
【2020 Application Example】 AI-Enhanced 'Banana Contract Cooperation Management System', Effectively Increasing Banana Export Value!

Banana industry faces low-priced impacts from abroad

In recent years, our country's banana industry has been impacted by low prices from the Philippines and Ecuador, with sales volumes decreasing annually, no longer seeing the golden era of Taiwan's banana exports to Japan.

The structure of banana pricing at the green stage doesn't vary much internationally, with similar inputs of fertilizers and harvested weights among countries. However, international banana pricing for a box from the Philippines is around 11 USD, whereas Taiwanese bananas cost around 22 USD per box. This is primarily due to the efficiency of investment capital and output at the 'collection centers' post-harvest. The fragmented and scattered local farmlands substantially increase the costs of final products and thus restrict the export dynamics.

Furthermore, climate change affects the traditional southern export regions for Taiwanese bananas. Warmer winters and altered summer rainfall patterns affect the physiognomies of the bananas produced, causing their size to rapidly exceed export standards and increasing the cost per unit of qualified goods during collection center processing; or excessive water content which depreciates the taste historically associated with them, leading to a decrease in market prices. These pressures from rising costs and dropping prices further squeeze the commercial value and viability of Taiwanese bananas.

Differences in planting environment affecting the stability of banana quality for export

A fruit and vegetable cooperative in Yunlin County, originally a domestic banana collection center located in Yunlin, wasn't historically a part of Taiwan's banana export regions. Since a field survey conducted in 2017 by TaiNong Co., Ltd., it was discovered that the quality of bananas produced in Yunlin has been comparatively stable against those from the southern regions. The tighter organization of local farmers and crop rotation practices between rice and banana farms helped reduce incidences of Yellow Leaf Disease and effectively maintain production levels.

Banana export

▲ Banana export

However, without prior experience in exports, TaiNong gradually introduced Japanese standards for exporting with the local farmers, defining the size and width of fruit fingers, stalk cutting, and boxing methods. This aims to gradually establish a banana export hub in the central region. Yet, the climate in Yunlin significantly differs from the southern regions. Current practices in banana exporting are based on experiences from Kaohsiung and Pingtung and do not incorporate how the shift in production areas northwards affects banana growth. Hence, there remain excessive rejections at the collection centers occasionally causing disputes among farmers.

Agricultural risk management data service, development of banana specification volume fluctuation prediction model


By integrating dataset including collection centers' incoming batch container numbers, origin, banana quantities, data on each box of fruit bunches, and data of defect sampling records, along with internal purchase prices and prices from various purchasers, through the Banana Contract Cooperation Management System linked with data decision analysis systems and APIs, it supports subsequent judgments by providing analysis data to the fruit and vegetable production cooperative.


Visualized harvest scheduling analysis

▲ Visualized harvest scheduling analysis

By leveraging varied predictive analytic outcomes of banana specifications, collection centers can utilize this as an advance warning and risk management decision-making tool, further adjusting supply to tackle inconsistent production capacity and specifications faced during acquisition.

Fruit and vegetable cooperative X TaiNong X Youyou Data Applications collaborating closely, creating a win-win-win!

This successful alliance formed a close cooperative relationship between the place of production, TaiNong, and Youyou Data. Previously, farmers often distrusted traders, and traders lacked control over farmers, leading to conflicts. This alliance allows the requirements of the distribution side to reflect actual shipment specification fluctuations and present them digitally, enabling farmers to objectively understand their shipping quality and empathize with the difficulties of traders, thus fostering cooperation.

Innovative model of banana contract management

TaiNong's cooperation with Youyou Data on the banana contract management system provides a platform that combines crop physiology with climate predictions to obtain foresight data. For other products managed by TaiNong, such as pineapples, lettuce, carrots, and pineapple sugar apples, this has been greatly enlightening.

In the future, by facilitating farmers to participate in the Production History System and connecting land registry data with this contract system, the introduction of the Production History System will be aided. This system is also considered by TaiNong for commercial acquisition moving forward.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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display and sales, lacking sufficient technical resources to handle enhancing the consumer experience Insider is a marketing technology martech company with offices in 25 cities globally, including a professional consultancy team in Taiwan that provides localized digital solutions Committed to optimizing digital marketing effectiveness with technology, Insider helps brands drive digital growth and is a partner to many domestic and global enterprises including Watsons, Carrefour, IKEA, Lenovo, Adidas, Sinyi Realty, and Singapore Airlines Insider has shown outstanding performance in improving customer conversion rates, repurchase rates, and advertising ROI through AI technology Watsons introduced Insider's AI algorithms primarily for enhancing customer experience, using AI's personalized and integrated marketing modules to elevate the customer interaction and improve e-commerce conversion rates Additionally, AI functionalities search for the right customers, expanding new customer groups and providing a superior shopping experience Page-specific Discount Code Copy Feature Recommended Based on Customer Behavior Insider has developed various technological modules that can be applied in different customer scenarios to enhance conversion rates Currently, Watsons' e-commerce websiteAPP utilizes different Insider modules, with some parts also tailored based on Watsons' unique attributes such as necessities repurchase, app navigation, and scratch card discounts, designing conversion kits or personalized recommendation modules for specific customer situations within Watsons Introduction of WebAPP Personalized Recommendation and Conversion Module Kits Effectively Increases Conversion Rates by 10 Watsons has already introduced the first four of the planned modules, with a full rollout of all five modules expected by 2021, aiming to enhance both online and offline cross-sales and thereby comprehensively improve Watsons’ overall e-commerce and retail performance 1 Web RecommendationConversion Suit 2 App RecommendationConversion Suit 3 InStory for eCommerce 4 Mobile App Template Store 5 Insider Architect Watsons has currently implemented the AT module, with completion expected by the end of 2021 Since partnering with Insider in 2020, Watsons has introduced WebAPP personalized recommendation and conversion module kits, effectively increasing transaction conversion rates by an average of over 10, with ROAS Return on Ad Spend averaging over 10 Watsons also hopes to integrate POS sales records into Insider's CDP Customer Data Platform to achieve a more optimized OO interaction mechanism and complete an all-channel consumer experience By combining Insider's AI technology, Watsons' self-operated official website, supplemented by extensive in-store sales data and member consumer behaviors, along with AI's personalized recommendations delivered at optimal points, the technology will significantly boost consumer transactions online and interactive opportunities in-store Utilizing new technologies in the competitive e-commerce sector allows Watsons to maintain a unique leadership position in the beautyhealth category in the consumers' minds「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」