Special Cases

【解決方案】對話機器人成為智慧醫療小幫手 有效降低7成人力
【2021 Solutions】 Conversational robots become smart medical helpers, effectively reducing the labor force of 70 people

"I've been eating, drinking, and urinating a lot recently I'm worried about whether I have diabetes" "You can go to the hospital to measure blood sugar If fasting blood sugar is higher than 100 mgdL, and postprandial blood sugar is higher than 140 mgdL, glycated hemoglobin 5764, you may have signs of pre-diabetes” The person talking to the patient may not be a real person, but an intelligent conversation robot This is a smart medical robot developed by Asia Pacific Intelligent Machine Company, which specializes in Natural Language Understanding NLU technology Through multiple rounds of dialogue, it can reduce about 70 of the manpower in medical clinics Founded in 2017, Asia Pacific Intelligent Machine Company, founder and CEO Jerry Wu is a well-known expert in the field of AI and one of the few Google Developers Experts in Asia In the early days of its establishment, it used the interactive conversational robot Open Talk platform to enter smart manufacturing, insurance, media and other industrial fields AI applications grow from broad to refined, Asia-Pacific intelligent machines target the health care field to deeply explore the market "AI technology is a very professional field To achieve in-depth development, a huge amount of manpower and resources must be expended" From the beginning of its establishment, it has explored industrial-wide AI applications After four years of exploration, Jerry understands that With limited manpower and resources, it is necessary to focus and deepen in one vertical field in order to create more revenue sources Therefore, in the past two years, Asia-Pacific Intelligent Machines has decided to focus on the fields of smart health and smart care by using the health and medical corpus accumulated on the Open Talk platform Based on Open Talk, it has developed more accurate auxiliary robots required by medical hospitals as goal AMPIC Healthcare’s Key Advantages Asia-Pacific Intelligent Machinery started cooperation with Formosa Biomedical Engineering, and currently has accumulated more than 40 medical institutions, covering biotech medicine, medical cosmetology, rehabilitation, etc Affected by the novel coronavirus pneumonia COVID-19 epidemic, during the level three alert period, people stayed at home and did not even dare to go to the hospital for medical treatment even if they were sick At this time, Asia Pacific Smart Machine's video medical solution is dispatched It is used in non-contact cloud-based physiological measurements to provide doctors with a reference for long-term care and observation, helping to solve the problem of medical institutions using telemedicine for patient care The specific method is that after seeing the doctor, if the patient has questions about related medications, prescriptions, etc, he or she can directly contact the voice robot through the social communication line Patients with chronic diseases do not need to upload blood pressure, blood oxygen, heartbeat and other data They only need to upload an 8-second video of their own face close-up, and the calculation time is 30 seconds to analyze the patient's pulse index, heartbeat, muscle fatigue and other values , if any abnormality is discovered, the patient can also seek medical treatment immediately Using labeling algorithm to mix physiological measurements seeing and conversational technology listening, it can improve intention understanding by 80 Why can physiological data be measured through close-up videos of faces Jerry further explained that it mainly relies on the AI algorithm label judgment in the background of the system, which means observing the flow of blood vessels based on the reflected light on the face in the video, performing identification actions, and judging the values of heartbeat and blood pressure The recognition rate is It can reach 80-90, which is equivalent to the data measured by the blood pressure machine The difference is that uploading data through a blood pressure machine requires purchasing a blood pressure machine and a self-measurement uploading platform Generally, patients with chronic diseases are mostly middle-aged and elderly people who often forget to measure their blood pressure, which affects the continuous collection of physiological data The action of video shooting and uploading can improve patient cooperation in hospitals and also help clinics continue to track the conditions of chronic patients Because with physiological measurement data, combined with dialogue technology, we can understand the customer's care needs and intentions, reaching 90 For example, if the customer has high blood pressure, abnormal lactic acid value, there may be some possible physical problems, if we match the customer For the content of robot interaction, OpenTalk can parse the two data sources to analyze the customer's intention and further feed it back to the doctor or caregiver, who will decide which care actions to take For example in the field of medical beauty, medical beauty clinics care about what kind of beauty care customers want to do Through robot dialogue and interactive behavior on the device, Asia Pacific Intelligence performs labeling actions, including extracting things of concern in the dialogue , show the intention, such as wanting to do hyaluronic acid, small needle beauty, etc, collect voice and audio and video data, and integrate it into personalized tags, you can recommend skin care treatments, business shopping guides, or list tracking cases, etc, becoming a medical beauty The best assistant for the clinic to understand its clients The care platform recruits an AI technology team and will target the Japanese and Thai markets for international export in the future The AI technology of Asia-Pacific Intelligent Machines starts from natural language understanding and performs labeling actions from conversations In addition to natural language processing, it also focuses on machine vision technology Through images, including the recognition of customer age, gender, and facial emotions, it also masters visual tags and dialogue tags to deeply understand customer needs AMPIC Healthcare’s system service architecture Due to the huge number of disciplines in the medical field, Asia-Pacific smart machines have initially targeted the medical beauty and long-term care markets, and have adopted the concept of a care platform to recruit other AI technology teams At this stage, it has included the detection of dementia and sarcopenia It is expected to be included in the future, including blood sugar detection, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, etc, to explore potential markets and find powerful AI technology partners to jointly develop AI detection technology to make the health and medical services covered by the care platform more complete The Open Talk platform supports multiple languages including Chinese, Taiwanese, English, Japanese and Thai, and has more than 130 automatic question and answer skills, which can automatically grasp customer emotions and customer needs In the future, in addition to plans to introduce more than 100 automatic QA skills to medical institutions in 2022, In addition to the 200 companies, it will also target the Japanese and Thai markets, enter overseas markets, and export service solutions internationally Asia Pacific Intelligent Machine Company CEO Wu Bohan third from left in the picture and his team took a group photo after being interviewed by TVBS TV station「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2022 Solutions】 Insight into consumer behavior and intelligent interpretation using AI to assist the catering industry with smooth transformation

In May 2021, due to the local COVID-19 outbreak, a ban on internal use was adopted, making the catering industry feel like it has entered a cold winter, with business bleak and operations facing difficulties However, there are also catering companies that have turned the crisis into an opportunity and actively carried out digital transformation, introducing online ordering and delivery platform systems, establishing customer membership systems, etc, to effectively reduce inventory and increase sales Intelligent Interpretation, a new start-up company established just one year ago, acts as a transformation consultant for the catering and retail industry, collecting, connecting and analyzing consumer behavior data to provide the best solutions for the cateringretail industry Li Qihan, the founder of Intelligent Interpretation, is good at online marketing and website construction As AI technology continues to evolve, he graduated from the Northern Phase II Manager Class of Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School AIA and was impressed by the large number of website sales Data and marketing analysis data can help companies improve their competitiveness and reduce operating costs Therefore, we established an intelligent interpretation company with Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School alumni, hoping to use member information to start collecting more first-party data to help customers build customer vision Analyze the data and identify relevant sales opportunities Targeting the catering and retail industries, intelligent interpretation helps stores use AI to transform "There are many small and medium-sized restaurants in Taiwan We hope to help these small and medium-sized restaurants use simple cloud services and social tools, such as Line, to start collecting and establishing member information systems and collect relevant information Consumption data is used to establish behavioral models of different consumers" Li Qihan went on to say that the catering and retail industries will be targeted at the initial stage, and different consumption behavior analyzes will be used to help stores further increase the frequency of customers visiting the store and the frequency of dining or purchasing, and reduce the use of ingredients Preparation costs The main features of the AI service of intelligent interpretation Affected by the ongoing epidemic, which has severely impacted the performance of physical stores, intelligent interpretation also assists physical stores in establishing e-commerce websites or shopping malls, combining physical and virtual consumption data to provide 360-degree OMO consumers Analysis, and can send marketing messages to different consumers, reducing the large-scale and indiscriminate casting of traditional marketing methods that cause customers to blacklist merchants or block lines, and also increase consumers' willingness to click and purchase Will Li Qihan pointed out that the AI service of intelligent interpretation has the following characteristics 1 Use LINE combined with membership system 2 Use QR Code to replace membership card 3 Provide LINE online orderingreservation 4 Use AI to analyze consumers’ personal preferences 5 Send coupons based on consumer behavior and preferences Using Line ordering information, you can understand consumer behavior such as consumer type, taste, time period, ordering frequency, etc, find consumers of the same group, and conduct summary analysis, which is important for one-to-one customized marketing Reference Li Qihan emphasized that the cost of digital marketing at this stage is very high If there is no classification and grouping after acquiring customers, preferential information will be distributed randomly and easily blocked by consumers The conversion rate will become lower and lower, and the marketing budget invested previously will be in vain AI combines the advantages of MarTech to provide exclusive customized services Although Intelligent Interpretation is a new startup that has been established for nearly a year, in terms of the company's future development strategy, Li Qihan hopes to use MarTech combined with the advantages of AI to first assist the catering and retail industries that are currently most in need of digital transformation Quickly enter the first stage of digital transformation, establish member information and collect consumer data, and then assist these companies to enter the second stage of digital transformation, analyze and use these consumer data, and provide exclusive customized services Li Qihan said that Taiwan’s MarTech market still has considerable room for development Most companies think that advertising on the Internet is the so-called MarTech, or that combining website data with advertising conversion rates and looking at the GA report Google Analytics every day is the so-called MarTech However, he believes that the above situation is only It stops at the collection and analysis of marketing data and is not integrated into the corporate sales and management levels In fact, after the data is collected, it still needs to be integrated, analyzed, and applied according to individual business scenarios This is the real MarTech application method Li Qihan, founder of Intelligent Interpretation, shared his smart retail experience at the AIGO forum As for most companies that believe that as long as they have data, AI algorithm analysis can solve all problems, Li Qihan suggested that companies should have a correct concept of data First, it does not have to be big data AI algorithms can also work with small data Great effect 2 Data is accumulated year by year To collect information, you need to understand the purpose and needs After collecting data, you need to find out its correlation That is to say, first define the use situation and the problem you want to solve, collect data, Only by analyzing data and using machine learning to identify undiscovered sales opportunities can we start to provide marketing application suggestions "The key to the success of using technology for digital transformation lies not in technical issues, but in concepts AI is not a magic pill that will take effect after taking it AI is more like a health food and must be taken continuously to help adjust the corporate body" This is Li Qihan realization He also mentioned that there is an 8020 rule in customer management How to define the 20 customer group What is the definition of VIP customer What issues does the company want to analyze What data should be disassembled It is necessary to peel off the cocoons layer by layer and clarify the above issues one by one This is the "basic project of the sewer" If the foundation is stable, there will be no problem in building a few more floors on top The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ AI problem-solving competition creates a win-win situation for enterprises and innovations Intelligent Interpretation has assisted the internationally renowned catering chain Din Tai Fung to participate in the AIGO "Problem Solving" competition of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs It understands that almost all catering industries have problems with how much to prepare Many times, when there are too many guests, there is insufficient preparation There are fewer customers, resulting in a waste of ingredients Therefore, it is very important for restaurants to predict the number of customers every day Intelligent interpretation suggestions can be based on weather, store location, and special holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc through AI , special time parents’ birthday, wedding anniversary and other data correlation analysis, the estimated number of guests is expected to increase the accuracy by more than 80, effectively using AI to solve the problems of catering operators Restaurant Consumer Service Flow Chart Li Qihan pointed out that "industry problem solving, new innovation problem solving" can help enterprises and AI startups find common goals, and also solve the dilemma of new startups not getting usable data, and provide identification through matchmaking on the enterprise side Based on the data, AI startups can put algorithms into practical application, and enterprises can also get solutions for digital transformation, creating a win-win situation After the epidemic, digital transformation is related to the life and death of enterprises How should the cateringretail industry choose AI companies and introduce them Li Qihan, who currently serves as an AIGO smart retail coach for the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and a number of AI consultants, said frankly that if data analysis does not have a certain degree of understanding of AI and practical implementation experience, there may be a high chance of failure in project execution In the retail industry, when it comes to choosing an AI project company, it is best to choose a company that has actually introduced AI projects or has experience in operating e-commerce The recommended principles and steps for introducing AI into the cateringretail industry are If the problem the company asks is too big, it needs to continue to dismantle it Because different problems naturally require different ways of collecting data, with the help of consultants step by step After dismantling, use the data collected according to the usage situation to analyze, and you will naturally get the answer to the problem you want to solve After you find a certain accuracy, you can then use transfer learning to solve similar problems one by one Looking to the future, Intelligent Interpretation hopes to become the number one AI company in Taiwan in the catering and retail industries, using simple and practical methods to help the catering and retail industries implement AI and improve the competitiveness of Taiwan's industry「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2022 Solutions】 AI Understands Marketing?! Tammy Technology's Personalized Recommendation Service Helps Fashion E-commerce Increase Conversion Rates by 3 Times

Having experienced small to medium-sized e-commerce, founders and CEO Zi-Hao Huang and co-founder and COO Yi-Ting Li of Tammy Technology decided to tackle the marketing challenges of all e-commerce personnel using AI technology Focusing on fashion e-commerce, Tammy Technology's personalized recommendation SaaS Software as a Service helps small to medium enterprises tackle the rising costs of marketing and the overwhelming data, enhancing conversion rates and average order value, becoming an invaluable AI assistant in the fashion e-commerce industry Enhancing conversion rates has always been a major challenge for all e-commerce platforms Unlike major players like Google and Facebook who collect browsing history to target interested messages or advertisements, smaller e-commerce businesses lack the resources and manpower to construct data analysis systems or tools Company Position Marketing technology team for small and medium-sized e-commerce utilizing AI to establish automated marketing Established in 2016, Tammy Technology initially aimed to become 'the marketing technology team for small to medium-sized e-commerce,' hoping to resolve challenges of low conversion rates and customer retention through data analysis and personalized recommendation services 'Daniel referring to Zi-Hao Huang and I have both worked in small to medium e-commerce I handled branding, marketing, and design, while he managed backend systems, project management, and development launches, almost everyone was multitasking' Understanding the pain points of e-commerce operators, they decided to help small and medium enterprises by developing automated marketing systems and a personalized recommendation SaaS, aiding those with limited marketing resources Through AI technology, analyze consumer purchase preferences and provide personalized recommendation services By analyzing each consumer's purchase preferences using AI technology and storing their digital footprints in the backend for data analysis, Tammy Technology stands apart from traditional recommendation systems that categorize customers They offer personalized product recommendations based on each individual's style preferences to achieve precise marketing objectives Yi-Ting Li emphasizes that Tammy Technology's personalized recommendation service has two main functions one is to make website personalized recommendations, and the second is to integrate with marketing channels such as email, SMS, and chatbots chatbot to send personalized promotional messages When consumers enter the official website, based on consumer profiles and preferences, different product recommendations can be provided on each page Individual products also have different recommendation systems on different website pages, providing each consumer with a unique shopping experience after entering the site Using deep learning AI technology, Tammy Technology analyzes consumer behaviors at various online shopping touchpoints through various devices, digitalizing all consumer behavioral data to build consumer profiles For example, a consumer with high purchasing frequency designated as VIP, whose preferences for Morandi color schemes, lace materials, high-neck styles, etc, are recorded and tagged When browsing the store's website, the website will recommend corresponding products based on these purchase preference tags for VIP, and can also set customized discounts and pop-up windows, or send personalized messages through mobile SMS, email, etc, ensuring each customer receives discounts that fit their needs At this stage, Tammy Technology's client base includes male and female apparel, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, and other fashion design industries with a strong personalized color Many clients have seen significant results after introducing personalized recommendation services For example, Shu Uemura under the L'Oreal Paris group, specializing in high-performance skin products and trendy makeup products and professional makeup tools, experienced a significant increase in conversion rates by 3 times and a revenue increase of 18 times after adopting Tammy Technology's service Additionally, the well-known apparel business iRoo, after installing a personalized recommendation system on the official website and integrating digital marketing channels like Line and Chatbot, saw the conversion rate rise more than 5 times, with a monthly revenue increase of 21 The pricing model is subscription-based, with large corporations being charged based on specific feature needs The overall effect after customer usage achieves at least a 3 times increase in conversion rate, and an average of 2 times growth in average order value New client base After apparel and cosmetics, pushing into the home decor industry Despite the overall increase in e-commerce sales, the personalized recommendation service has shown impressive results However, due to the pandemic, non-essential fashion industries have been impacted Tammy Technology, which primarily relies on the fashion design industry, saw a decrease in e-commerce performance by about 30 during the pandemic To diversify operational risks, starting from 2022, Tammy Technology expanded its service clientele to include distinctive, quality-type home furniture and living products As for why not expand the client base to 3C products Yi-Ting Li explains, 3C products focus on cost-effectiveness and brand strength, like Apple computers which have a loyal group of fans, making it challenging to sway their purchasing behavior However, apparel, cosmetics, and home decor focus on personalization, style, and taste, like apparel with the fast, short-term 'fast fashion' trends, updating products weekly, and seasonal characteristics, updating personalized recommendations every 3-5 days and cosmetics, including makeup and skincare, which have high customer loyalty and repurchase rates, are most suitable for recommendations and proactive discount messaging Makeup and outfits represent personal taste, thus these two industries can complement each other in personalized recommendations To accelerate the process of integrating businesses with personalized recommendations, it is necessary to establish an SOP,' Yi-Ting Li continued, 'Tammy Technology, by introducing recommendation services in the fashion design industry, has constructed a service process SOP to facilitate rapid successful experience replication, expecting to quickly integrate into the life and home industry in the second half of the year New business model Establishing a new marketing model centered on the consumer Currently, Tammy Technology's client number has exceeded 2000, including globally renowned fashion brands like L'Oreal and BLUE WAY The future focus will remain overseas, aiming for markets like Hong Kong, Singapore, and North America Tammy Technology, with its successful experience of integrating recommendation systems into fashion e-commerce, has gained investors' favor, securing investments from domestic and international accelerators in 2021, raising a total of 70 million New Taiwan dollars, allowing for workforce and scale expansion Future plans include integrating investor resources to establish a new marketing model centered on consumers Tammy Technology co-founder and COO Yi-Ting Li「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2022 Solutions】 Voice Separation in 7 Milliseconds: RelaJet's Future Technology Makes 'Hearing and Speaking Easier' for the Hearing Impaired

One rainy Thursday afternoon near Taipei Arena, the Taipei Experience Center of RelaJet was fully booked with appointments from people with hearing loss eager to try hearing aids made with a voice separation engine For the hearing impaired, having affordable, lightweight, and effective noise-reducing hearing aids is truly a blessing 'We hope to help users in need to hear the world's wonders again' This empathetic expectation by RelaJet's founder and CEO Po-Ju Chen, who is also hearing impaired, illustrates his understanding of the needs of the hearing impaired He hopes that RelaJet's unique voice amplification hearing aid technology will benefit many more people Affordable hearing aids benefit many with hearing loss Founded in 2018 by Po-Ju Chen and his brother Yu-Ren Chen, RelaJet developed a multi-voice separation engine paired with Qualcomm's Bluetooth audio platform, drastically reducing the price of imported hearing aids, typically costing 80,000-100,000 NT dollars, to just under 10,000 NT dollars They aim to develop affordable goods with excellent noise-cancelling capabilities that wirelessly connect to smartphones In its first two years, the company primarily developed the multi-voice separation engine, which significantly improved the noise reduction quality Once equipped with Qualcomm Bluetooth earphone chips, the audio processing time is drastically short, at about 7 milliseconds to enhance main voice projection and reduce ambient noise, less than half the time required by traditional medical standard of 16 milliseconds for hearing aids, nearly 'zero-delay' 洞見未來科技推出平價助輔聽器,大大嘉惠聽損者 Yu-Ren Chen explains that the primary use of Qualcomm chips for edge computing, along with a streamlined algorithm, achieves extremely low latency and better noise reduction The hearing aids can cover 18 channels, whereas traditional hearing aids cover 4-48 channels In the future, RelaJet will progressively increase the number of channels According to statistics, there are 470 million people globally with hearing disabilities, with a 30 average device use rate in developed countries, with the highest in Western countries Taiwan has nearly 15 million people with disabling hearing loss, of which the middle-aged and elderly make up 30, yet the device use rate is only about 10, which is quite low Yu-Ren Chen further analyzes that the low device usage rate is due to two reasons firstly, the high average selling price of international big brands ranges from 80,000 to 200,000 NT dollars with a three-year usability period, which deters many due to the high cost and maintenance Secondly, in noisy environments, the noise is also amplified which does not necessarily ensure clarity for the users, and the sound parameters can't be adjusted in real-time, making it inconvenient to frequently visit stores for tuning Thirdly, most models cannot connect to smartphones, making it inconvenient for the hearing impaired to take phone calls Utilizing Qualcomm Bluetooth chips for rapid product development In light of this, Po-Ju Chen, formerly a semiconductor engineer at MediaTek, leads the technical development, while Yu-Ren Chen, with a legal background, manages the operations Their seamless collaboration, along with their team employing AI algorithms and chip integration, learns from thousands of hours of audio files in databases through neural networks and deep learning technologies to develop low-latency, high-noise-reduction voice amplification technologies for hearing aids In 2019, this sound processing technology was integrated into Qualcomm Bluetooth chips, winning first place in the Qualcomm Taiwan Startup Competition and becoming a partner in Qualcomm's Global Expansion Program, significantly boosting product development pace In 2021, they launched their own Otoadd series of hearingenhancement products in Taiwan, which received both market favor and positive reviews from many with hearing loss Based on different consumer needs, various product designs are available According to Yu-Ren Chen, the Otoadd wireless earphones with hearing enhancement functions, model N1, are entry-level neckband style priced at 9,500 NT per pair Users can wear the hearing aid while taking calls, and control noise reduction strength and volume through a mobile app They plan to develop accessories in the future tailored to the needs of older adults Besides being available for trials at experience centers in Taipei and Kaohsiung, this hearing aid is also sold through PChome, Taiwan Mobile's myfone, and Elder Age networks, among other channels Another model intended for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss is the Classic R hearing aid, which received the Japanese Good Design Award in 2021 Since its market debut last year, it has attracted those with congenital hearing loss, with users noting improved clarity in noisy environments and appreciating the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity for calls and watching videos This product is anticipated to be exported to international markets in the latter half of this year Additionally, a hearing aid product combining Bluetooth functionality, set to launch in June this year, is sized like typical Bluetooth earphones, targeting visually conscious consumers with hearing loss Its small size and attractive wireless earphone design allow for phone calls, and if approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, eligible users can apply for government subsidies RelaJet to expand into overseas markets, using the USA as a beachhead An interesting question arises due to the pandemic everyone must wear masks which impedes lip-reading How does this affect those with hearing loss Yu-Ren Chen indicates that this situation highlights RelaJet's advantages As each person with hearing loss has different levels of hearing ability, hearing aids can only augment to an appropriate volume, assisting users to hear about 60-70 content, with the remainder relying on lip reading and gestures During the pandemic, as everyone wears masks, masks also muffle sounds, but RelaJet's voice separation engine can correct and strengthen the separation, making it easier for those with hearing loss to recognize voices Besides the Taiwan market, RelaJet's next stage will be expanding into overseas markets, expecting to obtain ISO 13485 medical device quality management system certification and US medical device approval in 2022 They plan to enter the US market, either under their own brand or through OEM arrangements Apart from the Taiwan market, RelaJet will also enter the US market in the next phase for hearing aids「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Records of Solutions

【解決方案】AI桌面觸控投影機 隨處投影不傷眼
【2020 Solutions】 AI + Desktop Touch Projector, Project Anywhere Without Harming Eyes

What is the next consumer electronics product that will spark a market frenzy after smartphones and tablets Recently on a crowdfunding platform, a 'smart projector' raised more than NT10 million in just half a month, becoming a hot market focus Formed just over a year ago, Drip-Drop Technology's 'smart touch ultra-short-throw projector' is smaller than a tablet and weighs less than one kilogram It uses ultra-short-throw optical projection to project an 80-inch image from just 50 cm away from the wall Most importantly, the projector features virtual finger touch control This means that inside the lens, an AI algorithm is utilized, allowing the camera to actively learn to recognize fingers and the environment through machine learning When the image is projected onto a table or wall, no remote control is needed operations can be directly controlled by touching with fingers The Drip-Drop Technology team currently has 4 members, focusing on research and development The founders have over 10 years of experience in projector development and mass production, including co-founders Wang Shouzheng, You Xianglin, and Chen Zhengfang, who participated in the development of the first laser TV ultra-short-throw laser projector launched by Hisense Group in China In collaboration with Lin Zuoxian, a part-time lecturer at Ming Chuan University who also joined the team in 2019 as the general manager, handling IP, crowdfunding, and business operations management, the rest of the team concentrates on developing interactive projection technology and products to build the smart touch projector General Manager of Drip-Drop Technology, Lin Zuoxian Smart Touch Projector, a Key Player in the Future Smart Home At the end of 2018, Wang Shouzheng met Gao Yuan, a professor in the Marketing and Distribution Management Department of the Business and Management College at Gao Yuan University of Science and Technology, specializing in artificial intelligence, multimedia interaction Unity, and smart interaction devices APP They hit it off immediately, with Gao Yuan not only becoming the director of RampD but also becoming a shareholder of Drip-Drop Technology last year Wang Shouzheng explained that unlike traditional projectors, the smart touch projector can not only be controlled by touching the screen with fingers but also by hand gestures, such as swiping left or right to adjust the volume or the screen brightness It can also be used to control household appliances in the future Despite the technical challenges of projecting on tabletops and controlling by touch, continuous optimization of recognition technology through AI algorithms has been crucial Within the first half-month of its crowdfunding campaign in February 2020, it raised over ten million dollars, with an expected delivery of 400 units Wang Shouzheng believes the greatest challenge in developing the projector was dealing with AI algorithms The projection might encounter different materials such as glass, wood, or plastic, compounded by lights, angles, background, and interference such as coffee cups, creating varying parameters The projector sensors must automatically adjust to the surrounding environment to avoid false touches The projector lens processes 200 finger position frames per minute, and through continuous machine learning, the recognition accuracy has significantly increased Comparison between Smart Touch Projector and Traditional Projector AI algorithms significantly enhance precision, sensitivity, and recognition in finger touch control The Smart Touch Projector will be used in education, entertainment, and business sectors Wang Shouzheng mentioned that originally, the smart touch projector was designed for home entertainment, such as providing a larger interactive projection surface to replace traditional smartphones and tablets for family interactions However, its potential for multiple uses was soon discovered, like in smart kitchens where chefs can interact directly with the projection, avoiding issues when hands are dirty during cooking It also provides ease of use for the elderly because of larger controls and reducing eye strain Playing mobile games with a Smart Touch Projector offers a unique experience In business settings, it can be used to establish interactive projection-based ordering systems, allowing customers to directly interact and order, while businesses can integrate other digital media content to provide diverse services This includes real estate agents and insurance agents who need to attract business outside the office, as they can achieve better results through the smart touch projector Low blue light and diffuse reflection are among the technologies that help protect eye health, making the smart touch projector a significant upgrade from tablets Drip-Drop aims to secure four patents by the end of 2020 and plans to expand to mainland China within 1-2 years through crowdfunding, allowing more industries to choose smarter options Drip-Drop Technology Team「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】雲林農家子弟陳文亮 用AI打造智慧無毒農業生態系統
【2020 Solutions】 Yunlin Farmer Chen Wenliang Uses AI to Create a Smart Pesticide-Free Agricultural Ecosystem

Amid the global rampage of the novel coronavirus, countries have implemented lockdown policies, leading to emerging food shortages as many countries halt exports By integrating technology with agriculture, productivity can be increased while also addressing issues like soil acidification and labor shortages in farming Dr Chen Wenliang, an associate professor at the College of Biotechnology of National Chiao Tung University, along with students, established Agritech Translation Technology They integrated biotechnology, Internet of Things, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence to develop the 'AgriTalk Management Platform', a pesticide-free agricultural pest and fertilizer monitoring system Utilizing big data analysis and AI learning from environmental data collected by various sensors, the platform can precisely adjust and control six major production factors disease, pests, soil fertility, moisturehumidity, temperature, and light CEO of Agritech Translation Technology Chen Wenliang 'Growing up, my father planted peanuts, watermelons, and sweet potatoes in Yunlin, which gave me a special affection for agriculture and a desire to contribute what I've learned' Born into a farming family in Yunlin, Chen Wenliang utilized his expertise in biotechnology, along with the AI team led by Lin Yiping, Vice President and Professor of Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University They received NT68 million over two years from the Ministry of Science and Technology's Innovative Technology Agriculture System project, setting a benchmark for 'professor entrepreneurship' Two Major Rural Dilemmas - Soil Acidification and Labor Shortage in Farming Chen Wenliang stated that the current rural dilemmas include severe problems of soil acidification and labor shortage on farms Long-term pesticide abuse has led to soil acidification, reducing soil fertility and decreasing crop values Therefore, prior to the company's establishment, his research team isolated and developed a biological insecticidal agent from over 5,000 types of spider neurotoxic proteins, which can kill specific pests but is harmless to humans and bees After the sensors collect all data on soil, it is combined with an environmental control system Once the environment reaches specific parameters, various actions such as watering, fertilizing, and lighting are initiated to maintain optimal growing conditions Additionally, this data is uploaded to the cloud, stored as big data, and analyzed by the AgriTalk platform's AI algorithm to predict future pest outbreaks and adjust the cultivation environment accordingly, thus preventing pest issues from the source Agricultural Control Module Controls Various Machines Agritech Translation Technology selected turmeric as a crop because it is entirely edible, has few pests, a short growth period, and high economic value Currently, Agritech Translation Technology has four demonstration sites in Taiwan located at altitudes of 1,200 meters in Wufeng, Nanzhuang, Baoshan, and areas around Qionglin and Zhubei They use sensors to collect data and AI to automatically adjust soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium content, control moisture, and soil pH Before introducing AI, the maximum turmeric plant height was 140cm After introducing the AI management system, plants could grow to 158cm in a week, and up to 170cm overall, achieving a curcumin concentration of up to 55000mg100g 4-5 times higher than usual From Seeding to Producing High-Quality Final Crops AgriTalk Management Platform Prioritizes High Economic Value Crops for Introduction Following the successful introduction of turmeric, Agritech Translation Technology's next phase will introduce the cultivation of dan-shen using the AgriTalk Management Platform, continuing to prioritize the cultivation of high economic value crops in the future Chen Wenliang indicated that he once saw an 80-year-old farmer still working bent over in the fields in Nanzhuang, highlighting the severe labor shortage Also, traditional farming knowledge is gradually being lost Agritech Translation Technology aims to attract young farmers back to agriculture and preserve the older generation’s planting expertise through an AI algorithm, establishing an expert system Generally, with a single master's guidance, all data is captured, allowing even novice farmers to quickly cultivate crops with the aid of the expert system Agritech Translation Technology adopts a one-stop service approach for farmers, from sensor integration to monitoring and management platform implementation, even buying the produce at double the price, to attract enterprises and agricultural product channels to invest, creating a guaranteed contract farming business model, thereby finding a sustainable and profitable model for the entire rural area and Taiwanese agriculture This will attract more young people to return to rural areas, and solve the labor shortage problem Besides its own sites, the company adopts a flexible partnership model to promote its products, offering complete solutions, using single products, or even just AI services With complete solutions and significant results, Agritech Translation Technology's system not only became a focal point of Taiwanese agriculture but also has partnerships in Japan, the Philippines, the USA, and even Armenia in West Asia, introducing the system to crops like bananas, grapes, and olives Chen Wenliang noted that the AgriTalk Management Platform elevates agriculture from semi-automated or manual processes to automated and AI-enhanced, creating a win-win situation for both the economy and agricultural environmental protection「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】AI養魚提高30產量 省電效益5成
【2020 Solutions】 AI Fish Farming Increases Yield by 30%, Saves Energy by 50%

Taiwan is known as the 'Kingdom of Shrimp Farming' However, due to drastic weather changes and the inability to pass on farming experience, the risks for farmers are increasing Through AIoT Artificial Intelligence combined with IoT, Kuanwei Technology has started a trend in smart aquaculture, innovating the traditional aquaculture value According to the statistics from the Council of Agriculture, the total fishery production value in Taiwan is around NT100 billion, of which NT60 billion is contributed by offshore fisheries through exports, and NT40 billion is from coastal and aquaculture fisheries The aquaculture industry, which spans 40,000 hectares, has been a strong support in Taiwan's progress from the 'Kingdom of Eels', 'Kingdom of Shrimp', 'Kingdom of Ornamental Fish' to the 'Kingdom of Tilapia' However, affected by drastic changes in weather, the winters of 2018 and 2019 were notably warm, averaging the highest temperatures in 72 years, disrupting the breeding cycle of fisheries and severely impacting production AI Fish Farming Reduces Costs by 30 and Increases Production Capacity by 30 Although fishermen also 'depend on the weather for food', they can minimize risks with the aid of artificial intelligence Located in Hsinchu, Kuanwei Technology focuses on the development of IoT systems and AI algorithms for the aquaculture industry, developing the 'Water Jewel Smart Aquaculture Monitoring System' and the 'Smart Device Control System' These assist operators in obtaining real-time data such as temperature, dissolved oxygen DO, pH value, redox potential ORP, and salinity With the smart device control system installed, users can start water wheels and set automatic feeding depending on dissolved oxygen in the water Fishers only need to use a mobile app to keep track at any time, allowing for early prevention and reducing losses By adopting technology in aquaculture, costs are effectively reduced, creating endless business opportunities Fishermen can accurately monitor and control the water quality and growth process of aquatic products, hence providing safer food to consumers Kuanwei Technology's CEO, Tsai Cheng-hsun, indicated that traditional fishing methods involve measuring water quality twice daily and feeding based on experience, which not only is time-consuming but could also negatively affect water quality due to environments' drastic changes or overfeeding The 'Water Jewel Smart Aquaculture Monitoring System' continuously collects data every five minutes, gathering up to 1,000 data points per day if any abnormality occurs, such as overfeeding causing turbid water pollution, or abnormal water temperatures, it communicates these problems to the fishers via the app, allowing immediate remediation AI Monitors Water Quality Changes Kuanwei Technology's CEO Tsai Cheng-hsun Tsai Cheng-hsun stated that by monitoring data and keeping it within normal ranges, they can avoid unnecessary water stirring or feeding, thus maintaining water quality stability and reducing costs Typically, half of the farm costs are feed and electricity accounts for 15-20 According to research by Dr Luo Yong-zhong from the National Cheng Kung University 'Microalgae Biotech and Engineering Lab', after implementing the 'Water Jewel Smart Aquaculture Monitoring System', electricity costs can be reduced by nearly 60, and with reduced feed input, the overall farming costs can be reduced by 30 300 Pools Across Taiwan Adopting Water Jewel Smart Aquaculture Monitoring System A study by the Ocean University also pointed out that technological equipment, along with basic infrastructure such as waste pipes, should increase the aquaculture output by 30 For fishers, smart aquaculture truly helps in increasing profits significantly Aquaculture expert Huang Guo-liang in Tainan's Jiangjun area is the third generation cultivating milkfish, utilizing ecological balance and friendly farming methods through smart monitoring systems for problem detection and optimizes productivity while reducing costs Tsai Cheng-hsun stated that the Water Jewel leverages solar power, reports fish pond water data every 5 minutes, and for the Giant Grouper, for example, which needs at least three years to grow and weigh about 20 kg to be marketable With temperature alerts set at 16 degrees Celsius, if a cold snap occurs and temperatures drop below 10 degrees Celsius, Giant Grouper could freeze to death By monitoring such instances, preventive actions can reduce losses Kuanwei Technology currently has introduced its system to 300 farming pools across Taiwan, including in Hsinchu, Fangliao, Hualien, and Taitung, employing Water Jewel's remote water quality and environmental monitoring, smart energy-saving, automatic feeding, and automated production traceability features This allows every farmer to record their farming data and process according to their own habits They can choose to manually control or use AI assistance for real-time alerts and also monitor sites through remote video links to make the Water Jewel aquatic farming IoT system more accessible Water Quality Monitoring Equipment Fishermen, reliant on the weather, can now monitor aquaculture pond water quality through the AI monitoring system Tsai Cheng-hsun, currently the first term manager of the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School Hsinchu branch and the vice president of the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence School Alumni Association, is deeply committed to AI research In the future, Kuanwei Technology will continue to optimize data, proposing more applications, and has received recognition from Intel for IoT solutions maturity in Taiwan By utilizing cloud, big data IoT, and AI technologies and equipment with scientific data management, along with continuous data logging and AI algorithms, it can quickly uncover potential risks, effectively preventing and reducing aquaculture losses At the Kuanwei Technology exhibition, vice presidential candidate Lai Ching-te second from the left also attended to show support「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Solutions】 Maisense Medical Electronics Develops New Treasure, Blood Pressure Measured Directly from Wrist Pulse

It's common for hypertension patients, especially those over the age of 60, to have the habit of measuring their blood pressure However, using inflatable cuffs can be quite inconvenient From now on, there is a more convenient choice for hypertension patients Maisense's smart, sleeveless blood pressure monitor, making measuring blood pressure no longer a cumbersome task 'Pulse' is an important physiological signal Established in June 2012, Maisense Inc specializes in designing 'mobile medical electronic devicesservices' Its first product, the 'Freescan smart sleeveless blood pressure monitor', is the first in the US to measure blood pressure directly from the wrist pulse without the need for an inflatable cuff It is a medical-grade product and has obtained the EU CE certification for medical materials Blood pressure measured directly from the wrist pulse 'Mai' in Maisense is derived from the Chinese word for 'pulse', which is an important physiological signal in both Western and Chinese medicine Amidst an aging population trend, the medical industry is viewed as very promising for the future, however, it remains one of the few basic industries that has not been fully modernized through internet technology Compared to many industries that strive to please consumers such as retail and banking, the traditional hospital-centered medical structure provides little choice for patients Now, with the trend centered around hospitals changing, the medical industry is facing a new paradigm shift The widespread use of smartphones makes personalized, patient-centric medical care practically feasible, and this type of care is the most effective way to address lifestyle diseases The world's first cuffless medical device - measures blood pressure in just ten seconds As societies age, cardiovascular diseases are not only the leading cause of death worldwide but have also continuously ranked among the top two or three causes of death locally for several years According to statistics from the National Health Department, nearly ten thousand people suffer from cardiovascular-related diseases each year, posing a serious threat to public health and a disease not to be taken lightly in modern society However, the golden rescue time for cardiovascular diseases is very short, needing accurate diagnosis and the right measures to reduce the mortality rates 10-second blood pressure measurement diagram Maisense's Freescan is the world's first cuffless medical device capable of measuring blood pressure in just ten seconds Paired with myFreescan Apps, it quickly measures cardiovascular-related stroke factors, with atrial fibrillation AFib sensitivity reaching up to 967 The device integrates multiple cardiovascular monitoring functions such as blood pressure and electrocardiograms myFreescan health management page Each measurement result can be synchronized with mobile devices, instantly revealing more cardiovascular parameters like atrial fibrillation, with the help of AI technology which assists in analyzing personal data to keep individuals informed about their health status and progress Subsequently, doctors can provide recommendations based on AI-analyzed results when necessary, ensuring an added layer of health protection Data synchronization with mobile device illustration The Freescan product has evolved from a sleeveless blood pressure monitor to a mobile cardiovascular monitoring instrument It can measure key predictive factors for stroke such as blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia, and arterial elasticity without the need for an inflatable cuff This effectively helps to prevent the incidence of strokes and provides the elderly with a more convenient and comfortable option「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【解決方案】一秒鐘了解全球新冠肺炎疫情 聊天機器人成為抗疫利器
【2020 Solutions】 Understand the global COVID-19 epidemic in one second. Chatbots become a weapon in the fight against the epidemic.

On January 23, 2020, Wuhan, the birthplace of the new coronavirus commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia, was closed On January 27, Taiwan’s first new coronavirus epidemic chatbot platform was established, providing immediate information to the government, NGOs and small and medium-sized enterprises with less than 30 people Free to use to stay informed Through the combination of APIs, information can be automatically updated to ensure that when users want to know information about the epidemic, they can obtain the latest and correct epidemic information, respond to the development of the epidemic early, and effectively reduce the spread of infection In order to combat the new coronavirus epidemic, software giant Microsoft Microsoft is currently working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC and some large healthcare providers to deploy a chatbot to help In response to the COVID-19 virus, GoSky has also joined Facebook's global government cooperation program to provide chatbot construction services to assist government public health departments and other units in fighting the epidemic Global chatbot output value will reach US125 billion in 2025 GoSky has observed that many companies have also been greatly affected by the epidemic In order to prevent the epidemic, most people and companies have implemented home-based epidemic prevention and remote working policies Now that offline sales have dropped significantly, GoSky has independently expanded the epidemic prevention project to small and medium-sized enterprises with less than 30 employees According to a Grand View Research report, the global chatbot market will grow at a compound growth rate of 243 from 2017 to 2025, reaching an output value of US125 billion in 2025 In addition, according to estimates by Gartner, an international research consultancy, by 2021, more than 50 of companies will invest more in chatbots Chatbots than traditional apps each year Chatbot technology is becoming more and more mature, and GoSky believes that Chatbot is the next app Chatbot will be the next app Chat robot diagram GoSky, a technology company founded in March 2018, is the world's largest chat robot platform More than 46 of the world's chat robots are built on its platform, providing one-stop chat robots and digital marketing Weiquanlong, Yanik, Born Night Show, Uber Eats, etc are all its customers, and the service industry covers the news media, department store industry, express delivery industry, etc At the end of 2019, Wuhan pneumonia new coronavirus broke out in China The Taiwan government announced the establishment of a central epidemic command center at the end of December 2020 and screened overseas passengers GoSky realized that "the spread of epidemic information is faster than the spread of the epidemic, and there is an opportunity to significantly reduce the impact of the epidemic" After a quick discussion with the team, GoSky decided to use the technology and experience of making chatbots in the past to integrate Johns Hopkins University, USA The CSSE Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Hopkins University opened the source code of the Global Epidemic Information System, WHO, the US CDC, the Taiwan Disease Control and Prevention Agency and other agencies released epidemic data On January 27, 2020, the third day of the Lunar New Year, it took a day In the evening, we deployed ahead of schedule to complete the production of the Wuhan Pneumonia Chatbot Chatbot helps control the global epidemic GoSky Marketing Manager Jiang Yanzhou said that the Wuhan Pneumonia Chatbot initially has several functions 1 Real-time data on the global epidemic, including the number of confirmed, recovered, and dead people around the world statistics on the number of confirmed, recovered, and dead people in Taiwan 2 Combined with Google search engine , query real-time news related to Wuhan pneumonia, integrating the latest news from Wikipedia, BBC News Network, China Dragon TV and major domestic news channels 3 One-click dial 1922 epidemic prevention hotline, providing a more direct inquiry channel and providing users with faster Contact the Centers for Disease Control 4 Add it to the desktop with one click, allowing users to follow the development of the epidemic at any time without downloading or occupying mobile phone capacity In the past few weeks, if you want to track the current situation of the epidemic, you have to search through Google, Information can only be obtained by focusing on comprehensive comparisons of major news However, through this chat machine, users can grasp the latest situation anytime, anywhere and in real time, which has a positive impact on the public's understanding of the epidemic New Coronavirus Information Page In the second phase in early February, we joined in the promotion of public health knowledge and cooperated with ICU doctor Dr Chen Zhijin to make the correct knowledge about the use of masks into a lazy bag and added it to the chat robot to help the rapid dissemination of correct public health knowledge At the same time, a mask map was established After the government announced the real-name system for purchasing masks, the open database of the National Health Insurance Bureau was quickly integrated, and information from local health insurance cooperative pharmacies was made into a mask map function Users can click to check the county, city and region to see the real-time mask inventory status in the area Click the button below to open Google Map for users to check the location of the pharmacy for convenient purchase Jiang Yanzhou pointed out that the cloud update feature of the chatbot makes information collection and transmission faster Through the combination of APIs, information can be automatically updated to ensure that when users want to know information related to the epidemic, they can get it The latest and correct epidemic information can respond to the development of the epidemic early and effectively reduce the spread of infection Compared with previous apps, chatbots are built on social communication software There is no need to download additional mobile apps, which greatly reduces the entry barrier for users You can obtain chatbot services by clicking on the link or scanning the QR Code Correct information can also be integrated into the chatbot, allowing users to search at any time At a time when the epidemic information is abundant and complex, it can effectively reduce the impact of false news and ensure the effective delivery of correct information Solution Understand the global COVID-19 epidemic in one second, chatbots become a weapon in the fight against the epidemic New Coronavirus Global Epidemic Information Page NLP technology provides a better interactive experience GoSky is committed to NLP natural semantic analysis technology and builds a database to record user preferences Through machine learning, it understands each user's interaction mode, provides a better interactive process experience, and can also provide customized services for consumers personal service The basic functions of the chatbot are customer service and automatic replies It can share the workload of brand fan page managers editors and help consumers obtain relevant business information more quickly As the new coronavirus continues to spread, according to statistics released by Facebook, the number of messages in areas with severe epidemics has increased by 50 compared with the same period, and users' usage time has doubled This also means that offline During the extraordinary period of declining sales, consumers' demand for online information has increased Through chatbots, customer lists can be collected, allowing companies to better understand consumer preferences and related information, and helping companies quickly resume operations after the epidemic In the future, GoSky will take advantage of chat robots, integrate software and hardware equipment, and develop in the direction of AIoT It is estimated that AIoT products will be launched in mid-2020, so that chat robots will no longer be limited to mobile phone applications Chatbots built on Messenger, which do not occupy mobile phone capacity, are updated in the cloud, and have high opening rates, will be the focus of enterprise development GoSky will focus on the all-round application of chat robots and strive to create a mobile life application ecosystem GoSky team builds a chatbot for the new coronavirus epidemic 「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Solutions】 Always Measure Temperature, Prevent Wandering, AI Helps with Wuhan Virus Isolation

As the novel coronavirus epidemic continues to spread, the number of quarantined and isolated individuals steadily increases, becoming an 'unbearable weight' for managers SITU Technology, along with Myte Electronics, Ai Micro Science, and String Cloud Technology, have collectively developed a 'Home Isolation Personal Location Tracking System' for COVID-19, addressing the issues of isolated individuals wandering and holes in epidemic tracking On the afternoon of February 12, 2020, as the novel coronavirus epidemic continued unabated, home-isolated individuals were seen wandering around, causing widespread alarm, with anxious faces hidden beneath white masks A 'Public Cloud Location and Monitoring Seminar' held in Taipei unexpectedly helped forge a significant epidemic prevention coalition Formed by a coalition of established and startup companies including SITU Technology, Myte Electronics, Ai Micro Science, and String Cloud Technology, they introduced the COVID-19 'Home Isolation Personal Location Tracking System' In the abodes of those quarantined, whether in centralized isolation spots or home setups with temperature monitoring platforms, an automated reporting process alerts immediately if abnormalities are detected, significantly reducing the burden on epidemic staff and preventing quarantined individuals from easily leaving their premises, thus plugging the gaps in epidemic tracking Home Isolation Temperature Care System Architecture Diagram Home Isolation Wandering, Epidemic Phones Not Enough As the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus rises, in order to effectively prevent community transmission, the Central Epidemic Command Center has specified that all entrants must undergo individual home isolation, home quarantine, and self-health management those in home isolation and quarantine must rest at home for 14 days and must not go out, during which community leaders and police officers should ensure at least two temperature checks daily However, as the epidemic intensifies and the number of people requiring a 14-day home quarantine skyrockets, there is a dire shortage of equipment and personnel This includes 2,000 location monitoring phones provided by the government being insufficient additionally, the limited number of epidemic personnel face increasing work pressure, urgently necessitating the use of technological tools to aid the situation Shih-Juan Lin, founder and CEO of SITU Technology, explains that the COVID-19 'Home Isolation Personal Location Tracking System' is divided into hardware and software components The hardware includes a temperature patch from Ai Micro Science and an unlimited location tracking device USB receiver provided by String Cloud Technology The patch, which must be placed in the armpit of the quarantined individual, is capable of measuring temperature 24 hours a day the receiver uploads temperature and location data to the SITU Technology's cloud positioning engine This data is analyzed to track temperature trends and accurately predicts the likelihood of diagnosis Home Isolation Temperature Care System Comparison Chart Temperature Measurement Indoor Positioning System Reduces the Likelihood of Community Infections SITU Technology was officially established in 2015, with co-founders from various fields including indoor positioning, robotic platforms, imaging graphics, machine learning, and cloud computing Shih-Juan Lin states that the unified epidemic phone GPS systems, whether used for centralized quarantine, centralized isolation, home quarantine, or home isolation, have two drawbacks the resolution is too high and they cannot track vertical movements, meaning that they cannot detect movements from one floor to another, or from one room to another, which greatly increases the potential for community transmission Compared to traditional methods, SITU Technology's positioning sensing system uses various devices, including optical lenses, LIDAR, and ultrasound, to sense wireless signals at each point like an indoor Google car, accumulating extensive and comprehensive data to build an accurate floor plan Simply said, by crossing-comparing wireless signals received by multiple indoor receivers and using AI deep learning, the positioning can break through spatial restrictions and achieve greater accuracy In addition to precise positioning, by analyzing the mobility tracks of isolated individuals and groups and tracking their contact history, it is further possible to grasp the virus transmission routes, offer early warnings, and avoid community infections On the management side, computers and large electronic displays can observe the temperature, battery usage, and signal strength of the group patches isolated individuals Once it is detected that an isolator has left their designated location, an automatic alarm signal is immediately triggered, allowing management personnel to take immediate action On the other hand, isolators can also record their own temperature changes on their phones, and in the event of an abnormal situation, they can immediately notify the quarantine unit for further checks Epidemic Platform Diagram This system was conceived and formed on February 12, and within just over a month, has been empirically tested in centralized isolation facilities in Taipei City and New Taipei City of around 50-bed scale, with effective implementation In the future, there is the potential to expand to factories, offices, and other larger scale, high-risk areas for temperature management After the epidemic, this system can also be expanded for use in emergency rooms, maternity wards, postpartum centers, and long-term care institutions Isolator's Temperature Management Interface Amid the ongoing global epidemic, the COVID-19 'Home Isolation Personal Location Tracking System' may have the opportunity to be exported overseas, becoming a global market aide for home isolation and medical quarantine SITU Technology Team「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Solutions】 ZeroDimension Tech Creates "Worry-free Factory"

"Good technologies and applications must be developed outward to serve society" The initial group of people followed the professor's footsteps in the laboratory to study popular contemporary technologies and applications Shu-Fan Lin, CEO of ZeroDimension Tech Co, Ltd, believes that the implementation of AI in work reporting not only helps companies achieve an unmanned factory, but goes a step further to achieve a worry-free factory AI IoT tradition to the future Learning AI technology with Professor Chou at Tunghai University and often going to factories for observation and internships made Shu-Fan Lin realize "Why not try to solve it using AI or IoT" He noticed the pain points on site and hoped to use new methods and new technologies to solve existing problems, working with customers to find different solutions that are consistent with on-site operating models and improve past defects This is the origin of ZeroDimension Tech In the past, on the production line, data basically relied on manual writing, but now using machine vision recognition, data that could only be copied with pen and paper in the past can now be recorded first-hand on-site through lenses and mobile devices and sent back to the situation room in real time The status and problems of various indicators, such as efficiency, utilization rate, and OEE, in each factory are reported in real-time, forming a highly integrated system AI work reporting system improves data collection efficiency by 10 times Shu-Fan Lin said that the recovery and processing of on-site production information is a major pain point due to oil contamination on paper and the difficulty of recognizing handwriting on reports filled out by on-site workers At present, ZeroDimension Tech's AI work reporting system is being introduced into mechanical forging plants, using visual recognition methods to identify counters and workpieces and report work, improving the efficiency of information collection In addition, manual filling of reports has been converted to work reporting on tablet PCs, which greatly reduces the difficulty of information collection The collection of information in the traditional 3K dangerous, hard, dirty factory environment is a big problem From the collection and integration of production information to the generation of the final report, it will take one hour at the fastest or as slow as two to three days using manpower The development of digitization and AI can increase the frequency of information collection to once a minute Depending on the amount of information, reports can be generated in about 5 minutes and provide the latest information, improving efficiency by about 10 times AI work reporting system In the current stage, the AI work reporting system can be applied to aspects of factory production and on-site, and AI can be applied to counter recognition, work piece recognition, and facial recognition for work reporting At present, more AI applications and AI work reporting systems are being integrated to create a friendly and intelligent user experience, thereby reducing the workload of on-site operators and gradually making the site paperless Clear information collection improves the speed of decision-making by senior managers in the situation room ZeroDimension Techrsquos future development plan is to simultaneously improve the production capacity and efficiency of companies As for the difficulties and challenges encountered during the development process, Shu-Fan Lin pointed out that although machine vision is able to record and store on-site images, the large amount of dust in the environment on site can easily cause inconvenience in photographing images The dust and stains had to be removed from time to time to store clear images for recognition It is hard to overcome technical problems of the environment and is a goal that the company must towards in the future

【解決方案】端點科技導入影像品質監控系統 高品質影音僅需花十分之一成本
【2020 Solutions】 Point Media Technologies Introduces Image Quality Monitoring System for High Quality Images at Only One-tenth of the Cost

Video surveillance products generally only provide a black screen for comparison Whether an image has mosaic or snowflakes can be determined by using the xception model for image quality monitoring, and the application of AI for determination allows the product to stand out Implementation of smart identification to monitor streaming in real time Point Media Technologies is a company that specializes in the development and manufacturing of video streaming products, and has achieved good results in the radio, television, and OTT fields The start-up coincided with the transition from analogue to digital television in Taiwan in 2013 Taiwanrsquos radio and television industry has always used foreign products, and not many products were developed by Taiwan This market gap led to the establishment of Point Media Technologies Video surveillance products generally only provide a black screen, video without audio, and audio without video, providing real-time images for determining mosaic Whether an image has mosaic or snowflakes can be determined by using the xception model for image quality monitoring, and the application of AI for determination allows the product to stand out Illustration of viewing audiovisual products Image quality monitoring can be used in audiovisual transmission to assist in quality monitoring At present, channel transmission operators use three methods are used for audiovisual transmission satellite, data line and Internet public network transmission The audiovisual transmission process goes through many encoding and decoding devices The operation process of these devices may cause damage to the image In the past, poor signal quality was only discovered after outputting images to the user end The inspection and repair process also takes a lot of time, resulting in poor viewing performance Due to the low cost of using AI for determining image quality, it can monitor each audiovisual node Once the system detects an error signal, it can notify the engineer immediately to deal with it, reducing the processing time and is better able to improve user satisfaction with the viewing experience High-quality audiovisual effects at only one-tenth the cost To achieve the high image quality required by radio and television, it often costs up to NT1 million to purchase related equipment After the introduction of AI technology, the cost is only NT100,000, which is only about one-tenth of the cost The AI audiovisual determination module has a multi-screen monitoring system After commercial verification, this AI image quality determination module is able to assist automated monitoring and improve the quality of audiovisual transmission If this AI module program is applied to a microcomputer, it will be more convenient to introduce it to various user units All radio and television, OTT, and live streaming operators can use this system to meet their automated monitoring needs The AI module can detect image problems with an accuracy of about 96, allowing problems to be quickly detected and resolved System architecture chart Channel transmission operators are responsible for the reception and transmission of dozens of channel signals in Taiwan The audiovisual signals received will be transmitted to various cable TV and OTT platforms in Taiwan Since each channel needs to be transmitted to many nodes, the TV wall in the monitoring center is full of TV signals Manual monitoring is imperfect, resulting in line abnormalities and unstable signal quality, which in turn affects the viewersrsquo rights After introducing the system, the image quality monitoring system replaces manual monitoring and immediately reports any abnormalities in the image, greatly improving the quality of audiovisual transmission Dual mode error event examination Point Media Technologies stated that the system is currently only able to monitor defects, snowflakes, mosaic noise, gap compensation, and jitter It is not yet able to automatically adjust quality, which will be the greatest challenge for future monitoring systems

【解決方案】BRISE AI抗敏天使 防疫抗敏守護用戶安全
【2020 Solutions】 BRISE AI Anti-Allergy Angel - Protecting Users' Safety during the Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally, confirmed cases and deaths are steadily climbing, causing widespread alarm The Taiwanese company Aivetech accidentally became a market sensation with its 'BRISE AI Anti-Allergy Angel' air purifier, originally launched to combat influenza and enterovirus, achieving rapid sales and going out of stock within less than three months, sweeping up 3-4,000 units off the market 'We didn't expect the epidemic to escalate so rapidly we initially just hoped to alleviate the difficulties of allergic families in Taiwan, and also purify influenza and enterovirus We wanted the BRISE AI Anti-Allergy Angel to be a guardian of family health, but the spread of the coronavirus unexpectedly boosted our popularity,' said Tsai Cheng-Chia, director of product and market development at Aivetech, in an urgent tone Aivetech, founded in 2013, transformed into a specialist in air detectors and air purifiers four years ago With many domestic and international brands in the market, Aivetech aimed to integrate artificial intelligence AI into its air purifiers, advancing towards becoming an AIoT Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things specialist manufacturer The purification rates of H1N1 and enterovirus reach 9999 Since early 2019, Aivetech has actively invested in the development of software and hardware for AI air purification In terms of hardware, the BRISE C360 can detect 7 types of air values PM 03 10 25 10 concentrations, harmful gases, temperaturehumidity, etc Most importantly, Aivetech spent half a year obtaining a test report from the P3 Laboratory-Guangzhou Institute of Microbiology that show high purification rates of 9999 for both the H1N1 influenza virus and EV71 enterovirus Regarding the currently prevalent new virus strain, Tsai Cheng-Chia mentioned that the strain has not been made public yet, so the labs are unable to test it However, for epidemic control, Aivetech is taking a dual approach on one hand, by connecting to the 'weekly nationwide clinic visits data' from the Disease Control Department to analyze big data during epidemic peaks, accelerating air purifiers during high transmission periods to filter out germs on the other hand, by enhancing the sterilization functions of special filters to help effectively control the epidemic BRISE AI Anti-Allergy Angel connects to open data from the Disease Control Department Tsai Cheng-Chia, product and market development director at Aivetech The BRISE AI Anti-Allergy Angel system has sensors installed both in the air detector and the air purifier, detecting indoor and outdoor temperature, humidity, and organic compounds, while also connecting to data from the Central Weather Bureau and the Environmental Protection Agency on climate, temperature, humidity, and PM25 air pollution Every 10 seconds, a piece of data is sent out, collecting various data and uploading it to the cloud system At the same time, using positioning systems, no matter in which district the air purifier and other devices are located, their temperature, humidity, and air quality can be clearly monitored Anti-Allergy Angel system fully protects the health of children Aivetech stores the collected data in the system and prompts users through the mobile APP, asking about the temperature, humidity, and PM25 levels that trigger allergic symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes in family members with allergies, such as allergic children By using AI deep learning, it fully captures the environmental factors that induce allergic responses, whether due to a significant indoor-outdoor temperature difference or poor air quality By collaborating with nearby community clinics, including otolaryngology, family medicine, and pediatric allergy immunology specialists, data is provided to the community clinics, enabling parents and doctors to understand allergens and protect children's health holistically Currently, 8,000 allergy-affected families in Taiwan have adopted the BRISE Anti-Allergy Angel, and over 300 medical institutions use BRISE air purifiers BRISE AI Anti-Allergy Angel system Tsai Cheng-Chia states that BRISE is the world's first AI-driven air purifier, unlike regular air purifiers, it automatically learns the habits of its users, providing the most personalized clean air service, integrated with real-time chat services on mobile apps for more accurate anti-allergy and epidemic prevention services While air purifiers can block or kill airborne microorganisms and germs, they are ineffective against viruses and bacteria that land on surfaces Aivetech plans to launch a sterilization and deodorization machine in the second quarter of 2020, using short-wavelength ultraviolet light combined with a special catalyst formula to break down air molecules, reducing the activity of hydroxyl radicals and naturally achieving sterilization and deodorization The catalyst formula coating on the machine's equipment can last for 2-3 years without degradation Aivetech's team comprises professional physicians, environmental control experts, and AI technology specialists, collaboratively developing precise sensing and monitoring technologies for the home environment amidst the ongoing severe epidemic, continuing to contribute to the nation's health「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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