
【2020 Application Example】 AI Cold Chain Transportation Breakage Warning System - Reducing the Proportion of Temperature Loss in Chilled Products and Enhancing Product Value!

Direct delivery of fresh vegetables and fruits from Shangqing, temperature control is key

Preserving the freshness of vegetables and fruits is one of the crucial aspects of the agricultural production and sales model. Enhancing the efficiency of fresh preservation and integrating cold chain transportation management are critical issues that agriculture businesses need to address. In Taiwan, agricultural lands are small and scattered; hence, entering the cold chain transportation immediately after harvesting and strict temperature control are essential for maintaining freshness.

Instances of temperature loss and cold chain transportation breakdowns are increasingly evident

The vegetables supplied by the vendor have been highly favored in the market recently, achieving record sales in chain supermarkets and making efforts to enter higher-end consumer markets. Recent acquisitions of fresh vegetable supply channels from McDonald's, Costco, and Taiwan Plastic's Steakhouse highlight the need for previously unnoticed issues in the company's own cold chain transportation system to be addressed and enhanced for storage and transportation efficacy.

Incorporating more IoT and AI architecture and functionalities

This 'AI Cold Chain Transportation Breakage Warning System' uses IoT and AI technology to help vegetable suppliers analyze their cold chain systems, particularly focusing on personnel management and resource wastage or damage to fresh products due to improper decisions by personnel.

By using the Beacon system, AI analyzes the movement paths of chilled goods within and outside the company, personnel needs management, and data analytics. It considers neural network learning elements like 'movement paths of chilled goods after storage', 'personnel involvement', and 'product quality at sale'. By learning through AI, the system solves and enhances 'internal personnel merchandise quality', 'external chilled vehicle service quality', and establishes 'product quality monitoring and warning' functionalities, achieving comprehensive beneficial effects!

IoT sensor data collection

Based on different needs of each refrigerated space of the vegetable supplier, temperature or humidity abnormality alarms are set. When an anomaly occurs, the authorized person's app notifies with a push notification and informs the SOP. For more critical issues, an SMS push service is available to notify surveillance personnel not equipped with the app to handle urgent procedures at once, minimizing loss.

Temperature and humidity sensors placed in refrigerated spaces

▲Temperature and humidity sensors placed in refrigerated spaces

Refrigerated storage monitoring system APP screen

▲Refrigerated storage monitoring system APP screen






















「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Massive Digital Engineering AOI Intelligent Robotic Arm Inspection System Significantly Improves Defect Detection Accuracy

Taiwan is known as a manufacturing powerhouse, yet quality defect detection has always been a chronic sore point in production lines While AOI equipment is available to assist, most use fixed machinery which are limited by angles, resulting in less precise diagnostics and high false positive rates Massive Digital Engineering introduced an AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system that effectively reduces false positives and increases the accuracy of defect detection Generally, the yield rate of products affects the costs for enterprises and the return rate for customers The quality defect detection process in the manufacturing industry often necessitates a substantial amount of quality inspection labor Although there is AOI equipment to assist, these tools are mostly fixed detection machines Fixed cameras are easily limited by angles, resulting in less precise diagnostics and high false positive rates Thus, personnel need to re-screen and inspect afterwards, often manually visual inspection misses defects on average about 5, and can be as high as 20 Three major pain points in manufacturing quality detection Robotic Arm AOI with dynamic multi-angle inspection helps to solve these issues According to the practical understanding by Massive Digital Engineering, there are three main pain points in detecting product quality within the manufacturing industry Pain point one, manual inspection of product quality is prone to errors Currently, the manufacturing industry largely relies on human labor to inspect product appearance, but human judgment often entails errors, such as surface scratches, color differences, solder appearance, etc The error rate in defect judgment is high, and can only be inspected at the finished product stage, often leading to whole batch rejections and high costs in labor and production Pain point two, inability to quantify and record data from quality inspections Traditional manual inspections do not maintain inspection data, which makes it difficult to assign responsibility when quality disputes occur Moreover, high-end contract manufacturing orders from overseas brands often require traceability and corresponding defect records, which traditional human inspection methods struggle to meet Pain point three, limitations of traditional AOI visual inspection systems Current manufacturing uses AOI visual inspection systems, which due to the limitations of visual software technology, employ fixed cameras, fixed lighting, and single-angle operations This method may handle flat or linear-shaped products like rectangular or square items at a single inspection point However, it is more challenging to implement for products with complex shapes eg, irregular automotive parts, requiring multi-point and multi-degree inspections Massive Digital Engineering developed an AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system, effectively improving the accuracy of defect detection To address the pain points in quality inspection in manufacturing, Massive Digital Engineering initiated the concept of developing a multi-angle, movable inspection device, starting with the combination of two representative technologies in factory automation - robotic arms and machine vision By integrating robotic arms with AOI for dynamic multi-angle AI real-time quality inspection, the limitations of fixed inspection systems are addressed, and visual inspection techniques are enhanced by leveraging artificial intelligence, further elevating the sampling of images from flat to multi-dimensional and multi-angular Selected the automotive industry as the real-world testing ground to quickly respond to customer needs The AOI intelligent robotic arm detection system, utilizing AI technology including unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and semi-supervised learning, allows operators to use unsupervised deep learning techniques to learn about good products even when initial samples are incomplete or there are no defective samples, applying it in the visual inspection of automatic welding of car trusses This can solve issues of limited angles with fixed machinery before implementation, less precise diagnostics, and high false positive rates Automotive components are high in unit price and demand a stricter defect detection accuracy In industries that have adopted AI services, the automotive manufacturing sector was chosen as the real-world testing ground Massive Digital Engineering states that the automotive industry mainly consists of related component manufacturers and components typically have a higher unit price, hence requiring more in terms of quality inspection and yield rates, and demanding stricter accuracy Therefore, the automotive sector was chosen as the area for introduction By using a robotic arm combined with AI for dynamic multi-angle AOI visual real-time quality inspection, not only can the defect quality error rate of automotive components be improved, but the fixed-point AOI optical inspection can be enhanced to meet the measurement needs of most industries and finally, establishing a third-party system platform to build an integrated monitoring system platform, enabling immediate response and action when issues arise This system allows for recording and storing important data of products leaving the factory, serving as a basis for future digital production lines and virtual production At the same time, in the event of defects, it can immediately connect to Massive's MES monitoring system, quickly responding to the relevant manufacturing decision-making department, subsequently utilizing ERP systems for project management and reviews, effectively improving production efficiency and reducing production costs Helps to reduce communication costs and aims to become an industry standard In terms of industry integration, it provides a foundational standard for data continuity among upstream and downstream businesses, reducing communication costs within the supply chain Through certification of the contract manufacturers and brand owners, there is a chance to become the industry standard configuration Through the data database established by this project, operators can further optimize their supply chain management solutions using big data analysis Data Analysis, based on data, establish forecast planning, and utilizing technology to link upstream and downstream data of the supply chain, accurately controlling product quality In the future, when interfacing with European, American, and Japanese markets, which demand highly fine-tuned orders, operators can respond and integrate the industry supply chain Supply Chain more swiftly Ultimately, through the benchmark demonstration industry's field verification, such as with the automotive component manufacturing industry used as the benchmark demonstration field, by implementing the robotic arm combined with AI for dynamic multi-angle AOI visual real-time quality inspection system project, the supply chain connection between automotive contract manufacturers and OEMs can be optimized, becoming the industry standard Further seeking more AI teams to join the cross-industry development on the field collaboration platform, driving the overall ecosystem combining AI innovation with field application Self-driving vehicle developed by Massive Digital Engineering「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Savior of Wastewater Treatment: Combining Big Data and AI Technology Opens Another Horizon in the Environmental Industry

As water resources deplete and environmental protection needs increase, wastewater treatment plants have increasingly adopted AI technology to assist in monitoring and warning systems Zhongxin行's integration of big data and AI technology has opened up new possibilities in the environmental industry In the future, besides boosting the technological momentum of the wastewater treatment industry, it can also be promoted to other industries to foster technological and economic development Founded in year 1980 as Zhongxin Engineering later renamed to Zhongxin行 Company Limited, it is one of the largest and most technically equipped environmental companies in the domestic operation and maintenance field Zhongxin行's achievements in the operation and maintenance of sewer systems span across Taiwan, including science parks, industrial zones, international airports, schools, collective housing, national parks, and factories Introduction of AI systems in wastewater plants Precisely reduces medication addition times and lowers the risk of penalties for water quality violations At the wastewater treatment plant in Hsinchu Science Park, Zhongxin行 introduced the 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' which accurately predicts air volume control and reduces medication times, thus lowering the risk of hefty fines Zhongxin行 points out that with the vigorous development of advanced industries and increasingly strict effluent standards, a slight misalignment in equipment control can lead to major discrepancies in water quality In recent years, many wastewater treatment facilities have incorporated automatic control functions, yet onsite conditions often deviate slightly from theoretical expectations, causing situations where good treatment technologies must continuously adapt and adjust to achieve effective effluent water quality control 'The better the quality of the effluent, the greater the pressure on the operators This is the biggest pain point for Zhongxin行,' said a senior manager candidly Regular water quality testing and equipment maintenance ensure that effluent water stays below legal standards This means that operators need to be on top of equipment and water quality conditions daily If there are sudden anomalies in influent water quality or equipment malfunctions, linked issues can lead to pollution Therefore, besides performing regular maintenance and testing, it is critical to constantly monitor the dashboard to ensure system stability, consuming both manpower and mental energy Zhongxin行's on-site operators work 24-hour shifts, constantly monitoring effluent water quality Combined with laboratory water testing and analysis, if the wastewater treatment values do not meet requirements, they face both administrative and contractual fines from environmental agencies and granting authorities, which also create significant psychological pressure on the employees Over the years, Zhongxin行 has built up a vast database of water quality information and invaluable experience passed down among employees, allowing a comprehensive understanding of the entire system's operational characteristics Moreover, by analyzing equipment or water quality data for key signals, problems in the treatment units can be pinpointed If AI technology could be adopted to replace manual inspections of wastewater sources and generate pre-warning signals for systematic assessment, it would significantly alleviate the pressure on staff Response time reduced from 8 hours to 4 hours, saving half the time By implementing 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' Zhongxin行 utilizes accumulated wastewater data along with verbal recounts of operator experiences on-site With the support of AI technology and environmental engineering principles, key parameters in the biological treatment unit such as carbon source dosages and aeration can be effectively controlled Through the AI transformation of wastewater treatment, a balance is achieved among pollutant removal, microbial growth, equipment energy conservation, and operation economization, achieving rationalized control parameters Carbon source and aeration parameter adjustment steps range from data collection, model training to prediction verification In the long run, incorporating historical data calculations, AI can operate within known boundary conditions, not only recording past water quality and equipment operational characteristics far more accurately, but also developing predictive models to find optimal solutions that offer the best results in terms of chemical use, energy saving, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and pollutant removal According to Zhongxin行's estimates, originally due to human parameter adjustments leading to errors, controlling response time would take about 8 hours With the introduction of AI technology, not only can measurement errors be reduced, but also the control response time can be shortened to 4 hours, saving around half the time This enhancement increases the turnover rate of personnel and effectively reduces the risks of penalties due to operator errors and thus markedly reducing the pressure on employees Dashboard digital display panel illustration「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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AI Can Make Coffee! Autonomous Coffee Roasters Relying on AI for Precise Location Setting and Cultivating Loyal Customers

Have you had your morning coffee yet Over the past decade, Taiwan has gradually formed a coffee drinking culture With the advancement of AI technology, autonomous coffee roasters can now rely on AI for precise location setting while also cultivating a loyal customer base Let's see how this is done According to the International Coffee Organization ICO, Taiwanese consume approximately 285 billion cups of coffee annually, with the coffee market in Taiwan estimated at 80 billion TWD, growing about 20 each year In recent years, the 'drinking coffee' culture in Taiwan has become synonymous with popularity, with coffee being the most frequently chosen daily beverage by 65 of the population Coffee enthusiasts, particularly the more avid ones, are willing to pay more for coffee beans that suit their tastes An increasing number of unmanned drink kiosks have also begun to appear in the Taiwanese beverage market Unmanned coffee beverage shops face difficulties in expanding quickly, primarily due to two major issues one is the appropriateness of customer flow and machine placement locations which still rely on manual analysis the second is penetrating the market of mid to high-end coffee lovers accurately AI resolves two major challenges for autonomous coffee roasters suitable placement and cultivating a loyal customer base To tackle these issues and help autonomous coffee roasters quickly break into the market, Raysharp Electronics intends to implement AI for people flow counting analysis and unfamiliar face recognition These technologies aim to calculate the crowd size at potential roaster locations and classify consumers by gender and age for more precise market analysis They also provide multiple choices for the roasting of raw coffee beans, offering a more customized service tailored to the needs and tastes of professional coffee aficionados with a pack of 'high-quality roasted beans' Since 2018, the rise of unmanned stores has been mainly due to owners wanting to reduce persistently rising rent and personnel costs However, the initial assessment of store locations still requires hourly labor expenses for manual estimation of customer flow, leading to possible miscalculations of both on-site consumers and passerby traffic These inaccuracies may prevent precise real-time analysis of customer flow, or even misguided estimations of operational efficacy after a trial run, thus missing the optimal timing for loss-preventing location retraction Raysharp Electronics introduces autonomous coffee roasters equipped with AI-based people counting analysis and facial recognition Raysharp Electronics combines AI people counting analysis and facial recognition with the coffee trend known as 'black gold', addressing the preferences of numerous coffee connoisseurs in Taiwan who enjoy personally selecting coffee beans at bulk stores and frequenting high-quality grinding cafes or chain coffee shops A new concept for the first autonomous coffee roaster offering choices based on the origin, variety, and roasting methods of coffee beans has emerged AI coffee roasters enhance customer loyalty and materials management efficiency by 20 For the advanced development of autonomous coffee roasters, Raysharp Electronics engineers have equipped the AI NVIDIA development platform on the basis of TCNNFacenet Through AI, tens of thousands of images related to gender and age are used for sample training, allowing even first-time coffee roasting customers to be easily classified using unfamiliar face recognition This gains consumer trust, enhances willingness to use, and allows for recording purchase information and future product recommendations, leading to consumer purchase behavior analysis This information helps owners tailor future material preparation based on consumer preferences for different coffee beans, reducing raw material transportation and storage issues, and improving material management efficiency by 20 Moreover, by placing these autonomous coffee roasters in high-traffic areas, owners can use cameras to capture the crowd and assess whether the machine location has an adequate customer base, quickly analyzing whether to reposition the machines, and more easily targeting the best locations for middle and high-end coffee lovers The unmanned coffee roaster features a professional roasting mode interface, providing options based on the origin and variety of coffee beans, their roasting methods light, medium, deep, and related temperature, wind speed, and timing settings If improvement needs arise during the process, engineers can adjust firmware parameters and also assist in integration with the owner's ordering system Staff members briefly describe the operation of the autonomous coffee roaster 'Black Gold' penetrates deeper into coffee shops, science parks, and commercial buildings through AI This autonomous coffee roaster targets coffee connoisseurs and can be placed in middle to high-end coffee shops to roast more customized coffee beans than those available in bulk stores Upon completing a batch of coffee beans, it immediately provides them to professional technicians within the coffee shops for grinding and manual brewing The remaining roasted beans can also be taken home for brewing and enjoyment It also adds value to coffee shops by better understanding consumer preferences for coffee beans and launching more customer-attracting drink promotions and appropriate inventory management In addition to coffee shops, the autonomous coffee roaster can also utilize AI-based people counting analysis to precisely set up near scientific parks and commercial buildings, offering high-quality coffee beans for office brewing to internal employees with high coffee consumption needs Furthermore, implementing a physical membership system can initiate coffee bean purchase promotions or periodic payment incentives, thus attracting new clients and cultivating existing customer loyalty and retention The operation interface of the smart autonomous coffee roaster「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」