
【2021 Solutions】 Join the Marketing Technology Ecosystem - Janchiang Lab Solves Your Marketing Issues with LINE

In the digital age, there are myriad advertising channels: physical and digital ads, plus platforms like Facebook and Instagram, all competing for consumer attention. Recently, the emerging LINE Official Account (OA), backed by a substantial LINE ecosystem of technology partners, has gained prominence. Janchiang Lab, a Silver Partner of LINE, harnesses AI to assist notable clients like RT-Mart, FamilyMart, and IKEA among 300 brands, helping them grow and solve their marketing issues.

Janchiang helps brand owners gain a deeper understanding of their customers, demonstrating significant benefits through Online Merge Offline (OMO) strategies.

With up to 21 million users, LINE has become one of the most dominant marketing channels in Taiwan. Janchiang Lab, specializing in LINE data marketing since its establishment in 2017, foresaw the trend of app ecosystems when LINE announced it would open its API. Hsueh Chin, Co-founder and CEO, joined the lineup of LINE technology partners, anticipating future trends.

Janchiang Lab established a LINE data ecosystem.

▲ Janchiang Lab established a LINE data ecosystem.

"Brands can consider Janchiang Lab's services as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to better understand consumers," Hsueh Chin stated. Janchiang provides three primary services to brand owners:

1. Member Dynamics Insights: Through Janchiang's MAAC backend system (Messaging Analytics & Automation Cloud), brand owners can quickly gain insights into each member's gender, browsing history, and purchasing behaviors. Also, as each member accesses their LINE account at different times, the system sends advertising messages at the optimal time based on this activity;

2. Proactive Product Recommendations: The system detects when a customer purchases product A and proactively recommends product A+ or similar yet distinct products to enhance purchasing intent;

3. Automated Consumer Journey: After a customer purchases products in-store and joins the LINE official account, the system can set up to automatically send promotions after a certain period, to increase purchasing intent. Janchiang Lab also strengthens the interaction between online and offline, utilizing beacon technology in retail storefronts. They installed beacons at a furniture brand showroom, and whenever a beacon captured a consumer's phone Bluetooth signal, the backend system of Janchiang Lab proactively sent related advertisement broadcasts. This project, from April to October 2020, significantly increased the brand's official account by nearly five thousand members, doubling its effectiveness.

Despite LINE's tens of millions of users, and logging into their LINE account being the first thing they do every morning, a primary concern for operators of LINE official accounts is the surge in messaging fees. Hence, 'precision marketing' has become the most crucial principle for dispatching messages. Janchiang Lab aids brands in understanding user profiles and thus tailoring messages to appropriate recipients, making LINE a foundational tool for CRM. Users also do not need to download other apps, as they can perform their daily needs via the existing messaging channel, clearly displaying the power of LINE for marketing.

The pandemic accelerated the pace of digital transformation for companies; Janchiang will increase customer service through multiple channels

Annually, Janchiang Lab sends over two billion LINE messages, helping over 300 brand clients actively use data through data tracking and marketing automation technologies within LINE official accounts. The pandemic has also sped up digital transformation steps for various industries including e-commerce, retail, media, and finance, with clients like A.S.O., IKEA, and Books.com.

Janchiang Lab milestones

▲ Janchiang Lab milestones

However, during the advancement process, Janchiang Lab also heard the voices of digital transformation vendors who, facing many digital marketing channels, hope to not only invest in LINE but also diversify into other advertising platforms, like SMS, thereby helping brands enhance their overall reach.

After accumulating rich marketing data experience in Taiwan, Janchiang Lab also set sights on overseas markets like Thailand and Japan. Given Thailand's local population of over 40 million LINE users, in September 2021, Janchiang Lab co-hosted its first online seminar with the local advertising agency Adme, leveraging its successful case studies with over 300 brands in Taiwan in industries such as e-commerce, retail, and media, aiming to offer a fresh digital transformation agenda to Thai brand owners.

AI social commerce sales software service iKala Shoplus also signed with Janchiang Lab, becoming its first major client as Janchiang Lab entered the Thai market. Both firms will combine their strengths in the MarTech field to seize big data opportunities. Dialogue-focused commerce AI startups GoSky and Janchiang Lab, in collaboration with iKala’s KOL Radar, have pooled their data to launch a social commerce traffic solution entering the social commerce battlefield. Janchiang Lab is also partnering with CDP brand Treasure Data to make inroads into the Southeast Asian market.

Hsueh Chin acutely realizes that the future of the MarTech market will embody an ecosystem concept, involving strategic alliances between technologies to develop integrated services needed by clients. For instance, if brand operators need LINE push notifications combined with e-commerce platform services, Janchiang initially collaborates with e-commerce platform vendors to integrate both databases, thereby sending e-commerce order information to specific LINE users to boost 'precision marketing' rates. Likewise, if owners wish to conduct surveys among LINE members, they might first negotiate with online survey vendors to propose solutions, all part of future efforts. In the short term, expanding cooperation with technology partners to jointly serve customers; in the long term, Janchiang will gradually develop a complete product line to become the best marketing partner for brands.

Janchiang Lab Co-founder and CEO Hsueh Chin.

▲ Janchiang Lab Co-founder and CEO Hsueh Chin.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

Recommend Cases

【解決方案】讓硬碟裡的音樂重生 愛飛媒平運用AI為影像找到最佳拍檔
Rebirth the music on the hard drive. Aifei Matchmaking uses AI to find the best partner for the image.

A young girl, alone in Los Angeles, USA, is looking for a dream, a dream that allows the music creator to find her soulmate again with the music she buried deep in the hard drive Li Zihui, the founder of iFeiMedia, has a background in science and engineering, but she has a strong gene for musicians In order to help global musicians create music and find the "best partner" who can successfully match them, she founded iFeiMedia Ping Company provides a one-stop AI video and music matching platform AV Mapping to help video creators quickly find copyrighted original music One-stop AI image music matching solution to find innovative business opportunities for music creators Generally speaking, in the past, video creators had to work on video music, including composing lyrics, music, and finding copyrights It usually took two weeks Through the AV Mapping video and music matching platform, it can be instantly matched to a suitable video in 10 seconds Music, musicians can also remarket their creations to gain profit sharing, creating a win-win situation This new, decentralized operating model is also favored by the descendants of the late Taiwanese music master Li Taixiang On the platform, you can relive a time when music creation was free to fly Li Zihui has practiced piano since she was a child, participated in choirs and wind bands, and composed her own music Although she studied science and engineering in college - the Department of Surveying and Spatial Information at Cheng Kung University, she joined the imaging team to work on soundtracks from her junior year , and went to the Applied Music Department of Nanyit University to audit After graduating from college, Li Zihui decided to obey the voice in her heart and become a music dreamer Aifei Matching provides a one-stop AI image and music matching solution Aifei Matching provides a one-stop AI image and music matching solution, which mainly uses artificial intelligence image recognition and music analysis Image creators can search and match suitable music by themselves on the platform, and use the system to It can shorten the duration of the soundtrack from 8 hours to a few seconds, a significant reduction of nearly 2,000 times Li Zihui said that in addition to creating suitable soundtracks, traditional video scoring projects also require a lot of time and cost in communication and search, including subsequent post-production processing such as arrangement and recording, and music licensing, which are even more time-consuming and labor-intensive With the assistance of AI, creators can focus all their efforts on creation without worrying about finding suitable music or having their music copyright stolen Integrated virtual and real marketing, from transaction to contract signing with one click At present, AifeiMeiping's music database has a total of 60,000 tracks in more than 60 categories, covering music from Europe, America, Asia and other parts of the world, including pop, EDM, rock, Irish music, etc The original decentralized concept of iFlyMediaPing further protects the rights and interests of musicians Musicians on the platform can set their own prices and track the transaction process, achieving open, transparent and decentralized features There are currently more than 7,000 video and music creators on the platform Music creators who successfully trade on the platform can share profits of more than 40, up to 50 The two parties transact and complete the contract on the platform, and the procedure is very simple AVMapping has a total of 14 AI models, making it easy to find speed dating music Li Zihui said that the AI image music matching solution has a total of 14 AI models The method is to disassemble all elements, conduct music analysis through image recognition and text recognition, and then use machine learning algorithms to train extensively The characteristics of images and music are listed, which can quickly match the soundtrack that suits the image situation, atmosphere, and rhythm In addition to online matchmaking transactions, Aifei Matchmaking also holds physical concert events, inviting music and video creators to participate The content of the event revolves around the display of AI video soundtracks, and a video directed by the director is used on-site to allow music creators to participate PK soundtrack or take out a demonstration video and let AI match it It only takes 10 seconds The images and music matched by AI are very accurate in terms of mood and atmosphere, which amazed the participants Three years of research and development won the Red Dot Design Award, using technology to support the development of music and art Aifei MatchPing spent three years of research and development, and the platform was officially launched in August 2021 In January 2022, it participated in the CES event in Las Vegas, USA, which attracted great attention from reporters present and received more than 100 awards in total media reports, the number of uses in a month has exceeded 1,000 times, attracting 7,000 video and music creators to join the matchmaking platform According to statistics, in the initial stage, the proportion of matchmaking transactions between the United States and Taiwan is evenly divided Li Zihui said that the licensing methods of traditional music are very complex, including types of works, types of copyright property rights, etc To obtain authorization for a song, one must go through a songwriting agency, a collective management group, a production company, a record company, or even a composer , lyricists, it is very cumbersome, and musicians may not necessarily get profit sharing Through the AI image music matching platform, all transaction contracts are completed online, music creators can gain profits, and their creative enthusiasm is constantly stimulated Three steps to help video creators easily complete the soundtrack work It is worth mentioning that NFT Non-fungible token, also known as non-fungible token is currently very popular in the art and cultural market What is the possibility of introducing it into the field of video and music Li Zihui said that the current transaction fees gas fees of Ethereum remain high, and coupled with the conclusions she obtained from attending many gatherings in Los Angeles, the acceptance of NFT is still in the process of brewing However, Aifei Matching is still optimistic about the future of NFT Trend, in the foreseeable future, relevant technologies will still be introduced into the AV Mapping platform to provide more diversified trading methods In order to rapidly expand overseas markets, Li Zihui continues to seek funding from international strategic investors in San Francisco At the same time, due to the appropriate control of the epidemic in Los Angeles, the industry is gradually recovering, and Li Zihui also participates in many offline creative gatherings Aifei Media hopes to become a bridge connecting images and music, introduce well-known user cases in the international market, and let more creators see the power of the platform Aifei Media Ping also frequently reports good news After winning the DSA Digital Advertising Singularity Silver Award and the AWE Female Entrepreneurship Best Potential Award co-organized by the American Institute in Taiwan and META, the one-stop AI video and music matchmaking company founded by Li Zihui The platform AV Mapping also won the Best of the best in the Design Concept of the German Red Dot Award in 2020 We hope to continue to be based on technology and nourished by art Support music creators to create better works Li Zihui, the founder of Aifei Matchping, has won many international awards and is a female entrepreneur with great potential「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】客廳化身為健身房 Uniigym矢志成為健身界的Netflix
Living Room as a Gym: Uniigym Aims to be the Netflix of Fitness

Afflicted by the pandemic, most people choose to stay at home However, for those who enjoy exercising, missing a day at the gym can feel uncomfortable With Uniigym's 'AR Fitness x Uniigym' app, users have access to nearly 1,000 diverse exercise classes With a dedicated AI coach, users can exercise anytime they wish, while also tracking their fitness journey, and understanding their condition completely To encourage public fitness and fight the pandemic together, Uniigym has also collaborated with Chunghwa Telecom, offering free access to the 'AR Fitness x Uniigym' app for 30 days starting from now until the end of June, contributing to the public health effort Founded in 2019 by CEO Yu-Chieh Lin, Uniigym was conceived from the monotony and limited options of gym venues like fitness centers and school gyms, and low interaction with trainers The company aims to make exercising as fun as gaming through technological solutions, starting with their first product—an intelligent dynamic projection system that has gained favor in the fitness market Uniigym continuously innovates fitness products creating a comprehensive platform for sports health Uniigym is dedicated to creating an immersive fitness course platform starting from offline venues to an online platform, thereby achieving a full spectrum of fitness content and increasing data traffic for enhanced monetization capabilities Over three years, Uniigym has continued to develop new products So far, they have reached the third generation of products In addition to the Uniicube, a dynamic projection fitness system, there's also Uniihome, which turns living rooms into gyms through set-top boxes provided by Taiwan Broadband Communications and cable television provider Kbro Furthermore, the third generation, Uniicell, allows users to exercise anywhere anytime with mobile devices and 5G networks Next, Uniigym plans to launch the fourth generation, Uniicare, targeting businesses and government employees with camera and heart-rate devices to gather health data and offer health management solutions Features of the AR Fitness x Uniigym App "Uniigym is a combination of Netflix and Nintendo, aiming to become the Netflix of the fitness world" By lowering the barriers to exercise through Uniigym's diverse workout classes and fostering a national habit of exercise, marketing director Shu-Wei Wang explained the company's strong ambition and its ongoing progress towards these goals Since the launch of the AR Fitness x Uniigym app in collaboration with Chunghwa Telecom in November 2021, the app has seen over 20,000 downloads in less than half a year, featuring nearly 1,000 multi-category classes including aerobics, fat-burning, body sculpting, strength training, yoga, boxing, and popular dance Built-in latest AI posture algorithm for real-time monitoring of exercise state The AR Fitness x Uniigym APP features six key functionalities, consisting of One Celebrity fitness courses, featuring a hundred top instructors, pick and practice anytime without appointment Two AI real-time motion matching that captures 20 skeletal points of the body through the phone's camera, accurately comparing movements and providing instant feedback Three AR fitness trainer, accompanying you in any environment, personally guiding the workouts, making the fitness experience more engaging Four Gesture remote control interface, allowing you to remotely access various features, making operations easier Five Supports screen casting, syncing the phone with TVs and screens to enhance immersive exercise experiences Six Self-data tracking, fully recording fitness progress including exercise hours, calories burned, and training programs AR动滋动 x Uniigym Rise to Exercise, Safeguard Health TAIWAN SAFE Event Introduction Most importantly, the system platform integrates the latest AI posture algorithm, comparing user movements and skeletal points with those of the fitness trainer during exercise, combined with heart-rate belts to display changes in heart rate on the screen during exercise By employing technology in exercise, it not only protects users during training but also helps in logging physical energy consumption, effectively enhancing exercise efficiency and preventing exercise injuries Uniigym is deeply rooted in Taiwan and expanding to international markets In fact, Uniigym's products are iteratively evolved according to different user groups The second generation product, Uniihome, turns living rooms into gyms in collaboration with the television system platforms, Taiwan Broadband Communications and Kbro, featuring set-top boxes with a menu of 1,700 classes, each lasting 3-5 minutes suitable for all family members ranging from grandparents to children, providing a freely selectable fitness menu for different groups AR Fitness x Uniigym App Product Experience Scenario Illustration In the post-pandemic era, exercising at home has become a trend Uniigym's interactive sensor-based fitness courses offer consumers a convenient, economical way to exercise anytime, anywhere It eliminates the need for purchasing fitness equipment or spending on expensive courses, as users can enjoy personal guidance from an AI coach directly through their smartphones, enhancing their willingness and frequency of exercise, playing an essential role in promoting a healthier lifestyle for all Uniigym provides a combination of online and offline AI cloud-based interactive sensor technology services, matched with home settings and various types of exercise spaces, to offer consumers an entry-level threshold to enjoy professional and entertaining fitness experiences anytime, anywhere This innovative business model has attracted investments from renowned Taiwanese listed companies such as, Nan Yih Textile and Taishin International Bank, and also partnerships with notable international sports enterprises like Decathlon Besides deep-rooting in the Taiwanese market, Uniigym is also actively expanding into international markets including Singapore, Thailand, and China This year 2022, Uniigym plans to launch its products with the Singaporean telecom group Singtel, allowing Chinese-speaking users and a broad international audience to enjoy new interactive sensor-based fitness courses In the future, Uniigym will also introduce home-based health management solutions for corporate and government employees, where employee health data is collected during exercise through cameras or heart rate devices, analyzed, integrated, and linked with health and medical data to achieve preventive medical goals Uniigym founder and CEO, Yu-Chieh Lin「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

AI Understands Marketing?! Tammy Technology's Personalized Recommendation Service Helps Fashion E-commerce Increase Conversion Rates by 3 Times

Having experienced small to medium-sized e-commerce, founders and CEO Zi-Hao Huang and co-founder and COO Yi-Ting Li of Tammy Technology decided to tackle the marketing challenges of all e-commerce personnel using AI technology Focusing on fashion e-commerce, Tammy Technology's personalized recommendation SaaS Software as a Service helps small to medium enterprises tackle the rising costs of marketing and the overwhelming data, enhancing conversion rates and average order value, becoming an invaluable AI assistant in the fashion e-commerce industry Enhancing conversion rates has always been a major challenge for all e-commerce platforms Unlike major players like Google and Facebook who collect browsing history to target interested messages or advertisements, smaller e-commerce businesses lack the resources and manpower to construct data analysis systems or tools Company Position Marketing technology team for small and medium-sized e-commerce utilizing AI to establish automated marketing Established in 2016, Tammy Technology initially aimed to become 'the marketing technology team for small to medium-sized e-commerce,' hoping to resolve challenges of low conversion rates and customer retention through data analysis and personalized recommendation services 'Daniel referring to Zi-Hao Huang and I have both worked in small to medium e-commerce I handled branding, marketing, and design, while he managed backend systems, project management, and development launches, almost everyone was multitasking' Understanding the pain points of e-commerce operators, they decided to help small and medium enterprises by developing automated marketing systems and a personalized recommendation SaaS, aiding those with limited marketing resources Through AI technology, analyze consumer purchase preferences and provide personalized recommendation services By analyzing each consumer's purchase preferences using AI technology and storing their digital footprints in the backend for data analysis, Tammy Technology stands apart from traditional recommendation systems that categorize customers They offer personalized product recommendations based on each individual's style preferences to achieve precise marketing objectives Yi-Ting Li emphasizes that Tammy Technology's personalized recommendation service has two main functions one is to make website personalized recommendations, and the second is to integrate with marketing channels such as email, SMS, and chatbots chatbot to send personalized promotional messages When consumers enter the official website, based on consumer profiles and preferences, different product recommendations can be provided on each page Individual products also have different recommendation systems on different website pages, providing each consumer with a unique shopping experience after entering the site Using deep learning AI technology, Tammy Technology analyzes consumer behaviors at various online shopping touchpoints through various devices, digitalizing all consumer behavioral data to build consumer profiles For example, a consumer with high purchasing frequency designated as VIP, whose preferences for Morandi color schemes, lace materials, high-neck styles, etc, are recorded and tagged When browsing the store's website, the website will recommend corresponding products based on these purchase preference tags for VIP, and can also set customized discounts and pop-up windows, or send personalized messages through mobile SMS, email, etc, ensuring each customer receives discounts that fit their needs At this stage, Tammy Technology's client base includes male and female apparel, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, and other fashion design industries with a strong personalized color Many clients have seen significant results after introducing personalized recommendation services For example, Shu Uemura under the L'Oreal Paris group, specializing in high-performance skin products and trendy makeup products and professional makeup tools, experienced a significant increase in conversion rates by 3 times and a revenue increase of 18 times after adopting Tammy Technology's service Additionally, the well-known apparel business iRoo, after installing a personalized recommendation system on the official website and integrating digital marketing channels like Line and Chatbot, saw the conversion rate rise more than 5 times, with a monthly revenue increase of 21 The pricing model is subscription-based, with large corporations being charged based on specific feature needs The overall effect after customer usage achieves at least a 3 times increase in conversion rate, and an average of 2 times growth in average order value New client base After apparel and cosmetics, pushing into the home decor industry Despite the overall increase in e-commerce sales, the personalized recommendation service has shown impressive results However, due to the pandemic, non-essential fashion industries have been impacted Tammy Technology, which primarily relies on the fashion design industry, saw a decrease in e-commerce performance by about 30 during the pandemic To diversify operational risks, starting from 2022, Tammy Technology expanded its service clientele to include distinctive, quality-type home furniture and living products As for why not expand the client base to 3C products Yi-Ting Li explains, 3C products focus on cost-effectiveness and brand strength, like Apple computers which have a loyal group of fans, making it challenging to sway their purchasing behavior However, apparel, cosmetics, and home decor focus on personalization, style, and taste, like apparel with the fast, short-term 'fast fashion' trends, updating products weekly, and seasonal characteristics, updating personalized recommendations every 3-5 days and cosmetics, including makeup and skincare, which have high customer loyalty and repurchase rates, are most suitable for recommendations and proactive discount messaging Makeup and outfits represent personal taste, thus these two industries can complement each other in personalized recommendations To accelerate the process of integrating businesses with personalized recommendations, it is necessary to establish an SOP,' Yi-Ting Li continued, 'Tammy Technology, by introducing recommendation services in the fashion design industry, has constructed a service process SOP to facilitate rapid successful experience replication, expecting to quickly integrate into the life and home industry in the second half of the year New business model Establishing a new marketing model centered on the consumer Currently, Tammy Technology's client number has exceeded 2000, including globally renowned fashion brands like L'Oreal and BLUE WAY The future focus will remain overseas, aiming for markets like Hong Kong, Singapore, and North America Tammy Technology, with its successful experience of integrating recommendation systems into fashion e-commerce, has gained investors' favor, securing investments from domestic and international accelerators in 2021, raising a total of 70 million New Taiwan dollars, allowing for workforce and scale expansion Future plans include integrating investor resources to establish a new marketing model centered on consumers Tammy Technology co-founder and COO Yi-Ting Li「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」