Special Cases

【解決方案】馬達的守護者 皓博科技用AI讀懂機器心臟
【2021 Solutions】 Motor Protectors: How Haobo Technology Employs AI to Understand the 'Hearts' of Machines

Motors are a critical power source for various devices in modern times, and are key components of many automated equipment, acting like the heart of machines Any malfunctions not only shorten the lifespan of the motors themselves but also affect the entire system's operation, potentially causing delays in production due to downtime Through the use of Smart Vibration Diagnostic and Monitoring Solution SVDM Solution, Haobo Technology utilizes AI to comprehend motors, becoming an indispensable tech partner in intelligent manufacturing The essential industrial motors see an almost 4 annual compound growth rate According to statistics, the market size for industrial motors was 329 billion in 2017, with an expected compound annual growth rate of 363 from 2019 to 2025 Motors have a wide variety of uses, nearly essential in all equipment operations, and represent a technology that is well-developed, with numerous suppliers and a long product lifecycle Haobo Technology, established in 2015, started by solving motor noise issues In recent years, due to the rapidly evolving AI technology, Haobo Technology has continuously innovated and researched, integrating vibration frequency with sound-based audio processing technologies and AI algorithms for noise reduction, along with their self-developed wideband low-noise vibration sensors They introduced a new generation of industry-leading 'Smart Vibration Diagnostic and Monitoring Solution' SVDM Solution, overcoming previous challenges in detecting main vibration frequencies and predicting vibration models in complex environments, making it an essential solution for accelerating industrial intelligence Haobo Technology's 'Smart Vibration Diagnostic and Monitoring Solution' has been successfully applied in PCB drilling machines, semiconductor equipment, machine tools, and medical equipment Haobo Technology's CEO Lu Hongyi states that the Smart Vibration Diagnostic and Monitoring Solution is distinguished not only by its noise reduction capability but also by the AI model's ability to instantly recognize abnormal frequencies in motor vibrations Since general motor sensors are too large to be mounted on the motors, Haobo Technology has customized thin sensors to be installed on the spindle motors, allowing AI models to be computed in real-time on edge devices, significantly reducing the cost of computational resources, with an overall potential reduction in costs by one-fourth Simultaneously, advancements in vibration detection for motor operations have exceeded past technological limits, thus allowing for the immediate detection of the minutest changes and providing early malfunction warnings, helping to extend the lifespan of the motors Haobo Technology has established a vibration data AI analysis platform that constantly monitors the health of motors Haobo Technology's self-developed AI engine is capable of training database modules from collected operational vibration data of motors and establishing a proprietary database for that equipment, which provides real-time comparisons during operation, monitoring if the production equipment is functioning normally Upon detecting any abnormalities, the system instantly issues a warning alert, enabling on-site managers to address the issue immediately to prevent large quantities of finished or semi-finished products from defects Haobo Technology's vibration data AI analysis platform can detect the most subtle vibrations in motors, thus precisely predicting their health status Lu Hongyi mentions that the company independently develops its sensors, hardware, firmware, and AI data analysis platforms, which allows for the detection of the faintest vibrations in motors, thereby accurately predicting their health status This optimization of product quality and preemptive monitoring of production equipment health aims to enhance productivity Haobo's 'Smart Vibration Diagnostic and Monitoring Solution' SVDM Solution has successfully been applied in PCB drilling machines, semiconductor equipment, machine tools, and medical devices, with future plans to actively promote across various industries and enter the international market, hoping to become a pioneer in smart vibration diagnostics Haobo Technology CEO Lu Hongyi「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2022 Solutions】 AI + Smart Glasses: Hsiung-Hsin Technology Targets Smart Care Market, Ensuring Safety and Security for the Elderly

In the small care room, Mr Wang, who is over eighty, is coughing intensely The nurse gently uses a suction device to help him, hoping to make him more comfortable Meanwhile, a sharp-eyed family member notices that the nurse is wearing smart glasses At the other end, the doctor organizes medical records while simultaneously monitoring Mr Wang's condition on a screen With the advent of precision care, it will soon be a blessing for the care market for doctors to remotely monitor crucial physiological information of the cared-for in real time In fact, Hsiung-Hsin Technology, established in 2020, uses smart glasses combined with AI algorithms to launch smart care services as an AI startup Through AI multiple sensors to achieve effective smart care In 2021, Hsiung-Hsin Technology participated in the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Bureau AI Emerging Selection event, cooperating with smart glasses leader Jozhen Technology Jozhen provided millimeter-wave radar and smart glasses, combined with Hsiung-Hsin Technology's AI algorithms, to launch 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and a life-saving 'Fall Prevention System' The 'AI Care Recognition Service System' uses radar millimeter waves and Time-of-Flight ToF among various sensor technologies combined with point cloud and mmWave deep learning analysis in AI algorithms While protecting personal privacy, it can detect patients' physiological data upon hospital admission as well as detect falls and bed exits during bed care The 'life-saving fall prevention system', on the other hand, utilizes artificial intelligence and 3D technology, combined with radar sensing devices, while protecting personal data through 'de-identification' technology, detecting falls in real-time in the environment Building the AI Care Recognition Service System, Hsiung-Hsin Technology is aiming at the smart care market Lee Jia-Hsin, founder and chairman of Hsiung-Hsin Technology, who has worked for IBM Taiwan for 14 years, states that after placing millimeter-wave radar in the medical test field, combined with AI algorithms, they can obtain physiological signals such as the patient's breath and heartbeat Moreover, when paired with Jozhen's smart glasses, during a doctor's consultation, the physician can immediately see the patient's heartbeat and breathing data through the glasses, enhancing efficiency Additionally, Jozhen has also developed a management platform where physicians and nursing staff can view the patient's physiological data at a glance After integrating the 'AI Care Recognition Service System' and 'Life-Saving Fall Prevention System', they were launched and commercialized in June 2021, and officially introduced into Kaohsiung Municipal Triumph Hospital by the end of November last year It not only helps medical staff understand the residents' physiological conditions, monitoring elders' physiological data continuously, but also reduces the burden on medical institutions while preventing accidents and enabling quick action in emergencies to provide optimal medical care Aside from medical institutions, another major target customer group for Hsiung-Hsin Technology's products are long-term care institutions, with ongoing product implementation plans in Tainan and Eastern Taiwan On-demand lightweight design, easy to use and reasonably priced Lee Jia-Hsin mentions that the company's productsservices are developed in-house, designed to be lightweight Depending on the needs of the institution where they are implemented, they may choose between CPU computing or edge computing for flexible configuration, which is very convenient and also comparatively cost-effective In the future, through Jozhen smart glasses, diagnoses can be made more immediately and quickly The method allows nursing or care staff to wear smart glasses when visiting patients or residents The images seen by the nursing staff's eyes are transmitted in real-time to the backend, allowing doctors to make immediate diagnoses based on real-time images and take appropriate care measures, effectively assessing the patient's condition on time Hsiung-Hsin Technology's smart care services have been listed on the Startup Common Supply Contract Platform Last year, Hsiung-Hsin Technology's productsservices were also listed on the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration's Startup Common Supply Contract Procurement Platform, available for government agencies, public medical institutions, and long-term care facilities to purchase for lease In the future, they hope to expand to private medical institutions and care centers, enabling more care facilities to utilize technology for transformation and reducing the talent shortage in the care market Furthermore, with more than 300,000 elderly people living alone in Taiwan, Lee Jia-Hsin believes that as the aging society approaches, the health and safety issues of solitary elderly individuals are increasingly receiving attention If technological care medical solutions can be incorporated into the subsidy scope for assistive devices, it can also help reduce the burden on local government institutions for solitary elderly care, effectively lowering societal costs Extended application Smart campuses enhance management safety and efficiency Lee Jia-Hsin points out that the company's core values are making life safer and improving living quality The company has developed its own software and hardware solutions for big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things Using a hybrid cloud development approach, it addresses various types of medical care pain points, enhances medical management efficiency, and improves residents' safety, thus significantly enhancing overall services by medical institutions Hsiung-Hsin Technology's partners include SI businesses, medical care institutions, large chain restaurants, and major venues In the future, there are plans to develop into an AI SaaS company, extending services to Japan, Southeast Asia, and other overseas markets Additionally, Lee Jia-Hsin, who teaches at Tunghai University in Taichung, is also actively promoting the smart campus initiative Currently, Hsiung-Hsin Technology has established a 'smart campus' at Tunghai University, utilizing up to 700 cameras throughout the campus to build a miniature AI SaaS platform for monitoring This not only allows for mask, human traffic, restricted area, and license plate recognition within the campus but also enables automatic records of the campus's flora and fauna, greatly aiding in the efficiency of campus safety management As the population gradually ages, home care becomes a universal challenge With a low doctor-to-patient ratio, both inside and outside hospitals, including extended to care institutions, medical professionals face a scarcity of manpower Using AI technology to assist the elderly care market presents itself as the best solution Besides smart elderly care and smart campuses, Hsiung-Hsin Technology also applies its image recognition technology in places like factory safety and parking lot license plate recognition, and future applications will continue to expand boundlessly Hsiung-Hsin Technology's founder and chairman, Lee Jia-Hsin「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2022 Solutions】 Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection uses the two swords of "AOI + AI" to combine software and hardware to open up the two channels of appearance defect detection and supervision.

Quality inspection, like a double-edged sword, has always been a favorite and painful subject for Taiwanese manufacturers When AI deep learning enters the industrial visual inspection of traditional manufacturing industries, it can not only save inspection manpower investment, solve the problem of inconsistent manual visual standards, overcome the limited visual recognition and defect detection blind spots of traditional automatic optical inspection AOI, and also enable real-time traceability Causes of quality problems The overall AIAOI visual inspection solution developed by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection integrates software and hardware to create efficient appearance defect detection capabilities, helping electronics OEM customers create high-efficiency products with a miss detection rate of less than 1 and an overkill rate of less than 3 Check the level Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection was established in 2020 Although it is a new venture two years ago, it did not start from scratch Founder and CEO Hong Peijun and the core team have been deeply involved in Foxconn factories for many years and participated in countless smart factory-related solutions and process improvements , has profound AI deep learning development capabilities, and accumulated rich experience in world-class AI application implementation Seeing that AI industrial inspection must be the last mile for the manufacturing industry to move towards Industry 40, Hong Peijun resolutely decided to implement AI deep learning technology in the field of smart manufacturing with high output value, and specialized in the development of AI industrial visual inspection For the manufacturing industry, product inspection is the most important part of all quality control, but traditional industrial inspection faces two major pain points 1 Manual visual inspection Today, more than 95 of the entire manufacturing industry still relies on manual visual inspection Inspection makes it difficult for manual visual quality inspection standards to be consistent, and visual inspection of fine objects, such as passive components or highly reflective components, will cause long-term vision damage 2 Traditional AOI automatic optical inspection The product has limited visual recognition capabilities and blind spots in defect detection Among them, the detection of appearance defects such as scratches, oil stains, dirt or hair and other unexpected subtle defects has always been a problem in AOI applications Insurmountable difficulties AIAOI visual inspection overall solution is a great boon for appearance defect detection When designing the product roadmap of Xiaoshi Zhikan, customer group positioning and strengthening customer product services and value were important indicators Moreover, appearance defect detection has always been an unresolved pain in the manufacturing industry, Hong Peijun said With industrial quality inspection AI software as the core, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides an overall solution for AIAOI visual inspection It mainly promotes three major products, including "QVI-T AI deep learning inspection modeling platform software" and "AI six-sided defect inspection and screening machine" ” and “AI Industrial Quality Inspection Platform” The main customer groups served are semiconductor packaging and testing, EMS electronics foundry, small metal parts processing and other industries with high production capacity and high gross profit margin In response to customer needs, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides corresponding software and hardware services, combining self-developed AI deep learning software and hardware quality inspection equipment to reduce the manual visual burden on the production line and effectively improve the production quality of the factory In order to help equipment manufacturers and technical engineers with development capabilities accurately grasp product appearance defect detection, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection independently developed QVI-T deep learning detection software, which can provide customers with defect location, defect classification, defect segmentation, anomaly detection and text recognition Key functions such as this are different from the fixed detection methods of traditional software Algorithms can be refined based on different industrial detection methods and different APIs can be developed to connect devices with different lenses The software design of this platform is very lightweight It is a SaaS software built on public cloudprivate cloud It mainly involves simple image uploading, labeling, training modeling, and verification testing After completion, users can download models, SDKs, APIs, and reports Effectively help customers achieve AI inference functions Currently, most of the industrial inspection services on the market are traditional AOI software industrial inspection machines, which can only measure product contours such as the head and length of fasteners, etc, and cannot truly provide detection of subtle product surface defects such as screw head cracks and tooth damage There is a lack of such high-precision defect detection companies in the market, Hong Peijun observed Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection developed and independently built the "AI six-sided defect detection and screening machine" from customized services in the past to providing standardized services for customers at the current stage It provides standardized testing services for fasteners in measurement and surface defects, as well as passive components High-speed surface defect detection of similar products This professional machine uses the AI deep learning AOI composite algorithm technology independently developed by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection Through parallel computing technology, it can achieve model inference up to 3 milliseconds per picture, and realize multiple complex defect detection on the electrodes and body of passive components This professional machine is mainly used for the inspection of fasteners, small metal parts and passive components In terms of competitiveness in the industry, the software hardware integration provided by the AI six-sided defect inspection and screening professional machine is an important core competitive advantage of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection It is not as simple as it sounds Hong Peijun said with emotion that this special machine is very important in the industrial inspection industry Commonly known as the highly integrated integration of optical mechanisms, electronic controls, software and algorithms, the process requires continuous optimization and iteration, and requires multiple client verifications and modifications After a long period of hard work, the technical threshold has also been raised The AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine will be the main product promotion direction of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection in the next 3-5 years It is believed that AI combined with measurement technology and surface defect detection will be an important source of core competitiveness of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection, Hong Peijun said AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine will be the main product promotion direction of Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection in the next 3-5 years Faced with the booming development of Industry 40 in smart factories, customers often ask "Does quality inspection data have secondary use value" Hong Peijun said that the "AI Industrial Quality Inspection Platform" launched by Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection has a machine learning mechanism , which can be used for secondary use of quality inspection data to provide customers with multiple functions including real-time monitoring and early warning of production quality, quality traceability analysis, quality factor assessment, process parameter prediction and recommendation Taking the successful introduction into the automotive parts factory as an example, through the prediction and recommendation of process parameters provided by the AI industrial quality inspection platform, when we know the product defects, we build a set of models based on the experience of past masters, coupled with the network connection data from the previous stage, After integration, we have process data, incoming material data, and quality inspection data We can predict whether these machine parameters have run out, and we can recommend whether the process parameters of certain sections should be adjusted up or down Through the AI industrial quality inspection platform, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection can help customers connect visual quality inspection results, process data and acceptance standards with the existing MES system of the customer's factory to improve production quality, improve efficiency and reduce costs In terms of business model, Xiaoshi Zhiqian also provides a software subscription system for the deep learning detection modeling platform software It provides public cloud customers with traffic subscription and charges based on the amount of image uploads, while private cloud customers adopt an annual license fee license charging mechanism In addition, the company also provides customers with a buyout charging mechanism for the overall solution equipment, and provides a one-year warranty, after which consumables and software update maintenance fees are charged annually Going in the opposite direction, using both hard and soft methods, with a missed detection rate of less than 1 and rapid modeling in 15 minutes Faced with various small-volume and multi-sample inspection needs in the manufacturing industry, general AI deep learning visual inspection usually requires customers to collect a large number of photos of defective products, which is time-consuming to label, and also causes customers to have difficulty in importing AI, and defective products cannot be collected The introduction cycle is long and implementation is full of risks If there are not enough bad samples, the model will be inaccurate Kosaki Chikan goes in the opposite direction and uses its product "AI Visual Inspection Model Development Tool" to train models through pictures of good products provided by customers It is relatively easy for AI to learn good products, no labeling is required, and the time can be quickly compressed to complete the modeling Take the implementation of IPC electronics industry - AAEON Technology as an example In order to reduce the manpower input of the quality inspection station in the PCBA production line and have standardized quality inspection, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection provides an overall solution for PCBA AI visual inspection software and hardware services, and conduct in-line inspection on the factory's highly automated assembly line, effectively saving inspection manpower investment, improving the standardization of quality inspection rates, and improving the problem of inconsistent standards caused by manual visual inspection Through the introduction of AI visual inspection software and hardware integrated solutions, we have effectively helped customers maintain an overkill rate of less than 3 in the past two years, and achieved high-efficiency performance with a missed detection rate of less than 1 In addition, this solution allows practitioners who do not understand AI to quickly operate modeling By installing the modeling tool on the device, when the customer has a new product number and needs to create a model, he only needs to provide 10 pictures of good products to scan under the device It only takes 15 minutes to quickly train the model In terms of product core strategic layout, compared with market competitors who rely solely on general software services to seize all manufacturing markets, it is not feasible to apply it to industrial inspection Hong Peijun has observed over the past 10 years and believes that only software hardware can With technical thresholds and focusing on one industry and field, only by adopting a standardized company's AI six-sided defect detection and screening special machine can it be replicated and scaled up, and the company can truly continue to move towards optimization and create product competitiveness, even if there are other competing products It’s not easy to compete for this pie, Hong Peijun said Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection’s overall AIAOI visual inspection solution creates rapid modeling and excellent results for customers with a missed detection rate of less than 1 The most competitive AIAOI overall solution provider with global presence For new entrepreneurs, facing business expansion is a challenge every day Hong Peijun said that small companies are easily snatched away by large companies, company talents are poached by high salaries, lack of deep customer relationships, and the business team is not large enough, etc How to overcome this Hong Peijun believes that the key to success and competitiveness of a new start-up company is to be diligent in making up for mistakes, provide better services, provide more immediate feedback, and create more professional solutions to convince customers Since its establishment in 2020, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection has always gone against the grain in terms of product core strategic layout, surpassing the competitive market among its peers, and actively taking root in the overall solution of AI visual inspection software and hardware Hong Peijun hopes that Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection will become the world's most competitive AIAOI overall solution provider for the electronics and semiconductor industries in the future, and provide the top AIAOI professional machines and equipment to the electronics and semiconductor industry customer base Hong Peijun said that the technical capabilities of the company's AI six-sided defect detection and screening professional machine have reached the top domestic level In order to speed up the research and development of professional machines to become more standardized and sell them to overseas markets, the company will conduct a fundraising plan at this stage, hoping to use legal persons such as the Capital Strategy Council to assist in more business connections and fundraising channels For the medium and long-term goals, Xiaoshi Intelligent Inspection will lay out the global market including mainland China and Southeast Asian countries At the same time, it will follow the international footsteps of major OEMs in global layout Under the target inspection project, it will continue to develop specialty products and spread towards the international field 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2022 Solutions】 Watertight smart industrial safety inspection Linker Vision’s image analysis AI platform sets a new record of inspection time reduced from 100 minutes to 3 seconds

With the rise of smart manufacturing, there is a demand for industrial safety inspections in high-risk industries such as chemical, energy, and electrical industries Take pipeline inspection in the chemical industry as an example It relies heavily on manual regular inspection and monitoring, and lacks intelligent monitoring by a professional AI team This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but may also cause accidental risks to employees in various industrial safety environments The image analysis AI platform developed by Xinyun Linke not only improves employee personal safety and reduces risk factors, but also significantly reduces the time for human visual inspection of pipeline abnormalities from an average of 100 minutes to 3 seconds Paul Shieh, founder and chairman of Linker Vision Co, Ltd Linker Vision, said, "The overall technological development and progress in the United States comes from entrepreneurship Linker Vision's original intention to start a business in Taiwan has been I hope that through my past experience in entrepreneurship in the United States, I can introduce the American entrepreneurial spirit and culture to Taiwan's budding entrepreneurial fertile ground and truly implement it "American entrepreneurial culture encourages employees to value ownership and emphasizes that employees regard themselves as owners of the company Be a part of the company, with a work attitude and spirit that would be better than mine The company's achievements are your own achievements, breaking the original employer-employee relationship The company will reward outstanding employees with stocks, share the glory together, and establish a partnership with employees Partnership On the other hand, Taiwan still has room for efforts in entrepreneurial culture and management, and it retains the traditional thinking of employers and employees It is expected that Xinyun Linke's establishment of American entrepreneurial culture and values in Taiwan will serve as a starting point to drive more domestic new companies to follow suit, and then Only by upgrading the business constitution of new software AI entrepreneurs can they break out of the cocoon and go global Facing the market, most international players focus on developing AI models and algorithms They are less willing to invest in data-centered Data-Centric AI services They think that processing large amounts of 2D or 3D data is quite time-consuming It’s also energy-consuming Seeing the gap in AI technology and encouraged by Microsoft, Xinyunlinke decided to fully invest in Data-Centric's AI technology layout and deep roots many years ago, and specialize in technical energy in data processing, filtering and accuracy Therefore, Become an important partnership with Microsoft for AI technology supply In addition, due to the gap in industrial demand, domestic large factories, whose strength is chemical manufacturing, still rely heavily on manpower for inspection of pipelines in the factory, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive However, in order to cater to the AI industry, the owner reorganized the IT department originally engaged in database management and control into an AI team However, due to the owner's lack of professional experience in AI software technology, AI models and related domain know-how, the owner introduced AI implementation Industrial safety monitoring in the chemical industry is even more challenging The world's first AI automatic labeling technology surpasses manual labeling and can visually identify objects with an accuracy of over 95 In terms of AI technology power, Xinyunlinke has launched the world's first dual-core innovative technology of automatic labeling Auto-labeling and automatic machine learning to create an efficient and stable image analysis AI platform to provide customers with the best Advanced and complete AI solutions In terms of automatic annotation, this AI technology can overcome the most difficult challenge in deep learning, which is to provide customers with the highest quality training data Taking self-driving cars as an example, how to enable one self-driving car to effectively identify another car is the importance of labeling In the past labeling methods, we first needed to collect digital images of millions of vehicles, roads, signs, and pedestrians, and spent a lot of manpower Manually labeling one image at a time was time-consuming, labor-intensive, high in labor cost, and inefficient Through automatic labeling AI technology, combined with automatic machine learning to automatically label digital images, AI can exclude human error labeling and then throw the correct data into the vehicle's brain for vehicle identification Compared with manual labeling accuracy of only 60, the accuracy of automatically labeling and identifying objects with AI can be as high as over 95 It can also reduce manual labeling time by more than 80 and save at least 80 of labor costs AI automatically marks AI behavior recognition for high-altitude operations In the automatic machine learning part, Xinyunlinke established an AI visual model with continuous learning capabilities to adapt to data changes By optimizing the overall development process, from AI data ingestion and filtering Data Selection to AI labeling AI Labeling , model training and verification, deployment and monitoring, so that AI computer vision can continue to learn more quickly and easily Automatic machine learning can currently be applied to different business cases such as object identification and counting, personnel entry and exit security detection, product defect detection, people flow identification, product shortages on shelves, etc Looking at domestic companies such as TSMC, Formosa Plastics and Hon Hai towards intelligent AI management and purchasing a large number of cameras to meet the image recognition needs of industrial safety surveillance, coupled with the introduction caused by the unfamiliarity of existing customer organizations with AI applications Thresholds and preliminary preparations for image recognition include complicated workflows such as data screening and annotation To this end, Xinyunlinke has been committed to accelerating the development of AI computer vision applications in recent years, providing client-to-end services, and can flexibly deploy according to customer needs Complete automated AI solution services in the cloud, on-premises, or cloud on-premises Xie Yuanbao said that the AI automation technology process provides data selection Data Selection AI technology through domain-type pictures given by customers, helping customers automatically filter out precise such as 10,000 transactions from a large amount of data such as 1 million transactions Data, and by using the AI algorithm technology of Auto-Labeling to replace manual labeling, it can effectively save customers a lot of labor costs and achieve efficient data labeling processing In addition, the AI technology of automated machine learning can help clients customize automatic AI model training or repeated training when the factory environment changes, providing more accurate AI models and allowing customers to operate autonomously Through the above-mentioned key features and advantages of the automated AI technology provided by Xinyunlinke, we believe that it can definitely meet the needs of customers for an automated end-to-end AI independent learning platform, and at the same time, it can significantly save customers the cost of AI team establishment In terms of technological competitiveness, in addition to providing the chemical industry with AI image analysis applications in smart industrial safety, Xie Yuanbao said that Xinyunlinke can also extend the process application of automatic annotation and automated machine learning to different industrial landing services, such as Various fields such as self-driving cars, smart warehousing self-propelled robots and self-driving buses in future smart cities are all in line with the spirit of automated mobility of Mobility as a Service We look forward to the role played by Xinyunlinke The process of image annotation in different industries accelerates the efficiency of developing image recognition services in different fields We believe that by providing client-to-end AI solutions and a complete set of automated AI image analysis pre-operation processes from Data Selection AI technology, Auto-Labeling AI technology, and automated machine learning AI technology, we can greatly satisfy our customers The demand for AI autonomous learning platform Image analysis AI platform sets a new record for smart industrial safety inspections from 100 minutes to 3 seconds Seeing the high demand for industrial safety supervision in high-risk industries such as the chemical industry in recent years, Xinyunlinke launched the "Vision AI Platform", which uses AI image recognition technology Its main functions include real-time AI streaming It has four major functions detection, event notification, defining customer-specific AI models and continuous learning In the real-time AI stream detection part, the Vision AI system can use the customer's factory camera combined with the AI module to perform real-time stream detection of AI image events It can help customers manage various operations and factory environments and keep track of them anytime and anywhere Various work situations in terms of event notification, the Vision AI platform can provide a web version or APP or LINE instant messaging software to provide customers with video records of the events at that time, so that the team does not miss any events, maintains daily production capacity and reduces accidents in defining customers In terms of exclusive AI models, a variety of basic AI models are available, including 8 detection scenarios electronic fences, personal safety equipment, construction safety equipment, construction operations, personnel counting, screen availability, smoke detection, pipeline corrosion and damage , illegal stacking for use in different industries, customers can build exclusive AI models without spending time writing programs in the continuous learning part, the Vision AI system can provide customers with the performance and accuracy of AI models, and have the ability to adapt as the environment changes Continuous learning ability Vision AI has a simple user interface and intuitive operation For cross-field industries, this platform has automated and flexible AI capabilities Customers can build self-defined AI models without spending time writing programs, and Vision AI gives AI models the ability to continuously learn and improve, allowing customers to save the labor cost of building an AI team In addition, the platform can significantly reduce the manpower allocation for routine inspections required for operational safety management, improve employee safety in the working environment, and reduce on-site accidentsrisk factors at various work sites In the platform operation mode, customers can reduce the risk of manual monitoring operations through remote operations, ensuring normal work operations and uninterrupted production operations They can also review high-risk operating situations and collect data to assist in the planning and correction of operating processes In addition, in order to ensure that customers comply with government regulations, Vision AI can help customers control the equipment and safety regulations required in different workplaces at any time through the platform's event notification and management detection The image analysis AI platform is used in cross-field AI image recognition technology Generally, for industrial safety inspections in the chemical industry, most rely on the naked eye of personnel to regularly inspect pipeline abnormalities It takes an average of 100 minutes to scan an area each time, which is time-consuming and laborious, and the pipeline location is difficult to visually observe, which may cause Employees are exposed to accidental risks in various work safety environments In order to reduce the pain points of industrial safety inspections in the chemical industry, Xinyunlinke assists well-known domestic chemical industry players by using an automated image analysis AI platform, combined with customized virtual electronic fences, and using in-plant cameras to configure AI pipeline leakage modules , the AI automatic inspection method can effectively reduce the abnormal detection time to less than 3 seconds In addition, cameras deployed in the factory can automatically record inspection schedules to achieve full-time monitoring, allowing customers to instantly discover and fully control pipelines, minimizing risks In addition, the automated image analysis AI platform can help customers apply fire warnings in factories It is conservatively estimated that the return on investment can be less than 9 months to pay back the investment The longer the platform is used, the higher the cost-effectiveness Build an automatic learning image analysis AI platform for Mobility as a Service in various fields Xie Yuanbao observed that the biggest challenge facing the entrepreneurial culture of software companies in Taiwan is that young new entrepreneurs or employees in Taiwan do not understand the entrepreneurial model and lack the awareness to regard themselves as part of the company owners This has caused It is a pity that your future is unclear or you have a past-experience mentality that prevents you from staying competent in a new start-up company for a long time I believe that the essence of true entrepreneurship lies in every employee rolling up their sleeves and working hard, so that they can truly enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurial profits Otherwise, for young entrepreneurs or employees who often change tracks, it will be like a rolling stone that gathers no moss , I am unable to take a deep root on the road of entrepreneurship, and I lose my ability to solidly accumulate financial independence Regarding the business promotion challenges of Xinyun Linke, Xie Yuanbao said with emotion that because the Taiwan market does not have a deep understanding of AI software applications, it relies more on open source AI visual analysis or machine learning and other resources on the market, but in fact These AI technology resources are limited in their ability to support customers' AI model needs, resulting in uneven quality of AI visual analysis software in the market Therefore, the impact is more indirect on Xinyunlinke's ability to truly provide customers with professional and data-centric AI image analysis services, and it also reduces the company's original business value in customer reference In terms of technical research and development challenges, the visual analysis AI platform cannot rely solely on AI model experts It must gather talents in various fields such as cloud, machine learning, data science, front-end and back-end and other professional team combinations to make the platform operate successfully Xie Yuanbao said that he believes that only through the automatic learning of the visual analysis AI platform, automatic fast and accurate data processing capabilities, and providing customers with complete AI solution services in the cloud, cloud ground Hybrid to pure ground, can we truly Convince customers and stand out from the competition Looking to the future, Xie Yuanbao hopes that Xinyunlin Technology can build an image analysis AI platform for Mobility as a Service to automatically learn in various fields such as self-driving cars, smart warehousing robots, and unmanned buses in smart cities At the same time, I am also grateful to the support of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for the smooth landing of Xinyunlin Technology in Taiwan and the opportunity to recruit talents from all walks of life to work together In the short-term layout, the company will actively cooperate with domestic players such as Hon Hai and TSMC to implement image analysis AI technology in fields such as self-driving cars, smart industrial safety, and smart warehousing robots In the medium to long term, Xinyunlinke will target the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries as its global market layout, establish investment and cooperation partnerships with major international companies such as Microsoft, and replicate its successful experience and promote it internationally Xinyunlinke official website Xie Yuanbao, founder and chairman of Xinyunlinke 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Records of Solutions

【解決方案】AI影像強化解決方案 視旅科技讓消費者用眼睛環遊世界
【2020 Solutions】 AI Image Enhancement Solutions by Visionary Tech Allows Consumers to Travel the World with Their Eyes

We are in the era of 'video is king' According to statistics, 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, but most are overlooked by consumers with only a few YouTubers gaining market popularity However, even ordinary people can now produce good videos and create memorable, exclusive memories for themselves OmiCam shares immersive experiences Visionary Tech, located at the National Taiwan University incubation center, is a service company that adds value to videos Their AI image enhancement solution employs intelligent image correction systems to eliminate shaking and fluctuations in videos, making them smoother and easier to watch Additionally, using a multi-lens hybrid computation system and intelligent image computation, the solution enhances the quality of low-light and low-resolution videos or employs a software-based intelligent image effects engine to provide time-lapse, slow-motion, and zoom effects In fact, Visionary Tech launched the OmiCam wearable panoramic camera in 2016, creating a craze The camera was crowdfunded on Kickstarter in the United States under the project name MySight360, and it performed better than expected Continuing on this success, they collaborated with 'bad friends' and managed to crowdsource a pre-order of 4 million, totaling 10 million front to back, unexpectedly causing a 360-degree whirlwind This wearable panoramic camera, suitable for mountaineers and backpackers, allows users to easily carry and use, and with just a small camera, they can traverse mountains and travel the world with their eyes The best partner for video post-production, about saving one-tenth of the cost Visionary Tech, through machine vision and machine learning technologies, offers the 'AI Image Enhancement Solution' Unlike its competitors, within the same video, if object A has zoom-in, and object B does not, it learns from the zoom-in effect of object A to simulate the zoom-in outcome for object B Moreover, AI-shot also simulates the dynamics of the human eye even if the camera is flipped, the image will automatically correct itself AI Image Enhancement Solutions Although producing a video nowadays is easier than in the past, ensuring high-quality imagery still relies on post-production enhancements such as eliminating video shaking and improving resolution to make the content more premium Visionary Tech utilizes an intelligent image correction system, not only making videos smoother and easier to watch but also enabling various special effects Using artificial intelligence, Visionary Tech automatically selects a large volume of videos to determine the appropriate angle and applies the suitable cinematographic mode It then syncs with musical beats to produce high-quality videos From selection, to the automatic cutting aligned with selected music, it saves about ten percent of human labor costs, significant for large-scale video production or consumers who wish to quickly complete video production, saving a substantial amount of costs「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Solutions】 Use Artificial Intelligence to Turn All Your Stories into Videos with 'GliaStudio'

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg once said, 'By 2018, 90 of content marketing will be video marketing' The power of video marketing is immense, evident in everyday life on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, where there is a noticeable trend towards more video content Also, consider whether a 30-second animated video captures your attention more effectively than a lengthy article The Digital Age Where Video Marketing Reigns Supreme Currently, video search volumes have surpassed traditional searches A sprawling text piece simply cannot compare with the appeal of seconds-long video content Yet for traditional media or blogs with a vast 'text library', and e-commerce companies that rely on video advertising for revenue, limited video production capabilities and the inability to quickly produce large volumes of content are major issues Finding a platform that can quickly produce videos has become a critical need According to industry surveys, producing a 30-second to one-minute video can take at least one hour The costs in terms of manpower and resources are not sustainable, especially for large media outlets However, Jiya Technology's 'GliaStudio' AI robot can produce a video in just five minutes, addressing the high costs and production limitations associated with video content creation Jiya Technology has independently developed an automated AI video production platform that currently offers services for instant news videos and marketing videos Users simply need to paste the content or URL intended for video conversion onto the platform The AI robot then utilizes natural language processing algorithms to analyze the main themes and keypoints of the content, producing a segmented video script Building on this script, the AI robot automatically searches the user's media library for relevant imagery to compose into the video, thereby enabling the easy production of varied video versions Enriching Everyone's Daily Life Jiya Technology’s Chief Operating Officer, Agnes, states 'We believe that stories give technology its meaning and purpose In this era dominated by video content, our goal is to help media professionals and marketers effectively convey their stories through videos on social media, even without professional video editing resources' Taiwan's largest social media platform, PIXNET, has also collaborated with Jiya Technology to develop the 'One-click to Video' APP Bloggers can use their PIXNET account to log into the 'GliaStudio' AI video production platform, automatically and swiftly converting their blog’s textual and graphical content into videos These videos can then be directly embedded into PIXNET articles, presenting the creative content in a more dynamic and engaging way Schematic representation of video content on social media According to production efficiency statistics, GliaStudio can reduce the time spent by 50 This allows content creators to engage in higher quality work while freeing bloggers and marketers to invest more time and effort into creating superior works and serving members, with the task of video production handled by the most popular AI robots 'GliaStudio', an artificial intelligence automated video production platform, incorporates multiple AI technologies including computer vision and natural language processing Using natural language processing techniques, the machine understands the content and key points of an article and links these features to applicable video content, images, and other media materials Through extensive training of video content models, it produces videos that are of high content quality and match user viewing behaviors, helping brands, businesses, and media companies produce high volumes of video content at sustainable costs while continuously using artificial intelligence to enhance everyone's life「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】AI技術加持 霈瑔健康助妳一圓媽媽夢
【2020 Solutions】 AI Technology Enhances Pei Yuan Health, Helping You Fulfill the Dream of Motherhood

With late marriage and childbirth becoming a trend in modern society, Taiwan has a high infertility prevalence rate of 15, indicating that one in every seven couples faces infertility issues Bearing children is a significant event in life, and Pei Yuan Health, through its artificial intelligence embryo testing algorithm and assisted physiological data, can enhance the success rate of artificial insemination For parents grappling with infertility, having a baby is a deeply cherished desire Statistics indicate that two-thirds of global in-vitro fertilization patients have experienced repeated failures, with each treatment cycle costing between 200,000 to 500,000 NTD, posing an unbearable financial burden to the patients and their families Kuo Jing-Huan, the founder of Pei Yuan Health, who focuses on the development of artificial intelligence applications in the medical field, has introduced an 'Embryo Quality and Pregnancy Physiological Value Assessment System' Through machine learning techniques, this system extracts and learns from a vast database of embryo images to create an embryo image analysis system This development includes an embryo conception rate identification and pregnancy risk assessment system to aid doctors, significantly increasing the chances of successful artificial insemination Taiwan's artificial insemination success rate reaches 36, ranking second worldwide Kuo Jing-Huan, who also serves as the Executive Director of the Health IoT Alliance at Taipei Medical University, states that Taiwan boasts a strong medical team, with an artificial insemination success rate of 367, ranking second in the world, barely behind the United States at 375, and far surpassing Mainland China's 225 He mentioned that the US FDA has already approved the Eeva Test, a smart testing system that selects embryos using delay imaging microscopes to collect real data during the embryo culture process This system calculates and predicts which embryos are most likely to develop successfully and selects the best-suited fertilized embryos Illustration of Smart Embryo Selection Test Additionally, international companies have begun to use artificial intelligence to help integrate complex datasets from multiple incompatible systems, including drug treatment programs and clinical pregnancy outcome information, as well as predicting the characteristics of successful in vitro fertilization IVF outcomes, which has also garnered Series A investment support In contrast domestically, fewer manufacturers or hospitals and clinics are involved Pei Yuan Health hopes to collaborate with the professional medical team from Taipei Medical University to jointly develop a proprietary Taiwanese reproductive medicine case management platform This platform uses AI systems to assist doctors in selecting from various treatment options the ones with the highest conception rates and making real-time adjustments based on different patient responses to fertility treatments, aiming to enhance Taiwan's international reputation in the reproductive medical industry Integrating AI Embryo Testing Algorithm for Marketing Abroad Pei Yuan Health, based on its artificial intelligence embryo testing algorithm, combined with a developed Laboratory Information System LIS and time-lapse embryo incubators, conducts service verification Utilizing a microservices framework to integrate testing equipment into the reproductive medicine laboratory management system for market sales, while also applying for the Institutional Review Board IRB They invite other reproductive medicine centers to participate in the experimental plan, submitting these clinical verification results to apply for an FDA Class II medical device application Kuo Jing-Huan points out that Mainland China, with its one-child policy lifted and an artificial insemination probability of only about 20, represents a significant market opportunity In 2020, Pei Yuan Health plans to actively invest in fertility clinics, including developing pre-pregnancy plans, establishing an ovum bank, attracting 10,000 clients, and accumulating investments in 5 joint venture clinics in Taiwan The plan includes applying for AI technology FDA approval In 2021, strategic investments in China will be made, completing a comprehensive factory export program, establishing brand authorization franchises, collaborating with 10 joint venture clinics in Taiwan and 50 franchise clinics in China, with the goal of giving more hope to parents desiring to have children「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】鉅怡智慧只憑一顆光學鏡頭 讓病徵無所遁形
【2020 Solutions】 Juyi Intelligence Detects Symptoms with Just a Single Optical Lens

In ancient times, traditional Chinese medicine doctors diagnosed by looking, smelling, asking, and touching to assess the pulse, facial complexion, and interrogation of the patient to understand the symptoms modern AI doctors, with a single optical lens, can scan and detect physiological information of the user, obtaining heartbeat, blood pressure, heart rate variability, etc, making symptoms nowhere to hide AI doctors 'see' physiological signals The AI start-up company Juyi Intelligence, founded by Wu Bingfei, a distinguished professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Chiao Tung University, is at the core of 'AI optic-based physiological information measurement' technology It uses common photographic lenses to capture continuous facial images for signal processing After algorithms process the data, it can obtain physiological information such as heartbeat, heart rate variability, and blood pressure The key feature of this technology is non-contact measurement With the advent of an aging society, the demand for long-term care has surged However, for the elderly who dislike wearing devices, even the best wearable devices are ineffective Additionally, seniors are generally unfamiliar with using 3C products, thus such devices might become a burden However, Juyi Intelligence has a new solution by using an optical lens in an imaging detection system to observe facial expressions, it can detect blood pressure and heartbeat Compared to other wearable devices, whether worn on the body or the wrist, the advantage of a photographic lens is its simplicity and complete unobtrusiveness Real-time measurement, precise tracking Currently, most available products on the market are wearable physiological measurement devices or video surveillance products that do not have physiological detection capabilities This solution is the only successfully commercialized system for image-based physiological information measurement The technical highlights are 1 Commercializable, non-contact continuous detection technology for heartbeat, heart rate variability, and blood pressure 2 Heart rate measurement results can be output within 6 seconds 3 Direct measurement even with glasses on 4 High accuracy measurement compared to medical-grade devices 5 Clinical trials conducted with hospitals to collect real physiological data to optimize AI algorithms 6 Wide applications using physiological information measurements for stress, fraud, or fatigue detection Juyi Intelligence product image Horizontal technology creates diverse vertical applications In healthcare, it mainly assists elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases, avoiding the discomfort of wearing medical devices, without needing to change daily habits, allowing the system to automatically perform daily health records and predict related diseases, saving medical staff for more intelligent elder care solutions In the smart finance sector, facial image processing technology detects physiological information and emotional changes along with masking behaviors Implemented in bank ATMs or counter systems to enhance monitoring camera functions, it observes the state of withdrawers, sends alerts to clerks upon detecting abnormal emotions or behaviors, thus preventing financial crimes or fraud In transportation, using Juyi's technology can detect whether drivers are fatigued If data indicates the driver has become fatigued, an alert can be issued, advising the driver to stop driving to avoid accidents In the financial field, Juyi Intelligence has also cooperated with Shanghai Commercial Bank, introducing the image-based physiological information detection system in newly established smart branches, using physiological information to enhance emotion recognition, strengthening the bank's KYC verification and ATM anti-fraud operations along with VIP exclusive services, providing bank customers with a brand-new digital financial service experience This technology has been implemented in digital branches in Taichung and Hsinchu Furthermore, the non-contact physiological information measurement has a wide range of applications, focusing on smart healthcare, smart finance, smart transportation, and smart security Initially, these sectors were independent vertical blocks, but Juyi specializes in horizontal technology that allows more diverse applications in each vertical sector, providing more versatile grounding applications「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2020 Solutions】 Robot doctors perform instant diagnosis to maintain product yield and reduce the risk of shut down

Factory machines operate 24 hours a day and will cause heavy losses if they are shut down due to failure If the usage status can be monitored by machine and abnormalities immediately determined, it will help the industry maintain product yields, machine stability, reduce maintenance costs, and shorten maintenance time At present, mainstream AI mostly uses big data gathered in advance or already on hand for training and characterization However, despite the a wide variety of machinery and equipment in factories and the marketrsquos emphasis on predictive maintenance and monitoring in recent years, the amount of data accumulated is very limited How can we quickly meet the needs of factories Provides immediate diagnosis and shortens the troubleshooting process Good Tech Instruments has accumulated a huge database and can quickly help manufacturers protect machinery, equipment, and product quality Wen-Tze Hsu, founder and technical manager of Good Tech Instruments, said that the main feature of machine learning AI monitoring system products is that it quickly learns from the experience of practitioners in the original field, and then uses pre-built mathematical models to classify and manage human experience based on physical and mathematical calculations, accumulating a large amount of data through repetitive production actions At the same time, the previously learned experience data is overlapped with data accumulated over a long period of time and deviation conditions for optimization, in order to achieve the goal of optimizing the monitoring model The time series charts generated by the system are subsequently used to define the predictive maintenance time for various industries and equipment The implementation of instant diagnosis can increase production by 40 working days per year Good Tech Instruments has accumulated a huge database and can quickly help manufacturers protect machinery, equipment, and product quality Wen-Tze Hsu also pointed out that factories have a lot of data, but collecting data does not mean that the data will be useful, and collecting data for deep learning will not necessarily solve the problem of predictive monitoring Good Tech Instrument's monitoring program uses existing or learned rules for monitoring when it is first installed, in order to protect machinery and product quality In the monitoring process, the underlying algorithm will continue to collect and classify data Users can perform labeling actions in the process or use the collected and classified data groups for deep learning AI technology is mainly applied in equipment monitoring and predictive maintenance processes The VMSreg-ML Intelligent Machine Learning Monitoring System can achieve three benefits IAvoid business losses due to production line shutdowns caused by unexpected damage to equipment and molds By preventing unexpected shutdowns and time waiting for materials, production can be increased by 40 working days per year, and quality assurance manpower can be reduced by one third IIOnline monitoring of production processes serves as a defense mechanism against defective products, which can reduce customer complaints and rejected goods IIIMonitor the health status of machinery and equipment, avoid delayed maintenance or excessive maintenance, improve management of industrial production risks, and reduce waste of operating costs The target market of Good Tech Instruments is monitoring applications for stamping, such as the health of motors, crankshafts, punch rods, and springs It can also be applied to smartphone casings, automobile manufacturing body parts, 5G equipment casings, and metal fasteners, and its customer base is mainly in the semiconductor industry Wen-Tze Hsu also said that AI has been the most important trend in the manufacturing industry in recent years, and equipment monitoring is now regarded by most companies as the first step in implementing smart manufacturing systems

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【2020 Solutions】 Apex Intelligence Enhances Facial Recognition Technology by Tenfold Efficiency

Facial recognition software applying deep learning and edge computing model compression technologies significantly reduces costs compared to cloud computing and has increased efficiency by more than ten times The technology has been introduced to law enforcement agencies for suspect identification and will be used in more access control systems, membership systems, and provide diverse AI services in the futureBy integrating edge computing, facial recognition time is saved by more than ten timesAs end-user demand for AI increases, most current AI applications involve sending files to the cloud, where they are processed and analyzed by high-end processors like CPUs and GPUs Future devices such as tablets, smartphones, surveillance cameras, and smart doorbells will feature AI applications, addressing issues of insufficient computing resources and decreased performance with edge computing and efficient deep learning algorithmsApex Intelligence developed AiBo facial recognition software applying deep learning and edge computing model compression technology that allows IPCams to automatically recognize every smile of children aged 0-12 through local device computation, emotion detection accuracy exceeds 98, significantly saving more than ten times the photography and recognition time compared to cloud services Photos can also be uploaded to the cloud to create smart albums using facial classification technology, allowing users to share albums with friends and familyUsing edge computing reduces expenditures by 4 million annuallyWith edge computing, there's no need to spend time sending all images back to the cloud for recognition and classification This saves more storage space and costs, and can expand services to remote areas or locations with unstable internet This technology has already been partnered with major domestic manufacturers, significantly reducing the average annual cloud storage, computer processing, and service costs by 4 million The application also utilizes facial recognition for real authentication, adding an extra layer of protection for online transactions, while physical retail stores can use security system image analysis to quickly identify customers, providing more precise service qualityApex Intelligence's product technology can perform facial detection, identification, classification, object detection, and gaze detection The main focus of its AI deep learning technology is on image processing, with existing products including facial unlock and smart photo albums For example, in collaboration with UMC, it is determined whether personnel wearing safety gear enter within safety cones This technology can be further applied in homes, family restaurants, kindergartens, and more, enhancing applications in access control systems and membership systems to provide diverse AI servicesZhongwei Chen, founder and CEO of Apex Intelligence, also pointed out that images occupy a significant proportion in the data types of the Internet of Things AI can extend the value of images, inspiring different creativity and generating enormous business opportunities in the future「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2020 Solutions】 Using Just One Optical Lens to Render Symptoms Unseen

In ancient times, traditional doctors needed to look, smell, ask, and touch to diagnose patients by checking their pulse, complexion, and symptoms Modern AI doctors, through an optical lens, can scan and detect physiological information such as heart rate, blood pressure, and heart rate variability, making any symptoms apparent The AI doctor 'sees' physiological signals Founded by Distinguished Professor Wu Bingfei from the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Chiao Tung University, the AI startup Julius Innovation primarily utilizes 'AI Image-Based Physiological Information Measurement' It employs ordinary camera lenses to capture continuous facial images for signal processing Through algorithms, it can discern heart rate, heart rate variability, and blood pressure This technology’s main feature is its non-contact measurement As the aging population grows, the demand for long-term care has sharply increased However, for elderly people who dislike wearing wearable devices, even the best wearable devices are of no use Furthermore, the elderly are generally less familiar with 3C products, turning such devices into potential burdens Julius Innovation, however, has addressed this issue with a new solution, using an optical lens in an imaging detection system to monitor facial features and determine measurements like blood pressure and heart rate Compared to various wearable devices, whether worn on the body or hands, the advantage of a camera lens is its simplicity and completely unobtrusive presence Real-time measurement, precise tracking Currently, the market is full of wearable physiological information measurement products, or video surveillance products that lack physiological detection capabilities This solution represents the only successfully commercialized image-based physiological information measurement system The technology highlights include 1 Marketable non-contact, continuous output of heart rate, heart rate variability, and blood pressure detection 2 Fast results in under 6 seconds 3 Measurements can be taken even while wearing glasses 4 Comparable to medical-grade instrument precision 5 Implementation of clinical trials with hospitals to collect actual physiological data and optimize the AI algorithm 6 Uses physiological information measurements for broad applications such as detecting stress, deceit, or fatigue Lateral technology creates diverse vertical applications In medical care, it primarily aids elderly cardiovascular patients by eliminating the discomfort of wearable medical instruments and allowing automatic daily health records and prediction of cardiovascular and other diseases without altering lifestyles This saves medical staff resources and offers more intelligent elderly care solutions In smart finance, facial image processing technology detects physiological information and emotional changes plus masking behaviors By installing this system in bank ATMs or counters, it enhances monitoring device functionality, observes the state of individuals withdrawing money, and issues alerts to bank staff upon detecting unusual emotions or behaviors to counteract financial crime or fraud In transportation, using Julius's technology can detect whether a driver is fatigued If the data shows the driver is fatigued, a warning is issued, advising the driver to cease driving to avoid risks In the financial field, Julius Innovation also collaborates with Shanghai Commercial Bank In newly established smart branches, they have incorporated the image-based physiological information detection system, using physiological data to enhance emotion recognition, strengthen KYC verification at banks, protect against ATM fraud, and provide VIP services, offering a novel digital banking service experience This technology has been implemented in Taichung and Hsinchu digital branches Moreover, the non-contact physiological information measurement applications are extensive, with Julius Innovation focusing on smart care, smart finance, smart transportation, and smart security as its four key sectors Originally, care, transportation, finance, and security were standalone vertical areas, but Julius specializes in lateral technology, allowing more diverse applications across these sectors 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Solutions】 Hangte Electronics AI Innovation Applications, Comprehensive Upgrade of Monitoring Technology

Hangte developed AI Cam, offering smart innovative services The development of monitoring products has undergone breakthrough development due to the advent of artificial intelligence technology traditional network cameras IP Cam have been upgraded to AI network cameras with smart image automatic analysis and response capabilities AI Cam not only meets the high-resolution demands of various platforms with image quality but also continuously expands its capabilities based on its smart application properties, thereby creating innovative services in smart imaging applications that keep evolving and being suitably applied in various environments and scenarios For example, in the use of human detection applications, this smart monitoring feature can separately identify each person in the surveillance video and delineate a specific range as a basis for monitoring decisions, conducting systematic analysis and management users can calculate the dwell time, count people traffic, and also issue immediate alerts when a designated person enters the monitored range as shown in the diagram below Smart monitoring features can individually categorize each person in the surveillance video In the aging society with a shortage of manpower, smart long-term care efficiently enhances care quality According to statistics from the Ministry of Interior, Taiwan has entered the 'aging society' structure Since 1993, the population of elderly people aged 65 and above has steadily increased from 1,491,000 to 3,312,000 by the end of March 2018 according to estimates by the National Development Council, the elderly population is expected to exceed 20 by 2026, making Taiwan parallel with Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and some European countries as a 'super-aged society' In other words, in the future, Taiwan's society may become a structure where one in every five people is elderly, significantly increasing the need for long-term care facilities and retirement centers Given the trend toward an aging population, the manpower resources for caring for the elderly will inevitably diminish over time The solution to the aforementioned shortage of manpower for long-term care needs is to optimize the operation of long-term care institutions using artificial intelligence technology, particularly by utilizing AI network cameras with smart image auto-analysis and instant response capabilities, combined with the Internet of Things IoT automatic connection features to promptly identify problems and handle them effectively, embodying a high-efficiency smart service application In the smart operation system of long-term care institutions, we can set up a people counting function to calculate the daily traffic, using this data as a reference for observing the dynamics of personnel entering and exiting a designated detection area, useful for calculating attendance or foreign visitor flow, and adjusting door threshold times or work schedules accordingly additionally, the electronic fence feature can define and secure specific areas, immediately alerting the management if an unauthorized visitor breaches the area, coupled with fall detection to set up designated areas for the care recipients prone to falls, immediately notifying the caregiver if an incident occurs within the detection range as shown in the diagram below Using AI surveillance cameras in long-term care facilities reduces the workload and enhances care quality Edge computing smart imaging, cloud IoT innovative services The application of artificial intelligence combined with the Internet of Things in monitoring scenarios is not limited to potential suspects or dangerous individuals in retirement and long-term care environments, AI surveillance can also enhance monitoring and integrated management of resources Hangte Electronics, leveraging over thirty years of industry experience and RampD capability in monitoring imaging technology, successfully combines Internet of Things technology IoT and Artificial Intelligence AI, not only making good use of cloud computing to reduce installation and management costs of surveillance environments but also greatly enhancing the overall monitoring effectiveness of security systems by utilizing edge computing to provide image preprocessing capabilities and coupling it with AI smart image analysis technology for various image recognition and instant analysis of monitored subjects' behavior, automatically linking response mechanisms to correspond to triggering events, fully dedicated to crafting innovative service solutions for smart surveillance 20 for clients Fully dedicated to crafting innovative service solutions for smart surveillance 20 for clients 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2020 Solutions】 Not Just Attractiveness, But Capturing Consumer Attention: Rosetta.ai Personalized Recommendation System

When consumers don't know what to buy or are specifically interested in certain types of products, their first thought might be to shop online Why Because it's fast, convenient, offers 24-hour delivery, and they don't have a preference for specific brands, allowing them to find products from various sellers on a single platform While browsing online, you've surely seen product recommendation features like 'You may also like' or 'Others also viewed' These not only help you find the products you need more quickly but also allow for fast comparison of similar items in terms of specs and price It's a very useful feature for consumers For merchants, this data helps understand customers' habits and preferences 'Recommendation systems' basically ineffective Amazon and the globally known streaming platform Netflix see significant revenue boosts from their recommendation systems Coupled with articles teaching how to increase conversion rates, e-commerce business owners might have quietly thought, 'I've tried using similar recommendation systems, but they haven't shown significant results' Perhaps, aside from focusing on targeted marketing, we should consider each consumer as an individual with unique preferences, behaviors, and needs, creating a personalized shopping experience just for them Traditional methods, like recommending more fans after one buys a fan, no longer meet the current users' needs Modern networks use AI algorithms to dynamically calculate user behavior and update website merchandise, promptly adjusting the recommendations on sites and e-commerce platforms, such as recommended content and the content viewed, to better align with what users are seeking Why not analyze consumer profiles, allowing customers to have their 'personalized website' Data shows that e-commerce worldwide spends a lot on advertising to drive traffic, yet the actual conversion rates average only 2 - 3 Why is this Rosettaai has learned from over five years of e-commerce experience that two main factors affect customer conversion and retention Inability to grasp customer purchase preferences, motivations, and situations, including personal factors E-commerce often involves wearing many hats with insufficient resources and budget to adopt innovative technology Thus, Rosettaai has always focused on two critical business factors 'Customer Acquisition' and 'Customer Retention', emphasizing integration of all touchpoints throughout the consumer's online and offline journey, rather than just being an online recommendation tool Its personalized recommendation system suggests products that best suit each customer's taste, analyzing preferences to help brands more accurately understand their consumer profiles and recommend styles to potential customers Rosettaai also designs recommendation systems to suit different pages and KPI stages based on consumer shopping processes Users can select scenarios based on their website's needs the system also provides real-time feedback and automated engines Now, with over 30 unified API-ready free modules and 14 basic scenario combinations, your e-commerce site will no longer be just another site With AI and deep learning, the concept of homepage will be redefined, tailoring product recommendations and homepage design to meet individual consumer demands From another angle, creating a precision recommendation service for e-commerce, allowing the use of a personalized recommendation system, not only prevents customer churn and increases average order value but also enhances turnover and provides a novel shopping experience for modern consumers, resulting in a mutually beneficial cycle 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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