.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs assisted Taiwan Information Technology Co., Ltd. to shoot a promotional video for the "Signal Cloud Antenna" free of charge, and provided free guidance on entering the Japanese and American markets. All colleagues at Taiwan Information Technology Technology Co., Ltd. are very grateful for this matter. The Taiwan Information Technology Department has recently been obliged to work hard to contribute to the country's scientific and technological epidemic prevention. It is currently handling the access control system project of the Ministry of National Defense, the technology monitoring project of the Ministry of Justice, and the relief data processing project of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. For Zhuo Yingqiang, these things are able to use business wisdom and technology to make a small contribution to the small imperfections of human life, and this is also his greatest achievement and motivation since starting his business.

▲ Dr. Zhuo Yingqiang of Taiwan Science and Technology Corporation, as the Secretary-General of the Asia Internet of Things Alliance, participated in the press conference of the Asia Silicon Valley Internet Industry Alliance of the National Development Council.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【解決方案】五年磨一劍 太奇雲端專注影像辨識 獲智慧城市創新應用獎
After five years of hard work in image recognition, Touch Cloud won the Smart City Innovation Application Award

During the opening ceremony of the 2022 Smart City Summit amp Expo co-organized by the National Development Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei City Government, Taoyuan City Government, Kaohsiung City Government, and Taipei Computer Association on March 22, 2022, founder and president of Touch Cloud Cheng-Hsun Li went on stage to receive the "2022 Smart City Innovation Application Award_Smart Security Award" This award is hard-won because after five years of hard work, Touch Cloud brought its core technology of AI image analysis back to Taiwan after gaining popularity in overseas markets, becoming an important smart city solutions provider "Since the company was established, we have positioned ourselves to make AI products that are stable, easy to use, and truly needed by the market" The company's positioning is very clear, this step took Touch Cloud five years It was not until the beginning of 2020 that Touch Cloud launched its first intrusion detection product In less than two years, Touch Cloud has now launched seven products, with each product receiving excellent reviews from the market Specializing in the field of smart cities, Touch Cloud successfully entered the Asian market Founded in February 2016, Touch Cloud originally focused on AOI defect detection However, the definition of defects is different for every customer As a result, applications in this field are mostly project development and could not be commercialized The company later directed its efforts to AI Application Box, a product that integrates software and hardware, and focused on smart cities, including transportation, industrial safety, and security related markets In view of the high acceptance and price advantage of AI in overseas markets, Cheng-Hsun Li targeted the overseas market in the early stages of the company's development, and has produced many successful results in several major countries, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand Among them, Touch Cloud successfully entered the Hong Kong market with its debut in the Hong Kong International Airport project In 2018, Hong Kong International Airport planned to monitor ships around airline oil storage platforms to prevent ships from colliding with the oil storage platform However, the oil storage platform is located in the middle of the sea and lacks electricity and Internet connection, so it could only set up a camera on shore 3 km away from the platform In addition to the long distance and poor line of sight, monitoring was also affected by weather conditions, such as clouds and fog, and was ineffective Touch Cloud customized an AI algorithm specifically for the project, and continuously collected image data for model training It took half a year of discussions with the customer and system corrections to finally achieve an accuracy rate of 98, successfully completing the goal Touch Cloud won the 2022 Smart City Innovation Application Award_Smart Security Award Minister of Economic Affairs Mei-Hua Wang on the left, Touch Cloud founder and president Cheng-Hsun Li on the right Touch Cloud products have three advantages that provide customers with a better AI user experience 1 Plug and play 2 Provides flexible services, in addition to standard products, customized services meet customers' needs for quick launch and reliable problem solving 3 High adaptability and ability to achieve extremely high recognition accuracy in different environments Cheng-Hsun Li believes that the design of AI products should be as simple as using a "home appliance" and have a clear purpose Therefore, Touch Cloud built an AI Application Box to design products from the perspective of scene applications, focusing on image analysis related to "people" and "vehicles" At present, a total of seven products have been developed, including KekkAI personnel intrusion detection, card swiping and tailgating detection, KekkAI-H construction site safety detection, Abaci-P people flow and head count, Abaci-V traffic flow and vehicle count, Greygoose personnel intrusion detection and people flow, GotchA cross-camera person tracking search, and AISense license plate recognition Cross-camera tracking product GotchA won the Smart City Innovation Application Award GotchA is the product that won the Smart City Innovation Application Award This cross-camera tracking product is unique in the market Its system uses AI technology to search and track people by analyzing their features at the time Users can use image search to search for the path of a specific person in multiple cameras they can also use multiple appearance features to find suitable target groups Using GotchA, you can actively search for lost people, understand the shopping behavior of VIP customers in the mall, and even manage the footprints of visitors in the building For example, it is not uncommon for children to get lost in hypermarkets GotchA can access footage from the entrance camera for an image search, and compare the walking path of the child to quickly find the missing child Using GotchA in shopping malls and amusement parks, where people come and go, to find lost people It not only significantly reduces the time spent by 90, but also transforms the traditional approach of the service counter making an announcement to the lost person into an active search based on image analysis, thereby improving service levels and accuracy Touch Cloud's excellent AI image analysis technology is favored by large enterprises Cheng-Hsun Li said that his experience abroad has taught him to help customers find AI usage scenarios For example, a T-Bar large advertising billboard operator in Thailand wants to attract business, and advertisers want to understand the flow of people to evaluate advertising effectiveness The T-Bar company has more than 1,000 cameras and can determine the type of vehicle from the images and then calculate the number of people, which can be converted to advertising effectiveness After Touch Cloud used the data for training, it can even identify special vehicle types in various countries For example, the nbsp"pickup truck" is a special vehicle type in Thailand Model training is carried out through Open Data, scenario data, and Touch Cloud's self-built database, and can accurately identify traffic flow and vehicle type, which is used to estimate the number of people reached by the advertisement Rapid business development after returning to the Taiwan market from overseas Touch Cloud currently accounts for 70 of the overseas market, with customers in Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines In the future, it will also develop into other Asian markets, such as Vietnam In addition to the Asian market, Touch Cloud has not forgotten to serve Taiwanese customers, and began to actively recruit partners to jointly develop the Taiwan market in June 2021 So far, the number of customers has quickly accumulated to more than a hundred Touch Cloud's excellent AI image analysis technology is favored by many companies, and most investors are strategic partners, working together to create synergies and allow Touch Cloud's technology to be quickly applied Cheng-Hsun Li said that it often takes more than five years for an AI startup to get its operations on track, and it takes at least three years to cultivate good AI talents Results are gradually emerging thanks to the considerable flexibility and space given by strategic investors to the company Touch Cloud products are already being put into practical use in major Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, and Japan, and are expected to enter more Asian countries within two years, driving more advanced image analysis applications The company hopes to complete representative cases in Asian markets every year, and move towards an IPO as a company featuring AI products

【解決方案】讓硬碟裡的音樂重生 愛飛媒平運用AI為影像找到最佳拍檔
Rebirth the music on the hard drive. Aifei Matchmaking uses AI to find the best partner for the image.

A young girl, alone in Los Angeles, USA, is looking for a dream, a dream that allows the music creator to find her soulmate again with the music she buried deep in the hard drive Li Zihui, the founder of iFeiMedia, has a background in science and engineering, but she has a strong gene for musicians In order to help global musicians create music and find the "best partner" who can successfully match them, she founded iFeiMedia Ping Company provides a one-stop AI video and music matching platform AV Mapping to help video creators quickly find copyrighted original music One-stop AI image music matching solution to find innovative business opportunities for music creators Generally speaking, in the past, video creators had to work on video music, including composing lyrics, music, and finding copyrights It usually took two weeks Through the AV Mapping video and music matching platform, it can be instantly matched to a suitable video in 10 seconds Music, musicians can also remarket their creations to gain profit sharing, creating a win-win situation This new, decentralized operating model is also favored by the descendants of the late Taiwanese music master Li Taixiang On the platform, you can relive a time when music creation was free to fly Li Zihui has practiced piano since she was a child, participated in choirs and wind bands, and composed her own music Although she studied science and engineering in college - the Department of Surveying and Spatial Information at Cheng Kung University, she joined the imaging team to work on soundtracks from her junior year , and went to the Applied Music Department of Nanyit University to audit After graduating from college, Li Zihui decided to obey the voice in her heart and become a music dreamer Aifei Matching provides a one-stop AI image and music matching solution Aifei Matching provides a one-stop AI image and music matching solution, which mainly uses artificial intelligence image recognition and music analysis Image creators can search and match suitable music by themselves on the platform, and use the system to It can shorten the duration of the soundtrack from 8 hours to a few seconds, a significant reduction of nearly 2,000 times Li Zihui said that in addition to creating suitable soundtracks, traditional video scoring projects also require a lot of time and cost in communication and search, including subsequent post-production processing such as arrangement and recording, and music licensing, which are even more time-consuming and labor-intensive With the assistance of AI, creators can focus all their efforts on creation without worrying about finding suitable music or having their music copyright stolen Integrated virtual and real marketing, from transaction to contract signing with one click At present, AifeiMeiping's music database has a total of 60,000 tracks in more than 60 categories, covering music from Europe, America, Asia and other parts of the world, including pop, EDM, rock, Irish music, etc The original decentralized concept of iFlyMediaPing further protects the rights and interests of musicians Musicians on the platform can set their own prices and track the transaction process, achieving open, transparent and decentralized features There are currently more than 7,000 video and music creators on the platform Music creators who successfully trade on the platform can share profits of more than 40, up to 50 The two parties transact and complete the contract on the platform, and the procedure is very simple AVMapping has a total of 14 AI models, making it easy to find speed dating music Li Zihui said that the AI image music matching solution has a total of 14 AI models The method is to disassemble all elements, conduct music analysis through image recognition and text recognition, and then use machine learning algorithms to train extensively The characteristics of images and music are listed, which can quickly match the soundtrack that suits the image situation, atmosphere, and rhythm In addition to online matchmaking transactions, Aifei Matchmaking also holds physical concert events, inviting music and video creators to participate The content of the event revolves around the display of AI video soundtracks, and a video directed by the director is used on-site to allow music creators to participate PK soundtrack or take out a demonstration video and let AI match it It only takes 10 seconds The images and music matched by AI are very accurate in terms of mood and atmosphere, which amazed the participants Three years of research and development won the Red Dot Design Award, using technology to support the development of music and art Aifei MatchPing spent three years of research and development, and the platform was officially launched in August 2021 In January 2022, it participated in the CES event in Las Vegas, USA, which attracted great attention from reporters present and received more than 100 awards in total media reports, the number of uses in a month has exceeded 1,000 times, attracting 7,000 video and music creators to join the matchmaking platform According to statistics, in the initial stage, the proportion of matchmaking transactions between the United States and Taiwan is evenly divided Li Zihui said that the licensing methods of traditional music are very complex, including types of works, types of copyright property rights, etc To obtain authorization for a song, one must go through a songwriting agency, a collective management group, a production company, a record company, or even a composer , lyricists, it is very cumbersome, and musicians may not necessarily get profit sharing Through the AI image music matching platform, all transaction contracts are completed online, music creators can gain profits, and their creative enthusiasm is constantly stimulated Three steps to help video creators easily complete the soundtrack work It is worth mentioning that NFT Non-fungible token, also known as non-fungible token is currently very popular in the art and cultural market What is the possibility of introducing it into the field of video and music Li Zihui said that the current transaction fees gas fees of Ethereum remain high, and coupled with the conclusions she obtained from attending many gatherings in Los Angeles, the acceptance of NFT is still in the process of brewing However, Aifei Matching is still optimistic about the future of NFT Trend, in the foreseeable future, relevant technologies will still be introduced into the AV Mapping platform to provide more diversified trading methods In order to rapidly expand overseas markets, Li Zihui continues to seek funding from international strategic investors in San Francisco At the same time, due to the appropriate control of the epidemic in Los Angeles, the industry is gradually recovering, and Li Zihui also participates in many offline creative gatherings Aifei Media hopes to become a bridge connecting images and music, introduce well-known user cases in the international market, and let more creators see the power of the platform Aifei Media Ping also frequently reports good news After winning the DSA Digital Advertising Singularity Silver Award and the AWE Female Entrepreneurship Best Potential Award co-organized by the American Institute in Taiwan and META, the one-stop AI video and music matchmaking company founded by Li Zihui The platform AV Mapping also won the Best of the best in the Design Concept of the German Red Dot Award in 2020 We hope to continue to be based on technology and nourished by art Support music creators to create better works Li Zihui, the founder of Aifei Matchping, has won many international awards and is a female entrepreneur with great potential「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】AI智慧眼鏡 雄欣科技鎖定智慧照護市場 讓老者住得安心安全
AI + Smart Glasses: Hsiung-Hsin Technology Targets Smart Care Market, Ensuring Safety and Security for the Elderly

In the small care room, Mr Wang, who is over eighty, is coughing intensely The nurse gently uses a suction device to help him, hoping to make him more comfortable Meanwhile, a sharp-eyed family member notices that the nurse is wearing smart glasses At the other end, the doctor organizes medical records while simultaneously monitoring Mr Wang's condition on a screen With the advent of precision care, it will soon be a blessing for the care market for doctors to remotely monitor crucial physiological information of the cared-for in real time In fact, Hsiung-Hsin Technology, established in 2020, uses smart glasses combined with AI algorithms to launch smart care services as an AI startup Through AI multiple sensors to achieve effective smart care In 2021, Hsiung-Hsin Technology participated in the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Bureau AI Emerging Selection event, cooperating with smart glasses leader Jozhen Technology Jozhen provided millimeter-wave radar and smart glasses, combined with Hsiung-Hsin Technology's AI algorithms, to launch 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and a life-saving 'Fall Prevention System' The 'AI Care Recognition Service System' uses radar millimeter waves and Time-of-Flight ToF among various sensor technologies combined with point cloud and mmWave deep learning analysis in AI algorithms While protecting personal privacy, it can detect patients' physiological data upon hospital admission as well as detect falls and bed exits during bed care The 'life-saving fall prevention system', on the other hand, utilizes artificial intelligence and 3D technology, combined with radar sensing devices, while protecting personal data through 'de-identification' technology, detecting falls in real-time in the environment Building the AI Care Recognition Service System, Hsiung-Hsin Technology is aiming at the smart care market Lee Jia-Hsin, founder and chairman of Hsiung-Hsin Technology, who has worked for IBM Taiwan for 14 years, states that after placing millimeter-wave radar in the medical test field, combined with AI algorithms, they can obtain physiological signals such as the patient's breath and heartbeat Moreover, when paired with Jozhen's smart glasses, during a doctor's consultation, the physician can immediately see the patient's heartbeat and breathing data through the glasses, enhancing efficiency Additionally, Jozhen has also developed a management platform where physicians and nursing staff can view the patient's physiological data at a glance After integrating the 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and 'Life-Saving Fall Prevention System', they were launched and commercialized in June 2021, and officially introduced into Kaohsiung Municipal Triumph Hospital by the end of November last year It not only helps medical staff understand the residents' physiological conditions, monitoring elders' physiological data continuously, but also reduces the burden on medical institutions while preventing accidents and enabling quick action in emergencies to provide optimal medical care Aside from medical institutions, another major target customer group for Hsiung-Hsin Technology's products are long-term care institutions, with ongoing product implementation plans in Tainan and Eastern Taiwan On-demand lightweight design, easy to use and reasonably priced Lee Jia-Hsin mentions that the company's productsservices are developed in-house, designed to be lightweight Depending on the needs of the institution where they are implemented, they may choose between CPU computing or edge computing for flexible configuration, which is very convenient and also comparatively cost-effective In the future, through Jozhen smart glasses, diagnoses can be made more immediately and quickly The method allows nursing or care staff to wear smart glasses when visiting patients or residents The images seen by the nursing staff's eyes are transmitted in real-time to the backend, allowing doctors to make immediate diagnoses based on real-time images and take appropriate care measures, effectively assessing the patient's condition on time Hsiung-Hsin Technology's smart care services have been listed on the Startup Common Supply Contract Platform Last year, Hsiung-Hsin Technology's productsservices were also listed on the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration's Startup Common Supply Contract Procurement Platform, available for government agencies, public medical institutions, and long-term care facilities to purchase for lease In the future, they hope to expand to private medical institutions and care centers, enabling more care facilities to utilize technology for transformation and reducing the talent shortage in the care market Furthermore, with more than 300,000 elderly people living alone in Taiwan, Lee Jia-Hsin believes that as the aging society approaches, the health and safety issues of solitary elderly individuals are increasingly receiving attention If technological care medical solutions can be incorporated into the subsidy scope for assistive devices, it can also help reduce the burden on local government institutions for solitary elderly care, effectively lowering societal costs Extended application Smart campuses enhance management safety and efficiency Lee Jia-Hsin points out that the company's core values are making life safer and improving living quality The company has developed its own software and hardware solutions for big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things Using a hybrid cloud development approach, it addresses various types of medical care pain points, enhances medical management efficiency, and improves residents' safety, thus significantly enhancing overall services by medical institutions Hsiung-Hsin Technology's partners include SI businesses, medical care institutions, large chain restaurants, and major venues In the future, there are plans to develop into an AI SaaS company, extending services to Japan, Southeast Asia, and other overseas markets Additionally, Lee Jia-Hsin, who teaches at Tunghai University in Taichung, is also actively promoting the smart campus initiative Currently, Hsiung-Hsin Technology has established a 'smart campus' at Tunghai University, utilizing up to 700 cameras throughout the campus to build a miniature AI SaaS platform for monitoring This not only allows for mask, human traffic, restricted area, and license plate recognition within the campus but also enables automatic records of the campus's flora and fauna, greatly aiding in the efficiency of campus safety management As the population gradually ages, home care becomes a universal challenge With a low doctor-to-patient ratio, both inside and outside hospitals, including extended to care institutions, medical professionals face a scarcity of manpower Using AI technology to assist the elderly care market presents itself as the best solution Besides smart elderly care and smart campuses, Hsiung-Hsin Technology also applies its image recognition technology in places like factory safety and parking lot license plate recognition, and future applications will continue to expand boundlessly Hsiung-Hsin Technology's founder and chairman, Lee Jia-Hsin「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」