
【2022 Solutions】 Neuron Technology, moving and observing, starting with the eyes, the best smart medical assistant

Looking around the world and in Taiwan, the number of patients suffering from vertigo is increasing year by year. When faced with vertigo testing, most people will choose to have it diagnosed by a doctor or hospitalized with neuromedical imaging tools such as MRI or CT for interpretation. However, this may lead to misdiagnosis of vertigo, overdiagnosis of patients, waste of medical resources, etc., and cannot be effectively traced back. The actual condition of the patient's dizziness. In order to solve the long-term clinical pain point of vertigo, Neurobit has developed a smart wearable medical device - NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses and an AI assistance system. It provides an AI smart solution for rapid screening of vertigo, assisting doctors in quickly screening more than 80% of brain diseases. Efficient detection power with accuracy and sensitivity of over 90%.

Neuron Technology was founded in 2016. The co-founders include Yang Juncheng, Chen Weicheng, Huang Jinxun and Wang Jingfu. The four of them were studying at the National Taiwan University Medical Engineering Institute and the Creative Entrepreneurship Program to jointly offer the "Biomedical Innovation and Commercialization" course. Next, let’s embark on the entrepreneurial journey together. The core team members of Neuron Technology are mainly composed of cross-field experts in medical engineering, information technology, neurology, patents, business, etc. The common entrepreneurial concept is to continuously explore and explore unsolved pain points in medical clinical practice. Seeing that patients were suffering from vertigo, Neuron Technology invented and independently developed an efficient and practical wearable smart medical device, NeuroSpeed ​​Smart Glasses, which combines hardware + AI-assisted decision-making system software to provide an AI smart solution for rapid dizziness screening. .

Neuron Technology CEO Yang Juncheng said that the proportion of people in Taiwan and the world who suffer from vertigo is very high. In Taiwan, as many as 3% of the people (about 700,000) suffer from vertigo, while in the United States, about 1,000 people suffer from vertigo. Tens of thousands of people go to see a doctor due to vertigo. From the data, it can be seen that the vertigo medical care market is quite huge. Regarding rapid screening for vertigo diagnosis in the clinic, current rapid screening tools in hospitals mainly use neurological examinations, and most of them are processed through questionnaire-type scales. The diagnosis will rely too much on the patient's chief complaint and the doctor's experience judgment, and lacks quantitative indicators, resulting in Misdiagnosis of vertigo and loss of golden treatment time. For patients with vertigo who are admitted to the emergency department, medical diagnosis in the past relied heavily on neuromedical imaging tools such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After observation, it was found that the equipment was insufficient. In the United States, the number of patients admitted to the emergency department Less than 3% of the population can receive immediate MRI diagnosis, and less than 50% can receive CT diagnosis. However, excessive use of CT or MRI diagnosis may lead to overdiagnosis and treatment of patients, and even waste of medical resources.

In order to help vertigo patients accurately and efficiently screen and triage and reduce over-diagnosis in clinics and emergency rooms, NeuroSpeed ​​Smart Glasses, a wearable smart medical device developed by Neuron Technology, is believed to have a great impact on the overall application of medical resources and patient diagnosis and treatment. It is very helpful. Yang Juncheng said that if it is not necessary to use MRI to track the diagnosis, this device can be used as a rapid screening test before the existing MRI neuroimaging tools and after the patient is admitted to the hospital, reducing over-diagnosis of patients. NeuroSpeed's examination method is to quickly screen for nystagmus to identify patients with potential brain diseases. The examination method of this technology is to observe the trembling state of the eyes and a series of eye movements when the subject is staring at a stationary object, so as to judge Brain risks for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

NeuroSPeed smart glasses can crack brain and eye diseases, clinical trial sensitivity reaches 90%

With the active research and development of Neuron Technology, two generations of NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses have been successfully launched. The first generation NeuroSpeed ​​mainly provides doctors with real-time observation of high-quality eye images and eye movement response-related examination data reference, and does not provide auxiliary diagnosis. services. The second generation of NeuroSpeed ​​allows physicians to record, track, store and view relevant eye movement analysis and pupil area identification, thereby effectively diagnosing diseases of the central, meridian and peripheral nervous systems. Because the second-generation NeuroSpeed ​​product has the function of assisting doctors in analysis and diagnosis, it has been classified as a Class II medical device in the United States and must be certified by the U.S. FDA before it can be sold externally. At this stage, this product has completed pre-submission and will be submitted for review after the biocompatibility test is completed. It is expected that the second generation NeuroSpeed ​​will successfully obtain US FDA certification next year.

In terms of actual verification fields, NeuroSpeed ​​has currently cooperated with New Taipei Shuanghe Hospital and Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital for clinical verification. Its clinical results have confirmed the classification judgment of central nervous system diseases such as stroke and other vestibular system diseases. With the addition of NeuroSpeed Smart glasses are designed to be lightweight and easy to carry, detect quickly and easily, and have the functional characteristics of automatic interpretation. They can effectively assist doctors in quickly screening for potential brain disease risks in patients with vertigo. Field verification with foreign medical centers mainly involves vertigo patients admitted to the emergency department. Physicians can use NeuroSpeed ​​smart devices to interpret the phenomenon of stroke diagnosis. Currently, the accuracy of clinical trials in the above-mentioned cooperative hospitals reaches 80% and the sensitivity reaches 90%. .

Neuron Technology Development Smart wearable medical device NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses

▲ Neuron Technology develops smart wearable medical device NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses

In addition to becoming the best smart medical assistant for doctors to quickly screen brain disease risks in the clinic and emergency department, NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses also assist doctors in the detection and assessment of strabismus risk. They are jointly developed with the Tri-Service General Hospital through neuron technology. The "Portable Strabismus and Abnormal Eye Movement Diagnosis System" is implemented in the Tri-Service General Hospital, providing doctors with a complete preoperative assessment of strabismus and postoperative tracking basis. This excellent R&D technology achievement was recognized by the 17th National Innovation Award-Clinical Innovation Award in 2020.

We know that many diseases can cause congenital or acquired eye movement abnormalities, and even cause symptoms of strabismus or nystagmus. Among them, as for strabismus, according to expert physician consultation surveys, the global prevalence of strabismus among school-age children is 2%. ~5%, while the prevalence of strabismus among school-age children in Taiwan is about 1% to 4%. Yang Juncheng said that clinical diagnosis of the symptoms of these diseases is mainly divided into two categories: deviation measurement of eye position and eye movement test. It has been observed that there is currently a lack of objective quantitative methods for diagnosing eyeball position deviation, and eyeball deviation measuring instruments are used to check subjectively. For Neuron Technology, the current NeuroSpeed ​​instrument and strabismus and abnormal eye movement diagnosis system software can integrate objective and clear eyeball images, eye muscle function and eye deviation angle data as a rapid test that meets clinical diagnostic criteria. Service, the data of these tests can be used as the basis for doctors’ complete preoperative assessment and postoperative tracking of strabismus. Therefore, this system can provide objective and effective quantitative analysis, which can greatly reduce the medical risks of patients during surgery.

In terms of business model, Neuron Technology mainly cooperates with hospitals to sell research-based products. It is believed that the company expects to have significant revenue performance after passing the FDA next year. At present, Neuron Technology will use the country's first wearable smart medical device NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses and AI assistance system to provide software and hardware integrated solutions to assist doctors in quickly screening brain diseases and eye diseases, extending patients' golden treatment time and reducing social risks. health care costs to create a triple win.

NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses Assist physicians to quickly screen for brain diseases and eye diseases

▲NeuroSpeed ​​smart glasses assist doctors in quickly screening brain and eye diseases

Looking at the world, the pioneer of smart medical equipment, a new paradigm of biomedical software and hardware system integration

In the early days of Neuron Technology’s entrepreneurship, technology research and development and business expansion faced many challenges. Yang Juncheng expressed his sentiments that since the NeuroSpeed ​​product is the first medical smart glasses developed in China, both in terms of obtaining hardware raw materials and developing technical specifications, The challenges associated with building and integrating related systems are higher than those for consumer electronics. Additionally, bringing together cross-disciplinary talent and integrating it into a core team is also an entrepreneurial challenge. In terms of business development, although the company has accumulated clinical verification results and published related outputs, the establishment of market channels still requires continuous efforts to expand. It is hoped that it can continue to rely on the assistance of legal persons such as the Capital Strategy Council to actively create more diversified market channels and connect potential Cooperating manufacturers. In order to accelerate international expansion and market operation exchanges, the company will conduct a new round of fundraising planning at this stage to meet development.

Since its establishment, Neuron Technology has taken long-term development and stable profits as its operating goals. Yang Juncheng said that in addition to focusing on existing professional fields, we also develop and apply value-added products through the company's software development and software development. The accumulated R&D energy of hard integration is expanded to other medical disciplines and fields. Yang Juncheng hopes that Neuron Technology can become a pioneer in smart medical equipment, with research and development oriented to meet the needs of users and patients, and also hopes to become a model for the integration of biomedical software and hardware systems. For the medium and long-term layout, the company will promote industry-university exchanges and cultivate biomedical talents; integrate upstream and downstream industry resources to create smart medical solutions and platforms; and actively explore foreign sales markets such as the United States and Europe as a basis for sustainable development of the company. Vision.

「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only. Translation date:2024-05-19」

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VM-Fi launches killer 5G real-time AI voice translator that reduces interpretation costs by 50%

With "Voice as a Service VaaS", VM-Fi Inc launched the world's leading 5G real-time AI voice translation service "VM-Fi," providing AI real-time translation subtitles TranSpeech and AI multi-lingual smart counter TransDisplay The service is applied to real-time translation services in diverse fields, such as international exhibitions, tourism industry, and retail stores The translation service can be quickly set up in 15 minutes, which can significantly reduce the customer's interpretation service cost by 50, creating benefits in terms of time and labor costs This killer application is a product launched by VM-Fi, which has been established for three years It can significantly reduce the cost of interpretation by half It successfully entered the Japanese market and is highly popular among consumers TranSpeech real-time subtitles for speeches and TransDisplay smart counter AI service solution For organizers of international forums and exhibitions, paying high interpretation fees has always been a common pain point hard to put into words According to statistics, to hold an all-English forum in Taiwan, including two interpreters, setting up an interpretation booth, on-site radio station, control panel, and audio, the total cost will be at least NT100,000 to meet the on-site interpretation needs Established in September 2020, VM-Fi launched the "VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service" In just 2 years, and successively won the Mobileheroes of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau, Start-up competition in the Smart City Project, Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge QITC, Japan's JR Kyushu Innovative Business Competition Excellence Award, and the CES 2022 Innovation Award It has not only received praises in the market, but also attracted great attention from Taiwanese investors and was adopted by large Japanese trading companies It hopes to help people around the world avoid communication barriers through smart city solutions, and enjoy a convenient life in smart cities 5G real-time AI voice translation does not require expensive interpreters and equipment and reduces the interpretation cost by 50 The VM-Fi team, which has a solid technical foundation in language translation, digital content, and UX development, has learned that only 20 of high-end consumers in the market can afford the high cost of interpretation To meet the remaining 80 of market demand, VM-Fi combines 5G high-speed transmission and AI voice recognition technology help customers reduce labor and costs Its business solutions can be applied in international exhibitions, tourism services, shopping malls, and online and offline business meetings 5G high-speed AI speech translation service process "Unlike traditional interpreters' sentence-by-sentence interpretation, which is a time-consuming and inefficient process that prevents the audience from smoothly listening to a speech," VM-Fi further stated that the real-time AI speech translation service uses AI algorithms to analyze the speakers speech The AI determines the parts of speech and subject of the speaker, and then immediately translates it The lecturer does not need to wait for the interpreter, and only needs to connect the microphone cable to the VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service to speak freely The audience can immediately read the translated subtitles 5G real-time AI voice translation was used in the Kyoto Smart City Summit amp Expo for two consecutive years in 2022-2023 The "VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service" currently supports Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German, providing translation services between these seven languages During the pandemic, when the demand for online activities increased significantly, VM-Fi introduced the world's first real-time subtitle service solution The contents spoken by the foreign speaker is translated in real-time and displayed on the live broadcast screen, allowing the audience to understand contents shared by the speaker in real time The operation method is also very simple Audiences do not need to download the APP All they need to do is open the Youtube or Facebook live broadcast platforms provided by the organizer The real-time subtitle solution not only saves customers the trouble of translation work, but also allows online listeners to enjoy seamless real-time translation services without any worries Real-time subtitles provide audiences with seamless real-time translation service In addition, the smart counter solution TransDisplay launched by VM-Fi in Japan is also very popular among consumers VM-Fi stated that Japan has a large elderly population and a large number of tourists Especially during the pandemic, most consumers wore masks and there was often a gap in communication The smart counter directly converts the communication between two parties from voice to text and displays on the transparent partition, providing the most considerate service that the public can clearly see at a glance In the future, VM-Fi will work with Taiwanese panel manufacturers, integrating software and hardware to provide voice-to-real-time subtitle translation services in Japanrsquos shopping malls, stations, airports, and government agencies Smart counters provided people with friendly communication services during the pandemic User experience is the key to VM-Fi taking root in the Japanese market Facing the explosive growth of cross-border tourism business opportunities after the pandemic, VM-Fi is confident in business expansion VM-Fi stated that the VM-Fi 5G real-time AI voice translation service has demonstrated excellent product and service resilience during the pandemic, and can flexibly meet customer needs for various physical or online services VM-Fi plans to establish a headquarters in Japan before April 2025, and actively cooperates with Kansai and Kyoto prefectural and municipal governments to expand its operations After establishing a solid foundation in the Japanese market, the EU market will be the next important target VM-Fi participated in fundraising activities of the AI Founders Alliance of the AI Program of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs The company relied on the assistance of the Institute for Information Technology III, Taiwan-Japan Industrial Collaboration Promotion Office TJPO, and the Japan External Trade Organization JETRO to actively seize Japan's market "Japan's market not only values digital transformation, but also user experience UX" Therefore, after the successful launch in Japan, everything will fall into place when it expands to other markets around the world VM-Fi app in Japan's shopping malls, stations, airports, and government agencies VM-Fi is a startup with passion and innovative spirit nbspfounded in 2020 We focus on AI speech recognition and real-time translation technologies, and are committed to allowing people around the world to enjoy high-speed speech translation during international speeches, at service counters, and during communication, completely removing the language barrier and allowing everyone to enjoy equal rights to information VM-Fi's AI service is not only a technological innovation, but also a commitment to global sustainable development A Digital solutions We are committed to reducing paper use Every sheet of A4 paper saved reduces carbon emissions by 78 grams, using practical digital solutions to promote environmental protection B Renewable energy decisions We choose cloud services that use renewable energy and plan to achieve the goal of using cloud services that use 100 renewable energy by 2025, in order to create a greener technology foundation for the future C Water saving decisions We are committed to using cloud services that achieve positive water benefits before 2030, ensuring that the replenishment of water resources exceeds consumption, and contributing to the future of the Earth D Net zero emission decisions When using new data centers, we will choose net-zero deforestation to protect the natural environment E Sustainable development goals Through the decisions above, we are making active efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 13, exerting every effort to create a better world VM-Fi's vision is to create a world without communication barriers, allowing everyone to communicate freely and jointly move toward a better future Let us work together to contribute to global communication equality and sustainable development, and create a greener and better future nbsp

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Understand customers better than they do themselves, business opportunities created by the pandemic doubles the performance of Spingence Technology

"After the COVID-19 pandemic, even though we could not expand business overseas, the pandemic increased demand for AI automated optical inspection AOI and drove another wave of rapid growth in performance," said Jesse Chen, Founder and President of Spingence Technology The company started early in AOI and accumulated a wealth of experience, resulting in performance in 2021 growing multiple times compared with the previous year Spingence Technology's AI technology has great potential, and its fundraising plan successfully attracted strategic investors, such as the leading industrial computer company Founded at the end of 2015, Spingence Technology started out as a developer of automation software to help customers lower the barrier to automation In just two years from 2017 to 2018, AI technology quickly took off At that time, Jesse Chen observed that product defect detection caused headaches for companies in the process of automating manufacturing The traditional method of manual visual inspection was time-consuming and laborious Moreover, human error easily occurred and AI deployment could not be customized, resulting in high investment costs for enterprises Seizing the AOI market, successful application of AI optical defect detection "The gap in AOI is defect detection Since defects cannot be clearly defined, conforming products were often labeled as non-conforming products to meet the customer demand of not releasing defective products As a result, the overkill rate is often very high, which not only increases the cost of the manufacturing plant, but also lead to a waste of resources" In addition, there is strong demand for process automation due to the shortage of labor in the production line, which created a rare business opportunity for Jesse Chen AI optical defect detection has become the focus of Spingence Technology's AI applications After accumulating nearly 8 years of experience in production line automation, Spingence Technology target customers in three major industries, namely passive components, connectors, and semiconductors, and established a huge database for the production line product defect data it collected Since Spingence Technology started early, it enjoys the advantages of a first mover and continues to optimize database data Its wealth of experience enables it to quickly determine customer needs and propose solutions Spingence Technology uses image recognition and deep learning technologies to develop AOI algorithms, and developed AI defect detection solutions with an accuracy greater than 99 In terms of specific benefits, the overkill rate in the semiconductor industry can be significantly reduced from an average of 5-8 to less than 3, and the overkill rate of passive components can also be reduced from 5 to 12, which can save customers nearly NT300 million in expenses This not only reduces the waste of human resources, but also makes Spingence Technology a good helper for customers' sustainable intelligent manufacturing The outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019 has changed the way people live and work around the world During the pandemic, demand on automation in the manufacturing industry significantly increased due to the need to avoid frequent contact between people Spingence Technology has a good reputation in the industry, so business kept coming in and doubled the number of customers and revenue The secret to winning Follow the footsteps of customers and always think more than customers In addition to Taiwan, Spingence Technology has also extended its reach to markets such as China and Vietnam, where Taiwanese businessmen gather The team in China is expected to increase from 3-4 people to 10 people, and Vietnam also hopes to have a team of 5 people to provide closer services to customers "Spingence Technology always follows the footsteps of its customers We are wherever our customers are" Jesse Chen went on to say that although the pandemic has brought another wave of demand for AI automatic detection, due to the impact of border controls, it was hard to go on business trips Meanwhile, overseas markets on-site personnel to provide nearby services, including consultation and diagnosis, AI implementation, and calibration, all of which require dedicated personnel Spingence's automation software development platform integrates modularized visual inspection, motion control, IO control, and AI analysis functions Coupled with the AI training software "AINavi", one heat sink inspection machine can complete multiple inspections and continue to train the AI deep learning model, which will further lower the miss rate of the machine and improve its inspection quality The integration of AINavi and automation is already sufficient to meet most functional requirements of customers, and then a small number of customized services are provided for different industries and customer needs This allows the company to quickly provide solutions needed by different customers Popular among strategic investors, the company has attracted investments from industrial computer companies and venture capital Spingence Technology has made a mark in the field of AIAOI inspection in the manufacturing industry, and has gain the favor of strategic investors In 2019, a leading industrial computer company made a strategic investment in Spingence Technology and integrated the AINavi deep learning visual inspection tool with the company's complete hardware platform The cooperation between the two parties provides more complete service solutions to customers, creating an example of win-win through "big large company leading small start-up" In February 2022, Spingence Technology reported another good news in its fundraising and received an investment from venture capital, all of its original major shareholders also increased their investment, and nbspSpingence Technology successfully completed the Pre-A round of funding The company will continue to expand its business in the short term, and establish a foothold in China and Vietnam In the future, it plans to build expert systems for passive components, connectors, and semiconductor industries, deepening its domain knowledge and data analysis to create greater value for customers Spingence Technology prides itself as a management consulting company for the manufacturing industry, that is, it provides customers with the most appropriate and valuable consulting services through consulting services, diagnosis, introduction, system launch, personnel training, model optimization, and AI model management

AI Understands Marketing?! Tammy Technology's Personalized Recommendation Service Helps Fashion E-commerce Increase Conversion Rates by 3 Times

Having experienced small to medium-sized e-commerce, founders and CEO Zi-Hao Huang and co-founder and COO Yi-Ting Li of Tammy Technology decided to tackle the marketing challenges of all e-commerce personnel using AI technology Focusing on fashion e-commerce, Tammy Technology's personalized recommendation SaaS Software as a Service helps small to medium enterprises tackle the rising costs of marketing and the overwhelming data, enhancing conversion rates and average order value, becoming an invaluable AI assistant in the fashion e-commerce industry Enhancing conversion rates has always been a major challenge for all e-commerce platforms Unlike major players like Google and Facebook who collect browsing history to target interested messages or advertisements, smaller e-commerce businesses lack the resources and manpower to construct data analysis systems or tools Company Position Marketing technology team for small and medium-sized e-commerce utilizing AI to establish automated marketing Established in 2016, Tammy Technology initially aimed to become 'the marketing technology team for small to medium-sized e-commerce,' hoping to resolve challenges of low conversion rates and customer retention through data analysis and personalized recommendation services 'Daniel referring to Zi-Hao Huang and I have both worked in small to medium e-commerce I handled branding, marketing, and design, while he managed backend systems, project management, and development launches, almost everyone was multitasking' Understanding the pain points of e-commerce operators, they decided to help small and medium enterprises by developing automated marketing systems and a personalized recommendation SaaS, aiding those with limited marketing resources Through AI technology, analyze consumer purchase preferences and provide personalized recommendation services By analyzing each consumer's purchase preferences using AI technology and storing their digital footprints in the backend for data analysis, Tammy Technology stands apart from traditional recommendation systems that categorize customers They offer personalized product recommendations based on each individual's style preferences to achieve precise marketing objectives Yi-Ting Li emphasizes that Tammy Technology's personalized recommendation service has two main functions one is to make website personalized recommendations, and the second is to integrate with marketing channels such as email, SMS, and chatbots chatbot to send personalized promotional messages When consumers enter the official website, based on consumer profiles and preferences, different product recommendations can be provided on each page Individual products also have different recommendation systems on different website pages, providing each consumer with a unique shopping experience after entering the site Using deep learning AI technology, Tammy Technology analyzes consumer behaviors at various online shopping touchpoints through various devices, digitalizing all consumer behavioral data to build consumer profiles For example, a consumer with high purchasing frequency designated as VIP, whose preferences for Morandi color schemes, lace materials, high-neck styles, etc, are recorded and tagged When browsing the store's website, the website will recommend corresponding products based on these purchase preference tags for VIP, and can also set customized discounts and pop-up windows, or send personalized messages through mobile SMS, email, etc, ensuring each customer receives discounts that fit their needs At this stage, Tammy Technology's client base includes male and female apparel, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, and other fashion design industries with a strong personalized color Many clients have seen significant results after introducing personalized recommendation services For example, Shu Uemura under the L'Oreal Paris group, specializing in high-performance skin products and trendy makeup products and professional makeup tools, experienced a significant increase in conversion rates by 3 times and a revenue increase of 18 times after adopting Tammy Technology's service Additionally, the well-known apparel business iRoo, after installing a personalized recommendation system on the official website and integrating digital marketing channels like Line and Chatbot, saw the conversion rate rise more than 5 times, with a monthly revenue increase of 21 The pricing model is subscription-based, with large corporations being charged based on specific feature needs The overall effect after customer usage achieves at least a 3 times increase in conversion rate, and an average of 2 times growth in average order value New client base After apparel and cosmetics, pushing into the home decor industry Despite the overall increase in e-commerce sales, the personalized recommendation service has shown impressive results However, due to the pandemic, non-essential fashion industries have been impacted Tammy Technology, which primarily relies on the fashion design industry, saw a decrease in e-commerce performance by about 30 during the pandemic To diversify operational risks, starting from 2022, Tammy Technology expanded its service clientele to include distinctive, quality-type home furniture and living products As for why not expand the client base to 3C products Yi-Ting Li explains, 3C products focus on cost-effectiveness and brand strength, like Apple computers which have a loyal group of fans, making it challenging to sway their purchasing behavior However, apparel, cosmetics, and home decor focus on personalization, style, and taste, like apparel with the fast, short-term 'fast fashion' trends, updating products weekly, and seasonal characteristics, updating personalized recommendations every 3-5 days and cosmetics, including makeup and skincare, which have high customer loyalty and repurchase rates, are most suitable for recommendations and proactive discount messaging Makeup and outfits represent personal taste, thus these two industries can complement each other in personalized recommendations To accelerate the process of integrating businesses with personalized recommendations, it is necessary to establish an SOP,' Yi-Ting Li continued, 'Tammy Technology, by introducing recommendation services in the fashion design industry, has constructed a service process SOP to facilitate rapid successful experience replication, expecting to quickly integrate into the life and home industry in the second half of the year New business model Establishing a new marketing model centered on the consumer Currently, Tammy Technology's client number has exceeded 2000, including globally renowned fashion brands like L'Oreal and BLUE WAY The future focus will remain overseas, aiming for markets like Hong Kong, Singapore, and North America Tammy Technology, with its successful experience of integrating recommendation systems into fashion e-commerce, has gained investors' favor, securing investments from domestic and international accelerators in 2021, raising a total of 70 million New Taiwan dollars, allowing for workforce and scale expansion Future plans include integrating investor resources to establish a new marketing model centered on consumers Tammy Technology co-founder and COO Yi-Ting Li「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」