Special Cases

【導入案例】赫銳特科技VCSEL封裝元件瑕疵導入AOI檢測 提升產能效率20
【2021 Application Example】 HRT Technology Improves Production Efficiency by 20% Through AOI Detection of Defects in VCSEL Packaging

In 2017, the launch of the iPhone X made 3D sensor technology used in Face ID highly popular, which drove the development of VCSEL, a core component in the 3D sensor module In the detection of defects in incoming packaged VCSEL, the use of AI inference models can solve the industry's issue with low yield and improve reliability to 95 VCSEL technology currently can be used in many applications and various end consumer markets, including robots, mobile devices, surveillance, drones, and ARVR VCSELs are a good solution in applications that require high-speed modulation capabilities, such as cameras and biometrics VCSEL technology has a wide range ofnbsp applications, including in drones Pictured Zoyi Technology's Agricultural Drone VCSEL technology has a wide range of applications, AI technology assists in defect detection HRT Technology stated that the packaged VCSEL market is also facing strong price competition from competitors, and needs to further reduce costs and enhance product competitiveness One of the key problems is the replacement of glass lens with epoxy resin lens The production of traditional glass lenses has high yield, but the cost is higher than that of epoxy resin lenses Due to the cutting process of epoxy resin, the side wall of cutting lines can easily have rough edges, causing it to be oversized The release of stress caused by heat during the mounting process will directly cause the optical lens to break HRT Technology pointed out that the incoming inspection of VCSEL epoxy resin lenses is very important Under the constraints of packaging space, the space for fitting the package and optical lens is limited Moreover, the optical lenses will be confined to a metal frame If the dimensional tolerances are properly controlled, stress release due to heat during mounting can easily cause the optical lens to break, resulting in a yield loss of up to 10 in the VCSEL package reliability verification, resulting in an increase in production costs In order to solve the problems above, HRT Technology hopes to use AI to monitor the size and appearance defects of epoxy resin components in the VCSEL epoxy resin lens incoming stage, verifying whether their dimensions meet specifications, whether the cutting edges are smooth, and whether there are any defects in their appearance Since traditional incoming material inspection requires a rough visual inspection by humans to distinguish the quality The problem of image collection needs to be solved first to successfully collect image data Therefore, HRT Technology first developed an Automated Optical Inspection AOI device, which includes X, Y, Z three-axis motion, high-resolution cameras, and related control software to automatically record images After collecting the image data, opencv aligns the test image and a normal image to determine differences between the two images, and then pixel mapping is used to compare the pixel area to complete initial screening Manual labeling is carried out according to the image classification above, including samples that are normal, have defects in appearance, or have different shape characteristics, and then algorithm training and verification is carried out Residual neural network ResNet or other related algorithms are used for deep learning to identify the quality of lenses Implementation of AOI inspection improves production efficiency by 20 and above Comparing the differences before and after the implementation of AI image inspection, the incoming VCSEL lens inspection before implementation only involved manual inspection of the appearance The lens is packaged on the VCSEL package that has completed die bonding After passing the general light up test, the final reliability test high temperature reflow is performed Failed samples go into the rework process However, after the implementation of AOI inspection, it can screen defective lenses sooner and reduce the cost of subsequent materials input, it can also reduce the need for rework due to failure, improving yield to 95 and above in the reliability verification This is expected to help companies reduce production costs by 10 and increase production efficiency by 20 and above The difference before and after implementing AI image detection HRT Technology pointed out that this technology is an AI application developed based on tiny images It uses deep learning algorithms to identify defects in the images The trained network automatically classifies image data to predetermined categories Defect categories can be determined through reference images, so cumbersome programming is not required In the industrial machine vision environment, deep learning is mainly used for classification tasks in applications, such as inspection of industrial products or identification of parts In the future, with the development of IoT wearable devices and the trend of energy saving, the size of optoelectronic components will continue to shrink This technology can be applied to the detection of defects in the appearance of other tiny optoelectronic components in the future

【2022 Application Example】 Even the United Nations is on board! Yoyo Data Application captures global business opportunities with agricultural data

Nearly 2,000 days in the fields have made Yoyo Data Application a top player in Taiwan’s agricultural data sector Their comprehensive grasp of crop yields, production periods, and prices has enabled them to collaborate with the United Nations The service area for agricultural land skyrocketed from 24 hectares to over 6,000 hectares in less than three years—a 250-fold increase For Wu Junxiao, founder and CEO of Yoyo Data Application, aligning with global environmental trends and becoming a data company at the intersection of climate technology and the green economy to serve the global market is his ultimate entrepreneurial goal Wu Junxiao, originally an engineer, joined the Industrial Technology Research Institute in 2010, where he honed his profound technical and data science analytic skills 'At that time, I was working in data analysis engineering, and almost all data-related materials would be directed to me Additionally, I worked on indoor cultivation boxes, planting vegetables and mushrooms, hence planting the seed of entrepreneurship by integrating agriculture with data analysis,' Wu recalls Since 2016, Wu Junxiao has been frequently visiting farms to 'embed' himself among farmers and agricultural researchers, chatting and sharing information systematically, which quickly established his agricultural know-how Solid data analysis capabilities have even convinced the United Nations In 2017, he left the Institute to start his own business and founded Yoyo Data Application in 2019 Today, many agricultural businesses are his clients, with service areas rapidly climbing from 24 hectares to over 6,000 hectares, expected to surpass 7,000 hectares in 2022 His clientele includes markets in Japan, Central America, and even entities under the United Nations like the World Farmers Organization, which utilizes the 'Yoyo Crop Algorithm System' supported by Yoyo Data How exactly does Yoyo Data Application manage to impress even UN agencies The 'Yoyo Crop Algorithm System' developed by Yoyo Data Application accurately predicts the production period, yield, and prices Firstly, due to Wu Junxiao's precise mastery over agricultural data, Yoyo Data Application's clients don't necessarily need sensors or other hardware devices 'Sensors are expensive and if you buy cheap devices, you just collect a lot of noise or flawed data, which is useless,' Wu explains He continues, 'Collecting data doesn't necessarily require sensors our data solutions can solve problems more directly and effectively' For instance, one of Yoyo Data Application's products, the Yoyo Money Report Agri-price Linebot, developed in collaboration with LINE in 2020, gathers data on origin, wholesale, and terminal prices spanning over 10 years, driven by Yoyo Data’s proprietary AI algorithms This enables the system to autonomously learn about agricultural product trading prices, using big data and AI to perform price prediction analysis, thereby helping buyers reduce transaction risks and expanding the data application to the entire agricultural supply chain Regarding banana prices, the accuracy of price predictions increased from the original 70 to 998 Wu Junxiao notes that both buyers and farmers are very sensitive to prices Now, through the Yoyo Money Report service, both buyers and farmers can precisely understand the fluctuations in agricultural product prices Yoyo Data can also provide customers with optimal decision-making advice based on predictive models for crop growth, yield, and price estimations Currently, price predictions cover 28 types of crops Precise estimates of production periods and price fluctuations allow Yoyo Data to provide differentiated services based on data analysis The 'Yoyo Crop Algorithm System' provided by Yoyo Data Application incorporates a 'Parameter Bank', usually collecting 200-300 parameters, not just straightforward data like temperature and humidity, but also data divided according to the physiological characteristics of the crops Through effective dynamic data algorithms, it can accurately calculate when crops will flower and when they can be harvested, what the yield will be, and so forth For instance, the prediction accuracy of the broccoli production period is 0-4 days, with the flowering period predicted this year to be precisely 0 days, perfectly matching the actual flowering time in the field In these dynamic calculations, a 7-day range is considered reasonable, and the average error value of Yoyo Data's predictions typically ranges from 2-4 days, with most crop production period accuracies above 80 Through effective dynamic data algorithms, over 120 global crops can have their production periods and yields accurately estimated Using these effective dynamic data algorithms can set estimates for production quantities, helping adjust at the production end Yoyo Data Application's clientele primarily includes exporters of fruit crops like pineapples, bananas, guavas, mangos, pomelos, sugar apples, Taiwan's agricultural production is highly homogenized, often leading to a rush to plant the same crops and resulting in price crashes Yoyo Data Application helps clients differentiate their offerings Thus, Wu Junxiao positions his company as a boutique digital consultant, carefully selecting clients for quality over quantity He notes that Taiwanese agricultural clients focus on how to improve yield rates, even categorizing yield rates by quality, aiming for high-quality, specialized export markets whereas international clients prioritize maximizing per-unit yields, showing different operational approaches in domestic and international markets In addition to agricultural fruit, Yoyo Data Application has also extended its services to the fisheries sector, including species like milkfish, sea bass, and white shrimp, all using the same system to establish various parameters related to the growth of fish and shrimp, such as when to feed and when to harvest, and the anticipated yield, timing, and prices Yoyo Data Application harnesses the power of data to create miracles in smart agriculture In response to the company's rapid development, Yoyo Data Application introduced venture capital funds in 2021 to expand its staff and promote its business Wu Junxiao states that in response to the global trend towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050, he plans to help clients plant carbon in the soil, effectively retaining carbon in the land while also connecting clients to carbon trading platforms, creating environmental business opportunities together Wu Junxiao says that from the start of his entrepreneurial journey, he positioned the company as a global entity, thus continuous international collaborations are planned As a data company serving a global clientele and focused on climate technology and the green economy, this represents Wu’s expectations for himself and his company's long-term goals Yoyo Data Application founder and CEO Wu Junxiao「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2020 Application Example】 AI Detection System Using Deep Learning, Detecting Irregular Polyhedral Defects in Just 0.5 Seconds!

Traditional manufacturing industries rely on manual visual inspection of products, lacking stability in quality yieldFor products made by traditional manufacturing industries, 'quality yield performance' is a critical issue and a decisive factor for customer business requirements Although many AOI vision inspection systems have been introduced in recent years, there are still numerous limitations that cannot be overcome when automating these inspection systemsFor example, the production of small quantities of diverse products, the inability to standardize irregular polygonal product dimensions, and the halo effect on glass or metal products from different lighting angles make it difficult to assist product yield filtering through AOI vision inspection, thus many traditional manufacturing industries still use manual visual inspection on their production linesManual inspection is labor-intensive and time-consuming, with expensive solutions from abroadA domestic model creation company often needs to manufacture products that are customized and diverse Although it uses imported high-grade mold equipment, product appearance quality testing is still largely done by manual visual inspection Testing standards vary by employee, and to adequately inspect the appearance of each product, the time each person spends cannot be easily controlled Often the same product needs to be examined repeatedly to meet quality standards, which is very labor-intensive and time-consuming and also sensitive to external environmental influencesAlthough the model company had evaluated adopting foreign AOI vision inspection equipment, a single set of equipment is expensive and only capable of inspecting certain types of product parameters, and lacks a learning feature to achieve diversified inspection goals, thus passive maintenance of the original plan is still necessaryCustomized solution significantly improves inspection efficiency and saves labor costsTo reduce the misjudgment rate of manual operations and operational costs, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the company's products, the model company sought assistance from 500HU Tech Ltd, hoping through customized service to leverage AI Deep Learning technology to improve the shortcomings of traditional AOI vision inspection systems, expanding the range of products that usable vision inspection systems can handle, and more accurately enhancing the accuracy of vision-inspected productsWith the support of the AI Innovation Research Center at National Central University, and based on the definition of five defect conditions provided by the model company, such as scratches, lint, white spots, damage cracks, and uneven baking paint, the initial step involved gathering a training dataset and manually replicating defect conditions on other parts and angles of the product, then using a program to generate defect images under different angles and lighting changes, followed by marking defectsThen, using software methods for training sets required by different algorithms, such as VGG, RestNet, Inception, DenseNet, Xception, SqueezeNet, target migration learning, classification problem Faster_Rcnn, SSD, Yolo, Mask_Rcnn, and other object recognition algorithms, after comprehensive consideration of accuracy and speed, SSD was chosen as the main core testing and inspection algorithmThen, the format of the training set required by the selected algorithm was produced, used as the comparative model then, using different AI frameworks, such as tensorflow, keras, practical verification tests were conducted, and verification test reports were produced Ultimately, optimal application parameters were adjusted for each product inspection, ensuring an average inspection accuracy rate of 95, with the inspection time reduced from 5 seconds to an average of 05 secondsOriginally, the model company's production process involved manual inspection followed by stamping a QC stamp on batches or sorting out defective products After introduction of this inspection system, the original process was maintained, but it sped up the manual judgment time, and during the process, recording for archival purposes took place, with defective items highlighted in red and recorded as photos, thus categorized into a 'defective-to-be-inspected' section Manual inspection would then determine if the product was qualified to move to the next inspection, significantly enhancing inspection efficiency and saving labor costsLow-cost, high-efficiency new AI inspection optionAs the technology of visual inspection by machines replaces human labor, it plays an increasingly vital role in the production of small, diverse orders, urgent orders, and situations where there is a labor shortage In contrast to expensive foreign inspection solutions, domestic providers can offer relatively cheap and customized solutions whether in terms of purchase costs or inspection efficiency, they are attracting more businesses ready to try, effectively enhancing the quality yield of manufacturers and thereby increasing competitiveness「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2021 Application Example】 Savior of Wastewater Treatment: Combining Big Data and AI Technology Opens Another Horizon in the Environmental Industry

As water resources deplete and environmental protection needs increase, wastewater treatment plants have increasingly adopted AI technology to assist in monitoring and warning systems Zhongxin行's integration of big data and AI technology has opened up new possibilities in the environmental industry In the future, besides boosting the technological momentum of the wastewater treatment industry, it can also be promoted to other industries to foster technological and economic development Founded in year 1980 as Zhongxin Engineering later renamed to Zhongxin行 Company Limited, it is one of the largest and most technically equipped environmental companies in the domestic operation and maintenance field Zhongxin行's achievements in the operation and maintenance of sewer systems span across Taiwan, including science parks, industrial zones, international airports, schools, collective housing, national parks, and factories Introduction of AI systems in wastewater plants Precisely reduces medication addition times and lowers the risk of penalties for water quality violations At the wastewater treatment plant in Hsinchu Science Park, Zhongxin行 introduced the 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' which accurately predicts air volume control and reduces medication times, thus lowering the risk of hefty fines Zhongxin行 points out that with the vigorous development of advanced industries and increasingly strict effluent standards, a slight misalignment in equipment control can lead to major discrepancies in water quality In recent years, many wastewater treatment facilities have incorporated automatic control functions, yet onsite conditions often deviate slightly from theoretical expectations, causing situations where good treatment technologies must continuously adapt and adjust to achieve effective effluent water quality control 'The better the quality of the effluent, the greater the pressure on the operators This is the biggest pain point for Zhongxin行,' said a senior manager candidly Regular water quality testing and equipment maintenance ensure that effluent water stays below legal standards This means that operators need to be on top of equipment and water quality conditions daily If there are sudden anomalies in influent water quality or equipment malfunctions, linked issues can lead to pollution Therefore, besides performing regular maintenance and testing, it is critical to constantly monitor the dashboard to ensure system stability, consuming both manpower and mental energy Zhongxin行's on-site operators work 24-hour shifts, constantly monitoring effluent water quality Combined with laboratory water testing and analysis, if the wastewater treatment values do not meet requirements, they face both administrative and contractual fines from environmental agencies and granting authorities, which also create significant psychological pressure on the employees Over the years, Zhongxin行 has built up a vast database of water quality information and invaluable experience passed down among employees, allowing a comprehensive understanding of the entire system's operational characteristics Moreover, by analyzing equipment or water quality data for key signals, problems in the treatment units can be pinpointed If AI technology could be adopted to replace manual inspections of wastewater sources and generate pre-warning signals for systematic assessment, it would significantly alleviate the pressure on staff Response time reduced from 8 hours to 4 hours, saving half the time By implementing 'AOMBR Carbon Source and Aeration Intelligent Enhancement Control System Development,' Zhongxin行 utilizes accumulated wastewater data along with verbal recounts of operator experiences on-site With the support of AI technology and environmental engineering principles, key parameters in the biological treatment unit such as carbon source dosages and aeration can be effectively controlled Through the AI transformation of wastewater treatment, a balance is achieved among pollutant removal, microbial growth, equipment energy conservation, and operation economization, achieving rationalized control parameters Carbon source and aeration parameter adjustment steps range from data collection, model training to prediction verification In the long run, incorporating historical data calculations, AI can operate within known boundary conditions, not only recording past water quality and equipment operational characteristics far more accurately, but also developing predictive models to find optimal solutions that offer the best results in terms of chemical use, energy saving, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and pollutant removal According to Zhongxin行's estimates, originally due to human parameter adjustments leading to errors, controlling response time would take about 8 hours With the introduction of AI technology, not only can measurement errors be reduced, but also the control response time can be shortened to 4 hours, saving around half the time This enhancement increases the turnover rate of personnel and effectively reduces the risks of penalties due to operator errors and thus markedly reducing the pressure on employees Dashboard digital display panel illustration「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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Records of Application Example

【2020 Application Example】 AI Can Sealing Film Inspection System Improves Product Shipment Yield and Ensures Food Safety

Traditional manufacturing quality control relies on visual inspection, which damages both quality and goodwill According to research of the International Data Corporation IDC, 25 of Taiwan's manufacturing companies adopted artificial intelligence AI in 2018 The companies mainly focus on two needs, one is quality testing, and the other is predictive maintenance of equipment However, in many traditional manufacturing industries, finished products from the production line are still manually inspected The problem with manual inspection is that long working hours and eye fatigue often result in inconsistent quality, and the shipment of defective products with miniscule defects that cannot be identified with the naked eye results in compensation of damages and damage to goodwill Poor sealing film can have a massive impact For a domestic coconut jelly product manufacturer, in the coconut jelly product manufacturing process, sampling inspection of the integrity of product sealing film is conducted manually, but the coverage of sampling inspections is 25 due to human resource arrangements and fast production line speeds If a product with poor sealing film is shipped, it will not only cause damage to the single can of product, but also contaminate products in the same box and transportation vehicle, and attract mosquitoes and flies, causing overall hazards and affecting goodwill In addition, since the product is a highly concentrated processed food, if products with poor sealing film are not detected and the buyer does not inspect the products after shipment, it might cause a food safety crisis with huge consequences Therefore, the "AI quality control inspection solution" not only improves inspection coverage, but also hopes that the AI system can accurately pick out products with defective seals, reducing the chance of defective products being shipped and subsequent food safety issues Smart sealing yield inspection, comprehensive review Schematic diagram of sealing film recognition system ZeroDimension Tech Co, Ltd combined its know-how in image-related AI systems with the system integration know-how of another well-known system integrator in the industry to jointly develop a "smart factory sealing yield inspection system," which was integrated and implemented in the process of coconut jelly manufacturers, increasing the coverage of product seal inspection Before utilizing the capabilities of AI, the original production line produced 100 boxes about 600 cans with a yield of 95, meaning that there are about 30 defective cans However, since the inspection coverage was only 25, only 1 defective can was detected However, after utilizing AI for inspection, the inspection coverage rate increased to 96, meaning that about 28 defective cans can be detected, greatly increasing the detection rate of defective products, thereby reducing potential losses in the future Whether it adds value as an add-on or is built-in, it can provide solutions for the industry Schematic diagram of inspection service process This sealing film inspection system service framework can be implemented into the quality control inspection of other similar inspection processes in the form of an add-on in the future, such as integrated into the film sealing production process of beverage factories and other canned products It can also integrate software and hardware with sealing machine hardware manufacturers to add value to sealing machines using the build-in model, providing the industry with total solutions

【2020 Application Example】 With the "fish product distribution robot", market price prediction, accurate distribution, automated supply chain reporting, and AI customer service are all available!

The freshness and quality of ocean fishery products affect sales Edible deep-sea fish such as salmon, squid, pomfret, and white pomfret are favorite fish species of the Chinese people According to the 2018 Fishery Statistics Annual Report, the output value of offshore fisheries is as high as 357 billion yuan, accounting for 10 of Taiwan’s fishery industry The total output value is nearly 40 The main importing places for Taiwan’s distant-water fisheries are Norway, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand, Maldives and other places Part of the triangular trade is imported from the Middle East, India, Norway, and Sri Lanka, and then frozen and chilled sharks are re-exported to mainland China The fish products of a domestic fishery product import trader mainly consist of chilled fish products, which are characterized by freshness and good quality Therefore, the fish products are all shipped to Taiwan by air After customs clearance at the airport, they are directly handed over to the freight forwarder The operator distributes to agents or distributors in major wholesale fish markets across Taiwan Therefore, the ability to accurately predict the transaction prices of each fishing market and the sales volume of agents every day has become the key to making a profit that day There is currently no effective way to predict the price of fishery products the next day There are two ways for importers of fishery products to sell fish to wholesalers One is "consignment sales" it is mainly based on commission After the agent deducts necessary fees and commissions from the payment received from the sale, The balance is fully delivered to the traders the second is "goods selling" the fish products are sold directly to downstream dealers Among the two, the consignment method is the largest After the consignment sells the fish, the consignment will return the selling price to the company on the same day The business owner will collect payment from the consignment regularly after deducting commissions from the reported selling price Therefore, whether different fish products can be sent to relatively high-priced fish markets for sale every day has become the key to whether the day is profitable however, this key factor depends on whether the transaction prices of each fish market can be accurately predicted and Reseller sales However, as climate change causes ocean temperatures to warm and catches become difficult to estimate, price fluctuations in local fishing markets are less manageable than in the past Currently, there is no effective way to predict the price of fishery products the next day Shipping decisions are all made by staff based on rules of thumb It is difficult to grasp the profit factors We can only depend on the fate of God and market prices There is a risk of loss every day Intelligent price prediction-a tool for fishing trade Weiying Information Technology Co, Ltd uses a web crawler program to automatically extract the price and volume information of each fishing market in Taiwan on trading days and the climate data recorded by the local climate observatory, and then uses the neural network to match the machine Learn the model established to predict the trading price of fishery products the next day Modeling with climate data AI intelligent price prediction model operation process The transaction prices of fishery products come from the "Fishery Products Global Information Network" Its website records the price and volume information of various fishing markets in Taiwan on trading days Climatic data is obtained from the "Observation Data Query System", including precipitation, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure and other index values The above two websites are open data established by the public sector, and the data volume is sufficient, detailed and stable This "AI smart price prediction model" targets Keelung Fishing Market, which accounts for the largest sales volume It combines climate data and fishery market data as the "input variables" of the model, and the "predicted variables" output by the model are each The trading prices of fish species on the day the data on the day that still have missing values in the data are eliminated, and divided into a training set and a test set at a ratio of 82 for model training Based on the forecast data, algorithms are used to determine the best distribution combination, and Line BOT voice robots are used to communicate with consignors about the fish items, specifications and quantities they require Robotic process automation RPA is used to streamline manpower and improve efficiency AI intelligent price prediction system operation process "AI intelligent price prediction model" effectively increases sales gross profit margin, and future business opportunities are just around the corner Traders import AI robots into the enterprise process system, and then use algorithms to determine the best distribution combination based on forecast data They contact distributors through the Line bot voice robot to complete distribution decisions and information transmission, streamlining manpower and increase gross sales profit margin Contact resellers through Line chatbot 1 Contact distributors through Line chatbot voice robot 2 Contact distributors through Line chatbot voice robot 3 Contact resellers through Line chatbot 4「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Application Example】 At-Home Laundry Smart Service System, through AI membership management, creating an intelligent laundry industry

Where to find a convenient and useful laundry service provider What to do when you want to send clothes for dry cleaning but can't reach them by phone to confirm if they are open today Is the dry cleaning shop's APP space-consuming and not user-friendly What if there are issues with the clothes after cleaning and there is no customer service system to handle complaints promptly According to statistics from the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, the number of laundry businesses in Taiwan surpassed 6,000 in August 2019, making it a major challenge to stand out among many laundry providers Complaint Management, Dangerous Edge A domestic dry-cleaning brand chain store launched a laundry app in mid-2015, featuring 'At-Home Laundry Collection and Delivery' The app now has 20,000 downloads, approximately 6,000 members, and is actually used by about 300 people each month Despite such convenient service, it has received many negative reviews from consumers, causing difficulties in expanding operations The problems and improvement needs it faces are as follows 1 Lack of incentives for consumers to download the app and the high costs Consumers need to download the app to use the service, and 'how to entice consumers to download' is the biggest challenge for the app service The logistic costs are much higher than competitors due to the affordable, high-quality ideology with home collection and delivery service, and the costs of marketing the app make it difficult to achieve sustainable operation 2 Staff shortages leading to customer service issues The original customer service method of the app was primarily by email Due to insufficient staff, it was not possible to service by phone, thus delays in response and often overlooks of consumer issues occurred, leading to customer dissatisfaction Most customer complaints occur after the consumer receives the clothes and finds issues like missing items, damages, or color differences after washing Upon receiving the complaint, customer service first requests photos of the laundry bag from the factory and then asks the consumer to provide photos of the received items for comparison If it is concluded that the issue was not due to factory negligence, the factory-provided photos are sent to the consumer to clarify the matter This customer service process requires a lot of manpower and time, seriously lacking in service efficiency Perfect AI Customer Service Experience Siyan Technology Co, Ltd and the AI team Chester International Ltd collaborated to create the 'Smart Online Reservation Service System' through data analysis and intelligent customer service, facilitating online appointment and home collection of laundry services and building a 24-hour reservation and customer response service The intelligent customer service adopts the latest artificial intelligence deep learning, automatically records each QampA session, possesses error correction capabilities, and introduces new services like customer service forms, push notifications, customer service robots, and LINE human customer support, greatly improving the convenience of customer contact and confirmation, significantly shortening customer service response times, and also providing more immediate services Through data analysis, an automated AI membership management strategy is created, effectively increasing consumer repurchase rates and satisfaction 1-on-1 LINE Human Customer Service At-Home Laundry Smart Service System Lowering the barrier to using the service, effectively improving customer service satisfaction The dry cleaning brand chain store initially required downloading the APP for use however, after implementing AI chat-bot technology, it has been converted to only requiring addition to LINE for use The switch in service entry points has already significantly boosted consumer willingness to use during the pilot phase, with corresponding increases in orders and sales Future expansions will include online keyword advertising as well as in-store promotions, and a marketing strategy 'Old members invite new friends for discounts' has been planned The system is also applied to the food and beverage industry, and will continue to be promoted to other suitable industries The dry cleaning brand chain store has planned to establish 'small outlets', reducing the personnel needed to check orders and clothes, and has contacted locker services for collaborations to serve customers more broadly「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Application Example】 Latitude X Huayan Technology Jointly Develop AI for Predictive Maintenance of Machinery, Improving Utilization Rates of Hemodialysis Machines

Taiwan has the highest rate of dialysis in the world Keeping dialysis machines functioning properly is the top priority for reducing risks According to the latest annual report released by the US Renal Data System USRDS, Taiwan has the highest dialysis rate in the world In 2018, acute and chronic kidney disease patients spent NT51378 billion on health insurance, and the number of dialysis patients in the country surged past 90,000 When kidneys function no longer, replacing kidney function either through transplantation or dialysis is necessary, with about 90 of patients choosing hemodialysis commonly referred to as 'dialysis' Patients generally require treatment three times a week for 4-5 hours per session at specific medical facilities hemodialysis centers, commonly known as 'dialysis centers', which is a high-risk medical procedure During hemodialysis at the centers, unexpected events directly affect patient medical safety and quality of treatment, consuming medical resources and manpower to resolve or correct Reducing these incidents during hemodialysis is a major requirement for these centers The two most common incidents involve dialysis equipment problems and patient complications, with most technical issues attributed to the hemodialysis machines Hemodialysis machines are structurally complex and prone to safety hazards The design of a hemodialysis machine is intricate and precise, featuring an integration of fluid mechanics, electronics, mechanics, and optics in its extracorporeal circulation system Due to long operating hours, the machine is susceptible to thermal and chemical corrosion, causing wear and tear and potentially impairing the entire dialysis system's operational performance, with multiple risks and safety hazards When a hemodialysis machine experiences an 'event,' whether minor or major, reactive maintenance is triggered Not only do patients have to switch to an alternate bed, but during the approximately 2 to 3 days of maintenance downtime, the affected beds become unavailable, thereby reducing the number of available beds and causing scheduling issues for already booked patients Any 'event' involving hemodialysis machines is a significant concern for centers, thus improving the equipment utilization rate of these machines is a pressing issue Using AI for Predictive Maintenance to Improve Utilization Rates of Hemodialysis Machines Development Workflow By utilizing big data and AI predictive framework to adopt a proactive 'predictive maintenance' approach instead of a reactive 'fix-on-failure' approach, it helps reduce the occurrence of irregular incidents, improving the availability of hemodialysis machines and thereby hoping to handle their malfunctions better, conserving medical resources, manpower, and time, while improving treatment quality and protecting patient life safety Through AI predictions, maintenance of hemodialysis machines can be categorized as 'Predictive Maintenance' and 'Real-Time Fault Diagnosis' 'Predictive Maintenance' refers to regular checks of the machine's status using big data and an AI prediction model during the daily pre-heating of the machines, delivering health status alerts if unhealthy trends in parameters are detected 'Real-Time Fault Diagnosis' involves analyzing data and equipment status during dialysis using the AI model to ascertain if predictive maintenance is necessary when an issue arises, it can be diagnosed and non-major events immediately resolved Solution Diagram With an innovative service mode, promoted across dialysis centers in Taiwan or the Asia region The AI predictive maintenance model can reduce abnormal events during dialysis, optimize on-site resources, increase available hemodialysis bed numbers, and consequently provide further safety for patients For 'patients,' it reduces the incidence of mishaps causing harm and discomfort for 'medical staff,' it enhances the ability to handle such events easily, improving job satisfaction and quality and for 'hospitals,' it fosters improved medical quality, patient satisfaction, and cost savings, while minimizing medical disputes 'Increasing the Availability of Hemodialysis Equipment' is crucial for dialysis centers AI predictive maintenance as an innovative service model can be promoted extensively among dialysis centers with large patient volumes across Taiwan or Asia, also integrating individual dialysis statuses, including backend maintenance, dispatching, and parts inventories, planning a new cloud service operation model「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Application Example】 "AI Color Recognition and Cost Optimization Control System" automatically recognizes colors, breaks through the traditional color grading model, significantly reduces costs, and improves yield!

Mixing new colors relies on the experience of master craftsmen The so-called "computer color matching" in the paint industry is simply the selection of "existing colors" for mixing, but there is actually no way to mix paint for a ldquonew colorrdquo and it all relies on the experience of master craftsmen Hence, it is necessary to start from scratch when a new color is encountered, which consumes a lot of manpower and time Moreover, due to the different color mixing habits of each master craftsman, the cost can be significantly different despite producing the same result The trilogy when paint factories face the crises of transformation I Lack of color mixing standards Generally, when traditional paint factories produce new colors, they will use a "spectrophotometer" to measure the LAB value of the sample color, and then the paint mixer will mix the paint of that color based on past experience After color mixing is completed, the instrument will be used to test the LAB value and C and H wavelength This process does not have a complete system and database records, and there are not standards for color mixing II Production costs are difficult to control Paint factories produce many pigments with different materials and functions, and the cost of paint will vary depending on the "color masterbatch material" used Even if the color number of the masterpiece is the same, the cost will be different if the ratio of the color masterbatch is different Paint mixers do not have a set of color mixing standards when mixing paint, making it difficult to control production costs III The color grading process is lengthy and personnel training is difficult As instruments cannot replace manual color mixing, the training of a paint mixer requires years of experience in paint mixing, familiarity with chromatology, as well as basic understanding of hue, saturation, and brightness If there is no basic reference color values when mixing paint, the paint mixer must spend a lot of time repeatedly mixing colors, resulting in a loss from time cost Developing an "AI Color Recognition and Cost Optimization Control System" The paint factory engaged in industry-academia collaboration with the Department of Computer Science amp Information Engineering of Chaoyang University of Technology through CDIT Information Co Ltd, and utilized the university's AI research capabilities to jointly develop the "AI Color Identification and Cost Optimization Control System" It established a database of "paint color numbers" and "color masterbatch material cost," and analyzes the optimal color mixing and optimal cost formula through data mining methods The paint mixer can refer to the formula analyzed by the system for color mixing, and then input the formula into the system after paint mixing is completed The formula is fed back to the basic database and an "artificial neural network model" is used by the system for deep learning, establishing a color grading standardization system for cost control and data collection, so as to solve the current difficulties faced by paint factories In the early stages of system development, CDIT planned the system requirements of the paint factory, established the system architecture and system database, and then worked with Chaoyang University of Technology on the implementation of model functions for the application of data mining and artificial neural network After the system is completed, CDIT will assist the paint factory in system testing and correction The system will be introduced after correction and testing are completed, and training on system use will be provided to ensure the correct use of the system System Screen Differences before and after using the system Expand new markets for the paint industry to see the paint industry thrive The "AI Color Recognition and Cost Optimization Control System" collects the color mixing formulas of paint mixers, establishes a paint color masterbatch formula database, and records the cost of each color number The system's deep learning function is then used with a spectrophotometer to analyze the optimal color mixing formula for each data entry, so that the paint factory can control the cost of paint mixing The optimal color mixing formula recommended by the system increases the speed of paint mixing and increases output value Future benefits include The improvement in product yield reduces customer complaints and improves customer satisfaction The breakthrough in the traditional color mixing model improves corporate image Improves the efficiency of paint mixing, and allows the remaining time to be invested in training to enhance the professional capabilities of personnel It will also allow the joint expansion of new markets with the paint industry and learning of new application technologies, and promote them to other paint companies, enhancing the industry's overall competitiveness to see the paint industry thrive

【2020 Application Example】 Kebi Student Robot now features an AI brain, solving relevancy issues in responses!

The unstoppable trend of smart homes In recent years, the rise of 'smart home devices' has not only led to the release of various products by major tech companies but also propelled the popularity of voice assistants, chatbots, and companion robots The 'voice shopping' market is set to become the next trend in retail According to a survey by Juniper Research, by 2023, the market size for transactions based on chatbots is expected to surge from 73 billion in 2018 to 112 billion A well-known domestic manufacturer of household robots offers its self-developed educational and companion service robots, with the 'Kebi Student Robot' as its flagship product However, due to its insufficient voice interaction capabilities with users, consumers often find the robot not smart enough and quickly lose interest, leading to abandonment This has a long-term negative impact on the purchasing decisions of other consumers Hello Kebi Student, can you understand what I'm saying Surveys have found that many users of 'Kebi Student Robot' especially enjoy talking or chatting with the robot, covering a wide range of topics However, using just Google or Microsoft's cloud platforms for developing voice chat conversations is not cheap With Google charging based on service volume, system operational costs are high, and these vary dynamically causing major difficulties in system cost management On the other hand, the robot manufacturing service provider has already invested significant resources in the development of hardware, software, and digital content for Kebi Student Robot Developing natural language dialogue and semantic understanding technologies in-house would require a significant amount of manpower and is slow With limited resources, there's an urgent need to seek third-party solutions to enhance the robot's conversational service capabilities and development efficiency Integration of the Web-AI developed iboai voice assistant brain platform with Kebi Student The key to the transformation from 'playing the lute to a cow' to 'I know you are upset' Web Intelligence Co, Ltd is a well-known AI natural language understanding technology service company in Taiwan Its products include a natural input method, TTS voice engine, and the iboai voice assistant brain platform This platform has been applied in smart speakers, high-speed train voice assistant apps, and even employee benefit systems for companies like China Airlines It quickly addresses the deficiencies in the robot manufacturer's AI service dialogue skills development, enriches the dialogue content and skills, provides contextually related conversational services, and makes Kebi Student appear smarter to users within a short period Service Architecture This case further applies the latest Principle-based semantic understanding engine technology from the Academia Sinica's Institute of Information Science, achieving deep natural language processing and understanding, and carrying out intent and entity analysis to generate interactive dialogue logic for continuous conversation Therefore, it also strengthens the basic social communication abilities of Kebi Student Robots, enhances the number of AI dialogue skills, and advances from simple question-and-answer to having capabilities for 'multi-turn dialogue' and 'contextual conversational' responses, making the robot's responses more human-like Additionally, the development time for Kebi Student Robots has been significantly reduced, effectively and significantly lowering and controlling cloud service maintenance and management costs 服務架構1 AI Kebi, becoming your ubiquitous companion Currently, many robots and smart speakers and other voice assistants on the market can only provide single-turn conversational services that end after one question and one reply A major difference with the iboai voice assistant brain platform used in this case is its capability for 'multi-turn conversational interaction with contextual understanding,' which is also the only platform in Taiwan supported on local or cloud services The iboai voice assistant brain platform can support various enterprises services, allowing businesses to design their own voice assistants or AI Chatbots for customer service swiftly, which can be applied across LINE, Facebook Messenger, websites, apps, and IoT devices, among others This case adopts the 'iboai inside' strategy, highlighting its role as an Enabler to upgrade corporate services to AI, hoping to also assist existing Chatbot manufacturers, app developers, commercial software vendors, information hardware dealers, system integrators, and IoT device merchants in upgrading their existing products and services to have AI natural language conversational capabilities, collaborating to provide a new generation of AI smart robot services for numerous businesses「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Application Example】 AI-Enhanced 'Banana Contract Cooperation Management System', Effectively Increasing Banana Export Value!

Banana industry faces low-priced impacts from abroad In recent years, our country's banana industry has been impacted by low prices from the Philippines and Ecuador, with sales volumes decreasing annually, no longer seeing the golden era of Taiwan's banana exports to Japan The structure of banana pricing at the green stage doesn't vary much internationally, with similar inputs of fertilizers and harvested weights among countries However, international banana pricing for a box from the Philippines is around 11 USD, whereas Taiwanese bananas cost around 22 USD per box This is primarily due to the efficiency of investment capital and output at the 'collection centers' post-harvest The fragmented and scattered local farmlands substantially increase the costs of final products and thus restrict the export dynamics Furthermore, climate change affects the traditional southern export regions for Taiwanese bananas Warmer winters and altered summer rainfall patterns affect the physiognomies of the bananas produced, causing their size to rapidly exceed export standards and increasing the cost per unit of qualified goods during collection center processing or excessive water content which depreciates the taste historically associated with them, leading to a decrease in market prices These pressures from rising costs and dropping prices further squeeze the commercial value and viability of Taiwanese bananas Differences in planting environment affecting the stability of banana quality for export A fruit and vegetable cooperative in Yunlin County, originally a domestic banana collection center located in Yunlin, wasn't historically a part of Taiwan's banana export regions Since a field survey conducted in 2017 by TaiNong Co, Ltd, it was discovered that the quality of bananas produced in Yunlin has been comparatively stable against those from the southern regions The tighter organization of local farmers and crop rotation practices between rice and banana farms helped reduce incidences of Yellow Leaf Disease and effectively maintain production levels Banana export However, without prior experience in exports, TaiNong gradually introduced Japanese standards for exporting with the local farmers, defining the size and width of fruit fingers, stalk cutting, and boxing methods This aims to gradually establish a banana export hub in the central region Yet, the climate in Yunlin significantly differs from the southern regions Current practices in banana exporting are based on experiences from Kaohsiung and Pingtung and do not incorporate how the shift in production areas northwards affects banana growth Hence, there remain excessive rejections at the collection centers occasionally causing disputes among farmers Agricultural risk management data service, development of banana specification volume fluctuation prediction model 台農發股份有限公司既有之集貨場對契作香蕉農戶包裝分類品檢機制,收集之數據資料與悠由數據應用股份有限公司配合,運用資料科學研究方法,透過研究規劃、資料蒐集擷取、資料清洗、特徵萃取、資料融合、資料分析演算法建立、分析結果、模板開發、專家會議討論等步驟建立分析應用流程。 By integrating dataset including collection centers' incoming batch container numbers, origin, banana quantities, data on each box of fruit bunches, and data of defect sampling records, along with internal purchase prices and prices from various purchasers, through the Banana Contract Cooperation Management System linked with data decision analysis systems and APIs, it supports subsequent judgments by providing analysis data to the fruit and vegetable production cooperative 悠由數據擷取與蒐集香蕉契作戶產地之歷年氣象環境資料、公開批發市場的產地價格及香蕉生理模式等數據,結合台農發的分類品規數據,建立「香蕉品規量能波動預測」演算機制,並將分析預測結果回饋至香蕉契約合作作業管理機制。 Visualized harvest scheduling analysis By leveraging varied predictive analytic outcomes of banana specifications, collection centers can utilize this as an advance warning and risk management decision-making tool, further adjusting supply to tackle inconsistent production capacity and specifications faced during acquisition Fruit and vegetable cooperative X TaiNong X Youyou Data Applications collaborating closely, creating a win-win-win This successful alliance formed a close cooperative relationship between the place of production, TaiNong, and Youyou Data Previously, farmers often distrusted traders, and traders lacked control over farmers, leading to conflicts This alliance allows the requirements of the distribution side to reflect actual shipment specification fluctuations and present them digitally, enabling farmers to objectively understand their shipping quality and empathize with the difficulties of traders, thus fostering cooperation Innovative model of banana contract management TaiNong's cooperation with Youyou Data on the banana contract management system provides a platform that combines crop physiology with climate predictions to obtain foresight data For other products managed by TaiNong, such as pineapples, lettuce, carrots, and pineapple sugar apples, this has been greatly enlightening In the future, by facilitating farmers to participate in the Production History System and connecting land registry data with this contract system, the introduction of the Production History System will be aided This system is also considered by TaiNong for commercial acquisition moving forward「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

【2020 Application Example】 Wending x Woodcut Thinking creates an AI calligraphy assistant, and the cultural heritage of the traditional calligraphy industry is now dawning

The only remaining calligraphy shop in Taiwan, cultural heritage exposed to crisis A certain traditional type casting shop in China is the only one "still operating" in Taiwan It has a sense of mission and hopes to pass on Taiwan's long-standing beautiful letterpress technology But even if you want to continue to cast characters, the existing molds have been repeatedly cast for more than 40 years, and the "copper molds" used to cast lead characters have been damaged The tall lettered walls in the store are facing the predicament of being eroded by time Each "copper mold" can be used to produce 10,000 typefaces, so it is called the "mother of typefaces" If the handwriting on the copper mold is blurry, the cast lead characters will also be blurry After printing, there will be incomplete radicals and uneven strokes In Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1970s, the "block regular script" copper molds used to cast characters played an important role in spreading civilization Because of the serious collapse of the copper molds, the owner of the calligraphy shop launched the "Character Bronze Mold Restoration Project" in 2008 Together with a group of enthusiastic volunteers, they first repaired the "Blockcase" copper mold fonts In the past three years, various discussions and workshops have been in full swing, with non-stop discussions every week, and it seems that the day of replicating the copper mold is just around the corner However, this optimistic prospect encountered an unexpected crisis and was eventually forced to pause because the characters restored by each person had very different personalities Although they were beautiful, they did not look like the same set of fonts It is not easy to develop the "common characteristics" of copper mold font restorers The long-running "Font Bronze Mold Restoration Project" After the failure in 2008, it was a huge blow to the type foundry Because they could not use these fonts, they felt that they were unworthy of the enthusiastic efforts of the volunteers and the most important copper molds continued to be damaged, especially the most important ones in the store The valuable "block script" copper mold was damaged a little more every time a character was cast, which made Rixing anxious The damage to the copper mold starts from the "missing corner", gradually breaks into pieces, and finally collapses In order to at least preserve the "appearance" of the font before the copper mold was completely destroyed, the calligraphy shop restarted the restoration project in 2016 With the assistance of several important volunteers and the Justfont font team, the most severely damaged "block script" type 1 and some "Song Script" type 1 and 2 were scanned and saved When resources are available, they can be "Scan the image file" to convert the "font file", and then use the computer to refine it After that, the 60-year-old boss slowly repaired more than 120,000 Japanese fonts at a rate of 5 characters a day In view of the fact that the pace of manual repair is far less than the rate of wear and tear of the copper molds, the type foundry has used more rigorous testing and selection to gather 3 to 4 talents who are willing to assist in long-term restoration In addition to re-carrying out font education and training, we also added "calligraphy" course training Most importantly, in order to develop a unified standard for calligraphy repair, these restorers must repair calligraphy simultaneously for months or years, and review the repair results every day in order to reduce errors and achieve consistency It is expected that three restorers will work together to perform long-term restoration of 5 characters a day with pre-training, it is expected to reconstruct a complete 4,500-character "block script" initial size font for traditional Chinese characters in 2 to 5 years How many days does it take for a calligraphy master to finish all the calligraphy Wending Technology assists, creating AI word-making assistant Wending uses the world's leading Chinese character creation technology and tools to assist calligraphy industries, and also promotes the AI value-added transformation plan of information service providers through the Industry Bureau's AI smart application service development environment promotion plan, and AI The award-winning new manufacturer Mukesi cooperated with RD to integrate AI technology to improve character creation productivity, thereby shortening development time and reducing costs In the early days, Wending required font designers to create each character from scratch, stroke by stroke It has evolved to the point where it can use existing character roots to compose characters and pre-assemble complete characters However, this preliminary pre-assembled character may have overlapping strokes and poor space and thickness It will also require the designer to spend a lot of time adjusting before producing a usable font product Through the AI value-added module, the system can learn some of the font styles that have been modified by the designer, and automatically adjust the structure, stroke thickness, etc of the remaining characters Finally, the designer can spend less time confirming the quality and With minor modifications, a usable font product can be completed, significantly reducing the time cost of creating characters Importing Wending’s value-added AI character creation system process-1 of 2 importing AI engineering technology With global font and cross-platform font technical services as its core, Wending Technology provides various font solutions to major manufacturers, system vendors, and government units around the world Taking the development of new fonts in the past as an example, we have completed a set of It takes a whole year to create a 10,000-word font The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs guided Wending Technology to cooperate with the AI startup Mukesi to learn the font style through AI It only needs to complete 5,000 words to automatically generate the other 5,000 The fonts are not yet created, and then the quality is confirmed and adjusted, allowing the designer to complete the entire set of fonts in less time, greatly increasing work efficiency by 50 In the future, we will continue to optimize the character creation module, allowing AI to complete more than 90 of font design, accelerating the production of new fonts Importing Wending’s value-added AI character creation system process-2 of 2 importing Wending’s character creation platform Wending Technology’s font innovation has been adopted by all walks of life For example, the 30th Golden Melody Awards used fonts for stage visual design, and Tsai Ing-wen’s presidential campaign team also used platform fonts for presidential election propaganda In 2019, it was added through AI Value-added transformation of the operating model resulted in revenue of NT15 million in the first year and is expected to increase revenue to over NT180 million within 5 years Smart font design service platform Using AI-assisted character creation to lower the threshold of font design, it can be transformed into a "smart font design service platform" in the future, providing designers with self-created fonts, and also serving corporate font design, helping designers achieve what is otherwise impossible The complete set of font development completed by an individual can also achieve the division of labor between design and development in the professional field of character creation, and become the first step to the success of font OEM, which will have a significant impact on the design and application of fonts The iFontCloud font library with AI added value has changed the original operating model, from being limited to font design by Wending Technology’s internal designers to breaking through the limitations of the original customer base and cooperating with external designers Establish and activate the ecosystem within the word-making industry circle Font products produced by AI value-added character creation process Wending cloud platform font management tool General Manager Wu Fusheng of Wending Technology said The Industrial Bureau has guided and participated in the AI value-added plan to demonstrate the empirical results It has continued to invest 6 million every year since 2019, and has invested a total of 30 million in AI technology research and development by 2023 Wending plans The next stage will be transformed into a "smart font design service platform" and the iFontCloud font library will be opened to all people who love words Everyone can create personal style fonts through the platform and can be applied in various fields It is expected that will create greater business opportunities The font products produced by the iFontCloud-AI value-added character creation process are sold on the Wending cloud platform「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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【2020 Application Example】 AI Detection System Using Deep Learning, Detecting Irregular Polyhedral Defects in Just 0.5 Seconds!

Traditional manufacturing industries rely on manual visual inspection of products, lacking stability in quality yieldFor products made by traditional manufacturing industries, 'quality yield performance' is a critical issue and a decisive factor for customer business requirements Although many AOI vision inspection systems have been introduced in recent years, there are still numerous limitations that cannot be overcome when automating these inspection systemsFor example, the production of small quantities of diverse products, the inability to standardize irregular polygonal product dimensions, and the halo effect on glass or metal products from different lighting angles make it difficult to assist product yield filtering through AOI vision inspection, thus many traditional manufacturing industries still use manual visual inspection on their production linesManual inspection is labor-intensive and time-consuming, with expensive solutions from abroadA domestic model creation company often needs to manufacture products that are customized and diverse Although it uses imported high-grade mold equipment, product appearance quality testing is still largely done by manual visual inspection Testing standards vary by employee, and to adequately inspect the appearance of each product, the time each person spends cannot be easily controlled Often the same product needs to be examined repeatedly to meet quality standards, which is very labor-intensive and time-consuming and also sensitive to external environmental influencesAlthough the model company had evaluated adopting foreign AOI vision inspection equipment, a single set of equipment is expensive and only capable of inspecting certain types of product parameters, and lacks a learning feature to achieve diversified inspection goals, thus passive maintenance of the original plan is still necessaryCustomized solution significantly improves inspection efficiency and saves labor costsTo reduce the misjudgment rate of manual operations and operational costs, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the company's products, the model company sought assistance from 500HU Tech Ltd, hoping through customized service to leverage AI Deep Learning technology to improve the shortcomings of traditional AOI vision inspection systems, expanding the range of products that usable vision inspection systems can handle, and more accurately enhancing the accuracy of vision-inspected productsWith the support of the AI Innovation Research Center at National Central University, and based on the definition of five defect conditions provided by the model company, such as scratches, lint, white spots, damage cracks, and uneven baking paint, the initial step involved gathering a training dataset and manually replicating defect conditions on other parts and angles of the product, then using a program to generate defect images under different angles and lighting changes, followed by marking defectsThen, using software methods for training sets required by different algorithms, such as VGG, RestNet, Inception, DenseNet, Xception, SqueezeNet, target migration learning, classification problem Faster_Rcnn, SSD, Yolo, Mask_Rcnn, and other object recognition algorithms, after comprehensive consideration of accuracy and speed, SSD was chosen as the main core testing and inspection algorithmThen, the format of the training set required by the selected algorithm was produced, used as the comparative model then, using different AI frameworks, such as tensorflow, keras, practical verification tests were conducted, and verification test reports were produced Ultimately, optimal application parameters were adjusted for each product inspection, ensuring an average inspection accuracy rate of 95, with the inspection time reduced from 5 seconds to an average of 05 secondsOriginally, the model company's production process involved manual inspection followed by stamping a QC stamp on batches or sorting out defective products After introduction of this inspection system, the original process was maintained, but it sped up the manual judgment time, and during the process, recording for archival purposes took place, with defective items highlighted in red and recorded as photos, thus categorized into a 'defective-to-be-inspected' section Manual inspection would then determine if the product was qualified to move to the next inspection, significantly enhancing inspection efficiency and saving labor costsLow-cost, high-efficiency new AI inspection optionAs the technology of visual inspection by machines replaces human labor, it plays an increasingly vital role in the production of small, diverse orders, urgent orders, and situations where there is a labor shortage In contrast to expensive foreign inspection solutions, domestic providers can offer relatively cheap and customized solutions whether in terms of purchase costs or inspection efficiency, they are attracting more businesses ready to try, effectively enhancing the quality yield of manufacturers and thereby increasing competitiveness「Translated content is generated by ChatGPT and is for reference only Translation date:2024-05-19」

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