Special Cases

【2020 Application Example】 AI Bread Recognition System, machine scans, and the price is instantly calculated for you!

A brilliant idea transforming AI facial recognition technology As artificial intelligence develops, more and more industries are embracing AI technology, even subtly entering into people's lives As most bakeries sell freshly made bread and pastries, which typically do not have barcodes, they rely on cashiers to visually identify each item and enter the type and price of the bread Thus, inspired by AI facial recognition technology, if such artificial intelligence could identify hundreds of types of bread, it could enhance checkout efficiency Diverse handmade breads delight customers but challenge clerks A local bakery has over 100 types of bread, regularly updating or adding new products, offering customers a variety of choices this poses a challenge for cashiers It takes two months to train a cashier, but even after they start, there's still a 5 to 10 error rate due to bread recognition mistakes each month, especially during peak checkout times after work, causing bottlenecks and further errors due to the stress on cashiers The difficulty in training cashiers and the lack of precision in the checkout process have long troubled businesses When baking meets artificial intelligence, it sparks a marvelous retail experience In typical bakeries, bread is sold 'naked' immediately after baking and then 'packaged' when it cools to room temperature Both methods require cashiers to recognize and remember the prices and undergo two months of training before they can work the cash register Even then, there is still a 5 to 10 error rate each month My Dee Bakery, with its extensive range of over 100 bread types, poses a significant challenge for cashiers Due to Yun Kui Technology Co, Ltd's expertise in developing iPad POS systems, which are designed to be simple, convenient, and easy to use, they allow businesses to check out efficiently and accurately Therefore, integrating the existing POS system with AI image recognition capabilities enables businesses to carry out transactions more efficiently and precisely AI bread recognition model operational schematic Image provided by Yun Kui Technology The execution can be simplified into eight steps, which include 1 Data collection Take bread image data at bakeries 2 Image annotation The image data is handed over to Mu Kesi Co, Ltd for manual annotation 3 AI modeling and training Managed by Mu Kesi, who adjusts AI models and training 4 iPad POS adjustment Simultaneous adjustments of the UI interface on the POS side and backend integration with the AI model 5 Start testing Once Mu Kesi reaches over 95 recognition accuracy with current data, formal integration testing begins 6 Real scene testing Move to the bakery to gather data and verify the correct recognition rates 7 Planning real scene application accessories When recognition accuracy exceeds 98, design accessories for on-site checkout, such as remote cameras and projection light sources 8 Official Application Integration with electronic receipts goes live POS machine AI bread recognition checkout process Start recognition - Recognition complete - Checkout - Confirm checkout, takes only 3 seconds Image provided by Yun Kui Technology AI bread recognition system, making multitasking easy After adding AI capabilities, not only can it save upfront training time and costs for bakery cashiers and reduce costs from recognition errors, but it can also speed up the checkout process and efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction This can later be promoted to various retail industries, expanding the new map of smart retail Before and after comparison chart of the bread checkout process with AI valuation Image provided by Yun Kui Technology「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2022 Application Example】 USRROBOT's AI Lawn Mowing Robot Enters the Blue Ocean of Golf Market

An AI smart lawn mowing robot, resembling a vacuum robot, shuttles back and forth on the 30-hectare golf course lawn for weeding This robot, independently developed and designed by Taiwanese, is equipped with the world's first electronic fencing positioning technology which utilizes high-precision GPS integrated with cloud AI computation to determine the most efficient mowing paths, targeting the lucrative blue ocean market of golf courses This AI lawn mowing robot was developed by USRROBOT, a Taiwanese startup established in 2019 Chao-Cheng Chen, the president of USRROBOT, once served as the executive vice president of one of the top five ODM tech companies in Taiwan, and specializes in software and hardware integration When he served as the chairman of the Service Robot Alliance, he knew that the service robot industry was bound grow rapidly due to declining birth rates and the growingly severe labor shortage New demand - The horticulture market is large and the has rigid demand "To develop the core technology of service robots, we must find rigid demand Looking at European and American countries, there is a shortage of labor, but demand for horticulture has increased, and there has been a long-term shortage of 7-10 of horticultural workers" Under this strong "rigid demand," Chao-Cheng Chen established USRROBOT, and the company's first product is the AI lawn mowing robot In terms of overseas markets, the United States is the world's largest horticulture market, accounting for 30-40 of the global output value It is estimated that there are about 1 million horticulture workers, but they have been experiencing a labor shortage of 7-10 in recent years and have not been able to improve the situation The main reasons for labor shortage are Aging population and gardening is a labor-intensive job, so young people don't want to do it Unlike in Taiwan, European and American countries attach great importance to lawn maintenance and have expressly stipulated in the law that heavy fines will be imposed for failing to mow the lawn Therefore, the AI lawn mowing robot has considerable market development potential The introduction of AI multi-device collaborative mowing sensor technology is expected to reduce the burden of staff maintaining the golf course The AI lawn mowing robot developed by USRROBOT is currently in its second generation Domestic universities and well-known art museums are using the latest model M1, and it is also being used by some world-renowned high-tech companies and well-known universities in the United States The company is currently involved in negotiations for subsequent business cooperation USRROBOT stated that the professional RTK system currently used can reduce the original GPS positioning error from tens of meters to about 2 centimeters, allowing the robot to move accurately outdoors After setting the boundaries, it can be easily operated using the app New application - Implementation in golf courses solves the problem of labor aging and shortage Chao-Cheng Chen further explained that the National Land Surveying and Mapping Center is a RTK service provider RTK provides the error reference map of the positioning point USRROBOT can access the positioning error value of a specific position through 4G Internet access The AI algorithm of USRROBOT reduces the general 10-20 m error of GPS to 2 cm After positioning, USRROBOT then uses six-axis accelerator positioning, gyroscopes, and wheel differential sensing devices for software and hardware integration Only by matching the wheel's movement pattern and the terrain can accurate mowing path planning be achieved The AI lawn mowing robot, which is 62 cm wide, 84 cm long, 46 cm high, and weighs only 25 kg, can set the mowing boundaries in the cloud It can avoid pools and sand pits through settings, using AI algorithms to automatically calculate the optimal path It is able to mow approximately 150 ping of grass in one hour The battery can be used continuously for more than 6 hours The battery life is currently the highest in the world In addition to general gardening companies, with the assistance of the AI project team of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, USRROBOT's AI lawn mowing robot has been applied to golf course lawn mowing A well-known golf course located in Taiping District, Taichung City currently has a staff of 5 people who are responsible for the lawn, planting maintenance, and other landscape maintenance of the entire 30-hectare course However, the average age of staff is as high as 55 years old, and the golf course has been unable to recruit new staff members for a long time In view of the aging staff and the shortage of manpower, the golf course hopes to mitigate the impact with AI technology, and is therefore using AI multi-device collaborative mowing sensor technology, in hopes of reducing the burden of staff maintaining the golf course New challenges - Expert systems are needed to overcome difficulties with different grass species "This AI lawn mowing robot has low noise, low pollution, low labor costs, and is waterproof and anti-theft In the lawn mowing process, it can identify and avoid obstacles through ultrasonic sensors while maintaining mowing quality, maintaining aesthetic and consistent grass length" Chao-Cheng Chen went on to say that the most important part about golf courses is that the grass pattern should be beautiful and free from diseases and pests Based on the site survey, golf courses are mainly divided into three major areas green, fairway and rough There is no problem using the current mowing robot to mow the rough area, and it can overcome slopes within 20 degreesThe short grass in the fairway area may only be two centimeters long, and the grass types are also different, so the cutterhead design needs to be modifiedAs for the grass in the green area, the grass must be mowed close to the ground and maintained in a consistent direction because it affects the putting speed Many factors will affect the green index, and this part requires more research and testing The AI lawn mowing robot can identify and avoid obstacles through ultrasonic sensors while maintaining mowing quality The AI smart lawn mowing robot has a built-in camera that can be used to detect the health condition of the lawn Chao-Cheng Chen said that in the future, an expert system will also be introduced for early determination of whether there are diseases, pests in the lawn or whether there is sufficient moisture, and provide lawn health data analysis to customers, so that they can take preventive and response measures sooner to reduce disaster losses Chao-Cheng Chen, who is also a good golfer himself, said that golf has developed well in Taiwan However, due to weather factors, such as rainy and humid climate and typhoons, Taiwan's golf courses have harder soil and more potholes compared with top tier golf courses overseas If AI lawn mowing robots are to be widely introduced into golf courses, there are still many difficulties that must be overcome However, Taiwan's difficult terrain creates a good testing ground Once Taiwan can overcome the many problems and successfully introduce the robot, it will be able to expand to overseas markets and seize new market opportunities in a blue ocean Chao-Cheng Chen, President of USRROBOT nbsp

【2020 Application Example】 AOI fabric inspector lowers the false negative rate, and reduced the re-inspection volume by 70%

Low detection rate, slow speed, difficult recruitment and high personnel costs The textile industry has always been a labor-intensive industry At present, almost all textile companies worldwide still inspect fabrics manually There are three major pain points in manual fabric inspection Low detection rate, slow speed, difficulty in recruiting workers, and high personnel costs On average, a fabric inspector can find up to 200 defects in one hour with a defect detection rate of about 70 However, inspectors are only able to maintain their concentration for 20 to 30 minutes at most, and their fabric inspection speed is generally limited to 20 to 30cms Fabric inspectors become fatigued if they exceed this time and speed Domestic and foreign AOI fabric inspection machines purchased by textile manufacturers have not yet been officially integrated into the production line At the beginning, 10,000 suspected defects could be detected in one roll of fabric The detection rate was high but the accuracy screening was low The number of suspected defects has been reduced to 7000, but is still not at the level of experienced inspectors High-speed cameras capture defects and record their locations The rule-based defect identification method currently used by manufacturers requires a lot of adjustment time about 1 to 3 months before the manufacturers site actually uses it, and there is currently no solution to automatically correct the identification model after use As a result, manufacturers need to spend extra time to adjust parameters Therefore, it requires considerable cost for both manufacturers and clients sites Current grew fabric inspection process of manufacturers The specific method used by the guidance team and cooperating manufacturers to implement AI identification technology and learning framework for model retraining into the defect inspection process is described below 1 AI-based defect identification model Utilizes the large amount of image data collected including fabrics with and without defects to construct the defect detection model through machine learning, such as SVM, or deep learning object detection methods, such as SSD or YOLOv3 This model is used to determine the condition of the surface of grey fabric and determine if it is a normal product or a defective product, thereby achieving defect identification 2 Identification model retraining framework If there is an error in the judgment of the visual inspector, the image will be marked and the data will be used in the dataset for re-training After a certain number of misjudged data is accumulated, the system will automatically start the identification model retraining function, and the new model that is generated will automatically replace the old recognition model, thereby achieving the purpose of model update Grey fabric defect inspection process after the implementation of this project Low false negative rate and solves the challenges of labor shortage and higher quality requirements in the industry This project uses a deep learning network architecture to reclassify defects that are detected, including real defects and false defects, and can further classify real defects and false defects to lower the false negative rate of traditional AOI solutions This is expected to reduce re-inspection volume by 70 and above for fabric inspectors, eliminate concerns about implementation in the current production line, accelerate the application of AI-based AOI solutions by textile manufacturers, and solve the challenges of labor shortage and higher quality requirements in the industry

【2021 Application Example】 Savior of Wastewater Treatment: Combining Big Data and AI Technology Opens Another Horizon in the Environmental Industry

As water resources deplete and environmental protection needs increase, wastewater treatment plants have increasingly adopted AI technology to assist in monitoring and warning systems Zhongxin行's integration of big data and AI technology has opened up new possibilities in the environmental industry In the future, besides boosting the technological momentum of the wastewater treatment industry, it can also be promoted to other industries to foster technological and economic development Founded in year 1980 as Zhongxin Engineering later renamed to Zhongxin行 Company Limited, it is one of the largest and most technically equipped environmental companies in the domestic operation and maintenance field Zhongxin行's achievements in the operation and maintenance of sewer systems span across Taiwan, including science parks, industrial zones, international airports, schools, collective housing, national parks, and factories Introduction of AI systems in wastewater plants Precisely reduces medication addition times and lowers the risk of penalties for water quality violations At the wastewater treatment plant in Hsinchu Science Park, Zhongxin行 introduced the 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' which accurately predicts air volume control and reduces medication times, thus lowering the risk of hefty fines Zhongxin行 points out that with the vigorous development of advanced industries and increasingly strict effluent standards, a slight misalignment in equipment control can lead to major discrepancies in water quality In recent years, many wastewater treatment facilities have incorporated automatic control functions, yet onsite conditions often deviate slightly from theoretical expectations, causing situations where good treatment technologies must continuously adapt and adjust to achieve effective effluent water quality control 'The better the quality of the effluent, the greater the pressure on the operators This is the biggest pain point for Zhongxin行,' said a senior manager candidly Regular water quality testing and equipment maintenance ensure that effluent water stays below legal standards This means that operators need to be on top of equipment and water quality conditions daily If there are sudden anomalies in influent water quality or equipment malfunctions, linked issues can lead to pollution Therefore, besides performing regular maintenance and testing, it is critical to constantly monitor the dashboard to ensure system stability, consuming both manpower and mental energy Zhongxin行's on-site operators work 24-hour shifts, constantly monitoring effluent water quality Combined with laboratory water testing and analysis, if the wastewater treatment values do not meet requirements, they face both administrative and contractual fines from environmental agencies and granting authorities, which also create significant psychological pressure on the employees Over the years, Zhongxin行 has built up a vast database of water quality information and invaluable experience passed down among employees, allowing a comprehensive understanding of the entire system's operational characteristics Moreover, by analyzing equipment or water quality data for key signals, problems in the treatment units can be pinpointed If AI technology could be adopted to replace manual inspections of wastewater sources and generate pre-warning signals for systematic assessment, it would significantly alleviate the pressure on staff Response time reduced from 8 hours to 4 hours, saving half the time By implementing 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' Zhongxin行 utilizes accumulated wastewater data along with verbal recounts of operator experiences on-site With the support of AI technology and environmental engineering principles, key parameters in the biological treatment unit such as carbon source dosages and aeration can be effectively controlled Through the AI transformation of wastewater treatment, a balance is achieved among pollutant removal, microbial growth, equipment energy conservation, and operation economization, achieving rationalized control parameters Carbon source and aeration parameter adjustment steps range from data collection, model training to prediction verification In the long run, incorporating historical data calculations, AI can operate within known boundary conditions, not only recording past water quality and equipment operational characteristics far more accurately, but also developing predictive models to find optimal solutions that offer the best results in terms of chemical use, energy saving, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and pollutant removal According to Zhongxin行's estimates, originally due to human parameter adjustments leading to errors, controlling response time would take about 8 hours With the introduction of AI technology, not only can measurement errors be reduced, but also the control response time can be shortened to 4 hours, saving around half the time This enhancement increases the turnover rate of personnel and effectively reduces the risks of penalties due to operator errors and thus markedly reducing the pressure on employees Dashboard digital display panel illustration「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」


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2024 Canada AI Development Policy Research: Canada forms a regional AI ecosystem by creating five industrial super clusters

Source Official website of the Canadian government, summarized by the AI HUBPan-Canadian AI Strategy Industry Promotion Policy Canada's AI-related policies can be traced back to the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy formulated by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research CIFAR, which was commissioned by the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ISED in 2017 The strategy aims to strengthen the national and regional AI ecosystems and drive Canadarsquos social and economic growth Furthermore, the pan-Canadian AI Strategy mainly targets the characteristics of Canadian industries and focuses on supporting specific industrial clusters to expand its own advantages It can be divided into two stages The first stage from 2017 to 2022 is also called the "Innovation Superclusters Initiative" Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ISED has invested a total of 950 million Canadian dollars over five years to fund the development of five superclusters, namely Digital Technology, Protein Industries, Advanced Manufacturing, Scale AI, and Ocean, strengthening regional innovation ecosystems by inviting alliances that lead each industry to lead and invest in proposals It supports new partnerships between large companies, SMEs and industry-related research institutions It hopes to create a shared competitive advantage for the cluster by bridging gaps, integrating advantages, and enhancing attributes At the same time, it uses intellectual property rights to protect clusters, and the government supports the strategic use of intellectual property rights to help the development of enterprises The second phase from 2022 to 2028 is also known as "The Global Innovation Clusters program" The Canadian government allocated another 750 million Canadian dollars to continue to fund the development of industrial clusters and drive Canadarsquos economic innovation and ecosystem development, expanding Canadarsquos global leadership in various fields Focusing on the Scale AI cluster, various vertical fields are integrated with information and communication technologies to establish a smart supply chain The use of AI technology allows companies to immediately understand when and where products are needed, making it faster and easier for companies to contact each other and work together to increase sales In addition to improving the ability of enterprises to adopt new AI technologies, it also supports Canadian SMEs through innovation clusters, attracts other capital investments, and accelerates the research and development of Canadian AI solutions to accelerate the commercialization of AI In short, the Canadian government has been actively promoting the development of the AI industry since 2017, and has formulated a number of policies and regulations to promote the RampD, application, and commercialization of AI technology One of the most representative policies is the "Pan-Canadian AI Strategy," which aims to strengthen the national and regional AI ecosystems and create five superclusters, namely Digital Technology, Protein Industries, Advanced Manufacturing, Scale AI, and Ocean, with AI technology and smart supply chain as the core, Canada is actively promoting cross-industry AI integration nbsp nbsp

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2024 EU AI Development Policy Research: The EU provides resources to support the development of AI startups through an innovation sandbox under the regulatory policy of the AI Act

Source The EUrsquos official website, summarized by the AI HUB Project, March 2024Figure nbsp nbspSummary of the EU's "AI Innovation Package" The EU's earliest AI industry promotion policy can be traced back to 2018, when the EU launched the "European Strategy for AI" and proposed the "Coordinated Plan on AI," "General Data Protection Regulation" GDPR, "AI White Paper," and "European Data Strategy" to implement the strategy This established the EU's overall AI development strategic framework In this background, due to the influence of the two major AI powers, the United States and China, at the time, and the fact that the EU hopes to catch up quickly, despite its own AI industry just starting out, the EU proposed the "AI Act" AIA in April 2021 The EU hoped to strengthen the implementation of the EU strategy at the legal level, in order to achieve the goal of leading global AI governance The EU introduced new laws and regulations or updated existing ones on this basis in 2022-2023, such as the "AI Liability Directive AILD," "Product Liability Directive PLD," and "AI Innovation Package," in hopes of supporting industrial development through industry promotion policies that take into account both supervision and the spirit of innovation before the AIA takes effect In addition to regulatory policies, the "AI Innovation Package" launched on January 24, 2023 is the EUrsquos approach to developing the AI industry The package is in response to the initiative proposed by the President of the European Commission in the State of the Union Address on September 13, 2023 In terms of computing power, European supercomputers are provided to innovative European AI startups to train their trustworthy AI models Immediately afterwards, the European Union launched the Large AI Grand Challenge on November 16, 2023, and revised rules of the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EuroHPC JU to provide AI start-ups with financial support and the opportunity to use the computing power of supercomputers, encouraging European startups with experience in large-scale AI models to participate These startups will be able to use EuroHPC supercomputers to develop large-scale AI models and eventually release open source model results for non-commercial use as a first step to implement the new initiative In addition, it will also assist in upgrading supercomputers, allowing EuroHPC to establish supercomputers hosted in various countries in the EU and connect them to form an efficient supercomputer network, such as Spain's MareNostrum 5 and Luxembourg's MeluXina, which have been used for scientific research in the past, but were not optimized for work related to generative AI models In addition, the upgrade will face GPU procurement issues, and the EU will strengthen procurement and obtain GPU chips in compliance with the Chips Act In terms of data, the policy document "Facilitating the development and innovation of trustworthy AI startups in the EU" was proposed, which will provide high-quality data accumulated in the Common European Data Spaces Project in the past, including health, media, transportation, agriculture, construction, environment, manufacturing, and RampD The data can be combined individually or across fields through business-to-business B2B and business-to-government B2G, in order to drive innovation and achieve the goal of eliminating data localization restrictions across the EU Next, the European Commission will also establish data protection mechanisms for shared data, clarify responsibilities for incorrect data, data loss and revision standards, and assist in resolving disputes Therefore, in summary, the EU adopts a two-pronged approach when it comes to the development of the AI industry On the one hand, it improves the supervision of AI systems from a legal perspective, including AIA for prevention beforehand, and AILD and PLD for remedy afterwards, so that victims can seek compensation with a clear legal basis On the other hand, it actively promotes innovation and supports AI startups that have potential and the overall industry by providing computing resources and high-quality data

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2023 Singapore AI Development Policy Research: Singapore focuses on the needs of specific vertical fields when developing AI solutions

nbsp Source The National AI Strategy of Singapore, summarized by the AI HUB Project, November 2023 Singapore has been committed to developing a smart nation since 2005, formulating strategic blueprints such as "Intelligent Nation 2015 iN2015" and "The Smart Nation Initiative 2015" It has successively launched a number of AI policies and plans, which aim to fully utilize technological innovations to develop Singapore into leader in AI In 2019, Singapore formulated the 11-year National AI Strategy and proposed a 2030 vision, hoping to become a leader in AI solutions in important fields The strategy also pays special attention to promoting AI applications in key industries, such as transportation, manufacturing, and finance Singapore is also committed to cultivating the AI ecosystem and is concerned about the social risks that AI may bring At this point, Singaporersquos AI policy framework is practically set Singapore's "National AI Strategy" mainly consists of two parts, namely the "National AI Project" and "creating an AI ecosystem" By focusing on the deployment of AI models in key industries and incorporating the spirit of human-centered AI governance, Singapore has achieved an AI development path that takes into account both supervision and innovation The National AI Project refers to selecting key industries that have a high impact on Singapore's society and economy, and giving priority to the development of AI solutions The current five major projects are "Intelligent Freight Planning," "Seamless and Efficient Municipal Services," "Chronic Disease Prediction and Management," "Personalized Education through Adaptive Learning and Assessment," and "Border Clearance Operations" The projects above also show that Singapore will prioritize the development of AI applications in key industries, such as transportation and logistics, healthcare, education, and national defense Creating an AI ecosystem refers to how to facilitate Singapore's AI innovation and implementation methods At present, it has set five main goals, namely Facilitate industry-government-academia-research partnerships to realize AI commercialization, meet the demand on talent through AI education and cultivating AI talents, create a complete data structure to achieve cross-industry high-quality databases, and create a trustworthy AI environment to reduce concerns when implementing AI technology, and actively engage in international cooperation to get a say in international AI In summary, Singaporersquos AI development strategy not only focuses on industrial development and technology, but also attaches great importance to cultivating competitive AI talents and ecosystems This strategy of combining technology development and talent cultivation is also worth referencing in Taiwanrsquos subsequent development of AI nbsp nbsp

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2023 UK AI Development Policy Research: The UK established an AI regulatory framework to encourage innovation and developed an evaluation ecosystem

Source The UKrsquos National AI Strategy, summarized by the AI HUB Project, June 2023Outline of the UK National AI Strategy The UK's AI policy can be traced back to the "UK AI Sector Development Report" released in October 2017 In the Industrial Strategy White Paper released in November 2017, AI was further regarded as one of the four major challenges for future development In 2019, the UK established the AI Council to provide expert advice to senior leaders of the government and AI ecosystem It proposed an AI Roadmap in January 2021, providing 16 recommendations and strategies to the government Its core message is for the government to develop an independent national AI strategy The UK responded in the second half of 2021 and released the "National AI Strategy" based on the development path of its digital policy in the past The contents reveal the overall development vision, goals, key actions, and short, medium and long-term action plans of UK for AI in the next 10 years The UK's National AI Strategy further emphasizes the UK's vision to maintain its leading position in AI and become a global AI innovation center in the next ten years Its five main goals are 1 Ensure that all regionssectors can share the benefits of adopting AI, 2 maintain the UKrsquos leadership in AI RampD, 3 drive the UKrsquos GDP growth with the growth of the AI industry, 4 promote and maintain the UKrsquos AI literacy, and 5 establish its own AI capabilities to protect national security To achieve the above goals, the UK's National AI Strategy provides three specific action strategies The first is the long-term need to invest in and plan for the AI ecosystem, in order to maintain the UK's leadership as an AI superpower The second is to support industrial AI and digital transformation and ensure that AI is inclusive The third is to ensure that the UK has a say in AI governance, encourage innovation and investment, and protect public interests and moral values In terms of the ultimate strategic goals of actions, the UKrsquos main goal for the National AI Strategy is to improve the level of AI use by enterprises nationwide, attract international investments in AI companies in the UK, and cultivate the next generation of local technical talents, so as to promote the prosperity of the entire UK, ensure that everyone can benefit from AI, and apply AI to solve global challenges, such as climate change Another main feature of the UKrsquos AI industry is that it mainly adopts guiding principles for AI regulation As mentioned above, the UK hopes to establish a regulatory framework conducive to innovation to achieve its vision of becoming a global Trustworthy AI innovation center nbsp nbsp

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2023 Israel AI Development Policy Research: Israel established AI as national infrastructure and is actively creating an ecosystem

Source Official information from the Israeli government, summarized by the AI HUB Project, March 2023Outline of Israelrsquos AI Policy Israel is an outstanding country in AI development and high-tech industries According to the 2021 Government AI Readiness Index Report released by the Oxford Insights, Israel ranks 20th among 160 countries In addition, Israel also ranked 5th in Tortoisersquos Global AI Index In addition, Israel is also known as the "Startup Nation" Despite having a population of only over 8 million, Israel ranks at the top in terms of number of start-up companies Israel held five parliamentary elections between 2018 and 2022, and many government plans failed to be implemented smoothly As a result, the National AI Strategy was not formally implemented until 2022, even though its draft was proposed in 2019 The strategy uses the National AI Plan as its core, learns from the governmentrsquos past successful experience in investing in the field of cybersecurity, and strives to make Israel one of the worldrsquos five leading countries in the next five years Israelrsquos AI industry development approach can be divided into three main aspects Develop the infrastructure necessary for AI, create the optimal environment for AI infrastructure, and create a cross-domain sustainable ecosystem It establishes AI as Israelrsquos critical infrastructure in the future and creates a complete AI ecosystem Its specific actions include building computing facilities, human capital, data and research in related fields to establish the infrastructure required for the development of Israeli AI systems Israel establishes the best development environment for industrial growth through the development of a network security and ethical supervision environment Ultimately, it further creates a complete and sustainable ecosystem by connecting different sectors, such as implementing national development plans in health, transportation, security, and agriculture In terms of industrial development, Israel has extended the spirit of "Cyber Security is National Security" to the development of the AI industry, in order to strengthen AI-related infrastructure as the core strategy of the "National AI Strategy," and established AI as a critical infrastructure and national priority in the future However, due to long-term geopolitical risks, unstable political situations, and the successful experience of creating a startup ecosystem in the past, the spirit of innovation is deeply rooted in Israeli culture, and has further affected Israelrsquos views on the development of the AI industry

2023 US AI Development Policy Research: The United States carries out AI strategic planning from both a domestic and international perspective

The United States released its latest national AI policy in May 2023, ie, the National AI Research and Development Strategic Plan 2023 Update This is the second version updated after 2016 This series of strategies is also the core theme of the overall US AI policy In the past, many detailed industry policies and practices have been derived under this framework, such as the "National AI Security Final Report," "US Innovation and Competition Act," and the "CHIPS and Science Act"The "National AI Research and Development Strategic Plan" mainly elaborates on current RampD challenges in the field of AI, and uses this as the basis for planning subsequent resource investment by the US government, thereby ensuring that the US continues to maintain its leading position in the development and application of Trustworthy AI systems The ldquoNational AI Research and Development Strategic Plan 2023 Updaterdquo mainly continues the strategic planning in the first version in 2016 and the 2019 update In addition to continuing to supplement the eight strategic plans proposed in the past, a ninth strategic plan was added to the 2023 update, hoping to further incorporate international cooperation into important strategic planning for the subsequent development of AI technology and industry Main approaches of the US AI industry policy can be further analyzed from ldquoStrategy 5 Develop Shared Public Datasets and Environments for AI Training and Testing,rdquo ldquoStrategy 8 Expand Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Advances in AI,rdquo and ldquoStrategy 9 Establish a Principled and Coordinated Approach to International Collaboration in AI Researchrdquo of the ldquoNational AI Research and Development Strategic Plan 2023 Updaterdquo After observing, summarizing, and analyzing the contents, it can be summarized into two main approaches domestic and internationalIn terms of its domestic approach, the US focuses on expanding public-private partnerships because it believes that improving the AI model training and deployment environment is an important cornerstone This is the foundation for effectively linking government, academic research, and industry resources and needs Therefore, the US has taken a series of measures to democratize data to achieve the goal of improving AI infrastructure For example, the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resources NAIRR Task Force put forward a roadmap for national network infrastructure, and the US Congress also passed the ldquoOPEN Government Data Actrdquo In addition, lowering the access threshold for these government shared datasets is also a major focus For example, the STRIDES project Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability of the National Institutes of Health NIH is committed to integrating public cloud platforms Only one login account and password are needed to access different platforms to search for data, which is beneficial for researchers to collaborate on projects and transfer dataIn terms of its foreign approach, the United States actively engages in various bilateral cooperation methods This is mainly to ensure that the United States can continue to maintain its position as the central hub of the AI RampD ecosystem Therefore, it needs to continue to actively participate in international partnerships to share infrastructure and data resources Its specific approach is roughly divided into four aspects bilateral cooperation to develop Trustworthy AI, formulation of AI system standards and frameworks, exchange and attraction of professional talents, and development of AI to combat global threatsIn summary, the core spirit of US AI policy has always been to ensure that the US maintains its global leadership in the development and application of Trustworthy AI systems In terms of industrial development approaches, different strategic plans are proposed for domestic and international developments In addition to continuing to improve the AI shared infrastructure for domestic RampD, the US mainly expands public-private partnerships between industry, government, academia, and research institutes Internationally, the US is actively expanding bilateral cooperation to form a technology democratization alliance, further extending the concept of resource sharing to alliance partners and creating a mutually beneficial vision Source The National AI Research and Development Strategic Plan of the US, summarized by the AI HUB Project, September 2023 Comparison of different versions of the US National AI Research and Development Strategic Plan

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Announcement of the First Batch of the AI Technical Service Capability Registration and Application Mechanism in 2024, Applications Now Being Accepted!!

The Ministry of Digital Affairs MODA Administration for Digital industries ADI guides the direction of research and development RampD of technology and application services by domestic digital service providers, and provides certifications of verified performance, so as to enhance the resilience R, integration I, security S, empowerment E, and competitiveness of the industry, and drive the growth of digital economy-related industries The AI technical service capability classification and registration mechanism was specially planned and established to take stock of domestic AI technical service capabilities through a credible classification and registration mechanism It compiles a map of the domestic AI industry, and assists information service providers with developing more intelligent products and services, in order to expand industrial services and scale, accelerate the application of AI in the industry, and increase industrial value and competitiveness Those that pass the AI technical service capability registration will gain greater creditability as an AI service provider and be connected to the AI HUB aihuborgtw , matching supply and demand, assisting AI service providers with expanding business opportunities, and enhancing their competitiveness in the industry It can also be referenced for eligibility in future government-related guidance programs, and will be actively recommended to AI-related subsidy programs and venture capital platforms to assist enterprise development The Ministry of Digital Affairs Administration for Digital Industries now accepting applications for the first batch of AI technical service capability registration in 2024 and welcomes applicants I Definition of technical scope The definition of AI in the capability registration refers to the realization of simulated human cognition, machine autonomous inference, or knowledge work abilities in specific fields or general fields through new modeling methods, such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks This is used as the core business or integrated it into existing industries, software and hardware integration, or consulting service solutions Please note that traditional statistical techniques, such as regression analysis, are not within the scope of this capability registration II Eligibility Software and information service related institutions including for-profit institutions, non-profit institutions, and schools that completed business registration within the territory of the Republic of China in accordance with the law III Application period From now until 1800 on July 19, 2024 Friday IV Application method link wwwcisatwAIloginindexphp before 1800 on July 19, 2024 Friday to apply for a user account and password, fill in basic information online, and download and fill out related documents Upload the electronic documents in 1 to 3 before the deadline that was announced I Application Form and Affidavit for the MODA ADI's 2024 AI Technical Service Capability Registration see Attachment 1 for the formatII Proposal Form for the MODA ADI's 2024 AI Technical Service Capability Registration see Attachment 2 for the formatIII Required attachments of the proposal1 A photocopy of the certificate of company registration or business registration issued by the central competent authority2 The most recent tax bill for profit-seeking enterprise income tax, balance sheets, and statement of comprehensive income, or a photocopy of the approval notification for the declaration of income derived from professional practice3 Resume of full-time employee4 A photocopy of documents proving the performance of AI products or professional services Validity period of performance data 2022-2024 V Application briefing session Taipei session - June 24 Monday 1400-1600Room C206, Taipei Changan Hall, Taiwan Culture and Creative Center The information of Taipei session wwwcisanetorgtwCourseDetail5322 Taichung session - June 26 Wednesday 1400-1600Room 0304, Taichung Startup Hall, Taiwan Culture and Creative Center The information of Taichung session wwwcisanetorgtwCourseDetail5323 Kaohsiung session - June 27 Thursday 1400-1600Room K135, Kaohsiung Xinyi Hall, Taiwan Culture and Creative Center The information of Kaohsiung session wwwcisanetorgtwCourseDetail5324 VI Online consultation meeting An online consultation meeting OnlineTeams meeting the meeting link will be sent two days before the event, registration link wwwcisanetorgtwCourseDetail5321 will be held at 200-600 pm on July 4 Thursday to help companies understand the classification and key points of registering AI technical service capability Each company will have 10 minutes of one-on-one QampA We welcome you to sign up for the event VII Consultation hotline Contact person Mr YehTel 02-25533988 extension 385 Contact Email kevinyehcisanetorgtw

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Briefing sessions on application for the 2024 AI implementation subsidies in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan will start on March 26

Enterprise AI power, the real power for digital development of the AI industry Sign up now for the Administration for Digital industries 2024 AI Subsidy Briefing Session Taiwan is facing the challenges and opportunities brought by the digital economy To accelerate the upgrading and transformation of industries through AI, let us give you a hand This project accepts applications for industry AI implementation and diffusion, in order to accelerate the implementation of AI applications and technologies in industries It encourages companies to produce common solutions based on industry AI technology needs and implementation readiness, combined with appropriate data collection and analysis It helps match innovative AI technologies with industry needs, and gathers together capabilities of AI startups, information service providers, and various industries With hardware pushing the economy and software pulling it forward, the capabilities of international partners are utilized to gradually make industries more intelligent and implement the AI industry, so as to realize the vision of a smart nation Application for industry AI implementation and diffusion has begun To get started with the subsidy application process, you cannot miss this briefing session The maximum subsidy for each company is NT4 million SubjectsAI startupsinformation service providerstechnology companiesfields that required AI Event information The Central and Southern Taiwan events are offline events, only the Taipei event will be held online simultaneously Date Session Method Time Meeting location March 26, 2024 Tuesday Southern Taiwan Offline 13301430 Registration at 1300 Conference Room on the 1st floor of the Southern Taiwan Industry Promotion Center1F, No 6, Fuxing 4th Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City March 27, 2024 Wednesday Central Taiwan Offline 14001500Registration at 1330 Tai Chung Computer Association-903 meeting room9th Floor, No 95-8, Sec 1, Changping Rd, Beitun District, Taichung City March 29, 2024 Friday Northern Taiwan Offline online video conference 14001500Registration at 1330 Conference Room C, 6F, PCBC6F, No 99, Fuxing N Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City nbsp Event Agenda Date Time Duration Agenda Speaker March 26, 2024 Tuesday 13001330 30 minutes Registration Time nbsp 13301335 5 minutes Opening nbsp 13351345 10 minutes Project description and sharing of guidance resources Service team representative 13451405 20 minutes Industry AI Implementation Verification Plan and Diffusion Application Instructions Taipei Computer Association 14051430 25 minutes General discussion and exchanges QampA All March 27, 2024 Wednesday 13301400 30 minutes Registration Time nbsp 14001405 5 minutes Opening nbsp 14051415 10 minutes Project description and sharing of guidance resources Service team representative 14151435 20 minutes Industry AI Implementation Verification Plan and Diffusion Application Instructions Taipei Computer Association 14351500 25 minutes General discussion and exchanges QampA All March 29, 2024 Friday 13301400 30 minutes Registration Time nbsp 14001405 5 minutes Opening nbsp 14051415 10 minutes Project description and sharing of guidance resources Service team representative 14151435 20 minutes Industry AI Implementation Verification Plan and Diffusion Application Instructions Taipei Computer Association 14351500 25 minutes General discussion and exchanges QampA All Please click on the following URL to register now and learn more detailed information and online website Registration website seminarstcaorgtwD15r00761aspx Event ContactTaipei Computer Association 02-2570-6337Miss Gao 9512 Miss Hung 9827 Miss Lin 9865

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2024 Industry AI Implementation and Diffusion Application Instructions and Application Document Download

Project origin Applications for industry AI implementation and diffusion are accepted In order to accelerate the implementation of AI applications and technologies in industries It encourages companies to produce common solutions based on industry AI technology needs and implementation readiness, combined with appropriate data collection and analysis It helps match innovative AI technologies with industry needs, and gathers together capabilities of AI startups, information service providers, and various industries With hardware pushing the economy and software pulling it forward, the capabilities of international partners are utilized to gradually make industries more intelligent and implement the AI industry, so as to realize the vision of a smart nation Project application 1 Application Category 1 Two subsidy categories were announced "Industrial AI Implementation PoC" and "AI Application Service Verification" Applicants may apply for one category and are not allowed to apply for both categories at the same time 2 Applicants must work with project partners and contractors in the development of AI applications and technologies in coordination with project contents 3 The overall project application categories are shown in the following table Subsidy category Subjects Key points of proposal Government subsidies Category 1 Industrial AI implementation of PoC Company in the field Information service provider Provide AI value-added technology services or solutions for industrial development or common AI technology requirements companies in the field Complete proof of concept PoC and above technology implementation results, and plan subsequent practical applications to drive developments for making industries more intelligent The maximum subsidy for each case is NT15 million Category 2 AI application service verification AI startups Companies in the field Information service provider The company making the proposal has AI technology capabilities and should have clear plans for commercialization and business model The company making the proposal should have clear AI technology, application purposes, and goals for each stage of implementation The company must have a digital foundation and information software and hardware for developing AI technology, and have a proper collection, recording, storage, and management mechanisms for data The company making the proposal plans to develop innovativeforward-looking AI application services, platforms, or products for implementation of AI products, services, or solutions in 2 or more companies inclusive Encourage the use of generative AI technology to develop systems, such as knowledge management, video and audio creation, content generation, product design, and digital twins Complete PoS and above for the implementation of AI technology applications, system verification, and trial operation, and planning of subsequent commercialization to truly achieve AI technology diffusion and benefits from practical application The maximum subsidy for each case is NT4 million nbsp 4 Regarding the subsidy category of the applicant, if the review committee determines that the content of the proposal is more in line with other categories, the executing organizer has the right to adjust the subsidy category of the applicant 2 Eligibility 1 Sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, or companies registered in accordance with domestic laws, and shall not be Chinese enterprises announced by the Department of Investment Review, Ministry of Economic Affairs MOEA Note 1 2 The applicant is not blacklisted by banks and has positive net worth Note 2 3 Companies applying for industry AI implementation PoC must cooperate with the service team and the SIG announced for the 2024 AI HUB Project of the Administration for Digital industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs URL of announcement aihuborgtwpost411 , and must complete the guidance form of the SIG before making a proposal 1List of service teams in 2024 1 Northern Taiwan Service Team Institute for Information Industry III 2 Central Taiwan Service Team Tai Chung Computer Association 3 Southern Taiwan Service Team Southern Taiwan Industry Promotion Center 4 AI upgrade service team for information service providers Information Service Industry Association of ROC 2SIG announced for the 2024 AI HUB Project URL of announcement aihuborgtwpost411 Note 1 The determination of Chinese enterprises shall be based on the equity information retrieved from ldquoGet information about businesses registration in Taiwanrdquo of the Administration of Commerce, MOEA or the Directory of Chinese Enterprises in Taiwan of Department of Investment Review, MOEA Note 2 The determination of a company's net worth shall be based on the audit report of the companyrsquos accountants in the most recent year at the time of applicationIf there is no audit report prepared by an accountant, it shall be based on the financial statements in the profit-seeking enterprise income tax return cover page, profit and loss statement, and balance sheetIf the company was registered and established in the year of project application, it may use the capital audit report used for company registration, and the most recent interim audit report prepared by an accountant, or self-prepared financial statements for the month before application if it is a new company that has been established for less than one year, it may use the most recent "Business Tax Return," the most recent number of employees insured on the "Labor Insurance Payment List," and "Taxpayer Tax Violation and Arrears Review Form"If the company's net worth was originally negative and its capital was increased recently, an "electronic scanned file of a third-party accountant certification" within 2 months before the deadline must be provided instead The interim financial statements will show a positive net worth due to the capital increase before project application, and is deemed to comply with the application requirements 3 Application time, application method and contact person 1 Project application deadline The application period is from the announcement date to 115959 am on April 10, 2024 Wednesday the system closes at 120000 noon 2 All applications must be submitted online Please go to the 2024 AI Application Service Development Environment Promotion Project - "Industrial AI Implementation and Diffusion Application" website to complete project application and fill out the application form 1 For application instructions, please visit the application website aisubsidytcaorgtw URL for uploading application documents aitcaorgtw 2 The application period is from the announcement date to 115959 am on April 10, 2024 Wednesday the system will be closed at 120000 noon Please upload scanned files of the required documents in color after affixing seals 3 The information submitted by the project applicant will not be returned regardless of whether it is approved or not or if the company withdraws the application If there are any omissions or errors in the information required for application, the executive organizer will notify the applicant and require the applicant to supplement documents The supplement must be completed within three working days after the notification The applicant will be deemed ineligible for failing to supplement documents Proposal review procedures will only be carried out after the project applicant passes the eligibility review Please refer to "V Important Notes" in the instructions for application procedures 3 Service window TCA Miss Gao 022570-6337 extension 9512 Contact Email yvonnekaomailtcaorgtw Ms Hong 022570-6337 extension 9827 Contact Email jenny_hungmailtcaorgtw Ms Lin 022570-6337 extension 9865 Contact Email yuimailtcaorgtw IV Review Key Points The review committee will review the submitted materials according to the following key points of review and select the best candidates 1 Category 1 Industrial AI implementation PoC Review items Item Description Points allocated Proposal Contents Industry background and pain points Description of the contents and situation of AI application The current status of data collection, readiness and usage for implementing AI Algorithm verification, algorithm evaluation and selection Project implementation schedule and method Description of information security mechanisms 50 Execution ability AI experience and expertise of third-party AI startup, technical unit, or expert Division of labor and operations of the project Companies with patents or technology verification certificates must provide the patent certificate as proof 15 Project benefits Benefits of AI implementation and verification method Output value, implementation, and other benefits including increasing revenue, driving investment, and number of patents 35 nbsp 2 Category 2, AI application service verification Item Description Item Points allocated Proposal Contents Industry background and pain points Comparison of existing products and services with related products in the market such as description of technical innovation description and necessity of using AI technology to add value to products or services AI algorithms and models, process design and implementation instructions Project implementation schedule and method Description of information security mechanisms Marketing plan 50 Execution ability nbspInvolvement of senior management, professionalism of the execution team, and internal resource allocation AI experience and expertise of third-party AI company, technical unit, or expert Companies with patents or technology verification certificates must submit the patent certificate as proof Division of labor and operations of the project Provide customers participating service verification, and the operating process of actual services 15 Implementation benefits AI product or application service specifications Assessment of market competitiveness of AI products or application services Commercialization strategy, business model, and profit sharing mechanism Trial operation of 1 month or longer inclusive during the project implementation period the trial operation report must be provided for the final review The trial operation report contains 1 Validation report of service system2 Service Level Agreement SLA self-assessment results L1-L33 Output value, implementation, and other benefits including increasing revenue, driving investment, and number of patents nbsp 35 nbsp 3 Bonus points If the project applicant meets the following criteria, please attach supporting documents for reference for bonus points during review The applicant has an AI patent or AI technology verification certificate, and submitted the patent certificate as proof During the project period, the applicant expects to cooperate with and expand to customers that are representative of their industry or international enterprises The applicant has signed a MOU or contract with partner companies within the project including AI technology companies or information service providers, field verification companies, and startups To download detailed instructions and documents, please visit the application website aisubsidytcaorgtw Please read the application instructions and important notes carefully before registering If there are any matters not specified herein, unless it is stipulated by the law, the organizer and executive organizer reserve the right to modify and supplement including any changes, updates, modifications to the event, which shall be based on announcements on the application website aisubsidytcaorgtw

2024 AI Application Competition Must Knows

Purpose of competition Seeing the trend of automation, such as artificial intelligence AI and robots, rapidly spread to countries around the world, and facing the challenges of emerging technologies in the future, Taiwan is currently implementing the "52 Industry Innovation Plan" to drive comprehensive industrial innovation In addition, in response to the needs of industries for digital and intelligent transformation, a full range of relevant talent cultivation training plans have been launched Starting from school education, on-the-job training and employee training, to general AI talents, the "Industry Professional Assessment System" was expanded to closely link training courses to the workplace, and various measures such as the ldquoDigital Innovation amp Governance Initiative DIGIrdquo and the ldquoAI Taiwan Action Planrdquo were launched to enhance the smart technology application skills of industry talents These endeavors aim to reduce the threat that automation brings to the labor market while welcoming new job opportunities created by new technologiesSince the release of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, it has attracted more than 100 million active users around the world in just two months, driving a new production method of using generative AI to automatically create content Given that generative AI has changed how people work and how businesses operate, this trend of generative AI is expected to have a deeper impact on industrial developmentThe competition provide trainings for industry AI professionals, with AI as the core focus, to cultivate industry AI technology integration and innovative application talents, in order to meet the demand on industrial talent Regarding the industry AI talent cultivation model, we encourage cross-disciplinary teams to think openly about the AI needs within industries and companies from the bottom up when facing the popularization of AI, improving the issues faced by the industry by designing AI solutions, and promoting the adoption of AI technology We will simultaneously carry out learning and training activities to enhance the capabilities of domestic AI talent and accelerate the pace of making industries smarter Eligibility I This is a team competition with 2-10 people in each team Duplicate team registration is not allowed, and each team must have one representative However, the representative must be a citizen of the Republic of China ROC and have a permanent address registered in the ROC The representative is responsible for contacting the organizer, confirming competition documents, and other competition-related processes The team representative individual receives awards on behalf of the teamII If any team members are under 20 years old, they must obtain the consent of their legal representative before they may participateIII Problem-solving teams are not allowed to participate in the AI Rising Star Competition under the AI Application Service Development Environment Promotion Project at the same time Violators will be disqualified from both competitions Contest Topic I This competition is open to propositions, and problem-solving teams are asked to focus on application topics related to "generative AI" for example internal AI database of companies - generative chatbot, but not limited to such application proposals Problem-solving teams must make a joint proposal with their partnering requesting unit must be a company or government agency, and team are encouraged to use Taiwanrsquos large language model during implementationII Problem-solving teams may submit up to two proposals Please avoid duplicate technology applications in the two proposalsIII The proposal must be a clear proposal related to the topic of this competition, a project that has not yet commenced tendering procedures, and must not have applied for government budgets Registration Process I All times of the process are estimated times The final schedule shall be based on the announcement on the website The organizer and executing organizer reserve the right to adjust the schedule based on actual needs Competition website aitalentstcaorgtw Prizes I The prize is divided into three levels "Gold award", "Silver award" and "Bronze award," and the rest are honorable mentions Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award Honorable mention NT 1 million NT 800,000 NT 500,000 NT 200,000300,000 II Any disputes or questions regarding the division of labor or distribution of rights and interests within the proposal team such as bonus collection and distribution shall be handled by the team on its own The organizer and executing organizer will not interfere or get involved in disputes and rulings, such as division of labor or distribution of rights and interests within the teamIII Award winners must pay taxes in accordance with the tax laws of the ROC, and must fill out and submit in accordance with regulations before they may collect the prize Failure to cooperate will be deemed to have abandoned the right Important Notes I The requesting units and problem-solving teams participating in this competition are deemed to have agreed to the competition must knows and rules In the event of any dispute, the organizer and executing organizer reserve the right of final interpretation In the event of any violation, the organizer and executing organizer have the right to disqualify the violator and recover the prize and award, and may make an announcement If any violation of the competition must knows damages the rights and interests of the organizer, executing organizer, or any other third party, the violator shall be liable for damagesII The awards may be flexibly allocated by the panel of judges based on the level of the work and the actual situation If necessary, awards may be "adjusted" or "increased or vacated"III The works entered into the competition and the content provided must comply with laws related to copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, and personal data protection If third party rights are involved, legal authorization from the rights holder must be obtained Plagiarism, counterfeiting, or other infringement of the rights of others is prohibited The problem-solving team will bear all legal liabilities if it is found or reported to have violated the competition must knows, made untrue statements, or infringed on the rights of others The organizer and executing organizer reserve the right to postpone the announcement of award winners until it is confirmed that there is no such disputes over rights or if the objector or rights holder fails to file for a remedy with the competent authority or court in accordance with the law for more than one month after becoming aware of the infringement, or withdraws the claim after filingIV If the works entered in the competition are confirmed to infringe on the rights of others by the competent authority or through litigation procedures, the organizer and executing organizer may disqualify the award winner and recover the prizeV The intellectual property rights of the research and development results completed by the problem-solving team, submitted works, proposal, proposal briefs, case closure reports, and case closure brief belong to the problem-solving team However, the problem-solving team must agree to authorize the organizer and executing organizer to use its research and development results, submitted works, proposal, proposal brief, case closure report, and case closure brief free of charge for the purpose of promoting this event nbspwithout any constraints on region and in a non-profit manner, including but not limited to taking or providing relevant photos and videos to record relevant activities, and using, editing, printing, displaying, publicizing, reporting, publishing, or disclosing their results in the competition, personal portraits, names, and voices Where slander of moral rights is not involved, problem-solving teams may not exercise moral rights against the organizer and executing organizer VI Based on the administrative management involved in the implementationhandling of this project, registration management, notification and contact, activity information release, prize disbursement, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis, or other activity information provided by the projectrsquos executing organizer, the organizer and executing organizer may collect, process and use the personal information of problem-solving team membersVII All members of the problem-solving team must provide detailed personal information and may not impersonate or misappropriate any third party's information If there are any untrue or incorrect information, the organizer and executing organizer may disqualify the applicant from participating in the evaluation and winning awards All members of the problem-solving team shall bear the legal liabilities for any damages to the rights and interests of the organizer, executing organizer, or any other third partyVIII In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, members of the problem-solving team may make requests to the organizer and executing organizer to inquire, request copies, supplement or correct, or cease collection, processing or use of personal information provided for this competition, and may also request that the personal information be deleted, except for information that must be retained according to law If this affects the rights to participate in the evaluation or win awards, members shall be solely responsibleIX The requesting unit and the problem-solving team agree to maintain the confidentiality of the trade secrets and other confidential information of the organizer, executing organizer, or other parties including requesting units that they learn or hold due to participation in this competition, and shall neither leak or disclose it to any third party in any way, nor use the information for their own benefit or that of others In the event of a a violation of this confidentiality agreement, the organizer and the executing organizer have the right to terminate cooperation, disqualify the violator from participating in the evaluation or winning awards, and recover the prize Violators shall also be liable for damages Violations by employees shall also be deemed as a violation by the teamnbspX If the requesting unit expressly provides a confidentiality agreement or other cooperation matters in the problem, the problem-solving team's application for problem solving will be deemed as agreeing to the conditions provided by the requesting unitXI All teams that are selected must cooperate with the organizer and the executing organizer in evaluation, commendation, subsidies, and media interviews and reports, and must cooperate with the organizer and the executing organizer in follow-up performance trackingXII The team representative individual must collect the award on behalf of the team The representative must be a citizen of the ROC and have a permanent address registered in the ROCXIII Award winners must pay taxes in accordance with the tax laws of the ROC, and must fill out and submit in accordance with regulations before they may collect the prize Failure to cooperate will be deemed to have abandoned the rightXIV Any disputes or questions regarding the division of labor or distribution of rights and interests within the problem-solving team such as bonus collection and distribution shall be handled by the team on its own The organizer and executing organizer will not get involved in disputesXV Problem-solving teams are not allowed to participate in the AI Rising Star Competition under the AI Application Service Development Environment Promotion Project at the same time Violators will be disqualified from both competitionsXVI The rights and obligations of this competition may not be transferred without the written approval of the organizer, executing organizer, and other team membersXVII Problem-solving teams that participate in this competition and pass the problem-solving qualification review must agree to give the requesting unit priority for technologies or services Requesting units may not use technologies or services of the problem-solving team without consent from the problem-solving team for cooperation The proposals and briefs of problem-solving teams participating in this competition may not be used without the consent of the organizer and executing organizerXVIII This competition allocates quotas for each award based on the annual subsidy budget of the competent authority If necessary, the quota for the winning team may be vacated or addedXIX If the problem-solving team engages in inappropriate behavior, remarks, or makes false accusations against the competition, the competition reserves the right to disqualify the problem-solving team from competing and winning awardsXX The schedule and activity information of this competition shall be subject to the announcement on the event website Matters not specified in the competition mechanism may be adjusted according to the actual situation and announced or supplemented on the project website The project office retains the right of final interpretation and the right to change and terminate the competitionXXI The organizer and executing organizer reserve the right of final interpretation of the competition must knows and the interpretation and application of various rules Any disputes will be handled in accordance with the laws of the ROC, and Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instanceXXII If there are any matters not covered in the competition must knows, unless otherwise stipulated by the law, the organizer and executing organizer reserve the right to modify and supplement including postponing the competition, terminating the competition, or adjusting the competition mechanism Please refer to the announcement on the website of this competition Competition contact person Taipei Computer Association TCAOptimization Service Group, Smart Industry Service CenterMs ZhangEmail jen_changmailtcaorgtw Tel 02 2570-6337 9925 For more information, please see 2024 AI Application Intelligence Competition Website aitalentstcaorgtwHomeContestDescription

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2024 AI+ Rookie Selection Competition Instructions

Origin of competition With the massive data from the Internet of Things, the increasing maturity of chip technology, and the continued evolution of algorithms, artificial intelligence AI related applications have attracted great attention and become a major technology worldwide AI has become a key indicator of the future digitalization of human society, and competition for AI-related patents and intellectual property rights is rapidly becoming more severe in various industriesIn response to the "AI Taiwan Action Plan" of the Executive Yuan, the Administration for Digital industries ADI, Ministry of Digital Affairs MODA is dedicating its efforts to the "AI Application Service Development Environment Promotion Project," and encourages information and communications technology ICT companies to cooperate with AI technology companies through the competition and matching platform Deploying AI and edge computing products in hopes of developing AI technologies and applications that meet market needs The ADI hopes to produce more innovative value-added products or services to lead the internationalization of Taiwanrsquos diverse AI applications Purpose of competition The purpose of the "2024 AI Rising Star Competition" is to bring together domestic technology companies hereinafter referred to as ldquoRequesting Unitsrdquo and AI technology companies hereinafter referred to as ldquoProposal Teamsrdquo to jointly develop innovative AI value-added products or services guided by market demand, thereby achieving the purpose of guiding AI technology companies, and deepening cooperation results between Requesting Units and Proposal Teams in AI value-added products or services This will further achieve the goals of "internal and external cooperation, accelerating research and development" and "trials in Taiwan for going global" Description of competition mechanism and qualifications This project uses a competition to gather together Requesting Units and Proposal Teams to facilitate RampD and cooperation in technology and application between AI supply and demand sides Requesting Units prepare topics based on their needs to implement AI in their products and servicessupply chainrelated industry fields Proposal Teams with AI technologies will then make proposals, and the Requesting Unit will provide guidance and assistance to the Proposal Team to jointly carry out a problem-solving plan I Application to become requesting unit I Eligibility all of the conditions below must be met 1 Domestic enterprises Locally registered sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, or company2 Foreign enterprises A locally recognized foreign company with a track record in RampD and registered a branch in the Republic of China ROC or a subsidiary registered locally by a foreign company that has a track record in RampD3 The above-mentioned organizations should have clear needs and have innovation guidance capabilities eg, the company has an innovation service development unit, and should have a project liaison who can cooperate in attending various conferences and competition-related activities, and also provide the Proposal Team with development resources such as hardware, training materials, and computing resources II Matters requiring cooperation in the topic guidance stage 1 Requesting Units provide the "Statement on Enterprise Verification Requirements," and then the AI requirements put forward by Requesting Units are collected and submitted to the project office2 The project office invites expert committee members to conduct review for the competition, and sends the AI problems of Requesting Units to the committee members for evaluation and to provide correction suggestions or guidance for adjustments3 Topics that have been evaluated and approved by the committee members will be disclosed on the project website for startup teams to evaluate submissions4 The Requesting Units must agree to the obligation to cooperate with the organizer's event needs, and be fully responsible for the content provided The participation of Requesting Units may be used for publicity and promotion purposes5 Requesting Units must appoint project liaisons at least 2 people who will focus on topics content revision and interpretation, attending competition-related activities including but not limited to request matching briefings, review meetings, and results presentations, and other liaison matters to facilitate the implementation of this project III Matters requiring cooperation in the matching and verification stage 1 Participate in the request matching briefing Requesting Units attend the briefing to explain the contents of the topic and answer questions from Proposal Teams, so that both parties to clearly understand the direction of cooperation in the verification stage2 Requesting Units must provide topic-related resources and guidance to help Proposal Teams carry out RampD, training, implementation, and complete problem solving IV Application process for requesting units Step 1 Online registration seminarstcaorgtwD15r00688aspx Step 2 Download the attachment from the competition website aicontesttcaorgtw 1 nbsp nbspConsent Form for Competition Requirements Provided by Requesting Units Attachment2 nbsp nbspPersonal Information Consent Form Attachment3 nbsp nbspStatement on Enterprise Verification Requirements please go to the Download section of the competition website to download4 nbsp nbspVerification Requirements Brief please go to the Download section of the competition website to download Step 3 Mail the 4 files in Step 2 Consent Form for Competition Requirements Provided by Requesting Units Attachment, Personal Information Consent Form Attachment, Statement on Enterprise Verification Requirements, and Verification Requirements Brief the form of electronic files scan after affixing seal to the designated e-mail address Contact Email una_changmailtcaorgtw II Competition team proposal application 1 Team proposal qualifications all of the conditions below must be met 1 Businesses 1 Sole proprietorships and partnerships legally registered in Taiwan after January 1, 2016 within the past 8 years2 Not blacklisted by banks and no record of dishonored check within the past year3 Not a Chinese enterprise according to the latest Directory of Chinese Enterprises in Taiwan published by the Department of Investment Review, Ministry of Economic Affairs 2 Domestic colleges and universities with AI-related research centers there is no limit on the number of years it was established, but the Proposal Team be from its AI or IoT-related research centers Once selected, Proposal Teams must complete specified matters before the final review to receive the prize 3 Has core development capabilities to provide products or services through image recognition, natural languagespeech, algorithms, data analysis and other AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks II The Proposal Team must complete the following within the specified time based on the competition topic proposed by the Requesting Unit Step 1 Online registration competition website aicontesttcaorgtw Step 2 Download the attachment from the competition website 1 Proposal Team Participation Agreement Attachment2 Personal Information Consent Form Attachment3 Proposal brief please go to the Download section of the competition website to download the format Step 3 1 Upload the 3 files in Step 2 and the companyrsquos related supporting documents to the system2 The companyrsquos related supporting documents A The company registration certificate including change registration cardB Proof that the company is not blacklisted by banks and has no record of dishonored check within the past year must be affixed with seal III The team must select 1 proposal, and can make up to 2 proposals one proposal each for two different Requesting Units, and the number of proposals accepted is limited to 1 proposal Proposal teams participating in this competition are not allowed to participate in the AI Application Competition under the AI Application Service Development Environment Promotion Project at the same time Violators will be disqualified from both competitions 1Note 1 Based on the equity information retrieved from ldquoGet information about businesses registration in Taiwanrdquo of the Administration of Commerce, MOEA or the Directory of Chinese Enterprises in Taiwan of the Department of Investment Review, MOEA 2Note 2 If a finalist is an AI research center on campus, it must complete any of the following items before the final review in order to receive the prize 1 Complete company registration or business registration within the territory of the ROC and provide relevant supporting documents 2 Sign an advance offer or letter of intent with Requesting Unit 3 Sign a patent technology transfer authorization contract with the Requesting Unit Please see the attachment for detailed instructions on registration methods and procedures, evaluation methods, reward methods, and important notes of the competition

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2024 AI Application Service Development Environment Implementation Project_Online Briefing Meeting on Selection into the Industry AI SIG

Taiwan currently faces challenges and opportunities brought by the digital economy era This project will select 10 industry associations to accelerate the upgrade and transformation of various industries through AI We hope to provide guidance to drive AI upgrade and transformation of related local industries, and jointly create a blueprint for the development of AI in industries by organizing an industry AI special interest group SIG together with the associations, facilitating industry applications to assist industries with digital transformation Subjects Associations registered as a legal person in accordance with domestic laws and regulations or other associations established with the approval of the competent authority Event information Date Method Time Registration Link 11321 Thursday Online Webex 1430-1530 Registration at 1410 Or Online registration link for the 2024 Industrial AI Promotion Working Group SIG Selection Information Session To facilitate communication, online participants are kindly requested to change their user name to "unit_name_title " Event Schedule Time Length Agenda 14101430 20mins Online registration 14301500 30mins Project Introduction and SIG Application Explanation 15001530 30mins QampA exchanges and discussion 1530 - End nbsp EventnbspContact nbsp Taipei Computer Association, 02-2570-6337 9527 Ms Chang Please read the application instructions and important notes carefully before registering If there are any matters not specified herein, unless it is stipulated by the law, the organizer and executive organizer reserve the right to modify and supplement including any changes, updates, modifications to the event, which shall be based on announcements on the project website aisubsidytcaorgtw

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2024 Industry AI Special Interest Group (SIG) Application Must-knows

Introduction Based on the core technology and research and development RampD capabilities of Taiwanrsquos information and communications technologies ICT industry, the demand of niche markets will be vertically integrated in the future to accelerate the development of an artificial intelligence AI service ecosystem, and encourage Taiwanese companies to enter the global AI system value chain, which will continue to strengthen the development of Taiwan's information and digital industries The application service development environment AI HUB is linked to supply and demand resources and facilitates cross-sector and cross-industry co-creation to drive the development of AI in the industry We hope to provide guidance to drive AI upgrade and transformation of related local industries, and jointly create a blueprint for the development of AI in industries by organizing an industry AI special interest group SIG with associations, facilitating industry applications to assist industries with digital transformation Application requirements I Eligibility 1 The proposal unit is an association that has been registered as a legal person in accordance with domestic laws and regulations or other units established with the approval of the competent authority 2 The proposal unit must be willing to cooperate with the service team included in the 2024 AI HUB project of the Administration for Digital industries ADI, Ministry of Digital Affairs MODA Both parties intend to jointly encourage the industry to implement AI technology applications, and help the industry quickly enter the stage of AI upgrading and transformation List of service teams in 2024 nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp 1 Northern Taiwan Service Team Institute For Information Industry III nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp 2Central Taiwan Service Team Tai Chung Computer Association nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp 3Southern Taiwan Service Team Southern Taiwan Industry Promotion Center 3 Be familiar with the development of AI applications in the industry and take stock of member AI readiness, and be able to properly complete the work of the Industry AI SIG II Contents Encourage companies to develop AI solutions through the application of AI technologies in coordination with the projectrsquos overall direction for implementing industry AI, and create AI application examples through field trials The 2024 Industry AI SIG Application Must Knows does not set an industry theme The industry association that submitted the proposal will check "First time applicant" or "Previously selected" Those that are selected into the Industry AI SIG must additionally explain the development blueprint and implementation items of AI applications in the industry, take stock of the current status of AI applications, the results and subsequent diffusion of the AI implementation, verification, and guidance items selected for the year, and plan the subsequent diffusion and market planning for the items III Application process Please supplement the documents within one working day after notification IV Application timetable The organizer reserves the right to adjust the above schedule Applications for the project must be submitted online Please make sure to complete the electronic registration and submit the documents before 1200 on February 19, 2024 Monday Contact information V Required Documents Project application form see the attachment for the format Scanned file of association legal person registration certificate proof of registration Proposal brief see the attachment for the brief format VInbspImplementation Work The applicant must sign a cooperation contract with its service team after being selected into the Industry AI SIG Provide a list of 20 requesting units that may be visited for diagnosis, and be present during the visits and diagnosis Organize 2 sharing or symposium exchange events At least 10 companies must attend each event Provide information related to the industry ecosystem as a blueprint for industrial development Assist in facilitating 3 to 4 cases limited to 4 cases, recommend the industry AI implementation, verification, and diffusion proposals of companies, and follow up on the implementation status of companies Assist companies with improving the contents and presentation of project reports, clarify and respond to review opinions of committee members proposal tasks Note 1, mid-term report, final tasks Note 2 Assist in arranging on-site visits to companies and display the highlights of results Assist in investigating the current status of AI development by related companies in the industry Report on implementation results and briefings in coordination with project implementation, and perform tasks related to the AI HUB Note 1 Proposal tasks - Assist in aspects proposed by committee members, such as key points of AI technology applications, data collection, AI algorithm description, and specific industry benefits Note 2 Final tasks - Assist in aspects proposed by committee members, such as the contents of the checkpoint document is too simple, the KPI is inconsistent, or actual implementation results are not clearly explained VII Important Notes Personal data regulations The collection, processing, and use of personal data by the applicant to implement this project must comply with the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations None of the documents submitted for application will be returned to the applicant, regardless of whether the application passes or fails review All application documents must be typed When the executing organizer reviews proposal documents and finds that the content is unclear, inconsistent, obvious typing errors, or signature errors, it may notify the applicant to provide an explanation to confirm the correct content Review committee members will review the application brief The applicant must personally attend the review meeting to give a briefing Failure to attend without a legitimate reason will be deemed as forfeiting VIII Review Items and Standards The review committee will review the submitted materials according to the following key points of review and select the best candidates nbsp

Rows:275, 19 pages