
【2021 Application Example】 Savior of Wastewater Treatment: Combining Big Data and AI Technology Opens Another Horizon in the Environmental Industry

As water resources deplete and environmental protection needs increase, wastewater treatment plants have increasingly adopted AI technology to assist in monitoring and warning systems. Zhongxin行's integration of big data and AI technology has opened up new possibilities in the environmental industry. In the future, besides boosting the technological momentum of the wastewater treatment industry, it can also be promoted to other industries to foster technological and economic development.

Founded in year 1980 as Zhongxin Engineering (later renamed to Zhongxin行 Company Limited), it is one of the largest and most technically equipped environmental companies in the domestic operation and maintenance field. Zhongxin行's achievements in the operation and maintenance of sewer systems span across Taiwan, including science parks, industrial zones, international airports, schools, collective housing, national parks, and factories.

Introduction of AI systems in wastewater plants Precisely reduces medication addition times and lowers the risk of penalties for water quality violations

At the wastewater treatment plant in Hsinchu Science Park, Zhongxin行 introduced the 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' which accurately predicts air volume control and reduces medication times, thus lowering the risk of hefty fines. Zhongxin行 points out that with the vigorous development of advanced industries and increasingly strict effluent standards, a slight misalignment in equipment control can lead to major discrepancies in water quality.

In recent years, many wastewater treatment facilities have incorporated automatic control functions, yet onsite conditions often deviate slightly from theoretical expectations, causing situations where good treatment technologies must continuously adapt and adjust to achieve effective effluent water quality control. 'The better the quality of the effluent, the greater the pressure on the operators. This is the biggest pain point for Zhongxin行,' said a senior manager candidly.

Regular water quality testing and equipment maintenance ensure that effluent water stays below legal standards.

▲ Regular water quality testing and equipment maintenance ensure that effluent water stays below legal standards.

This means that operators need to be on top of equipment and water quality conditions daily. If there are sudden anomalies in influent water quality or equipment malfunctions, linked issues can lead to pollution. Therefore, besides performing regular maintenance and testing, it is critical to constantly monitor the dashboard to ensure system stability, consuming both manpower and mental energy.

Zhongxin行's on-site operators work 24-hour shifts, constantly monitoring effluent water quality. Combined with laboratory water testing and analysis, if the wastewater treatment values do not meet requirements, they face both administrative and contractual fines from environmental agencies and granting authorities, which also create significant psychological pressure on the employees.

Over the years, Zhongxin行 has built up a vast database of water quality information and invaluable experience passed down among employees, allowing a comprehensive understanding of the entire system's operational characteristics. Moreover, by analyzing equipment or water quality data for key signals, problems in the treatment units can be pinpointed. If AI technology could be adopted to replace manual inspections of wastewater sources and generate pre-warning signals for systematic assessment, it would significantly alleviate the pressure on staff.

Response time reduced from 8 hours to 4 hours, saving half the time

By implementing 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' Zhongxin行 utilizes accumulated wastewater data along with verbal recounts of operator experiences on-site. With the support of AI technology and environmental engineering principles, key parameters in the biological treatment unit such as carbon source dosages and aeration can be effectively controlled. Through the AI transformation of wastewater treatment, a balance is achieved among pollutant removal, microbial growth, equipment energy conservation, and operation economization, achieving rationalized control parameters.

Carbon source and aeration parameter adjustment steps range from data collection, model training to prediction verification.

▲ Carbon source and aeration parameter adjustment steps range from data collection, model training to prediction verification.

In the long run, incorporating historical data calculations, AI can operate within known boundary conditions, not only recording past water quality and equipment operational characteristics far more accurately, but also developing predictive models to find optimal solutions that offer the best results in terms of chemical use, energy saving, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and pollutant removal.

According to Zhongxin行's estimates, originally due to human parameter adjustments leading to errors, controlling response time would take about 8 hours. With the introduction of AI technology, not only can measurement errors be reduced, but also the control response time can be shortened to 4 hours, saving around half the time. This enhancement increases the turnover rate of personnel and effectively reduces the risks of penalties due to operator errors and thus markedly reducing the pressure on employees.

Dashboard digital display panel illustration.

▲Dashboard digital display panel illustration

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Advancing to Smart Logistics 5.0: Hsinchu Logistics Delivers Medical Materials with Ultra-High Efficiency

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content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Preventing Problems Before They Arise: Leadtek Research Develops AI Technology for Early Detection of Heart Failure Symptoms

With the increase in the elderly population, the incidence of various chronic diseases is rising daily Among these, heart failure is not only a silent killer it has a very long disease course with a high recurrence rate, leading to increased burden on healthcare personnel However, by using medically certified electrocardiography acoustics devices, coupled with AI predictive assessment of heart failure risk and remote care systems, diagnosis can be aided significantly, helping doctors make accurate diagnoses for subsequent patient medical care or referrals Heart failure has a lengthy course and medical expenditure is five times that of diabetes If you find yourself short of breath even with minimal movement, or if you wake up from sleep needing to sit up to feel comfortable, or if you have symptoms such as swollen lower limbs, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, or a loss of appetite, be cautious These could be signs of heart failure According to statistics, there are about 60 million people with heart failure worldwide, with 5 million new cases every year In China, nearly 290 million people suffer from cardiovascular diseases, accounting for the second leading cause of death among urban residents around 12 million of these are heart failure patients, accounting for over 59 of cardiac-related deaths The disease course of heart failure is exceptionally long, and both its recurrence and rehospitalization rates are exceedingly high, resulting in medical costs that are twice that of hypertension and five times those of diabetes According to US research statistics, the 30-day mortality rates for patients with myocardial infarction and heart failure are respectively 166 and 111, and the rehospitalization rates within 30 days are 199 and 244 The symptoms of heart failure, because they are similar to those of other diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, have an 185 misdiagnosis rate, which poses a challenging problem for healthcare institutions Leadtek, a major graphics card manufacturer, has been investing in the medical and healthcare sector since 2000 Following two heart attacks in 2011 and 2015 experienced by Chairman Lu Kunshan, Leadtek has focused on health big data, independently developing AI technology for heart failure recognition This AI application reads patients' electrocardiograms and phonocardiograms to perform anomaly detection and model prediction of heart failure risk, enabling early detection of disease symptoms Leadtek independently developed heart failure AI recognition technology to predict medical history and risk Leadtek's independently developed heart failure AI recognition technology has the following three judgment functions 1 Prediction of heart failure history Classifies electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram data into 'with hospitalization history of heart failure' and 'no history of heart failure' 2 Risk prediction of heart failure Provides a predictive risk value of heart failure occurrence based on the electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram data 3 Prediction of heart failure recurrence risk For patients with heart failure, it reads their phonocardiogram and electrocardiogram data, assessing the risk prediction of heart failure recurrence Leadtek states that the application of heart failure AI recognition technology can assist doctors in making more efficient and accurate diagnoses, facilitating subsequent medical treatment or referrals for patients As an instance, in studies of heart failure patients discharged from Taipei Veterans General Hospital, using the EMAT Electromechanical Activation Time index and SDI Systolic Dysfunction Index calculated by the synchronized electrocardiography-acoustic device as treatment guidelines resulted in a higher survival rate compared to those treated based on traditional symptoms This research has also been published in the authoritative international cardiology journal JACC, receiving recognition in the international market System manufacturers can apply heart failure AI recognition technology for other value-added applications Leadtek states that cooperating system manufacturers can choose to build their own heart failure AI risk prediction engine, uploading their system's electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram data to Leadtek's heart failure AI risk prediction engine, which then returns risk prediction values for integration by system manufacturers cooperating manufacturers as a value-added application input Not just for clinical use, the heart failure AI risk prediction engine can also be extended for use at home or in the workplace Additionally, this system can be extended to other applications, including One, hospital outpatient screening Doctors can use the electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram recorder along with the heart failure AI risk prediction model to conduct a 10-second rapid test in outpatient and emergency departments to assess a patient's cardiac history and heart failure risk Two, discharge risk assessment Doctors can use the electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram recorder along with the heart failure AI risk prediction model to assess the heart failure risk during a patient's hospital stay The test data can serve as a pre-discharge risk assessment and prognostic indicator Three, continuous home care Patients can use the electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram recorder, wearable electrocardiogram recorder, and transmit through a home transmission box gateway to measure electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram signals at home and upload them to the amor health cloud platform for heart failure AI risk prediction analysis Patients can manage their health autonomously via an APP, reviewing historical physiological trends disease management nurses can manage member health through the health management backend Web Four, home rehabilitation training Patients can wear a health bracelet to monitor activity, fatigue, circulation, and sleep, autonomously managing their health through the mobile APP and observing the risk of heart failure, engaging in exercise and rehabilitation training to aid in swift recovery The heart failure AI recognition technology system can also be extended to employee home care applications Additionally, in factories or offices, this system can also achieve employee health management goals, with applications including One, workplace safety units Provide employees with wearable electrocardiogram recorders before they start work duties Two, physiological monitoring for business executors While executing business duties or training, employees wear wearable electrocardiogram recorders for fatigue warnings, signaling whether physiological conditions allow continued execution of tasks Task segments can use data transmission boxes or apps to upload physiological monitoring information to the health management platform, assessing the heart failure risk for operations staff, with test data serving as an indicator for enterprise resource human units and public safety Three, workplace physiological monitoring center care The workplace physiological monitoring center can inspect and record employees' historicalphysiological trends through the health cloud platform Four, workplace nursing units Nursing units receiving instructions from the physiological monitoring center can provide health management advice based on employees' physiological trends nursing centers can manage employee health through the health management backend Web Five, employees can wear health bracelets to monitor activity, fatigue, circulation, and sleep, autonomously managing their health and observing the risk of heart failure through the mobile APP, engaging in exercise and rehabilitation training to aid in rapid recovery Workplace application of heart failure cloud care and big data center diagram「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Eastern Home Shopping Implements OneID AI Traffic Monetization Service, Cost-Effectiveness Up to 2 Times

How to integrate consumer data from various group companies to create advertising synergy and enhance the conversion rate of e-commerce guided orders is probably what every cross-industry business owner dreams of No problem, this can be achieved gradually through AI Eastern Home Shopping is affiliated with the Eastern International Group, which includes East International, Eastern News Cloud, Eastern Insurance Representatives, Eastern Natural Beauty, Eastern Global Marketing, Eastern Pet Cloud, HerEastern, Focus Media, Hong Kong Strawberry Net, and Bear Mom's Vegetable Market, among other companies With cross-industry and cross-domain relationships within the group, and independent operations of membership systems in each unit, consumer data could not be exchanged within the group, making it difficult to uphold Eastern Group's promise to 'place customers in a godly position' Eastern Group’s companies cover a wide range of industries, with large and scattered member databases The Eastern Group boasts significant member traffic and has applied AI news recommendation algorithms and other related technologies across various venues However, the independence of member systems in each unit of the Eastern Group prevents the exchange of consumer data within the group, lacking a comprehensive basis for consumer behavior analysis This results in the inability to enhance the precision of personalized services and marketing strategies When analyzing the challenges and trends of the current retail market, Eastern Group remarked that in response to changing consumer demands, non-traditional business models are emerging, leading to the fragmentation of retail Various emerging business models provide services or products catering to their niche markets, leading consumers to rely less on traditional retail models Retail fragmentation, becoming more apparent in emerging countries, rapidly develops new forms of retail such as high-growth flash sale eCommerce, which threatens traditional B2B2C eCommerce platforms These emerging business models quickly divide traditional retail spaces and could revolutionize existing market rules The retail market is expected to continue evolving towards segmentation The rapid integration of AI applications in the new retail industry to meet highly competitive markets Under the trend of merging physical and digital realms, the line between offline retailers and online e-commerce is increasingly blurred Offline retailers are setting up brand official websites and developing brand apps, investing in e-commerce platforms, while e-commerce operators are starting to established offline physical experience stores, enhancing touchpoints with customers Both are exploring consumer data profiles through offline-online integration, based on AI technologies like machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, language processing, mobility control, and decision-making technologies to actively integrate intelligent retail AI applications, shaping the new retail industry Additionally, Google Chrome claimed in 2021 that it would disable 3rd party cookie functionality within two years, causing retail companies to lose the ability to track personalization via Cookies and understand user behavior across different times, locations, and ads This will prevent cross-device, cross-platform tracking, forcing companies to transform and face big challenges in traffic advertising sales Therefore, the Eastern Group decided to implement the 'OneID AI Traffic Monetization Service Validation Plan', establishing an exclusive data alliance for the Eastern Group, using 'Unified ID' for cross-industry, cross-service data exchange Transforming from collecting personalized data of related companies to analyzing common behavioral characteristics of consumers across industries, segmenting them to obtain users with similar behaviors, and providing interesting content Additionally, utilizing first-party data and AI technologies to improve ad click-through rates, enhancing the advertising value and e-commerce guided order conversion rates This AI technology project is co-developed by Eastern and ASUS computers, encompassing major development tasks such as project planning, system architecture design, system environment setup, algorithm development, algorithm model validation, and system verification The employed technologies include a big data parallel processing framework, natural language processing, user recommendation embedding systems, similarity search, search engine indexing, and click rate prediction This project aims to develop a comprehensive data collection, processing, and integration platform 'Data Middleware', collecting various data sources, focusing on users as the basic unit, forming structured data tables, and calculating user tags for precise characterization of each user Subsequently, this data is utilized for precise AI advertisement placements Eastern Data Middleware structure diagram Eastern Home Shopping introduces OneID AI Traffic Monetization Service, predicting cost-effectiveness to be up to 2 times Eastern stated that this project primarily applies 'user behavior data' and 'AI technology', with user behavior data provided by the Eastern Group and AI technology being co-developed by company and ASUS teams, covering systems such as AD Serve, precise audience estimation system, AI automatic optimization system, advertising efficacy system, and user profiling system The customer data and traffic of AI technology co-developed with ASUS remain independent and not interconnected According to estimates, this development project's total cost-effectiveness could reach 200, expected to precisely capture the user's digital trajectories, behavior, and profiles, potentially resulting in significant growth in customer lifetime value LTV, effectively integrating Eastern's online and offline services, enhancing membership service content, and substantially increasing corporate value In the future, as the Eastern Group continues to expand into international markets, it currently targets Mainland China as the primary promotion market, extending the entire service module with Eastern Global’s operational model to the global Chinese market while ensuring compliance with GDPA, merging it with Strawberry Net to provide Eastern's new retail services with the advantages of big data and AI globally Eastern Group will expand its services and technology to the global market through Strawberry Net「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」